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Everything posted by Shugo54
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Wow, that is pretty cool! Well My dad told me about his uncle who was president of Guatemala long ago. My dad is so so it was a really long time Ago that my dad's uncle was president. His name was Juan-Jose Arrevalo. Me and my sister are still asking my dad more and more about his uncle. My sister who is 31 has found many books written by Doctor Arrevalo. She is currenlt studying more about him. well so yea i am a descendant of the greatest President Guatemala has seen. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Cliff and Silver were handling the tanks on the west. crap crap CRAP!!!!! we are outnumbered silver Cliff yelled. Just then 4 missiled were fired headed directly at Elizabeth and Tiegre. What the hell....they cant shot at someone while they aren't fighting other tanks. Silver, shoot the missiles down with your photon Flare commanded cliff Understood replied silver Silver then shoot out 3 lasers at the missiles. the lasers took out 3 of the missiles but the fourth was still headed for Elizabeth and Tiegre. WATCH OUT!!!!! yelled cliff Just then Elizabeth and Tiegre jumped out of the way and the missile hit the ground and exploded. ............. Ok, now i made a total ass outta myself. i should have known that she is more than capable of protecting herself. Cliff then returned to fighting the Tanks. I wonder how Sayne is doing wondered cliff He has used his Special technique replied Silver What are you talking about? asked Cliff When the Pilot and the Mech Link together to become a force more stronger replied Silver Ahhhh that seems cool......can we link? asked Cliff Yes replied Silver Cool!!!! yelled Cliff we can become more connected than we already are said Cliff Yes replied Silver as he smiled Let link now commanded Cliff Understood replied Silver[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=System]**Linking Port Activated. Connection:Cliff**[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Just then as Silver and Cliff linked all of memories of both Cliff and silver collided. They both had the same memories. about sadness about being shunned about not fitting in...about hatred. RAAAAAWWWRRRRRR Yelled both Silver and cliff Let's Destroy these Pathetic fools!!!! Said Silver and cliff in Unison[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yes, I would like a Darker banner please. I like this one but I need a Darker one. So sorry to trouble you.[/FONT][/COLOR]
well it may seem that everyone that likes anime likes rock because most anime has at least some rock in it. but then the people who start liking rock through anime is not truly a rocker. Linkin Park isn't hard rock its alternative. blink 182 is pop punk. You are also missing many types of metal in your poll. I am a metalhead i hate rap, punk rock and pop rock. you should try to consider all the types of rockers out there.
Ok, I will wait as long as it takes.
[FONT=Impact]OOC: since i haven't posted in a long time i will be having a flashback to when i met my mech.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Crap!!!! that was a big attack. are you okay silver? Yes, i am fine cliff. phew i thought i would lose you. do you remember when we first saw each other? said cliff Yes, i do remember i felt something in you...something that no one else had......[/FONT] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]~Flashback~[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I wonder if i can have a mech Cliff said. I want a feline mech....well the tiger and the lion are already taken and i see no other feline mech. just then he heard something in the corner. What was that?! said cliff Maria hid behind cliff and then out of the darkness came out a panther. whoa is that a mech? Yes, I am a mech said the Panther What? you talk? Yes, i am able to comprehend and speak your language. Why were you in the corner? asked cliff well i do not like those humans. they treated me like garbage. I despise them. Why are you talking to me then? asked cliff well i sense something in you....something that is nothing like them. really??? asked cliff Wow i never knew that...i really like you ya know said Cliff. The panther just ran up to cliff and laid next to him. cliff crouched down and started petting him. I shall call you silver is that okay with you? Yes, that is prefectly fine. Well how rude of me not to introducemyself...I am cliff and this is my Girlfriend Maria said Cliff. Nice to meet you Maria and cliff. You would make a real good buddy ya know that said cliff. Silver stayed quiet. i dont consider you a tool or anything i consider you a friend since you were nice to me said cliff. Silver replied Thank you cliff. I really appreciate your friendship. I knew you were nothing like those humans over there. they may have created me but they have no control over me. Yup you got that right said cliff. Silver Smiled. are you really a robot? asked cliff Silver replied I am not a robot i am an animamech. i have many special abilities and traits that make me very powerful. I excel in stealth,Speed and Range. I also have pretty impressive attack power. wow said Cliff you seem very strong. I am glad to have you as a buddy cliff said smiling. Thank You cliff replied Silver............[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]~End Flashback~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]That was awesome huh Silver said cliff. Yes, it was magnificent. I would die for you Cliff. I may be a robot but that does not change how i feel. i have emotions as well. I dont know about the other mech's but i was uilt with an emotion chip that lets me feel emotions replied Silver. ahhh i see.just then another barrage of missiles flew down. move out of the way!!! said cliff. Roger replied Silver. Wow you are really fast said Cliff. Yes, like i said i was built for speed,stealth and Range. I wanna see one of your long range attack said Cliff. Roger replied Silver PHOTON FLARE!!! Silver shot out 3 Lasers and they hit their targer precisely Was that good enough Cliff? Cliff was speechless. Silver smiled and said now you see a bit of my potential.A bit?!?!?! said Cliff that was awesome and you are saying that was just a bit of your true potential? Yes replied Silver i can only muster my full potential when you command me too cliff. Really? asked cliff. Yes replied Silver. wow that is awesome! said cliff. Silver just smiled. Well lets continue the batlle ordered cliff. Affirmative replied Silver. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yes, I would like a bigger and darker banner please. sorry to trouble you.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]oh ok. thank you very much. i will wait as long as it takes.[/FONT]
