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Everything posted by LoadedPistol

  1. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Super-dee-duper pink spider attack! You now have telekenetic powers. ^_^ But, they go out of control and the universe implodes. (the sound of implosion being moob) I wish Bush would die, or at least step down so we can have a competent president.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Whoo-hoo! The US is now a communist country! Now all the doctors are paid exactly the same amount as the toilet cleaners! But, unfortunately for you, your name was left off the payroll, and seeing as there is only one list, there are no corrections made because we have a dictator who is "always right," so you never get paid. Cruel world, eh? ^_^ I wish the next season of South Park would be released on DVD...(like now!)[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Gratz! You are now Brock Samson...Unfortunately, you're Brock Samson...(that's punishment enough. lol...) And if that's not bad enough, a rabid dog attacks you and eats you alive. I wish people would quit screwing with my wishes. XD (I had to see what would happen...)[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Actually I'm quite aware of the other colors for duct tape. However, the color silver is the most common one. Perphaps if you read the saying right, instead of jumping to conclusions you'll understand what the meaning is.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=YellowGreen]I'm not completely stupid. I got what you're trying to say. I was kidding with my previous statement. If you get to know me, you'll find that almost everything I say is laced with sarcasm. ^_^[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Starfire0567]I made some questions! 1)Do you like Ramen? 2)Do you know what Ramen is? (I sound like Naruto LOL) 3)If you DO like Ramen & know what it is,do you HATE the three minute wait for the water to boil?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=YellowGreen]1. I love Ramen!!!! 2. Of course I know what ramen is...And yes, you do sound like Naruto. 3. I've always hated the 3 min. wait, so I cheat. I put hot water on the ramen, then pop it in the microwave for a minute, and voila! Perfect ramen! ^_^[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Woot! Your package will be delivered today! (don't blame me if it isn't. :P) Unfortunately, they did a poor job of packaging it, and all your mana is water-logged and unreadable. So sad... I wish I knew how to play guitar.[/COLOR]
  7. 1) What type of books do you like to read? [COLOR=YellowGreen]I like to read Fantasy and Sci-fi. [/COLOR] 2) What kind of career do you want to have? [COLOR=YellowGreen]I'd prefer to be a manga-ka, but that's not likely to happen, so I'll be a doctor. :P[/COLOR] 3) Do you have any pets? [COLOR=YellowGreen]I have two cats and a dog.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Ta-dah! You now have no school tomorrow due to a penguin invasion/coronaiton ceremony. But you are a slave, and you have to work. I wish bebo liked my youtube videos...(they don't seem to play right. ^_^)[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Gratz! You now have a loyal, nice-but-not-too-nice boyfriend! But...He's a dog. Good luck with that. ^_^ I wish I had some non-poisonous/life-threatening chocolate ice cream.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Wow! *running out of exciting words to use there* You can now speak/write/etc. every language that has existed, or will exist. Go you! But-you confuse which language you're speaking (i.e. switch languages randomly), so no one really knows what you're saying/writing. ^_^ I wish I had KH2.[/COLOR]
  11. Kablam! You now have Bam Margera (skater?) to yourself. Congrats! But, he dies the day after you get him. Poor you. I wish I could meet Metallica.
