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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Reiku, about your last post. Do you think that just because I'm a guy (In real life) that I was going to have Kina and Alex kiss at the beginning of the date? That's profiling there and that's wrong. JK. But seriously, did you think that I would rush the thing or did you just mean not to have them kiss AT ALL in my posts? It confused me and I'm just wondering. Besides, the first post would mostly take up time just describing Tina's stupid boyfriend. -
Sign Up Demon Hunters [M-VL and possible S]
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Who Am I?] [B]Rank in the Demon Hunters:[/B] I don't know what you mean on here. [/QUOTE] What I mean about your rank in the Demon Hunters, is what are you? Are you an officer, Leutenant, General, Captain. Stuff like that. Sorry about the confusion. -
"DAMN IT! The thing is too fast! STAND STILL!" said a cloaked figure, trying to kill a demon. Gun shots could be heard throughout the entire park the figure was in. The demon just kept bouncing around, dodging each gun shot, without getting hurt. The figure was wasting his bullets and time for the figure had too quick of reflexes for him. The demon waited for the figure to reload, which was when is struck with its claws. The figure soon had blood flowing from him, as the demon pierced the figure's heart. The figure fell, and the demon lunged over, to feast on its new meal. Five seconds after the demon's feast, a gunshot went and the demon's head had been blown off. Yellow blood flew over the battle ground when a mysterious man in a trenchcoat walked up to both the dead bodies. He had a shotgun laid over his shoulder. He looked at the man that had just died. "There goes another one." he picked up the body and carried it to a large building. Many people bussled around this place, most of them wearing the same uniform. A boy walked up to the man and saw that one of thier own had been killed. "General Kitowka! What happened?" "Tell the family of Officer Minari, that he was killed by a demon. I was lucky to recover the body from the demon." "Yes sir. I will inform the family." "Good" The boy ran off and past a wing and General Kitowka walked up to the front desk. "I have a body that needs to be prepared for a funeral. He was killed in the line of duty." The clerk was a tall, skinny, brown haired teenage girl. "You always seem to bring the bad news General." "Yes, I know. For some reason, I always arrive late." "I'll make sure he's ready for his date." "I think that it's pretty sad that we've had so many people die in this job, that we start to make jokes, when a person dies." "That's what happens when you're a Demon Hunter" "You know, I've been working for 10 years at this job and I've killed over 500 demons at least and I've noticed that the bastards never seem to die or lessen in numbers. It seems that humans always fight demons, starting back to the futile age and we've haven't come close to winning yet." ~[I]Futile Japan[/I]~ A samurai stood facing a small sword demon. Its claws were long enough to be swords. The two faced each other and waited for one to make a move. Finally, the demon with both its claws attacked the samurai. The Samurai dodged and blocked the attacks as best as he could, but the demon still landed fatal blows to him. The samurai slice at the opportunity when the demon came close, which cut open the demon's chest. It fell back, holding onto its wound, as the samurai came for the final blow. As the samurai was about to slice, the demon disappeared into thin air. "DAMN IT! That's the fifth one that's gotten away from me today." The samurai returned to his dojo, filled with many other Demon Hunters, like he. All of them were training and not stopping. "The demons just don't want to die" the samurai said to himself. This is demon hunters. The RPG that takes place in Modern Japan and Futile Japan. That is what is unique about this. Your character either fights in the Futile Era or the Modern Era. The plot of this, is that the humans are trying to kill all demons. I MAY at one point, put in a time rift or something, connecting the two time eras, but I'm not sure. But, by the end of the RPG, all the demons will be dead......hopefully. Sign-up: Name: Gender: (18-38) Age: Time: (What era your character is in) Weapons: (Remember to keep in your time era) Rank in the Demon Hunters: Bio: I hope that this turns out. I'll post mine later.
