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Everything posted by Gin

  1. [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Hmmm? The uniform looks like a really white and see-through tunic... but anyways I just started break so yay I'll have lots of time to post... except Monday because the middle school always has some people go to Ramsey Elementary and read children?s books and Christmas stories to Kindergarteners and we'll be there from 9-12 so yea anyways? Ugh forgot what I wanted to ask x.x. Oh yea! Since you said the sing ups are now pretty much closed who's gonna be the two good and bad twins and the queen? Or are we all going to get to control them? Or are there some people who you talked to earlier that signed up as them? Or are you playing them? Or... *stops*[/color][/size][/font][/color]
  2. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Yea! finally got her info up!![/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Name: Kat Valentine[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Age: 16[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Gender: Female[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Description: [/size][/font][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/Alice1/Kat.jpg"][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Kat[/size][/font][/url] [font=Times New Roman][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Notes: Kat is the more outgoing of the two twins. She is rather tomboyish but at the same time comes across as sweet, caring, kind and innocent; she can be rather spazzy, fun and fun loving; she?s very creative and artistic; a bit loud and hyper; and knows how to make people feel better. When siding with either the two good twins or the two bad twins she chooses the good twins because they have been good friend with Kitty and Kat. Kat hasn?t had that strong of a relationship with Kitty, but lately the two have been becoming closer friends.[/size][/font][/font]
  3. [font=Verdana][size=2]I wanted to ask if I could be Kitty but it seems like Kitty just did so I'd like to be Kat Valentine... I just wasn't sure if when Sonata said no one be the twins she was talking about them too... I sent a PM asking but yea... so I'm guessing it is allright so I'll start writing her sign up as soon as I finish my Homework x.x If I'm wrong and Sonata doesn't want any one being those twins either I'm happy to change![/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]just reserving my spot...
  4. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Ok this thread seems to be? if-ish? first we had two users get into an argument about the name of the thread and have to have Solo stop them and now were having quite a few bad posts and either Solo or Dagger has to ask them to improve their post quality? (Though I?m not saying everyone?s is bad) so I thought I?d ask a question I meant to make my own thread about (but this thread seemed to similar) and start a more intelligent conversation so that not everyone is coming up saying ?hot? or ?not? then leaving ok?[/size][/font] [size=2] [/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Awhile ago my mom asked me if I?d like for her to buy me some CDs and if so what CDs so I thought I?d ask here?[/size][/font] [size=2] [/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]What is everyone?s favorite anime soundtrack(s)? What do you think makes it your favorite? Do you have a favorite peace from it? Or a favorite song from any anime soundtrack? If so what do you think you like so much about it?[/size][/font] [size=2] [/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]I haven?t herd many songs from many soundtracks (which is why I?m asking) but from what I have herd I really have liked the songs from .hack//SIGN the songs that I?ve herd (the full version of) are The World, Yasashii Yoake, Open Your Heart, Obsession, and Key of the Twilight (and one from .hack//Liminality that I can?t remember the name of). I don?t really know what made me like these songs so much but I think the instruments in the pieces played a role in my liking of the .hack//SIGN music. My favorite dot hack sign song is Key of the Twilight (though it?s been so long since I?ve herd it x.x) I think the main reason I like it is the violin solo it has in it I play violin so I?m very happy to hear a violin solo!:-) (Well at least I [i]think [/i]it?s a violin solo? but I don?t have a very good ear for music) there is just something about the dot hack sign pieces that I just really like... also I like See-Saw quite a bit and they sing quite a few of the dot hack sign songs.[/size][/font] [size=2] [/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][size=2]Ok now it?s your guys turn[/size]![/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1](P.S if this shouldn?t be in this thread sorry! I?ve been battling with my self about weather I should make a new thread or just ask this question in this thread? and since I saw a few people saying what their favorite soundtrack is I decided to post in this thread? I don?t want to make the author of this thread mad for asking new questions but at the same time I don?t want to make the moderators have to either merge or delete my thread?)[/size][/font]