  12. Jedi Dude: Ouch...This friggin hurts....*long pause* Oh well...*begins singing "Oops I did it again"* This piccy didn't open up much opportunity for me...:( My 'creative' mind doesn't work that well...^_^
  13. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Omg...I can't believe I set myself up for that...lol Ok, you're now in Germany. But It's during WWII, and you're suddenly Jewish. Hitler finds you, and you get shipped off to a camp. (payback...) I wish I weren't stupid. (wonders what creative possibilities live in this wish)[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Poof! It's now not windy outside! (maybe) I wish I had a non-possessable Ryoma plushie...[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] What my signiture says about me is, uh, shoot! It's obvious, isn't it?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=YellowGreen]It says that you don't know there are other colors for duct tape? :P[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Voila! You have a new truck. I'm talkin hemi. But, on your way out of the lot, a cemi slams into your new truck and totals it. All that's left of your precious truck is the seat you're sitting in. Sucky, huh? *kinda evil-minded* I wish I had a Ryoma plushie. (A fangirl needs her plushies, you know. :P)[/COLOR]
  17. what do you look for in men [COLOR=YellowGreen]I look for a sense of humor (a good one!), a good personality, and a great smile. :P[/COLOR] do you like sea food [COLOR=YellowGreen]I don't like seafood...It tastes...well, fishy. ^_^[/COLOR] what do you like best about me [COLOR=YellowGreen]The anime/video game love. And your banner. (does that count?) [/COLOR] 1- Do you like to draw? 2- Whats your favorite anime or manga? 3- Do you Like the game kingdom hearts? If so who's your character(s)? [COLOR=YellowGreen]1.) Yes. I draw constantly. 2.) Too many fav.'s, but they include Prince of Tennis, Saiyuki, Yuu Watase creations, Kaleido Star, and Spiral. 3.) I love KH! I downloaded all the songs, play the games, and draw the chars. Some friends and I are re-recording Simple and Clean. *inserts useless info* My fav. character is Aerith (she counts!) ...and if she doesn't count, I like Kairi. ^_^[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=YellowGreen]Omg...I can't believe I forgot to make a wish...lol. *kinda ditzy sometimes* Poof! They remade Chuck Norris! Karate Kommandos! But it's the crappiest cartoon ever, and they take it off the air during the first episode. :P I wish I could be a good manga-ka. *remembered this time...*[/COLOR]
  19. Voila! You can now shread like the best of em! But...the night before you perform to become an uber famous star, you are shot by a time-jumping maniac. :P
  20. Oh that's sad 13th.(about your not-so-good day) Metallica is the shiznit! It's the best metal band alive. ^_^ The other bands I mentioned were J-pop/rock except for O-Zone, which is Romanian techno...:P I didn't expect anyone to actually know all of the bands/singers I mentioned.
  21. [COLOR=YellowGreen]I made you a simplistic avi/banner set. You don't have to use it-trust me. Someone else would probably make a better set for you. :P I'm lacking photoshop right now...[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v679/Loaded_pistol/direngreybanner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=YellowGreen]And for the avi, I'll provide a couple. First: toshiya is my personal fav, so here it is! ^_^[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v679/Loaded_pistol/toshiya.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=YellowGreen]And here's one of all of em:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v679/Loaded_pistol/Dir20en20Grey.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [COLOR=YellowGreen]My sig changes a lot, so perhaps that means I can't keep one thought in my head for any amount of time? :P [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]The only thing that won't ever change is the Vash quote. ^_^[/COLOR]
  23. Ok...I hit Tony Blair in the head with a shovel...But it was a shovel pillow, so it didn't hurt. I wish I were 21...
  24. Nicknames given to me: Toast: Freshman year when my friends and I started tennis, I was the worst, so we always said that when I stepped on the courts I was 'toast.' (haha-get it?) Tosti Bunz: An evolution of toast, because I became the best tennis player in our group, I could no longer be called toast. Also, I make fun of manga-ka with ridiculous names, so my friends say that if I ever become a manga-ka, this will be my pen name. Shayne: My "If I were a guy" name...Aother friend thing... Yukina: My MUD/Japanese name. Stella: My latin name. Apparently my latin teacher didn't like the names I wanted (they were latinized Japanese names) so she gave me this. Yvette: My french name. I actually got to pick this one, though. ^_^ Kiwi: My MUD fruit group name. Nicknames I've given: I'm sure there are a lot, but the only one I remember is: Posie: My friend's name is Rose, and she hates being called Rosie Posie, so one of my other friends called her Rosie, and I called her Posie. (clever way of getting around that 'no rosie posie' thing)
  25. They need to die...I used to watch that show, but they pissed the crap out of me, so I quit watching it. ^_^ I now go to gamestop.com or other game sites to get anime/RPG reviews. To desert wolf-Did they really mock a con? That makes them one step down on the ladder. (as if they could get any lower.)
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