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Everything posted by Shugo54

  1. I love the .hack project i have all 4 games and i have all 3 .hack//legend of the twilight DVD's. i saw all the episodes of .hack//sign and .hack/legend of the twilight i beat all the 4 games and i'm collecting the trading cards. i also have 2 of the manga books of .hack//legend of the twilight. i know almost everything about .hack. i also know about .hack//zero and .hack//AI buster. ^_^ i still dont know everything about .hack but i'm learning more and more each day ^_^. well .hack//legend of the twilight is a fun and really nice anime compared to .hack//sign. .hack//sign was really serious just like the games but .hack//legend of the twilight is really different that the rest of the .hack project. Aura has an actual plan for Shugo she is in control in .hack//legend of the twilight.well i wont say any more (even though all the episodes have already aired on CN) peace out pplz ^_^
  2. [quote name='Hell'z_KiD']Honestly...most real goths aren't always rude,upset...And I don't think they worship the devil..or wicca. People are getting goth confused with annoying pop punks, and sorry to say this..but people that say they're goth on this board aren't goth because..I don't believe a real goth would be on this otakuboard O.o' sad reality. And I don't think "Satan" really cares if you sacrifice guenia pigs for him,I mean come on, almost anyone/anything could kill guenia pigs.Sacrificing doesn't work because you can't own someone else's soul, it only gets you a 1 way ticket to hell.[/quote] I think ur wrong because Goths dont necesarily have to hate anime or hate anyone. I think a goth is a person who doesn't care about anything and they dont necesarily have to put make up or wear all black. no one can call themselves a goth because every person is different. i like black metal and i dont believe in god or satan and i wear all black but i cant call myself a goth because we are all different and we all have different ideas. so my point is no one is a real goth.
  3. can someone please make me a shugo and broly banner please.i would be really thankful
  4. can someone please make me a broly and shugo banner?...please
  5. gothic doesn't mean not believing in satan or god it means how you perceive life...as you can tell no one has a specific answer to what being a goth is about. it depends on the person...everyone is different. over time everything has changed. no one really undestands what being a true goth means. each persons have their own ideas even if you ask a goth what being a goth means they dont give you a specific answer. If someone says they know what it truly means to be a goth...those people are ******* liars. no humans knows the true anwer to that question. i admit even i dont know what it means but in the end no one knows what it truly means to be a goth.
  6. BTW:where is everyone...am i the only one left alive in this RPG? Kei took off his headset and ran towards the kitchen"whats for dinner?" kei asked his mom "pollo guisada"answered his mom "ok" replied kei. after dinner kei said "can i go online please" kei's mom said "solo por una hora" kei replied "ok" kei ran to his computer put on his headset and.... Username:Ryu Password:****** Welcome To The World Ryu materialized in Mac Anu..."what the ****" ryu gasped as he saw so many dead players.............
  7. ok here goes "Hahahahaha i'm growing stronger with each killing those mere mortals wont stand a chance" Malakian got up from his corner for worshiping and tranformed into his human form "recently there has been a lot of hatred.....really suspicious i have never felt so much hatred" Malakian went outside to look at the sky "hmmmmmm" suddenly Malakian felt a sudden burst of enrgy "What the hell...what is this power??" Malakian ran towards the roof he stopped for a second and said "that power isn't Aron it's as powerful as Aron and me....can it be" Malakian puts an evil grin on his face "another demon.... this will sure be interesting" malakian returns to his apartment building and starts worshiping again "It will soon come" he grumbles as he starts the encantation. BTW:sorry it took so long to post i didn't know that the RP had already started
  8. is this better?? Name:Shikima AKA Malakian....he Prefers being called Malakian Age:170/19 he looks 19 but he is actually 170 years old.(still pretty young in demon years) Gender:Male Race: Demon(Incubus) Appearance:Appearance: Malakian takes the form of a very thin, pale young man of only 18 years old. His eyes are dark and shallow, and his nose is pointy, giving him an even more "scrawny boy" look. His hair is long and silky, all of it black as it falls down to his shoulders. His face is regularly hidden behind his "curtain" of dark hair. He usually wears a sickening grin on his gaunt face, which makes him seem even more insidious than you'd like.Malakian is commonly draped in a large black cloak, with a hood covering most of his head. A tattoo depicting hellfire stretches completely around his left arm, and all of his fingernails are originally black. His boots are big and bulky, both of them black and red. Shikima stands 6' tall, his menacing appearance enough to scare away even the roughest of mortal men. Reason for being corrupted:he was born of all the hatred in the world and was raised to hate everyone. he has only known one feeling and that feeling was hatred towards humanity. Biography:Malakian has only killed men that have sinned and he rapes only unpure women.he prefers girls with big boobs but he would kill them in the end anyways so he just wants to pleasure himself.Malakian is a loner and he has hatred towards everyone except Aramus AKA Aron Aron they both like to rape young women they both hate everyone. Hope that is good enough
  9. Is It too late to sign up?? I wanna sign up please please please I realy wanna sign up.......please please
  10. well i would mostly represent a mix of charecters because i have 2 sides my good side and my evil side My evil side would resemble Zabusa,Broly and heero because i want to kill everyone and make them suffer in hell and i would kill anyone i am a dark person and really kind of a loner so i'm a mix of Zabusa=i would kill anyone Broly=I hate everyone and would destroy them even if they didn't do anything to me Heero=I am a loner and don't want to associate with anyone My good side would resemble Keitaro,Shugo and lupin because i am kinda perverted and i like stealing Keitaro=i like looking at girls Shugo=i like animated girls(rena's charecter model hehehe) lupin=i like stealing and i respect elder people well those are the charecters i represent......i'm mostly in my evil mode cause i'm a black metal rocker and the music makes me hate everyone so don't think i'm mostly perverted cuz i aint i'm mostly evil 70% of the time :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  11. The battle was over.....Ryu was still mad at the monster but he cheered up when he found out the monster was defeated "hell ya!!!' he stated dancing "OH YEA!!!" then he stopped when everyone found him dancing. Balmung stepped up and said "that was macha "......"we still need to defeat Tarvos" Ryu was confused "who the hell is Tarvos" balmung said "we defeated the 6th stage of morganna we still need Tarvos and Corbenik" Ryu was confused Balmung suddebly said "what about Skeith,Innis,Magus,fidchell and gorre " Ryu was lost in all this so he just left "well bye i'm logging out ok" Ryu dissapeared In the real world kei took of his headset and went to eat dinner.........
