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Everything posted by poo62.2

  1. I know this may seem abit stupid and an overeaction to some of you, but even though im not an adult yet, i worry about how fast were diging up and using natural resources for dumb products. Im talking about digging up earth metals for such needless things, like arn't there enough bathtaps in the world to be getting on with! And We've already got enough copper 1p and 2p coins to cover the world, we don't need to dug up any more copper. Things wont last forever, and i bet in the future, if we don't do something about it, were all gonna be kicking ourselves forusing the last chunk of metal to make a spoon or something. Maybe its just me over reacting.
  2. I once said to a girl that kept constantly bugging me to go out with her for godknows how long " For gods sake i will if you shave! You've got more of a teenage moustache than me!"......oooh i can still feel the fresh sting of that slap.... :animenose
  3. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]If you don't like the guy who is sending you the chainletters, block him. Or better yet, if you use Hotmail, class them all as junk and report him. But really, I hink you should just calm down. It takes less than thirty seconds of your life to skim an email to see if it's junk or not, and then delete it. Big deal. Sure, chainletters are annoying. But in the end, if nobody forwards them, they don't become chainletters. Blame it on the people who forward the same crap five hundred times.[/size][/QUOTE] Yeah but my hotmail sends me crap anyway even if i do "junk it" Whether it be "Coping with drug abuse" or "FW: Send this or die" I still get it even if I class it as junk...but anyway yeah chain letters are the scum of the e-mail network. I bet £50 that eventually the human race will die because our intelligence networks will drown in a gloomy sea of chain letters.... Spooky!!
  4. [B]MELTMAN![/B]-[I]with the power to...melt![/I] priced £8, available from all good retailers lol see i have a little marketing scam to do with meltman, you can only use him once! After he uses is "Super awesome Über shape-changing powers" (he basically just melts under the temperature of a desk lamp) he becomes nothing more than hot, liquidy, gloop. So, then all the kids don?t wanna play with hazardous gloop so they buy another Meltman and try out his "Super awesome Über shape-changing powers"again...and the circle of money making begins again!! Coming soon: [B]SALTMAN![/B]- [I]with the power to dissolve..... In a jug of water!![/I]
  5. I really enjoyed this series of doctor who, it was a refreshing break to all the rubbish on Saturday night, its just swarms of cheap tack and reality tv. I will sorely miss doctor who, but I cannot wait till the Christmas special! I just really hope David Tennant can live up to the high standard set by Christopher Eccleston, he made a wonderful doctor. I bet he's kicking himself now for quitting!! But one thing that ticks me off, and I?m hoping doesn?t happen, is that i was in a Sunday paper's magazine a picture of an episode Doctor who series 2 being filmed. And guess who was standing infront of tower bridge with a Cyberman.....None other than Jonny bloody Vegas!!! If theirs one idiot on this planet that I wish to fire into the sun its that idiotic, foul, loudmouth jonny vegas. If he becomes a sidekick of the doctor than he'll have me to deal with! Then we?ll see what?s scarier than a dalek! :animeangr
  6. OOC: I really can't be bothered with this RP anymore, no ones pulling their weight and it?s becoming far to complex. I might create a spin off(PM me if your interested) but I really can?t be fussed anymore with all this memory loss and sword nonsense. I joined this RPG to battle weird powerful dudes and have a cool adventure, not to deal with a bunch of crap and unexplained absences, and to actually take part in a "Traditional RP?. If people start to re participate I?ll come back, but in the meantime its adios from me. Thank you ^^
