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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked
OK, I'll admit it, I just did this to be silly and to see if anyone would actually sign up for probabley a comical RPG. I'm not putting the sign up sheet unless people actually think this is good. I don't really care, either. If this sucks like all the other things that I've done, I don't care, I just pretty much done this because I got it in my head and wanted to see what would happen and to see if nayone else thought it was funny. Well here it is. Stick Ninja is just sitting at home, at his Stick Ninja table, drinking a cup of Stick Ninja coffae, with his good friend, Stick Lawyer. " Man I wish my stick figured evil brother would do SOMETHING. Like try to destroy me, or rob the bank, or even put on an evil commercial." Said Stick Ninja. " I think that it might be hard for Stick Samuri to destroy you, since you decapitated him, he's just a head in jar, remeber? Besides, the only thing that is stick figured is his head, that's in a jar" "Yeah, but that never stopped him before. I just want SOMETHING to happen. I'm sooooo bored" "What? Have you already tried making futile attempts to make She Ninja like you?" "Yeah, pretty much. Besides, I think that she was like on, vacation." "Want to go make trouble?" "Only if you'll uphold my innocence in court!" "Like always." "Then lets go rob the orphanage again. That really paid off last time" "No it didn't, all we got was five dollars." "Well we're going to rob it anyway" On thier way to rob the orphanage, Stick Ninja idetified a Flier. The words on it are as so. "Sign up for the Tournament of Doom. Anyone can join. But especially Stick Ninja. He's going to die. Master of the tournament is, Stick Samuri." "This sounds like fun. I'd love to thwart my evil brother's evil intentions of evilish evil. Now let's go rob the orphanage." We're just going to fast forward with the 'robbing the orphanage plan' Well, anyways Stick Ninja makes it to the tournament. He sees many other stick figured people like him. Then I'd have the sign up sheet. I have to actually say that Stick Ninja is actually a character of my friend's. I just thought of this COMPLETLEY silly idea first.
Well, uh, he's still kind of like a samuri, just dresses cooler. Yeah, swordmaster robes are way cool. Oh, wait, I need to stay on subject. Well, you have to have at least ONE fight in this whole thing. That's why I signed up. But also, because it involves JUST samuri's and Japan. I'm not sure if I'll acompany you or just be a villian. Either way, I get to have something happen to me and I get to use a Katana. I'll edit my post to say what I'm going to be.
Real World Name: Amuo Agasa Age: 16 Gender:Male Occupation: Student/ Delivery Boy Description: A High Schooler that has, fairly long hair, that is blonde. His eyes are green and he usually wears a light blue shirt, with jeans and a necklace. Bio: He's a straight 'A' student and is very intelligent and athletic. He also takes fencing lessons and is very good at it, but he much prefers Katana. 'The World' Character Name: Karel Character Gender: Male Level: 1 Class: Blademaster ( I don't know much about .Hack//Sign and 'The World', but this sounds like it might fit me.) Weapon: Rune Sword (Like I said, I don't know what there is, so I made this weapon up) Weapon Lvl: 50 ( I don't know what is with weapon levels, so I'm just going to have it half way) Abbilities: Black magic, absorb life, and Shadow Cloak (I made these up too) Description: Has a black Blademaster robe, and white pants underneath it. He has blue eyes and long brown hair. How long you've been playing: About a year
Well, I'm signing up just for my bloodthirst of another fight. Once you have one fight, you have to have more. Well, here's my character. Name: Karel Kishune Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearence: Has long brown hair, green eyes, eyes that make him seem serious. He wears swordmaster robes that are black and white pants underneath those. All of these clothes are very loose. His sword is a Katana, that is black, with a crimson red sheeth. Personality: Shut in and serious Bio: This character was raised on the plains, far from civilization. He was trained by the sword all his life. Everyday, he practices to make himself stronger. After a humiliating defeat five years ago, he just knew that he would have to make himself stronger everyday, so that he could protect his loved ones. This is why he is so serious. He has his own judgement and will do as he pleases. He is not for higher. He believes that you can't put a price on his skills. As long as he has something to cut, he will join a party. That's my character. This will be a first for Karel, but I think that I'm going to have him be as a villian. As a villian, he's going to be able to cut more.
