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Everything posted by Shugo54

  1. thank you so much for the help. i really appreciate it.
  2. can someone help me with this banner i made ( i know i'm not good) but when i put it in my sig it doesn't work. can someone please help me [URL=file:///C:/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/Shugo54%20loves%20Sakura18.jpg]here it is[/URL]
  3. its morning and alan wakes up "*yawn* that was a weird dream.....i wonder who was that girl in my dream" Alan keeps thinking "she was so cute" *20 minutes later* Alan is staring at the lake when he spot a girl ????:Hello who might you be...you have some drawings of starts on your face Alan: huh?? well whatever my name is Alan Morales ????: the name's beth Alan: okay Beth: so you're in team 1 along with Morgan Kimberly Taylor,Charles hupp,Connor A Desren,john Slicer,Aria Talbain,Corey Roos Alan: huh?? i don't know anyone except john and charles Beth: well then ask around Alan: ............ i'm not a people person Beth: well i have to go bye Alan: bye Alan sees Beth walk away then he decides to go inside "wow this place is nice" he decides to wander around *10 minutes later* "damm this house is big" suddenly he sees a girl peeking in a room Alan: hello my name is alan whats your name ??????: Hi Hi my name is Sakura Alan: this girl looks like the girl in my dream Sakura: *she suddenly can control her laughter and falls down laughing* Alan: what the hell is so funny Sakura: *she is still laughing* Alan: GRRRRRRRRRR *alan storms out of the house* "no wonder i hate people" suddenly he spots a big tree and he decides to climb it "now no one will bug me"
  4. Alan has just started star gazing when john walks up John: Hey Alan! Why are you outside by yourself setting up a tent? Alan: i'm not a people person John: why dont you come to the boulder to read some manga with me Alan: oh you like manga too thats so cool John: hell ya i like manga its so badass Alan:cool and sure i'll go John: cool Alan and john walk towards the rock where john was training. *1 hour passes* Alan: i'm gettin tired John: yea me too...wanna crash in my room? Alan: naw i'm fine i wanna sleep outside John: ok John walks back to the villa and alan to his tent. suddenly he bumps into someone. ??????: Whoa! Sorry dude. Uh, could you help me out a little? ALAN: Ummm, I guess. Who are you anyway? CHARLES: Call me Charles; I just got here, I'm really late. Could you show me where my room is? ALAN: Uh...Just go upstairs and find a door with your name on it I guess. I'm just going to sleep outside myself. The moon is full tonight, and the stars are beautiful. CHARLES: Yeah, great, whatever. Uh, thanks man. Alan see's charles walk past him "what a weird dude" Alan then goes to his tent and falls asleep
  5. alan knocks on john's door Alan: hello John: hi...i thought you were busy Alan: naw i finished the poem i was working on......now i can relax john: ok that's cool Alan: have you met anyone else yet? John: No not yet Alan: oh ok.....i dont like talking to people much John: me neither Alan: well i'll be going now its getting pretty late John: okay bye Alan goes out of john's room . "i wonder what i should do now" Alan goes to the lake and spots 2 girls talking "whoa..she's naked...she looks so pretty" Alan just keeps walking along until he finds a tree and decides he'll camp outside. "i don't want to bother anyone....so i'll camp outside. *he sets up a tent* "hmmm it's still to early to fall asleep...i'll star gaze"
  6. "Why are you so quiet Alan??" said Alan's english teacher. "i'm just thinking why i am supposed to go to that french villa". "we are almost there...it will be fun cheer up". *4 hours later* "here we are Alan..well i'll be off". "ok bye" *the car drove off* "this will be a long day" alan said. he see's the villa "i dont want to go inside yet" he said. Alan then spots some of the students talking by a tree. "need to get away" alan snakes past them. he then find a spot on the other side of the lake to sit "wow what a beautiful scenery". suddenly he feel a small tremble. he spot one of the students pounding on a boulder. "what the hell i should probably be friends with him" Alan walks up to him Alan:hello, my name Is alan and i see that you are one of the students chosen to come to the villa. ?????:hello Alan: ummm i see you like training ?????:yea...by the way the names john. i am trying to become stronger than i am. Alan: ok thats cool John: yea Alan: do you know any of the other students? John: no Alan: oh ok...i just got her so i dont know what to do John: its okay stick with me i'll be your friend Alan: okay thanks john goes back to pounding the boulder and alan goes to the lake to think of some poems.
