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Everything posted by poo62.2
Yeah, Gangsta-types are all realy weaker then a wet paper bag on the inside and if you say something real emotional they would probably wet themselves with passion. Also, the Gangsta-types try to act tough and all that crap in a group, but on there own they act like lost orphens. Use this information wisely!! It could give you the upper hand!
Name: Jack Cain Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: Outgoing, lively, likes the girls (you know what i mean!) Hobbies: Writing, Fighting, Watching anime, stuff like that Favourite Anime: Outlaw star Cosplay Character: Gene Starwind [I][U]Cosplay Character sign up-[/U][/I] Name: Gene Starwind Gender: Male Age: 20 Quirks: Adventurous, outgoing, likes to be with sexy ladies whenever he can, expert bounty hunter, perverted at times, short fused, and loves to take risks. Appearance[URL=http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/adaptionsanime/outlawstar/gene2.jpg]Click[/URL] Anime:Outlaw star
I know about as much on american football as a....ummm...goose because i live in england. So i have no idea what on earth Midnight Rush is talking about!! Could someone please tell me what Midnight Rush just said!!
Necrophilia is just wrong and hidious.Being a necrophile (I think that might be the word) is the classic trade mark for being a sad lonely looser, who are so sad they don?t get themselves a nice "alive" person. Can't we send all the necrophiles to a big island so they all kill each other, one way or another, Wont the problem be solved?
Umm..to be completely honest with you, amgoddess, I don't like the idea. I think its too much like the sailor moon series. If you changed some stuff, added in new enemies, and made the Sailor Scouts a heck of a lot different than what they are in Sailor moon, then it will be great
Name:Rey Mantis (Prefers to just be called Mantis) Age: Unknown Race: Human Timeline: 2010 Special Skills: Mantis has trained all his life, seems as he has been an assassin since a young age, he has developed to take more damage than then normal people can. Weapons: 1 powerful katana that if used skilfully can deflect bullets, and 1stainless steel knife. Special Items: Cape/coat type thing (see picture) that can deflect bullets Weakness: Because of mantis's stubborn personality, he hates working in groups and taking orders from people who he thinks are "inferior to him" Description:[IMG]http://img1.uploadimages.net/401981lsnake2.JPG[/IMG] Bio: Little is known about Rey Mantis's pasts apart from that his parents were tortured to death right in front of his eyes, this made him stubborn and self dependent, and forced him to make a living by killing other people; being an assassin. Mantises travelled around the globe killing people untill one day someone was sent out to kill him. In a fierce and bloody battle, Mantis destroyed the assassin with ease, and realised that killing people because your told to kill them wasn?t a life at all. It was just basically the life of a dog; he was always being told what to do. So Mantis set out to find a real challenge. 5 years later Mantis had killed allot of the world?s greatest fighters, but there was 1 fighter he was always looking for, his parent?s killer. No matter where in the world Mantis went, His parents killer always seemed to elude him, until one day in London, England, Mantis tracked him down and savagely torched him until he died a most horrible death. But mantis still wasn?t satisfied by this challenge, so he still wonders the earth looking for the person who can really challenge him and bring him what he really wants, death.
Dragonball Gt sucks, its a true piece of shoddy awfulness, I can't stand the show, it ruined the lovely memory of Dragonball z, everything to do with Gt should be sent to the sun! End of story!
I totally agree with ChibiHorsewoman 110%(that means I could take away 10% and still completely agree with her) Bring on the celebrity death match things otakuboard style! That would be fantastically great! But I still stand by what I said earlier! dark king I don't mean to sound rude but I think its about time you woke up and smelt the real world!C?mon!!
Yeah, ebay is evil, it tries to make itself look all nice and "easy deliverance" -ish but really behind all of that there is an ugly old gremlin-man running ebay and reeling in the profits and ripping people off! So, ebay is pure gremlin-man evil! :devil:
C'mon people!Chocobo Gene needs help ASAP!! Chocobo Gene asked for help Yesterday at 01:04 PM!I can't belive nobody has replied to help him yet!!
Ummm......I don't mean to sound rude, but dark king you sound allitle "mad" over naruto stuff! If there is one thing I have learnt in life it?s that stuff in anime is not real, it can be based on real stuff, but it can never be real! Trust me, I know after loosing lots of bets that i could go super saiyan or that i could lift up a log using only finger because of my immense power level. But, if you really think you have all these powers, go onto a chat show and prove it, only then will I believe you.
[SIZE=1]OOC: ok, thanks for telling us MysticKnight! :D I ran and jumped so i was directly behind Kita. [B]"The only meat that?s dead is that piece of meat that you call your brain"[/B] I kicked the knife out of kita's hand and caught it in my hand. I immediately jabbed it into kitas spine. Kita gasped and coughed up blood. I sneered with happiness at Kita's pain. [B]"You Monster!"[/B] Kita spluttered. I laughed again. [B]"The only monster round here is you, Half fox demon, half fallen angel? What a vulgar mix, you should have been but in the bin years ago"[/B] Kita growled with anger, but she didn't have much time left on her side. [B]"See, your no sophisticated fighter, your just some.... some...creature"[/B] Then I chuckled loudly to myself. Kita growled even louder and flipped round and kicked me in the face, and then punching me in the stomach. I whipped away the blood from my mouth and laughed to myself again. [B]"I don't know why you are even trying, your just using up vital energy, if you surrender you get to walk away and go to a hospital, on the other had if you stay here with me, its only a matter of time before you die[/B][/SIZE] OOC:Im sorry if i seemed super evil in this chapter, but reamember, it Mantis talking, not me!