OK OK OK OK I think that this RPG is actually a turning point in my continuous suck fest of RPGs. Alright, I know that it might be lame, but this is a Mario RPG. Here is some of it. As Bowser sat, glumly in his castle, after yet ANOTHER defeat by Mario. " I tell you what, I'm really starting to get angry by being defeated by Mario. This is probably the fifieth time he's beaten me! That's it! I keep relying on my same strength every single time I go against him. I don't even train or anything. Well, this time will be different. TROOPS! Get ready to help me strengthen myself." "You mean, training, Lord Bowser?" "Huh? No you fool! I plan on cheating. We're going down to the lab, so get the best scientists on this." "Yes sir" For weeks, Bowser's minions toiled and worked to make Bowser three times more stronger then he was before. Finally, they finished their new project. "YEESS! I can definetly beat Mario now!" As Bowser walked off, the koopa minions quivered in fear at the creation. Princess Peach was sitting in her bedroom thinking about Mario. Toadsworth was there with the other servents. Sudenly a giant explosion came through the wall. Smoke was everywhere. The toads couldn't see anything, but they did hear the Princess screaming for help. When the smoke cleared, the last thing Toadsworth saw, was the Koopa Clown Cart flying off in the distance. "Hmmm, this is something new for Bowser. He's never been one to take such measures, as to blowing up a wall. He must be getting desperate or he's taken to many bonks of the head from Mario. Nonetheless, I should go and tell Master Mario" Said Toadsworth. Toadsworth rushed to Mario's house, in hopes that he would stop Bowser. As he went inside, he only saw Luigi. " Master Luigi, where is Master Mario?" "He went to Bowser's Keep to save the Princess" "What? He already knows? How?" "I don't know why, but Bowser flew his Koopa Clown Cart near the house and he heard the Princess cry for help. I think that Bowser has taken too many bonks on the head from my brother." " Well, I must to see that the Princess is returned safely." "I guess I'll go too. *Sigh* Not like I got a whole lot of other stuff going on." As they both went to Bowser's castle they notice that the gate is wide open. "Bowser has made this too easy for us to follow" "Your right" "Proceed with great caution" As they both crept through the gate, they noticed that is was completely dark. Once they were both all the way through, the gate slammed shut. "AHHHHH!" They both screamed. "MUAHAHAHAHA!" They heard a screachy voice say. "You are fools for running right into my trap!" As he said that Luigi sees his brother, on the ground uncosious. "MARIO!" said Luigi, as he rushed to his brothers aid. When he was almost at his side something slams into Luigi. "Master Luigi!" Just then the lights go on and Toadsworth sees Bowser. "MY WORD!" "MUAHAHAHA! Fascinated by my new look? It's quite something isn't it?" Toadsworth was in total fear as he saw that Bowser was completly metal. His red eyes were glowing and his steel shell was covered in crome. Just as his claws were. " HEHEHE! Tell those fools to actually send me a challenge!" Bowser then grabbed Toadsworth, went to the window and threw him at castle. When Toadsworth landed, he went through the hole in the castle and onto Princess Peach's bed. "My word! Bowser is much too powerful for the Mario Bros. I don't know what on Earth I shall do. Hmmmmmmm, I know! I believe Master Mario said that he met some warriors that were quite good. What were some names? Hmmm, I do believe he said that one of them was called Link. Oh yes, also Samus, Marth, and I guess I'll hire Yoshi. OH! I wasn't here at the time but I wonder if it were posible to summon Geno. But oh, I can't just have these old warriors, I must summon at least a couple of new ones. Maybe about three? Yes. I'll have to interview each one of them to see if they are any good" That is it. That's what I have. You think that it would be good?
