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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked
Alright, we have everybody NEEDED! I'm not sure if it'll start. I know that it's going to either start, at either in late in today or tomorrow. I'm not sure. But, if anyone still feels like signing up they can.
Yes, we need, the ex-sin sign up and someone to sign up as Master Sin.
There are tons of horrible animes. Mostly because they were ment to entertain ages 5-10. Like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Cyborg 009, all those shows sucked, because only 10 year olds, or people with the mind of a 10 year old would watch those. My favorite anime is Rurouni Kenshin, that was so cool. I'll admit at times, it was a little cheesy. But still, it was an awesome show.
It seems to me that everyone is forgeting the awesome sword of Sesshomaru's known as Tokyjin. THAT is the best weapon. It's more powerful then the Tetsuaiga, although it doesn't come with cool techniques like the Tetsauiga and Tensaiga. Tokyjin is cool though.
I have plenty of time on my hands, since I can get MY stuff done quickley. By the way Eliwood. I believe that this is unesecary spamming on this thread. I would really like you to delete this comment for you should only post about this RPG, which you didn't. Oh, and I can handle all these RPGs MOTHER :rolleyes: Nothing is happening on this that much. [color=Red][size=2][font=Trebuchet MS]Well, I consider most of[i] this [/i]post to be unnecessary spam. Leave the Modding to the Mods. -Bio [/font][/size][/color]
Dude, it would really help if you told me which one you want to be. I'll make you the Sin Assassin, since I'm sure more people would want to be the Sin Master. Well, signups are looking good. I just need one more sign up and we COULD start. I'm really wanting to launch this thing as soon as possible. So, my rule is first come, first served. There's only one problem that I have with one of the sign ups. The Pro, I don't think that people COULD even think of a Spring Loaded Kunai Launcher or whatever. I think that it might be an unfare advantage to others. It's just like a gun if you ask me and like I said there are no guns. Oh, well, just recently, on of our people has erased his character. Don't know why. So, we acctually need TWO more sign ups.
That may be true, but this isn't really a thought out RPG, need I remind you. I don't remember in RPGs where the gods left stones, they left them until the Earth had enough of the elements to keep the Earth at balance for an eternity. Plus, the Arcana Stone I think is something different, but I do admit that fish people is common, it's just I gave them a cool name. I'll think more into this RPG later, IF my other seems to take off.
OK, I don't really have a clear idea what this whole thing will be about. It's just I thought I ought to write this down before I lose the idea. I'll have to think more about it though. Well, here is the little that I DO have for it. Long ago, the gods formed this Earth. There were four of these gods. Each representing the elements that the Earth is composed of. Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, these are the elemental gods that created the Earth. But, there was a problem. Each of the gods wanted their own element to have more abundance than the other. Aquaticas, being the calmest, tried to reason with her brothers and sisters, but they each had their own opinion. They kept increasing the power of their own element, which would eventually destroy their new creation. Ashlen, the fire god and having the shortest temper, thought that it would be best to just destroy her siblings. She attempted and then is became a battle. Each elemental responded to this differently. With Saimos, the earth god, being the wisest, tried to come up with the best solution while defending himself. Jupan, the wind god, just thought of it as something for him to have fun with. He just wanted to have fun. Aquaticus, just wanted this to end and tried to calm her siblings with her waters of pure. Ashlen, being the one that started this, wanted to kill all her siblings. This battle was so great, that the entire universe would be destoryed if it were kept up. The mother of all the gods, felt this catstrophe happening and came down. Arcana came down and froze time at that very moment. She trapped all her spawn into sacred gems, that could not be broken on the inside by their own power. She took the elemental powers of these gems and formed the way of Earth to her liking. Having the most respect for Aquaticus, for trying to find peace with her siblings, she let her element thrive above all. Since Saimos tried to find a knowledgeble way to solve this, she let his element be the one that thrived greatest under his sister's. Since she knew that Jupan, was just trying to have fun, she let him keep his own free will. He could control when his power came out most of the time. This is why it is rumored that there are such windy days. Now, Ashlen, having start this whole ordeal, she let her power have the least to thrive. Her power was only used to create the warmth that the creatures needed. Since her power was the greatest though, she would barely escape sometimes and unleash her fiery wrath from the tops of mountains. Finally, Arcana put her effort into the new creation. She gave the power of life to the planet, but she knew that there could not be just life, there had to be death as well, which she added too. But the creation couldn't be perfect if there were just creatures that were all good. Although she didn't want to, she knew that she had to add the power of chaos into all creatures. She knew that depending on what the creatures do, would be if this power were to awaken in them, so that they would start chaos. Then in all the creatures, she added the knowledge of order, to defend the Earth from creators of chaos. Finally she added the change unto Earth. She then spread the gems to different corners of the Earth, for the god children could always be with their creation. She knew that she must watch over to make sure nothing to chatostrofic would happen. With this, she trapped herself into another of the gems and left her work to the father of gods. She hid herself in a location that not even to this day, no one knows about. As for the other gods, their location was given to the greatest of creatures that she created. The location was passed down from generation to generation. Each stone went to different races that would fit them. The Elves, recieved Saimos's stone, the Orcs got the fury of Ashlen, which is why they are so strong and short tempered. Aquaticus was taken in to special care by the fish people whom are known as the Zolan. Finally, Jupan, although being able to roam free at times, was still given to the care of the Humans. These stones have been kept in order from the hands of chaos. Or at least they were......... I edited the story now.
