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Albel the Wicked

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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked

  1. Wow, I never would've thought James loved katanas as much as me. I have a new respect for ya James! I wish to be your apprentice! Great chapter as always. Love it.
  2. What is it?: All the memebers that made people who were depressed feel better. Why was it nifty?: Because good deeds deserve to be rewarded. What is it?: Bio Why was it nifty?: He came up with the coolest avi's (send me one please)] What is it?: Dragon Warrior Why was it nifty?: because he is one of the best memebers on this board What is it?: Beoruhn Why was it nifty: Despite the fact that none of his RPGs took off, he was still a good sport and helped other people What is it?: Aprales Why was it nifty: because it was a very popular thread and everyone seemed to love it. (It was NOT because it was one of my RPGs) What is it?: Bikini Bandits Why was it nifty?: Because it made tons of people hit the floor laughing off their @s$. What is it?: The Otakuboards Why was it nifty?: because without it, I would actually have to develop a life offline. That's all I have for now.
  3. Drake was tired of being like Shaull, so Shaull saved at where he was and logged off. But before he did, he said to Sako," I need to log off and do my chores and stuff like that. So you're going to have to wait a little bit for my superior skill to be yours" he said as his character disappeared. Drake then logged on as his character Drake. Drake started in his great vassal of Athirion. "Ahhhhh. It's good to be back in my ship" Drake said to himself. He walked to the captain's seat to see that he had a new message and it was from his friend Albel. He opened it and it said,"[I]No, I didn't get deleated. Not much is going on, but if you already didn't know, those players have been wiped from the bounty list. If you still want to meet, how about in the capital of the planet Shoonisin. C ya there PS: Is that eyeshield the best thing you could invent?[/I] Drake just laughed and shook his head. He started to head for the planet of Shoonisin. It was a healthy and thriving planet. He went to the capital called of the whole planet. When he was near the planet he went to the Athirion hangar and took a standard battle ship. The X-R1 was a fairly good ship, with standard engines, guns, and armor. Drake took off and landed in the capital. He looked around. (Albel should've given more specific directions. This city is too big. How should I know where the hell he is) Drake thought. He walked around, only to be pulled into an alleyway. When he looked, it was indeed his old friend Albel. "Hey!" said Drake. "What up?" "Not much. U?" "I'm good. So what did you want to talk to me about?" "Well, I was going to see if you would help me track those players, but, since they aren't on the bounty list, I guess I'll just ask you to help me make something I've been working on for quite a while." "What is it?" "Come to the Athirion and I'll show you." Albel got in the passenger seat of tje X-R1 and Drake flew back up to the Athirion. Drake lead Albel to the workshop, where Drake made all of his inventions. "I've been trying to get this to work for a while, but I've never succeeded" said Drake to Albel. "What is it?" "I'm trying to make and energy sword on foot instead of mechs." "It's a good idea, but-" "I know, I know. Since the energy sword lets out and EMP wave that is small, technology around malfunctions, but since the mechs have enough resistence, that isn't a problem, as for making an energy sword on foot, the technology it is harnessed in will malfunction, causing the sword to withdraw. I knew that. I tried to reduce the power, but then it doesn't materilize at all. I've mastered everything, I just need to find out how to up the resistence." "Well, I'll try to help you the best I can." They sat and thought on how to make the energy sword work. They gave suggestions for a couple of hours, until Albel got a good idea. "I have an idea! I HAVE AN IDEA!" "I heard you the first time, I was just ignoring you" "Shut up. Well, here it is. Why don't we fuse titanium, aluminum, and copper together to make a super conduction alloy that will keep the power of the energy sword in the wires until the technology comes back online." "I know that I have some titanium and aluminum, but no copper" Albel pulled out some copper from his inventory. "Do you always keep copper in you inventory?" Drake asked. "A good inventor keeps the most used materials with him at ALL times" They melded the metals together to form some fairly thick wires. They put it in the attachment for the sword. Drake placed the sword attachment on his bracer and drew the sword. The bracer immedietly malfunctioned, but the energy of the sword was still seen. "Come on. Come on!" Drake said, hoping it would work. The energy started to disappear. Little by little it went. But, the technology came back online and the sword came out, without making the technology malfunction. "YES! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!! WE DID IT!" Drake screamed. "Well, we don't know how powerful it is. Let's test it on the course." They went to the gun course and started a session. When fairly good level droids came out, Drake used the sword and it cut all the droids in half. "YEAH! I THINK IT'S GOOD!" Drake yelled. "Since I helped you, I think I deserve a free sword." Albel said. "I'm going to file a patent first" Drake drew up the patent and started mass producing the sword attachments like crazy. "I'll make you a deal. I'll give you a free bracer with sword, IF you promise me a free set of your new armor." "Sounds like a fair trade. Although that thing is going to be worth like 5,000,000 zen." "Hey, that way I payed you back for all the favors." "Alright" Albel and Drake swapped goods and bid farewell to each other. Drake thought his character looked snazy in his new armor. He was ready to set up Drake's payback on Shaull.
  4. Say, when ya gonna come up with the next episode? You waiting for someone to give a lesson to? OK! *runs to myOtaku and edits site.* Let's see this.
