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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked
[quote name='Lucy'][COLOR=#656446][FONT="Georgia"]Hello! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/albel_button.jpg[/IMG] I am very fond of the color yellow so I used it as the background color. If it looks a tad too Christmas-y, please let me know and I'll be happy to change it for you. Cheers![/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] No, I love it! It looks just like I wanted. Thanks!
Alright, I need a button made for a site and I'm not that savvy with Photoshop or anything of that sort (nor do I have the equipment), so I would like to ask if someone could make the button for me. It needs to be a JPEG and it's dimensions NEED to be 88X31 pixels. I have the image that needs to be used with it. What I was hoping for was for the image to be on the left of the button, while on the right side, it said in black text, "RolePlayGateway" preferably having RolePlay be one row and Gateway be another. As for the background, I was hoping that I could get some sort of gradient background so that it looks nice. Any color will do, as long as the text and button are clearly visible. I would be very appreciative if someone could do this for me. :help:
(Although I think that Silver_wolf fang was talking about the capital, as in Emara, Achillies, but oh well, I'll bite) Namasah heard a lot of ruckus outside of the castle. "[COLOR=DarkRed]You, go see what's going on. I'll stay here and make sure that Namasha doesn't escape.[/COLOR]" Namasha then heard the clanging of metals walk away from his door. ([COLOR=Purple]This is probably our chance. Come on, let's go. We can take the one guard.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]A couple of things. One, that one guards happens to be a high ranking officer. We wouldn't be able to take him out without sounding an alarm. Two, the guy is going to see that it was US who took him out and then he'll just tell the emperor and I'll be minus a head. For the dragon of wisdom, you're acting unwise recently.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]I didn't say that we had to make ourselves visible. We know dragon magic right? One is our Wind Vortex. That'll bust down the door and take the guard out. If he accuses us, when he wakes up, we say that there were intruders that done it. The reason we left our room was because we feared for our lives as well as for the emperor's. That's why we went to the emperor's chambers.[/COLOR]) Namasha smiled. He concentrated very quietly then a blast of wind came from his body, blasted down the door, taking Aramak's conciousness as well. Namasha dashed out of the room and guards were looking at him with weapons drawn. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It wasn't me! There are intruders! They lept out the window! Go and make sure they don't come back again! They're probably still in the courtyard! I'll go and make sure the emperor is safe![/COLOR]" The guards dashed for the main entrance of the castle. ([COLOR=Purple]Well, whoever the REAL intruders are, they have the guards to deal with now, while we interrogate the emperor.[/COLOR]) Namasha nodded and started to run towards the emperor's chambers. He opened the door and slammed it shut. The emperor awoke to the noise. "[COLOR=DimGray]Namasha? What is the meaning of this intrusion?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]We have intruders. Since most of the guard was used to keep the members of the palace withint their rooms, this must've been seen as an opportune moment to strike.[/COLOR]" The emperor had a very concerned look upon his face. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sir, why were to make sure that everyone stayed in their room?[/COLOR]" The emperor started to crack. "[COLOR=DimGray]DAMN! I feared this would happen. I thought I could keep it hidden, but it turns that secrets DON'T last too long do they? You have to promise to keep this just between us Namasha. The reason for the palace guard to make sure that peopel stayed in their rooms, was because there was a thievery. Two guards were killed and there was no trace of where the suspect went. It wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't the thing they stole that I was worried about. You remember that each kingdom was given a shard of the gem of the black stone that gave the evil dragon life, right? Well, ours has been stolen. I wanted to make sure that I was the only one to know, so I had the guards busy with the people and patrol, while I cleaned everything up. If one person were to find out, they would gossip and then everyone would, until it reached the other kingoms, then the other kingdoms would see it as weakness and declare war on us.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]So, you don't trust the other kingdoms? Is that it? Are you saying that all these years of peace that flourished succeded on layers of distrust? That is simply not true. We must reach out to the other kingdoms. See what has happened to their gem. I suggest the kingdom of Tsunisia. They're emperess is said to be very understanding.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DimGray]Fine Namasha. You believe so much in the other kingdoms, then you can do it, but I'll have no part of it. I still say the other kingdoms will see it as weakness.[/COLOR]" Namasha almost wished to spit at the emperor in disgust, but he held back. The door was then opend with quickness. "Your highness! We caught the intruder. What should we do with him?" Namasha looked at the man that was being hung by his arms, having a mask hide his face. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'll deal with him. He can assist me on a new mission the emperor just game me.[/COLOR]" "Are you sure Master Namasha? This man is a wild one. He took out a lot of the guard." "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have proven myself from time and time again to be able to defend myself. Besides, he won't be so dangerous if you strip him of his weapons. Now do it.[/COLOR]" The guards went in to take the man's weapons.