Ok, this is really starting to make me mad! I said that my sword doesn't shoot FIREballs. It shoots balls of dark energy. That's why it's name is called the RUne Sword. If it could shoot fire, then it would be called like, "The Sword of Fire Bolting" or something to that point. Although this only happened twice, I'd just like to point that out. Although, it doesn't make much sense, since my character died, because I'm COMPLETLEY new and I THREW the match. That's right, I threw the match on purpose, so that I could get a better idea of fights. If I wasn't in the first fight then I would have had a better idea. I'm just so frustrated that I didn't even have a clue at what I was supposed to do. But it's my fault for signing up before I knew what to do. I need herbal tea to calm my senses. um, bye
Well, for those of you who know about my RPG, Metalicon, I was just wondering what you think I should put into the sign up and intro. I'm open to any ideas. I know I wasn't specific enough with the stuff, now tell me anything else? I also would like the same thing to talk about with my second RPG, The Dark Tournament. Let me say, before you post it, that you shouldn't tell me to go and read something. I have a very short attention span, so I'll probably just ignore that comment. It would also make me angry. Well, that's all I have to post. BYe
Discuss Why doesn't anyone sign up for my RPG?
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=oshi]Metalicon doesn't seem to have any sort of actual plotline . . . just "an adventure through space." Perhaps if you stated a goal and a purpose for the space-travels, more people would be interested. Why are you going into space? What are you trying to accomplish? You may have commented on these things, but the presentation of your idea is fairly unclear. I might have missed them.[/QUOTE] Well, I did say that we are looking for prject Metalicon, but your right, i didn't get too much into detail on that project now did I? Well I'll be sure to post it there when I edit it. -
Discuss Why doesn't anyone sign up for my RPG?
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Well, I don't mean JUST that RPG. What about my other one? Metalicon seemed pretty good. Have any suggestions for that? I'd love to hear them. -
I was wondering, why doesn't anyone ever sign up for MY RPGs. They are fairly good. I've only had ONE person sign up for just ONE of my RPGs. I have two. I need to know why people aren't interested? WHy don't you people sign up? I must know.
I couldn't think of anything else so I had to use this. On the island of Sangouti there is an arena. This arena has big plans for it. The Dark Tournament is to be held there. This is a tournament with little rules. Anything can go, you can kill your opponent, you can win by KO, or win by ringout. This tournament is open to anyone. Here are requirments and rules. 1: You will be held in a room until your match. It is illegal to watch the matches of your opponents. 2: You can wield either magic or weapons. NOT BOTH 3: You can only wield one type of magic/ weapon. Though you CAN have two of the SAME weapon. For example you can wield two sabers or two staves, but they have to be the same. That means you can't wield a Wakasashi and a Katana. 4: Magic and weapon wielders will be seperated into two different sectors of the tournament. The last match will be the best of the magic wielders against the best of the weapon wielders. 5: No enchanted weapons 6: No hidden weapons Those are the only rules in the tournament. The fill out sheet is pretty easy. Here is what you need. Name: Age: Weapons or Magic? What type of weapon/ magic? Skills: (No Oblivion moves, invisibility, etc) Homeland: Appearence: Biography: One last thing, there is no limit to who signs up. I need at least 10 or 12. Some of the fights will have you pitted as someone in the RPG that is a random person, but they will only be played as me. I'll sign up as an official person later.
[quote name='Lord Eliwood']Uh, yeah, Misenki, I don't think anyone could survive that (Sorry). Hey, though, if it's any consollation...My character probably collapsed due to his wounds. Good fight, I think/hope.[/quote] He just said that he left a cut in my high neck. If he just come out and say it then why doesn't he just say, in first person form, " I slit his throat" That seems simple enought. All he did was say," I left a cut in his high neck" Which doesn't tell me a stupid thing! Just to let you know, don't let this go to your head Eliwood. You and everyone that watched this knows that I SOOOOOO let you win. The only reason that I let you win was so that I could observe on how to post better in sparring. I would have done better if I wasn't in the first fight. We should have been at least the second fight, so that me and you would have had a better understanding. You know I let you win. We'll see who would actually win in a sword fight when I actually spar you in real life next time I go to your house.