  5. Drake decided to log off. Since the next day was a Saturday, he could be on for quite a while. The next morning, Drake slept until about 9:00 and logged on as Shaull. When Shaull logged on there was a new message on the boards. One was a request to have as many members in the hacker ring project as possible. The other was an announcment of something new. Turns out that there is a new skill system that lets every class have skills. From now on, when members won fights, they would win skill points along with experience, which made the experience from each monster be less then before. When enough points are stocked, members are allowed to buy certain skills, depending on the class type. As a gift, the mods were giving every member 50 free skill points. Shaull looked at his status, and saw that even HE had skill points. Well, he had more. He had 100 skill points. The mods were going to do this to every member on the missions, so Sako and Rhym and the others will have 100 skills points stocked. Shaull went to a terminal and saw that the 'skill shop' was a new option along with the others. He opened the skill shop to see what he could buy. It asked for his class. He put in 'custom class' since that was his only option. It then asked what his characters main trait was. Shaull entered in 'guns'. A list of skills and power ups came up. There was one that caught Shaull's eyes. It was called Shotgun Fury. Shaull didn't care to read the description first, he knew that just by the name that it was a good skill. But it cost 75 skill points. Shaull payed the skill points and got the Shotgun Fury move. Then, Shaull just bought the Dark Element Bullets for 25 points. Shaull went out to test the new move. He went and equipped the skill. When he activated it, it took down the MP and let out a fury of small firey blasts. Shaull was easily impressed by this. He was just wondering if he could power it up. He looked back at the terminal and enter to see that instead of the move wasn't highlighted, he saw that there was a shotgun storm instead. It was worth double the priced. So you can buy the powered up version of a move, but it will always cost double of the past power up. Shaull walked around and saw that Sako was here. (Oh great!) thought Shaull. He leaned against a wall as he saw Sako add the finishing touches to his mech. He'd have to wait for his other so called 'team' before he could set out. "Wonder what kind of vehicle those pathetic mods will give me for this. "Hey!? Why you such a jerk?" asked Sako. Shaull glared at Sako and he could tell that a small bit of fear went down his spine. ".......this will be one of the few times that I'll agree with the mods. Sometimes the truth needs to be silenced. I know this isn't what you want to hear." replied Shaull. "What are you talking about?" "Everyone thinks I'm just trying to ruin everyone else's game, but I'm just trying to make the mods uproot the truth" when Shaull said that, he started to walk off. He knew that Sako wouldn't believe the truth. People always think that he is just imperinating the famous mod that was known as Shaull Demandgon, giving him a bad name, but, he is something different.
  6. OOC: NO NO NO! I forgot to post it, so it's kinda my fault, but no one, I repeat, NO ONE was supposed to even get the HUNCH that Shaull is Drake. Have it just be a theory, then I guess later be turned down that Shaull ISN'T Drake. IC: Shaull walked into the garage to reflect on himself. He was trying to keep a low profile, but when he saw Rhym, he just got angry. He saw that Gray and Kitty were coming up, so it would be perfect to cover up. He went up and tripped Gray down. When he fell to the ground, Kitty tried to help him, but she was met by a hand which knocked her down. "Hey! Why are you such and asshole!?" "Because I-DON'T-LIKE-YOU! I don't like your face, I don't like working with you, and I sure as hell don't like anyone else in your group. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just in it for the money." "Whatever asshole" said Gray. Shaull turned around and pulled out a gun from his trench coat. He aimed it and fired it right at Gray, which took down half of Gray's HP. "Next time, I'll kill you" Shaull said as he walked around. He wanted to get the message that he didn't like anyone that he was working with. Zigzagawa came up and Shaull pushed him onto the dessert sand. When Sako walked up, he just glared at him. If he showed negative attention towards everyone, it'll show that he would have no connection to his other character Drake. He might have blown his cover by showing most of his negative aggression towards Rhym. He walked up to Garnok. "I'm not a mech pilot. So, you'll have to give me a ship." "What kind?" "Oh, just something good. Stealth Fighter, MR1, etc." "Alright, I'll see what I can pull up to fit your style." "Tell me when you got something and I'll tell you if it fits my fancy." Shaull just walked around the facility and tried to be patient while his ship was coming. OOC: Yeah, I know. Shaull is a total ass.
  7. OOC: I was just worried about the f word. All the other words, I don't really give a damn. IC: Drake was hoping to get a reply from Albel soon. When he saw that he had a message in his box, he had hoped that it were from his old friend, but his hopes were not fulfilled when he saw that it was from Sako. (Great, only ten minutes away and he already needs me) thought Drake. Drake opened it and saw that it said something about taking down a hacking ring or something. Drake sent his reply," I'm going to have to think about it. I DEFINETLY won't do it, if the mods have gotten Shaull Demandgon on this job. There is a hate that I can't control to that player. I hate him more then the hate I feel for our newly made enemies. Find that out first and I'll tell you depending on the situation." Drake sent the message. "Hey Kay. I'm going to log off, so I'm going to teleport you. Where to?" "Take me to Earth, on the Milky Way galaxy" "Pretty far. What for?" "Why do you need to know, you're logging off." "OK" So Drake teleported Kay to Earth and Drake was going to log off. Once he logged off, he switched to his other E-mail address and logged in as Shaull Demandgon. He started at a city and first headed to a message booth. Shaull put his hand up to it and used his 'hack' ability to open the message. It took a little of his MP, but it worked. He saw that there WAS a new message for him. He opened to see that it was from one of the admins. It said,"Look, we don't really like this, but we are asking you for help. There is a big hacking ring and we're getting all these players to help us and we thought that it would be easy to higher you as well. If you didn't give yourself the hack ability, then we wouldn't be doing this. We ARE willing to wipe your slate completly clean if you help, despite the fact that are the most wanted player ever. Message me back with the reply." Shaull was going to open a audio conversation with him. He started it on and sent it back to the admin Garnok. The speaker was staticy and he masked his voice with a changer. "Hello Garnok." "Who is this?" "You hired me. It's your old buddy Shaull." "SHAULL!? SHAULL DEMANDGON!?" said a female voice. "How nice. I'm heard even in the backwater planet of Katenea" "Enough Shaull. Just give me your reply." "Well, I'm not going to do it if my slate is just wiped clean." "WHAT?!" "Let's face it, I don't have to worry about the mods even thought I AM the most wanted player in Aqualaria, so wiping the slate clean wouldn't be much of a change for me." "What ELSE could you ask for? How much money?" "Wellllll. I guess I COULD do it for, oh say, 100 mil." "WHAT!? You want 100 million zen!?" "Yes. Not one zen less, but feel free to put more in" "How about 50 mil?" "I'm sorry Garnok, but I'm NOT willing to negotiate a different price. If you don't pay exactly that much, then you don't get me." "Hmmmmm." "I'll let you think about it. But remember this. If you DON'T answer in a half an hour, then I'm going to ask for double. IF that doesn't work, then I offer my skills to the hacker ring and you'll have another threat to worry about." "FINE!" "What's going on Garnok?" said a voice that sounded like Sako's. "Just negotiating with a greedy bastard!" Garnok yelled. "Now now. Let's not be rude. You ARE the one who wanted the legendary skills of Shaull Demandgon." "You know, you're pretty cocky." said the previous female voice. "Look. Just give me the money when I get there." "Agreed" "Oh and one more thing. I know you'll put me with backwater trash players, so if the zen is fake, I'm going to kill them and help the hacker ring. Understood?" "......yes" "Good. I'll use the transporter to get there. So, you're going to have to get that money quick" then the conversation ended. Shaull went to a teleporter and started on his way.
