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Albel the Wicked

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Everything posted by Albel the Wicked

  1. Well, if you need a referee, I suggest trying to see if Dragon Warrior would do this. Although I doubt no one will sign up for this, because I did something like this and no one signed up for it. I'm signing up to get rid of your cocky attidude. I may have lost my first (not to mention the only fight I've had so far) but I've learned a thing or two. Prepare yourself! Name: 'Sword Demon' Karel Age: 25 Gender: Male Side: Against you Appearance: [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=36525]Click here[/URL] Personality: Serious Weapons: His sword (In picture) and has kozukas Abilities: Super Speed
  2. Well, I'm not trying to play moderator. I just barley reported something to the mods, but I won't tell ;) I guess then I'll still just have to do the best that can. Which will be reporting it.
  3. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]Rule #1: Don't ask. Now that that little long running bit is out of the way... In my eyes, in order to become a Moderator, one must know the rules and follow them, have good posting quality, be able to keep their wits (and tempers) about them, and have some sort of leadership potential. Not as if I know about this in depth, but Jeh keeps his eye out for this sort of thing and has grown quite a keen sense for it. Being a stand-up member and all those other such things is what it's mainly about, but in the long run, it's all up to Jeh. Now, keep in mind that this is my take on it and some may not exactly fit with Jeh's ideas, but as I said, that's just my take.[/color][/QUOTE] Then I shall try my very best to be a moderator! I will uphold justice! I will the best member that I possibly can! JUSTICE! Although being a moderator might be a real hassle. I don't know, but I'll still try really hard to be a moderator. Is there like a moderator in training program? I'll take it!
  4. Name: Yutarin Hesham (He IS from Japan) Nick Name: White Lightning Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: Japanese Race: Element Group: Dead Moon Weapons: Thunder and Ice elements, along with the great Arcana sword. (Couldn't think of a cooler name) The Arcana Sword is a broadsword, that has a red blade, blue gem at the hilt, green hand guard, and a purple looking shine. Any element can wield the Arcana sword. It helps bring out their best main element. If you have minor elements, it will increase the element that it's housed under. (Example: thunder would make my wind element power up.) Depending on your elemental strength is how big the sword will be. Personality: He is a very quiet boy, but if you make him mad, he's pretty much going to kill you. Yeah, short fuse dudes. He also likes his own company. Appearance:[URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=29632#]Click here[/URL] I drew that myself, so cut me some slack. Instead, I want him to wear all black, with one wing when he enters battle. This means, that when he enters battle, one giant dragon wing pops out of him, to bring out his full strength. Bio: Yutarin Hesham was born in Tokyo Japan. He always loved it there, but he felt like he had something inside him that made him different. He always thought that he saw things, but others just told him that it was his immagination. He lad a life that was just like anybody elses. Although, one time, he did something quite peculiar that no one else has done. One day, there were bullies picking on him, when he was on the ground, being ever more enraged, he threw a punch at one of them and it sent him back farther then a regular punch would. After that happened, no one dared to bully him any more. He asked huis parents why it was like he too much strength, but they just said that he's a strong boy. Yutarin found out wrong, when there was a lightning storm and when lighting struck him, he lived. Now he knew that his parents were keeping somthing from him. When he told him about it, they admitted that they found him and raised him like a regular boy. They showed the sword that came with him. It was strange, because when he was a baby it was the size of a dagger. The sword must grow along with him. So, he left his home to find where he actually came from. Without finding anything in Japan, he looked all over places, but didn't find many answers. He even looked in the frozen north. This is where he had a great and horrible transformation. While looking in the frozen north, he came across something quite odd. He saw that there was an ice dragon causing the blizzard. He drew his sword. The dragon was very surprised that the boy could see him, but attacked nonetheless. It was a fearsome battle and Yutarin even used a little bit of his thunder powers, which he learned to control along his journeys. At the last of the battle, Yutarin unleashed a great thunder blast and all went black to him after that. When he awoke, he saw that he wasn't as cold as he used to be. He looked around and saw that the dragon was no where to be found. Looking at himself he saw that he had no scratches. He then walked away and continued his journey. When he came to the US, he went into a forest and came across a wolf. He tried to not make any sudden movements but the wolf attacked. He held out his palm, but instead of shooting out thunder, he frose the wolf instead. Along with freezing him, he had sprout a dragon wing. This startled him at first, but it kind of made sense. After that, he tried training in both his elements. Eventually, he came across the Dead Moons, who gave him the proper training. His techniques with his elements are deadly. He is a master of lighting and very good at his ice. One of his best techniques, is his charge. He will charge himself with thunder and make himself more powerful, faster, and have thunder attacks. His most powerful thechnique, is the one that he calls 'Thunder Shards' This is an attack where he freezes himself in a giant ice crystal and then it shatters into many balls of ice. These balls are attached to him with bolts of thunder and the balls are swung around, which hit his opponents and then shatter into even more shards, until the shards are so small that when they hit the opponents they just stick into them. Yutarin is very deadly and shouldn't be taken lightly. Occupation: Um, he doesn't really have one. He just goes around either feeding on animals or steals stuff. He'll mostly hang out with Dead Moon Comrades. Hope that's good. I'm sorry it took so long.
