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Albel the Wicked

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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked

  1. Yutarin had noticed that Leya had lost it and was summoning tidle waves of the ocean. Although Yutarin loved Leya, he couldn't let her hurt so many innocent people. He knew that he couldn't talk to her, so he had to oppose the tidle wave with an equal force. The problem was, that Yutarin could only do ONE of the waves, but they were coming from both sides. He had to find help. But, Sefir was fighting and Alex was against him. The only other person that he could think of, that was powerful enough to stop the waves, was Midnight Rush. Although he didn't want to, it was the only choice. Yutarin searched the city and found him. "YOU!" he yelled out. "Ah, so you came here for me to kill you, didn't you?" "That will have to wait, look!" "What the hell!? How could this power come from a Mystic?!" "It's from Leya, she has lost it. Although we don't have a great history together, right now we need to work together to stop these." "Why should I help you!?" "Look! I don't want innocent people to get hurt and you don't want to lose the war to the Mystics, so we have to work together! After it's done, we'll battle one on one." "Fine, but only if we battle after!" "Agreed" So they started to charge their power, until the waves were close enough. Yutarin had his sword charged with a very powerful attack. The sword was glowing sliver and ready to attack. Midnight Rush was getting another tidle wave to oppose the one that is coming. When they were close enough, Yutarin launched his attack from the sword. He had released four giant silverish energy blades from his sword. They grew larger the farther they went. "HA! Now THAT'S power!" said Yutarin, knowing that there wouldn't be a better time to say that. "Hmph, childs play" said Midnight Rush, as he launched the title wave. As Yutarin's attack hit the tidle wave, it had hit the wave, but it wasn't getting rid of it, it was only pushing against it, until finally the energy blades exploded along with the tidle wave. Now the salt water started to rain from the sky. Midnight Rush's attack was launched and when it hit, it pushed into the wave and formed a great pillar the came down just ever so gently. The city was safe from Leya's waves, but not from the Crimsons. Yutarin, tried to slip away, so that he could be at full energy for the fight. But he was blocked off by a wall of water that surrounded both of them. Yutarin could have froze it, but it would've been pointless, because now, water was all around them. So, he thought that he might as well just stay and fight. OOC: Remember Midnight Rush, you can't kill me in the next post or else that would be considered God Modding.
  2. I wanted to put this into the Adventure Inn, because I thought that having a tournament that invovled a team of mech pilots would be really fun. [CENTER][/CENTER] Now, for the story. Plus I'd like to point out that I indeed did put S, for sexual content, but that is only if needed to be in. It all depends on who signs up. But there will definatly be, strong violence and cursing. In the year of 3052, there is mostly war, war that seems like it will never end. The Earth is currently in a war agains Tamran. People are dying by the hundreds in space. Everyone worries everyday, about what will happen, if their planet is to lose the war. Now, people have been asked to try to relax for a great event that will be held. There is to be a Mech Tournament. Not only will the funds of the tournament be used for the Earth forces, but surviving mech fighters, will be asked if they, their team, and their mechs, would like to join the Earth forces in the war. So, you see, this is kind of like a prequal or there will be a sequal, but prequal sounds cooler. Rules #1: Matches WILL be refereed, so there can be no killing blows until the reff. had made a decision. #2: There can ONLY be THREE members on your team. It has to be exactly three. Not two, not four, not two and a half, but three. #3: There will be NO instant kill moves on your mechs. I always found that were cheap. Plus, you can't make your mech seem like it is unbeatable. #4: If you want an actual Otakuboards member to be on your team and pilot a mech, then you can. #5: This isn't really rule, but I highly recommend that you have at least a mech that specializes in each type of combat. (Sky, space, aqua, land) You can not have a mech that specializes in more than one type of combat. The only combination of types of battles that I'll allow, is sky and space together. Here is the sign ups: Team name: Team Mechs: Member 1 Name: (If you don't know your name, just type 'I'M A MORON') Age: Race: (You can make up one. Like 'Somonius. The only race that ISN'T allowed, are the Tamrans) Appearence: How you obtained mech: (making sure that no one stole theirs. Not that I'm saying that you can't say that it was stolen, but, that might be bad, since IF you win, you're going to be surrounded by goverment people.) What mech you pilot: Mech Appearence: Mech Special Ability: (Like super speed, super firepower, etc.) Mech weapons: (I'll allow two personal weapons [cannon that pops out of hand, etc.] and I'll also allow two mounted weapons [handheld laser blaster, etc.] What type of combat mech: (There's mobile suit and driver's pit. Moblie suit is where you wear a suit that let's your mech move whatever you move. Driver's pit, is where you are in the cockpit and there are all those buttons to press. Mobile suits are more manuverable, but the Driver's pit is easier to control. Example: For a mobile suit, lets say you want to fire your super missles cannon. You would have to press a button that say cannon, then another screen would pop up and ask which type, you pick missle, then it says 'What kind of missiles?' While a Driver's Pit, just has a button that you push to fire the Super Missile Cannon. Mech combat specalization: Put like this, except what YOUR mech specalizes in. Good: Space and Air Fair: Land Poor: Aquatic Members 2 and 3, have the same sign up sheet. OH! Also, if you want, as the history, you can either put each members history or how your team met and came to the tournament will do as well. Hope that this turns out well.