  8. OOC: I'm ending this RPG. I'm doing it just for the fact that I can say that I actually did an RPG all the way through. IC: Yutarin flew with Kitsume, making her think that he was going to help her kill the Crimson's. Yutarin had a different plan. He was going to stop this war. They made their way into the city and started their way with killing the Crimsons. Yutarin used his staff and Kisume used her wind powers. They flew through the city until they came up to Midnight Rush. He was flinging pillars of water at them like crazy. Yutarin was taken down and hit the pavment hard. He stood up and saw Midnight Rush going towards him. "I should've figured a Mystic would be trying to kill the Crimsons, but I didn't think a fellow Crimson would be a traitor!" he said. "She's not a Crimson, just like I'm not a Mystic" Yutarin said. "Well whatever you are, I'm going to kill you. Then I'm going to take that staff of yours to make me even MORE powefull!" "You want it?! TOO BAD!" Yutarin said as he slammed the staff into the ground and broke the gem. "What the hell are you doing!?" "I'm ending this war! This war has taken so many lives. So, even if I die with this final blast, the war will end and the Mystics will be the only ones living" Yutarin said, as he stuck his hand in the broken gem, taking all the power of the Arcan Staff into him. So much power was going through him that he couldn't control it. "Just what the fuck it going on!?" said Midnight. "This is the power of PURE Arcana! Pure Arcan cannot be blocked and will destroy everything in it's path! I am delivering death to you and all of your gang!" Yutarin then let out all the power he had in his entire body and made a giant explosion that covered the whole city. Everything within in the city limits was consumed by the power and destroyed. The Crimsons, Midnight, and even Kitsume, destroying them, not leaving a body. The power was going through Yutarin which meant that he had a VERY small chance of living, but he would've had his body still there. After the blast was done, there was nothing left. No buildings, no ruble, no life where the explosion took place. All there was, was Yutarin standing there. He hoped that his words would be carried to Leya. "[COLOR=Silver]Leya........this was for you and the Mystics.....so that you could live a safe life.......that this stupid war would end.............do not fret over me my dear.......I want you.....I want you to continue living your life.....continue to live your life as though none of this happened...........Leya.....I did this because I love you........[/COLOR]"and with that, Yutarin collapsed. Everything went black. He was greeted by a warm light. (I made it. I made it to the afterlife) OOC: There, it is ended. The only one that can post is Simplicity, which would only be stating the Epilogue.
  9. OOC: Beoruhn. You seem to think that you kill threads. By observing your last post, here is some advice. You don't post in an RPG because you haven't posted in a while. That is why you think the post was lame. You post in an RPG when you have inspiration. In your spare time, you need to think a little of what your character could do next. That is sometimes what I do. IC: Hashu looked at the fainted Halas. Hashu walked up to him and picked him up. "Come on. There's no more reason to stay here. We slayed the Balverines, so lets go." Hashu said as he dragged Halas' feet across that floor with Halas rested on Hashu's shoulder. They set up camp in the forest nearby. Around the fire he saw that there was a lake. Hashu saw that Arian was tending to Halas. He just thought of something. "WELL! I think I'm going to go get us some more fire wood. Von. How about you go get some water and take Ci with ya too." Hashu said winking at Von. Von got the hint and left with Ci to get water from the lake. Hashu went out into the forest. He saw Halas was waking up. He could tell that there would be a sappy moment, so he decided to get out of site. Hashu started to smile at his own cleverness, but then, Hashu stood stiff, remembering Lily. ".....Lily. Why can't I find you?" he whispered to himself. Hashu was tired of waiting for Ci to pick up Lily's scent on him. He was going to find her by himself. They weren't helping him before in finding her, so they won't now. Albel took out his sword and started carving a message in the tree he was at. It read " WENT TO FIND LILY" Albel then decided to activate Hyper Mode, making it quicker to travel. Albel was glowing and having energy pulse through his body. He ran as fast as he could across the land. The best place to start tracking would be the lab that he had taken flight out of. He ran to where he thought it would be. Albel, who was still in Hyper Mode, looked and saw the lab off in the distance. He ran as fast as he could to it. Albel came up to the doorway and deactivated Hyper Mode. He just hoped that he wouldn't need it later on. Albel went inside and looked around, hoping that Lily or a trace of her would be here. Albel looked over and saw Lily on the ground unconsious. "LILY!" Hashu ran over. He picked her up and saw that her body had been torn up by glass. Hashu tried to take out the pieces, but they were too small. He would have to find a doctor. Hashu held Lily close to him. "Lily. I'm sorry that I left you. I never should have! I'm so sorry." he said, hoping his words would get through to Lily. The shards had torn through the lab coat she was wearing, which made Hashu see she was nude. Hashu took of the top part of his robe and tried to cover her as best as he could. He had an shirt on, under the robes, so he didn't mind getting rid of the top. Hashu picked Lily up and ran as fast as he could to the doctor. OOC: Since Simplicity didn't post where her character went, her character just stayed there.
  10. I feel like posting another character, because this guy is cool. I just felt like I needed to. Actual Name: Drake Estel (He he he. User has two acounts) Actual Age: 18 User Name: Shaull Demandgon User Age: 21 Level: 10 Custom Class-Gunman The gunman wields lots of different guns and is skilled with all of them. Strength: 5 Accuracy: 6 Intelligence: 6 Handywork: 3 Luck: 6 Special Ability-Hack(Take 5 points) Hack is an illegal ability that allows the user to break locks on things, areas, and vehicles. Drake created this power, which is why he is the only one who can use it. Shaull is one of the most wanted outlaws in Aqualaria. User Appearence: (See attachment) Instead of the gee, it is a trench coat. Under the trench coat is a black shirt and the pants might as well be black instead too. Black gloves are worn along with this. (Hint: the guns are in the trench coat LOL) Yeah, I just felt like doing this. If you guys want, go ahead and create two profiles.