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Kina walked in with her sister behind her. She didn't want to make herself be a bother at Alex's request for her drinks. "I'll have water, please." Kina said softly. "I guess I will too" followed her sister, not trying to make Kina feel like she has to do this alone. Their glasses came and Kina sat down and set her crutches aside, not knowing where to put them. She wasn't trying to be too nervous, but she couldn't help it. She tried to think of something to talk about, but she just couldn't get out any of the words. Finally, she just took a deep breath and thought to make small talk before asking Alex to the movies. "So, Alex, I heard that you got hurt. Where?" "On the back" "Oh, I'm sorry! How bad was it?" "Well, it wasn't that bad. But I had to get it stiched up." "What?! Let me see!" "What?" "You're not telling the truth. I know that it is worse than what you say it is. Let me see. NOW!" Alex knew not to aggrivate a woman, especially Kina. He showed her and she gasped. "You jerk! You need to be more careful! You could have been parilyzed or worse!" "I wanted to make sure to save all my friends." "Well, you need to watch yourself. I saw you running in and you had me worried sick! I thought that you would get badly hurt and you did!" "Well, if I didn't than more people would have gotten hurt or worse" "Yeah. I guess I shouldn't be so hard. You had good intentions. I should be thankful that you only had that as an injury. It could have been worse." "I guess. I see that your leg got hurt. How did that happen?" "Oh, well a desk fell on me and the metal cut me. But it'll be better in about two weeks or so." "That's good. So, what are you going to do with your free day?" "Well, that's kinda why I came here. You see, my sister took the day off, because she was worried about me and now we both have free time and we were going to go to the movies and she wanted to invited her boyfriend and I didn't want to be alone and Rin didn't feel like a movie, so I um....was wondering....you know...if you...could like..." "Are you asking me out on a date?" "No...not really...well kinda." Kina was waiting for the answer. She felt like such a loser on how it went. OOC: OK, I didn't know how to do this, so I kinda stereotyped it into anime type stuff. -
RPG Blade Masters: x kakashi x vs Albel the Wicked [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Kamuro's topic in Theater
Albel noticed that Kakashi had a urge of total rage in him. Albel thought that this might help, for when you are enrage, you let all your thinking go and just want to focus on killing your opponent. Although, on the other hand, it would be bad, for that meant that Kakashi was focusing on killing Albel with all his strength, which Albel couldn't handle. Albel was a little freaked out, as he saw Kakashi's eyes that were so full of hate and anger. He knew that Kakashi was intent on killing Albel. Albel's thoughts were interuppted as the boat he was standing on rocked back and forth from the rough waves that they had recieved. Albel decided that he didn't want to die from the storm and he didn't want Kakashi dying from it either, for Albel would not have the pleasure of the kill to himself. He decided to walk to the dock and up on the boardwalk. "You bore me. I thought that this fight might be a little fun, but it is just too dull." Albel said, pretending to yawn. This seemed to enrage Kakashi even more and he jumped onto the boardwalk and started to slice at Albel with both weapons furiously. Albel was starting to wish that he hadn't provoked Kakashi, for it was getting hard to block both weapons. Soon, he saw the claw coming at him and he tried to dodge, but he wasn't fast enough, for it cut into his left arm a little bit. Although it was pretty much a scratch to him, it still stung for Albel and reduced the power that he could have used in his left arm. Kakashi started to charge Albel again and this time, Albel was ready. He blocked each and every attack that Kakashi gave. Kakashi was being even more angered by this and went in with the claw, for its previous slices. Albel had seen this coming and stuck his sword in one of the holes that the claw had, kicked Kakshi into the chest and sent him flying. The claw's hole was still stuck on Albel's sword as well as the rest of it. Albel took it off and threw it behind him. "I must say, you have done quite well, for a man with two weapons. But if you hadn't noticed, I've been holding up quite well and with only one weapon. Now, let us see how you fair against me with only our swords clashing their wrath and malice against each other. If you want your claw back for the fight, then you'll have a hard time, for I'm not letting you get past me." Albel was ready if Kakashi was to make ANY attempt to get the claw back. If the warrior would indeed go for the claw, then without hesitation, Albel would unleash the Kishuma technique. OOC: I didn't see any rule for the weapons being taken. I thought that if you could destroy my sheath, that I could get rid of your claw. If you want to know what the Kishuma technique is, it's in the profile at the inn. -