[QUOTE=Lord Eliwood]Sorry that this post is so late, I got booted off the computer befroe I saw Misenke's reply. "The fireball hit me with enough power to knock me off my feet, singing my skin and burning the cloth on my left arm. I looked over at my opponent, on his knees, gasping with what I assumed were his final breaths. I, myself, was doubting if I could win this fight. Even if I did, my left arm would be damaged almost beyond repair. I got traces if a second wind, or was it just that I was less wounded than this 'Karel'? No, I was sore and bleeding all over. Regardless, I hefted up my wakazashi, it felt heavier than ever. I looked at my opponent again, he was not so different than me. I was not sure what I looked like right now, but it couldn't have been any better than my battered and bleeding opponent. I limped over to him, gasping for breath, and I made what I believed would be the final attack in this fight. I brought the blade down around his neck. He looked up at me with half-dead eyes, and I pulled the blade out, leaving a cut in his upper neck." '...forgive me.'[/QUOTE] I don't know if I'm dead, so uh, I'm just going to you know, linger on with this. (UGGHH! In the midsts of the fight I could tell that both him and I were getting desperate to win. But to he was a fool to think that I've been lying here for my doom. While he was still having pity for me I took him by surprise and sliced right at his chest. I'm pretty sure it was a direct blow. The blood dripped from my sword creating a small puddle at my feet. While he was half covered in his blood and mine, as I was the same with blood all over me. I didn't think that I would have this much a challenge.) "You were a fool to have pity on your opponent. I've never pitied anyone of the men that I have killed on Earth. For you mistake, you will surely lose the match. Give up now and I will spare you life. Refuse and you will die. I made a promise and if I break that promise, then I can NEVER have peace in my afterlife. Although this attack is repetitve, the Rune Sword is charged up and all I have to do is fire it. I had this measure aquired incase you don't give up. Now tell me, do you secede?"
[quote name='Lord Eliwood']"Obviously this 'Karel' had some more fire left in him, but he's run out of steam, and I've run out of pity. He butchered me when I was trying to give him mercy! I didn't know if he had the strength to finish me, but I knew I had the anger to finish him. I looked down at the numerous cuts up and down my chest and stomach, and the large gash on my left shoulder, which had rendered the entire arm numb. I had dropped my left wakazashi, and I was literally unable to pick it back up. It was no matter, I only needed one sword to finish him. I made a few slashes at his face and chest, and finally lunged at his chest."[/quote] I'm sooooooooo sorry! I didn't mean to be off. Please I beg of forgivness. My stupid brother HAD to kick me off. THEN someone else was using the computer. Well anyways. (AHHHHH! I don't know if I'd survive the fight. He'd just slashed me across the face a couple of times. But with a little of my strength I was able to slightly block a little damage. Although my sword was up, his was still able to go through it. With the last of my strength I will summon the power of the Rune Sword and fire one last blow at his chest in hopes that we would both fall. I don't know if this exaustion will lead to death or if I will just collapse. Please, guide this final attack. Sister, I'm so sorry that I didn't get to see you one last time. Huh? Are these tears rolling down my eyes or is it blood? I can't be seen crying, I am a warrior. I must wipe them before my opponent sees them.)
[quote name='Lord Eliwood']"I stopped. I stared at him and realized the loss of my honor. He was just a kid. I knew that pity would lead to my downfall, but I couldn't help it. Would defeating him result in the loss of my honor? What made him different from the countless other people that I had killed? Most importantly, was there a way out of this having both of us live? I knew what had to be done, but I was afraid to do it. I lifted my wakazashi into the air and brought it down across the kid's face."[/quote] (Huh? He's hesitating, I can tell. Is it because that everyone thinks I'm a kid? AHHH! I hate being called a kid! Time to take this seriously! This slice will be his last! Parrying the attack I made several slices at him in rage. I didn't even keep track of how many there were or where they were aimed. I was just slicing wildly. I think it was about two minutes of slices until I was tired. I think about half of the slices landed, but I'm not sure. I shouldn't have acted in rage for now I'm completely tired out! I don't even know if I can dodge his next attack. I don't even know if my opponent is still alive.)