  11. Um, just a question. You guys DO know that this is in old times. Like back where most animes are placed. If you guys do know, then my bad. It's just that your clothing sounded a little bit modern to me, but if that is how you want it, then go ahead. Now, one last favor, do you guys think you can post what position you are trying out for? I can't tell what you guys are signing up for. I can only guess.
  12. OOC: WHOA THERE KITTY! Watch the language. This is a PG-13 RPG and I don't want it closed. IC: Drake went up in Athirion. As he went to the captain's chair, he saw that he had a new message from user Sako. He opened it and saw that message in reply to his offer. The message read as so. [I]The answer's no, Drake. You just don't play my type of game. I'm a fighter, not a scavenger. What you do, is not something I want to do. Sako[/I] Drake decided to reply. He typed in a new message and it read. "That is indeed a shame. I thought that you would want to be join just for a little bit, so that you could find an Orchist Beam maybe. You seemed quite facinated that I had one. Well, if that is your choice, then I'll accept it. But, if you ever need a friend's help, just message me." Drake then started to think. If those people got away, they were sure to have a bounty on their characters. Drake decided to check the missions list. As he did, he saw that the inventions list was updated. "*Sigh* Let's see what some n00b decided to put up seeing if anyone would buy it" Drake checked the list and saw that it wasn't posted by some n00b. It was posted by an experienced player, a player that he knew. "Ah! So he decided to come back. He looked to see that his friend Albel had signed on. (OOC: Humor me) Albel was an experienced player. Even more experienced then Drake. He was around a level 14 last he checked. Drake decided to get in contact with him. He composed a message and sent it. The message said," ALBEL! I thought you got deleated. What's going on man? Well, tell me later. I have a proposition. If you haven't noticed, four players have gotten a bounty on their heads. Pick a place and I shall meet you there for parle." Drake checked the invention to see that it was armor. In fact, it was rated as a three star armor. That was good armor. Drake wanted to order it, but he saw that it cost around 1,000,000 zen. Since Drake didn't want to be even MORE in debt, he decided that he would just leave it until he could buy it. But this made Drake want to start inventing something. Not things that he wanted other players to have, like his blasters. He'd make something that was usefull, but wasn't going to be used against him. Drake just then got an idea, he went to the production lines and had the computer scan his eyeshield, then produce the thing from it's blueprints. When about twenty were made, he filed a patent for it. In a matter of moments, he would have his eyeshield able to be sold in the stores of Aqualaria. This would make him some money.
  13. *Looks at Yoshi picture* AHHHHH! MY EYES! MY PERFECTLY EVIL EYES! AHHHHHHHH! MAKE IT STOP! *Backs out of it* Look what that did. *Smoke comes out of his eyes* LOL! Another great chapter Annie.
  14. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Trying to think of what Drake is doing. IC: Drake just heard Alan's voice yell out quite loud. Drake sat up. "*YAWN* What happened? Did I fall asleep? Guess I did." Drake said to himself. He came to start drawing the calm scenery when he woke up. The scenery was so calm that he probably started to relax, lay on the grass, and then dozed off. He looked at his picture to see that it was only half done. It was of the waterfall near the lake. Since it was about noon, the picture would be hard to finish. He started in the morning so that there would be mist. He would finish next morning. Drake got up and stretched as much as he could. "AHH! That nap actually makes me feel good. It's pretty easy to go to sleep near a waterfall, since it's just so calm. Drake walked back to the cabin and saw everyone was crowded near the door. Kim was in front and it looked like she was holding something. On the downside, she wasn't wearing pants. (Will she ever put on a pair of pants?) Drake thought. He walked over to see what all the hooplah was about. "Hey, what's going on?" "Drake? Where have you been?" "Well, I was trying to draw that waterfall, but I guess I dozed off" He said, smiling as he pointed to his unfinished picture. "Guys, let Drake see that letter" A letter was handed Drake and he looked at it. "COOL! Dance club! Maybe they'll let me practice my DJ moves." Drake said, as he pretended to scratch a record. Drake went back up to put his notebook away and then pretty much get ready for the dance. Drake into the bathroom and started to get his hair ready. As he looked in the mirror, he could see that a couple of hairs were a different color than his others. He looked and saw that they were navy blue. "Hmm, what do ya know. My hair color is coming back." normally Drake would care a lot, since he had NATURAL blue hair. (OOC:Don't ask) But, since Beth had blue hair, he would just act like it doesn't bother him. He got his hair all spiked up and ready. OOC: When I first created Drake as a Sci-Fi guy, he had blue hair, but I thought that our characters couldn't have blue hair. It wasn't until now that I saw it could be done. Well, TAKE IT MR. ANNOUNCER! Announcer: Will Alan ever find out what kind of man Sakura wants? Will he act like himself? Will, this dance party go alright? Will John survive the fight with the other clan? Will Kim EVER get a pair of pants on? Find out maybe on the next post! LOL
  15. OOC: Finally the fight is over. IC: Drake looked at his damaged Falcron which almost was destroyed completly. Drake was seriously pissed. The Falcron was his baby, his pride and joy. It was the best mech around and it was damaged severly. He was going to kill Rhym. His character was going to be deleated next time he saw him. Rhym was the one that did the finishing blow, so it will be Rhym that pays for it. He looked at Sako who was just chilling. Drake had connections to delete their characters, but he didn't want to. He was an ex-mod, which is one reason he has so much good stuff. That is why he was in Aqualaria from the beginning. He hates looking back on the reason that he resigned. Good thing is, that he recieved a lot of gifts and then he set off to resume being a tresure hunter. Drake decided to check his level. Since it was a pretty intense fight, he was close to a level up. He was going to get off this backwater planet sometime soon though, so he could finish what he started and get that level up. He was wondering if Sako would like to join his crew. He knew how to persuade him. He got up and spoke out,"Sako? Would you like to join my crew?" "Hmmm?" "My crew. You know the people who pilot my ship." "I know what a crew is. I don't know if I feel like chasing those guys." "This isn't about chasing rouges, criminals, or monsters. My crew pretty much finds items and either sells them or uses them. That's how I obtained my Orchist Beam and all my other guns and gadgets." Drake said, as he look as his multi-purpose braclet. "Well, I'll have to think about it." "Talk to me when you do. Just remember, members of my crew get to use all the stuff available, with a few exceptions, of course. So that would mean you could use one of my mechs if you wanted, use some of my guns, whatever you want." "I'll message you when I come up with an answer" "OK." Drake patched an intercom. "Bring down a dropship. Kay and I are ready to go back to Athirion." "*Crackle* yes sir" Soon, there was a ship coming down which picked up the repaired Falcron in the hangar, along with Drake and Kay. It started to fly to a ship which was although very high in the sky, was big enough to eclipse the sun. Drake was on the Athirion. "ALRIGHT CREW! Set course to cruise until we pick up artifacts" OOC: Well, Takuya?
