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Everything posted by xYakux

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][B][U]Fruits Basket[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B]Yuki:[/B] Cooking lessons so he wont be so dependent on Tohru, Personal fan killing bodyguard so the really annoying fan club girls will die and it will be just me left and my friends and a big hug because he's really cute.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Kyo:[/B] Tohru because they're just so cute together and it's just terrible that she has to be shared and a pig repellant so he won't be pulverised by Kagura(She's the pig right?) anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Tohru:[/B] Phsycology classes so she might not speak to dead people anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Ayame:[/B] 100 meters of silk, because he reminds me of my sister, and thats what she would want.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Hatori:[/B] A holiday, he really does needs one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown][B]Momiji:[/B] A new hat, because he looks so cute in them[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Hiro:[/B] A bell so when he talks you wouldn't hear him[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][B]Kisa:[/B] A new name to call Tohru because sissy gets really annoying, how about Tohru? And a hug because i think she's really cute too and she needs the love from it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]Haru:[/B] A yuki doll so that he can latch onto that instead of Yuki.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Shigure:[/B] Many, many jellybuns.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]It's not all of the characters but i can't really think of what i want to give them at the moment. I would make one for Inuyasha but that's already been created and I doubt everyone really wants to read two.[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=qtpup][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Well here is my try at it, I dont know if i like the way it came out but maybe you will :huh: . Tell me if you want anything changed or if you want matching avatar :) [/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v282/QTpup/yukisigcopy.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] can i have a matching avatar? that would be really nice if you could make me one thankyou so much. The banner is very nice i really like it thankyou Thankyou again in advance
  3. Hello I'm quite new here and i'd like to have a banner I want a banner based on Yuki from Fruits Basket and it would be nice if it had a purply blue backround and the pictures of yuki as human and mouse together with the text words Prince Yuki i don't mind which font as long as it looks nice. Thankyou in advance
  4. It's really good, i like it. The bit where the girl who want's to get changed into the skimpy outfit, that can be all computerised so it saves a lot of time and it can make it a lot straighter if you are deciding to redraw it i do suggest doing that part on computer.
  5. I have trouble drawing men, i find it extremely difficult, i'm a bit of a perfectionist so it'll take me about 2 days to draw my own man character right, i usually have to draw him many times because i think they always turn out too girly looking.
  6. i don't think the artist has to be japanese, i think it's just a stereotype that has been adopted because the style anime is usually drawn with came from Japan, personally if the anime isn't too painful to watch(someone making a fool of themselves), is funny and drawn very well i'd watch it, it doesn't matter who made it.
  7. I find most japanese singers sound pretty much the same, except for maybe male singers and female singers, i think unless you can fluently speak Japanese you will have trouble telling music apart, i know of two Japanese singers, Ayumi Hamasaki(female) and Mr. Children(male), i'm not quite sure what the things you wrote up there are but those are some Japanese singers should you want to research them some more.
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I agree Kingdom hearts has surpised me the most so far, when it came out i really wanted to play it, but i didn't have enough money and rented it instead. i was glad i didn't buy it though because i don't really think it was all that good. I mean, i really hate donald and goofy and i thought you could get rid of them when you got sora and riku, but i was wrong and that was kinda annoying, i had a game that had donald and goofy as two of the main characters, however i thought it was quite a good storyline so i didn't mind too much, i tried to imagine they weren't, donald and goofy, just a dog and a duck. yes a dog and a duck.[/COLOR]
  9. Who is your favorite final fantasy character and why? Please take into account that it can be for any reason, like you could think he/she's the cutest or the most like you.
  10. My mother dissapproves of my watching anime, because she doesn't like it. She says "it's not real lia, it's too fictional to be worth watching". She's stopped commenting on it now though. I think she realised i'm not going to stop watching anime, because i really like it, she doesn't mind too much anymore as long as i don't spend too much money on it. She'll go phsycotic if i do.
  11. Fruits basket is wonderful, i wish i could see more but i've only seen 3 episodes. Unfortunately i was going shopping today and 4 dvds were in my shop i was so disappointed because they were a pack of 4 and i was $30 short of buying them and none of them were on their own so i couldn't buy just 1 of them. it was a horrible experience i hope never to go through again.
  12. xYakux


    Hello Everyone, i'm just wondering if anyone has seen Noir or is it only me, i'm very fond of it. For the people that have seen it and like it, can u tell me why you like it? Thankyou
  13. The first anime i watched was Pokemon but i didn't particularly like it that much. I did like when it first started but i thought it just got worse and worse and then i stopped watching it, but then maybe i just changed, the anime's still the same but i'm different so i don't really like it anymore. hmmmm interesting. i think when i first started watching anime i liked the cute pointless types, i still do, but i only like the ones which are extremely well drawn, such as, Fruit basket and Hamtaro. I like more serious types of anime with ninjas and samurais or angels and miko. eg. Haibane Renmai, Ninja Scroll the series, Inuyasha and samurai X. Really i have a high regard for pretty much all anime, except maybe car anime and anime similar to Transformers(/ just anime that isn't funny with cheezy robots in it). I can even tolerate sport anime( i really hate sport).