  7. As he flew over the vast tundra of snow, Vincent was alit with power. The The City of Razzmatazz was less than a stone throw away. He crashed down into the snow, making quite an internee. Vincent walked into the sleepy city, the sky was the weird pinky colour you get with snowclouds. It was like looking into a scene from a beautiful story. Memories came flooding back, but none of them of any importance. He walked closer in, it seemed as though people were getting ready to go to bed, but it was only 6 P.M. Vincent turned and spoke to a tradesman, packing away the produce of his market stall. "Hey, why's everyone returning home, is the world 'nightlife' banned in this city?" Vincent spoke. The wizened tradesman looked at Vincent oddly. "Huh?...you mean you don?t know? After about 8pm the temperature here drops immensely, it once got down to -97.6. No one takes the risk of freezing to death, so we wake up earlier so it balances out the day" The tradesman replied, whilst packing away his things. "And if you don?t mind, I?ve gotta get home, its my wife?s birthday, good day" he added, and hobbled off caring his things. "I better find somewhere to stay, and fast!" Vincent thought An hour and a half past, every inn was full or fully booked, and the temperature was beginning to plummet. Vincent tapped on an inns door. A pompous looking lady answered the door. "urk...commoner...you can go freeze...good day" and the lady slammed the door. Suddenly, it hit Vincent (An idea not the door lol) Why didn?t he check out his old house. But time was of the essence, and frostbite was a possibility. He tried to track down hi old house, based purely on old memories, but nothing good came up...it was now just rubble. The bastards of the Rheiardian Empire, the people that assassinated his parents, had torn down the house. Vincent roared and punched the ground, shattering ice everywhere. Suddenly, the air grew cold, much colder the sun was almost set, and the big freeze began to move. "Oh shit!!!" Vincent swore, the freeze was like a inferno of ice shards, commanded by the moon. Vincent ran as fast as he could, as if he was being chased. He could only see one place left, the great cathedral. Vincent charged up and energy ball and blew the locks off the great doors, and jump kicked open the doors and flipped round to slam them shut...he was safe. The great cathedral, the shining glory of Rheiardian Empire, were they praised there so called "Lord", and everything they did, they would say it was there lords wish. This "Lord" was clearly not God. Vincent looked around, the pews were loaded with the holy book of the Rheiardian Empire, the Jasha. There were surprisingly stained glass windows, they were made of some sort of material impervious to the frost-shatter effects of ice. But the clap of sinister footsteps distracted Vincent?s trail of thought
  8. Vincent ran at Tankana with a overpowering yell, but was forced back again by his sword. "Just give up, scum!" Tankana commanded, gripping his sword tighter. "What the fuck have you done with Terra!!!!" Vincent cried, stomping his foot. Tankana smirked a villainous smirk. "We mearly removed her from the picture...you just be thanking us that she is no longer in any human danger" Tankana explained. "What do you mean by human!" Vincent demanded. "Silence! You need not know any more...after all you'll be dead soon enough!" Tankana replied. Suddenly, The Nirvana (Tankana's power sword) elongated like rubber, but kept its ridged edges. It was on collision course for Vincents head. Just before impact, Vincent flew up, but the sword continued to chase. "DIE!" Tankana yelled. Vincent flew high up, but the sword continued to chase. He flipped round and flew back down again, making the sword crash through the ground. Vincent used these vital seconds attack. "Fira!" Vincent commanded, a jet of fire poured out of Vincent pointed finger, engulfing Tankana in flames. Tankana dropped his sword and rolled on the floor. "AARRRGGH!!!" He cried, rolling around like a pig. Vincent put his foot ontop of Tankanas back and pointed his sword at his head. "Answers...NOW!" Vincent yelled. Suddenly Tankana burst into a sprit-form and flew south like the wind. Vincent roared and fired energy balls at the escaping Tankana, but gave up in desperation as The Nirvana stretched off to its master. [U][CENTER]An hour later[/CENTER] [/U] Vincent had his mind fixated on getting Terra back, but thoughts went through his mind that Tankana was with another organisation all together, neither Mantean nor resistance. "Snap out of it!" Vincent encouraged himself, ploughing on up the mountain. The air began to thin, and snow fell. Suddenly, a snow wolf launched at Vincent, but in a flash he cut it down to size. "Stupid animal!" Vincent yelled, the strain was beginning to show. After a final push, Vincent had reached the summit. He looked over to the vast snowy plains, and in the far distance The City of Razzmatazz, homed of the Rheiardian Empire...the source of all of Vincent emotions. "Don't worry Terra, im coming!!" Vincent yelled across the mountains and valleys. He jumped up and flew down at excessive speed; hoping to find his loved one.