  16. Kitty tried to recover from the blow. She tried to bring the Rhino's controls back up online. She quickly did and wondered what to do. She looked to the side of her to find a giant pillar like object that was a made of rock. She broke it off of her support and tried to throw it at the Terripin. She was hoping that she had enough accuracy to have it right at the Terripin. She started to run with the rock at the Terripin. She look and saw that she didn't throw it like she wanted to, but still, the Terripin fired at the boulder to make sure it didn't damage it. This was Kay's chance, she drew at the energy claymore and slashed, which sliced right through the Terripin's leg and cut it clean off. Now the Terripin couldn't move, which made Kay able to finish it off. She went closer with the energy sword and spoke out," This isn't what I planned, but still, it was good." But she was met up by blasts from the Terripins cannons. When she retalliated, she saw that the Terripin was going for it's leg, to try and reattach it. She ran and kicked it with the mech as hard as it could. The arm went flying, but unfortunatly, it went flying into Drake's mech. "Oops. Sorry Drake." "Damnit Kay! Watch where you throw things!" "I'm sorry" "It's ok. I'm just stressed out." ~CHARACTER SWITCH~ Drake looked and saw that Kay just sliced off the leg of the Terripin mech. The Griffin turned and he heard the intercom say,"Looks like you could use some help" and the guns were aimed for it. Drake just felt enragment go all through him and jammed his foot right through the Griffin. Since the Falcron's foot was just like a spike, it COULD be used as a weapon, which caused some damage to the Griffin. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER!" Drake yelled as he unleashed a fury of slices from his sword and blaster. Drake then grabbed the Griffin with the Falcron and started swinging it around in a circle, going faster and faster each time and then hurled the Griffin into a cliff. He then unleashed a fury of lazers from his fingers and started to charge up the Orchist Beam. "DIVINE LIGHT! COME UNTO ME!" He yelled as a silver looking ball of energy started to form. Soon, he was met by a blast from the mech of Zigzagawa. "ARGH! You do not want to piss me off even more" he said, as he unleashed half of the missles on the Falcron at the mech's thrusters. Only some of them were blasted but, most of them hit the engines and others hit all around it. The thrusters were blown away, making the mech grounded. "Kay, get out of the Terripin's firing scope and take care of that other mech. It'll be more of a challenge, but it'll help a lot." He looked back at the Griffin to see that it had recovered but was severly damaged. These people don't know it, but the Falcron CAN be taken down pretty easily, since it has very thin armor, so that it could be as fast as it was. But since Drake was now furious for them threatening to hurt Kay, he couldn't be stopped. He readied his sword and spoke to them,"You are about to die. Beg for your lives if you wish, but that will not save you from the storm of attacks that will be unleashed on you." The tone in Drake's voice was serious. ~CHARACTER SWITCH~ Kay heard Drake and by the tone in his voice, she was scared of him. She looked up with her eyes. ".....Drake.....please don't do this" OOC: I felt like ending this thing soon, because this whole RPG can't be with the fight.
  17. Yeah, the basic thread that we talk about Double Edge here. Now just the people that signed up, but for the people who DIDN'T sign up and telling me what was missing. Seeing how that oh let's see EVERYONE didn't sign up for it, I want some answers! You people are breaking my spirit. Tell me, what was missing?! I thought it was quite good myself. If you're thinking that "It didn't include the other characters in it" that is because they come in at a certain order. Please, I must know what was wrong with it to make 31 views on it and not ONE sign up.
