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Everything posted by angstypunk

  1. I would have to say... Billie Joe Armstrong, or Kirk Hammett (sp?) Both play the guitar really well, and sing XD
  2. angstypunk

    Linkin Park

    I LOVE Breaking the Habit, but I found that the video was a little to shifty as far as lines are concerned. The lineart seems to "jump" sometimes and look really sketchy, but I guess it would cost way too much money to get all the art perfect and averything. I like the video for Crawling In My Skin, and Numb. Setting it in a churchy place makes the video alot more better.
  3. wow...that is so wrong. why would I just go through some filters and then claim it as my own?.....I didn't do that, but I guess you can think what you want. and where is there a "paint" button under effects? I'm using PSP7 here....
  4. It is very nice and all...but there might be a little mistake with the hips, at least, it seems a bit off to me. But I do like it very much :) Kinda reminds me of Faye from Cowboy Bebop for some reason >.>
  5. Hey all, I'm new to the forum ^__^ Meh name is...Rei! (and from now in, I'm going to be the neighborhood music whore, thank you very much) I lurve to draw (wooo), so expect to see my art floating around this site sometimes. I do alot of digital painting, although I do like to do some pencil sketches of anime characters. I did the avatar myself, I hope everyone likes it ^__^ although I have to say, I could probably have made the lineart nicer somehow. I look foward to getting to know you guys
  6. [IMG]http://www.100megsfree.com/sailorsaturn/pirates.jpg[/IMG] it's everyone's fav. pirate! Captain Jack Sparrow and of course, Will Turner XD yummeh. Sorry for the crappiness >.> I don't use a tablet and I really hate colors, I prefer monochrome, but I feel like I rely on it too much sometimes. done in Paint Shop Pro.
  7. angstypunk

    Linkin Park

    Linkin Park is definetly a good band, but well, they seem kinda "packaged" (what band isnt though?), the lyrics are AMAZING, and the tunes get stuck in your head ^___^
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