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Kina was in the hospital having her leg being X-rayed. She had been there a while and heard that Alex was in the hospital as well. She was hoping that she could see him before she left. The doctor came in with the X-rays. He held them up to the light and said to Kina,"Well, I'm afraid that bone has a small fraction in it, but other than that the bone is fine. As for the leg, well, it was cut with metal and we have to clean it or else you could get a serious infection. We'll have to stitch it up a little bit too. If you're ready, then we'll start." Kina nodded and the doctor grabbed some swabs and started to clean the wound that she had. Kina groaned at the pain, but she tried to stand it. The sting of the rubbing alchohol and other liquids was quite a bit for her to handle. The doctor was finally done and grabbed a needle and started the stiching proccess. Kina could handle this a little better. The procedure was uneventful, because it was obvious that Kina didn't want to talk to the doctor and vise versa. The procedure was done, the doctor cleaned the wound once more and then wrapped in it bandages. He went and fetched some cruthes and gave them to Kina. "You're going to not have to put much weight on that for a couple of weeks. Come back in about, three weeks and we'll see how that is coming along. OK?" "Sure" she said. This day just seemed to go all wrong. The fire was the worst. She just thought that she couldn't wait for anything else that would be better. She looked out the window, knowing that her sister would be called from work to get her. "KINA! Oh, I'm so glad that you're OK! Did anyone else get badly hurt?" "Well, I heard that Alex got a bad wound on his back, Jace was severly hurt and I don't know much more than that. I only got a wound on my leg." "OH! So you're boyfriend got hurt? Did you go to comfort him?" "Shut up! He's not my boyfriend!" Kina said, blushing a little bit. "Hey, I thought I would just try to lighten the mood. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to give you a ride to and from school from now on, unless you can get a friend. So, don't wake up late anymore." "Why didn't you wake me up? Would it have killed you to do it once?" "I've done it more than once. Two months ago, five weeks ago, and not to mention about three weeks ago and-" "OK, you've made your point. Let's just go home, please Tina." "Alright. I'll help you up." Kina's sister lifted her and help her into the car parked outside. They went home. "Well, since I took the day off, I guess I can make us something. What would you like?" "I guess some Ramen will do. I want chicken flavor please." "Alright, comin up. You can go change out of those coot covered clothes." Kina looked and remember how bad they looked. She went out and tried to get them off. It was a little easy since she didn't have jeans on. When she was finished, she thought that she would put on a T-shirt and some jeans. When she was done, she looked in the mirror to see how messed up her hair was. She went and combed it as straight as she could and then came out, with the smell of Ramen was filling the house. She came out, sat at the table, and started to eat. "Well, I'd normally ask you how the day was, but I can guess. So, do you want to do something after we get done eating? Since I'm off tonight and you might not be going to school tomorrow, so we could see a movie. If you want to invite one of your friends you can. I might invite my boyfriend." "What? You want to invite Akame?" "I was thinking about it, if you wanted to invite one of your friends. Why don't you like him?" "Well, maybe it's just that I don't like that you have a great boyfriend and I don't" "You know you shouldn't be jealous. There's someone out there for you." Kina just finished her noodles and so did her sister. "Well, the movie starts later tonight, so if you want to be with your friends, then you can. Who do you want to see? I'll drop you off." Kina kind of wanted to see how Alex was doing. "I want to see if Alex and Jace are alright." "You want to see your boyfriend and the rival?" "I told you-" "Yeah, yeah. I'm just giving you shit. Don't take it personally." "Well, let's go" "Just a minute." Tina grabbed some sunglasses and a sunhat and went out with her sister in the car. They went to the place where Jace and Alex lived. Kina went and knocked on the door. There was an old lady answering. "Yes?" "Uh-uh, I was wondering if I could know where Jace and Alex lived." "They live upstairs. I'll show you." The old lady walked up the stairs and Kina noticed that there wasn't a place for the handicapped. Tina sighed and picked up Kina to carry her up the stairs. When they reached the top, Kina knocked on the door. Jace answered and Kina relized that he didn't have a shirt on. She looked away and blushed a little. "Um, is Alex here?" OOC: Tag DC. I felt I had to compensate for all the short posts that I did. -
RPG Blade Masters: x kakashi x vs Albel the Wicked [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Kamuro's topic in Theater