Namasha was eating when he sensed something horrible. ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]Do you feel that?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Yes, I do. What do you supposed it is?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm not sure. Do you think that we should go and check it out?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Yes, we should.[/COLOR]) Namasha nodded and walked out of his room, he was soon stopped by two spears, blocking his path. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]What the hell is going on here?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]Don't get rough with me Namasha. The emperor may see you as his closest advisor, but to me, you're still just a freak. By order of the emperor, all personal, including council members, are to remain either outside the palace or in their bedrooms. Guards are to patrol the rooms, to make sure that they don't get out.[/COLOR]" These words were spoken by one of the lead guards, Aramak. Namasha and he have had many encounters before. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Can I at least ask WHY, we are to be put like this?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]The emperor just told us to do it. He also said that if we didn't follow his orders, he'd have our heads. So, we're following orders. No one really knows.[/COLOR]" Namasha had no clue what was going on. The emperor had never acted in such a manner as to threaten his guards or followers in the palace. Namasha went back into his room and shut the door. ([COLOR=Purple]Strange, the emperor has never done anything like this before. Do you suppose this has something to do with that disturbance?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't know. But whatever has happened, the emperor doesn't want anybody, not even me, his advisor, to know. It must be something that can't be let out.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Well, I say we go and investigate. What about you?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]In case you haven't noticed, my bedroom is on the third story. How are we to get down without hurting ourselves OR letting every palace guard on patrol find us? I'm sure that the emperor has them doing more than just keeping us prisoner.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Well, what else are we supposed to do? Just stand here and wait?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]That's pretty much all we can do. When the emperor calls me to his chambers tomorrow for his daily report and what should be done, I'll interrogate him.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Are you sure that's safe?[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=RoyalBlue]He won't do anything to hurt me. I'm the best advisor that he's had in 30 years. The worst he can do is not say anything.[/COLOR]) ([COLOR=Purple]Fine. We'll wait until tomorrow.[/COLOR]) Namasha layed down on his bed and tried to go to sleep, but it was hard.
(Alright, for the first part of the story, not much is going to happen. It's basically, have youre character live life the way he wants) Namasha started to walk towards the palace, but he remembered that he needed to buy ingredients for his dinner. Although he was offered dinner, living in the palace, he preffered his own cooking to the palace chef's. He walked towards the market. All he really wanted to buy was some meat, since he had plenty of spices and other things, he just was going to buy meat. He went to the butcher. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hello, I'd like to buy some chicken, plese.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=SlateGray]That'll be 30 Zugen please.[/COLOR]" Namasha gave the man the money. "[COLOR=SlateGray]Hey wait. I've seen your before. You're that Namasha guy. The Emperor's advisor. Why are you buying chicken, when you get your own free food in the palace?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Oh, well that's simple. I actually prefer my own cooking.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=SlateGray]It's your loss[/COLOR]" The man said, going back to chopping up his products. Namasha smiled a bit and took his chicken and went towards the palace. He walked in to be greeted by the guards, like he always was. He took his chicken to the kitchen and started to prepare his dish. He planned on making a sort of stew. He filled a bot with water and threw various spices and ingredients into the pot and his chicken. He waited for it to simmer and cook. It was a little depressing to Namasha how boring his life was. He was waiting for something exciting to happen, but nothing rarley happens anymore. (OOC: I know it's not the best beginning post and it's not that long, but still, I couldn't really think of what to put, so, yeah.)
Alright, all the profiles are in. Congratulations. I'm tired of waiting so let's start this. Now, I'm going to leave the sign-up open to those who want to still sign up, but the RPG itself is starting.
Ummm, Delta, I have a couple of things to say about your profile. One, I really want any sports to be played in this RPG/world. Two, even if I did allow sports to be played in this RPG, you never said what sport your character plays. (Though I'm guessing it's baseball) Those are my main big problems with that. I'm not trying to seem mean, pinpointing on your profile, but I'm just saying what I'm trying to get. Your character doesn't have to be involved in war. Like I said, if you wanted, your character could be a merchant or anything like that.