  5. [quote name='recca2024']sounds like a good idea but a little to much like inuyasha[/quote] You know, I'm really starting to get tired of people saying that! HOW is it like Inuyasha people? I don't really see. Please tell me, because all I'm hearing, is that it's too much like Inuyasha, but I don't hear why. I really would like to know why.
  6. I have just thought of a question that I just had long ago. I have kind of wondered this a little. How DOES one become a moderator for the Otakuboards? I meam, is there like a certain number of people to get picked, or is it like the best people of the Otakuboards, or were you just picked at random? If there is a way to become a moderator, I would like to know, so that I may study to become one and uphold the rules. In real life, when I TRY to uphold the rules, I just get harassed, but here, you can't harass the mods or you get banned. This question is mostly for moderators and the site director.
  7. As the girl and I walked the streets of the town, I started to trust her more and more. Before I told her about myself, I told her to tell me about herself. Although she didn't want to, I said that after she told me about herself, only then I would tell my story. She told me what her story was. I thought that it was sad, what had happened to her. I finally felt like I could trust her enough to tell her my story. We sat on at the fountain as I told her every bit of it that I knew. All the sorrow, the pain, and the anger that I've just been through, in such a short time. As she listened, she seemed interested in this story. "That's why that assassin is after me," I said in the conclusion of my story. "Hmmm, I have to admit, that is a pretty sad story" she said. "Yes, it's very painful to think about. It's also hard, that I don't even know who I can trust. I won't know if they are one of the assassins" "Well, just to let you know, you can trust me." She said with a smile and I smiled back. "Well, I should probabley get going back to the inn. Got to wake up early ya know" "I guess that I'll see you later then. What inn you staying at again?" "The one that's just down the street" "Well, I'll take you there" As we walked along down the street , I looked at the inn and noticed that the lights were out. "That's strange. I never seen this inn have its lights put out." said Jurai I went to see if the door was open, but when I tried, it was locked. "He's in there!" I said. I think I'm going to end it there, kind of make it suspensful.
  8. THAT and the fact that you didn't put the race of your character. BUT, I'm guessing that he's a fish person since he favors Aquaticus.
  9. I don't know if this has been posted, but I just wanted to know other peoples opinions. What is your favorite song? I can't really decide between a couple. It's a tie between My Will (1st season ending to Inuyasha), Otherworld (Rock song from FFX) and Wandering Samuri ( Kenshin endind theme). Those are my favorites, but I do like others. Now I want to know what you guys like. Please, I really want to know.
  10. Um, dude, if you plan on actually making this RPG, I'd suggest making you history longer. That is really short. Unless someone doesn't sign up as your position, then your probabley not going to make this. For the record, no, I didn't catch the hint.