[QUOTE=Lord Eliwood]"He came at me with a few strikes, I tried to dodge, but a few clipped me and one horizontal slash made a small cut in my stomach. This hotheaded, cocky kid had underestimated me. How exactly that sword was legal in this tournament was a mystery to me. I would leave that to the judges, obviously they had approved of it. I quickly analyzed the situation. He obviously believed me to be dumb or cocky enough to make an attack. I guess that, to make this interesting, I would have to attack him, while maintining an element of surprise. I immdediately swung around him and slashed at his ankles, attempting to bring him down." Does that work?[/QUOTE] (Blast! This person is obviously going to be an ankle biter. How dishonorable! I tried dodging but he was lucky enough to get a good slice in my right ankle. Can I win, even though I can barely walk? I have to! I can't die without knowing that my sister is safe!) "I hope that you know, I can't afford to lose. I'm looking for someone and I intend to find her!" (It may make me seem like a copycat, but I'll try to make a blow for the ankles. What!? He obviously knew that I would try something like that. I need to see what he's doing next. ARRGH! Clever little devil, hitting me with the hilt of his sword in my face! Am I to die here? Is this going to be my defeat?) Is that any better? I hope it is.
[quote name='ultimamilz']Alright, read what dragon warrior wrote and take it to heart, and now this match is being restarted. So start it over Misenki. Good luck *sigh*-MILZ[/quote] OK, going into first person mode. (OK, I'm going to have to kill this guy if I want to finish my goal. What should I start out with? Hm, I think that I'll start it out with a basic combo slash. First a horizontal strike aiming for the torso. Then I'll use the combo, by quickly following through with a vertical strike aimed for the right shoulder. Finally, since I want to kind of make this match quick, I'll tap into the powers of my Rune Sword and use it's magic. This will not fatigue me that much. After that, I'll switch to a defensive stance and wait for him to attack me.)
[quote name='Lord Eliwood']You can't go posting like that, that's why I edited my post. You can't make an unbeatable chain of moves, not letting your opponent react, otherwise the match would go to whoever was first! Cripes! Also, you can't just off and say 'oh, that missed' or 'oh, i dodged that' , otherwise the whole thing is moot! Also, sorry, I've only been on for, like, a day, and I figure this is the only way I'll learn. Forgive me.[/quote] *Breathing Heavily* (I shouldn't have wasted my energy like that at the beginning of the fight. I'm already sweating. Well, I can't let him think that) "You should learn to use your skills wisley" Then I attack with a couple of light and slow stirkes, so I don't use the rest of my energy up. After that, I would probably just stand there. Which is at the same time, waiting for him to strike AND get my fatigue up.
[QUOTE=Lord Eliwood]So do I go now? Sorry, this is my first OB RPG (i like acronyms) Well, I would attempt to divert Karel with some acrobatics, just to throw him off, and then I would move in for a quick strike below the ankles. I would try to move pretty fast, and if the fake out worked, I would try to, after the attack, make a quick dodge away from Karel and then stand my ground. Your move.[/QUOTE] Well, since Karel has such quick reflexes, I think he would be able to dodge the hit by jumping in the air and striking down with a vertical strike, which is aimed for the head. After that I would probabley follow it up by having the Rune Sword fire one of them Dark Magic balls I was talking about. To finish this up, he swithces to the offense and makes a fury of blade strikes. I would first slightly sheeth my sword and then have the first strike be a draw slash aimed for hi torso. The second slice would be a vertical slice to his right shoulder then followed by an upward slice to the left shoulder for his third swipe. After that it would be a diagonal slice toward over his torso and all the way down to the legs. As his two final slashes he aims for the legs and quickley after that would aim for the back. Probabley after that, since Karel is so confident in his skills, he'd taunt his opponent.