  14. i don't think you are, I'm almost 15 and i like hamtaro, i think sonics pretty good to. I just think Hamtaro is so cute and the anime is drawn so well, i wish i could draw that good but i'm still a newbie ^_^, at drawing that is. But really i know a few other people that are about my age that like hamtaro too, it's nothing to be considered a dork for.
  15. I don't like Crush Gears, something like that, if it's considered anime. if it isn't then i'd say pokemon, it was alright at first, but when it just dragged on and on it gets really boring, bad and stupid. I don't like Crush Gears because it looks like a really bad version of Beyblades which was bad enough. i don't like these ones so much because the main character is just way too enthusiasic you just want him to be quiet.
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]i love inuyasha as it is one of the very first good anime series i have seen, a pity that i have not seen the movie yet. But i might be able to see it at the end of the year when i go to see my sister because she has it in japanese with subtitles, she has the movie. yay. I like the drawings, i'm not really into the really cute stuff and i can't oftenly watch the anime which is drawn all creepy looking, example perfect blue. I also really like how it is situated in the fuedal era and the story line is really good aswell. The music really matches the anime making it better for me at least.[/COLOR]
  17. Pokemon games are alright, i am not too fond of game boy games myself but i find that the pokemon games cover all of the aspects of an RPG, so that is my recommendation.
  18. I think AC looks really good, however it has comepletly lost my ideal of Clouds super big spike on his head, he still looks gorgeous though. I don't know if i'm really in favor of Sephiroth's look, his face is a little narrow, but then considering his character it's alright, being mega evil narrow faces can work can't they?
  19. I'm very much in love with Ranma and Inuyasha, although it's very hard for me to see them, the problem is that I don't live in a place where it's particularily available and not much money to buy it from a place that does have it, so i haven't seen much or watched any movies :flaming: . I have only read the first 6 books but what i have read i have very much enjoyed i would like it if i could read some more about it. i like it because it's about a girl who doesn't like boys and a boy that isn't quite a boy and all the weird things that happen to them. The only thing i've found bad about this series so far is Shampoo, i very much dislike certain things about her, the way she doesn't speak correctly for example(i know it's because she's from China and they're in Japan, but why they had to make her speak badly i don't know, it really annoys me) and the little things on her head( her hairstyle).
  20. I am most like Kagome(Inuyasha), Akane(Ranma 1/2) and Kaname(Full Metal Panic). Kagome because I'm way too nice to people all the time and much too trusting. Akane because I am quite hot headed and because i really hate men(wish i could have Ranma). Kaname because i can somehow get my way with people. Unfortunately i can't think of an anime character whom is extremely unlucky but if you do know one just imagine me being a cross between that character aswell.
  21. My most frustrating gaming moment was in ffx-2 calibrating the lightning towers in the thunder plains, it took me 2 days and i needed help for the last one with yuna. but amazingly i managed to do it. Another frustrating one was the first time i played seven, it wasn't long ago so i played it on my ps2 and so after playing for about a day when i tried to save it i couldn't because u can't save playstation games on a ps2 memory card and then on a stupid whim i decided to battle the serpant instead of getting a chocobo and i died. Another frustrating gaming moment was climbing the wall at the end of Tarzan's world in Kingdom hearts, i kept falling down and i couldn't find the spot where you find the keyhole, it took me half a day.
  22. I'm not sure exactly why I like anime so much, maybe it's because i like the sense of humor, maybe it's because i think the art style is cute and in some cases well drawn, maybe because when I watch a creepy horror flick i can't handle real people. But i think the main reason why i like it so much is because a lot of the anime i like are the samurai ones or the ones with mystical creatures in them. another main reason i like anime so much is that i think cartoons are just a little too painful to watch i just don't like watching people in constant pain like that.
  23. [FONT=Tahoma]My top 5 favorite final fantasy characters are in the order Squall, Cloud, Tidus(nicknamed Tidie), Vincent and Selphie(nicknamed Sefie). I like Squall because he's really cute and because of the way he approaches women(i can't dance etc.). I like Cloud because of his hair, his sword and his attachment of behaving like a mercenary( i don't know how to spell it) at the start. Tidie because he's really cute, he's so dopey and he just really grows on you. Vincent because he' s so attractive, he came out of a coffin and he's so serious all the time. Sefie because she's so bubbly, bouncy, falls over all the time(just like me) and she loves parties. I mainly like these characters because they're all so cute and they're looks match they're personality perfectly.[/FONT]
  24. I think Final Fantasy has the best music especially eyes on me from FFVIII and Real Emotion and 1000 Words from FFX-2.As for anime I'm quite fond of the music from Inuyasha, it does kind of grow on you, and the music from Ninja Scroll, the girls music is quite enchanting. I really like them because they match the game/anime so well, if it didn't it would make the anime a lot worse.
  25. I would not date Inuyasha from Inuyasha because he'll never get over the last person he'd have dated. It's a pity because he's so cute. However I'd love to date Sesshomaru because he doesn't seem to have any particularly bad defects, apart from disliking pretty much everyone.
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