OOC: soooo sooooo sorry for my absence. now i am totaly lost @.@ [FONT=Book Antiqua]Alan had just woken up from the commotion he heard inside the house. he sighed and he got up. he still kept thinking about Sakura. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=2]Why.....Why........ [/SIZE][/COLOR] he keep saying to himself. when he got in he saw all the women. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]What is all the commotion everyone?[/COLOR][/SIZE] he said. Sakura ran towards him and showed him the letter. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]Good for you all i am really excited for you guys......[/COLOR][/SIZE] he whispered "[COLOR=DarkRed]not[/COLOR]". [[SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]well like i really care[/COLOR][/SIZE]. They all just stared at him. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]I'll be taking my leave now...bye everyone have fun and make sure to use protection HAHAHAHA[/COLOR][/SIZE] alan then left to the woods to find something to do. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]crap...crap...CRAP!!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [Why do i always do that?] he thought. he sighed and kept on walking.[/FONT] OOC: sorry for being so mean he is just trying to find what type of man Sakura would like.
Are you sick? As in with a disease or illnes or flu?
Shugo54 replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Book Antiqua]I dont think i have a long/life time illness. but recently i have been coughing up mucus and blood. i am sleeping and then i start coughing out of nowehere. it really sucks. but i haven't gone to the doctor because there is a slight chance i might die hehehe so i dont take any medicine. I also suffer from constant headaches. they suck [/FONT] -
What do you look for in a guy/girl?
Shugo54 replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Black][FONT=Book Antiqua]hmmmm this is a really interesting topic. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Well, I'm not an expert on the matter, but they stare at you and giggle because they like you/think you're hot/cute.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I agree with Altron on that. but not all times they giggle because they think you are cute/hot. they sometimes do that to ridicule. they might stare at you but that doesn't mean they are thinking good things about you. they might be laughing at how you look or how you walk. they could be staring at you all dreamy eyed because it was a dare or to lead you on and then make fun of you.[/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Anyway back to the questions. What do other guys look for in girls?, is it there personalities?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]well what i look for in a girl is how they make me feel. i want a girl who is warm and nice. who will never give up on me. who would hug me and kiss me to make me feel better. i really dont care about looks as long as she loves me. [/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]I was like you. i had a cold heart. i hated every single human being for making me suffer. i wanted to destroy them all. I wanted them dead. i even threatened my mom with a knife. I had never felt love before i had never loved anyone. until recently. i met her and even tho i was evil and a masochist she didn't give up on me. she tried everything to cheer me up. she wanted me happy. and i also kept pushing her away because i did not believe her.no one has ever cared about my happyness. so it was hard to believe.i was living in the darkness. I have never had a G/F. i had never had a someone to love until now. she made me happy. i never thought i would ever be happy. i thought the suffering would never end. i was alone in this world. everyone hated me so i hated them. she has taught me to love and it feels wonderful. i thought love was something only the weak minded felt. i was wrong. it is the best emotion ever. i had always felt sadness and hatred until now. Love has made my life better and i never thought that was possible.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
well i was gonna signup to be the mage but because i didn't know much on him i could finish the sign up. its a really good story it would make an awesome RPG but you need the people to let them make their own character. a character that has to follow the rules and is predictable is no fun. you need to let people create their character. you can still use the same name and the same fate for the character but you need to let everyone else build their characters personality and stuff. well i hope that helped. i would really like to join but i still dont know much on the character. RPGs that let you create you character are easier because you created you character and know everything about your character.
Well in August i had just gotten internet for the first time ever. i was unsure about what to do so i started looking for people that like .hack. i know everything about .hack so i wanted to meet other people that also knew everything. it gave me a link to this place. i clicked on it and signed up as Shugo54. i was never really into posting a lot so i just was looking for people with AIM to chat with. i was more into meeting people than posting. well i did get into an RPG it was really good. i am a n00b here lol. i just came here like a few months ago in august lol.
