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Everything posted by Shugo54

  1. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]All religions are the same. That is: they're all elitist, discriminatory cliques run by crazy, sexist, homophobic, racist old guys who love to claim that it is only through [paying, worshiping, and waiting on] them that any one might achieve a half decent afterlife. Unfortunately, people believe them.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]You are absolutely right. I agree with you 100%[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]good job...I really like the banner. but you can barely see her hair. the white background clashes with her hair. other than that you did a very good job.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]*I am afraid of myself. I have threatened my mom with a knife. I get urges to kill everyone. *I am afraid of cockroaches. I cant seem to be able to kill them. they freak me out. *I am afraid of Porcelain dolls. I feel that they stare at me and are planning to kill me. *I am afraid of the dark. I can go in the dark I can tolerate it when I want to but it freaks me out *I am afraid of people hating me or making fun of me. *I am afraid of getting my heartbroken...but that is not a worry anymore. Those are my only scares.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]My Top 5 Favorite bands. I prefer Black Metal but will post one band for each category that I like. Old Man's Child: Nice mix of Synth's and Organ's. Ireally like the voice too.Lyrics are full of hatred and they are also very deep. this is true Black Metal. Napalm Death: this is really good Death Metal/Grindcore. Very good guitar Solo's. Lyrics somewhat weird but still a very good band. Murderdolls: Nice mix of Punk-ish Vocals and Old School guitar solo's. Very funny Lyrics as well. His Infernal Majesty (HIM): Nice blend of Metal beats and Love Lyrics. This band is very good. I really like how the mix lots of things together to bring a very good style of Metal. Metallica: I like Metallica. they are a very good. this is what true Heavy Metal should sound like. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]well those are some bands I like. I prefer Black Metal over everything else but I still like other bands from different catagories[/FONT].[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I would Never want to be a Mod. The only reason I would want to be a mod is for Respect. Everyone Respect the mod's and praise them (somehow =P). Everyone wants to be cool with the mod's and I think that is really cool. But then on the other hand I would have tons of responsibilities and Pressure. I am a mod on really small forums and they are hard work. It scares just to think about all the hard work I will have to do. well that is my Opinion ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yes, Thank you very much. It's Perfect.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I would like a banner with the pictures provided.[/FONT][/COLOR] [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/media/196/hs_alucard109.png]Right Pucture[/URL] [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/show.php?img=albums/cowboy_bebop/vicious/cb_vicious0001.jpg]Left Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.myfavoritegames.com/ImageFolio31_files/gallery-db-z-gt-x/Broly/BrolySuperSaiyan.jpg]Center Picture[/URL] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]As the names suggest they means where they need to be placed. I searched for specific pictures facing a certain way. I would like Broly to be in the center of the banner. Vicious will be in the left side of the banner. and Alucard will be in the Right side. Oh and I would like the background to be Blackish and Redish. and can you please add "Shugo54" somewhere in the middle with the font "book Antiqua". And I will like the banner to be 400x100. Sorry for asking a lot. Thanks in Advance ~Shugo54[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua](^_^"
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ok, Well Valentine's day is something made up just to suck money out of people and then claiming it that it is for love and not money. I think Valentine's day is something we can live without but love..that is a diferent story...[/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Yume Tenshi']i think we should all give up on LOVE.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]HAHAHA that sounds real pathetic...I am sorry but it does. Just because it feels like love is something you dont need doesn't mean you should give up hope. Love doesn't revolve around breaking up or breaking hearts. It is about happyness. You have probably never felt love before that is why you feel this way. Dont give up on something you dont know anything about. Sadly, I was just like you. But then I saw the error of my way. Giving up is for pathetic people. Once you find real love then you will see things diferently. I am not just talking a about an infatuation...I am talking about real love. Most people confuse and infatuation with love. You are one of those people.dont lose hope yet.[/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Yume Tenshi']ok so my brother is a little weird but what do you think he my brother where all cazy here. I still hate it just cause poeple are stupid and they just do stupid stuff. But you would hate it if you where me i had to spend last year with my brother and all he did was make out in front of me and then they went back to his bedroom and had sex with his girlfriend and i was still in the house .[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well that is messed up. He is just a horny person probably. It depends on his reason for doing that. A relationship isn't all about sex or sex appeal. Those people who believe it's all aboout sex and sex appeal are pathetic.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Adahn]I wholeheartedly disagree. I think the opposite is true, but with a slight change. [b]Anyone you'd live for, you love.