Albel could stand the pain of the cut that he had just recieved, but what made him go through so much pain, was the salt water that was still on him and his robes. Salt always made wounds feel worse than they were. He tried to figure a way so the pain wouldn't be too much for him. Albel thought that if he were losing this quick, he might have to resort to the Kishuma technique that had gotten him out of many tight spots before. The pain was just stinging through all through his body. He tried to have his wound drained of the sea salt by using his robes in different spots, which helped a little bit. It was obvious that Kakashi was tired of waiting for Albel to attack, so Kakashi charged at him. Albel had to get Kakashi off of him so he could treat his wound to last through the fight. As Kakashi came, Albel tried to dodge as many of the attacks as he could. Albel almost had another dire as Kakashi sliced with the claw at Albel's side, but the only sound that was heard was a hollow thud. Both fighters looked to see that Albel's sheath to his sword had protected him. Albel reacted as fast as he could. He slid his foot across the groud and tripped Kakashi. Albel had put his sheath under Kakashi, so that something would be done to him. When Kakashi fell, his stomach fell right on the sheath, knocking the wind completley out of him. Albel went back onto the boats, putting distance between the two as Kakashi tried to recover. Albel ripped some of his robes and wrapped himself with the robes to help his wound. He saw that Kakashi was still trying to catch his breath, but Albel was preoccupied with something else. The boats were starting to rock. When Albel looked out to sea, he saw that a storm was coming in. It would only be a matter of minutes before its full fury was at the fight. The clouds were pitch black, meaning that it was going to contain lightning. All one of the fighter would have to do, was keep the other in the water long enough and the other would have electricity surging through them and kill them. Kakashi had finally caught his breath and looked at Albel confused. "You had the chance to finish me off. Why didn't you?" "To me, it is dishonorable to strike a man when he can't defend himself. I needed to do that so the wound wouldn't distract me. I must say, you are proving to be quite the thorn in my side." Albel just smirked as well as Kakashi and the fight went on. -
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: YAY faulty sprinkler systems. *wink wink* JK IC: Kina watched as the school was being burned, but was relieved that the students were helping bring out the victems. But Kina just felt so helpless that she couldn't do anything to help. She tried to stand up but, just had pain throb through her leg. "AHH!" she screamed holding her leg. "Stop that Kina. Stay off that leg!" She knew that she couldn't save anyone with just one leg, so she sat down. After she thought how she could help, she relized that she could try to help the people that were still unconcious. There wasn't much to do, but she tried to wave fresh air to help them breathe and just help them wake up. She had no clue if she should do CPR, so she just did the best she could until it worked. OOC: Sorry that was a short post. I'd like this to end soon, because my community had two people die from a fire just two weeks ago and so it's a touchy subject at the moment. -
RPG Blade Masters: x kakashi x vs Albel the Wicked [M-VL]
Albel the Wicked replied to Kamuro's topic in Theater
(Hmmm, this seems a little bit too easy) though Albel to himself. (What kind of fighter doesn't have a weapon? I'll have to be careful.) Albel let the sea breaze run through his hair as he waited for his opponent's next move. It was a while since he was at sea. The scent was something that he had missed. It filled him with a relaxed feeling. The two fighters just stood there, waiting for the other one to make a move. The only sound that was heard, was the sound of the ocean waves crashing against each other and the boats. Finally, Albel fell backwards off the boat and entered the water. He thought that if he took a surprise attack from the water, he would get an advantage. He swam deep to make him coverd in shadow. He circled around the boats and after going through a string of boats and came up for air. Albel had seen that his opponent and he had quite a bit of distance between them. Albel waited for Kakashi to come right after him. -
Well Kakashi, I can't really put one up if that one doesn't show. It's already being used as an attachment and that's what I'm using to let it show in the inn. I'll see if I can find a link for it.[URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43879&page=2&highlight=Aqualaria]It's on the second page[/URL] That should be what he looks like. As for the fighting area, I was thinking somewhere along the lines in a plain. You know, with grass everywhere and there would be about three threes. But the pier of dock sounds better, so we'll go with that. Let's do this thang.
"Alright Misdreavous, one more Shadow Ball should finish it!" Misdreavous fired another ball of blackness at Kadabra. "NO! Kadabra! Fine, let's see how you do against my Gardevoir! GO!" The phycic pokemon. "Fool, you obviously don't relize that ghost pokemon are better than phycic. I'm not going to let you make up for it either. Misdreavous, mean look!" The eyes of Misdreavous glared at Gadevior and although the trainer tired to return the pokemon, it wouldn't go back in the ball. "Fine, Gardevoir, use phycic!" The pokemon sent out a mental blast at Misdreavous, which didn't affect her too well. "Misdreavous, Confuse Ray!" The wave was sent out and hit Gardevoir. "Gardevoir, use your confusion!" but the pokemon was too confused and hurt it self from too much stress of the mind. "Now, use your Shadow Ball!" The ball of darkness hit Gardevoir and hurt it a lot. It was obvious that Karel was going to win.