[COLOR=Black][FONT=Book Antiqua]Can someone please make a Deep and Dark banner and avatar. it could be any color as long as it still is Deep and Dark. it could be of any Anime as long as it is still Deep and Dark. and can it say "The Darkness Will Never Leave" on the banner. i want the avatar to say nothing. thank you very much.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]wow so i am not alone on the online relationship thing. well i met my G/f on OB in august. i then chatted with her on AIM every single day.i then started to grow feelings for her and i confessed them to her on october and then we started dating. we are still dating. yesterday was our 3 month anniversary. i know she really loves me a lot and i also feel the same way but the problems arise when i am the one not believeing her. i have had a bad experience with society so i drifted away from them and never trusted them again. i was in a deep depression so i didn't trust and believe anyone. but now that i am recoving and trying to not be anti-social anymore i trust her and believe her more. we are even planning on marrying each other when we are 18 and we can meet. i am not shamed about being in an online relationship. well actually this is my first relationship i have ever been in. i am really shy so i never had the nerve to ask anyone out. then i went into a depression and turned my back on society thinking that evereyone hated me so then i grew a hatred towards them and became satanic. i have just realized that not everyone hates me some people are still nice but there will always be a few of those mean types. but i shouldn't hate eveeryone for what a few people have done to me. well i love my g/f very much i will always love her because she has helped me outta my depression and she has made me happy. i will never find someone else like her. i will cherish her forever. but i have noticed something now that i am happy girls are finnaly noticing me and seing how great i am. it's really funny. too bad i am already taken lol.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]blah..blah...blah. Cliff was getting tired of his calculus teacher Mr. Ross. he wanted to doze off but he couldn't because he cant sleep in the day. he sighed and said dammit this is really boring. he then stuch his hand in his pocket to check up on something. hmmmm i see it is still here hehehe. he took out a small box and opened it. it held a beautiful emerald ring brimmimg with light. ahhhh its beatiful he said Maria will sure love this. He then read the inscription "To Maria With All My Love-Cliff" Its perfect i bet she will soooo love this. 10 minutes the bell rang to lunch and all the students packed heir stuff and left.Cliff was the first out the door he was running to see Maria. He ran the fastest he has ever ran before he then got to Maria's locker. Hey Maria?.....ummm yes cliff? well i would like to give you this token of our love....Cliff hands the box over. What is it? Maria said with excitement as she opened the box. Ohhhh my god!!!!!!! she said as she grew tears of joy in her eye. I love you sooooo much sweetie she said Cliff just smiled. Maria then gave Cliff a big kiss. Lets go to eat lunch sweetie. ok said Cliff. they both held hands as they walked to the lunchroom. I will pay for you lunch maria and i also got another special treat he said smiling. Maria was just too happy to say anything. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
Sign Up Project: True Destiny Unwinds (M - LVS)
Shugo54 replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
Is it too late to sign up? [FONT=Impact]Name: Cliff Armstrong Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Cliff is a macho type of guy with a very muscular type of body. all he does is weigh train and eat protein shakes. he wears casual jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. he never dresses fancy. he just wears what he wants to. Personality:Cliff is a very stubborn person. he never listens to anyone except maria. he would never show his sensitive side.he prefers to be macho and tough. he keeps to himself a lot and doesn't speak of the past that often. Bio:Cliff was born into a poor family and so he rare ate. he then decided to get into weight training at around 13 years of age. he grew up on protein food which his trainer gave him. He met Maria at around age 17. they then started dating and since then he was been with her. not much else is known about him. Crush/Love: Maria Leingod (NPC) Weakness: Cliff is too brash for his own good. he does things without thinking and that is his true weakness[/FONT] MechAnima Sign-Up [FONT=Book Antiqua]Mechanime:Panther Name: Silver Personality: Ever since Silver was created he has always been the quiet one. never picking fights. it would seem he was planning something. he was planning to destroy all of his creators. he is very destructive when he is pushed to the limit. Silver only obeys cliff and will unleash its full power when cliff commands. Silver does not see Cliff as his master he sees him more as his friend. Appearance:Silver lookd like a regular panther. his fur looks almost real.the only thing that will make him not seem like a regular panther is the spike on his tail. Silver can camaflouge easily in the darkness. Abilities: Metaclaw Strike and Silver Grenades Special Abilities: Photon Flare: Silver throws 3 powerful energy beams at foes destroying anything in its way. Destruction Roar: Silver sends high pitched sonic booms at enemies disrupting their senses. Weakness: Just like his pilot. Silver is too brash as well. they seem to make the perfect match[/FONT] is this good enough? -
I would really like to join your RPG. well i sent you the info you needed so then i hope the RPG starts soon because i would really like to join.