[/b] Any person can give up his/her life, but does anyone stop and think about how the person you love feels? If you truly love them, and they love you, you'd be willing to do anything to live for them. Making them happy is your sole motivation in life, and dying for them will cause them the greatest pain ever. If one of us [b]HAD [/b']to die, and the other would have to go on living, I would suffer the burden of life without her.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I agree with Adahn. If you truly love someone your one true goal in life would be to make them happy..even at the expense of your unhappyness. I have a special someone That I love dearly. I live only for her. I am suicidal and I always think of dying...but then I remember her and how unhappy she would be if I died. I dont care about my family or anyone else..I only care about her. She is the one that keeps me in this world. So Then I would Define Love as something magical. Most people believe that just saying "I love You" is enough. Some people might lose faith in Love because they have never felt it.Many think Love is stupid....They are just ignorant. Love heals everything...that might sound stupid but it truly does heal. Love brings happyness. One might confuse Love with Infatuation. Most people make that mistake. An infatuation is fake. It might feel like love but it is nothing like that. If one has an infatuation they will get hurt when they leave them..everyone will get hurt if their partner left them..but those with infatuations are selfish and get mad at the one that hurt them. Those who are truly in love will find the truth and happyness in their despair. It is really hard to explain because it is something undescribable. That is all I have to say.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I am neither a follower or a Leader. I create my own path. I create my own beliefs. I create my own path in life. I hate following. it's stupid and pointless. Leading is also stupid and pointless..people only become leaders because they want to feel big and strong..they want to be praised for leading..it's pathetic. I walk far away from everyone.I also only hang out with people who are neither followers nor leaders. I only associate with them. Everyone else I think is pathetic because they either want to feel strong and brave being a leader or they want to follow just to fit in. It's sickening. Well That is my statement and I stick to it =P[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=DDG][size=1] The official order(of all of the parts of the .hack Project and its as close as it'll get) is this: [spoiler]1. AI BUSTER (novel) 2. SIGN (TV series) 3. INFECTION (video game) 4. LIMINALITY 1 (OVA) 5. MUTATION (video game) 6. LIMINALITY 2 (OVA) 7. OUTBREAK (video game) 8. LIMINALITY 3 (OVA) 9. QUARANTINE (video game) 10. LIMINALITY 4 (OVA) 11. INTERMEZZO (OVA) 12. UNISON (OVA) 13. GIFT (OVA) 14. ZERO (novel) 15. DUSK (manga)/UDEDEN (TV show)[/spoiler] I'm not sure on the other two questions you have, though, about Aura and Blackrose.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]That order is wrong. [spoiler].hack//zero is after .hack//sign but before the .hack games..hack//zero revolves around sora's data that got stuck in the world. Morgonna used the data that skeith data drained from sora to create a searching/killing machine. Dark sora's job was to find Aura but instead he becomes crazy and then tries to destroy her. Morgonna then banishes dark sora to net slum. Dark sora then comes back when you beat the game and helba sends you the member adress of subaru,tsukasa,dark sora and herself. That is when kite meets dark sora.[/spoiler] That is the only thing you were wrong on. I applaud your significant expertise on .hack though. Well if anyone wants to ask me questions on .hack then feel free to PM me because I know everything about .hack. not to sound like i'm bragging but I want to help those who dont fully understand it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. Shugo54


    [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Shame.....Shame is something bad but at the same time something good.It teaches you to learn what to do and not to do but at the same time it destroys your self-esteem. I Always think things through because I am afraid to be Ridiculed for something I have done. People view me as crazy because I dont believe in Christ. My family is Ashamed of me because I dont believe in Christ. I am Ashamed of everything I have done. The one that Always haunts me is from 3 years ago......I had been talking to my mom and arguing with her about matters revolving around my family in Guatemala. I told her that she pays more attention to them than to me. She then went into a mad fit and was gonna hit me with a belt. I didn't want to get hit...I was afraid....I had done nothing wrong (well ijn my eyes) I then ran to the kitchen to find a butcher Knife....I threatened her....I told her to Stay Away from me......I had no other choice. My spirit is too free to be controlled by anyone. I never listen to what people tell me. I may sound like a trouble maker but I am actually not. I follow what I think is right. That is why people view me as crazy. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hellsing is quite an Amazing Anime. It is actually my favorite. The graphics are awesome. The storyline is unique and up to date. I bought the boxed collection a month ago. It was awesome. I really love Hellsing. I have also read the manga and it is also really good. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='wrist cutter']Because that's what religion is all about. Making yourself feel better by randomly pulling deities out of... the garbage chute.[/quote] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Yup, you got that right. [/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=Annalisse][color=darkslategray][size=1] Shugo54's idea sounds like various forms of religion. I see Native American Indian beliefs, Buddhism beliefs, and Egyptian beliefs. I saw some theorist idea in there as well, but I don't remember who. It's good to have interest in all forms of religion. But, to go off and say you've created your own religion..which has already been done by a very well-known religion. Hm.