(It seems that not many people are starting out with a dragon spirit. Oh well, that's why I made it optional. The profiles are looking really good. I'm hoping to get some more. Now I guess I should post my profile.) Sign-up sheet: Name: Namasha Hakaru Age: 27 Personality: Namasha is very calm man. He will usually think things through and try to give what is best not only for him, but the people around him. In battle, he will usually use spells to his advantage. Kingdom: Ikar Position in the Kingdom: Advisor to the Emperor Appearence: Namasha wears a robe that is worn by all council members. It is the symbol of Emara. The top of it is a dark blue decorated with swirls near the shoulders and having white lines move down the sleeves. The bottom is a basic white bottom to any robe. His skin is somewhat pale, his hair is long and black that he'll let hang down, his eyes are green, he'll sometimes wear a pair of square glasses, and he always has a kind look on his face. His appearence will usually scare people, for his dragon spirit is attached to his physical body. The tail of his Dragon Spirit is connected to his spine and the dragon spirit will usually swirl around Namasha's torso. Other: Outside of the palace, he'll wield a plain katana of the kingdom of Ikar. He has no family, but wishes to have a wife and kids, but his Dragon Spirit attached to his back, doesn't give him a very good love life. Bio: Namasha lived in Ikar all of his life. He was raised in the village near the emperor's palace. His parents worked in the emperor's palace as well. He had lived a good life and he always got along with all the other kids. As soon as Namasha was old enough, he made the decision to go and recieve the blessing of a Dragon Spirit. When he prayed at the statue and took the test through his mind, he soon had his Dragon Spirit, but it was attached to his back. He didn't mind this, for he and his Dragon Spirit were friends and would always be friends. As Namasha grew up, he started to relize that since his Dragon Spirits was connected to his spine, that the Dragon Spirit could send mind messages to Namasha and they were one of the few pairs that could actually understand each other completly. Namasha also relized that his dragon was the Dragon of Wisdom and so it gave him vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. He soon learned that this dragon also gave him ancient dragon spells which could be used in self-defense. This is when Namasha took up a sword and started to combine his spells with his swordplay. Thanks to his dragon's wisdom, Namasha was able to mature at a very rapid rate and is now considered one of the youngest coucil members in the continent. He give the best advice he can towards the emperor about what is best for the people and the country. Some say that this has kept Ikar's government as the best, but this is only a rumor. Namasha loves his job in the palace and resides in the palace itself. He is not only the advisor, but will also help when there is a problem with bandits or anything else requiring violence. Dragon Spirit's name: Haraka Dragon Spirit type: Dragon of Wisdom Dragon Spirit's ability: It gives off vast amounts of Knowledge and Wisdom to its partner as well as giving its parter the ability to use ancient dragon magic. Dragon Spirit's weakness: Being the Dragon of Wisdom, Haraka has very weak power, meaning it can be killed easily. One simple swipe from a sword could kill it. In addition to this, it cannot attack itself. It has to pass its knowledge to its user so the parter can cast the spell. That is another weakness is that in battle, the partner has to do most of the work. (There's me profile)
'Tears filled the eyes of a young boy as he watched the most horrid of things. He watched as the greed of man destroyed the land. It was horrible. Blood being shed by blades, houses being burned by fire, and chaos being thrown about the land by war. The boy didn't know why the two countries fought and killed each other. "[COLOR=Teal]Why is there so much killing?[/COLOR]" the boy said, thinking he was alone on the mountain top. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Because, the greed of man can lead to horrible things. They come with armys, weapons, and kill each other. It's done because man can never have enough. He can't have enough power, land, wealth, or anything else that is good on this world. If there stood but one united kingdom, there would still be no satisfaction. They would try to take what is beyond this world and even beyond that.[/COLOR]" The boy turned to see a cloaked figure standing behind him. "[COLOR=Teal]They fight each other for land?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]This particular war is fought for power. The power of these....[/COLOR]" The dark figured held out four gems. One being red, one being blue, one being yellow, and the last being pure black. "[COLOR=Teal]Are you the one who started this war?[/COLOR]" the little boy said, with more concern in his voice. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Me? Oh no. I never started this war. Two of these gems were held by one of the kingdoms while the third one was the other kingdom's hands. The first kingdom wanted the third gem, so war was declared and the other kingdom fought back with intensity, because they wanted the other two gems. Then they would only have to find the gem that I held. But men are so easily steered from their paths, that they become blind. That is how I swiped the gems so easily and they still don't know. These gems have the power to end the war. Do you wish for this?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Teal]Yes. Anything to stop this killing![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]Then follow me.[/COLOR]" The dark figure led the little boy up the mountain side to the very top, where a cave resided. They stepped inside and the little boy saw many men in cells, weak and feeble. "[COLOR=Teal]Why are they like that?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]Because, they would kill anyone, just for these stones. Even if they were held by you. That is why the safest place for them to be is locked away from the outside world.