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Everything posted by poo62.2

  1. I hope it?s worth all the waiting lol
  2. Name: Vincent Wurlitzer age:26 gender: male race: Human Class: Mercenary Swordsman/ Spellcaster Weapon of Choice: Sword and small sheild attached to left arm What side they're on: Resistance/ Does own thing Why they fight: For pride and Revenge A BRIEF(!) History of the character: Little is known about Vincent, most of the people that knew too much have ceased to exist due to suspicious circumstances. Vincent?s parents died due to scandal evolving an Empire from the far north called the Rheiardian Empire at an early age, and was sent to a workhouse, making machine parts at gunpoint. Only the strong survived and the weak perished, it was a dog-eat-dog world. After 7 years, Vincent made a break for it and in a fit of rage slaughtered the labourers. Vincent awoke in bloodstained rags. Luckily, the other boys from the workhouse had saved him from arrest and had helped him out. One of the older boys called Lei noticed his killing skills and the way he wielded his sword like a natural, after all Lei used to be a Mercenary before he was caught and sent to the workhouse. So after thought, they formed there own Mercenary business to get money to support the boys. But after Lei became greedy and a renegade, Vincent had no choice but to kill him or eventually be killed. After consideration, Vincent said his goodbyes to the boys and set out as a lone Mercenary, loosing a great deal of trust for others Picture:[IMG]http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/talesofsymphonia-ps2/art-007.jpg[/IMG] All in all: a dude that takes no crap
  3. Nicknames eh, i have afew. [U]Mr.pie:[/U] Obvious really, im everyone?s fave pie-boy lol [U]Slaney:[/U] my second name, a fave of those who are to lazy to remember my first name lol [U]Chump:[/U] A name given to me by my brother.... after loosing many fights to him (lucky bugger ehehe) [U]That kid who can do those funny gay voices:[/U] Self-explanatory lol And a bagful more but their abit rude lol
  4. [B]Name: [/B] Vincent Wurlitzer [B]age:[/B]26 [B]gender[/B]: male [B]race:[/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Mercenary [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Sword and small sheild attached to left arm [B]What side they're on:[/B] Resistance/ Does own thing [B]Why they fight:[/B] He's a Mercenary, a soldier for hire, so he fights on the side of whoever pays the most. [B]A BRIEF(!) History of the character:[/B] -i'll do this bit later- [B]All in all:[/B] a guy that takes no crap
  5. Well I?m forced to learn French and German at school. I would know stuff but my teacher is an absolute old hag and we learn nothing because everything is shouted at us....no one in the class can even remember 1-10 in French yet we are in the top group! :mad:
  6. Name: Vincent Irving Weapon: Sword with small sheild attached onto left arm Appearence:[IMG]http://img2.uploadimages.net/876071stuffo.JPG[/IMG] Age:Possibly 23 Height:5ft8in Wish: To become the greatest swordsman/spellcaster that ever lived
  7. Well I?m not much of a man when it comes to quotes but there is one that always sticks in my mind that cheers me up whenever I feel down. [COLOR=Red][B]It?s funny because it?s poisonous[/B]- Doctor Zoidburg off Futurama. [/COLOR]
  8. I believe in Darwinism 100%, there is lots of scientific proof to back it up. But as always there is always a flaw, and lots of holes in the subject that will be continually poked into until its proved to be pure fiction or true fact. But I think we should respect other people?s views into account and use them to build a bigger knowledge of the subject; I can't stand it when stubborn people will automatically shun your beliefs on things like Darwinism. If we all actually listen to each other we may even find out the true answer to evolution, who knows.
  9. I live in in a large village called Brompton, which is near a town called Northallerton, which is all in the north Yorkshire, northeast of England, United Kingdom! Its nice because the countryside is inspiring but it isn't like in the middle of nowhere. And the weather is usually quite pleasant :D And what makes it great is crazy Yorkshire folks accents lol instead of saying, "I get the idea, I?m going to the shops" they would say [COLOR=Red]"I get thydea, I?m going t'shops" [/COLOR] lol, its crazy at first but you get used to it.
  10. Ah yes I do agree that 2004 was a grand year, a grand year indeed, we now have running water, a tunnel that links us to Peru, and we invented the cat. But can't remember much OB stuff of 2004 because i was ether not online, not paying attention, or was probably naked.
  11. My New Years Resolutions is to get a New Years Resolution lol :D Because every new years eve you always say "ooh my New Years Resolution will be somethingorother" and by the time you wake up on new years day, your tired, abit hung over, and you can't remember were you keep your underwear.....aahh...good times.....oh sorry, yeah and you always forget you ever made a New Years Resolution until your full of Easter eggs some time in April lol
  12. Meh I come on now and again, I don't really have a set time that I use just for going on the OB, I?ll just come on randomly and if there?s anything that?s worth replying or having a say about then I?ll reply, and if there isn't I?ll just not do anything and go on MyOtaku, another site, or talk to my friends on msn or something. Your live shouldn't be controlled by going on one site.
  13. How on earth could you make a Cowboy bebop card game?! It defies all logic, how does it work, do you have to beat the other card by whistling a jazz tune or something damn right stupid like that? Why don't they just make a "Interesting adverts on tv" card game!? "My dishwasher does 40 damage to your electric shaver!" [COLOR=Red]"Not so fast, i evolve my shaver into a loan application!"[/COLOR] "Oh no, how will get low-cost insurance now!" [COLOR=Red]"Hahaha, and using my "prime-time" advertise power up card your finished! Now hand over that super rare shiny 1/2 price chicken when you spend over £20 card!"[/COLOR] It?s a horrid vision of the future
  14. Umm...SilpheedPilot those tips would only work in a perfect world were parents were mindless zombies and sip tea and eat crumpets all day like in rich parts of England! Or if we were all communist and as far as i know communism doesn't work, so your tips need some re-thinking :D
  15. meh I have to disagree with you there Darktigerpack17. Ed is cool because of her whackness, if she was edited out of the series it would take away a certain spice that makes up the show. It would be like "The Simpsons" without Moe, or "Outlaw star" without Fred Lou!