  9. Vincent was making fairly good time, he had been travelling for 7 hours and had already reached the border mountains that separates the snowy land from the rest of the world. He gazed through the mountain path to reveal it had been blocked. "Shit, ill have to climb" Vincent swore. He noticed that in the mud near the path blockage were many footsteps, the shoe pattern defiantly looked like Mantean standard issue boots. "Bastards must?ve blocked the path" Vincent began the perilous climb up mountain ridge. The sharp and steep rocks knifed out of the side like swords from a magician?s box. He could just see the lights from Balkazaar illuminating as the night drew in. Suddenly, a wild bird began to peck away randomly at Vincent. "Piss off!!" Vincent swore, wafting the bird away. Immediately it pecked right in his eye. He stumbled and lost grip, falling ominously. ?Need someone to lick your wounds? Spoke Terras voice. Vincent opened his eyes, Terras bright green eyes stared at Vincent and winked. ?I came after you, Dora told me everything, you can?t go on your own? She said, helping Vincent up. ?I was planning to come back, it would?ve been like I had never left? Vincent added. ?No, you know why I?ve come? She interrupted. Vincent dusted himself off, but he couldn?t take his eyes of Terra?s face. Her beautiful face. ?You know how I feel about you Terra?But I fear its? Vincent said, with Terra putting her head towards him. Before Vincent could finish, Him and Terra kissed. Her lips felt like silk against Vincent?s. ?I love you too, Vincent? Terra finished. Suddenly, ruining the moment of romance, the sound of clapping could be heard. "Aww...how touching..makes me want to vomit" A posh-sounding voice spoke, stopping the clap. "Your little girlfriend alerted us of your shenanigans with her 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach" the voice continued. Suddenly, a huge net fell from the sky and captured Terra, locking her inside a sticky tangled web. "TERRA!!" Vincent shouted, desperately trying to hack away at the web. Before Terra could get her claws into it, the net despaired back up into the gloomy night. "She should come in handy for info, after that last one of your group escaped" The voice taunted. "Who the fuck are you!" Vincent swore, firing random fireballs everywhere. "That?s no way to speak to a Mantean gentleman" The posh man said, leaping down from the rockface. "I am Tankana Hurmen" "Tankana......Hurman...its so similar to Tanken's its unreal, even his voice sounds like a glorified Tanken's" Vincent thought. Suddenly, the man jumped down off the rockface. Vincent gasped, His appearance was so sickeningly similar to Tankens it was frightening. "Who the hell are you?" Vincent spst, through hatred and disgust. "Mind your business, Human scum, Myrhyrr are to worthy to be talking to such...filthy creatures" Tankana said with a smirk. Vincent roared a primal yell and went to slash Tankana square in the face, but was blocked out of the way by an almighty sword. "This sword, Nirvana, is one of the finest magic blades crafted, its no Paragon, but its something to be proud of!" Tankana spat, watching a serpent sprit craft itsway out of the blade."The sad thing is, everytime i strike with the sword...someone dies.....are you ready to gamble? RRRAAGH!!"
  10. Meanwhile, oblivious to the fight with Citain, Vincent had wondered off doing his own thing. He decided to go to the mercenary town, after all, Vincent had been there plenty of times before. But something was clearly wrong, everything was damaged or broken, there was nothing on the street but corpses. Vincent ran down the road only to see the same thing. He kicked down the door to the "Old dagger inn" And yelled 'hello' inside. There was no reply. But suddenly, scuffling could be heard at the back, Vincent barged through the wrecked tables and barstools. Crouched behind a crate was the barmaid, she was sobbing and shivering relentlessly. "Dora? you can get up now" Vincent said to the barmaid, she look up at Vincent with watery eyes, and her face lit up. She jumped up hugged Vincent and thanked the lord. She let go and looked up at him. "Oh Vincent I?m so glad your alive!" She cried. Dora the barmaid was abit like a grandma to Vincent, wherever he was in the world, he knew he had a home at Dora's inn. "What the hell happened here?" Vincent asked. Dora blew into a hankie she pulled from her pocket. "None of us had enough money to pay our taxes to Emp. Deus Marich, usually our mercenary boys would hold off the "payback" attacks he does on towns that can't pay, but this time most of our boys were out on private missions, he were practically defenceless. Some fled only to be captured, others.... were shot infront of there families. I'm only alive because of Antonio, he acted as a distraction to give me time to hide....he gave up his life just to save my old one" Dora explained, she began to wail and cry again. "And do you know what the sad thing is, we have to pay our taxes by tomorrow or everyone who was born in this town will be hunted down and killed! How can we pay? There's...nothing..left" Dora cried, he slumped down and