RPG The Legend of Zelda: Fury of a Fierce Diety [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Talon's topic in Theater
OOC: Well, since I'm bored and a little behind in this, I'm going to make another post. Yuku sighed as he was walking through Hyrule Field. He wondered if he would make it there before Link's son left. (OOC: Keep in mind he doesn't know Link's son name) As he wondered through, he just thought that he would take a nights rest at Kakriko Village. While walking across the bridge, he came across a cart, with two girls and a man at the entrance. Since Yuku was always shy around any girl, he started to blush a little. "Um, good evening to you ladies and sir," spoke Yuku. "What buissiness might you have at sundown?" He asked "Our buissiness is of our own" replied the man. "What might your name be, young sir?" "I don't know if I should tell you" "Well, I suppose so, since you don't know me." (Hmph, if you knew my power, you wouldn't even THINK about apposing me. But, I must keep my cool, especially in front of these young women) "Might I ask then, what the ladies names be?" "I'm Malon" said Malon," Pleased to meet you Mr.....?" "I'm Yuku, I don't need to be called Mister. We are all friends, besides, I'm about as old as you my dear. Might I say, the moonlight definatley shows your beauty, you a very pretty young woman, if I may say so." "Um, thanks?" Replied Malon, blushing rather heavily. "Oh, please" Muttered the man "Ha ha, I see that my complimate has made you embaressed. There is no need to be ashamed of having beauty my fair lady. But, oh, where are my manners, who is the other girl might I ask?" "Oh, her, she's my cousin, Marla" "Marla, eh, might I say you both are very beautiful girls, especially in the moonlight. But, my, the time is certainly passing. I hope to see you two tomorrow." "OK, bye Yuku. What a nice guy, don't you think, Marla?" said Malon. "If you ask me, he's a little of an over-acheiver." Said the man. (Well, I hope that I may find a room to stay in, so that I may actually get some rest. Although it may be hard after that encounter.) As he thought this his staff started to glow a hot pink color. "Stop that! I have had no romantical feelings for those girls!" He yelled at his staff. As it dimmed down, everyone that was out just then, stared at him. He felt embarrased and moved along. As he went down the road, he heard a woman mumbling, in an angry tone. "So you did not find that boy my minions?" said the cucco lady. As Yuku looked he saw that she this woman was still in a towel. "What the?! Milady, why are you wrapped in a towl? Shouldn't you be wearing some clothes?" "Why are you spying me?" She asked, now even more angry. "Well, I just heard your conversation and about a boy and when I turned the corner I saw. I was not trying to be a Peeping Tom." "Well, be on your way, before I send my Cuucos to try to kill you." "But, I merely just want to know who was spying on you in your bath." "None of your buissiness!" She said. "OK, SHEESH, I'll be on my way." Yuku left the Lady to her grumbling and found a room to stay in for the night. "He he, don't worry, I'll be looking for you later Son of Link" said Yuku, as he dozed to sleep. OOC: I didn't post what your character would say, since I didn't know what she would say. Well, I hope this will fit for now. -
Position: I'm signing up as the boy. Now don't go thinking, that just because the creator is signing up doesn't mean that the position. I'm going to see if Dragon Warrior will help with the judging (If needed) I just like being the hero. They always win and they always get the girl, if there is one. Name:Karel Kaitsen Age:20 Appearence:[URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=36525]He's at this site. I AM aware that it's theOtaku.