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Albel the Wicked

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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked

  1. OOC: OOPS! My bad. I deleated the post, for no further confusion. Well, onto the post. IC: Drake and his team had finally gotten to the village, but relized that the other team was already there. When Beth saw, she looked like she had just gotten really irritated. (Uh oh, war might happen tonight, but on the bright side, I don't have to pay for my team's pizza and just have to chip in for the other pizza party.) said Drake, not knowing what emotion he should express. He didn't want to look depressed and he didn't want to look happy, for that might give the wrong impression to Beth. Everyone around him looked depressed. "Come on you guys. Don't be so glum. It's not like it was a life or death situation." Everyone looked at Drake with the "don't kid yourself" look. Beth he could tell was seriously pissed off. (OH MAN! That anger could kill an army!) thought Drake with a worried expression. He just backed away slowly, so he wouldn't get hurt. "I guess that we better have lunch then. I'm pretty hungry." "Yeah, me too" said Sakura "Same here" replied Malcolm "Alright, I guess we'll stop for lunch. Seeing as how we lost anyway." said Beth. They all sat down and munched on their lunches. Drake was having a sandwitch, his favorite as a matter of fact. He just loved, turkey, white cheese, and pickles with mayonaise on the bread. As he munched, the pickles made a small crunch and Drake had the flavors go into his mouth. (Mmmm, man, this tastes really good. I don't remember the last time I had a homemade one of these. The only thing that might go even better with this, is some French chocolate. Hey! THAT might cheer up the team. No one knows better then the French on how to make heavenly chocolate.) "Hey, does anyone want some French chocolate? I know I do. I can go and get it for you guys if you want some." said Drake. Beth turned around and looked at him curiously. Almost a freaked out look, like if she was thinking," What the! Can he read my mind? I thought What Women Want was just a movie!" OOC: I had to throw in the 'What Women Want' comment!
  2. Alright, I'm going to start this RPG. Everyone was excepted, but there are no more sign ups. I guess that I'll do that starting post. Just for the record, the experiments still have their common intelligence and common sense. They know what a town and stuff is. Just what I said they forgot, they DID forget. IC: Hashu, got up from the hot desert sand and looked around. He wondered (Where am I? Who am I? Why am I out here? Who are these other people?) Hashu looked around the desert, not knowing that he had enhanced eyesight. Sight so great, he was like a hawk. He spotted a small desert town far to the east. Even with HIS eyes, it was faint, but in sight. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Looks like there is a town up ahead. I'm going to go, whoever you people are, you are free to follow[/COLOR]" said Hashu as he started walking. [COLOR=Magenta]"What make you so sure that there is a town?"[/COLOR] said a girl, that looked about Hashu's age. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I can see it off in the distance. It is faint, but I'm sure that there is one. I don't see any better choice.[/COLOR] "[COLOR=SeaGreen]He's right. It's either the town or stay out here and die of heat.[/COLOR]" said a man, who looked around his twentys. So, they all started walking towards the town. It was a long walk and painful walk, but they survived better then any man did. Could the proffesors made it, so that the expieriments could stand any weather condition? Is that why they felt no thirst? Is that why they didn't feel hot? It was indeed true, they were made to adapt to any climate. They were made to not die by natural means, only by an animals hands. They continued to walk, all through the day and into the night even. Nothing had happened amongst them, not conversation, not even eye contact. They couldn't talk about normal things, since they don't know they're own life. "[COLOR=RoyalBlue]So, what do you people plan on doing, when we get to the town? I'm not sure myself.[/COLOR] "[COLOR=SeaGreen]Neither are we.[/COLOR]" That was the only thing that happened while they traveled. It was now day and they were only a couple miles left from the town. OOC: I'm going to leave it off there. Next person, make sure they get to the town in your post. Then, take it wherever you please.
  3. Well, ok, there are going to be some changes. First off, everyone is in the RPG. I'm expanding the experiments, so that everyone was excepted. By the way, I changed my character. PLUS, there are NO MORE sign ups. There are too many experiments as it is, so there are no more.
  4. OOC: Man, a lot of characters seem to be liking Beth. I can't help but wonder, who will she choose and guys will be in the dozen that was shot down? Just something I would be wondering. You can't help but wonder. IC: Drake watched as Sakura ran up near Beth. So innocent, so free, he couldn't help but be filled with joy as he watched her. Everyone was slowing down a lot, because they reached the the steepest part of the hill at this point. Even he was slowing down. He had to motivate himself and the others. He thought of rewarding himself with a pizza tonight. This would hurt him, but it would motivate the team more. "Come on guys, don't give up now! If we win, there will be pizza tonight for the team and I'm buying!" He didn't know if it was the mention of pizza or the fact that he was going to buy it, but everyone seemed at least a little more motivated. They started going faster to about a jog. They were starting to catch up with the other team, just a little bit though. While walking, he saw Kim and Aria jogging next to each other. It was faint, but he thought he could see that Kim was blushing. He looked and saw that they were holding hands. (DAMN! I was going to try for her after the challenge, but I'm afraid that I've lost her too. Now who was there? I don't think that there are any other girls that I might have a chance with are left. I may not have tried for many, but it looks like they like someone else. Beth, seemed to be falling for Malcolm, which is kind of a bummer. Kim, it looks like is falling for Aria. So, now who? I could try for Sakura, but I wonder if I should. Ah well, I'll think about it later) They kept walking. Drake had plenty of motivation. He was going to dine on pizza tonight if they won. If they didn't, there would still be pizza, since he chipped in for the pizza party that he planned on having tonight. But winning, gets him more pizza. He kept walking at a fast, yet steady rate.
  5. Sign ups are looking REALLY good. We just need one more sign up, since Ugamon will not be joining us, since for some odd reason, he was banned. So, if I'm posting as the Super Experiment and 3173, then we just need one more sign up.
