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Everything posted by Shugo54

  1. when kei wakes up he is in the hospital. Kei asks his mother what happened she replies "I found you outside in the morning at first i thought you were playing around but then you didn't wake up" kei asks why does this always happens to me? why why ever since I started the world i've been having these blackouts kei gets his clothes and leaves the hospital. man this sucks i hate having blackouts. when Kei gets home he checks his computer "you've got mail" is floating on the screen hmmm who is this from....Lyn whatever but i'll go maybe she has changed Kei puts on his headset and logs in Username:Ryu Password:****** Welcome To The World Ryu materializes in Dun Loireag I should go to ~0~ Sunny Beach Paradise suddenly he is in a beautiful area wow cool i've never seen a field type like this where could lyn be suddenly he sees a beach bar wow!! sooo cool he went in and there was lyn with some guy Ryu didn't care he was just feeling weird talking to lyn because she was so mean to them but he went up to her and that guy and.......
  2. [QUOTE=Ruby][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Logging on...Please wait... Signal Confirmed, now transporting. After logging on, Zen headed back to the Carmina Gadelica area...No one was really around, the place was mostly desolate during the night. Zen sighed, and checked her party. Ryu had logged back on. Zen headed for the Chaos Gate. Standing in front of it, she held her hand out forth stretched and whispered: [i]Dun Loireag, land of the Weaver Guardian...[/i] The three rings intertwined, taking a part of her data and transporting it in each swipe until she was full transported. [u]Now... [/u] Walking away from the Chaos Gate...Zen saw a figure design that looked like Ryu. The place's meadows always looked better at night, because they shimmered when the wind blew. Accenting the stars beautifully, however, Zen usually played during the earlier mornings. Nearing closer to him, she thought about it. He seemed deep in thought. She couldn't decide wither to disturb him or not. Tapping him lightly on the shoulder Ryu turned. She waved while smiling sweetly, he waved back. "Hi Ryu." she said lightly. "Hi." he said a bit surprised. "What are you doing up at this time?" "...I couldn't sleep." "So you came here? It's so empty, don't you feel alone?" Zen fell backwards lying on the ground, staring up at the starry sky. "Then again, this server is very pretty." [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] ryu didn't know what to say so he just laid back too he was too busy thinking about his problem's he then asked about what zen said earlier "let me ask you something do you fell that we were destined to meet?" zen stood up "it all seems that we were destined to meet well to me at least me" Zen said Ryu stood up too and he said " what about lyn she was so mean too us do you think that we are connected too and what about the other party member I haven't seen them?" Zen said " I don't know" Ryu was getting tired so he told Zen he was logging out Zen said she was tired so they both went to the chaos gate and logged out Ryu waved goodbye to Zen. Meanwhile back in the real world Kei took off his headset and he went to his backyard where he keep his 2 dogs he was thinking why did my older sis go into a coma? it doesn't make sense and the party members why was I destined to meet them? uhhh suddenly kei blacked out....
  3. aaaahhhhh Kei suddenly stands up from his bed "what the hell not again" he was having a nightmare "why do I always have the same dream about the girl in white" Kei looks at his watch 1:02 man I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight Kei says to himself I'm gonna log in to the world Username:Ryu Password:****** Welcome to the world Ryu materializes in front of the chaos gate. let's see i'm in Mac Anu right Ryu says to himself. he doesn't see many people so he decides to go to dun Loireag. hmmm I don't get what anything means I'm level 200 and I have this weird book and that nightmare with that girl in white hmmm suddenly someone taps his shoulder.......
  4. Ryu was really confused because Lyn threw a pebble at him and Zen. Ryu asked Zen if she knew lyn. Zen said "nope" ryu was silent about what you said earlier is that true that we are all in the same party. Zen replied yes check your status it says all your party members. ryu was really confused so he said goodbye to Zen and logged out. when kei logged out he was at his room and he said "what a weird day" so he just fell asleep with his clothes on. meanwhile Zen.....
  5. Ryu was really confused because he knew Zen was right. Ryu told Zen "how could this be"? this game is freaking me out. Ryu knew they were strong players. Ryu was still confused about why he was level 200 and he had that strange book. He was embaressed about telling them he was a newbie but he had to tell them they might know the truth. so he told them he was a newbie they laughed because they knew he was level 200 so....
  6. Ryu was skeptical at first but then said he didn't want the treasure because he came looking for answeres and then told the girl the whole story about his sister and this area then he asked for her name....
  7. Ryu spotted 2 girls talking he was hiding behind a tree when all of a sudden he felt a tremble he looked back it was the same monster that attacked him so he ran past those 2 girls. Ryu didn't care if they saw him he was just scared so he ran until he heard the girls fighting with the monster he looked back then.....