[/URL] Weapons: Katana: It's in the picture Poison kozukas: Like the name says, these are kozukas (Japanese throwing knifes) that are imbedded with poison for a quick kill. Since he only has about ten of these, he uses them wisely Skills: Is incredibly fast and has anger constantly boiling in his veins. Personality: Karel is sort of quiet, which you could imagine. But once people that can get to talk to him, they find out that he is very kind and caring. Biography: As it says in the story, Karel's entire family was murdered. He is the only one left in his family, to carry out the bloodline and to avenge the deaths of his family. He is on this quest to kill everyone of the Sins. Though, his aspirations may cloud his judgment. He also hopes that he will be able to carry on his family's legacy. His speed is remarkable. His father is the one that taught him to move with speed and stealth. He uses these reamarkabley well. His father was also the one that taught him to swordfight with his sword. His sword is red to represent all the people that his father was forced to kill. When Karel holds this, he feels a strange adrenaline rush. As a child, he was carefree and happy. Although, he was occasionally picked on, he always had a sunny attitude. Now he has a serious attitude. With the chores that he was told to constantly do, he is very strong. When, his quest is over, he will look for a wife. He wishes to be happy again. Hopefully, he will have his wish. Sign: Cancer
[quote name='Deimos']Why don't you upload it to a website,then from there you can just put it in your post. It can be done that way.If you need to find a place to upload your picture just tell me and I will list some.[/quote] Um, yeah, I do need some sites. Can you give me some? Oh wait, I think that I know what to do.
Can anybody tell me how to put a picture on a post for like RPGs and stuff. I want to load it from my personal directory and I don't know how. I would really appreciate some help here.
Um, yeah, since everybody does this with their RPGs, I guess I'll do it. So, uh, just talk anything about the RPG. Talk about anything about the RPG, that doesn't really belong in the RPG. This is done to keep out spamming in the actual RPG. This RPG will have turn posting. This means that we will have only one person go in a certain order. Turn to post: This is one of the few times that I'm going to allow open posting. Anyone who wants to post, can. I'll update it when I feel like it.
What I really recomend is Fire Emblem for the GBA. It's a tactician RPG. If that's not your style, then I greatly recommend one of the Golden Suns. Also, something that that you will get addicted to. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, is a really good RPG. I don't know anything else to recomend. Probabley Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I don't know how good it is, I don't have it.
[QUOTE=SadAngel]Silver old trusty Gun: Killing quickly and not too much work. [/QUOTE] He he, I don't think that there were guns in this time my friend. I'm sorry that I forgot to mention that this is like way back, where guns didn't even exist. I'll edit the intro so that it will include that next time. If you want, you can replace it with throwing knifes.
I agree completley, but this was just a sample piece of the actual thing. I put more into the history and stuff, on the sign up sheet at the Adventure Inn. So, go and check out the revised addition to this RPG.
I have a really good feeling about this RPG. I think that it MIGHT actually be good. Well here it is. From some suggestions, I modified the plot a little. If you could undo your previous wrongs, would you? In the country of Japan, there was once a man, that wished he was never part of his old assassin league. The assassins he was with would kill anyone just for the sight of blood on their blade. The deeds he did were horrible and still haunt him when he sleeps. He ran away in hopes that he would escape them. Wondering one day in a town, he went into the bar. He ordered a beverage and paid the waitress. The waitress came with his drink and as he took a sip, he noticed that it tasted funny. By the time that he relized that it was poison, he was on the floor dead. The waitress was accused of putting the poison in the drink and therefore was sentanced to death. But this was the work of the Sins. The Sins never tolerate runaways. Once you are a Sin, you are a slave till the day you die. A note of death was written to the wife of the man. When the note reached the wife, she trembled to know what had happened. She knew of her husband's past life. She knew that he used to be a part of The Sins. She told her daughter, Karla, to go and hide with her younger brother. When the daughter left, she wondered what would become of her family. She knew that her mother would never return and that she, nor her brother would