  3. OOC: You know, it's really starting to piss me off that you guys are making fun of my name. If you aren't making fun of my name, it sure seems like you are. IC: Yutarin started to hear faint gunshots. The war has started. "Come, we need to hurry." said Yutarin. He grabbed Leya and they headed for the city. While coming down the a street, they had come across Sefir. Alex was there as well. They looked and saw that he was holding a dead Mystic. " I think your fight is with me" said Alex. As Sefir had his head turned to Alex, there was a girl behind him, that was about to shoot Sefir. "Not so fast!" said Yutarin who fired a thunder jolt right at the gun she was holding, knocking it out of her hands. Following, Leya sent shards of ice at the girl. Most of them hit her, so she had collapsed. They didn't know if she was dead or just unconsious, but they didn't care. Sefir, looked and saw both Yutarin and Leya standing there. "I think that you might want to handle Alex yourself, Sefir." yelled Yutarin. "We'll go and help other Mystics escape" followed a reply from Leya. They started to follow the other Mystics, to help them escape. There was a group of Crimson Shadow that were in their way. "Out of our way, Crimson Scum!" yelled Yutarin, throwing a great wall of fire at them from his sword. Only a couple of them perished, but the rest, Yutarin had sliced with his sword, along with support from Leya and the others. Only two Mystics had died in the fight, so far. After the group was dead they continued. They killed other Crimson Shadow that were in their way. Mostly by outnumbering them. After so long, Yutarin started to wonder if he'd run into to Kitsume or if Ivan was alright and if he'd run into him. OOC: I guess that this post was a little short, but it was to the point. I don't know if Natasha was an important character, which is why I had her fate undecided.
  4. It is with great regret, that I am to inform to you, that Surfboard Boys is closed in the Adventure Square. So, uh, you're a little too late.
  5. OOC: I'm going to stop screwin around and just finish what my character needs to do in this post. IC: While Yutaring slept, he had was hoping to learn of the location. He started to drift away. In this dream he was in the same ice cave. He looked around and saw the whited haired man. "Finally your close enough, that I don't use so much energy to talk to you. Your close to where you are supposed to be. I didn't expect you to move this quickly, but hey, that means we'll meet face to face tomorrow." said the man "I agree, we need to meet. Why are you having me travel so far north? What am I supposed to get?" "Questions that will be answered tomorrow. For now, I'm just supposed to lead you to the location. It's a good thing that you brought the girl or else this would have been much harder." "Huh? Why Leya?" "That cannot be answered as of now." "Tell me who you are then" "Alright, my name is Aklier." "Hmm, why does that sound familier?" "That cannot be answered as of now." "What? What is that supposed to mean?" "I'll tell you tomorrow" "No, wait!" The cave started to disappear. Everything was vanishing. "Go to the middle of the Canadian Shield. Then all will be answered......." The voice had vanished. *FLASH* It was morining again. "Leya, Leya, wake up" "Why? We have plenty of time" she said with a yawn. "I know where we are supposed to go and I want to get there quickly." "Oh, fine, let's go." They had payed for the room they used and started off. Since Yutarin was in a hurry, he charged himself again adn they had set off as fast as possible for Yutarin. After about two hours they had come onto the Canadian Sheild. They made their way right into the middle. They waited. Suddenly the ground started sink right at their feet. Yutarin was just calm about it, he knew it was supposed to happen. They came down and were in an ice cave that looked exactly like the one in the dream. "Ah so good to see that you've made it so quickly" said Aklier "I'm here, now tell me what I want to know." "Alright then, I'll start in order of what you asked in the transmission. First off, you are traveling up here, so that you were to meet me. As for why it would have been easier if Leya came along, was for the event of why you are here. I told you my name and it sounds familier because we have met before." "What? I don't ever remember seeing you and what is the event that we came here for." "Well, you weren't supposed to remember who I was OR this place. In fact, I had planned that you would not even make it here in your life. As for the event, I will tell you later. I'm sure your dieing to know your history about this place." "Actually, so am I" said Leya. "Well, back when you were a baby, Yutarin, your parents came here because I led them. When they came to this site, I saw you. I had earlier had a prophecy, that contained you, which is why I led your parents here actually. You see, there was an ice dragon up here. I believe that you've encountered him already Yutarin. Anyway, the ice dragon had been threatening the north for quite a while. I told your parents that it was their destiny to fight him and their destiny to fall before it. If they did not fight it, you and the entire north would have died. I told them their destiny, so they had to agree, for your saftey. I told them that I would watch over you, but you still wouldn't survive, unless they helped me