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Everything posted by Gin

  1. [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]What if you?re not in high school yet?[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]I just graduated from middle school on the ninth? and while it isn?t nearly as big it was pretty big to me.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]The school I?ve been going to is a private school. It?s JK-12th grade and I?ve been going there since fourth. I?ve made a ton of great friends and because it?s some small I know practically everybody in the grade and I get along with everyone. Since it?s a private school you have to pay and lately tuition has been getting really high so eighth grade was my final year. Next year I?ll be going to the local high school. The local high school is huge and I know no one except my older brother. ?Anyways on to the question:[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]For me my eighth grade graduation was pretty sad. I?m not all that great with keeping in touch with people and I?ve made many great friends and knowing that I?m leaving all of them behind while most of them still get to stay together (there are only I believe twelve of us who left out of around 90 to 100 eighth graders). So that?s very sad for me. Also I?m not very sociable and there are more people who I had really hoped to befriend who know I probably wont ever see again. (It?s not like I?m likely to bump into someone from school? the people from are school are from the whole DC metropolitan are? DC, VA, and Md.) I?ve had sort of mixed feelings about graduation I?m very sad to be leaving everyone but at the same time I?m somewhat excited (and nervous) about starting high school. [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]As for high school graduation I can?t really say yet since I know nothing about the school, the type of friends I?ll meet, and the experiences I?ll have. I have no clue if high school will be wonderful and something I won?t want to end or awful and incredibly happy once it is over. (Though I hope the first!^^)[/font][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#000080][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#000080][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']I could go on and on about my feelings of leaving middle school... but I'm rather tired and can't get my thoughts organized, thinking about this has made me sad, and my mom is still yelling at me to go to bed.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font]
  2. [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]1) [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]Well you?d have to drive to DC but the Two Amys is an awesome real Italian pizza restaurant (not Pizza Hut/Papa Johns/Dominos pizza). Then there?s this really good Thai restaurant near Springfield Mall. And Paradiso? I loved Paradiso (also Italian food) when we would go with our cousins when we were little and we got to sit in the kiddy room and watch Disney movies. Wow. Food I love food.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]2) [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]Erm? I guess places like Springfield Mall and Pentagon City are really big malls? but I don?t like shopping all that much.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]3) [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]?I live in the nation?s capital and yet I can?t think of any really fascinating places to go to. Sure the mall?s fun to visit and to see all the memorials and monuments, and there are museums in DC too? But after going to some place in DC for practically every field trip it gets kinnda boring. Though if we?re talking about amusement parks Six Flags, and Kings Dominion are both awesome ?and I?ve never been to Bush Garden but I really want to go. Oh and I enjoyed when we went to the C&O Canal? and the Baltimore Aquarium was nice. OK so there are lots of interesting places? like the camping place we went to for mini-courses? erm I believe it was Shenandoah National Park. So yea there are fun places?[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]4) [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]I guess that stuff and we have things like Washington?s home (which is literally a five minute drive from my house? right down the parkway), and the Robert E. Lee cemetery ?I remember once when we went there I decided to hold my breath (it being a cemetery) ?that didn?t work out too well. ?Oh and I live here.[/font][/color] [font=Times New Roman][color=#000000][size=3]5)[/size] [/color][/font][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]DC during the cherry blossom festival. You can?t blerdy get anywhere walking or driving. [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]Wow? this ended up pretty long.[/font][/color][/font][/color][/font][/color]
  3. [font=Times New Roman][size=3][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=blue][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']I live in [/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Northern Virginia[/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'] ?in the DC metropolitan area, where I?ve lived for most of my life. (When I was 1-3 I lived in [/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Riyadh[/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'] in [/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Saudi Arabia[/font][/color][color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'] (though I wasn?t born there).) I live in a suburban area [/font][/color] [/color][/size][/font][/size][/font]