  5. [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]My dream job? Well ever since? I don?t know how long I?ve wanted to be an actress? the first time I acted in a play (besides like class plays) was in fifth grade in the drama club in my school? it was a Whiney the Poo play and I played Roo (and my mother was in third? yea my mom was three years younger than me?). In sixth grade when I finally got to middle school and had the choice between drama chorus orchestra and band I wanted to be in drama, of course my parents had different ideas, and since I have been playing violin since the summer between 2nd and 3rd grades I ended up in orchestra? of course that was torcher(sp?) because we only spent one day a week with the whole orchestra and the other two days (that I had orchestra) was just with the 6th grade (a.k.a. beginning orchestra) I still got to play the all the songs the advanced orchestra played and played 2nd violin (all the beginning [/size][/font][/center] [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Violinists in 6th grade when they did get to play a song played 3rd violin). There still was one other violinist who had been playing for a while named Andrew so yea? and mark had started violin the summer before so he still got to play all the songs the advanced orchestra played too *has memory of one practice when we were playing the Christmas songs and Mark had to ask what a natural was*. I?m getting waaaaaaay of subject the point is I wanted to be in drama in 6th grade but ended up in orchestra? in 7th grade I finally got to be in drama and was very happy? we had the bestest of the two 7th grade drama classes and when we did the play The Phantom Tollbooth I had the lead role:-D. Of course 7th grade only gets one play and a chapel performance *winces* that didn?t go to well? there were not many major roles in our play? we chose to do The Prodigal Son and we got to right out own script? it was interesting? Jesus wore air force ones and the prodigal son wore a purple pimp suit? if this were not totally off topic I?d post some of the quotes? anyways the day of our chapel performance Robert (who was playing the prodigal son and perfect for the role) was sick and couldn?t come? we were sooooo mad! Brian ended up taking his place and our play would have been awesome play was totally awful. We also did a movie to show to students applying to our school and that was just? lets just say I was happy that I had a small part? this year I am still in drama and will perform our first play, Just So Stories, in January? it seems like a pretty good play and the new drama teacher has lots of really cool stuff (like a fog machine) planned for it? there are just a few problems: 1) The new teacher is awful at casting, my class does the first act and we have a small class enough for everyone to have one part? of course my part, the elephant child, (which is one of the smallest parts in the first act) got cut in half just because Emily didn?t want to sing a solo (elephant child is the only character in the first act who doesn?t have a solo) while the main parts, Eldest Magician and Man, were not, also we don?t even have a camel in our class!! And 2) It?s a musical? I am going to be so embarrassed when me and Stephanie have to get up in front of the whole school and sing ?I was put onto this earth with a personal quest. Something I have to find out if I?m ever to rest?? so yea I am hoping for a bigger part in the next play which is gonna be a Samaria play!!!! Isn?t that awesome?!?! ?I think it was Eric from the other class who suggested that?. Kool![/size][/font][/center] [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]So yea I love acting:-) also as many people have already said I too would like to write, preferably fantasy. Just being able to make up what ever you want and write it down to share with other people? what fun! I?d also love to write/draw a manga? like that?s ever gonna happen! I love drawing and it is still away to share your stories with other people. I would also love to do something technology related ?preferably computers I love computers and the majority of my free time (that?s not spent reading writing or drawing) is on computers? my dad has a computer related job which I think is very cool, I?d love to learn more about them? I also would want to do a job that lets you travel to different countries (not just different places cause that could be places in the US but different countries) ?I guess my dad?s job seems pretty cool because like I said before it is a computer related job and he gets to travel all over the place (the two main places he goes to are Germany and Korea). So yes? those are some jobs I would like to do? and I can?t help but feel that I am leaving something out? oh yes? I?d like to work on making and designing video games I love video games even though I have no knowledge of them? so yea those are my dream jobs!:-D[/size][/font][/center]
  6. [color=black][font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]I have no anime soundtracks (because yes I am THAT pathetic and broke^^) but I'm hoping to get some for Christmas... anyways ScirosDarkblade I think you might need to cool down a bit... that?s just your opinion and some people might feel there is a distinct difference between anime soundtracks and other music?s.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]As for choosing between an Anime soundtrack or another CD I?d pick the anime soundtrack? I don?t r[/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]eally have any favorite singers or anything and know practically nothing about any other music?[/size][/font] [/font][/color][color=black][font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Earlier someone asked about dot hack music and I?d have to say my fav song from dot hack would have to be Key of the Twilight from .hack//SIGN ?gosh it?s been so long since I last herd it?[/size][/font][/font][/color]