something. I told them that I wouldn't be able to watch over you forever. I told them that it was also their destiny to forge the Arcana Sword that you carry with you. They helped me by putting each of their elements in it, along with some that I had created. This was forged to the blade that you carry today. It was always your destiny to wield it. When your parents finally fought it, they had indeed fallen, but something that I had not expected to happen did. I prophesised that the dragon would fall along with your parents, but he was only weakened greatly. This is why you encountered him as well. He had flown off so that he could heal. As a precation, I had teleported you back to Japan. That is where your other parents had found you. I know that this is all shocking to you." Yutarin didn't know what to think. He actually knew who he was now. He knew his history, his parents. "But why don't I remember any of this." "I had to erase your memory of ever seeing me or anything about those events. I never expected you to return, but then again, I never expected this war to happen. Now you must get an even greater power to stop this." "What might that be?" "The Arcana Sword is based of the four basic elements right? Well, you've always wondered why you couldn't bring out its full power. That is because, the Arcana Sword isn't at its best. Its missing two things. The minor elements that you and Leya have. Ice and Thunder. Now, to bring out the full power of the Arcana Sword, we must put those two elements in. I have the power to do that. We need this power to stop the war." As Aklier said this, he had started to take the essence of ice and thunder from both Leya and Yutarin. When he took out enough, he put them both in stones for the minute. "Now, I need you to hand me the Arcana Sword." As Yutarin did, Aklier put the gemstones near it. When they were close, they just disapeared. "It is done, the elements are in the sword. Now stand back." After about ten seconds, the sword started to have an icy mist surround it, following this was a great tornado that wrapped around the sword, with fireballs along side of the tornado. Started to come out of the hilt was water, which had green vines follow it. Finally, thunder bolts started to go up the blade of the sword. After this, there was a great white blast of light. Looking at the sword, it had indeed transfomed. The blade was now a pure white, the handle and handguard were crystal clear and the gem at the hilt was now a diamond. "Behold, the TRUE Arcana Sword. Now, all the elements are with your hand and will always be in your hand. You will wield this sword forever Yutarin. Now, you must go back to the city and stop the war. How to use the sword will come naturally." Aklier said that and then touched both Leya's and Yutarin's foreheads and ZAP! They were on the outskirts of the city. OOC: WHEW! THat was long, but worth it.
  6. I just thought that I ought to tell you this before the thread either gets closed or moved mate. Sign ups go in the Adventure Inn. I can definetly tell that your a new member. I suggest reading the rules before you create anymore threads or posts. It shows that you haven't really read them. I'm just going to leave it at there. I'm going to have to report this to one of the moderators.
  7. Yutarin was wondering what that was all about and what was in the frozen north that he was supposed to find. He went to see if Leya was up. She was just barely waking up. "Mmmm, hey, what's going on?" Leya said. "We need to take leave. There is something that we need to get. To let you know, it's in the frozen north." "Why there?" "I don't know, but I feel like we are supposed to go there." He thought that if he told her about the dream, she'd think he was crazy. "I got the most answers to where I came from, when I was venturing in the frozen north. The reason I left was because of the, you know, dragon wing" "Ok, then lets go. I'm ready." Leya said standing up. They packed up and since Yutarin wanted to find out this very soon, he had charged himself with lightning and they were off. They traveled through each state in about an hour. By the time it was about lunch, they stopped. Yutarin was exausted. He had never traveled so far, while charged up. He had almost collapsed from the trip. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard Yutarin. I don't see why we need to hurry." Yutarin knew. The prophecy that Ivan had, he thinks that the object in the dream might help prevent it. They sat down and had lunch. It was a very good meal. It was noodles, prepared, not procesed. They also just had some rice to go with it. They now just walked to their destination, for fear that Yutarin might collapse. Finally they came to the borders of Canada. About another days travel and they would be at their destination. "I suggest that we go and get warmer clothing, since we are farther north." Leya said. "Go ahead, I don't need them" "You mean you're not cold?" "Amazing how warm you can be, when your body had thundr harbored in it. Tomorrow we will get the new clothing. It's almost night, so we must sleep." They rented a room with two beds at the local Days Inn. They both went in and fell asleep. Tomorrow would be a new day, but how would they know what to do, when they didn't know where to go? OOC: I admit that that post was pretty uneventful. I might just wrap up my individual journey in the next post.