  6. [QUOTE=eternity][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Maybe you could play as both Misenki and Miroshi [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, that would be a problem, because of the final fight. If I posted as both of them, that would be double posting at the final fight and that is against the rules.
  7. Oh geez. I don't think that just a couple of key points is too restrictive. Those key points are more like at the end of the story anyway. I think that it would be a super idea. As for the key point posting, the P-mail would be what the subject of the keypoint would be. They could still be as creative as they wanted, it just would have to be on that topic. I don't see that as restictive, does anyone else?
  8. [quote name='Lord Eliwood']Well, CJS, I tell ya, Double Edge might not make such a good RP in the Square, because you already have a set plot for it, and it would really, really restrict the whole creative process that goes into making a successful RP, one that has longevity and an interesting storyline. The great thing about RPs on OB is that one person can completely change the entire direction of the RP with a single post, as long as it's still keeping with the story and whatnot. You already have a set plot for Double Edge, and it would go against the entire RP if someone made one of those RP changing posts, therefore screwing the entire story. It would be cool, if everyone knew their place, but if no one did, and they were doing the RP impromptu, it might not work. I'm not going against the idea or anything, it's a cool story, but as an RP on this site, where one person could change the entire plot? Meh.[/quote] That is the thing though. As the director of the RPG, I would try to lead the RPG back to its original story line. I would indeed like the storyling to be followed, but I just want the major scenes to be followed in it. Such as, the killing post of Misenki, the love scene where the cursed mage and his love die. That scene is what always gets me. It think that I might be moved to tears if it were posted. *Sniff* escuse me for a moment :bawl: Alright, anyways, like I said, I would just like the major events to be followed. To tell the people that, I would PM the players of the character and tell them a basic idea for the post.
  9. This is a question that has been burning in my head for a little bit. Is the story line of Double Edge, good enough to be an RPG? If you haven't heard of my story Double Edge, it is in the Manga Place. It's title is Manga Idea and was originally posted by Misenki. I changed my name (Obviously) Well anyway, I know I didn't describe that idea too well, but if you think that it is good enough for an RPG in the Adventure Inn, please post. If you would like to see more of the recent story line that I MIGHT use for the beginning, then post that. If you think that it WON'T be a good idea, I want to post that and then tell me why it wouldn't be a good idea. I really want to make this into an RPG, so I need help to make this a good one.
  10. OOC: Well, I hope that no one is still mad at me for that last post. If you think of me as any different, just remeber this. What did you think of me, before that post? If you still judge me by one thing, here is a saying that I remembered. Is one thing happens to a man, is that one thing enough to condemn him? I thought that up and just HAD to say it. ON TO THE POST! (I need to post everyday, or else I get more mad then before.) IC: Drake had taken off. He knew that Aria was wanting to win. He didn't care. Drake was not competitive at all. Which made him relized. If there were more guys hitting on Beth, he shouldn't mind. There is nothing wrong with it. It is amazing what one morning of thinking, can do to a guy. Besides, he might have a chance with Kim, since she was the only girl that started a conversation with him. He couldn't talk to her though, since she was on the other team. Drake was the one that stayed behind all the group, to make sure that no one was left behind or forgotten. He supports his team, no matter what. As he continued to walk, he decided that he could try and get to know his teammates, but that wouldn't work. It seemed that Beth was as competitive as Aria, so she would get mad. He could have tried to get to know his room mate, Malcolm. But, he was up in the front...next to Beth. This may have irritated Drake, but it wasn't going to ruin his day. He wouldn't let nothing ruin the time he would spend at this trip. As the walk continued uphill, most of his team was starting to get a little tired. Drake wasn't too tired, since he was supposed to keep his endurence up to play a whole soccor game, "just in case" his coach would always say. Despite the fact that they were uphill, Drake wasn't as tired as his teammates. Sakura was in front of him and she looked like she was getting exausted, fast! Sakura kept walking still, until she collapsed a bit. "Whoa now! You OK?" "*pant* Too *pant* much" "Take it easy, you don't want to push yourself too hard, do ya?" "The rest of the team is counting on me *Pant*" "Yeah, but, you pushing yourself to collapsion, isn't going to help anyone. Here, climb on my back." "What?" "Climb on my back. I'll carry you until you have most of your energy back." "But then, you'll be exausted." "Naw, I can do it. I'm supposed to be built for endurence, being the great soccor player that I am. Now-" "HEY! Don't be slowing us down!" yelled Malcolm. "Come on, get on before he gets more mad" said Drake. "Um, OK" said Sakura as she got onto Drake's back. Drake started to hike. This was much harder then before, but at least he would be going the same speed as his team. That way, if they needed a rest, he could get his breath with them. Besides, this would do him good for even more endurence. As he walked, he heard Sakura say,"Thank you again Drake." The tone sounded like it was so innocent. (She has such a free spirit. It's like a child almost, but she such and innocent attitude) thought Drake. "Your welcome. Now remember, when you get your strength back, tell me. This trip won't do anything for you, if I help you like this the whole time." said Drake. He was hiking along side with his companions. He had caught up with them and was still in the back. He might fall behing with Sakura AND the bag, but he could take it. He didn't want to make his teammates mad at him, for making them lose. OOC: There. You know, after looking at my jerk post, I relized that it makes me a hypocrite. My character thought that Charles was a dork for being to flirty with the ladies. PS: I hope that I didn't move this thing too fast.