  12. Ryu was really scared because he didn't know about that monster and the weird bracelet he now posseses. he is watching everyone fight real hard so he decides to join the fight now he has the power to fight because he is fighting for a cause"I will avenge you sister" he says that in a real silent voice and then he yells "I will kill you" with tears in his eyes he joins the fight. he lands a punch to the monsters face and then he monster flinches and Ryu sees that oppurtinity to attack he lands a flurry of punches he then steps back and.......
  13. Ryu is still stunned that he used that skill ryu thought to himself "how the hell did i do that" suddenly balmung comes up to ryu and says that "that skill you used was Data Drain" Ryu still didn't know what the hell balmung was talking about balmung said "Data drain modifies creatures data and makes them weaker" Ryu asked "why did...suddenly he hears a tremor and sees that that monster is still moving. CRAP!!! it's still alive balmung says "yes it modifies it's data not kills it and now it doesn't have infinite hit points it could get killed now"ryu said "lets go then"..........
  14. Ryu heard lots of screams so he ran and he saw a weird monster and it deleted lyn ryu didn't know what to do. suddenly his item he had found on his charecter when he returnrd to the world was shining.....he didn't know how to use it"what the hell why doesn't this w...." suddenly he sees's that his charecter data is being overwritten and that he found a new bracelet on his right wrist. "what the hell is this" he is really suprised balmung suddenly spots ryu and yells"use the bracelet" ryu didn't know how "how the hell do i do that?" suddenly he sees that the bracelet is shining and it automatically uses a weird skill. one that ryu has ever seen before then the monster turned into a piece of rock........
  15. Ryu had a big grin on his face"let's accidentally look at the girls" balmung said "yeah" suddenly they sneak past the guy in the front desk and see where could they be they were hearing through the door cracks. suddenly Ryu heard mistral laughing he pointed a door "balmung" here they are the all suddenly ran towards the door and they peeked inside they gasped WOW!!! they were naked Ryu instintively looked at ouka balmung to lyn then sanjuro and shugo came along and peeked too their noses started to bleed. suddenly ouka's ears picked up and said we have visitors. the girls got up and screamed and they got their weapons and tried to kill them but they ran.
  16. Ryu sat down at one of the tree's and started telling balmung"you like lyn don't you"? Balmung blushed Ryu said"you should show her your emotions" suddenly he heard the girls walking back. Ryu stared at all the beauties and said "WOW" suddenly he heard a crack. only Ryu and Ouka heard a crack Ryu told everyone stay where you are we'll check it out lyn "What the hell are you talking about" Ouka responded "We heard a crack" Suddenly both Ryu and Ouka ran to where they heard the crack I smell something ouka said. yeah i smell it too. they started growling Grrrrrrrr then in an instant they attacked the stranger. the stranger drew his sword and tried to hit Ryu. Ryu dodged it but then crashed into a tree Ouka didn't miss she tackled the stranger and suddenly....
  17. Ryu was feeling weird because naomi was touching his and ouka's ears.Ryu was thinking "uumm what is she doing" and finally she stopped and she said sorry. Ryu was happy that naomi was opening up more but he was still more focused on Ouka. suddenly everyone got naomi to go buy a kimono. Ryu then turned his attention to a weird charecter model "i think i've seen him before" Ryu asked Ouka "do you know that player Ouka said "I think I saw him yesterday" Oh he was the one talking to lyn that said for us to be quieter Ouka responded yeah I think so. Ryu wondered he looks suspiscious I wonder what he is up to? Ryu went up to him and.....