  8. Yutarin sat there holding Leya. He was scared too. After being told that he had become a rampaging monster, he was scared that he might do it again and that time, he was scared that he would hurt Leya. If that happened, he didn't know what he would do. He has never cared for someone this much in his life. Before all he wanted was power, so that he could be the best. Now, all he wants, is to be with Leya and protect her. He and Leya sat there, holding each other. Sitting there for what seemed like hours. They finally stood up. Both looking at each other. "I should probabley be taking you home now. It'll be dark by the time we get back, I'm sure that you don't want to travel that fast again." said Yutarin. So they started walking towards the city. Lacing their fingers together as they walked. They tried to make sure that no enemies would see them entering the city. Finally they entered the city. "We'll have to try to be as stealthy as possible." said Yutarin. They took each alleyway and didn't even come up to any Crimsons. They finally came up to Leya's house. "Well, here you go, I probably should be leaving." said Yutarin. "Wait, don't go" said Leya softly. Yutarin turned around. "I'm coming with you. I don't care where we go, I just want to be with you. There's nothing you can say that will change my mind, so don't try to talk me out of it." "Are you sure? We'll probably be traveling a lot and there may be danger." replied Yutarin "I already told you, I don't care. I'll do it, if it means to be with you." "Ok. You might want to pack a sheet or sleeping bag. We might need provisions as well." said Yutarin. They both went in the house and starting to pack, but only what they needed. All was in the small bag. They finally started heading out. When they got out of the house, they started walking. Right in the middle of town was Midnight Rush. Yutarin could tell that he was super pissed. "I'll rip apart the bastard who killed her!" He said angrily. Yutarin pulled Leya and himself into an alleyway. "Shhh, I've seen him before. He's very powerful. I'm sure that he's the one who killed your friend. I challenged him, although we never settled the match, I know that he will try to attack me, especially with how pissed off he is right now. Even with both our powers combined, we couldn't even beat him. We'll have to run." said Yutarin. As he finished he heard steps coming closer to him. He knew it was Midnight Rush. Yutarin had in his hand, a small ice ball that was smooth like a marble. Inside was a great thunder power. This he was going to use as an assault weapon. Midnight Rush came around and saw both of them. "YOU! IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT!" said Midnight Rush. Yutarin took this oppotunity and threw the ball. This let out an explosion of both ice and thunder. "Come on!" yelled Yutarin as he grabbed Leya. Yutarin charged himself and then ran as fast as he could out of town. It was a very great speed he was traveling at. Yutarin never tried to go this fast before. When they were far enough, he stopped. "We'll start in the morning, for now, we should rest." Leya laid down and went to sleep, but Yutaring stayed awake, so he could keep watch. Plus, he was waiting for another vision of the shining object he saw. It was getting too late, Yutarin started to fall asleep. In his dream, this time, he was in an ice cave. The same shining object was there. [I]"I'm glad you got out of town. If you were in there, your friend Alex would have been able to read this tranmission."[/I] came the same voice. "What the? Who are you?" [I]"I can't tell you my name yet, but I'll tell that I am a phycic, like Alex. I'm transimtting from very far away. You see, my powers can reach much farther when I'm talking to someone in their sleep."[/I] "Where are you?" "[I]I'm right here.[/I]" which came from a figure that just appeared. It was a man, with long white hair and blue eyes, who looked about in his thirtys. [I]"I'm not going to make this a long conversation. I can feel another phycic coming near. I need to stop or else they will know this information as well."[/I] After he said that, everything in the room was starting to fade away. "Wait! How do I know where to-" "Just go to the frozen north" said the figure. Then *FLASH* Yutarin woke up. It was morning. OOC: Wow, that was a really cool post.
  9. I really appreciate the constuctive criticism but, I don't really care about this idea anymore. I'm probably going to have this be a game instead of having it be a manga or anime. Although the fact that no matter what happens, I'm going to visit, but probably move to Tokyo and become a video game designer. Yeah, I got that pretty much planned. I might go and tell a Japanese anime company about the idea and they might turn it into an anime. I don't know for sure though. I know that I WILL make it a video game and try to get it as an anime. Though I won't make it sell out like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, by creating a major franchise of trading cards, underwear, toys, shirts. Yeah, but it will be a game, in fact, it will be the best game ever and you will all buy it, because it will have cool graphics and won't be the regular mash A or X RPG game. MUAHAHAHAHA
  10. I don't know if anyone else has posted this before, but anyway. Is anyone besides me really excited about the Zelda for the GCN? I think that it looks really cool. So real, so cool, yet so serious. Anyone seen the trailor for it? That would have to be what makes you want to buy the game. ANYWAY, who else wants the game to come out sooner. You can use analigies like "I'm so excited that I could wet my pants" may this be a reminder that that was just an example.
  11. That's the thing about RPGs. Your suppossed to come up with an idea BY YOURSELF! I post my RPG IDEAS here and then see if people think that they are good enough to be in the Adventure Inn. I think that you're on your own on this one cookie. Is that savvy with you?