[/COLOR]" The figure led the little boy to a shrine that looked like a giant dragon. There were four slots. The figure put in the four gems and chanted some sort of incantation. "[COLOR=DarkRed]DRAGON! HEAR ME! I HAVE BROUGHT THESE MEN AS A SACFRIFCE TO BRING YOU TO LIFE! NOW, FILL ME WITH YOUR POWER![/COLOR]" A beam shot at all the men in the cells and in an instant, their bodies were gone. A beam then shot out of the statue of the dragon at the dark figure. The figure started to melt into the statue and the rock skin of the statue started to come off, chip by chip. The boy looked in horror. "[COLOR=DarkRed]See boy. Now I have the power to stop this war. I will go and destroy everyone and the war will be over![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Teal]No, I didn't want the war to end like that! I wanted it to end by peace, not more killing![/COLOR]" It was too late the dragon had set out of the cave and flew down from the mountain towards the battle. The men looked in horror at what was coming for them. A ball of black smog emitted from the dragon's mouth at the men, killing a squadron of them. They now ran from the dragon. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Humans. They're pathetic. They will declare war and act as though they are not afraid to die. Then, when many of them die, they flee with their tails between their legs like dogs![/COLOR]" The dragon kept using it's dark powers to destroy the armies. There were but few left. The dragon stood up high above them, about to finish the last of the men, but an arrow flew towards him. The dragon looked to see that it was the boy. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Why do you attack me, when I am putting an end to this, just like you wanted?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=Teal]Rivers of blood won't bring peace and even bigger rivers can't! If you even kill one of them that are left, I'LL KILL YOU![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]You, kill me? HA! Not with my power! I can kill you with just my claws. Here, let me prove it![/COLOR]" The dragon flew towards the boy and the boy readied another arrow. As the dragon got closer, the boy concentrated. When the dragon was about to deliver it's swipe with a claw, the boy shot an arrow at the black gem in it's chest. The gem was cracked an shattered. "[COLOR=DarkRed]WHAT!? NO! I haven't purified this world yet![/COLOR]" In a giant flash, the dragon turned back to stone,but so did the boy. The men looked at the statue, forgetting completly about the war and wanting the stones. They relized how stupid this war was and that this boy sacfrificed his life to end it. The men went close to the statue and a flash came from the three remaining stones. The men readied their weapons, wondering if the dragon was coming back, but found a small dragon came out from it. It looked at the men curiously and walked towards one and started to rub against his leg. "[COLOR=Green]I think this is a gift from the boy.[/COLOR]" said one of the men. Another dragon popped out, different from the first one and went to another soldier. Dragons kept coming out until each soldier had their own dragon, each of them different. "[COLOR=Blue]I think that now, the statue gives dragons to everyone.[/COLOR]" said another soldier. All of them nodded. They were amazed at this, but soon remembered the shards of the black gem. There were four different shards. "[COLOR=Navy]Four of us shall take these shards, making four seperate kingdoms, to make sure that this gem won't be remade. Our kingdoms will flourish and be peaceful and fruitful. We shall build a city here, around the statue and it shall be where all of our four kingdoms unite and where our people can recieve these dragons.[/COLOR]" Everyone nodded. Four soldiers took the four pieces and had their troops follow them. They rebuilt and four kingdoms were made in the place of two. Each of them were peaceful with each other and the capital, where the statue was, became a holy place where those of proper age would go and recieve their dragon spirit. People believe that to this day, the boy is still fighting the dragon and he is weakening the dragon little by little, by giving the dragon spirits to his people.' "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]That is always such a good story to listen to[/COLOR]" said Namasha Hakaru. He closed his book. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]And it is true too. If it wasn't, then I wouldn't have you, Haraka.[/COLOR]" he said, stroking a snake like dragon that suddenly appeared. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It's so great that we are united and now everyone can relized the greatness to have a dragon spirit. Well, I best be off to my meeting, or else the emperer might be mad.[/COLOR]" Namasha walked towards the palace, where the emperor resided. This was the emperor of Ikar, one of the four kingdoms that flourished. Namasha was the emeperor's advisor. The other kingdoms had emperors too. They go as followed. Ikar, Romet, Tsunita, and Hemar. Each of them formed the continent, Emara, which was what the capital was named as well. Each kingdom live in peace, but that would soon change....... Things to know: Dragon Spirits: Dragon Spirits are gifts given by the Dragon Shrine. Each one needs the person it is paired with and each one matches something about the person their paired with. Emara: The capital and the name of the continent. The capital is the most populated city and is where the Dragon Shrine is located. Ikar: Ikar is one of the four kingdoms that resides to the east. It is mild weather and mostly covered in plains and forests. Romet: Romet is one of the four kingdoms that resides to the north. It is colder and has mostly mountains. Tsunita: Tsunita is one of the four kingdoms that resides to the west. It is tropical and has much coast to it. Hemar: Hemar is one of the four kingdoms which resides to the west. It is mild and has many canyons and valleys. Sign-up sheet: Name: Age: Personality: Kingdom: (Ikar, Romet, Tsunita, Hemar) Position in the Kingdom: (Farmer, Shopkeeper, Advisor, etc. No one can be the emperor) Appearence: Other: (Anything else you'd like to throw in. Weapons, family, etc.) Bio: (I'd like at least two paragraphs please) (Optional fill outs. These you should only fill out if you want your character to START OUT with a Dragon Spirit) Dragon Spirit's name: Dragon Spirit type: (Spirit Dragon, Winged Dragon, Dragon of Wisdeom, Etc.) Dragon Spirit's ability: (Go ahead and be creative.) Dragon Spirit's weakness: (This is to make sure that no one tries to post an 'ultimate dragon spirit'. It has to have some weakness that contradicts its ability) I really hope this turns out.