wailed. Vincent was red hot with anger and disgust, he couldn't just ignore this issue and return to the group, he was going to have go solo for a short while. "Dora, you said some were captured, where are they being held?" Vincent asked. Dorra stroked her head. "My memories not as good as it used to be, but I?m sure one of the men said there being held in the far frozen north, to reduce chance of escape." Dora explained. Vincent looked in the store cupboard and picked up some supplies. "You stay put Dora, my friends will come soon, just tell them ill be back soon" Vincent said, he walked out of inn, climbing over rubble. Just before he left, he turned back. "Oh and if a fine lady called Terra comes along, tell her I love her" Vincent added. OOC: Ok Vincent will be flying to his destination using his powers, if anyone wants to come with him just do so ^^
  11. Namia, Tanken, and Terra were on there way back to camp. Oddly enough, the conversation had switched to talking about the decline of onions. "So i think due to heavy over usage in food, the onion is now nearly extinct!" Terra said, putting her opinion through. Tanken just replied with an unenthusiastic 'yeah', his mind was in other places. Namia used her tail to to stroke Tanken and prrrr-ed, but Tanken was clearly not in the mood. "....And so the one the apple will go the way of the onion....hey are you to listening to me?!" Terra continued with a shout. Afew birds flew out of there trees to get some peace and quiet. "oh..im sorry..i forgot" Terra replied. For the rest of the way no-one said a word....until they came to a clearing. "Oh shit! We've gone the wrong way!" Tanken swore, he stomped his foot on the floor. "Don't worry, we just make our way back and take a left at the apple tree" Namia comforted, she had never seen Tanken so nerve racked. "The Way the onion is going, there wont be any apples" Terra said smugly, but no-one took notice. [CENTER]-30 minutes later-[/CENTER] Tanken and co. had finally arrived back at the camp. Tanken returned to his tent and closed the flap. Namia went to go over to him, but Terra grabbed her shoulder. "I Think its best if we leave him, he has to much on his mind for 'luvin'" Terra said. Namia sighed and turned to face Terra. "As much as I hate to admit it, your right" Namia groaned, she walked off her own way. Terra looked around, she decided to have a peek into Vincent?s tent. Se discreetly opened that flap and giggled, but then she saw Vincent lying ontop of is bed covers, fast asleep like a baby. He was wearing nothing but shorts and a smile on his face. Terra looked up and down his body and blushed. She put her hand forward to touch his chest, with every second her hand came closer and closer. Her fingertips could feel his warmth. "Morning Terra, watcha doing?" Sabins voice asked. Terra jumped up in shock and ended up stretching Vincent chest by accident. Vincent immediately woke up and drew his sword, slashing part of the tent in shock. Seconds later, the whole tent collapsed. "umm...oopsie daisy" Terra said awkwardly.
  12. The nightbirds hooted as Vincent scouted around, alot had happened in the last 24 hours. The solitude of night was really the only peace Vincent could find. He sat down on a dry, mossy, log and looked up at the stars. "Stars, huh" Terra's voice spoke, Vincent turned to look at her, emerging from some bushes. "Yeah, there fantastic, aren?t they" Vincent replied, Terra giggled and then had a full on laugh. "Hahaha, no! they just sit around and do nothin but shine, they have it easy" Terra replied, Vincent found the funny side and laughed. "I bet on the inside your a softy haha" terra added, but Vincent stopped laughing and looked down and sighed. Terra shut up ad looked puzzled. "Wha....Whats wrong" Terra asked, she sat down on the log next to Vincent. "Its...nothing...really" Vincent lied. Terra looked at him as if to say 'Do i look that dumb to you!?' "Its just...i am normal on the inside, soft as you put it, its just i put up a hard, wordy disgruntled act because its all ive ever known. In my childhood, only the strong survived, that?s what it was like for me, for a very long time." Vincent said. "I'm sorry, i forgot about what happened to you..." Terra said, trying to tip-toe round the subject as best as she could. "Umm..so..What do you thinks been going on between Namia and Tanken? Namia is being really discreet about the subject, i think there in love!" Terra announced, trying to change the subject. "Love can bloom anywhere, between anyone, at any time" Vincent added, rather coldly. "Vincent..." Terra asked. "Yes" "Have you ever been in love?" "Once" Vincent replied, before Terra could say "What ever happened" Vincent added "But it ended in sorrow" Terra budged up closer to Vincent. "She was a deadly assassin i was meant to kill, but it was love at first. She was the most beautiful women i had ever seen; Little did i know this was her method of killing; deadly attraction. In the end.... i had to kill her..." Vincent said sorrowfully. Terra hugged Vincent , and he hugged back. OOC: Ok, maybe i included too much love and sorrow in that post, but Vincent is a complicated guy....ok if u don?t like ill edit