  11. OOC: OK, I'm resolving this so that we don't get into a big war that makes this thread get closed or ANY of us banned. First off, Corey, watch the language. This is only a PG rated RPG, so saying the F word might be a little too much. It might get the thread closed. Seconldy, I'll bring it up again that I was stressd the whole day, but you know, what, I'm calm now, I just saw a movie, so I feel much better. Well, even when I look at my last OOC post, if that wasn't me and I was some other guy, I'd probably think of myself as 1:an asshole 2: Someone who can't take a joke and 3: someone who needs to CALM DOWN. It was just that I was too stressed and that wasn't really the thing I needed to see. BUT, me taking it out on someone ISN'T going to help anything, it'll just make things worse. I just have a friend who today AND yesterday, was kind of a jackass to me with insults. (I know, not much of a friend) So, I'd like to apologize, for that awful behavoir. I had my rage, vented in an unhealthy mannor. There, I apologize for anyone that may have been affended. But hey, I'm affended by the F word. So, many people were affended in this, so I think that we should all just forget that this ever happened. Back to posting. This is going to be different. IC: Drake felt better. Much better. His feeling were relaesed into a healthy mannor. He started to think that he'd back to the cabin and just sit near the lake to cool off. He had worked pretty hard. He was hot and sweaty all over. He walked to the cabin and put away his soccor ball. He didn't really see anyone that felt like talking. It was pretty uneventful in the cabin. Drake headed to the cool lake, so he could sit near its mist. While walking he saw that there was Corey and he was looking at something in a tree. He walked up," Hey, is what you looking at?" Drake looked up and saw a boy, with stars on his face. "Oh, this must be the one that Sakura was talking about. The guy that she laughed at. Personally, I don't think that it's funny. Before pulling a prank, I always try to put myself in the prankees shoes and think, would I like to have this done to me? That is why I never pull pranks. So who are you anyway?" "I'm Alan" "Pleased to meet you Alan. The name's Drake. I believe that you are Corey?" "Yeah, I am." "Looks like that my team will be competeing against yours in the challenge. I don't see that need for a competition." "I don't know if we do or don't" "Well, I'd just like to tell you both, that I think we should make a promise. A promise to not hold any grudges no matter what happens. Grudges are what turns people from men, into apes. So, is this agreed? No grudges, no matter whos team wins" "Agreed." "Agreed." "Good, now I'll be on my way gentlemen. I've been working hard, so I need some of the lake's cooling mist for me. Good luck to you both." "You too" "Thank you" as Drake walked near the lake, he sat on a boulder. He felt the coll lake mist hit his face. It felt refreshing. Drake started to wonder. "Man, when are they going to start the challenge? I'm ready, just need to wait for the other sleepyheads." OOC: There, I feel better.
  12. OOC: COREY! How dare you say that about Drake! He is not horny! He has no sexual intensions with those girls! GOD! Grow up! Sheesh! I hate people who judge me AND things that I make up before they know either. None of the guys know Drake too well! So I don't think that your character has a say what my character's personality is. Plus, I see that everyone wants to have Beth, so, I 'm just going to have my character give up and maybe try on someone who he might actually have a chance with. It's pretty obvious that the doesn't stand a chance with her, so I'm just going to try and do this in the best way that my character can find out that he has no chance.Anyway, now that that is settled, I'm going to post. IC: Drake was outside thinking about what he should to. It's obvious that Beth got the wrong impression of him. That she thought that he was just someone who flirts with girls. Although that was true back at home, it isn't here. He hasn't tried flirting with anyone but Beth. Drake was starting to wonder, should he just give up? "I'll see what happens on todays hike. I never know what might happen." he said, as he went back inside. Going inside, he heard great laughter coming from upstairs. "Wonder what's all the whoopla?" said Drake, as he went up to check it out. While walking some guy bumbed into him, he looked very angry as well. (What's wrong with that guy?) thought Drake, continuing his way upstairs. He didn't even notice that he had stars on his face. He walked upstairs to see that there was a girl lying on the floor that had just finished having a great laughter attack. He walked up to the girl and relized that he had never seen her before. "Hey there. Um, what was so funny, why was that guy so mad, and who are you?" The girl got up, still chuckling," Well, that guy had stars drawn all over his face and that's why he is mad. I'm Sakura, what's yours?" "I'm Drake and I-" "OH! Your the one who made breakfast!? THANK YOU THANK YOU! It was yummers" "Well, I never had someone call by food that before. But, I don't think that the poor kid should have been laughed at. If someone had done that to you, would you like to be laughed at? I'm going to go and see if he needs a friend. I'm open to anyone who shows me kindness." said Drake, leaving Sakura to think. He went downstairs, so that he could get his team ready as soon as possible. He wanted to get a good start so that this thing could end. He decided instead that he would grab his soccor ball and practice. As he walked down, he saw that Beth was outside with another guy. The guy took Beth's hand and kissed it. They turned around and he could have sworn that Beth was blushing. (Geez and she thought that I was a flirt) thought Drake as they came. "Hey Beth, who is this guy? I haven't seen him before." said Drake with a still cheery attitude, despite that it was slipping more and more each minute of this day. "I'm Malcolm Kane" he said. "Malcolm? Dude, I think that you and me are rooming together. Unless there is another Malcolm on this trip, then we are. I'm Drake, Drake Estel." "Plesure to meet you, Drake. I hope that we get along in this trip or we might have a little warfare." "I would think so too. Beth, can you rally the team, I think that I'm going to go and practice." said Drake leaving the cabin and going out to practice. He found some rocks up in the hills. Perfect. Drake examined and noticed that it looks like these boulders had been punched a lot. Well, they were about to have more dents in them, because Drake felt he needed to vent some anger. He kicked his ball as hard as he could, making it smash into the rocks and it bounced back right to him. He let it hit his chest as he pointed it towards the ground, so it would hit there. It landed and Drake continued this process for a while. He didn't know when they were going to start, but he'd be ready when they were. Drake kept kicking until he was tired. He decided he should actually conserve his energy. It would be bad to run out while going through the walk. He had vented enough anger, so he went back to the cabin and decided to rest.