Sign Up Welcome to the War (M-VL, possible S)
Albel the Wicked replied to Beorhun's topic in Theater
He he he, you've made a very good RPG Beoruhn. Shame that you haven't posted your character yet. I planned on mine knowing yours, in which I still do. Name: Joshua Isan Age: 18 Side: Independance Weapons: He's been known to use a longsword most of the time, but it has been said that occasionally he will use other various weapons. Job: Soldier Sex: Male Appearance: He's about 5'5", 180 pounds, fairly skinny but well built. His hair is black and he has green eyes. The color of his skin is a whitish color. The length of his hair is fairly long. The clothes he usually wears is a very old Order uniform. It was actually the first form of the uniform and the current one if pretty different. The old one was a pine green on both the top and bottem. The top seemed pretty much like an army vest. It had pockets on the front with no sleves. The bottom was a bit baggy and had deep pockets on the sides. Under the uniform, Joshua wears a black T-shirt. He also wears some regular boots and covers his mouth with a piece of black cloth. Finally on the back of the old uniform, there is a letter in ancient text that means "Hate". Why They've Joined the Independence: Joshua used to live in the Order and planned on fighting with them. He actually joined about when he was sixteen and fought along side of the Order. It wasn't until he was seventeen and he had well known (Insert Beoruhn's character's name here) that he had found out his whole family was killed in the cross fire between the goblins and the Order. He was enraged at both sides by this. This is why he joined the Independence, because he had no respect for either side. He wanted both sides to die. All that was left was his father's uniform from when he was in the Order. He took it and painted the symbol that meant "Hate" on it. He left the city and killed any goblins or those who worked for the Order. He and *Beoruhn's Character* are now a bit of rivals. -
People gathered round at the advertisments that were placed all around the town. It was an advertisment, that explained a Halloween festival that was to be held in the Central Square of the town. It read as follows: [CENTER]Are you looking for a great night? Do you like the costumes of Halloween? Do you like to be scared out of your skin? Do you like dances? Do you like to earn prizes? If you said yes to all of those questions, then come to the 'Halloween Bash' held in Central Square of Zeneire. Starts on Halloween, from 6:30 to 11:00. There will be a constume party/dance held in the Central Building. A Haunted House will be in the Museum, and at the dance, there will be prizes to the greatest costume, scariest costume, etc. There will also be other activities and on other special surprise at the end of the night! So come on down![/CENTER] A young boy looked at the add. Halloween? That was in three days. He wanted to go, only because he had nothing better to do. He also wanted to win a prize for his costume. He ran home and started development on his costume. (OOC: This is a simple and maybe short RPG about Halloween.) Sign-up: Name: Age: Gender: Costume: Personality:
(Uh, Katana, the lady-like comment was directed towards Cyriel's character since it said the woman in front of the whorehouse.) Karel continued to walk through the streets. It seemed like there was nothing for him to do except wait for his duel. He could have trained, but there was really no place for him to go and train. It seemed he couldn't have a friendly duel either, because that Namiko girl seemed to not get the picture that he was bascially challenging her. He then thought of the woman that he directed that lady-like comment. He went towards her and simply made it casual. "[COLOR=Navy]Like I said, that wasn't very lady-like, but that can be a good quality in itself. Most people view women weak and only good for plesure. It's a shame isn't it? But, I never judge someone before I know them. I've seen you beat that poor bastard up, so I'm not going to judge you in combat and see how well you do. You seem agitated, so maybe a little fight might releive some stress. It makes perfect sense, since I'm in the mood for fun and you could relase some anger off.[/COLOR]" Karel said with a smile, drawing a little bit of his sword out, ready for some sort of surprise attack the woman may have thrown at him.
Karel just laughed. "[COLOR=Navy]I'll admit, that was an impresive trick, but I meant how good are you in a one on one match. A trick like that won't do much in fighting. Showing me that proved nothing. If you want to perform fancy tricks, then go join the circus, otherwise you're just wasting my time.[/COLOR]" Karel got up, walked over to the waitress and paid for his tea. Before he left the restraunt he called out,"[COLOR=Navy]Oh and one more thing. I must say that it isn't a good thing for it to take a lot of alcohol to get you drunk. That's not a good aspect for a lady.[/COLOR]" Karel walked out. "[COLOR=Navy]Especially if she wishes to find a man.[/COLOR]" he muttered. He walked through the busy streets not being amazed by the cheap swords that the merchants were trying to sell. He continued to walk through the streets until something disturbing was sensed about him. He looked through the crowd and saw a man dressed in a black swordsman robe. ([COLOR=Navy]So, they've sent a higher rank this time? Should be fun.[/COLOR]) Karel though. The man followed Karel until they were a little outside of a crowd. The man came up to him,"[COLOR=DimGray]You know who I am and why I'm here. So let me just put it simply. We'll meet at midnight when all the people are in bed and then we'll have our fight and my master can finally have the sword he wants.[/COLOR]" Karel just nodded. The man walked away. Karel knew he would prevail. Every assassin that was sent after him, he always ended up killing. He went back towards the square and walked past a whorehouse. He noticed a woman who looked very irritated and also saw the naked man laying in the street. He walked up to the woman,"[COLOR=Navy]That's not very lady like.[/COLOR]" he simpled said and continued to walk, having comments from the whores gestered about how big muscled he is and how they could loosen him up. He smiled a bit at the comments and offers.
Karel sipped his tea quietly still. He soon got another pot and started to sip it down. He finally stopped drinking and said,"[COLOR=Navy]Younever answered my question. I asked you how good you are with that [I]butterfly sword[/I]. I would like to know.[/COLOR]" He noticed she was admiring Shin's swords. He simply smiled. "[COLOR=Navy]He he, if you think his swords are nice, you'll get a kick out of mine. It's a very beautiful blade.[/COLOR]" He held it up by the sheath. The sheath itself had decorations of snake and dragon demons spiraling up and down the sheath. There was a red gem imbedded in the center of the sheath itself. They adorned the designs. "[COLOR=Navy]And that's only it's sheath. Seeing the blade is the truley-[/COLOR]" Karel stopped himself. He wanted to kick himself in the rear end for bragging about his sword. He knew that these people could be wanting his sword as well. He stopped speaking of his sword and continued to sip his tea. "[COLOR=Navy]If you ask me though, sake and all alcohol is the nector of fools and barbarians. That is why I settle with tea. It sooths the mind, strengthens the body and doesn't make you slur on words.[/COLOR]" he said, looking at the sake pot. Disgusting.