You sure we can't have a theme song? Just kidding. Ok serious time now. I'm just going to start the fight off by standing my ground and being ready to counterattack. That's pretty much it
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]I suggest you all stop spamming this thread or doom will come to it ;) Ultimamilz will start the RPG within the next five minutes, so be ready. With that said, there is nothing else to [i]be[/i] said here so don't post :^D[/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree we should stop putting pointless posts onto the thread. Oh, wait, this is a pointless post! Please don't be angry with me Dragon Warrior! (I hope this doesn't reduce my chances of being in her RPG)
[quote name='ultimamilz']Alright, in five minutes or so it should be up in ADVENTURE SQUARE so let's begin![/quote] I have to ask something, do we get our own theme music? Cause for mine, I want it to have like some kind of Pipe Organ song in the backround that makes the scene all spooky.
[quote name='Lord Eliwood']Alright! Misenki is going down...wait, how does this work? Sorry, this is my first RPG.[/quote] HA HA HA HA HA! I would like to see the day! I don't think that you know it, but, uh, my sword is the Rune Sword and well, WAIT! Why don't you just check out my weapon name description and that will tell you.
Me and my friend always have an argument about this. We keep wondering who would win in a fight between Kenshin and Inuyasha. I think that it would be a tie between them since Kenshin would be in his Batousi mood. For those of you favoring Inuyasha saying that he would kill him with the wind scar, that is not true. The Wind Scar can only be used on the ground or in the air. It can't be in both places, so if it were on the ground, with Kenshin's super athletics, Kenshin could just jump over it and I don't think that Kenshin can stay up in the air long enough for Inuyasha to use the Wind Scar in the air. Also, Inuyasha people will think," Well Inuyasha could just go all Demon Form and waste on Kenshin" WRONG! The only times that Inuyasha turned full demon was on accident. He doens't want to be demon form.
Sign Up The Legend of Zelda: Fury of a Fierce Diety [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Name: Yuku (yoo-kuu) Age:15 Favored Goddess: Din Weapon:Staff (Black with a black orb at the top and has a swirling black strip of wood going all the way to the top) and he also has a Waksashi hidden in his robe. Skills: Specializes in magic of any kind and harnesses his chi. He has the unigue power of Sangouti Mist. Sangouti Mist is a mist that can create an arena limit in a fight, for if you touch it, your body will go numb. It also has the power to strengthen Yuku's spiritual power and makes him unlock his beast form. But if he uses it in a different way, it can act as a barrier around himself. Yuku is the only one that he know that can summon this mist. Appearance: Yuku has kind of short black hair that he lets hang over his face, with dark blue eyes, has a robe that has two colors. The top part is dark blue and the bottom is a dark pine green. His robe goes all the way down to his feet, so no one can really see his feet. Personality: Yuku is kind of shut in, the shy type. But once you get him talking on a subject he can talk about it a lot. He enjoys his own company because everyone he knew died. The pain still hurts him. Biography: Yuku was raised in the small town of Karkriko Village. He was a small little tyke that didn't go out much and lived with his parents. When the town was set to flame, his parents died in the fire, but for some reason he didn't die. After that Yuku had to learn to fend for himself. He went through the lands and learned knowledge from the potion shop keepers. He actually even studied under Ganon, it just he didn't get used since Ganon was destroyed. After Ganon died Yuku wondered Hyrule searching for the boy who killed his master. He did follow link into the land of Termina, but never found him. When Snowhead was cleared out he went into there and lead a life of seclusion. This is how he become so powerful. He finally achieved the power that he was looking for. So he traveled back to Hyrule and looked for Link. Now he has found his chance to destroy Link in front of the whole kingdom. He will show that everyone's hope will die and that Ganon's power is the true power. No, Ganon didn't even have THIS much power. He was too scared to tap into the TRUE powers of darkness. He was scared that he would have his mind lost to the power. Yuku think that he was a fool for trusting in the Triforce for power.