  4. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Wow they are both really good! Thank you both. I think I?m going to go with Who AM I??s for now but I?ll most certainly use yours too NashvilleDream! Thanks a ton both you guys.[/font][/color]
  5. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Did something happen to your account on photobucket? Because it?s not showing up? it was working earlier? is there a way you could get it back? Thanks in advanced! Gin.[/font][/color]
  6. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy]Yup!^^ And I suppose a pink that matches her outfit... Thanks a ton and glad the links worked![/color][/font]
  7. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Ergh you?re right. X.X Here are all the images again? I saved them to photbucket this time.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Full%20Moon/MerokoAngel-1.jpg"]Image 1[/url][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Full%20Moon/MerokoAngel-2.jpg"]Image 2[/url][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Full%20Moon/MerokoAngel-3.jpg"]Image 3[/url][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Full%20Moon/MerokoAngel-4.jpg"]Image 4[/url][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Full%20Moon/MerokoAngelStuffedanimal.jpg"]Image 5[/url][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Hope those links work!^^[/font][/color]
  8. [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]Wow. The ending of Full Moon wo Sagashite was awesome. I?m rather disappointed in my self for having to read junk about it before I finished it ?.it would?ve been much better if I hadn?t known [spoiler] Meroko became and angel and Takuto a human again. [/spoiler] [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]?I?ve been watching it for a long time but I finally finished it on Thursday. I found a new site that doesn?t release a new episode twice a week and ever since then I?ve just been devouring the episodes? Anyways has anyone here both read the manga and seen the anime? I?ve done both and I?d be interested in hearing some people?s opinions between the similarities and differences of the two. Most sites that I?ve found on FMwS say that they prefer the manga over the anime but I?ve fond my self preferring the anime. In the manga [spoiler] Meroko didn?t become an angel in the end and Takuto re-met Mitsuki during a concert she was having three years later? though also very sweet I find my self preferring the way Meroko led Mitsuki to Takuto? and I loved Meroko becoming an angel. [/spoiler] One thing I did prefer about the ending in the manga is [spoiler] how they ended up saving Mitsuki?s life. Meroko, Izumi, and Takuto went to the Shinigami world to erase her name from the book. And it turned out that she wasn?t going to die anyway. [/spoiler] I could go on and on about the ending but I?ll stop now ?I?ll just say one more difference that I preferred in the anime over the manga: [spoiler] Eichi?s death. In the manga Mitsuki new the whole time? I much preferred her finding out in the show?[/spoiler][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Comic Sans MS]Now on to the anime?s end. I cried when [spoiler] Meroko led Mitsuki to Takuto and Mitsuki and Takuto re-met.[/spoiler]It was just sooo sweet!!! I also really liked the part were [spoiler] Meroko had the flash back of becoming an angel and was sent to ?.I guess take Takuto?s soul back to his body?[/spoiler] I think I was close to tears there? and anyone ever felt like those chills when something really touching or sweet happens? Cause I had them then? [/font][/color][/font][/color]
  9. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Funny-ness... barking snakes? lol.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']?My little brother runs into walls all the time ?and that reminds me of a lot of stuff? like my brother?s friend?s friend who ran into a tree trying to catch a football and half his face was all messed up from the tree. XD Then during our math final yesterday halfway through Michael fell out of his chair? and Mrs. Johnson had to take him to a new table at the front of the room were she could watch him. [/font][/color] [color=#000080][font=Comic Sans MS]Then yesterday I got a ride with my friend Katie and on Katie and I were talking about the math exam and year averages and I started looking threw my math papers to find my trimester grade and when I passed by my Chapter 6 test I said ?Oh look there?s my really bad test!? (I got a 75 on it), so Mrs. McLean asked to see it and while she was looking at it a bug flew on it so (since she couldn?t flick it off with her other hand since she was driving) she held it out the sun roof and? it blew away. ?So know people all over Alexandria can see how bad I am at math! ^^[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']I can go on forever and ever but I?ll just say one more.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Awhile ago in Spanish (it was when we were still reading Lord of the Flies in English) we were talking about how in English class earlier that day Eric Streed had made a connection between Twinkies and LotF and were wondering how you could do that when Daniel said ?Oh I know? Piggy looks like a Twinkie.? XD. Funny but you might?ve had to be there?[/font][/color]