  7. [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]I've never been to an anime convention either I was hoping to go to Anime USA (the one at Tyson's Corner) but it was on Halloween weekend and I had way to much going on... there is another one in February at Arlington on the 18th-20th ...the Katsucon (and only 79 more days!!!) but enough about conventions near me... I hope you have a great time at the convention and get lots of goodies!!! And I personally think it would be interesting if it were like the ones in comic party (I want that squirt gun!!) [/size][/font][/color] [color=black][/color][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black]Erg? I was almost positive I saw someone mention something about doing a cosplay but now I can?t find it? oh! Found it! ?[/color][color=black]DarkSesshoumaru who are you cosplaying as?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black][/color][/size][/font][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Are we aloud to talk about us wanting to go to different conventions too? Cause if we aren?t woops because that?s practically all my post having not ever been to a convention yet my self... (but that WILL change February!) Anyways I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for easy to dress up as for a first time cosplayer outfits that still would look good and not something that?s to mainstream and there will be a lot of people dressed up as. Any suggestions? Or a group of easy to cosplay as people in case I can get any of my friends to join me?[/size][/font][/color] [color=black][/color][font=Comic Sans MS][color=black][font=Tahoma][size=1][color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']Have fun and good look [/font][/color][color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']MaineOtakuNo2[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/font]
  8. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']I just saw episode 6 the other day when I downloaded it off Nebs TV... when I first saw it appear there I didn't think I'd like it much but finally the other day I watched and licked it so much that I saved it to my computer! Right now I'm downloading episode 7 ...but I kinnda wish I had seen the first 5 episodes... [/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']I don't really know much about the show and was kinnda confused by what you guys were saying... but what I have seen of it I do like. Plus some of the subtitles are a bit messed up so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding it but still![/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=2] [/size][/color] [color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']I still am a bit confused about what?s going on having not seen the first episodes is there any chance I could ask for a website about it our for you guys to give a synopsis? uh... please?[/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=2] [/size][/color] [color=black][size=2] [/size][/color] [color=black][font='Comic Sans MS']Sorry if my post is like totally awful![/font][/color][/size][/font]
  9. Gin

    Racial remark

    [color=black][size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]Hmm... I don't think that that has happened to me before... I'd probably just say hey that?s racist ?er ?sometimes my brother might say like something is an odd name and I?ll say like I bet someone from that nationality is probably thinking ?Wow Andrew is such in odd name!? ?er does that make any since?[/font][/size][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]?But I probably wouldn?t join in with the other people I?d just point out that everyone in that race isn?t like that and how would they like it if someone said that persons race was? I dunno? ?Fat ugly lazy and stupid? just point out that what they said is stereotypical and point out that they wouldn?t like it if someone from that race considered the people who are talking?s race some bad stereotype[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Does that make since?[/size][/font] [size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]Well I hope what I said helps![color=black][/color][/font][/size]
  10. [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]For Christmas this year I really want a PS2 and Tivo. But I still would settle for some Anime DVDs and mangas... I'd also like some of the how to draw manga books cause I suck at drawing x.x and uh... oh yea the Pendragon series Faerie Wars and The Purple Emperor... and a bunch of King Arthur related books ...I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf reading![/size][/font][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black]As for worst pressy? I've never really hated anything that I got and even if I did at first it grows on me or I try to like it so as not to disappoint the person... but probably either my red ski jacket 'cause I don't like the colour red and it wasn't very comfortable (even though it was quite warm and had one of those things to cover you but so it doesn't get as wet.) then my ski pants are also pretty bad I like them a lot but they are so thin they barley keep me warm out on the slopes... plus when ever I try snow boarding I spend more time on my but than my feet and the pants have no cushioning x.x then there's that old chalk board that chalk doesn't even work on and then that girly dress up box thing ...yea I used to luv dress ups but like I wanted to dress up in a tutu with a weeding veil? I like to dress up as someone interesting like a [/color][color=black]Samaria[/color][color=black] or [/color][color=black]Roman[/color][color=black] soldier or a Jester (that was fuuuuun) or some medieval peasant or lady... hmm that?s all I can think of... except when I got like a bunch of clothes and stuff when I had wanted legos.... and both my brothers got legos!!! Grr! And when me and my big brother both got CD players ?his was good but mine barley even worked! Plus it was [/color][i][color=fuchsia]pink[/color][/i][color=black]! Why couldn?t I get [/color][color=silver]silver[/color][color=black] like him?