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: Sorry about that last post! I forgot that it was Wednesday. It was confusing a little to start at the middle of the week. I edited. [COLOR=Blue]Kina was paying attention to Mr. Saunders. She really liked his class because it was somethign that she actually got into and was good at. That's why Mr. Saunders had Kina as one of his favorite students. Since Micky was right next to her, she felt a little better about being twenty minutes late. Hoshiko was in the row behind Kina. She thought that she had to arrange the next studdy date. Kina turned around and whispered," Hoshiko, when should the next studdy group?" "Miss Mitori! Would you please stop interupting my class? I don't know what it is today, but try not to divert Ms. Johnson attention as well." "I'm sorry Mr. Saunders. I'll try not to be a diversion anymore." "Thank you" My Saunders continued with his lecture. Kina was starting to wish that her karate lessons were tonight, that way she could take her anger out. She was hoping that something could just come along and make her feel better. She tried to focus on the IT class, but she just had her mind set on how the day has been going wrong so far. She looked forward to lunch since that was the first she saw Alex on Wednesdays. Until then, she just had to endure.[/COLOR] -
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=blue] Kina was still sleeping. She woke up and with a giant yawn looked out her window. "Ah, what a beautifal morning. It's seems to be a little more sunshiney than it should. What the? How'd my clock get unplugged?" She looked at her watch on the dresser and it was already 9:00. "Oh my goodness! I'm late! Oh crap!" Kina was frantically trying to find out where her clothes were. She was hoping around, puting on her clothes and fell down, hitting her head on the dresser. "OW! That hurt! I can't take a shower, since I'm late enough." She ran through the appartment seeing that her sister had already left for work. She grabbed a small bit of breakfast and went outside the door. She looked and was feeling lucky that she had a bike, even though her sister gave her a ride. She climbed on it, not caring about her skirt, until she started riding and then made sure that it wouldn't fly up from the wind. She rode as fast as she could peddle. She got the to the school at about 9:20 and ran into class. She ran in to have the teacher say to her,"Miss Mitori, do you want to explain to the class exactly WHY you are so late?" "No Mr. Saunders. I'm sorry Mr. Saunders. I didn't mean to." "Well have a seat." Kina went over and sat right next to Micky. "What happenned?" asked Micky. "My clock got unplugged somehow. I just want to get through today.[/COLOR]" -
Well, Kakashi, I accept your challenge. THIS IS REVENGE! You desserted my RPG! You desserted Magicka!
I don't know if you guys know, but my character has been posted and is ready for a challenge.
"Hey kid! You think you have enough skill to beat me?" said a trainer to Karel (Pathetic fool. Don't ever underestimate your opponent.) "If you want to have a Pokemon battle, then so be it. But if you're going to brag then leave, because it's a wast of time." replied Karel. "Pathetic welp! How dare you insult me. Let's battle! GO VILEPLUME!" "You act so tough, yet you have a flower pokemon?" "Don't make fun of my Pokemon. It may look pretty, but it's still tough" "Fine. GO SCYTHER!" Both Pokemon were out and ready to fight. "Vileplume! Start off with Absorb!" "Scyther, use your agility, so you are able to dodge it." Scyther started to make after images of itself, making it hard for Vileplume to see which to use Absorb. It fired at an image and it disappeard. "Scyther, use Swords Dance." "Vileplume! Charge up for Solar Beam!" It was another beat to the shot. Scyther made even more images of itself. "Scyther! It's still charging up, use your wing attack!" All the images closed in on Vileplume and used their wings for attacking. It seemed to hurt the Vileplume quite a bit. After that attack the Vileplume fired at one of the images. It hit the right Scyther and all the images disappeared. Scyther had a hard time recovering, but eventually. "HA! Now what do you think of my Vileplume?" "Scyther. Hyper Beam." Scyther fired out the orange beam and blasted the Vileplume and it was KO'd. "HOW? Hyper Beam isn't a technique of Scyther!" "It's not a natural technique, but using a Technical Machine can teach Scyther that move." "Fine! Kadabra! It's your turn." "Kadabra? Scyther return. NOW! MISDREAVOUS! IT'S YOUR TURN!" The pure ghost Pokemon came out and looked very happy to battle.