Karel saw there was a guy now sitting next to the woman her first saw. "[COLOR=Navy]He he, the guy must be looking for some action. I must say, his taste is a little different, but so is everyone's.[/COLOR]" Karel continued to eat his meal slowly. The fried eel was superb as well as the rice. Karel finished his tea and went to go pay his bill. After that, he decided to go and sit with the girl as well. He sat down. "[COLOR=Navy]Hello there. Fine day isn't it? I hope you don't mind if I join you for a drink. Waitress I'll take some more hot tea.[/COLOR]" He yelled. He could tell the waitress was mixed with irritation and confusion from him just ordering something else after he payed his bill. She brang out their sake and his tea. He poured himself a glass, blew on it to cool it off and slowly sipped. "[COLOR=Navy]So, I noticed that brandish a blade young lady. That isn't any ordinary sword either. It's a special kind that only few can master. So, I'm afraid I have to ask, but how good are you with that blade?[/COLOR]" Karel said with a little bit of a grin. He knew of the risks of showing his sword's blade in public, but it was worth a little fun. All he would have to deal with, would be a couple of people wanting his Demon Blood Sword. He always took care of them before, so it was no different this time.
Karel walked the streets of the busy city. He had very little money, but he always had little money and would scrounge what he could. He walked the streets, being bumped into by many people. Sometimes, Karel would just steal food or money needed to buy food. He was only looking out for himself, which was always his number one philosophy in life. He quickly saw someone that was perfect for picking. He simple walked next to the man, so close that he bumped arms with him. He kept walking, hoping the man would think he was in a hurry. It worked like a charm and what the man didn't know is that when Karel bumped into him, he also swiped his wallet that was hanging from his side. Karel now had enough to go and get a meal. He went into a local restraunt. He saw it was fairly busy. Karel went to sit down. He summoned a waitress,"[COLOR=Navy]I'd like a bowl of rice, some cooked eel as a side dish and a pitcher of hot tea please.[/COLOR]" The waitress nodded. While he waited for his dish he saw there was a woman drinking sake and having what he was having as well. "[COLOR=Navy]Hmmm, curoius. She mustn't have the frailness of a woman to drink something such as sake. Not only does the drink give it away, but that sword she carries as well.[/COLOR]" Karel said to himself. He had indeed noticed the sword that the woman was bearing. His order finally came and he ate slowly and enjoyed his tea. It was something that he enjoyed rather much was hot tea. (I know it's a bit short, but oh well. I'll be that newcomer guy I guess.)
(Oh how I've missed the samurai RPGs. This will be great and I can finally join the RP world of Otakuboards again. Let a new reign begin!) Name: Karel Kitsune Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 5'2" Appearence: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22171[/IMG] Weapon: Demon Blood Blade. (Look in picture) This was the prized sword of the dojo that Karel took swordsmanship at. When the dojo was attacked, he took the sword and fled. He now brandished it, not only it being red from demon blood, but from those of humans too.(Don't worry, he hasn't killed any demons. That's just the legend of the sword of why it's red) Personality: Karel is serious at times, especially in combat. He looks out for mostly himself and will by relaxed when he's by himself. He always enjoys the company of a good woman. Other Info: Karel was raised in a dojo, which he learned the technique of the dojo there. In the middle of his training, the dojo was attacked and destroyed for the Demon Blood Blade. He then self-taught himself with a bit of his own swordsmanship. Now he wanders around looking out for himself and caring for himself. He wishes to find a good woman and settle down to have a family sometime.