  7. i like Shooting Star-(Please Teacher Theme) New World-(.hack//legend of the twilight theme) I also like this band called Moi Dix Mois(mana from malize mizer is the founder of this japanese goth band) the songs i like are as follows La dix Croix Gloire dans le silence L'intelieur Dix Detresse Priere Dialogue Symphonie-x Dix est infini
  8. Name: Alan Morales Age:17 Gender:Male Appearance:[URL=http://scape.kichigai.info/images/gackt/gallery/magazines/g-shoxx-76-2.jpg]Alan staring into nothingness[/URL] Personality: Alan is a very quiet and shy person. Alan is very romantic,poetic and worryful. Hobbies:Alan likes staring into the sky Best Subject:English Personality Trait: Shy Bio: Alan likes being in the background. he doesn't want prople to know he exists. if Alan falls in love he will be a complete gentlemen. he would make poetry,bring her flowers and shower her with love. alan doesn't like making new friends thats why he has never had many friends.
  9. I hate my braces. i have had them for almost 3 years from 2nd semester 6th grade and now i'm entering my 2nd semester of 9th grade. at first i had a big upper overbite then the dentist did an error and now my bottom row of teeth have a slight over bite. he is making me wear some rubber bands bah. i dont wear them (only sometimes...if i remember >
  10. i think that faye valentine is the hottest anime chick. she has nice boobs,cute hair and a very nice butt. my second choice is bulma she has really huge boobs,a very nice butt (this bulma is from dragonball not DBZ not old bulma).
  11. can someone please make me a banner and matching avatar of mana or klaha. if you could make one that would be great. i dont care which one you choose i just really want a banner and matching avatar please.
  12. not all people eneter the drawing business for money. they eneter it because they like drawing and have a passion for drawing. i like drawing but i suck but that doesn't stop me i keep drawing for fun. some people thinks its pointless but for some its their life and soul. even though there is a chance that you will get rich off drawing its a very slim chance but that shouldn't discourage the drawers out there.
  13. thats a pretty cool dream ^_^ yea and i think you should put a lot of abstacles in their ways. love isn't something easy. believe me its really hard -_- well i think you would be good at making an RPG that would be so cool ^_^ i would join your RPG.
  14. i have never tried to make amanga. but in 8th grade i did do a comic it was 6 episodes long. it was called Monkey Pimp even though the drawings sucked people liked it because it was based on people i knew. It was a weird comic but it was pretty popular (even though it was an undeground comic).The stories were unique because i used to always think before i drew so that is how i made it. but when the homework started pouring in i didn't have enough time to keep up with the story. So i just ended it. i am planning to try to bring him back but now in HS theres double HW that sucks. i will probably make it in vacations...hopefully. :wigout:
  15. ryu sees all the comotion "What the hell" blynd tells ryu that there is a virus in the area Ryu gasps "so what do we do?" ryu asks blynd & zen "i dunno" blynd tells ryu. "i suggest we fight it" ryu tells blynd "how can we defeat it then" blynd ask ryu. ryu thinks for a second "first we need more people to help us". *they switch servers* *they suddenly appear in dun loireag* "so what do we do now" zen asks. "we should get more people to help us with the fight"ryu tells blynd & zen............................
  16. my favorite anime charecter is keitaro from Love Hina. he is a perv and he is always getting his butt kicked by naru. he reminds me of myself when i was younger always trying to look up girl's skirts XD lol. my other favorite character is broly from dragonballz he is so cool. he is one crazy mofo thats why i think hes cool ^_^
  17. I think death is just a phase just like life. you die you die thats all there is too it other people believe in eternal life when you die but i believe that when you die you vanish from existence. your soul dissapears into nothingness thats what i believe. you body might remain in this so called "world" but your soul vanishes into thin air. your emotions might stay but your soul dissapears. well thats what i think death revolves around(my opinion of course).
  18. Shugo54

    Gothic Music

    there is a diference between gothic music,black metal and death metal. I personally like black metal better but death metal has some really good bands:lamb of god and deicide are death metal black metal has behemoth,old man's child,dimmu borgir,cradle of filth and satyricon lots of more good black metal bands out there but gothic music has nothing to do with metal it is just made for the image of goths i dont like gothic music because its a mix of lots of music together. they may look cool but looks can be deceiving.