OOC: I recieved permission from Kitty to join in. IC: Karel had been on the boat for quite some time, but was asleep the whole time. He had no clue what the others were doing. He decided that he should talk to some of the trainers that he didn't know. When he went up to the deck, he saw that most of the trainers were battling someone else. Karel sighed. "I guess my Pokemon will have to spar against themselves. I'll train my two favorites. Scyther! Scizor! Come on out!" Karel released his Pokemon and they breathed the sea air. "Look you two, we need to get into top shape, so I want you two to spar against each other." The Pokemon had a confused tone in their voice. The looked at each other then back at Karel and back at each other. "Oh, right. I guess we're not used to this, since you guys are used to me telling you what attacks you should do. Hmmmmm. I guess we'll have to wait for someone else to challenge us." Karel should have taught his Pokemon how to think strategically when he wasn't aroudn to tell them what to do. It was a little too late for him to make up for his blunders, so all he could do was wait for someone to challenge him. He let all his Pokemon out and enjoy the fresh air until they had their challenge. OOC: Yeah, someone is open to challenge me if they wish.
[color=red][b]Name:[/b] Karel Kitsume [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b][IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22171[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] Karel is very serious when he is in a Pokemon battle, but is mature and collected outside of the battles. [b]Line-Up:[/b] Scyther-43 Scizor-50 Skarmory-49 Arrgon-51 Heracross-52 Misdreavous-55 [b]Extras:[/b] Bannete-45 Dusclops-43 Gastly-24 Haunter-48 Gengar-42 Raichu-50 [/COLOR] There's my profile.
[COLOR=Red]Name: Albel the Wicked Age: 26 Place of Origin: Albel originated from Japan and has never left it's sacred islands. Appearance: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22171[/IMG] Occupation: Sword for Hire Body: Albel is slim, but still isn't a scrawny man. He is muscular and has strong legs. Simply put, is that he is a very fit guy. Fighting Style: Albel's strategy is trying to dodge his opponents blows until they have little energy left, which then he'll overpower his enemy. If that strategy doesn't work, then Albel relys on his speed to run near the enemy and slice them before they can counterattack. Weapons: Albel loves his katana. (Sword is in picture) He has never gone into a fight without it and never plans on losing it. Skill: The Kishuma technique. It is a furious technique that costs Albel most of his energy and fatigue, but has not failed even to this very day. It starts out with three horizontal slices in three different areas that are mixed every time. It will strike at the torso area, leg area, and head area. After that, Albel will do a vertical slice, diagnal slice, two more horizontal slices, three vertical slices, then an upper vertical slice and finished with a stab. Each attack is consistant, to make sure that his opponent won't attack in the technique. It has been recorded that at least 50% of the hits always land every time. Blade God: No thanks[/COLOR]
Sign Up Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M - LS, pos V]
Albel the Wicked replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
OOC: Interesting concept [b]Name:[/b] Kina Mitori [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:Female [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Location:[/b] Appartment with a older sister, Tina, who's been through colleage and has a great paying job. [b]Personality:[/b] Kina is a kind girl. She isn't shy to anybody, even guys. She helps her friends with their homework, but won't resort to cheating. To say it simply, she's kind, but a little hard. [b]Short History:[/b] Kina wasn't raised in the town of Kitakata. When she was 13, she had moved to Kitakata. When she started out, she tried to make as many friends as possible. It was quick for her to make friends and soon became a very popular girl. Although she looks frail, she has been taking karate for 7 years and isn't afraid to attack someone if she needs to. She has never gotten into a fight and hope that she never does. In her spare time she likes to hang out with her friends. If she's with her girl friends, then she'll go to the mall, talk, and window shop. If she's with her guy friends, she loves to play soccor with them. Sometimes, she'll go to the movies whether it's either friend. [b]Subjects:[/b] Mathematics, English/Japanese, Visual Art, IT, Gym, Performing Arts [b]Relationships with other students:[/b] Alex-Good Friend and crush Jace-Rivals Micky-First friend she made when she moved to Kitakata Rin-Best Friend Zeph-Best Guy friend Ran-Friend Aka-Really good friend Maria-Classmate Hoshiko-Friend and Studdy Buddy Ken-Friend Kaela-Good Friend Drew-Aquantence Kyo-Small friend. Doesn't know to well Haruko-Doesn't know she exists Dirk-Hardly knows him Natasha-Doesn't know I didn't know if we needed the relationships needed to be ALL positive, so I tweaked it a bit. I really think this is a good idea. -