  18. Yes, it's here! HAHAHAHAHAHA! At first I was a little hesistent to post this. Probably because I was afraid that no one would sign up for it. But, I guess if I don't post it up as an RPG, then I would never know if it would be good. So, here it goes. (Just a note, this is only the beginning of the first saga. If we were to go through the whole first saga, it would be around a fifty pager RPG maybe. I'll let people know when it is done. Now, on to the actual story) Miroshi stood on top of the hill, looking at the ruins of his town. Everything he cared about was there and now, it was all gone. His uncle, his girlfriend, the villagers, and his mom, all burnt to ash and leaving nothing BUT their ashes. Their souls were taken by the demon the Miroshi despises beyond anything. Miroshi wanted to cry, but couldn't, he wanted to yell out in anger, but couldn't as well. For you see, Miroshi had the majority of his soul stolen from him, by the same demon that killed his village. Without his soul, Miroshi can't feel emotions of any kind. He can't feel pain, anger, nor love. He has just a blank expression. Miroshi wandered in thought. "Why? Why me? Why was I supposed to suffer? What is so important about me? I don't get where I went wrong. My village always lived in peace." ~[I]Flashback[/I]~ Miroshi woke up in his bed to the dawn of a new day. Today was his mother's birthday, so he wanted to get his mother something very special. He had been saving his money for quite a while. Miroshi went into town while his mother was tending to the farm animals. Miroshi did his chores early so that he would have plenty of time to look for a gift. On his way into town, he stopped by the clothing story and saw the prettiest silk dress that would be perfect for his mom. After buying the dress, he heard screams. Screams of terror. He looked down the road and saw that the town was being set ablaze and a demon was killing everyone. Miroshi was going to defend his mom, so he picked up a guard's broadsword. Miroshi ran towards the demon, who just finished killing the last one of the group. "Who are you and why have you decided to destroy this village?" "My name not matters, but I've come for the soul that will break the seal to the sword. Only then will that open the door." "What? You're going to kill this town, just for one person?" "Not his flesh, but his soul. He was destined to come to me and I was destined to take his soul" "Are you saying that person who you're looking for is me?!" "I see no one else before me." "I'm not going with you without a fight!" said Miroshi, as he ran for an attack with his sword. When he sliced into the demon, the sword shattered against the demon's body. "Enough play, time to die!" "AH!" Miroshi was punished greatly by the demon's claws. He was lying on the ground, at the demon's mercy. "Now is the time, that your soul will be mine" "N...no" right before the demon was about to steal his soul, Miroshi vanished. "WHAT?!" The demon looked to find a cloaked figure with Miroshi on his shoulder. The figure ran offf. "FINE! If I can't have your soul right now, then you'll suffer! LOOK! LOOK how I'm going to destroy everything you care about!" Miroshi looked up and saw the demon hurl an enormous energy ball at his town, wiping out everything. Then, for Miroshi, everything went black. Nothing, but darkness. Miroshi kept remembering his town being compltley destroyed. Nothing else came to mind. Then, he started to hear voices. Like the sound of two men having a conversation. He couldn't made out what they were saying. It sounded just like they were mumbling. After the voices were gone, he laid in the darkness for longer. Miroshi, finally opened his eyes and saw the daylight. He slowly got up, holding his head, feeling dizziness, pain, and nausea all through his body. "Well, the dead have arrisen. Take it easy. You took quite a lot of injuries." "Ungh....w..where am I?" "Why, you're in Bulgar village" "What the? How did I end up all the way at Bulgar?" "Well, some cloaked man dropped you off here and asked me to take care of you. He said that once you awoke that I should send you off, mostly for training from the mountain hermit." "Mountain Hermit?" "Oh yes. He was fabled to have legendary sword techniques, but now he just stays in the mountains, never coming down to see anyone, nor takes any students. No one has seen him in a long time. Which is why he is called the mountain hermit." "If he doesn't except students, then why am I supposed to go to him" "The man said that there was something special in you. Well....tell me what you did to make him so mad?" "Who?" "The demon who attacked your village! The man told me he did and now the demon has you up for bounty with a pretty hefty price on your head. Either you must of done something really bad or you have something he wants. You've been out for a long time. That demon now runs the world pretty much. He had too much power for anyone to stand a chance against him, so almost everyone will want the bounty on your head." "Then, I guess I'll have to start training" Miroshi got up out of bed and was met by a pain beyond description. "AGH!" "Easy! You were wounded almost beyond healing. We had to first call in someone to heal up the wounds, so that they wouldn't bleed so badly, then we had to get a doctor to patch those up. You would've died if we didn't help you." Miroshi looked at his body, to find that it was covered in blood stained bandages. "I promise to take it easy. Now, where is the mountain hermit?" "No, you can't go. Not until those wounds are patched up all the way." "I promise I can handle it! Now where is he?" "If you tried to go, you would die before you even reached his hut! Now rest. He won't be going anywhere. He hasn't for 20 years, so he won't start now." "Fine. I know I can do it though" "Yes yes, but now you rest" Miroshi laid his head back down on the pillow to recover. When he awoke next time, he was going to find the mountain hermit, whether the old man liked it or not. He was going to learn his techniques an slay the demon that destroyed his village. ~[I]End Flashback[/I] ~ That's going to be it for now. Here are the positions that need filled out right now. Girl- This is the girl that is SUPPOSED to fall in love with Miroshi. Ex-guard of Ostania- like it says, he's an ex-guard. I'll let you be creative with him. I mean, for him, you can tell what the Ostania guards wore and what their symbol is. Cursed Mage- Look at the Manga Idea thread in the Manga Workshop to get the details on him. He was originally named Yutarin, but feel free to change the name. Monk Girl- This is the girl who falls in love with the mage. Since she's a monk, she is supposed to know healing magic The demon-Pretty much be creative Sign up sheet: Name Age Appearence Weapon(s) Bio Now, I hope that this RPG starts to get more sign ups.
  19. OOC: Did you actually forget my screen name? That's pretty bad. Hey, I'm not lazy, I just have other things to do. Beohrun is being to most lazy. But is it just me or is it just the five of us posting? Dmage has only made one post, Sonata told me that she quit, Ugamon hasn't made a post in a VERY long time, plust Simplicity hasn't made a recent post either. IC: Hashu smirked and said aloud," Well, I'm gonna go. Feel free to tag along, if you wish." "Very funny Hashu. If I remember correctly it was YOU who joined us" said Halas. "Trust me I didn't plan on it" he said started to lose his grin. He really didn't plan on meeting the others here. He didn't plan on meeting them at all, but, this means he could assemble his own team, just like Aprales was going to assemble his own. Hashu just remembered that moment when he was with that girl. What was her name? Lily. That was it. Just the name soothed his mind. He stopped and remembered that he was seperated from her at the battle. Hashu wondered what happened to her. Did she flee, did she join Aprales, was she killed by Aprales? Hashu only hoped that it didn't come to her dying. There wasn't much he had to remember about her, but most of the memories he liked. "Hashu, Hashu. HASHU!" Von yelled. "WHAT?!" "You coming or what?" Hashu looked and noticed that the others were ahead of him by quite a long ways. He ran to catch up. They were bound to know that something was up. Unless they were COMPLETLY oblivious, they would know that something happened to him before he met back up with them. They probably just didn't want to ask, since he seemed to come across serious. He wondered if Ciarra had picked up another person's scent on him, since he DID carry her to the lab. He was hoping that SHE'D ask about it, since if she DID pick up the scent, then Ciarra could track down where Lily had gone to. Hashu really wanted to see her again. Only time would tell if his traveling companions would work up the courage to ask him. He walked on with them, to face the sleeping Balverines. OOC: Couldn't think what else to post. You all knew that this would happen EVENTUALLY.