never see her again. Since this event has happened, five years have passed. "Brother! Brother! Get up you lazy bum!" yelled Karla. "Sister Karla, why do I have to get up so early?" "There is a lot of work to be done for just the two of us" "Why are do you have us always on a strict schedule? Why don't we take a day off? Mom, would let us take days off." As he said that, Karla just went silent. "Look, sis, I didn't mean-" He was cut off. "Just do your chores" "Right, I'll go and get water for us." As the boy left, he wondered why Karla was always went silent at the words of his parents. He went down to the river, to fetch water for him and his sister. As he went down with the bucket, he started to day dream, of him being a great samuri, everyone falling at his blade. When he reached the river, he started to fill the bucket. It was calm, almost like he could just doze off. When he went back to the hut, he found that his sister was dead. It was so shocking to see that his older sister had a dagger plungged deep within her heart. He rushed to her side and found blood everywhere. She had cuts all over her. There were bloddy footprints heading out of the hut. Under the dagger, there laid a note. As the boy read it, he shuddered at the message and the blood that it was written in. The message said,"[COLOR=DarkRed]You were lucky boy. Next time you'll die. The moment will be when you let your guard down. Be the last to fall.[/COLOR] At the bottom there was a giant 'S' with two daggers in it. Through his tears he saw that his sister didn't go down without a fight. She was clutching their father's weapon. He knew what he had to do. He must avenge his family's death with his family's weapon. The warrior within the boy had awakened. The boy, would now have to fight the tears, for his enemys were watching. He would go through any peril to kill every last of the Sins. The boy's first and toughest journey starts now. That's it. Now here is the positions that need to be filled out. Boy: I'll let you be creative with this character. Make him whatever you want him to be. The only thing I want is for him to be SOMEWHERE in between 10 an 20 years old. Oh, his waepon can be anything since I didn't describe his father's weapon, but do remember that this is Japan. Sin leader: This is obviaously the leader of the Sin's. I'll let this be fun as well. But, l want his age to be between 20 and 30. Make sure to make him evil and to use weapons that assassins would use. But, I want him evil and crazy. Ex-Sin: This guy was a Sin, but now is helping the boy avenge his family. He will meet up with the boy a little later after the start. I'll let you make him whatever age as long as he's not an old man or baby. I want the age to be 15 and up. 2nd leader: This guy is the second in command of the Sin's. He is supposed to be a strong leader and a strong fighter. He will appear a little, but his fight scene, at the end, is really awesome, since he goes against all three of them and almost kills them too. I want this guy to range from 15 and 30. Make this guy seem cool and mysterious. Female character: This is the female character who is a super thief. She does eventually fall in love with either the boy or the Ex-Sin. It all depends on who is playing her. That's why I want her to be somewhere close to what one of them are, which is why you might have to wait until someone signs up as one of those two guys. Sin Assassin: This is the assassin that follows the boy throughout the RPG. There will be a fight scene with him, but when it starts is up to the person who signs up as him. He will report back to his master and tell him info and stuff. I want this guy to at least be 20 or up. Those are the major characters. If there are some missing positions then I will sign up as one of them. Otherwise, I'll just be judging and playing as like old men and stuff. Here's the sign up sheet. It has been brought to my attention that I should tell that there are no guns. This is in the way olden days. Like, even before Rurouni Kenshin. (They did have guns in that show.) Position: (As in, who your signing up for.) Name: Age: Appearence: Weapons: Skills: Personality: (Optional) Biography: (Mandatory, the more interesting, the better the chance of making the part) Sign: (As in month of birth) I hope this RPG turns out to be good.