OOC: Remember that before you post that your profile has to be done. IC: Aron looked at the new students that the academy was getting. It done his heart good to know that the fight against the Dark Magicka was taken so wide. Every year it seemed like they got more and more new students. He watched the leader of them tell the story of Magicka to them. "Alright, all new students follow me and I'll show you to your dorms," said Bisho as he lead those students to their dorms. Aron smirked and remembered that all first, second, and third year students had dorms and not their own bedroom like the higher classes. He went over to the leader. "You never change the story for those first years do you?" he said to the Master. "That's because there is no better way to tell it." "Of course. Its amazing how it seems that we get more and more students every year, isn't it?" "Yes, but there's a problem with that. That means every year, we get more and more students learning how Dark Magicka is more powerful than any other form that we know about. Those students start to think that since we haven't found Light Magicka since long ago, that we'll never find it and just decide that they should have the most power. Every year, we have half the new recruits go and join the Dark Alliance, so although we get more students, it still doesn't matter. For every new recruit that the Dark Alliacence gets, we need a five new students to equal it." "I know. It seems like we are slowly losing this war. Well, since everyone else is going to bed, I guess I should too. As well as you." "I know, I know. We all have a big day tomorrow. Everyone teaching the new students their things." "Goodnight" Aron went to his bedroom after that. He climbed many stories of stairs and finally got to the wing of the teachers rooms. Aron entered his and was greeted by a great glow, as he always is. His room was decorated with many things. The shelves had glowing bottles in them, containting differenent things for each one. Among a small shelf were his failed attempts to recreate his crystal. There was a bookshelf with half of the books missing. In the corner was a large desk that had on it the half of the books that were missing. Aron went behind a black screen where his bed was. Next to it was a small night stand. Aron opened its droor and still saw that his crystal was OK. Aron dressed into robes and went under the black bedsheets. The black screen was help so that the glowing bottles wouldn't keep him up all night. The next day the new students were going to learn from him, how to use Ice Magicka to its fullest. OOC: Alright, to tell you how big the academy is, just imagine that it's the size of Hogwarts. That's how big it is. For those of you in the academy, you can choose to either room yourself in the dorm with a NPC or with another character in the RPG.
(Alright, since no one else has signed up, then I guess there are no other people interested. I'm going to post my profile now and then I'm going to start this thing. If anyone still wishes to join, then first put up a profile in this thread and then PM me, so that I know to check it out. If I like it, then you can join a little late. OH, Kakashi, I just have to say that I like the profile. Especially the picture, which made me relize that I had forgotten to have everyone post their character's appearence. I won't force you guys to do it now, but if you want to, then you can, that way we have a general idea of what your character looks like. Also, two of you still have to finish your bios before you even do the RPG. I will even check myself to see if you have done your whole profile and if its not done and you posted in the RPG, that post is not going to count. If you guys aren't sure what weapon that you want, then those who are in the academy will be able to look in its armory.) My Profile: Name: Aron Hukisho Age: 19 Chosen Magicka: Ice Personality: Aron likes to go by the Magicka that he chose. He is always cool and collected. Even in the heat of battle he is calm but still has the focus he needs to fight. There has not been a time when he lost his temper that has been recorded by the academy. Weapons: Bow and Arrows and will make a sword of ice when he is in close range combat. Bio: Aron never knew his parents. As far as he knows, the leader of the academy is his father. He knows that he isn't his real father, but the leader is the closet thing to a father that he can remember. He's been at the academy for nearly his whole life, meaning that he has learned quite a bit of Magicka spells in ice and learned a lot of the Magicka world. Over the years he found something that has been keeping him busy for quite a while. It was a crystal that had a blue aura. Aron has been trying to uncover the secrets of it and has come with a theory that the crystal is hardned, pure, Magicka. He has been able to tap into the crystal's powers from time to time, when he had it with him. Aron has also tried to create replicas of it, but still has not succeeded. He is not going to rest until he finds that secret behind this crystal. But he does not let it get in the way of his academy work. Being at the academy for his whole life, he has earned the respect and the position of teacher for the ice Magicka. For the first lesson, he and his friend Master Bisho, will teach the first lesson to the thunder and ice Magicka students. (I put a pic of what you should get that he generally looks like. Imagine that, except without so much kind of sci-fi-ish clothes.)