  13. [quote name='Ugamon']He has been asleep in the tube for 2 years before experiment 3173 destoryed the lab.[/quote] Ugamon, 3173 isn't the one that destroyed the lab. It was the super experiment, whos profile I will post later. Sorry that I didn't mention that before.
  14. In a research lab, in the Sahab Dessert, illegal experiments were concealed in their test tubes. Each of these experiments, were once human, fully human. They had a life, but these scum, these low-lifes, had captured them and gave tested on them like guinea pigs. They tried creating experiments that had genetically enhanced powers. They didn't want cyborgs though. Which is why there were many failed attempts at experiments. The ones that failed, were the ones that died in their enhancment. Finally, they have created seven, still organic experiments, with super natural powers. But, this wasn't enough for the scum that were making the experiments, they had to make a superior one. One that had all the powers of the previous experiments, yet couldn't be consumed by the power. This was the first time that they tried to make the superior experiments. All the previous seven, slept in their chamber tubes, while their data, DNA, and powers, were being transmitted to the creature forming in the middle. The creature, he was taking the shape of a human, after about, five weeks. He was progressing, just like the scientists had planned. On the sixth week of the experimentation though, the experiment, started to think, even in the chamber tube. At one day, he opened his eyes, in the tube. He saw all the technology around him. No one was in the room though. (Where am I? What am I doing in this tube and who am I? I don't remember anything. My name, my family, my life. Nothing) Just then, a professor had walked in and saw that the experiments eyes were open. "AH! No! He can't awaken in his Chamber Tube! It's not possible. No experiment can awaken in that! I, I, I must warn the others!" (Experiment? Are they talking about me? Do they know something about me? Do they know my name? Did they create me? I must find out!) As these thoughts went through the superior experiments head, he shatterd the chamber tube. He took his first steps out of it. The first proffessor, along with four others had walked into the room. "OH NO! The experiment has escaped!" "Experiment? Do you know, who I am?" "He doesn't remember anything?! That's good." "Why? Why don't you want me to know who I am?" "Because, you don't deserve to know!" "What? Why don't I?" "We created you! We don't need a reason for our answers!" "Tell me, NOW!" "Ha, you can't manifest your powers after sleep!" "Powers eh? Thanks for telling me!" said the experiment. He then channelled some energy, into the palms of his hands. He placed his hand, about three feet apart. The energy was cycling from palm to palm. He channelled all his rage and energy, into a great blast. This blast not only destroyed the lab, but had insinerated the professors in there as well. After looking, he saw that the other expeiments were on the ground unconsious. "Are these others, my brothers and sisters? I will have to find out later. Now, I will go and find my past life, before these.....BASTARDS, turned me into this...freak. I just hope that these souls, never have to know, that they were experiments like me" and with this, the greater experiment walked off. The other experiments had awaken as well, all of them nude and not having a clue who they were, who the people around them were, where they were from, or the shame that they should have, for being nude. Everyone of them were as clueless as the other. They didn't even know what the professers had planned for them. They just sat there looking at each other. How would they live their lives, how would they fit in, and would they find the truth? [U]Computer Database[/U] Name: Experiment Number/name: (The name, should have SOMETHING to do with your genetic power) Age: (17-28) Appearence: Personality: Genetic Power: (I don't even care if it is something from the X-men, just remeber that the greater experiment has whatever power you have.) Brief History: (Just small boigraphy of life, before you were captured) I'll be posting as the greater experiment and maybe a regular one. [U]Computer Database[/U] Name: Hashu Experiment Number/Name: 3173/ Hacker Age: 18 Appearence: It is [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=27366]this guy[/URL] Personality: Open-minded Genetic Power: Hacker has enhanced stats on everything. He has enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced intelligence, enhanced eyesight, and enhanced endurence. This makes him the perfect close combat and ranged combat subject. He can wield any weapon like a master. With his enhanced intelligence and eyesight, he can shoot guns with the most precise of aim. With his enhanced intelligence, strength, and speed, he can wield close combat weapons like a pro as well. Thanks to his enhanced intelligence, he can hack into almost any computer. Brief History: Hashu had always had a hard life. At school, he was picked on by bullies, at home, his father and mother were usually drunk, not paying attention to him. He never had good grades and only had one friend. His life was so miserable, that he was just about to end it. But these men, showed up and promised that they'd make him better. More smarter, more tougher, and more friendlier. Hashu wanted to refuse, but he had no choice, he was tranqulized and made into an experiment. His father and mother don't even know that he is gone. I hope this turns out.