  19. [quote name='wrist cutter']You don't seem to be doing a very good job of it. You just about killed your mother before you "fell in love". I'd hate to think what you would do when the relationship ends.[/quote] yes i know i cant control my life.....but at least even for a few moments i feel like i have control over my life. even though i wouldn't know if i could control it but for right now i have control of it. no matter if its only for a day or 40 years at least i have control of it at least for one day.thats all that matters right now.
  20. [quote name='wrist cutter']Are you living in a soap opera or something?[/quote] maybe i am but why should you care. it is my life i dont need people critisizing it. that is why i was always angry at the world...because of people like you critisizing others about their problems.well i really dont care what you think.it is my life and i should keep it in control.
  21. O_O thats such a cool .hack banner...i'm sooo jealous. its a really good banner well as the others have said it needs a boarder and where mireille is thers a weird spot. but other than those problems its a really good banner. can you please make one for me please ^_^ rating:9
  22. [quote name='Halo2']If I where in that game I would love to be a Player Killer get to go around with the Sorry if I'm Mistacen the stupid kick *** Crimson Knights following me. Oh yea what is your favorite character and Wants B.T stand for I never saw that episod and my favorite character is That Guy With The White Cape White Hair I think White Hair hes not in .HACK But .Hack Trilight and My Favorite .Hack character is Helen that hacker who has that big hat thing. :flaming: :flaming:[/quote] .hack is the best (my opinion) but you messed up helba is the hacker and the person you are talking about is balmung of the azure sky he comes out in the .hack games and .hack//legend of the twilight he didn't appear in .hack//sign tho. the crimson knights weren't player killers they enforced the laws in the World. sora was a player killer thats why silver knight didn't like him and tsukasa much. silver knight didn't like tsukasa because he was supposedly a threat to the world. oh yea and (sorry if it seems a little mean just helping you out) you should learn how to type a little clearer and also work on you run on sentences. i know people make mistakes but you should learn how to type a little better (sorry if that sounded mean). You should also work on trying to stay on the subject you are on. (i got confused trying to read your post)
  23. I used to feel like you. i never had a GF (until now) i hated everyone,i didn't have a social life, my dad is 80, my mom is a psychopath (i threatened her with a knife once), i wanted to kill everyone including myself, everyone hated me and made fun of me and they didn't want to talk to me. but somehow i overcame all that **** and found love i actually found out that love was what i needed to get myself out of the darkness. I am not evil anymore(well sometimes) at least someone loves me and that is all i needed to overcome all my problems. well you didn't state your problem so i dont know how i can help you. i hope my life story helped you ^_^
  24. accidental deaths are different that deaths on purpose. you cant murder an animal you can kill an animal you can torture an animal but you cant murder one. I have hjad thoughts of murdering lots of people but i will never do it because that would be sad. if you accidentally kill someone that is okay because you didn't mean too but if you have intentions of really killing someone then thats what you call a murderer. the columbine shooting was a strong case of murderous intentions. i understand where those kids were coming from i have been picked on every year. i was growing more and more intentions of murder in my head i wanted to kill everyone. but i will never kill someone i am a really emotionally fragile person i really dont want to hate anyone i just want to be happy and acepted as who i am. i wasn't born evil people made me evil but now my evilness is gone (well most of it anyway). I also think that animals shouldn't be killed for fun or for scince they should be left alive because this was their land before the humans changed it.
  25. i think that love is necessary in life. I have never really loved until recently before i feel in love i was a wreck i wanted everyone to die i wanted them to suffer as i had sufered for so long. Love changes people it gives them a warm feeling inside and when the person they love tells you they love you for the first time it feels so wonderful. but like its counter-part hate loving too much can be a bad thing when you love someone so much and dont want them to be with other people thats bad....you should let the person you love choose if you make them do choices they dont want to they will grow an inner hatred towars you. I am still seing my girl and we love each other i let her choose if she wanted to be with me or not. this was the first time i have ever felt Love it feels weird sometimes but it really pays off. i'm not talking about sexual intercourse i'm talking about the happiness the person you love gives you. well anyways love is necesary in life....other people may deny loving because they think they will never be loved (i was like that). never give up on yourself thats my advice to you all.
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