[/color][/size][/font] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]As for oddest? hmmm... haven't had that many odd presents... at least not Christmas presents... that Digimon gum my dad brought back from Asia was pretty odd but oddest Christmas present was probably the snow board along with bindings and boots... not all that odd except for I never asked for that... (I?m not even good at snowboarding) but asked for new Skis poles and boots since my old ones are still worn out... and I still haven't gotten any new skis ah yes and when we had the family party and I ended up just getting money... as said before you get presents for Christmas not money...[/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]As for best? Probably the N64 followed by the first time we got season passes for Blue Knob. And the first time I finally got a lego set was great ! And uh... there are sooo many more... ah yes and the paddle bop that my aunt and uncle gave me how could I forget that? I?m playing it right now! *gets to 18* oh yea! ?Now I?m somebody!?[/size][/font][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black]Huh? anyways? I?d also luv some wall scrolls and a subscription to Newtype [/color][color=black]USA[/color][color=black] and Shonen Jump?[/color][/size][/font] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]I think I?ll stop for now? *looks up* wow that was long.[/size][/font][/color]
  11. Gin


    [font=Comic Sans MS][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]It took a while for the name to registered in my brain... but anyways, I've herd a bit about Spiral and from what I've herd I am pretty eager to see it. Newtype USA had an article on it last month so I guess I could try and sum that up.[/font][/color][/size] [center][size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]....[/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]...[/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]..[/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS].[/font][/color][/size][/center] [size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]It's coming out on DVD this month (November), and is being dubbed by FUNimation. [/font][/color][/size] [size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][QUOTE]"Ayumu Narumi is a seemingly regular high school student, except for the fact that his brother is the famous detective and pianist Kiyotaka Narumi, and he disappeared two years ago. The only real clue young Ayumu has is that his bro was investigating a mysterious group/cult called the Blade Children; his disappearance came just as he was getting close to breaking the case wide open." [size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [/font][/color][/size] [size=1][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]ok... blah, blah, blah Ayumu starts to investigate about the Blade Children after a murder happens in his school. It's 25 episodes long and is being compared to Case Closed. Ayumu is helped by his friend/reporter Kiyono Yuizaki and his sister in law, a police inspector named Madoka. A few of the Blade Children are Eyes, a celebrated pianist and card-carrying member, Kousuke, and it looks like (from one of the pictures in my magazine) a little girl with pigtails holding a bunny stuffed animal. ?I?ll try and find out her name? agg Absolute Anime doesn?t have any info on any of the characters? but apparently its called [/font][/color][font=Comic Sans MS]Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna or Spiral: Lines of Reasoning [/font][/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]?Hope that helps!^^[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [/font][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]EDIT:[/size][/font] Also found a website in the magazine... don't know if I'm aloud to write it. If I am its [url="http://www.spiral.tv"]www.spiral.tv[/url] if I?m not I can just delete it. I just checked it and all it has is a trailer:(
  12. The chick is Sakura and Sasuke is the guy... but yea I agree she wouldn't work with either of them. She's to much of a jerk to like Naruto, so why the flip does he like her when she can't stand him and while Hinata is nice and is one of the only people who is actually nice to him... *ahem* anyways then I must agree that Davis and Kari is an awful ship. It always irked me when I was little watching Digimon to see them together even if Davis did like her she was only pretending to like him just to tease TK... you can't really have a good relation ship when one of the people is only dating the other one to tease her friend. There are way more and I'd post some ships I feel are bad too instead of just replying to what people are saying but it's late and I must be getting to bed... I'll try and edit this later... (and revise my spelling/grammar)
  13. Gin