  10. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']I would really like an avatar and banner with an image of Meroko (from Full Moon wo Sagashite) as an angel. ?I?m having trouble finding many good images but [url="http://tanemura.altervista.org/Risorse/anime/52/71.jpg"][color=#800080]this[/color][/url] and [url="http://tanemura.altervista.org/Risorse/anime/52/58.jpg"][color=#800080]this[/color][/url] are two images of her whole body. [url="http://tanemura.altervista.org/Risorse/anime/52/59.jpg"][color=#800080]These[/color][/url] [url="http://tanemura.altervista.org/Risorse/anime/52/60.jpg"][color=#800080]two[/color][/url] are just her head. I would like the avatar the say my name on it but not the banner. If you do include any words on the banner I suppose I would want ?You have shown true kindness? You will become an angel? [/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']?Also you could to use [url="http://tanemura.altervista.org/Risorse/anime/52/62.jpg"][color=#800080]this[/color][/url] image for the avatar.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'] [/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Thanks in advanced for whoever tries this! ~Gin[/font][/color]
  11. [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][size=1][/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'][/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']Kiba- FMA has 51 episodes plus the soon-to-come-out movie. So that?s one season. [/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS']MomijiLove- if you go to pages 96 and 97 (I think it?s about halfway through the book) you?ll se Lust stabbing him in the head with her claws. And I?m pretty sure all seven sins show up at one point in the series.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font='Comic Sans MS'] Now I have a question: Anyone know how/why/when Winry?s dog gets that mechanical leg? Because it's really been bugging me latley...[/font][/color]
  12. [color=navy][size=2][font=Futura Lt BT]Personally I think that any one who likes anime is an otaku. It doesn?t matter if they just have one or two shows they like, or if they?ve seen much, much more. As for ?Is Bugs Bunny an anime?? In Japan anime is just anything animated ?right? So I guess if you are going by the Japanese definition than yes. But in these not-Japanese countries most people probably don?t consider it anime because anime hear is usually considered animation from Japan. So basically if you asked some Japanese person ?Is Bugs Bunny anime?? They would most likely say yes. But if you asked someone hear they would probably say no. As for saying baka and whatever the other word was in the middle of conversations. I don?t do that really who does? If I were to call anyone I know a baka (using that since it?s like the only Japanese word I know) they would probably look at me funny and ask if I had sneezed. So if you had asked whether you have to say random Japanese words all the time (I can?t remember because I?m typing this up on the lap top), no I don?t think so. And many people ask if you have to learn Japanese to be considered a real Otaku. No way!! If you did I don?t think I?d want the title otaku. There is no way you are getting me to slave my butt over learning Japanese just so I can be a ?true anime fan? I have enough languages I?m learning/want to learn with out adding Japanese in too. As for quizzes, can?t help you there I remember one I saw a long time ago that I liked a lot ?but alas on the lap top with no Internet connection. [/font][/size][/color] [color=navy][font=Futura Lt BT]I?ll edit this later if there?s anything I missed?but time for bed.[/font][/color]
  13. [color=#333399][font=Futura Lt BT]Yea that worked. Thanks! And I was able to send the PM too. But I tried a different way to send it. Just thought you guys would want to know. [/font][/color] [font=Futura Lt BT][color=#333399][/color][/font] [font=Futura Lt BT][color=#333399]Yea it works now. Thanks![/color][/font]
  14. [color=#333399][font=Futura Lt BT]I think there?s something wrong with the Cartoon Network Line Ups thread. When I clicked the [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=#post"]Last Page [/url]link it gave me a message saying:[/font][/color] [center][size=2]No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the [/size][email="support@otakuboards.com"][size=2]webmaster[/size][/email][/center] [color=#333399][font=Futura Lt BT]Also when I tried clicking any other page of the thread from the Anime Lounge main page it did not show any posts. All it showed was the different page numbers, the reply button, and the Thread Tools, Search this Thread, and Display Modes links. [/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Futura Lt BT]I?m not sure what?s wrong with this and if it?s just some random problem on my computer or if it is a problem with otakuboards. Either way I thought I should notify someone. [/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Futura Lt BT][i][/font][/color][/i] EDIT: also I just tried to send a PM to Dagger asking for a name ghange by clicking her name under last post for the Cartoon Network Line Ups and it said: [indent]This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view. [/indent]