  12. Both Yutarin and the new stranger had just looked at the pillar of water that had erupted from the city. [I]Damnit! With that kind of power, I know I can't beat him now. I'll have to get rid of that water.[/I] Just then, Ivan sent a mental message. [I]"Sefir has been hurt by strong phsycic impulses. I also need to tell you, I had a vision, one of desturction that had the city in ruins. We must prepare for war."[/I] and with that, the message went away. Yutarin was so destracted by the message that he was sliced by the man. This had greatly angered Yutarin. The man came again with another slice. This time, after the attack, everything went black. Yutarin was in a pitch black place. [I]What the hell? Am I dead? Is this a dream? I don't know what's happening. What's that?[/I] Through the darkness he saw a shining light. It was a great light. Looking closer, Yutarin saw that it made the shape of a blade. [I]"Obtain the power. Obtain me, forge me Yutarin. This is what you seek. I will inform you later, just get away from that city."[/I] With that the room filled with a great light and then Yutarin was back at the grove of blossoms. He saw that everything around him was frozen, including the man, who had been frozen solid. He wasn't dead, but if he didn't escape from there, he would die. Leya was trembling in terror at Yutarin, he didn't know why though. Suddenly a great fire had came from the chunk of ice that had been the man. "A dragon?! Midnight Rush never told me of this!" said the man. Yutarin had no clue what he was talking about. But anyway he charged himself with electricity, grabbed Leya and ran away from the city as far as he could, at a blinding speed. When he stopped he set Leya down who was still trembling in fear. "Why are you so scared of me?" he said waiting for a reply from Leya. OOC: I'm not saying what the shining thing is in the dream. Why Blade15's character said that one thing, was because while Yutarin was dreaming, the ice dragon that he had fused with, had formed again. Whenever Yutarin doesn't have control of his body, the ice dragon comes out and takes control until Yutarin is consious again. Pretty cool eh?
  13. OOC: well I don't really know what to post, so don't get pissed at me if this post sucks. IC: All four of the company came to Sefir's house. They went in and the place was stunning. At least to Yutarin, but that is because he never had really been a house, because he was so used to sleeping in the woods or caves. There was a full kitchen that had an oak wood table with four oak chairs. The living room had a couch, two chairs, a coffee table, and there was an upstairs, but they didn't get to explore it. "You seem surprised at my home Yutarin." said Sefir. "I'm just not used to such great surroundings, because-" "Yes yes, because you are used to sleeping in caves and such." said Sefir. They all looked at Yutarin suspicously. "He he, yeah, I am" said Yutarin nervously. They all went to the table, as Sefir got ingredients for the dinner. "Damn, I don't have enough ingredients. Does anyone think that they can go and get them?" "I will!" said Leya. "No, I can't afford to put you in danger." "Come on, let me go" "I'm not letting you go alone." "I'll take her" said Yutarin," You all know that I'm a very experienced fighter." "Fine, but make sure to keep a close eye on her" said Sefir. "I will" and with that, they both left. As they traveled, Leya was leading him somewhere else besides the store. He knew. She was taking him out of town. He decided to follow her though, because he said that he'd protect her. There came unto a garden that had many rose, peach, and cherry blossoms. "I come here anytime that I need to relax. I just need to right now, since my friend just died and another is in the hospital." said Leya. Yutarin thought back to where he saw the dead girl and attacked the other person. He wondered if those were what she was talking about. But he just sat there and tried to comfort as much as he can. He put his hand on her shoulder," Well, I wish that I was dead, maybe in the after life I would find out who I am. I don't know who my real parents are or how I recieved these elemental powers." he said. "That's right, I forgot that you're an elemental like me. I have some pretty cool powers." said Leya as she got up. She had shown him here water and ice powers, although Yutarin had ice powers, he didn't want to startle her with his dragon wing. They just stood there talking for a long while. "It's nice to talk to someone that actually has something in common with me" said Yutarin. "Yeah" said Leya. With that, Yurain started to lean towards her, their faces were so close together. When Yutarin saw something in the reflection of her eyes, it looked fuzzy, but it was comeing right for them. "Look out!" Yutarin said, as he put them both to the ground. They looked back and saw that it was a dark energy spell. They looked the other way and saw a Crimson standing there. "A Crimson! They were the group that killed my friend!" said Leya. "Time to repay the favor!" said Yutarin drawing his sword. The witch then shot a dark spell at Yutarin which sent him flying back. While this happened Leya used here powers on the witch. The witch turned and covered Leya's feet with dark energy so she couldn't move. The witch then brang out her longsword, so that she could finish of Leya. "STOP! I won't let you win and I won't let kill her!" said Yutarin releasing a great whirlwind from his Arcana Sword. The whirlwind had sucked up the witch into the eye. Yutarin the used his ice element to freeze the wind, so that it was now a pillar of ice. The witch was frozen solid. Yutarin then finished it, by striking the ice with a giant thunder bolt, which shattered the ice. The witch was on the ground, motionless, with an great ice chunk in her back. "There's no way she could have survived that." said Yutarin who then turned around. He noticed that Leya was shocked an looking at him strangley. He then relized that he had his dragon wing out! He didn't know what to do. He though about running, but he just stood there, waiting for a response from Leya. OOC: End there. That makes a big conflict.