    I finally got my hands on the November issue of Newtype USA and it came with the first episode of DN Angel! ...I probably wouldn't know about it and like it as much if I hadn't gotten the DVD with Newtype but yea... Anyways I just had to say this because I noticed it when I was watching the first episode earlier today but it seems that almost every character has the same eye and hair colour. Daisuke has red eyes and red hair both the twins have brown eyes and a brown-ish hair... well except With... I think he might be albino :eek: but anyways I've only seen the first episode so I don't know if there are later characters who don't have the same hair and eye colour but still... From the one episode I've seen I really like it and if I weren't broke I'd diffidently go out and buy some of the DVDs... But sadly:/ Anyways another thing I find really interesting is how it's partly 3D which seems really cool. There was a big article in the September Issue of Newtype USA about how Xebec and they talked about how they were experimenting with SD-ishness and DN Angel was one of the shows they were making have 3D parts in it. My favorite girl character is Riku she?s probably the most like me? but my fav boy character is Daisuke he?s just so adorable! :D besides you gotta feel sorry for him in he always feels so clumsy [COLOR=white]and how Risa turns him down before he even gets to give her his love letter and...[/COLOR] [size=1][color=navy]Nothing in your post strikes me as being particularly spoilerful, and the white text works fine. However, in the future, you can create spoiler tags by typing [spoiler]text[/*spoiler], minus the asterisk. Thank you very much for trying to be considerate of other members. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/color][/size]
  14. It's because of the heart of the cards that makes Yugi always get which card he wants... which is one reason Seto's so cool! He doesn't believe in the heart of the cards!:D But then... yea... Most times the sub of an anime is waaaaay better than the dub... and when they're directed at a younger audience like most of 4 Kids Entertainments stuff they're completely ruined ...and yea One Piece kinnda scares me... but I still read the manga when I get a new issue of the Shonen Jump Magazine!
  15. One thing that I haven't seen any buddy mention yet that makes anime different from other cartoons is that animes are really the only shows I can think of that actually have a plot/story. Er? I mean like how many non-animes have you seen that have a plot to them ?I mean sure there?s a plot to each episode but they don?t have a beginning and an end? like if you?re first Naruto episode you see is episode 88 then you?ll be a bit confused but if you say the first Simpsons episode you saw was one from whatever season they?re on now you wouldn?t be to confused because it has no story line? I can?t think of one non-anime show that has a plot or any anime that doesn?t have a plot? does what I?m saying make since?:sweat:
  16. Oooo! There making an un-edited Yu-Gi-Oh!? Diffidently getting that!!!! ::goes totally crazy:: :wigout: I've looked for good sites to download the sub of Inuyasha but I can never find any... the site my friends used was taken down or something (which totally stinks!) but if I ever manage to find a site that?s got downloads its a weird torrent document I think and I cant get it to work:( ah well... if you could post some links that would be great!! :wigout: :wigout:
  17. yes thats wat i feel no Link and no Zelda ...our memory card went for a swim in the washing machine along with a pair of my big brothers pants... so weve had to re-do every game on that memory card (and we had most of our games saved on that one) but he just got to the part with the Deku tree and Kokiris when I first saw them I totaly flipped out because... they werent people in green tonics with pointy ears but... oddness then they explained that they only took on human forms ...oddness -O.O- (glasses... its Harry Potter!) but no I'm not a big fan of the Cel-shaded stuff I really liked the drawings to the original stuff guess it wasn't nesiserily the animation but how it was drawn ...or is that the same thing? :feels stupid:
  18. my favorite games would have to be the Zelda games, any but the new Windmaker for gamecube... it's got awful animation and not a good plot (besideds Link's gone!:() if I had to chosse a favorite of the Zelda games I would deffedently say Orcirana of Time that was my favorite game for Nintendo 64 and I'd spend so much time playing it... when we first got it I was 7 I rember I'd always freak out when I went on that feild between Hyrule Castle, Lon Lon Ranch, Zora's Domain, Kokiri Forest, Death Montain and all the other places in Zelda I'd freak out at night because I didn't like all the zombies popping up at me so I'd have my big brother go through the feild for me... unless I was on Epona :sighs: Zelda was great I wish we had sold or N64;)
  19. the only problem with subs is if you have a dub that you like then you watch the sub then go back to watching the dub you usually don't like the dub much anymore... thats what happened to me with Inuyasha I had seen a few of the dub and really liked it then when we went to our freinds house they had some of the sub so we watched that... when I got home and got to watch Inuyasha again (they didn't have Cartoon Network because we were up at their beach house) I relized how of all the voices were... Inuyasha sounded awful... and Koga just scared me
  20. [QUOTE]and mukba is like a ******* pychopath[/QUOTE] Oh my gosh! you misspeld poor Mokuba's name! :faints: but uh... anyways thats the one reason why I'm glad they didn't have the first season!!! when ever I show any of my freinds my mangas they make fun of Mokuba in book 3 and 4 wahness those ones were evil... (and yes Mokuba is the coolest character ever!:love: ) hmmm hentai anime I'm sure Miroku would like that... aggg I gotta go baby sit soon ...well I get egg roals!