  16. Name: Lei heishiro Gender: Male Age: 24 Blood Type: AB Nationality: Japanese Family: Father: dying Family: Rest of family: Dead due to toxins Important People: Descendant of Mitsurugi Weapon: Katana Fighting Style: Tenpu-kosai-ryu kai Appearance: [IMG]http://www2j.biglobe.ne.jp/~ikuko/gallery/img/mitsurugi01.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Lei lived a peaceful life in the forest areas of Japan with his whole family living and training together. But darkness loomed over the horizon, a chemical production company chopped down tree areas near Leis home to make a factory that produces nuclear material for biological weapons encase of a war. But Lei's family were to poor and pennyless to stop the company. 2 years past and Lei's family were still forced to live along side the factory, spewing out radioactive waste and hazardous gasses all over the forest. War had broken out and the factory was making more material than ever. But one night a bomb from far off country hit the factory causing it to explode and spew out its material all over the forest, Lei's family were instantly subdued by slow and painful death of radiation poisoning, if it wasn't for Lei's dad rushing him to safety he would?ve suffered the same ghastly end. His father soon caught radiation poisoning and began to get sicker each day, Lei could do nothing but watch the last living member of his family apart from himself slowly fade away. Lei mind turned to getting revenge, the bitter taste of it exited him dearly. He went on a long arduous mission to find a sword that his family history records said could end all wars...
  17. Im thankful for my health, which im sure we all talk for granted everyday. We jump over tall walls at the own risk of breaking are legs; we eat things that we are well aware of the health risks and don?t give to thoughts about it. There are people who would kill for good legs, or able to live without having a load of wires and machines strapped onto them. We always take things like this for granted, because we should be very thankful for our health, because I could wake up tomorrow lying in a hospital bed.
  18. Yikes indeed! Well she is not as slutty as this girl in my class called annie, she is 12 and already she has had sex with a boy and a girl, and rumor says that she is pregenent!
  19. poo62.2


    I dunno, how about looking on the internet about it?
  20. Hey everyone, this is a subject that really drives me up the wall, makes me mad, whatever you want to call it. Its when kids say they are being "bullied" and really all that?s happening is that they have insulted/hit/offended someone and they have retaliated by calling them a name or hitting them, and magically that becomes bullying, when clearly all it is is 2 kids just doing what kids do. This happened to me once when this kid who I will just call "Bob" in this thread accused me of bullying him after I pushed him over after he swore at me a few times. And just because he is slightly overweight and is quite feminine most of the time to put it in a nice way all the teachers felt sorry for him and believed that he was being "bullied". And to make things worse when I got punished, bob kept laughing at me and saying nasty, spiteful stuff about me, and when I went to tell the teachers, bob made up this random claim that I was bullying him again!! And so i got punished even more! I think that somebody actually needs to set the grounds on what is classed as proper bulling and just kids knowing how to get there own way by twisting the truth.
  21. Yeah, i did when i first joined but according to the rules and all that stuff you have to introduce yourselves by commenting in other threads and stuff like that.
  22. Umm....great....but i think this post will get closed due to lots of reasons, so if i were you guys i would suddenly start talking about somthing realy interesting like "How will the world end" and "What happends if you just eat toffee" that kind of thing! If not, prepair to be closed!!
  23. Great idea!! but i bet the post will be closed though, anyway here it is. ....the porn shop i saw...
  24. I think one reason why the anime in England is pitiful is because loads of idiots just think anime is just pokemon and digimon and crap like that, so TV companies don?t put on anime shows because the idiots think all anime is crap. I hate those people. As for toonami, its now being a hideous shadow of its former great self, CNX. i remember CNX used to show great anime shows and sometimes the odd anime movie, but now its become all kiddy, under 10 year old cartoon rubbish that is toonami!!
  25. Jack ran into the Anime Con. Hotel with my suitcases in his hands and he chucked them up into the air in joy. They came crashing down to earth with an almighty thud as he just missed catching them. Everyone in the lobby instantly looked at him with peering eyes. "Ummmmm...I think ill check out my room!" he said nervously. And he ran off as quickly as a flash to my room. [U][I]1 hour later[/I][/U] Jack had just finished putting on my Gene Starwind costume. He looked great and felt great. He took another good look around his room and unpacked the rest of his stuff. ?Hmmm?. I?m hungry!? he said. He picked up the phone and rung room service. ?Ummm?yeah hi I would like to order a large pizza? He said into the phone, but the guy on the other end of the phone was Japanese and he didn?t understand word he said. ?Yeah great! Bye? Jack said into the phone and put it down. ?I knew I should have bought that Japanese translation book at the airport!? [U][I]Down in the lobby[/I][/U] Jack looked around the lobby to find any Japanese translation books that were for sale. Suddenly he spotted this girl dressed as Mousse chatting to a boy dressed as Deathscythe Hell, their costumes looked great. Then a few more Cosplayers came into the room. This cool kid wearing an Amidamaru costume particularly caught jacks eye. ?Everyone here looks so cool, I think this is going to be one hell of an Anime Con.!? Jack thought to himelf.
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