  15. [QUOTE=Methuselah][SIZE=1][B]OOC I think this is moving a tad too fast guys, heh, I'm all for having a lot of people but this is getting too much. Please limit yourself to [U]one post a day [/U] and if you see that there have been [U]5 replies[/U], you'll have to [U]leave it[/U], I'm sorry but if we keep going at this rate the RP will run out of steam and people will loose interest *sigh* with that out of the way, I'll start the next day. ****[/B][/QUOTE] OOC: I agree, I'm gone at school and when I come back, there has been a whole page and a half of replies to this thing, so my character missed out on a lot. I was late today, because of school related event. I'll start to post now. BTW, I guess Beth must have a problem with Flirtatious Drake. IC: Drake woke up, relizeing that the dawn of a new day had come. He looked forward to this day. Actually, he had a posotive outlook on everything. Even if Drake had had a bad day, he had believed that if something bad happend, to make up for it, something better would have to happen and to him, this always worked. Drake stretched every musscle in his body, hearing some bones pop. "OH! That felt so good." Drake went to the bathroom to fix his hair, since it was a complete mess. He couldn't impress girls with bed head. Then again, he thinks that he didn't leave a good first impression on any of them either. He might want to change for this trip. After fixing his hair and changing into his second set of clothes, he noticed Beth at the door and she was reading something. Still tired he went over to see what it was. "*YAWN* What's that you got there?" "It's our first challenge aparently." "Hmmm? Can I see?" "Knock yourself out." said Beth, as she handed Drake the paper. He looked at it. Relized that the forest was up the hill, he thought that he had a little of a tough time today. "Oh well, all the more reason to have a victory party tonight!" said Drake outloud, which probably woke up some people. He also looked at the teams, which disappointed him. Although he was glad with the team he was on, he doesn't like competitive things. "Man, bummer. We have to compete. This might make some people, dislike some people more. I just hope everyone is as good a sport as me. I don't care if we win, if we lose, I just don't want someone rubbing it in our faces. Those kind of people annoy the HECK out of me. Well, I think that I'll get some breakfast." said Drake. He walked into the kitchen and saw that Beth was sitting down as well. She had a slightly irritated look. She probably thought that he was following here, like a lost puppy. He prepared his mother's herbal tea and some bacon and eggs. He made a big batch, for other people to have, if they wanted some. He wasn't the best cook in the world, but he certainly was good with breakfast. It being the easiest meal to prepare. After the herbal tea and breakfast were done, he made a plate for everyone that he knew was at camp. "If you want some bacon and eggs, it's on the counter over here." said Drake to Beth. "I know how to make a good breakfast." Beth just sat there silently. (Oh shit! She must be irritated, especially at me is seems) thought Drake. Well, he might have to make her answer with a team question. "You know, I think that we should order some pizzas tonight for the team. If everyone brang some money, we can all chip in. I know enough French to order pizza. What do you think?" he asked Beth. "I don't know. We'd have to ask everyone." she replied. "So what do you think about the challenge?" "It seems a little hard." "Yeah, but, at least you'll get some exercise." "Are you saying I'm fat?" "NO NO! That's not what I meant. By "you'll" I meant "we". I sometimes do that." "Sure, whatever" "I'm serious. But it stinks we're on teams. This MIGHT let some grudges form." "Yeah, maybe." "I hope that everyone will enjoy the breakfast I made them." "Especially the girls." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It's obvious that you're a total flirt. Don't try to hide it." "I'm flirting, for doing a good thing?" "No, you've only been talking to the girls." "They were pretty much the only people I saw, who was I supposed to talk to, a tree? Most of the guys seem antisocial. They aren't as tolerent as me." "Yeah sure, whatever" "Believe what you want to believe, Beth. Even if you believe something that isn't true." With that, Drake started to leave. "Breakfast is still on the counter if you want it. Please let the others know that they can help them selves." Drake then left and went to his room to prepare for his chellenge. OOC: Well, it actually is pretty true what Drake said. He hasn't really TRIED to flirt with anyone but Beth. It may seem like it, but the only one that he wants, is Beth. If he doesn't win her over, then I guess he just wasted these five weeks. OH WAIT! THAT'S A BAD THING!
  16. OOC: This is going to be bad. I'm gone during school hours and the RPG has a whole page of posts. *Sigh* Well, it looks like we have a new flirter in the comepetition. IC: As Drake was inside, he was starting to get hungry. He decided to get some of his mother's herbal tea. It was one of the things that he loved about his mother's cooking. It was an old family recipe. Drake was wondering if he could get the recipe, but his mother said that it only goes to the women of the family. She said that when he got married, he would tell his wife the recipe. He didn't understand it too much, but he didn't care. He grabbed a bag of the herbal tea and headed down to the kitchen. He saw that there were two girls in the kitchen. It was STILL naked Kim and some other girl. He went to the new girl and introduced himself. He wanted to seem like a nice person to everygirl in the villa. He can't resist any girl. Almost like how hardly ANY girl can resist his charm when he is trying very hard to get a date with one. He walked up," Hello there. I don't believe that we've met. I'm Drake." "Cassie, pleased to meet you." "Hello again Kim......I see that you are still......nude" "Hmmm? OH! I was a hurry! I didn't relized it!" since Kim was caught up in so much of the emotion of the encounter with Aria, she forgot to get dressed. "Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, I at least some pajamas, or something." "Ummmm" "Is there something the matter" said Drake, as he got some really hot water to fix his herbal tea. "Well, kind of. I'd rather not talk about." "OK, I respect that. If you don't want to talk about it, then we won't." Drake went to get some other things for his dinner. He looked and saw that there indeed were things for dinner, but they wouldn't last five weeks. Well, if they had to go to town, he knew enough French to buy things. He decided to fix some noodles, chicken flavored. He was fixing this with his herbal tea on the stove as well. When they were done, he sat down at a different table, when a guy that he hasn't seen came barging in. He had sunglasses and smelled too much like breath mints. "Hey there, sorry about earlier. I didn't really pay attention." (OK, this guy, is a dork. He is definetly an obvious flirt. When I flirt, I try not to be that obvious) thought Drake as he sipped his herbal tea and ate his noodles. He hoped that this stupid head wouldn't affect his chances with Beth.