  13. Vincent rushed to check out the loud noise. His running was flawless, it looked as if his shoes never touched the ground. It reminded him of a time before his parents were killed, a time when he could run through vast, snowy fields of the Rheiardian Empire.... He snapped back to reality, he had a mission to do. Suddenly, the loud noise boomed again, along with the sound of screaming. Vincent picked up his pace and ran even faster. The source of the noise was just round the corner, but this time a voice could be heard. "C'mon then!!! 'Ave a piece of this!!! arrrrgghhhh!!!" A familiar voice shouted, the loud boom roared again "hmm...It must Halthan and is big gun" Vincent thought, he peered round the corner, he was holding troops back as best as he could, but it looked like his gun was being exhausted. "HEYA!!!!!!!" Vincent yelled, his wind spell thirsted some of the troops back. Halthen looked bemused until he realised it was Vincent. "Cheers guv!" Halthen replied. Vincent smirked and ran up beside him, holding off troops with fire spells as best as he could. "Im guessing the others are inside the building?!" Vincent said to Halthen. Halthen's gun boomed again. "Yup, whats about Vaxla?" he asked. "She got stuck with the boring job of gate duty hahaha" Vincent replied. A soldier jumped up with a sword and went to slash Vincent, but Vincent mearly kicked him in the "Family jewels" and stabbed him in the chest. "Nice one!" Halthen replied. About 10 minutes later the skirmish stopped. There were heaps of dead bodies littered everywhere. "Im not cleaning it up!" Vincent spat. "Lets just get our way inside" Halthen replied, they crawled over the bodies, the smell was horrific. "The smells bloody orrible! How can you mercs. put up with it?" Halthen asked, trying to avoid crawling over a soldiers liver. "You get used to it...or you just dont breath through your nose" Vincent answered. After much squelching and crawling, they reached the door. Suddenly, the sound of swooping could be heared behind them. Halthen looked up. "Meh, just probably pigeons or summin" Halthen guessed. Immediately, a huge ball of static lightening boomed down. "Get down!! Stone barrier!!!!!!!!" Vincent commanded, a wall of stone deflected the electricity ball. "What the bloody hell was that?" Halthen asked. "I think were gonna find out now" Vincent replied. Out of the shadows flew an incredible monster. "Resistance is futile!!!!" The monster yelled, it fired a straight beam of Electricity out of its gun arm. Vincent grabbed Halthen and jumped out the way. "Do you really think you can dodge lighting?!" The monster cried. It insanely fired beam after beam of electricity in all directions randomly. Vincent ran inside, still holding Halthen. "Umm..you can put me down now?" Halthen asked. Vincent ran up the stairs. "No, with that gun your not fast enough, and if you stay still to fire it will act as a massive lighting rod, and you'll be one crispy Halthen!" Vincent replied, he continued to run up the stairs, with the utmost care not to slip. Suddenly, the monster burst through the widow, charging its gunarm. "I told you, resistance is futile!!" The monster yelled. [IMG]http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_trois/digimon/beelzemonbm.gif[/IMG] OOC: This monster is no push over,its pure home grown Mantaean evil lol, but its main weakness is light.
  14. OOC: Sorry I haven?t posted in a little while, i haven?t been feeling over well, but I?ll do my best. IC: Vincent finally arrived at the gate, being quieter than a mouse. "Getting over shouldn?t be to hard, Helia!!!" Vincent commanded, this spell made the air in Vincent?s lungs turn into helium, he would?ve used a wind spell to fly over the top, but that would make a risky amount of noise. He floated up to the top like a party balloon and grabbed onto the side of the gate and breathed out. He just had to get down now without being seen or heard. "I hope Vaxla gets her ass here soon!" Vincent thought to himself. If the sentries saw him and sounded the alarm, it would be all over. He scanned the are with his eyes, there was surprisingly few sentries around. ?hmm?that?s odd?.for a place that?s known for its security, it sure is lack? Vincent thought to himself. The only way in was down, so Vincent prepared to jump into the city. He though it was safe to use a water spell, due to the lack of security. He jumped down and braced for a landing. He opened his hands, but then together, thumb to thumb, and flexed his fingers. ?Now!! AQUA!? He commanded, just before he hit the ground, he realised a jet of high force water out of his hands, breaking his fall. He leap-frogged over his hands and stopped the water, and did a perfect summersault to land. ?Why do I only do stuff like that when no ones around?!? Vincent moaned. ?Oh I?m around? Vaxla said, clapping ?Pretty impressive!? She added. Vincent was stunned, how could?ve she got there before him? ?How the?your in the?what the?? Vincent said, with a crazy confused look on his face. Vaxla burst out laughing. ?Well it explains why there are so little guards around, lets try and get this gate open!? Vincent commanded. OOC: a bit crap I know but I don?t really feel up to doing a fantastic post