  14. I was just having a thought, which came to me five minutes ago. Most people have their display name after something famous. The question is, do you ever try to act like the person that your name is after. I've tried for a while to act like Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy? How about you guys?
  15. Well, just for the record that I'm telling Sword Breaker HERE and not the RPG, is because I'm not posting, therefore, it would spamming the RPG. I'm telling you here, that the Arcana Sword, can ONLY be wielded by elementals. So even IF your character had recieved the Arcana Sword, he wouldn't be able to use it, plus, it would also be the size of a dagger, you savvy?
  16. Yutarin hadn't walked away far, for he really had no home. He would just go out to the woods and camp out. His food, was usually stolen. Not much he bathed or cleaned but when he did, he would fill a great tub with ice that he'd created and put it over a fire. He was wondering the streets, deciding which resturaunt to steal from this time. When he was looking, he had found Alex. Having a slight anger towards him, he decided to follow Alex, see what mischief he would be up to. He followed him till he came to him threatening a girl and man that were weeping. Yutarin would not allow this. Although no one thought so, Yutarin had honor especially towards women. He could see that Alex didn't, for one, he was attacking a woman, TWO, he was attacking unarmed people and THREE, he was attacking people that were mourning. He was going to stop this now. Yutarin fired a warning thunder strike at Alex, which got rid of his grip on the girl he had a knife to. "There will be no dishonorable bloodshed while I'm here." he called out. All eyes went to Yutarin. "Alex, I didn't think that you'd go so low to attack women that are weeping. I actually thought you had SOME honor in you. I was obviously wrong." "This doesn't concern you Yutarin! Mind your own buissiness!" "That's enough! I'm making this my buissiness!" "Well, I'm still going to finish up my buissiness here." "No you won't. I don't want to strike a fellow cult member. Leave now or I WILL attack you, with great force. You know you can't win against me, so LEAVE!" "HMPH! I won't forget this!" said Alex and then he left in the shadows. Yutarin walked over to them in a calm manner. "Are you two all right?" he asked. They both nodded their heads. "I couldn't let that animal attack you unarmed people. It goes against my code." sadi Yutarin. "By the way, may I please ask of your names? I'm Yutarin, Yutarin Hesham. What is your name?" OOC: I'm going to leave it off there. Oh, by the way, Sword Breaker, you told my character's secret, so my character spoiled your fun. We're even now.
  17. As the meeting of the Dead Moon continued on, Yutarin stayed silent. They each said their thoughts on whos side to join, except Yutarin. Yutarin didn't care what happened, he just wants to continue to be stronger. He wants to kill Midnight Rush, for giving him his great wound in the arm. If only there was a way he could use all the elements that the Arcana Sword possessed, that would definetly destroy him. This was true, the Arcana Sword had the four major elements harbored within it. Any element can wield it and bring out more of their best element power. No elemental has been recorded who could use the legendary attack of 'Elemental Fury'. Yutarin would like to know if there WAS a way to unleash all the elements and if so, HOW or he would at least like to know how to switch from his ice element to his thunder on the Arcana Sword. No one knew that he had the Arcana Sword. He always kept it hidden from his comrads in the Dead Moon. They just thought that he used his element powers in battle. Most people he used the sword on would die, but now, Midnight Rush knew that he wielded the sword. Yutarin only hopped that he didn't know of the power it would contain. He knew that if Midnight Rush obtained the sword, he would be much more powerful then his original self, for his great water element. As Yutarin pondered on this, the others were still having the discussion. They hadn't even asked what Yutarin had thought. He didn't care either way, he just wanted to fight Midnight Rush to keep the Arcana Sword a secret. OOC: There, I though I ought to post. I know that it was mainly about the Arcana Sword, but hey, it's true what would happen if Midnight Rush obtained it. I thought that everyone should know. I guess, another Dead Moon can ask what I think about this whole thing in the next post. Well, I'm gonna go, place.