  17. Drake decided that since mostly eveyone had left the lake, he decided that he should as well. He went inside and dried off. It wasn't really night yet, so he thought that he'd take a shower later. He just got into his other cloths that he was wearing before his swim. He decided that he'd just go out and see what the weather was like, to see if there would be any storms in the night or tomorrow. As he walked out, he saw Kim. He had a discussion with her while swimming. They talked about their school subjects, why they were here, and their favorite things to do. It was obvious that they both liked to swim. But so did he and Beth and Cassie. It was kind of hard to talk to Kim too, since she was still nude. He had hoped that she wouldn't be nude this whole time or it would be a long five weeks. Drake decided that it might have been enough flirting with girls....for today. Well, that was until he saw Beth walk by and decided that it isn't THAT late to stop his flirting. He walked over to Beth and started to conversate with her. "Hey there! Sorry again about the soccor ball." "I already told you, it's alright. I hold nothing against you. Accidents happen." "Yeah, I suppose that you are right. So, uh, you get to know everyone so far." "Not really everyone. There are still a couple of guys that I haven't met and I think some girls, but I'm not sure." "Yeah, I haven't met everyone either. Mostly just the girls, since most of them were here first. But I did get to talk to that Conner kid. He seems to into his art. I enjoy drawing and sketching, but I'll give it up if there is someone to talk to." "You draw?" "Yeah" "Are you good?" "Well....I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty good." "Well, I'd like to see some of your drawings, if that is alright." "It is. I don't mind if others look at my drawing. How about when we get back to the vila." said Drake as he noticed that they had walked a little ways from the cabin. "My, I didn't know we even walked that far." "Yeah, neither did I," although Drake wouldn't mind being TOO far from the cabin with Beth. He felt that he got to know her much better. " I see that you like swimming almost as much as I do." "Oh yes. Indeed. I just love to swim." "That is definetly the same with me. I can never stop swimming. That is unless, there is no one to talk to. I find it bad when there is no one to talk to. How about you?" "Well, sometimes it can be pretty good alone. Sometimes people can just get on your nerves." "Yeah, sometimes, but not much with me. I'm a pretty tolerent guy. I guess I have to be, since I'm insulted for being the best in the class." "I know how that can feel sometimes." "I bet everyone here does. But, it is like that you and I are just SO much alike. I know that you and I will DEFINETLY get along this next five weeks." "I'm sure that we will too." "I guess that we should head back to the vila." When they got to the vila, Drake showed Beth some of the pictures that he had drawn before. "Oh my, these are really good." "Why, thank you. I think that I might go outside for a little fresh air. You can look at those drawings all you want." said Drake. He walked outside and sprawled out on the grass. He laid on his back, watching the clouds. He did that old children's game, where you try to make shapes from the clouds. He was hoping that he got a better impression of himself with Beth. Only time could tell.
  18. OOC: Exactly WHY has it been forever since someone posted in this? IC: Yutarin held Leya in his arms. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want to leave here again. Now Yutarin was more confused then anything. He couldn't decide if he could stay as a Dead Moon, since he didn't want Leya to hate him and he didn't want any harm to come to her because of the Dead Moon. He finally decided, that the best way to stay with Leya, for both of them to be safe, was to kill the Dead Moon. If the Dead Moon were broken, he wouldn't have anything to worry about. Could he really strike them down? He knew that he could with Alex, since Yutarin despised now, more then ever, but, he didn't know what he could do with Kitsume. He had just got her to trust him again. Maybe he could persuade her into just quitting. That way, the Dead Moon would be gone. He had made up his mind. Leya was still in his arms, when he picked her up. "Come on. I'll take you to the other Mystics. They're were as worried for as much as me." "OK, take me to them, so that I can let them feel reassured." Yutarin looked back at her with deep eyes. He loved how Leya had such an innocent attitude. They were about to head out, when at Leya's door, there was knock. " Leya? I thought that I heard a voice, a man's voice! What is going on in there!" It was Leya's brother! He started to shake the door. "Why is the door locked?! You better let me in!" "Come on!" whispered Yutarin as he lead Leya to jump out of the window with him. They jumped onto the board of wood and took off. Yutarin held Leya in his arms as they flew through the city, to the Mystic safehouse. They came there and Yutarin had shown that he brought Leya back safely. All the Mystics were relieved that she was safe. Yutarin decided that he would stay a couple of minutes before heading back into the city to break up the Dead Moon. OOC: Hope that this post brings the RPG back to life.
  19. OOC: Man, what's with some of the girls being all yuri style? That is just creepy. It DOES mean that some poor guys won't have any romance in this RPG, but, do whatever floats your boat. IC: Drake, made a quick shetch of the scenery but, got bored pretty easily. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't go and talk to Beth, since he'd probably be distracted by the Kim with no cloths. He wondered in thought for a while, thinking of what he should do. He COULD go for a swim. The lake was there and he had his Board Shorts and towel. Maybe that would attract some attention. Maybe people would join him. He thought that it was worth a shot. So he rumaged through his bag and put on his board shorts. He got his towel and drapped it over his shoulder. His board shorts had designs that were colored black, green and deep blue. He went over to the lake, where everyone was situated. Drake decided to look for a good diving rock. Looking for a little bit, he saw a really high one a little of in the distance. It was perfect for him. Drake climbed up the rock, to about mid-way, where there was a small gap. The gap was more like a little indent in the rock. So it could be used as a shelter. Drake took of his T-shirt and over shirt and got ready to dive. As he jumped off the rock he did a small aireal frontflip and landed gracefully in the water. When the water touched his face, it was cool and refreshing. He rose to the surface and poped his head out. He swam around for a while, just relaxing, when Beth asked, "How's the water?" "It is cool, but in a refreshing way!" replied Drake. He didn't know if someone was going to join him in his water fun, but he had hoped. Looking back at Beth and trying to divert his eyes from nude Kim, he saw that there was another boy here finally. He thought that he should try to make as many friends here as possible. So, he swam near the shore to talk to the boy. He yelled out, "HEY!" Everyone looked back at him. "The boy!" he said as he swam closer. "Yes you" said Drake pointing at Conner. "What is your name?" "My name is Conner, how about you?" "I'm Drake. Pleased to meet you Connor. I hope that we may be friends in the future. You look like a nice person. I think that we could get along. What do you think?" "Maybe" replied Connor. Drake was waiting for their conversation to go deeper, but was really wanting for Beth to go in the lake with him. He waited for either of them to happen. OOC: There Kyuai. I involved your character if that makes you feel better. But, if Connor wanted to talk to Drake, all he had to do was walk up to him.