  8. When Kei woke up he was in the hospital and his sister was next to him he asked his mom what was happening but she started to cry when she saw his sister after that he fell asleep. the next day kei woke up screaming because he remembered the world so to investigate he logged in Username:Ryu Password:****** welcome to the world Ryu mateliarized in front of the chaos gate he wanted to go to the place where Kei and Kaede went "Hidden Seculded Forest Medow" he saw rips of Data everywhere. he was scared all of a sudden a monster came out of nowhere and he ran. when he checked his level he was at level 200 and he had a weird book. The Book Of The Twilight that's what it was called then he saw 2 figures.....
  9. [QUOTE=Mage15][Real World] Name: Jim Mishima Age: 19 Gender: Male Apperence: [The World] Name: Crash Age: 20 Gender: Male Rank: Heavy Axe Level: 200 (I guess) Item: Subaru's Axe Apperance: Signs: Dog Ears *I'll have to finish the appearences later, PM me if there's anything wrong please*[/QUOTE] Name:Kei Kusanagi Age:14 Gender:Male Apperance:dressed like a rocker :devil: Name:Ryu Age:14 Gender:male Rank:Werewolf Item: Golden Knuckles Apperrance:like Ouka but in guy form Sign:none Kei comes from school and enters his room tired when his sister Kaede comes into the room and invites him to play an online game but at first he refused but then because he was bored he joined his sister and she showed him a program called the world. kei was curious so he joined her and in an instant they were in a town full of people kei was fascinated. they went to an area and the 2 of them blacked out....the last thing he remembers seing was the sea.....his sister was fading away....... Is this good ^_^
  10. [QUOTE=Jim Hawkins]I just have one question! In the PS2 Games of .Hack The ingame creature Mia transforms into one of the eight phases called Macha. Is this the same Macha from the show just in another form. So that means Mia has three forms right?[/QUOTE] In .hack//sign macha was the little cat but macha sacrificed itself to save tsukasa then she was born as mia and mia remembered elk's character as tsukasa's so she spent all her time with elk until kite came along and she wanted to know more about his bracelet but in .hack//quarintine she found out she exixted in the world only and after you beat .hack//quarintine you will have acess to a special area that aura says that something is about to be born so kite and elk go and find macha(.hack//sign version) she was trapped in 2 barbell shaped monsters and kite defeats it without the help of the bracelet and macha turns into mia but she has lost all her memory.
  11. [QUOTE=King Ansem]I love the entire ".hack//project" the 4 games are awsome I have beaten the game soart of well you know how there is an extra dungon after you beet the game well in part 4 the dungon is the single most difficalt dungon in exsistance of that game spoiler : 15 levels of data bugs almost all level 95 and normals that max at the 2nd strongest level monsten in the game level 98 :faint:[/QUOTE] I have all 4 and I beat all 4 games including the extra dunguen and you have to beat temptress lover and dawn wanderer to get mia. I love the .hack project I know almost everything about .hack including .hack//sign and .hack//legend of the twilight I even know about the epitaph of twilight In a summary I know 95% of all the .hack project. P.S. I didn't complete the item collection (yet) :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - [QUOTE=Ouka][size=1][b][color=indigo]What I think about the .hack games:[/b][/color] I think that the .hack games are wonderful games. They're fun to play, even though constant dungeon clearing gets really boring and annoying after awhile. Yeah, buying all four games is very expensive, but true .hack fans should be able to look past that and not care about it. [b][color=indigo]Most used party members:[/b][/color] Elk and Mia [b][color=indigo]Least favorite party members:[/b][/color] Rachel and Orca [b][color=indigo]Games I have played:[/b][/color] I've played all four games, but I only own three(MUTATION, OUTBREAK and QUARANTINE). I've also beaten all four of them, but I'm still working on the Item Challenge in QUARANTINE(I'm more than halfway done). [b][color=indigo]Favorite monster(s):[/b][/color] Tarvos and Macha [b][color=indigo]What level am I now:[/b][/color] 99 [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size][/QUOTE] I love the .hack games I bought all 4 games and I also love the anime and manga .hack//sign and .hack//legend of the twilght also known as .hack//dusk. I beat the game and It was pretty hard but not Impossible I got all the grunties but the hardest part is the item collection event I hear that you get a B.G.M. and A lot of movies. :) P.S. My favorite charecters are Terajima Ryoko and Subaru My least favorite are Elk and tsukasa and all the wavemasters because I have to tell them what spell to cast and I don't like that. [color=#4B0082]Combined the double post. In the future, please just use the Edit button if you'd like to add something to a post. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
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