Alright Innocent, before you start to RPG you need that information posted. I'm gonna post my profile last, so that way it signifies that the sign-ups are closed, unless I make special cases. We need a little bit more of sign-ups though. I don't know if the reason at first was because it had no rating, but it has a rating now.
OOC: It's been a while since I last did an RPG, so I guess this will be my comeback. "What is Magicka you ask? Magicka is the power that formed the Earth, thanks to the elementals. Magicka is all around us and any creature with enough intelligence, can tap into these powers to protect themselves. Unfortunatly, there is only one type of Magicka a creature can tap into. Once they choose what element their Magicka is, they keep that element and can't get a new one. This is why you all must make the careful choice of what element you will use in your Magicka. You must choose between fire, earth, water, wind, thunder, and ice. There are actually two more Magicka elementals that are believed to be accidently created. Darkness and Light Magicka. The Light Magicka was created after the threat of the Darkness had came, so that we could destroy it, but man has not been able to unlock its secrets, so no one has tapped into it. Darkness Magicka is something that doesn't belong on this Earth. The first man to tap into it, thought that he could control it, but the power of darkness was too much for him and he couldn't control it and soon enough, he was a puppet for the Dark Magicka. He started to destroy towns and look for followers. Our best casters had tried to stop him, but the darkness was too strong for them. Many people had started to think that the only way to stand a chance against the Dark Magicka was to use Dark Magicka. They did throw him over, but it was a never ending cycle that wouldn't stop. Whoever stopped the puppet, had become a puppet. Many men and women like you, have chosen the path of Dark Magicka and now a group has been form call the Dark Allience. So now, humanities only hope to stop the Darkness is to unlock the secrets of the Light Magicka. It seems like that we never come closer to achieving it, but I still beleive that it can be used. Now that you have learned what Magicka is, I suggest that you get a good night's rest, because tomorrow, you're going to find out what Magicka is destined for you" said an old man, to a group of teenagers at an academy that was known to raise casters of the original Magicka. The academy was the biggest thing that was stopping the Dark Allience. So, this is how your character's profile should be. Name: Age: Chosen Magicka: Personality: Weapons: (optianal) Bio: (NOTE: If you've chosen Dark Magicka, then you are part of the Dark Allience and your character's story is apart from the accademy.
RPG Aqualaria: A Universe of our own PG-VL
Albel the Wicked replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Drake did what he wanted as this character, so he switched back over to Shaull and started where he saved. He saw that everyone was ready to depart. He went to Garnok. "Garnok, I didn't really get details on this mission. Can you tell me?" Garnok filled him in on everything. When he was done Shaull thought," WAIT A SECOND! Thats the same mission you sent me on when I was a mod!" Shaull slammed Garnok to the wall and put a gun to his head. "Don't tell me you're setting me up again. I wouldn't think you'd go so low to sacrifice all these players just to take me down." "First off, I'm going to tell you again, I didn't set you up. We didn't have good info. Secondly, the hacker ring was done that way to HONOR you." "What?" "Yes, they think that we set you up, so they are staging their ring at the same place of the previous virus." "So, that's why you want us to get rid of them. Just like me, they want you to admit what you did." "Well, you see, they think that your character was deleated. They thought you were a great mod, so, that's one of the reasons we tried to contact you. Maybe you could talk to them to make them stop. Plus, you can hack just like them, so it will help a lot." Shaull just snorted. "You've already been payed, so you are indebted to this mission." "Yeah yeah" "Well, they seem to be leaving, so I suggest that you get going" "Did you get a ship for me?" "Ah yes, we most certainly did. We got you something that might stand a chance against the mechs they have" Garnok took Shaull to the garage, to reveal a black stealth fighter ship. "A FLR-15!" "Surprised?" "I didn't think a cheap ass like you would get this good of a ship." "Whatever. Get in. Instant transit is what we're using for travel. We're going one at a time, so this will give you time to see it's capabilites while you wait." Shaull got in, powered up the engine and looked around. He could tell were everything was. He was ready to this, although, he was starting to have different thoughts about this.