  18. OOC: Well, since no one has posted in a while, I guess either the RPG died or you are all waiting on me. I guess I'll post. IC: Being both startled by the new person they met and the crash that came from the inn, Jurai and Karel didn't know what to do. They looked up at the inn and saw the assassin that has been after Karel. "We'll have to discuss this later!" said Karel, running off into the distance, with the assassin following. He led him into an alleyway, for a plan he had. It involved the ladder that was in that alley. "Now, where will you go?" said the assassin with an evil grin on his face. With that Karel climbed up the ladder as fast as he could. He made it to the top before the assassin could go after him. The assassin followed him up the ladder, which is what Karel wanted to happen. When the assassin was half way up, Karel pushed the ladder away from its place. Though Karel didn't expect what happened after. The assassin leaped off the ladder and pushed against the other side of the wall with his foot, so that he could get on the rooftop with Karel. Now Karel and the assassin were both running from rooftop to rooftop. As Karel ran, he knew that it would be pointless to run from the assassin. Even though he was trying to break shingles, so that the assassin would slip off the rooftop. This didn't work, so Karel thought that he should just fight with the assassin. He stopped running and faced the assassin. The assassin was still running, and came at Karel with a slice from his katana. Karel barely blocked it, but was hit with the follow up attack that Hanzo used with his tanto. Karel knew this would be hard. The battle like this contined on for about two minutes. It seemed like Hanzo would win, even though Hanzo did have some major cuts, Karel had more. So Karel had to make this fight end with a ring out. Karel had noticed that Hanzo was standing directly on a shingle. Karel took the opportunity and removed the shingle from its place with his sword. This had caused Hanzo to slip and fall on his back. Then Karel, removed the shingles that Hanzo was laying on, so that he would fall of the building. This happened, then, to make sure that he would be away from him, Karle split two shingles and rode them down the other side of the rooftop. He barely landed on his feet and met up with the new man and Jurai. OOC: I'd have to say, that was one of the coolest moves ever done. Maybe now people will post more. I've finally posted. So go other peoples.
  19. Well, sign ups aren't going to well. I assure you people that this RPG, WILL be good. I'm working on a title and music for it. I just need an Elf Boy sign up and we could begin. If there would be more people signing up, I would let more custom characters. Please, we need more sign ups. This will be a good RPG.
  20. [B]Edit:[/B] OOC: Um, since Sword Breaker and I posted like nearly at the same time, why don't we say this happend BEFORE his post. That makes thing better. Yutarin was wondering the streets, when he felt a disturbance in the air. Someone had just died and it was by a great force. Yutarin was wondering, who this would be. He would see it this person waas a challenge to him. As he tried following the sorce of the power, he came to where there was just a great battle. There was a crying girl, weeping over the death of a dead soul. He felt the power, but it wasn't what he was looking for. "You can't be who I'm looking for, your too weak to have that much power" he said. Through her sobbing tears, the girl looked up and saw the man that was cloaked in black. "WEAK! I'll show you weak!" she said in her anger. "Please, your not worth, I'm looking for someone, but here's a parting gift for you." said Yutarin as he charged his hand with thunder. He shot it at the girl which made her entire body go numb. "Your lucky I'm in a hurry or I would have made your death painful and slow." he said and with that, took off. As he walked, he started feeling the great presance even closer. He started his pace to a run. It was getting closer the more he was out of town. As he reached the outskirts of the city, he could feel that the power was right next to him. "Looking for something?" said a mysterious voice. It startled Yutarin, but he turned around and saw a man standing there. "Yes, I'm looking for you! You're the pressence that I've been feeling! I must test my power against yours." "Well, I don't back down from a challenge, so lets get this over with." The battle between them had started. Yutarin started it off, by charging himself with his thunder power. He was running at great speeds, while slicing his opponent at the same time. Finally, Midnight Rush used his water to suround his oppnents, which made Yutarin's charge technique wore off and it hurt himself. "Ah, you know about opposing elements, do you? Well, I have the opposing element for that!" said White Lightning as his ice dragon wing grew out and he shot out shards of ice at his opponent. There were too many for him to dodge. Some of them went into him, which did severe damage. "I've had enough, I'm going to finish this" said The Foregner as he pulled out his gun and shot the young mage. Yutarin tried to dodge, but it still hit him. The bullet went right through the arm. "We'll finish this some other time! But here, I'll give you something in return for the bullet." said Yutarin, as the Arcana Sword charged up with a whirlwind attack. Yutarin launched it and sent Midnight Rush flying away, as Yutarin ran away. He went back to the city, where the Dead Moon hideout was. "Damn him! If I'd known he had a gun, I would have been more careful." he said, as he went to tend to his wounds. OOC: That made it KIND of interesting. Now there is a rivalry angainst Midnaight Rush and Yutarin. Peace, I'm out.
  21. This is just some idea that I thought that I'd post as an RPG later. But, since I'm totally bored (nothing is happening) I'm going to post it anyway. I know that it might catch some of your eyes. Well, here you go. You know that since it's a tournament, it's not going to have much of a back story. (Like all tournament RPGs) In the year 3051, you have just finished breakfast and start going to school/work. While walking down the sidewalk, you see a flier for a tournament. You can't really make it out, so you go closer. You see that the add is for a mech team tournament. This is quite a surprise, since most tournaments are just for racing. This is definetly going to be a big thing. You see that sign ups are on the planet, Earth. This is a new planet that you've never heard of. The planet that you live on is called Elibe. You don't really own a mech, but you decide to go anyways, to see how interesting. You get a shuttle that is one the way to Earth. While there, you look around and see how much more advanced this planet is, compared to yours. You can tell why there is a mech competition here. While walking through the streets, a man wearing a black trench coat walks up to you. "Pssst, hey." he says in a wisper tone of voice. You are confused and ask if it was you he wanted. "Yeah, you. On your way to the mech tournament?" You nod your head. "Well, here are some front row passes that are only at the cost of what you'd get for a back seat." Although you have your suspitions, you buy the tickets from him. "You can't get any closet then that my friend." You go to the Tokyo stadium and show them your pass. "Ah, I see. I need you to fill out this form." says the gate keeper. You sign the forms and he takes you in. As you look around, you see that there aren't too many people. Your in a dark room, with just two others. "So, your an outer fighter?" Outer fighter? What did he mean? You look closer and find that you are watching the tournament from great seats, because your in it! That's about it. After that, I'd have the sign up. I think that I might have to edit, but please tell me what you think of it.