OOC:waaaaaaaa this RPG is dead!!!!! i dont want it to die. Ryu gasped as he saw all the players falling into comas.No i wont let this end like this!!!!!! LYN!!!!!!!! snap out of it!!!!!!!!! this is not like you!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
as drake left alan was left alone with sakura. Sakura: ummm where did drake go? Alan: he went to fall asleep Sakura: but he told me to make 2 cups of cocoa Alan: can i have some cocoa? Sakura: well sure here ya go Alan: thanks they both sat down at the table to drink their hot chocolate. they entered into a deep conversation. Alan: sooo do you have a b/f? Sakura: no Alan: oh ok well i dont have a g/f either Sakura; Really? Alan: yes and i ughhhhh Sakura: hmmm? Alan: i kinda like you Sakura: i don't know what to say Alan: so would you like to go out with me? OOC: well Sakura18 you choose what you want to do. ^_~
OOC: i haven't posted in a long time sorry about that >< Alan was watching everyone sing. alan is a very good singer but he doesn't know that. " singing sucks it's no fun" *alan stares at everyone* "pytiful humans their sense of amusement is that of an infant" suddenly they all pull him up and say "it's your turn" "WTH????NO!!!!!! i dont wanna go!!!!!!" "you have to go" everyone say in unison "but i dont know any songs...well any non-sad songs anyway" says Alan. "well sing on of those songs" sakura says "no you guys dont like this kind of music....well whatever i'll sing but i know you guys wont like it". Alan gets ready to sing vermillion by slipknot [U] [COLOR=Red]She seems dressed in all the rings...of past fatalities so fragile yet so devoius she continues to see climatic hands that press her temples and my chest enter the night that she came home (forever) she's the only one that makes me sad she is everything and more.. the solemn hypnotic my dahlia bathed in possesion she is home to me i get nervous perverse when i see her it's worse but the stress is outstanding it's now or never she's coming home (forever) She's the only one that makes me sad hard to say what caught my attention fixed and crazy aphid attraction carve my name in my face to recognize such a pheromone cult to terrorize I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I won't let this build up inside of me I am a slave and I am a master no restarints and unchecked collectors I exist through my need to self oblige she is something in me i despise I won''t let this build up inside of me She isn't real I can't make her real She isn't real I can't make her real[/COLOR][/U] Alan finishes the song and leaves before anyone can say anything.
OOC:i'm lost @_@ the last thing i remember is that my team won and then the chocolate incident but after that i dont know what is/was happening Alan: What The Hell?!?!?! (why the helll do i always get manipulated by girls) Alan gets up and walks outside. "why does she always bug me.....I haven't done anything bad or wrong to her" suddenly steps outside Alan: What do you want?!?! Sakura: ummmmi came here to apologize for drawing stars on you and eating your chocolate Alan: yea whatever Sakura:well ummmmmm i'm soooo sorry *she bows* Alan: humph Sakura: well i actually came out here to say that.......I kinda like you Alan: yea right Sakura: No, really i think you're cute Alan: well i think you are cute also but i thought you hated me Sakura: well i have to go back to my team bye bye Alan: yea bye Sakura goes back inside to where her team is. "hmmmmm" Alan goes to find a tree to climb suddenly he sees corey passed out "oh crap what do i do!!!!!!" suddenly john appears and calls for First Aid
Alan: we finally got to the village John: yea it was a fun hike Charles: humph Alan: well lets go get some chocolates Charles: they have to be the good chocolate Alan: you mean the rich person chocolate Charles: humph John: i dont like chocolates i prefer health bars Alan: okay Alan noticed that kim and aria were being very distant and that corey was still feeling sick. "i wonder if corey will be okay" "should i ask him if he's ok...."naw" the team reaches the chocolate shop. OOC: i'm sorry Alan only talks to Charles and John Alan isn't a people person he rarely makes friends
Alan: when are we gonna get there?!?!?!?! Charles: i don't know man John: are you guys tired?!?!?! hahahaha i train like this everyday Charles: but we don't....i like driving my car around Alan: i can withstand the pain i actually like the pain.....but i dont like that this is taking a long time Charles: humph John: you like pain? Alan: yea i love physical pain John: cool Corey:................ Alan: well john have you made up your mind which chick you want to go out with? John: i think both kim and aria are cute i want to get with one of them but i dont know which one Charles: well i actually like cassie she is just soo cute man Alan: hmm interesting i actually like sakura even though she was laughing at me i though she was soo cute but she probably hates me They all keep walking to the village at a fast but steady pace
hmmmmm i agree with both of you. on one side you need freedom in the RP but it depends on the people in the RP if they want freedom. I dont like affecting any Rp's that i am in because i am one of those people who doesn't know how to be free. well this is just my opinion. so i think that the RP would be a good one if you cover the main points that is.