  20. Drake had gotten of the mini-van that his Calculus teacher was driving him in. He took all of his things from the teacher's vehicle and waved good-bye. Drake took his bags and set them next to the cabin door, since it looked like one of the best places to set them. Drake took his soccor ball and began to practice with it. Drake loved soccer. He was very good at it too. He started kicking the ball around, dribbling with it, then, Drake aimed for a tree and let out a powerful kick. The ball missed the tree and zoomed right past it, which brought up someone yelling loudly, "LOOK OUT!" which made Drake seem a little embarassed. He just hoped that he didn't hurt anyone right at the beginning of the vacation. He went around the tree and looked. He saw a girl was now in a feetle position, looking at his soccor ball with a terrified look. Drake walked up and politley introduced himself. "Hello, I am Drake. Drake Estel. What is your name?" "I am Beth. Is that your soccor ball that nearly killed me?!" Drake let out a little chuckle, " Sorry about that. You see I was aiming for a tree and I usually don't miss my target. Please accept my humble apology." "Well, I guess that it's alright, just be much more careful." "I'll be sure of that. I'll be sure to not to practice too hard around you guys." "Well, that will be good." said Kim. "Well, might I ask what your name.......is" said Drake as he blushed seeing that Kim had nothing on. "I'm Kim" "Well, yes, I think I'll be leaving now." said Drake blushing rapidly. As he walked off, he saw yet another girl. (I think that I'm going to like this vacation) thought Drake. He walked and introduced himself to this girl as well. "Hello, my name is Drake Estel. What might yours be?" "I'm Aria" said the girl. "Well, it is a plesure to meet you, I hope that we get along well in our stay here." said Drake as he left for the cabin, so he could sketch the scenery while waiting for the others. So far, the person that he like the best was Beth. She seemed like an interesting girl.
  21. Name: Drake Estel (Sounds cool) Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearence: Drake is a guy who will wear an over shirt that is button up, over a T-shirt. This is all he usually wears. (Unless it is a special occasion) His pants are just regular jeans, but at times, he'll wear army pants, but, on this occasion, he wears shorts. Drake has blue eyes, and will have smooth black hair. Some girls can't resist his charm. Personality: Drake, at times, will be very flirtatious. He is very understanding and compassionate. He will help those in need, make people feel like they are special, and comfort anyone in a time of need. This is why many girls have enjoyed their dates with Drake. Hobbies: Drake is usually a person who loves to draw. He'll draw the scenery, people, or things that he just makes up. He is a great and passionate artist. Another hobby that he likes to do is swim. That is what he will usually do. He takes to the water like a fish. But, you guessed it, he mostly likes to flirt with girls or socialize. Drake is also a very great sportsman. His favorite sport is deffinetly soccor. He is one of the best players in the school. As you can tell, Drake is one of the school's pride and joy students. Drake also likes technology, but he decided that he should take a break from that. Best Subject: Math Personality Trait: Compassion (duh) Sounds like fun. Hope that Drake isn't too much of a flirt for the girls out there. :smirk:
  22. I'll admit, this RPG, is going to be pretty much pure comedy and just plain silly! This was an original idea by me. I think that I should share it with the OtakuBoards. There isn't really a back story to go to this, but I can give info on what should happen. Badman, is actually an evil person. Hence the name Badman! He is actually very smart and is *dramatic music play* ENGLISH! So he has an English accent. The good thing about the person who plays as him, is that pretty much, Badman never dies. He has literrally, 5,000 clones of himself that do his bidding. This will let me use the famous quote from the skit. "BADMAN! Impossible! We killed you!" "WRONG! You killed my clone! I would never be foolish enough to come out in public!" "So you're a clone too?" "EXACTLY!" Second thing, is that the good guy, is named GoodMan, I guess. He is like your any average day hero. He will fall into traps, say corny dialogue, make futile attemps to get some, and perhaps shoot Badman once or twice. His sidekick is actually better then him. He is a midget! He is also from the south! Which means he has a southern accent and is a midget! Man, that is silly. The sidekick, I originally name Hitman, since he uses a shotgun. Which brings us to another funny catch phrase. "Alright Goodman, I'm about to kill you. Any last words?!" "No, I've lived a full life." "Then die!" *Badman's head is blown to smitherines by Hitman's shotgun* "HOLY ****! What kind of calibur do you use!?" HitMan:"I don't know. The kind that blows a guy's ****** head off!" There is also some other characters, but I'll say that later. Now, the best part of the Badman series. Every now and then, they will make fun of a company's slogan. Here is yet, another good quote. "Badman! We'll foil your evil schemes!" *Badman finishes the burger he was eating and breathes fire after the last bite* "WHOA! I didn't know you could breathe fire!" "I can't, but I just had the new flamethrower burger from Carls Jr." I think that this will be pretty funny and silly. Here are the positions. Badman GoodMan (Can name him something different, but it has to end in man) Hitman (Can also be different, but has to end in Man) Badman's 2nd in command that is also Badman's pet. (I know, it's silly) Some girl (This is just some girl who gets in the way and is annoying to Goodman) Henchman 1 (Optional) That is going to be it for now. Sign-up sheet: Postition: Appearence: Why you joined the RPG: Why you wanted to be this character: I know that the sign up is short, but, I assign the character's personality, age, and stuff to you. I'm wondering if this will even get ONE sign up.
