Thanks, at least somebody who thinks good about drama.
I first heard of it like couple weeks ago on the viz website, and the trailer looked to me kinda interesting, plus i heard a lot of the "she the ultimate weapon" (that's a diffirent translation or what?) so i desided i'll get a look at it. i couldn't afford DVD plus i was intrested in autors original artwork, so i bought it.
At first it looked kinda like a simple love come, but when i reached chapter "The last days"
i understood i got tottaly addicted to it.
And i like cause like you said "it felt real". Well ofcourse Lovehina was wierd but that's just totally diffirent type of story, real funny though. But the point is i just watched Voices of a distant Star and was kinda looking for something in the same mood to watch/read.
Great heartbraking drama, original plot, with tiny taste of comedy (my fav was when Shuji saw her in the air w/ wings and she folded them and fell down, that was cute, and then she told him that she wanted to fly home and that she broke mach 2.
But honestly somethings were kinda scary, like when she transformed into that huge ship, and i can't really even imagine what will happen next, how can they see each other or how can she come to school if she can't return to her human form anymore?
But i can't wait till september, even though it's school time.
Saikano is the work of art. Only someone who doesn't appreciate human fielings would call it depressing.