  21. okay I take it you like Duel Masters... well I didn't mean to offend anybuddy I was just expressing my veiws I know Duel Masters is supposed to be a satire of it but I'm such a loyal Yu-Gi-Oh! fan any show that tries to poke fun at Yu-Gi-Oh! I don't like I didn't mean to offend any one... and allmost right after I posted that I read that Megas XLR isn't actualy an anime... I felt pretty stupid:stupid: he o well sorry if I got on anyones nerves... :sweat: please forgive me :gets down on hands and knees and begs: yay! i spelled knees write! and yay! people agree with me :chessy happy smiley thing: (about DB/Z/GT and pokemon) [QUOTE]Actually,that's what 4Kids MADE it into. The orignal Yu-Gi-Oh is way better.[/QUOTE] I agree I've ranted to my freinds a lot about wat evil 4Kids Animation has done to Yu-Gi-Oh! :is sad: won't get into that now because I doubt you all want to read over six pages of how 4Kids Animation ruined Yu-Gi-Oh! ...and they didn't even make the first season in the US ...but knowing them and how much they take out each episode of the first season would be five minutets long :sighs:
  22. I saw the movie... couldn't help my self me and a friend went along with my mum my little brother and one of his friends we saw it on August 23rd and there was only one other family there!^^ (hey it had been out for a while most people just already saw it! :sweat: ) but compared to the animation on the show the movies animation was awful! (And one kid reminded me of that kid in Duel Masters :twitch: I don?t like that show :twitch: :twitch:) Anyways I really can?t stand 4Kids Animation and what they have done to Yu-Gi-Oh! And now I?ve herd they?re planning to make a dub of One Piece? I feel sorry for all those One Piece fans soon they?ll know how it feels to have their fav anime ruined by those er? [I]wonderful[/I] people at 4Kids Animation. You don?t know how many times I wish Takahashi-san hadn?t let 4Kids make the dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! ?I mean how many times do you meat some one named Téa Gardner? ~Hi! My names Tea Garden! Pleased to meet you!~ If they have something wrong with letting them keep their Japanese names they could?ve at least changed them to something close to normal? and why do they take out the English writing on buildings and signs ect.? Those people in Japan working on the sub might be trying to make it easer for the dub people by making English text? and besides we know the show is originally Japanese we have no problem saying the name Honda and we won?t mind the tinniest bit of Japanese writing in the back ground (even thought most is English to begin with) and what?s with their grudge against having a cross in a grave yard?!?! And we don?t mind the slightest bit of romance Honda and Otogi are supposed to like Shizuka!!! ( :twitch: Honda :shudder: :twitch: ) and personally I like the idea of Yami Yugi playing matchmaker! (From junk like episode 50 {Challenge from the Past: Horrifying Zera} when Yami is trying to get Yugi to impress Anzu with his new chain for the MP tee-hee) Ok I think that?s enough ranting about what 4Kids has done for today? though I could go on for pages and hours talking about it? that second paragraph might be a bit (or totally) off topic! Sorry!^^
  23. My least favorite anime? Diffidently Duel Masters. I can't stand that show me and my friends think it's just a cheap copy of Yu-Gi-Oh! (Which in our opinion is the best anime on earth!) There are a few other Animes I don?t like I highly dislike Dragon Ball (Z/GT) I have some of the Shonen Jump magazine things and Dragon Ball Z is the only Manga I don't read... I don't much care for the Megas XLR show that Cartoon Network (I think) just started showing on Toonami. I don't much like any of the shows on Toonami except Gundam Seed and Yu Yu Hakusho (at first I thought YYH was a bite ...odd it just took some getting used to!^^) and then there?s that Astro Boy show I've seen advertised that doesn't look all that great... and last Pokemon I liked the first season of it but I mean who didn't at the time?^^ but gosh there probably almost as long as the Dragon Ball series ~Wow I didn't know I disliked so many Animes! (And in case your wondering I?m a newbie this is my first post... tell me if I screwed up or something!)
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