  22. "Nikkie? Nikkie who? I know a Nikkie!" Just then, Nikkie and Kiba walked up. "YOU!" said both Drake and Kat at Nikkie. "YOU!" said Nikkie. Seto just stood there, looking utterly confused. "Wait, who you saying 'you' to? That one crazy dude, who shoots me or that bitch that throw rocks at me" said Joey. "SHUT UP!" said both Kat and Drake, killing Joey at the same time. "Hey this conversation is focused on me!" said Nikkie. "Right, right, we were angry at you" said Drake "Wait, why are you angry at Nikkie?" said Kat utterly confused, just like Seto. "I remember her from when I visited (insert Nikkie's home town here)." "Yeah, he visited my town!" said Nikkie "I'm still mad at you!" "I'm still mad at you!" yelled back the whore. "You said you'd show me a good time, then you turned for (insert some guys name here)! I know! I saw you two kissing!" "Yeah, well, I'm mad at you for paintballing me and my house!" "That was actually kind of fun." said Drake and then all went silent for a reply. OOC: yeah, I think that post pretty silly, wouldn't you say? Well, whoever goes next, better go.
  23. OOC: First off, my character is a guy, because I'm a guy in real life. Being a girl in an RPG, while actually being a guy in real life would just make things really akward. OK, now I'll go back to killing Joey. IC: "Well, it's nice to meet you all. I've been stuck on this island for like three days now and it sucks when your alone. So, uh, what is up with that stick-rod thing that the crazy ass mexican has?" "He said it didn't do much" replied cat "SI!" said the mexican, who was crazier then hell. "Will you shut up?!" yelled Drake. "No comprendo amigo" "I'll show you no comprendo!" said Drake, who then pulled out his gun again and shot Joey for no apparent reason, except so he could be winning in the game of 'Who can kill Joey the most' "That's DOSE for me and cero for you!" Said Drake yelling at the mexican. "I don't think he cares" said Miatatzu "Oh, well, that's cool, I guess" he said. They then waited for about an hour. Instaed of shooting Joey, they each took turns strangling him, including Triston. The mexican done it twice in a row and put the most effort in it. He'll get the most effort award "Man, those guys are taking forever getting that wood. Where do you think they are?" said Drake. Everything went silent at that moment. OOC:Ha ha, I put the suspense in. Well, whoever is going to go, go!
  24. OOC: Just to let you guys know, I DID sign up for this, just go and check out the sign up sheet. IC: Drake had just heard voices come from the distance. He heard, what sounded like two girls yelling "SHUT UP!" Then he just heard clunks. He went to go investigate. He saw the two girls. "FINALLY! Someone to talk to!" walking, he tripped over the crazy ass mexican. "What the? A mexican?" "SI!" said the mexican "Well, this is just silly" "SI!" "Stop saying 'SI'!" "No comprendo amigo" "Looks like this guy has some sort of stick...rod....thing" "SIII!" Just then Joey regenerated and said,"Hey! The dictionary can talk!" "SHUT UP, you little peckerhead!" said the girls, throwing rocks at Joey, which killed him......yet again. "So, uh, why did ya kill that guy?" "He's a dumbass and that's all there is to say." "Did you have to kill him?" "He regenerates, so it's kind of like a game" "I just though of a game with him" said Drake "Really?" "Yeah, lets see who can kill him the most until we all get rescued. None of your guys past kills count, because the game just started" The newley regenerated Joey stood up and yelled" WHAT?!" Just then, Drake pulled out his gun and shot Joey, which killed him. "I'm winning so far. But I don't know your names. Please tell me." OOC: I'll stop there. I don't remember the names and don't want to. I feel like my post should end there.
  25. Name: Drake Estel Age: 20 Personality: wierd and demanding Appearance: [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com./view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=19132]Um, don't click this, because the picture totally sucks.[/URL] Well, if you did see the picture, then just imagine him, without all that techno crap that he had. Plus, he doesn't have the straps. His inner shirt is black and the over shirt is changed to white. How you got to the island: Um, his ship wrecked in a horrible storm. Now he's looking for other people to talk to, so he doesn't go completely insane. He still has his gun, but only six bullets.
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