OOC:Oh, thank you Delirium, I always thought i wasn't that good! But you've proven me wrong! Thank you again!! We best stop these OOC, there spamming up the story!
OOC:But MysticKnight, thats unfair! Can't me and Delirium have 1 more post each? Please? Oh well, your the boss, whatever you say goes, i bet im going to loose now
I wouldn't want Cowboy bebop to have a sequel, because the way it ended was so epic and cool, if a second series was made, I think it would ruin the legend that is Cowboy bebop. But I would love to see a second series of outlaw star, seems as on the last episode it said "See you soon" or something like that, so I think, no I demand that a second series should be made!!! But, if they did make another series they would have to make up a completely new story line, seems all the business with melphena all wrapped up nicely, and if they did make up something completely new, it could ruin everything.
Is your problem real?? Or are you just making this up? Well, if it is real, the answer to your question "What should I do to make people stop hating me" is just be yourself, and if other people don't like you, it?s there problem. But if the bully is coming after you with a pistol and his old gang (sounds like something out of a movie) then tell the police or get the next plane ticket to Zanzibar, wherever that may be. Hope that answers your question!
[SIZE=1]Kita's duplicates were surrounding me, and freaking me out, I had to act fast or things could get messy. But I remembered an old attack that will reveal the real kita to me; my deadly attack would have to wait. [B]"You may have the knives, but do you have the skill? BLACKOUT!"[/B] Then, a vial of thick black mist surrounded all of the kita?s eyes. [B]"Like my attack? Because there are plenty more were that came from"[/B] I fired energy balls from my mouth at all of kita duplicates, and because they couldn't see me, I kept firing until I came to the real kita. But kita quickly flew higher into the air. [B]"There is no use flying away, as the old saying goes `you can run but you can't hide`. i will eventually catch you"[/B] I flew up after her at top speed, i wasn't going to let her wait to my attack wore off.[/SIZE]
I think the best weapon in an anime is the castor gun off outlaw star. It was such a cool idea to put spells inside of bullets, a very simple idea, but a very good one. On the last episode of outlaw star, I would have liked to have seen a castor gun battle between Gene and Ron mcdougal [spoiler]sadly there isn't one[/spoiler] but it never the less, the Castor gun defiantly deserves its place in the history of anime weapons
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
poo62.2 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE] The Pro: America is the ONLY country that goes around saying there the greatest country on earth on a daily basis. You even notice that? your like a country of narcisists.[/QUOTE] Hey Pro, Though we are all entitled to our own a opinion on the OB, I don't think it would be wise to poke fun at America seems the majority of people on the OB are American. I'm not from America, but I?m just saying be careful and think before you speak, you don't want to go around angering people. -
The worst anime I think is this anime show on one of the weird channels from India or some place in the Middle East. I didn't get to see the shows name but the animation was awful and though it was all in a different language, I could tell that the sound was very poor. The show looked like it had been put together in some guys basement or a school toilet (now that?s bad!) Another Awful anime is flint the time detective. How on earth could a Stone Age boy grasp modern life so easily? And that talking hammer, that?s just complete rubbish. And every episode is based on the same structure: Go back in time Find the time monster thingy Meet a famous historical character Petra comes along Turns monster into big scary monster Flint saves the day. Repeat.
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
poo62.2 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
To be completely honest with you all, I don't care who gets elected 1.I'm too young to vote 2.I live in England But then again, i should care. Just incase on the off chance that America launches a nuclear strike against England, but that?s not likely to happen. -
[SIZE=1]I sneered at Kita as I pulled out my katana from underneath my coat. This would be the first proper challenge I had in a long while. But a challenge is what I had been waiting for all my life. I walked around Kita feeling my katana with my hands. ?Ah, I see you are half kitsune?I have killed ones like you before? I jumped up into the air and punched down at Kita. [B]?Flying punch!!!?[/B] At the last second, Kita jumped out of the way like a cunning fox. I laughed. I gripped my katana tightly. Any minute now, she was going to strike. [B]?If you attack me now, with one swish of my katana, you arms will be separated from your body?[/B] Kita jumped to the side of me and whipped me hand so I dropped my katana, she jumped forward and kicked it out of the arena and smirked. My heart sank, terror filled my body, my human instinct told me to run, but I wasn?t going to run away from a challenge like this. I jumped up into the air and flew up higher into the sky. [B]?HAHA! Can you fly? I doubt it! Mouth Blast!?[/B] I randomly fired energy balls out of my mouth to distract her. I just had to distract her for a couple more seconds and I would be able to launch a deadly attack. OOC:I hope that was ok[/SIZE]
I can't post right now due to school stuff, and tommorow im completely busy, im realy sorry. Please, do not disqualify me! Its just im realy busy at the moment! I barely have time to post this!
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
poo62.2 replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Im alot like Jim and Gene from outlaw star crossed together with some Vegeta from DBZ if thats possible. I think we can all relate to atleast 1 anime character, because there are lots of anime shows in the world, and at least one person in one of them is bound to be abit like you. So anyone who says the are not like any anime character they are ether lying, have no personality, or havn't seen much anime. -
My fave theme song is through the night on outlaw star and for an ending song the real folk blues on cowboy bebop, i don't know why, u just realy think that they are my fave. My least fave anime theme song is the weird flash gordon like theme song from big o, i just don't like it, and the ending theme song with the man and women singing, i just find that bit annoing