  20. Hashu decided to speak up. "I have a better idea then that" "Hmmmm? What would that be?" "I think by using the silver, that it is meant to use them by putting them into weapons." "Well, it's not like we can just meld the weapons right here" said Ci. "Actually, it is possible. From noticing what you guys can do in battle, we can do it right down here. Von can provide a stone slab to hammer them on. Halas can heat up the silver to be melded and Arian can compress it into what shape we want." "Will that work?" "With my knowledge on weapons, it'll make a fairly good weapon" "It's worth a shot!" said Halas. "Since I seem to be without a power at the moment, I suggest that we make a sword, at first so that I may be of more use to you. Then, you are free to meld any weapon that you would like." "Well, I guess that seems fair" "Let's get started" So they got the silver and welded them into the weapons that they thought would seem fit to them. Hashu soon wielded another katana. It was his rightful weapon. Everyone else grabbed their weapon and headed up to the surface. They saw that the Balervines had went away. The sun had come up and it was that dawn of a new day. Hashu relized that it had been 24 hours. He could use his Hyper Mode again if he wanted to. He felt the energy go into him and be stored. Even if the Balervines came back, he could probably take them all by himself with Hyper Mode. OOC: Sorry for the short post.
  21. OOC: Hmmm, I'm not sure, but we MIGHT have to postpone this fight until everyone is back from the holidays. IC: Kay was trying to recover from the might blow she just took from the Terripin mech. It was pretty obvious that wildly firing wouldn't win her the fight. She had to think quick. She seemed to actually do good when she used the environment to her advantage. Kay just got an idea then. The booster on the Rhino's heels, she would use with the environment. She let out power from the boosters as much as she could, without actually lifting the Rhino. This was starting to create a dust storm all around the Rhino. Kay was posotive that this plan would work. Almost the only way for him to see her, was to scan, other then that, he would have to wildly fire. When Kay scanned and found her target, she fired the buster cannon right at it. It was completley surprised and she landed a direct hit. Kay then increased the power of the thrusters to make her fly a little bit. She boosted her jump and came down with the Rhino's closed fist. With the strength the Rhino already had plus its emense weight with it, would be bound to have catastrophic results. She looked at the Terripin, trying to recover from the imense blow it just suffered. OOC: Don't have enough time to post as Drake.
  22. OOC: Since Takuya is gone, I'm gonna have to post as Drake, Kay, AND include at what Sako does. Damn, this is gonna be a bitch to do. IC: Drake waited as the Griffin charged him. (Foolish move Gray) he though. Drake waited more and when the time was right, he dodged and shoved his energy sword into the side of Griffin. As the Falcron was dragged with the Griffin's charging, Drake pulled the Falcron on top of the Griffin. Drake had the situation mostly under control. He sheathed his energy sword from the side of the Griffin. It was a smart thing to do, since energy swords let out an impulse of energy when drawn and sheathed. It was bound to make the technology around there to malfunction for a minute or so. Wasn't much, but every little bit counts. As Drake had the Falcron on top of the Griffin, he put the mech's fingers right at the plate. He let out every laser in his finger and dragged them down as he slid off the mech. Drake then got his balance back and looked as he saw the Griffin turn to face him. Drake was going to go on the intercom and piss off Gray, so he wouldn't think about his actions. "Hey Gray! I thought you said that you would kill me. From the looks of it, that seemed like an empty promise." "SHUT UP! DIE!" said Gray, as he charged at the Falcron again. Drake charged right back at the Griffin. He wasn't going to have a head on collision. As he came close, Drake slanted to the left and was about to draw his sword, but was met by a blast from one of the cannons on the Griffin. It sent the Falcron flying back a ways. Drake then said over the intercom," I'm trying to decide if I should go all out on you" "Why aren't you going all out right now?" "Because if I did, I would kill you in a matter of seconds! THAT is how good of a mech pilot I am." he said. But, that just reminded him how Kay isn't at all a good mech pilot. He checked on her to see how she was doing. ~CHARACTER SWITCH~ Kay and the Terripin mech were still waiting for one to move. Kay started to think that firing the Positron cannon might not be the best idea. She tried to think what Drake would do if HE were in the Rhino. She started to remember that Drake would use the environment when he was in the Rhino and they were on a dessert planet. THAT WAS IT! Kay pointed the blast near the Terripin mech, but a little aways from it, at its feet. She let it fly and a huge storm of sand went up. Kay turned on the scanner and looked for the mech. It was right in front of her, still trying to figure out what the hell she was trying to do. Kay ran through the sand cloud and used the Rhino's melee attack as hard as she could get it to go. It hit the Terripin and sent it flying back a few hundred yards. She looked zoomed in and saw that it made a dent in the Terripin's armor. Rhym patched in and said,"Now that's not very lady like" "Hey, I'm not treated like a lady from you." "True, true" "Enough talk" said Kay, as she started firing the Buster Cannon from one hand and the Posotron Blast in a fury attack. It was one of the best things that she could do, she was pretty much a complete noob in the Rhino. She just kept firing hoping that this would win her the fight.