  23. I hope that I'm not too late. But, this is all up to Legacy to do. [B]Character Name:[/B] Captain Jack Sparrow [B]Status:[/B] Otaku [B]Boards Location:[/B] The Arena [B]Team:[/B] Team Hanzo (Since they run the BEST part of the Otakuboards) [B]Appearance:[/B] Well, everyone who has seen Pirates of the Caribean, so I think you know what Captain Jack Sparrow looks like. If you don't, either get a life or lose your life or something that will let you watch it. Plus, my portrait in my profile pretty much shows what he looks like. [B]Weapons:[/B] Well, instead of having the Black Pearl, he has a giant Japanese robot, because NOTHING CAN STAND UP TO THE POWER OF A GIANT JAPANESE ROBOT! When he's not shooting things in his robot, like when he is OUT of his robot, then he uses a saber or English Rapier or whatever sword they use in Pirates of the Caribean.
  24. Many wonder, what they're true destiny is. Whether it is with work, war, or school, eveyone will always wonder, what is their destiny? There is only one thing that controls the fate of all living creatures. That entity, is the Destingy Stone. This is a stone that is from another realm. The realm has never been found, since it was near impossible to open a gateway to it. It had too much of a strong barrier. The realm, was a peaceful land, forged with wisdom and knowledge. Many thought that this would always be the way the land would stay. Recently, the realm of demons, has been developing the Oblivion Gem, which is capable of blowing a whole in between ANY dimension. Depending on the spiritual strength of the realm, would be how large the gateway was. Into the realm, containing the destiny stone, was a hard journey. Each time, the demons could only fit one small demon. So they decided to build up their army out of sight of the people. When the army was big enough, they were going to capture the destiny stone, so they could alter ALL destiny. The assault was bloody and merciless. They made their way to the destiny stone. The destiny of the land was altered first. They made it so that ALL the demons could come into this realm. There was only one mage, left in the temple of the destiny stone. He couldn't let the stone fall into the hands of demons. He used his holy magic, to destroy all the small demons. The small demons could not stand the light, they had perished easily. When the mage had gotten to the stone though, it was too late. The barrier had been lifted. Hundreds of giant demons came pouring into the land. The mage couldn't take all of them down, so to protect the destiny stone, he opened many portals to realms, shattered the Destiny Stone, and put different pieces into different realms. Some realms had more then one piece. But there was a special realm that was sent six pieces of the Destiny Stone. In the modern day world, there is a teenager boy, who, while walking to school, found a shard of something. He didn't know what it was, but he shoved it into his pocket and ran off. Going there, he went through his regular school day without any trouble. But, as soon as the boy was going to lunch, there was a great crash through the wall. It was a giant worm demon, surrounded by thousands of bug demons. Despite the fact that the police force was there, the weapons were ineffective. Just then, the boy's pocket had started to glow, with the shard that he picked up. In a bright flash, the boy was now wearing battle armor and wielding a broad sword. The demons saw this and made a quick attack for the boy. As an act of fear, he swung his sword, which had killed, many bug demons. Could this actually be effective against them? Well, the boy started to go through line after line of demons. When he came up to the demon, a mysterious man had come through. He was wearing a loose, crimson red, trench coat. He had a broad katana over his shoulder. (kinda like Aurons on FFX) "You know what they're after right?" said the man. The boy just shook his head. "Well, I'll tell you later. Right now, we have to take care of buissness." said the man who had readied for an attack on the worm. The boy did the same. After a fierce battle, the worm had been slayn. The floor of the school had been laiden with bodies of dead demons and students. "Those demons were after the shard that both you and I have. I don't know what it is or why they want it, but it seems to that it alters your strength to fight these things. If there are shards of these, then I'm guessing that there used to be a giant stone, but was shattered. So we have to find this stone and put it back together, that is, if we want our old lifes back." said the man. So, an adventure of a lifetime had started. There was to be a quest to restore the destiny stone and alter destiny, back to its original phase. Positions: Boy (Taken), Mysterious man, and four other destiny shard people. Sign ups: Name: Drake Estel Age: 18 Appearence: (WIll do later) Personality: Sun shiny Destiny Fighter: [B]Warrior:[/B] A knight, clad in battle armor, with well rounded skills and wields a broad sword. Has a cape and iron boots with the costume. (Please describe your warrior.) How you came across your destiny shard: Was walking to school Bio: (Will do later, I have to go) Well, I hope that this may be a good RPG.
  25. As the shurikans came at Karel, he did his best to dodge them. Hanzo had good precision, but not as good of accuracy as he should have. Still, some of the shurikans had hit Karel. There was one that hit his thigh and only one that knicked his left arm. Karel snickered, "This just proves that you have no honor. Despite the fact that you are also wounded, you are attacking an opponent who is gravly wounded. You deserve to die. Not only for your dishonor, but for the murder of my sister. With this sword, I will cut you down into pieces." "Hmph! I'd like to see you try kid. I'm more experienced and have more energy." "Well, I'm not sure about those factors. You see, you're about to die, from a technique that my father taught me." as he said this, Karel relaxed everything in his entire body. "INOBUO TAKATA!" said Karel, as he unleashe slice after slice upon Hanzo. Each one was swift and powerful, making it very hard for Hanzo to dodge even one slice from the fury. Karel was just dishing out all that he had. All the energy that he had left was put into his fury of slices. Each slice, soon followed by another, to not leave an opeining. Hanzo was now being hit by every single sword stroke. For the final move, Karel thrusted his sword into Hanzo's right shoulder, with a great force. This had made Hanzo stumble back, to the window, where he lost his balance and fell out. Karel looked out the window, to see what had become of him. When he got close to the window, the boots of Hanzo had came through, kicking Karel back to other side of the room. Both fighters were exausted. Which one would come out victourious? OOC: I can't post anymore, I don't have time.
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