  15. [color=#333399][font='Comic Sans MS'](Been meaning to get this up for awhile but computer was being evil.)[/font][/color] [color=#333399][font='Comic Sans MS']Ugh? I want it to be next Saturday now. Especially after seeing the episode preview? poor Al.;_ ; But I?m guessing when he says [spoiler]all his memories are fake he?s talking about all his memories before the accident? like his childhood. And that would mean that since the episode Mother was narrated by Al it?s not true? wouldn?t it?[/spoiler] ?Probably not, but it?s still just a thought. [/font][/color] [color=#333399][font='Comic Sans MS']And Dagger? Lust scares me. Especially in the library scene. [/font][/color]
  16. [QUOTE=Japan][color=navy]I remember this one game that a close friend of mine, his brother, and guy friends used to play a lot. The object of the game is to see who could drink a whole gallon of milk the quickest. Sounds simple right? Wrong....nobody really wins....because when you get three-quarters of the way done, you end up throwing up.[/color][/QUOTE][size=2][color=#000080][font=Futura Lt BT]Oh! That reminds me of another game! In lower school a bunch of the guys would always try and see who could eat the most ice cream in one minute or a few things of ice cream the quickest? something to that effect. They?d all always end up with brain freezes for the rest of lunch. [/font][/color][/size] [color=navy][font='Futura Lt BT']And then one of my friend?s and I always have a battle over who tears up first (from laughing). And one of us is always yelling at the other ?I?m the first to tear up!? Then that friend and another friend have a ?war of the nicknames? ?the two of them are fighting over who has more nick names? oh and who has seen Phantom of the Opera in theatre more.. ?Do those count?[/font][/color]
  17. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']Also, we would go from the boiling hot tub to the freezing pool and constantly switching between them, fully knowing ot could kill us.[/quote][font=Times New Roman][color=lime][font=Futura Lt BT][color=navy]Hmm? that reminds me of a game my dad told me he used to do with his ski patrol friends when he worked at Blue Knob (also as ski patrol). They did mostly the same thing, except, instead how switching from hot tub and pool, they would switch between the hot tube and outside ?in the snow (remember they were in a ski resort?). [/color][/font][/color] [color=lime][font=Futura Lt BT][color=navy]Oh that reminds me of another one. We go skiing to and occasionally my brother and I (and maybe friends if any are up with us) will get into fencing matches with ski poles while waiting at the ski lifts at the top of the mountain? and that?s when we have ski?s still on. [/color][/font][/color] [color=lime][font=Futura Lt BT][color=navy]Hmm? I?m sure there are a lot more but I really can?t think of any right now? If I think of any more I?ll try and edit this post or add another one. *Scratches head*. Common me and my friends are so dumb!!! There most be more stupid games we play![/color] [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Futura Lt BT][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Futura Lt BT][b]Edit:[/b][/font][/color] [quote name='Charles']I used to play the quiet game when I was young. The adults would tell us the object of the game was to see who could remain quiet for the longest. I think it could have been a trick.[/quote][color=navy][font=Futura Lt BT]Oh! I remember the quiet game!! I never really liked it, or got its point. ?And I think I was always one of the first out.[/font][/color] [/font]
  18. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=indigo][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#333399]Ok I?m getting bored of having no banner? and since I currently don?t have Adobe Photoshop anymore (and even if I did probably would have no skills) I?d really appreciate it if I could get a banner made by someone. [/color][/font] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS]I?d like it to be a Fullmetal Alchemist banner with pictures from when Ed and Al were little (before there mom died). I?d like it to say ?Happier days?, ?Happier times?, something to that affect. (And maybe my name ?or just JBK somewhere too.) I would also like for there to be an equal amount of Ed and Al pictures (unless who ever does the picture only uses like one of each of them). I have a few pictures you can use but they all are rather large. I don?t need an avatar but if someone does want to make one that would be appreciated![/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/14.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/14.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/13.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/13.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/12.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/12.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/11.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/11.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/10.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/10.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/6.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/6.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/4.bmp"][color=#333399]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/thecrazedchibi/Fullmetal%20Alchemist/4.bmp[/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333399][font=Comic Sans MS]Those are probably way more than you need but... I guess you'll have a lot of options for pictures to use!^^ ...oh th pictures ended up shrinking...[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font]