This is a very serious RPG. This time I seriously want people who think that this is a good idea to tell me. I'm not posting sign ups until I KNOW that this is a good idea. Well, here you go. On the plains of Japan, there is a warrior, that lives deep within a boy. Although he may not be strong, his courage and heart will guide him through this ordeal that he will face. He will face his problems and die as his only wish. He wants to die, so that he may be with his sister. She was murdered by assassins, who were a secret organization. Since his father was an ex-member, he thinks that it was for compensense. Although his father died mysteriously after he resigned along with his mother. When he came home, he saw a dagger plunged into his sisters heart. Along with a note through this dagger was there. The words that it qouth, still make the boy shudder,written in blood, it said,"[COLOR=DarkRed]This fate was all caused to your family. Everyone will die. Be careful for when you sleep, there will always be someone watching.[/COLOR]" The boy, he started to cry, but relized, that he was being watched constantly, so he would have to become a man and face this trouble. Although this organization is still alive, he will avenge his family and kill everyone of those assassins. This is his first and hardest travel, which starts now. That's it. After that would be the sign up. This is going to be one of those RPGs where you don't choose what your character's job is. It's one where there are only so many positions for certain people. Here are the characters. Boy: The main character killing the assassins. You create every bit of him. The only thing I want, it his age to be no older then 15. Assassin leader: I think that the name speaks for itself. He leads the assassins that killed the boy's family. Ex-assassin: This is an assassin that joins the boy later on in the RPG. He will tell the boy all the secrets of the assassins group. Mysterious lady: I know that I couldn't come up with a lamer title, but the name is up to thoses who sign up as her. She is a girl, that is actually a thief. Depending on what the person does, she probably falls in love with the ex-assassin or the boy. It all depends on the person playing her. 2nd leader: This is the second in command of the assassins. He is very deadly and a good leader. Those who will fight him will face a great challenge. About 3/4 through the RPG is when he comes in. Assassin 1: This is the one that follows the boy all the way through the RPG. When he decides to strike at the boy is up to the choice of the person who plays him. I think that's all the people that I'll have, since I don't want to wait TOO long for the sign ups. That is, if people like this idea.
Discuss Why doesn't anyone sign up for my RPG?
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
I'd just like to thank, for all the people that have given me some good suggestions. I'll do what your suggestions tell me. I'll be thinking of a good RPG, while I'm at it. So, I'd like to thank everybody again. Bye. -
RPG The Legend of Zelda: Fury of a Fierce Diety [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Talon's topic in Theater
OOC: I don't know if I'm in this RPG, so I'll just tell it from here. If I'm NOT in this, them PM me and tell me. But if you ask me, this RPG hasn't had a new post in a while. Well, here I go. As Yuku returned from the portal that hooked Termina and Hyrule together. He already knew that the world of Hyrule had been thrown into chaos. He could just sense the powerful aura that came from the Tower of Hera. Even though it was so far, it still felt awesome. [COLOR=Blue]"This might be harder then I imagined. I wouldn't expect his power to go up THIS much. Well, I'll still destroy him, show everyone's hope DIE!"[/COLOR] As he finished speaking to himself, he saw a little Kokori boy looking at him. Once the boy, saw Yuku's face looking at his, he hid. [COLOR=Blue]"He he. Isn't it dangerous for a little boy to be wandering in the lost woods alone. Especially spying on strangers. Come out and let me see your face, boy"[/COLOR] As the boy cam out he spoke, [COLOR=YellowGreen]"I have you know that I'm no boy. I am actually 21."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Oh, really? Sorry, I have forgotten the rules of the Kokori. I forgot that their bodies never age. Well, I should be going, I have a lot of buissiness to take care of."[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen]"I know who your after. Your after the hero, Link. You'll never defeat him, he has stopped Ganon, who was TWICE as powerful as you. Heed the words Middo."[/COLOR] Just then Yuku's power went up so much that he was glowing a black aura. [COLOR=Blue]"So, your on his side are you? If your on his side then you are my enemy as well. I am Ganon's apprentice, no, his better. I have found the ultimate power. I shall test it on you."[/COLOR] With those words, he fired a great blast from his staff, that was aimed for Middo. It was a dirct his and when it hit Middo it was almost as if the blast sent a beckon into the air. Anyone out that night could see the blast. When the attack had faded, the only thing that was left of Middo, was his soul that was wondering. His soul soon went into the body of Yuku. [COLOR=Blue]"Hmph! Such weak power to absorb. It's almost nothing. I can't wait to absorb Link's soul. Oh ho, that will be such wonderful quantinence"[/COLOR] As he started to walk, he wondered where to ask questions. He felt something close to Link's aura that was coming from Fabul port. [COLOR=Blue]"So, he does have a son after all. I will make Link feel the exact pain that I did. Getting rid of someone that means so much to him do that. First, I will kill his son, then that pathetic excuse of a princess, Zelda. This will make him most angry and weak. PAH! If you care for someone, the you are weak. When they die, you will just stay grieving for them."[/COLOR] As he Yuku walked towards Fabul Port, he had an evil look to his face. The only thing that was he left behind in the forest, was his evil laugh. -