  15. The black knight appeared to pump up his muscles. A black aurora steamed its way out of his body, it smelt like a cold sweat on a dead mans body. "Are you ready Vince?" Raion asked out of the corner of his mouth. Vincent smirked like a naughty schoolboy and cracked his knuckles. "Lets do it!" Vincent yelled. The black knight jumped up and returned to earth lunging his sword infront of him, Raion and Vince leapt out of the way. "How?s this for starters? Expandomonium!!!!!" Vincent yelled, he planned to expand the black nights sword so it was to big and clumsy for battle usage. He put his left arm under his right arm, and put his index and middle finger together and flipped them up and down untill the spell was cast. Meanwhile, Raion flame sword was having no effect on the black nights armour, it was made from fibres that resisted magic of the highest calliber "Vince, don't bother with spells......just concentrate on attacking the bastard!" Raion yelled, but he let his guard down for a second. "Aha!!!" The black night cried, he kicked Raion back, and while Raion was stunned, rammed into him. Vincent yelled and jumped up and kicked the black knight in the back. The black night turned around and lunged at Vincent, but narrowly avoiding him. There swords clashed, Vincent?s sword wasn't anything special, like a family heirloom or had fire power; but it Vince didn't need this because he had spellcaster magic. Vincents memories from the market town came flooding back, seeping into him like memorial ooze. But instead of feeling deep depression towards them, is mind turned to hatred and anger, his blood boiled and eyes lit up like flames. His swordsmanship became more aggressive and less stylish, but it was sub dewing the black knight into the corner. "Vincent, Vincent! It would take at least 3 of us to kill him, don't be a hero and try!" Raion shouted to Vincent. "How about you get over here and help!" Vincent spat, he continued to clash with the black night. Raion ran over and attacked the night flawlessly, but still not enough damage was being done. Suddenly disaster struck, Vincents sword chipped and an epic crack cascaded down the middle. "Your swords giving way, its to weak! My amour is the finest in the kingdom, your sword is made of measly steel!" The black night laughed, Vince ignored him and carried on the onslaught with Raion. "C'mon Tanken, what?s taking you??!!" Vincent thought. Seconds later, Vincent sword shattered, the room fell silent and the fighting stopped as the million pieces fell to the floor and crumbled. All that was left was the handle. "Pathetic!" The black night murmured, he rammed into Vincent and sent him into the floor. Raion continued to subdue the black night. Vincent stood up and dusted himself on, he still had to strong hands left and 2 strong legs, he was not going down. He charged his fists with lighting power to increase here speed and ran towards the knight. "Its far from over!!!! RRRRRRRRRAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!"
  16. Vincent stormed down the road angrily, half mad at Tanken, half-troubled by his past. For his market town had been setting for a horrid scene in Vincents child hood. [I][CENTER]-20 years ago-[/CENTER][/I] "Step right up and own your own personal child slave! Whether you use them for work or pleasure, that?s your business. But if you dont buy them, we'll have to feed them to the monsters" the salesman boasted. the sun beamed down on young Vincent?s head, if only the sun could melt away the shackles of which he was bound to the other children. Bound like animals. "How did you end up here?" the older girl next to him asked. Vincent timidly looked up, she was alot taller then him, and built like a brick house. "My mother and farther were killed....at the hands of the Rheiardian Empire, that?s were I?m from" Vincent replied. The salesman turned around and whipped Vincent. "Shut up, your loosing sales!" The salesman spat. A huge hairy man stepped up to look at the kids. His eyes were like bullet holes that had been shot into his greasy smudge of a face. "hmm....i'll the feisty one" the man said, pointing his fat finger at Vincent "I just hope he can work as much as he talks hahaha" The salesman unlocked Vincent and gave him to the man in exchange for money. He was packed into the back of a truck and punched by the man. "Its gonna be long journey, so no whining. If i here a peep out of you, you get no rest time at the workhouse, kapeesh?" The man said, Vincent nodded. The man closed the hatch so Vincent was in complete darkness. He sunk his head into his hands, he was to young to deal with things like this. "One day, ill avenge my parents...one day" Vincent said, his closed his yes and began to cry [I][CENTER]-Present day-[/CENTER][/I] "Vincent...hello? Vincent" Terra's voice called
  17. OOC: My head aches stopped now, i think i can write why Vincent was so angry ^^