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Albel the Wicked replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Lore][color=#6699cc]I really like [i]Butterfly[/i] for some reason. It's just such a fun song to dance to (and not necessarily DDR). And I love [i]Speed over Beethoven[/i]. I also like [i]Breakdown[/i] and [i]Nori Nori Nori[/i]. I really despise [i]Tsugaru[/i]. I've never been able to do it well. No matter what level I try it at, I'm always off.[/color][/QUOTE] Hands down my all time favorite DDR song is the Speed-Over Beethoven. I never go a round of DDR without that song. 2nd place goes to the Hyper Eurobeat. 3rd place goes to this one song. I don't know it's title, because it is in Japanese characters, but it is like a rock kind of song and it has red in the back round with like a rap samurai jamming out or something. Also, it gets faster the more you go through the song. Yeah, I know I like the fast songs, becuase I'm not some kind of slow poke. -
For ages, man has thought all demons to be evil and heartless and for ages, demons have thought themselves to be the better race and tried to wipe out humans, thinking it would clense the land. This war had waged for ages. Though, there were some demons, who didn't want this war between the races. They had tried to have the humans accept them, to have a bond of peace to try to be formed. They were cast out by the humans as well, but oddly, there were humans who wished to have peace with the demons as well. They sought out to find the demons who wanted peace and they formed a treaty, showing they would respect and protect each other from their hate filled brethren. This treaty started to grow stronger with each passing year, for more had accepted peace with the other race. Now the treaty is strong and most of the demons and humans live together in peace. But, there are still some humans and demons, who still have old beliefs lying within them. Both of the hate filled races formed clans. The demons had formed the Bokori clan and the Humans the Kinari Clan. The ones who lived by the treaty, had called themselves the Mariquo. The Bokori clan had started to kill humans in the Mariquo and left their bodies, to try to break the treaty, as well as the Kinari have killed demons to break the treaty, but it held strong. The Bokori and Kinari learned of their clans and started to wage war against the other as well. It was a war between three clans, Bokori, Kinari, and Mariquo. The war had to be stopped, one way or another, before the land was stripped lifeless. Sign Up: Name: Age: Race: (Demon or Human) Clan: Rank in clan: (Follower, High Bokori/Kinari/Mariquo, leader. First ones to sign up for leader get the job.) Appearence: Weapons: (Try medevil and feutil japan type weapons) Bio: I'm hoping that this turns out better than my others. My Sign up: Name: Mikori Age: 117 Race: Demon Clan: Bokori Rank in Clan: Leader of the Bokori Appearence: Mikori has pale skin, with long silver hair. His eyes are gold and has a dragon wing out of his right shoulder blade. He wears black robes with dragon paterns on them. When he transforms into his true demon form, he is a giant black dragon. Weapons: Outside of demon form: Katana In Demon Form: Fire Breath, Claws, and Fangs Bio: Mikori has lived for a long time and is still young for a demon. When he was brought into the world, he was actually raised in the Mariquo. He had learned to love humans and accept them. He had in fact had many human friends and at 30, started to develop feelings for a human girl. It was as if everything was great, but his peace loving village was attacked by a Kinari army. Mikori had fled in time, but saw everyone in his village slaughtered, event he humans. This had brought him to believe that these humans are evil. He had to kill them, so he could be happy. He joined the Bokori and raised his rank until he was the leader. Now he comands the hate filled demons to kill the humans. Like all his Bokori, he cannot go near demon seals, as long as hate fills his soul.
Fate is something that may be looked at as a bad thing through many eyes. Your chosen fate is may be what keeps people from achieving their dreams. Many wish to be rich, but their chosen fate keeps them from that dream. Fate can also be looked as a good thing though. Were it not for fate, people would not find thier true loves, for those who had found them. Fate is judged all through perspective. One thing has been made certain through, that your chosen fate cannot be changed, no matter what, right? Well, that was true until an item had been looked though by a hisorian. But, if he had not colegues with him to find it, the old man would have had the tresure hunt all to himself. The colegues had set out with an every man for themselves expedition. The tresure was not found through many years. The colegues had either given up or died. What makes this tresure so special? It is a tresure that can alter your chosen fate. It allows you to change one thing about your fate. Whether it be for money, fame, or love, it lets you change something about your fate. This tresure was named the Balathor. The knowledge of the Balathor had leaked out and now, adventurers from all over the globe set out to alter their fate for better, each with a clue to the tresure. Yet at the same time, there are protectors of this tresure, who fear the consequences of fate being altered. Sign-up: Name: Gender: Age: Do you protect the tresure or do you hunt for it? Why do you seek/protect the tresure?: Bio: I hope that this RPG turns out better than the other recent ones that I have made.
(OOC: This is going to be like Dragon Warrior's RPG, in the lines that it's with pirates, not along the lines of being completly silly. It's been a while since I made an RPG and I had some ideas brewin.) As a ship of the town of Cape Sadril was setting sail, a fowl wind was blowing, which let the sailors to beleive that something bad was about to happen. They sailed out enough, to where the town was not visible. A fog was over the water, nothing could be seen past the ship's reach. Not too far away, a man was looking through his telescope and saw the cargo ship. "GENTS! Up on the deck! We've got some tresure to plunder!" A crew had gotten their swords ready and grabbed guns. They sailed towards the ship, but the closer they got, they already heard gunshots. When the fog was clear, it was seen that another ship carrying the brand of a pirate was starting to loot the ship. The ship had done a quick job, because no one aboard the cargo ship was left alive. It was starting to sink. The captain of the other ship was enraged. "Hey! You scurvy dogs! These are our waters! You stay out of them!" One of the crew memeber from the opposing ship laughed and replied,"They be OUR waters now! We beat ye to the booty!" It had become obvious to the captain that now it was more than just pirating, it was about pride. Their waters had been invaded, so it was a war for the seas. Profile info: Pirate's Name: Real Name: (If different from your real name. Like Bootstrap Bill and real name Bill Turner) Age: Guns or Swords?: (Which does your character prefer) Position: (What position are you in your crew?) Your Crew: (What ship do you serve under?) Bio: (How your character came to be a pirate) I guess if you don't want to be a pirate you don't have to. But since this RPG is more about a war between pirates, then being a pirate is the wisest choice. As for the crew thing, I'm only going to allow a crew of mine, as well as two other crews be character ships, but there can be plenty of NPC ships. It depends on how many sign-ups are made. If there are lots of sign-ups, then I'll have more character crews. But for now, it's just going to be two, plus mine. This is a first-come, first served thing. In the RPG, you CAN commite mutany, but you can't just have the whole crew agree with you the first post. A mutany will take some planning and you must always remember that a mutany will not always work. Hope this RPG turns out.