Sign Up Once Upon a Legend: Act I [PG-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Okay, so far I have: [b]Noah's Friend[/b] - 2 signups [b]Woman Guide[/b] - 2 signups [b]Spade 1[/b] - 1 signup [b]" " 2[/b] - 2 signups [b]" " 3[/b] - 1 signup [b]" " 4[/b] - 0 signups [b]" " 5[/b] - 1 signup Obviously there are positions that need to be filled... well, one position. But if you wish to sign up as someone else (I'm talking to those who haven't signed up yet), then feel free to. Spade 4 is needed, though, especially for Act I.[/QUOTE] Oh ho, but I beg to differ. ;) Although, her message was not clear I believe that Mistress Roxie did sign up as Spade 4. She wasn't too confident of herself and just said to give the part of Spade 4 to anyone else who signs up as him/her. I just thought that I ought to point that out to you. I am sorry to disrespect you again. -
Ok, even though I serously screwed up your last RPG, I think I have a better idea of stuff. Signing up as the Mysterious Gunslinger. Name: Drake Estel Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: He has wears a very long trench coat that is navy blue with crimson hemming and buttons. Under it is a black T-shirt. He always has the trench coat opened. His hair is white and he has it combed over his eyes. His eyes are blue and have a serious look into them. His pants are like just regular jeans, but they are black. He wears boots that are also black. His gloves are, yep you guessed it, black. History: This man is very mysterious. Not many people know his very dark past. He lived in a town that rained most of the time, so it was very glum. He was always in alleys. He was a great outlaw. When he relized his wrongs by a hostage, it was too late. Every bounty hunter was after him. He was shot and presummed dead, but he was just gravely wounded. He was almost about to die. When he collapsed from exaustion, he found himself in a home of a women. It was the hostage that changed his life. He owed her his life, but she said that she just wanted him to repent for his wrongs. He changed his name, face, and appearence, so that no one would suspect him. Now he is protecting as many people as possible. His real name is still a mystery to everyone that knew the old him. His guns were made by himself and if you try take them, I can assure, you will die. Weapons: Drake has two pistols hidden in his trenchcoat. They both contain six bullets. Although the ammo, is hard to make and come by. His ammo act as small explosives. This is why he doesn't use them that much. He does use them when there are groups of people or when he's against vehicles. In the sleeves of his trenchcoat are some cherry bombs. When he uses these, he will follow it up with some gun shots. To start the fuse, he has those finger lighters. You know the ones when you strike your fingers together, and they start the fuse. He has two different pistols in holsters that are on the side of him. These are just ordianry pistols with ordinary bullets. Since this ammo is easy to come by, he uses these things most of the time. He can sling these guns faster then any other man that is known. So that's my character. I think that he's pretty cool. I know that his story MAY sound like Vash's, but I assure it's not. It's actually kind of the story fo a character in one of my comic ideas.
I have had an idea in the thought process for a while. Who thinks that this would attract a lot of people? Well, you have to listen to my idea first. Ok, here it is. I was thinking that it would be cool if 'The World' was an actual thing to log onto here. Doesn't anyone agree? Either the world or something close to it. Have a big online multiplayer game just on the Otakuboards. That would really have more members on and would have more new members. That way, people would have something to do, while they're waiting for like, their opponet or something to happen. Just a thought I ought to throw out into the open. I don't know if this was posted before and if it was, then sorry for wasting your time.
Discuss The quality of RPGs currently in The Arena
Albel the Wicked replied to Balmon's topic in Theater
Hey, you didn't put in my RPGs. Mine are probaley the worst ones on this site. Those thing are horrible and no one has commented on my other RPG idea here in the Underground, so that means it suck like everything else I wright. You should have put one of my RPGs in this thread. It let me see what everyone thinks of it. -
[quote name='Yzane']Crucifix just helped me see something alot better. Abbilities. It's way too complicated to try and find a weapon with a matching abbility set that acctually exists on the game so i decided to just let people make thier own up and make up thier own abbilities for it too. You can use items from the actual game, but in the abbilities spot (for all) it'd be easier if we all just editted our posts so that they say what they really do (ex. ice tornado).Just use mine as an example (i editted it). thanks for waiting for me to try and get things straightened and thanks to Crucifix.[/quote] But you never answered my question. I have no clue what the classes wield or look like. Well, I actually know Wavemaster and that's it. I also don't know if the Rune Sword is a real thing. You'll have to explain a little of .hack//sign to me. I don't know anything about it or 'The World'. I need my questions answered before I can understand. If I don't understand, trust me, I'll probabley just screw this RPG up.