  23. Well, I guess I'll put up Falcron's and Rhino's profile. Mech Name: Rhino Mech Level: AA The Rhino is a very good assault mech. It has great defense, even better offense, but sadly, very slow speed. It has many heavy weapons that it can wield, such as the Buster Cannon, which it will be using in this fight. The Rhino, depeding on the driver, also has a good melee attack. It has strong fist and arms to make its punch strong enough to dent almost any metal. On the Rhino's feet are jet-boosters. Since the Rhino has such an incredible weight, in cannot use these to fly, but it will use the jet-boosters as a gadget to jump high in the air and fire aerial shots or perharps, squash the opponent using its own weight. Another gadget that the Rhino will be using in this fight is the Posotron Blast. This you can think of as the Peacemaker off of Jak II. If you haven't played Jak II, then this pretty much charges up a giant electrical blast and fired it into the form of a ball. It is deadly usually, but in this case, it will do medium damage. For the last thing the Rhino is using is the Energy Claymore. This is pretty much a two-handed energy sword which will slice through mostly anything. Mech Name: Falcron Mech Rank: AAA The Falcron is a very rare and very powerful mech. But, since Drake custom built his, he actually made it stronger. One of the many Falcron's gadgets that it will be using is the missles it stores in it's wings. This is common among all Falcron mech. The missles will either go out one by one and seek an enemy or Drake can fire a whole fury of them. This gets rid of missles quickly, but it can be devastating to the opponent. Another of the Falcron's gadgets is it's energy sword. This is a basic energy sword that comes out of the top of the mech's wrist. It is used for mainly close ranged combat. Another gadget, is the basic standard blaster. It shoot little bullets of energy at the opponent. This weapon doesn't have a high damage rate, but can fire at incredible speeds. One of Drake's favorite gadgets, is the laser fingers. This is another attachement that you won't find on a regular Falcron. This basically fires out a continuous laser from all of the Falcron's fingers. They can be fired at the same time, or in a rolling manner. Last, but the best gadget is, the Orchist Beam. This is a gadget that no mech will have unless custom built. The Orchist Beam is a poweful beam, that Drake has been recorded to take down even an army. Although it is a very poweful beam, it takes a long time to charge for that powerful of a blast and will take up about 3/4 of the Falcron's overall operating power. Drake will only use this as a last resort and only if he has enough time to charge it or a partner to cover him.
  24. OOC: Well, I just watched some RedvsBlue episodes, so this may sound more comical then needed. [I]~Dream~[/I] Hashu was in something, but he didn't know what. It was filled with liquid and he couldn't open his eyes. But after a while, he could start to hear voices. It was faint, but he could hear people talking. "So, explain to me the sideaffect again" "*Groan* You're such a freakin moron! OK, you wanted the Hyper mode installed, right?" "Yeah" "We installed the Hyper Mode, but now, he doesn't appear like an average boy. You get what I'm saying so far?" "I think so" "Good. Yeah, his stats got raised up too much, so, we're going to have to turn him into an assault weapon." "Whatever. Now explaing the Hyper Mode thing." "What the? Why should we explain it to you? You're the one who came up with the idea!" "I thought it sounded cool." "Oh my god! You are such a dumb ass! Hyper Mode is where his stats are boosted ten times then what he normally is. Plus, he is in top condition every time he uses it. But he can only use it on a 24 hour basis." "I think I get it" "Good. How did a moron like you get to be lead researcher of the team anyway?" [I]~End Dream~[/I] Hashu woke up. His face was lying down in the dirt, so he couldn't tell where he was. Everything in his body felt brokne. His legs, his ribs, his arms. He could feel that his gauntlet was dented and twisted up, along with his fingers inside of it. He couldn't feel anything in his body, not even his face. Hashu tried to think if he could get a way out of this. (OK OK, if that dream was a memory, just like the last one, then I guess I should try to activate that hyper mode they were talking about. That must have been what happend back at the stadium. OK, I think that it's been about 24 hours since then, so let's give it a try.) Hasu tried to look deep within himself to find the power he needed. After about five minutes, he had actually activated it. He sent a flash all the way through the forest. It would've been visible by anything that was in it. He hoped that he didn't attract too much attention. As the strength went back into Hashu's body, his bones, his ligements, and his nerves were restored perfectly. Even the gauntlet that he was wearing had restored to new. Hashu stood up and his Hyper Mode was gone. "Well, at least I can defend myslf now." Hashu then heard a sound. Like something that was coming for him. "Better get ready. This just might be breakfast." Hashu said, waiting in the shadows of the trees. He saw a figure coming from the trees. Hashu lept for it, ready to attack. The figure though, unleashed something that sent Hashu back. Hashu landed on his feet and after the light came clear, he saw that it was two girls. They were from the dessert town! "Albel? What the hell are you doing here?" asked the one he remembered to be Arian. "Well, of all the things I was going to expect. You two weren't on the list" OOC: I had this whole thing planned ever since you guys left that god forsaken dessert town. MUAHAHAHAHA!
  25. OOC: Let me think of someting. IC: Drake sat by the lake, satisfied that he just got info from John. But he was a little frazled with the reaction that he got. It was obvious that John was preparing for something, maybe Drake could help. "Drake.....?" He looked and saw that it was Sakura. "Oh, hey there Sakura. Good to see your smiling face." he said, smiling at her. "So, uh, is everything OK?" "Oh, I'm fine. How was your hot chocolate with Alan last night?" "Oh, uh, it was fine" she said, blushing slightly. "Was Alan a nice guy" Drake said, with a devilish smile. "Oh, yeah, he seemed sweet." "That's good. Well, I think that I might want to leave. There's something else that I must attend" he said standing up. He was going to see what was distracting John. He looked to where John went. He saw that Kim just left and John just picked up a longsword. Now Drake KNEW something bad might happend. He snuck over to where John was and definetly saw that it was a longsword. He walked over to John and said," What do ya have there?" John jumped in surprise and stared at Drake. "I hope that you know how to use it at least." "Hmph, better then you." "That's not true my friend. I'll have you know that I've been taking fencing for quite some time now." "Whatever" "It's true. But, back to why I came. Tell me, what's happening" "What are you talking about?" "Something is distracting you, I can tell." "No, there isn't." "*Sigh* I didn't want it to come to this." said Drake. He threw a punch at John and John blocked it. Drake threw some more punches and kicks and John blocked them all. This soon turned into a fight that was intense. Each side person got some hits in. Drake decided to end this, with a swift kick to John's gut. It knocked the wind out of him. Drake looked at him. "This is how I know you are distracted by something big. I know that you are good enough to beat me in a spar match. If you are distracted in a fight, you won't win. Remember that." said Drake, as he walked back to the cabin. (It was a good lesson for him to learn. If he is getting a weapon, I fear what event is going to happen soon, but I'll be there to help him. Whether he likes it or not.) thought Drake.
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