  18. Kei wakes up and find that he has email it better not be from lyn. he reads it and he suddenly gets all enthousiastic because it was Ouka and she wanted to go to the tanabata event. he runs to his computer and logs on as fast as possible username:Ryu Paswword:****** Welcome To...I don't care Ryu appears in front of the chaos gate and he starts searching for Ouka Ryu finally spots Ouka and Ouka start running towards Ryu and pounces on him ryu says hi and blushes and so does ouka. Ouka gets off ryu and then asks him if he want to go to the tanabata event. Ryu blushing says yes and suddenly Ouka's eyes light up and she takes him to the kimono shop to show ryu the kimono she bought. she put in on and ryu thoght to himself*how beautiful* and he blushed and asked her what should he wear and she just said"ummmmm nothing I mean your regular clothes" ryu said whatever you want :love: and suddenly he noticed everyone and said "ughh Hi???" and then..... (Houka Reina is spelled Rena and Tanabana is spelled tanabata okay(sorry for corecting you :confused:) okey dokey)
  19. Ryu got so embarressed that he ran towards the chaos gate and went to the beach area to think Ryu was thinking crap now Ouka won't like me damm stupid lyn she ruined my chances I have to hate her :flaming: but it's not her fault i was making fun of her so i deserved it but whatever I'm gonna log out. in the real world Kei takes of his headset and mumbles "F****** Lyn stupid lyn its all her fault. Kei then takes a short nap then he wakes up and......
  20. kei!!! his mom wakes him up come and eat breakfast. Kei all sleepy okay....OKAY i'm going Kei eats breakfast it was good thanks mom he suddenly remembers it's valentines day he suddenly remembers Ouka he runs up to his room and logs in. Username:Ryu Password:****** Welcome To The World Ryu materialises in Mac Anu and find everyone hugging wow even in the world people kiss I gotta find Ouka. Wait I don't even know her member adress crap crap CRAP!!!! Ryu then gets mad and just goes to the weapons shop to buy some stuff.suddenly he see's Balmung and Lyn hmmm they love each other wow good for them suddenly balmung goes away. maybe lyn knows Ouka's member adress? Ryu walks up to Lyn and he sees a sparkle ih her eye and Ryu chant's you like Balmung HA Ha HA Lyn gets mad and....
  21. Ryu overheard someone talking to lyn he stared wow it's a group a wavemaster a twinblade another wavemaster a longblade and a fellow werewolf ryu thought to himself cool another werewolf he just couldn't resist to stare at her body "what a beautiful charecter model" Ryu suddenly ran to the werewolf and he introduced himself she suddenly turned around and pounced on ryu (he was happy) and she said my name is ouka ryu pounced on ouka and said I like your charecter model. Ryu didn't notice everyone staring at ouka and Ryu. when Ryu got up he was Blushing and he said "ummm Sorry" ouka said "it's okay" ryu then saw a player walking towards the group it was a weird charecter model one Ryu had never seen before and the person said "can you talk a little bit softer" after that Ryu got mad and ignored the new charecter model and focused on Ouka then he heard Lyn say she was logging out so He waved goodbye to Ouka and she waved back suddenly Ryu is in the root town then he logs out of the world.In the real world Kei takes off his headset and thinks about Ouka then he slaps himself she is just a charecter model and then Kei thinks does Ouka like me. Kei puts on his P.J.'s and falls aslep thinking of ouka.
  22. Can someone please make me a .hack banner. I really want one. I want it with Skeith,Maha(.hack sign version),Mia. Please can someone make me one.
  23. ryu was twitching his leg anime style owww that hurt naomi and zen said sorry ryu said it was okay and he went to look for some shade under a palm tree when he found a tree he sat and watched everyone have fun when he spotted naomi he was thinking to himself she is really shy she is just like me wow cool everyone else is having fun and were not suddenly Ryu got up and went to introduce himself to naomi and naomi was looking at the ground and all she said was hi and i'm naomi and that is all ryu was telling her about what happened his sister and all that weird stuff ryu told her that he didn't know what was happening. Ryu then said that he wasn't a people person and that he rather go alone. suddenly.....
  24. Ryu stared at her quietly suddenly Zen waved to Naomi and At the same time Zen and Lyn introduced themselves naomi was very shyso she just said Hi Ryu didn't want to talk to her because he is not a people person (mostly really shy of girls) so he started to talk to the guy Lyn was with Ryu introduced himself the guy said " I'm Balmung" and Ryu asked how he knew Lyn Balmung replied " Lyn and I go way back" Ryu asks if balmung knows anything about this whole mess Balmung replied " I'm as much in the dark as you are" Ryu hated not knowing anything so he just sighed and told Balmung everything about his sister Balmung wasn't paying much attention to Ryu Balmung was to busy staring at lyn Ryu got so mad he stormed out fo the bar and he went to the beach to think.
  25. Ryu didn't want to say anything so he was just listening to Zen. Ryu was asked Zen why did Lyn Email them. Zen replied"I don't know " suddenly Lyn got up and greeted everyone Ryu didn't say anything. Zen all of a sudden said " I found another member of our party" Ryu was really suprised Lyn was too Lyn said "who is it?" Zen said" Naomi" suddenly a new player entered the bar....
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