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Everything posted by Nemesis

  1. is it an american program? cuz im english
  2. weeell... i aint that good but when i draw i do the head first an build up the body afterwards, the eyes should be about half way up the head for manga but two 3rds for realistic drawing
  3. i like frieza uz he is just the evilest
  4. i was getting bored of sum other forum i was at cuz it was having a kinda quiet time, i searched for dragonballz forums and found this
  5. thats alot, the highest person ive seen before had 6300sumthin how long has this board been around cuz the post counts aint that high here
  6. nintendo are gonna release the infa red link as a seperate peripheral so if you want it then you'll have to buy it seperatley. They didnt bother to inculde it as it wasnt used much on the GBC and to keep the price down
  7. hows about this [img]http://www.goes.com/~dbzinfo/images/nani.GIF[/img]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B] This halloween I plan on trick or treating around the college chick dorms in nothing but a jock strap, or a flesh colored speedo. I can't wait. :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Nemesis


    but dont you just wish there was another dragonball series.....i can dream
  10. yesterday i ......did absoloutley nothing, today was my first day back at school
  11. only 3 of my friends like dbz, others tease me about it but i just hit em if they dont shut up
  12. how about this, its a cool site thats mainly for martial artists. I dont know if its real or not but it seems truthfull [url]http://www.martialki.cjb.net/[/url]
  13. the boards i came from custom avatars are standard, i think its cool that you have to get an amount of posts to earn them
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