  19. [QUOTE=elfpirate][b][size=1][color=darkslategray]I think I[i] technically[/i] belong to a couple other sites, but none of them is anywhere near as good as this one right here, so I haven't even visited the other ones since I found the OB. [/color][/size][/b] [b][size=1][color=darkslategray]Everything I was looking for is right here, and the people are great, so why bother going anywhere else, right?[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=indigo][size=1][color=indigo][font=Comic Sans MS]Ditto. I have a few random other anime message boards that I am a member of, but I don't think I've ever really done anything on those ones 'cept register. Otaku Boards is not spammy or anything and its rules help keep it a nice place to be able to just talk with other otakus. (Gah cannot express my self right now.:animesigh) Basically I'm trying to say Otaku Boards has all someone could ask from a message board and more. It's a great site and I see no need to be on any other anime message boards. [/font][/color][/size][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=indigo][size=1][color=indigo][font=Comic Sans MS]There are fanlistings that I'm a member of but that's really it in terms of other anime related sites. And I suppose some sites that include anime but aren't based solly on anime... but nothing comes to mind. [/font][/color][/size] [color=indigo][/color] [color=indigo][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Oh and BanhBao16 those links might get deleted.[/size][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font]
  20. Gin


    [QUOTE=kabapu]one cure i've found for sore throat is: eat the spiciest curry you can find. about ten minutes after, have someone hit you in the throat (not hard enough to kill mind.) then drink 2 glasses of iced water, followed immediately by a bottle of tabasco sauce. wait fifteen minutes, and have a fizzy drink. this cure has allways worked for me.[/QUOTE][color=black][color=navy][size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]Hmmm. ?Maybe not all of that, but now that Kabapu mentioned it, I think spicy food does help with sinuses... Oh and hot showers? take a nice long hot steamy shower? I always do that when my allergies are bugging me. [/font][/size][/color][/color]
  21. Gin


    [color=black][size=2][QUOTE][/size][/color][color=black]Actually, it's the other way around. Singing helps clear the sinuses (if you can breathe enough to do so).[/color][color=black][size=2] [/QUOTE][/size][/color] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Just repeating what the chorus teacher said!^^;; Maybe I did get it mixed up though...[/color][/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]And yea my dad always suggests orange juice when I'm sick... but I don't think other juices are really all that great. I usually stick to water lots and lots of water. And sometimes I think Gatorade. Also I believe tea helps? not sure what kind though I don?t drink tea that often?[/color][/size][/font][/color]
  22. Gin


    [font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Drink fluids and eat lots of vitamin C. That's what I always do whenever I have a cold. I don't know much about help with Strep Throat but my pollen allergies give me major runny noses. To help with a stuffed up nose I take Flonase and Claritin RediTabs ('cause I can't swallow pills:animeswea). Not sure if the Claritin is over the counter and I'm pretty sure the Flonase isn't but I'm sure there are other medicines you can get. Also just try going to your doctor to get some prescriptions. And drink lots and lots of fluids. That's really all I can say. [/color][/size][/font][/font] [font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Oh and (at least according to my school?s chorus teacher) stuffy noses really help with singing![/color][/size][/font][/font] [font='Times New Roman'][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Edit: Oh yea? sleep is good. Just take it easy and relax. Rest a lot and don?t do anything to physical.[/size][/font] [/font]
  23. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Yay! I'm glad people liked my summary!! I thought it was bad!^^[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Anyways... everyone seems so impressed by the DVDs but I kinnda feel it was somewhat a waste of money. All that it had besides the normal DVD was a thing to hold the first five in and the OST... I'm happy about the OST but the tin does have the two evil 'As seen on Adult Swim' stickers and the character description only described Ed and AL? Oh well *shrugs* It still was pretty good I just would?ve preferred it to be a bit cheaper...[/color][/size][/font] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][quote name='Dagger IX1'] Ooh, are they doing weekday reruns or something? I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to CN--all I watch nowadays are new episodes of FMA, and that's just on Saturdays. I guess I'd better start paying more attention to SAC, though, since it should catch up with the DVD release soon.[/quote][/size][/font][/color] [font=Times New Roman][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Heh I meant to mention that you could try and watch the weekday episode. I think the weekday episodes are on Thursday night at 12:30 though it might be up thirty minutest or something now that they changed the Saturday time... must remember to check. [/color][/size][/font][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Edit: Yerp it's still on at 12:30 on Thursdays.:animesmil[/color] [/size][/font]