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well I studied many religions and I got many idea's from those religions. I found flaws in all of them. So i decided to mix some of the beliefs into one. Thus my religion. But I actually created the main Philosophy myself and The 5 Animal Deities, I also created that Idea. So My religion is a mix of all the things I have found interesting.I wanted a religion that I like and I can believe In. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yes, that is a very good suggestion. But It has one major flaw. Dagger IX1 posted it. If I had to reach a certain number of post to be able to create my own threads and be respected I would be pissed. Most people dont have the kind of patience. If this plan goes through then most of the new members will become tired of waiting and leave the forum. I dont know the percentage but all i know is that there are less "Members" than "New Members" When I was a New Member I did not want to post because I knew I would never be as good as everyone else or post as much. I think that new members should be allowed to create their own threads. They should be treated with respect. It may seem like a good idea to most of the Moderators because they are known and are respected. Being a New Member is hard.I should know because I still kind of Am one. That is all I have to say. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE]My brother and his friends did the same thing. They call their religion Boodyism (I think that's how it's spelled.) From what my brother tells me the religion is all about squishing ants and touching booties. I don't know what else it involves.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]No, you are mistaken. What your brother created is called a cult. Mine is nothing of the sort. Mine is a Philosophy. Just like buddhism. Buddhism started out as a Philosophy and way of life but then it became a religion. Mine is just like buddhism except different Ideas. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]hmmmmm. Well I am pure Chapin. Both my parents were born in Guatemala. I would have expected to be a bit tanner but No. I am not that Tan at all. I am very white but I still am Tan. I am a pure Meztiso.A meztiso is a type of culture that was created when Spanish/English settlers came to Central America and raped the ingigenous people. It's a sad story really. My roots lie in rape *sigh* how sad. I speak Spanish and English fluently. I mostly speak spanish to my parents because they dont know English yet. Even tho they have been here 10 years before I was born (I am 15 btw). Most of my hispanic friends would rather speak English than Spanish. I think that is pathetic and sad. They say they are pure latinos and yet they dont act like it. They use their Heritage as an Image. it's really pathetic.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]hmmmmm, well I created my own religion. well it's not a religion it's just a new way of believing in stuff. My religion bases itself on Nature and Animals. It also has reincarnation. The main philosophy behing it is that" Every action has a positive and negative Effect" so basically everything you do is good and bad. I have 5 Animal Deities and 2 gods/goddese's.the sun god and the moon godess. my religion (which has no name) is a mix of everything I have liked about religions. It's my oen way of thinking. each religion has it's flaws and good points so i decided to make one that I will like to follow.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Book Antiqua]Good job, it gives a good description of the landscape. I give it an 8. it's really good. I see you are a fellow haiku writer. well keep up the good work.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Book Antiqua]Nice poem. I give it a 6. You started of good but in the end it did not go with the beat. Well it's a nice poem. You must really love her. Well I am also in Love but i still only make Dark/Sad poetry. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Book Antiqua]This is the first Poem I will post up. I will post more sooner.[/FONT] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Eternity Shall I listen to Eternity? Following it's rules Using it's stupid tools' Not listening to faith Acting like a mother Fucking Saint Begging for Happyness Given stress and Sadness Driven by stupid Illusions Plagued by Fucking Intrusions Shall I listen to Eternity? Filled with the lies of Humanity Losing all my fucking Sanity Destroying the weak and feeble Being truly Evil Wishing for acceptance Forced to see remnants Being loved by no one Being loathed by everyone Shall I listen to Eternity? Dancing with the dead With a fucking severed head Being lost and confused Being used and abused Reaching the limit Taking my spirit Willfully giving up my soul For the ultimate control Shall i listen to Eternity? Given the Dark power Hatred and Sadness will I shower Returning the fucking favor That I will truly savor Darkness will be my essence Everyone will cower at my presence Not wanting this fate Sadly it is already too late... Shall I listen to Eternity??[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thank you sooo much ^_^ its perfect [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]ahhhh, nice question. well i have 2 sides to me. 1: This is my Evil and Depressed side. I act older and turn deadly serious. I turn into a silent killer. I would want toi destroy everyone. Well he acts Older like about 22 2: This is my Happy and hyper side. I act way younger. I jump around, I yell, I headbang in the bus and I do crazy Stuff. I act like a friggin 9 year old. I just turned 15 today. so that is me in a nutshell. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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