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: I know that we are supposed to pack our things. But this is still during the night. IC: Kina felt sorry for having to ditch Alex on the date, but she thought that her best friend should come first. Kina decided to tell Tina what she was planning. "Take me to Rin's house." "But I thought your leg was hurting?" "Well, that's just what I needed to use as an excuse so I could check up and see how Rin was doing. I didn't even thank her for saving me, so, I decided to just cancel the date with Alex and needed to make it up to Rin." "Well, I'm glad that you finally made the right choice, but you have to relize that I'm kinda getting tired of taking you around the city. I'm not a taxi you know." "I know and I'm sorry. I just feel I need to make it up to Rin." They started to head to where Rin lived and Kina tried to walk up as best as she could. She rang the doorbell and Rin answered with a disturbed look. Rin's eyes were puffy and Kina could tell that she had been crying recently. "Hey Rin. What's going on?" "Well, not much." "I thought that I ought to come and see how you are doing. Did you get hurt at all trying to save me?" "No, not really." "I'm glad." They waited in silence for a moment. "Rin, I'm sorry. I never thanked you for saving me. You saved my life, so thank you." She could tell that Rin had tears build up in her and then she just burst out and hugged Kina. Rin let go and Kina smiled at her. "So, do you think we could, you know, have a sleep-over?" They waited there for the other to answer. OOC: OK, Kitty, if your character says yes, make sure that Kina is informed about the vacation, so something can happen on how she packs. I was planning on her calling her sister and her sister would just drop off the clothes for her, before Tina left for work. If she says no, then yeah, whatever will just happen. -
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: Reiku, I know you said that you'd start it, but I'm bored and no one has posted in a while. IC: Kina, Alex, and Tina all got inside the car. They were going on their way to pick up Tina's boyfriend for the movies. There was nothing really wrong with Brent, she just didn't like the fact that she had to give up her sister to him. Kina was silent in the car ride. She didn't know what to say to Alex and she wasn't sure what movie they were going to go see. Kina trailed off in thought, looking at the stars. For some reason, she started to think about Rin. She remembered that Rin had saved her life. Suddenly, Kina had a rush of guilt flow through her. She was so selfish about her and trying to go out with Alex. She didn't even thank Rin, see what she was doing, or offered the movie to her. Now that she started to think about it, Kina didn't even think about Rin. She just thought about Alex. She couldn't help but feel totally guilty. In fact, she was going to regret this later, but she knew that Rin was probably thinking how Kina wasn't being much of a friend. She tried to put on her best act for this. "OW!" "Kina, what's wrong." "It's my leg. It just started to hurt real bad." "Are you moving it?" "No, I can't explain what is happening, it's just hurting really bad. I think I might need to ice it." "Are you saying you don't want to go to the movies, sis?" "The pain is too much. I'm sorry Alex. Talk about bad timing, huh?" "It's alright Kina. Your well-being is better then some movie." "I guess so." Kina grabbed a hold of her leg, making it look like she was in terrible pain. Tina knew they weren't going to the movies. Tina asked Alex,"Well, Alex, since we're not going to the movies, you want us to take you back to you appartment?" "I'm sure that you don't want to watch me ice my leg. It's up to you though. If you still want to do something, we could just watch a movie at me house." Kina felt that she had to do this, since it was a little late to be bringing it up. It was a matter of what Alex chose. She was sure that neither of the two caught on to her act. OOC: Alright Reiku. It's your choice. Don't make your character feel obligated to do anything. Let him do what he wants to do. I can deal with either choice. If Alex goes home, then Kina will hang with Rin, if he goes to Kina's house, then they still have a date. Sorry if this messed up anything, but felt I had to do it. -
Sign Up Demon Hunters [M-VL and possible S]
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
I don't MEAN to be offensive about this, but I know that I'm going to be. I just have to say that your guys bios are pathetic. Those are barley even one paragraph. I've noticed that everyone that signed up for this RPG is a new member, so I relize that you are new to the whole RPG thing, but if you plan on making it in this RPG, then you'll have to make a better bio. Try to look at other sign up threads to see what I'm talking about. -
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
No Reiku you didn't offend me. I said that I was kidding. That's what the 'JK' was for. It's a joke, get it? HA HA! Well, I think that it was a bad choice to have me start the date. I don't know how to start that kind of stuff. It....hasn't happened in the RPGs that I've been in that much. There were romance scenes, but not stuff with a date kinda thing. So, I think for the sake of the quality of posts, you might want to start it off. Heck, I don't know a name of a Japanese movie. Maybe it was a bad choice on my part. :animeswea :animesigh