  18. [quote name='Xander Harris'] Just think: if there were no smart people you wouldn't have been able to come on the computer and give your opinion on this topic.[/quote] Hmm...Good point. It appears we have conundrum...I?m gonna need a racoon, a rubber egg, a smoked ham, and a whole lot of blue tac
  19. OOC: Ill let you decide why Vincent was so pissed off lol....I can't think at the moment cause I?ve got a splitting head ache :bash:
  20. Some of you may hate me for this, but i can't stand nerds. They make a stereotype that if your smart you cant be cool. And i think that?s a completely load. I knew afew nerds that if they dropped the whole "geeky disposition" would be cool and great people...maybe im just saying this because most nerds in our year are girls....ahem... Another thing that annoys me about nerds is that no matter how hard you try, they will outshine everyone else, making your efforts look like dirt (i mean i academic prepossess).....ok im kinda going off topic here, but if you want to go nerd searching here are afew signs of what makes a nerd. [list] [*]a sweaty disposition [*]the smell of fear as you walk past [*]always is early for lessons [*]curly hair [*]bow ties [*]snorting when drinking [*]panty wetting [*]Bushy eyebrows [*]teacher petting (e.g." Why miss. Walker, you smell like honey and flowers today) [*]The musty smell of maths books they give off [*]organised lunches to increase intelligence [/list]
  21. Vincent ran into Binthas to tell Tanken about what he heard whilst hunting....but bad memories came flooding back. "Hey Vincent, do you need to buy a gun, or wil you support us with magic" Tanken asked. Vincent was statrled out of memory lane. "umm....yeah...I'll do the supporting, but when it comes to the battle, ill be in the front line" Vincent boasted. Tanken laughed, but Halthan didn't look impressed. Vincent frowned at Halthan and looked at some things on display "Just ignore him, he's used to working alone" Tanken whispered. "Yeah...its just i dont likes the looks of that guy, ya know, im sure weve met before" Halthan replied. He continued to look at Vincent like an enemy. Tanken approached Vincent. "You seem uneasy, more pissed off than usual hahaha" Tanken joked. Vincent roared :flaming: he pushed Tanken into a stall on the market. Everywhere fell silent. All eyes were on him. "Get back to your business" Vincent spat. Everyone sheepishly carried on with what they were doing but paused every now and then to look at the skirmish. Halthan helped Tanken up, but with mean looks at Vincent. Tanken marched right up to him their eyes locked like steel. "Hmph" Vincent said. He used a wind spell to catapult himself into the air and fly away. "That guys got issues" A man on the market said, half eating some produce he had brought. "yeah....he is going to have to learn" Tanken added.
  22. He opened his eyes. Vincent remembered he was back with the resistance, back with his friends. He leapt out of bed. A huge squelching sound followed. "Are you alright?" Sabin asked. Vincent realised were the sound was coming from. "hahaha...its my stomach, im starving!" Vincent said cheerfully, he was already feeling much better. Vincent grabbed some bread and had a look around the camp. "hmm.. impressive" Vincent said. He heard someone move up behind him ".. meh..Ive seen better" The person said. Vincent looked round to see it was Terra. "Are you feeling better?" She asked. "Yeah, that healer guy sure knows his stuff.... without him I probably would?ve needed a wheel chair for the rest of my life!" Vincent boasted. "Ha....yeah right, it was just a stab!" Terra replied. She got out her pole and shoved it into thr ground so she could lean on it. Vincent smiled. "Believe what you want to believe, you just can't except im the more powerful one" Vincent said jokingly, and he walked on. Terra shook her head. "Men!!!" She said. Vincent turned around. "Oh yeah, and thanks for helping me out earlier!" He said and winked, and continued walking. He could see Namia and Tanken close to each other in the distance. "I wonder what those 2 lovebirds are up to....they should be careful..." Vincent thought, this was hardly the situation to fall in love. Vincent returned to his tent, he lifted up the flap and climbed in. He was still to a little woozy from his wound earlier.... but not enough to really get to sleep. He tossed and turned over and over again, trying to get comfortable; But the tent beds felt like hay. He got up and diced to make an early breakfast....he just needed something to cook. It wasn't long before Vincent found himself a wild cockatrice to kill. Over the years, Vincent had built up a fantastic knowledge of beats and how to kill them, after all, that was part of his job. He hoisted it onto his back and began to head back to camp. The sun began to rise, it illuminated the sky with a light purple tinge. But the sound of whispers distracted the moment, Vincent kept his ears open. "Yes....no Marich....im sorry...but don,t threat.....im sorry, ill make it up to you....thank you!" The voice said. his insticts told him to fiht the person who was on the other side of the bush, but Vincent didn't want a repeat of last time, there was safety in numbers. He used his wind spells to fly back to the camp to warn the others.