  24. [size=2][color=black][size=2][color=black][quote name='Red][/color][color=#002e55] and drive around to see places like the Royal Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, just to name a few. [/color'][color=black][/quote][/color][/size][/color][/size] [size=2][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=navy]Oooh! Cool! Trafalgar Square is on our Monopoly board! *Coughs* anyways what's special about where I live? Hmm Well I live in the nation?s capital area place? so I guess that?s worth mentioning? but stuff that?s really close? Well we have the tiniest library in the county right down the street. And though it sucks that the library is so small it?s one of the only things within walking distance that we don?t have to cross busy Fort Hunt Road to get to. Hmm? we?ve got George Washington?s house down the Park Way? I suppose that?s worth mentioning. Oh! And a very big road known as Route 1 passes right by us. And we?ve got the dirty Potomac right by us? which means we can see into another state! If we just get on our boat and go out into the river were in a different state! How cool is that? (Not very.) [/color][/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=navy]Things that are not as close by but still deserve mentioning: AS stated before we are right by the nations capital known as DC. We have big airports such as the Reagan National and Dulles Airport not too far away. Then there?s the fact that when we had that thread about ?where do you live?? Two or three people actually live near by! I count five people who live somewhat close by! Yay[/color][/size][/font][/font] [/color][/size][size=1][color=navy][font=Times New Roman][size=1]Oh! And congratulate me! This is my 50th post!!! And though that?s not much it?s halfway to 100 hundred and a big step for a shy person like me![/size][/font][/color][/size]
  25. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]I nearly missed it too, only because I was looking through the guide before hand did I notice it was on 30 minutes earlier? anyways. [/color][/size][/font] [size=1][font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy]The episode opens in the town that Ed and Al visited in the first episode. It?s now a total mess and the military has taken over. Up in the tower sit Lust and Gluttony, Cornello joins them[spoiler] and changes into Envy. (Not sure if this should be in spoilers since Gluttony already ate Cornello... but). [/spoiler] The three talk about the foolishness of men and talk of how Ed is the closest to their goal. Scar kills another State Alchemist (while I think Mustang and Hughes talk about the killings). Ed and Al continue searching for Dr. Marco. On their way there Ed and Al duck into a hay stack while a State Alchemist walks by. They get to Dr. Marco?s house and he shoots at them afraid they want him to rejoin the military. Al convinces him to let them in? (Just going to spoilers now incase I spoil anything?^^;; yea.) [spoiler] While inside Dr. Marco tells them of how the philosopher stone was used in the Ishbal Massacre and, because he took part in something so horrible, Dr. Marco has become a doctor to make up for all that he has done. Ed finds a vial of liquid that looks like red water but is clearer when Basque Grant enters to seize the research causing Ed to drop the vial, which breaks, and the liquid turns into a stone. They get into a car and while heading back the car is stopped by? none other than Scar! Scar kills Grant and advances on Dr. Marco. All the time Ed is watching afraid and thinks about how his mind is telling him to run but his legs are frozen. Scar?s hand is almost on Dr. Marco when suddenly? Dr. Marco is whisked away! Ed and Dr. Marco are running down a street were Ed motions for them to join him in a tunnel were he alchemitizes up a big wall. Scar brakes through it and Scar comes to kill Ed when Al gets in the way. The blow some what messes up the metal of Al?s arm but does no real damage. Scar tells him that the blow was meant for human flesh. The boys are forced to fight and the State Alchemist from earlier comes to the rescue revealing himself to be Alex Louis Armstrong. ...Hmm some time during this Scar talks about his older brother and Al points out that, him having an older brother, he should understand how he feels about Ed (?or something like that I can?t really remember). [/spoiler] They leave and everything is happy!^^;; [/color][/font][/size] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Sorry if this post might seem somewhat spazzy I seam to not have recovered from the vast amount of candy I ate today? oh! And if you want an episode guide you can try Fullmetal-alchemist.com!^^[/color][/size] [/font][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]EDIT: If you want a non spoiler synopsis (sp?) of the show you can try Adult Swim's web site I think...[/color][/size][/font]
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