  23. OOC: Can I take the stream-peeping bit? lol
  24. Vincent emerged from the building he had fallen into. His clothes were smeared with blood and tares from top to toes. "I should really find Tanken and the rest.....but im in no condition to start finding them, i'll go to the head quarters and rest up." Vincent pondered. He had a short jog back to there, trying to avoid conflic at all costs. He opened the cellar door with a creak. "I'm back!.....oh" Vincent said, there was silence. The room was empty. Just some stale food left on the table and a cold draft remained in the room. "Shit....they...they left without me. Im...the one that got left behind...." Vincent moaned, he was sort of used to this feeling now, loneliness, the main emotion of his upbringing. Vincent pulled up a chair and slumped down. "They can't be dead....why didn't they wait for me!" Vincent shouted, he slammed his fist down on the table and pushed the food off. Being pissed off was Vincent?s speciality. He stood up and paced up and down the room, thinking about how he could get in contact with the others, without the Mantaean empire intercepting it, going outside Balkazaar was a no-no, just in case he got locked outside and they were still inside. But staying put was a bad idea. "Im a mercenary, i follow my own path! I'll fight Marich myself, myway!" Vincent spoke, he packed supplies, changed his clothes, and went off in a huff. He came to the gates of Balkazaar, it seemed it was at maximum security. Vincent approuched the gate guardian. "Im very sorry sir, but no-one is allowed to enter or leave, we had a breakout last night due to mysterious forces" The guard said sympathetically. Vincent ignored him and tried to barge past. "Sir...sir! i must warn you!" The guard shouted, he caught the attention of soldiers. They closed in on him. "Go back to your house and let us deal with this!" One of the soldiers said, he pushed Vincent back. Vincent drew his sword and slashed the torso of the soldier. Immediately, others drew there weapons. Vincent thirsted everyone back using gravity "Out of my way!" Vincent spat, he kicked the soldiers on the floor and walked up to the great doors. He consorted his energy into one single point of power. "Fury thrust!!!!" He shouted, the great doors flung open with a sonic boom. The soldiers tried desperately to stop Vincent, but most were unsuccessful. "When you get to hell, tell them Marich sent you!!" One of the soldiers shouted, he stabbed Vincent in the back. "Bas.......stard!" Vincent said with little breath, he staggered out of the doors and the spell wore off, causing the doors to slam shut, permanently behind him. Vincent clutched to his wound and staggered to some rocks, usually he would heal himself by now, but he had used up the remainder of his energy to get away. He slummed onto the rocks and the world began to fade away......he remembered that life on his own was tough, if only his friends were there....if only... OOC: Could some peep please save Vincent, weather it be good person or bad
  25. Vincent nodded to Jadou and pointed his left hand at the floor and opened it quickly. "Heya!!!" Vincent yelled, a tremendous force pushed him up into the air and onto the roof of a building. He ran along the tiled rooftops, praying not to slip. He kept a close eye out for more soldiers like hawk to a mouse. Suddenly, nightly silence was broken by a gruff assertive voice. "Up on the roof!!" The voice commanded. Vincent frantically looked around for the source of the voice but to no avail. "Fuck!" Vincent said. He went to put draw his sword but a tile gave way under his shoes, forcing him to fall down and crash through the roof of the building. Vincent wiped away the dust from his hair and eyes, he was in what appeared to be a very old house. The wallpaper was peeling off the bottom, and mould grew in the corner. A thick smell of musty books loomed in the air, coming from an old oak cupboard like a dead mans stench. "Please don't tell me this is hell!" Vincent said to himself. He looked up to see that he had fallen at least 4 stories, nothing a mercenary can't handle. The gruff voice grunted again from above. "I don't think he is dead, if he was able to run on a slippery roof effortlessly, I think he can survive a fall" A different voice trembled. The soldier sounded like newbie, he didn't talk with assertiveness and pride like the rest. "Well there?s only one way to find out, and seems you think you can call the shots, noob, why don?t you go down and see?" The gruff voice punished, the sound of metal clinking was heard and debris fell down from the holes. Vincent hid behind rubble and ready himself for a bloodbath. Vincent lowered his eyebrows and grinned, the mercenary blood in him ran thick. The new soldier timidly dropped into the room, he reminded Vincent of one of the boys from the workhouse that they called "Mousy" do to his pointy nose and sticky out ears. They were good friends, but lost contact many a year ago. "Hell.....hello?" The soldier said shrewdly, the other soldiers laughed at him from above, they saw this as a cruel game. He turned around armed with a pathetic sword. The second he saw Vincent, he lunged forward to stab, Vincent kicked the sword out of his hand. He smacked him in the face with his shield and pushed him over. He leapt onto of him and drew his sword back, ready to strike. The soldier began to cry, the others laughed at him. "Please......im new..." the soldier struggled to say through tears. Vincent frowned at him. "Its my job" He said sternly, and rammed his sword through the soldiers throat and let him go. The soldiers hair fell back to reveal a mole on his head, exactly the same as "Monsey?s? from the workhouse. Vincent felt no regrets; he was an enemy, that?s all that mattered. He looked up to the soldiers looking down. "You bastards!!!! Heya!!!!!"
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