  11. Since I'm totaly bored I'm putting this on. I've editted this a lot, so check this thing out. Have you ever wondered, why there is death? Why there is so much chaos? It all started, long ago, when the Earth was being created. There were four young gods, each of them representing their own element. Aqutaicus, the god of water, Saimos, the god of earth, Jupan, the god of wind, and Ashlas, the god of fire. They wanted to create their own planet, without their parents help. With this, they started to form Earth. Each of the gods put their own strength and formed this world which was to be perfect. But, Ashlas, she knew that she was the most powerful, so she tried to make her element thrive above the others. The other siblings noticed this and they increaded their elements as well. At this rate the planet that was newley created, would be destroyed under the terrible power. Ashlas, was getting enraged and tried to destroy her siblings. This resutled into a war with the gods. Aquaticus, tried to calm her siblilings, while at the same time, tried to defend herself. Saimos tried responding to this by trying to stop this way in the smartest way. Jupan, just saw it as something fun for him to do and merely participated. Ashlas, being the one to start this, unleashed all of her fury. The mother of these gods, felt the disturbance in the universe. She came down from the heavens and at that moment all time had stopped. She knew that her children had to pay for this war that could have destroyed the galaxy. What Arcana did, was she trapped each of her spawn into sacred gems that would never be broken for the gods to walk about. After this, she created the Earth to her liking. Having the most respect for Aquaticus, for her peaceful manor, she let her power thrive the most. Since Saimos tried to find a wise solution, she let his thrive right under his sister's element. Arcana knew that Jupan had to much of a free spirit to be locked away, so she filled the Earth with his element and let him control it. Which is why it is rumored that there would be such windy days, for Jupan was trying to have fun. Ashlas, having start this affair, had her element only use to give the creatures warmth, buy since Ashlas had so much power, her fiery wrath had been unleashed from time to time from the tops of mountains. Finally Arcana added her power to the planet. She had given the gift of life to it, creating all creatures and plants. But she knew that there could not be just life, so she sadley had to add death along with the planet. She also knew, that there could not be only good on this planet. So, she put the knowledge of chaos in all creatures. It all depended what each creature would do if this power were awakened. As an opposing force, she put the knowledge of order in all of the creatures and just like chaos, this force would be awakened, depending on the creatures choices. Finally she added the power of change into this planet. Change for the seasons, change for the life, and the change that can occur in people. After she did all this, she too, trapped herself in a gem so that she may be able to be with her children at all times. All the gems were scattered to the ends of the Earth. The stone that contained Arcana, is located that no one knows about to this very day. But the others, were given to the most noble of cretures. The stone of Aquaticus, was given into the great care of the fish people, which Aracana called the Zolan. Saimos' stone, was given to the wise elves, which they draw their knowledge from. The stone containing Ashlas, was given to the Orcs of the mountains, which gave them their strength. Jupan, although having control over his power, was given to the humans for care. Each of these stones have been evaded by chaos for centuries, at least, until now........ That's it. I think that it's pretty good. FYI: This is in like, Lord of the Rings time and dimension. Well here's the sign ups. There are a few assigned possisions that I would like to be filled out. Elven boy: This is the main character who's fate becomes twised with the elements. Since he IS an elf, it would be best for him to wield a bow and maybe a spear if you want. Elven girl: This is a girl elf who is the leader of her squadron in the guard. She is assigned to protect the Elf Boy on the journey. If they do have a romance thing going, make the characters near the same age. Also, she SHOULD wield the bow and spear, but if you want, you can make her wield something else. Whatever she wields, make her really good with it. Evil Human: This is the main bad guy. He is a human, so he can wield anything. If you need a story for him to follow, he's trying to get the elemental stones. I want him to at any age, as long as he's not a teen or an old man. If you want me to spoil something for ya, he DOES get one of the powes. That's pretty much the assigned positions that I need. Anybody else can be a custom character. Here's the sign up Position: (Elf Boy, Elf Girl, Evil Dude, Custom Character) Name: Age: Weapon(s): Favored Element: (Saimos, Aquaticus, Ashlas, Jupan) Appearence: Personality: History: That's it. Enjoy. Sign-ups might drag on a little.
  12. This is just a topic that I though up. I don't know if it's against the rules to post this. But anyway, to answer my own question, the most annoying person I know is a kid that goes to my school and will do it till I die from him annoying him. I can actually be pretty annoying, but I have to actually try. You know that there are people who are annoying without even trying. I've annoyed this one guy almost to oblivion. Now it's your turn.
  13. Well, since the last thread was closed on the subject for some reason, I thought that I'd just continure this in a new thread. It's the same evil at the same evil place. DO you really get the feeling of being evil? I know I sure do, I want to at least use my sword on SOMEONE.
  14. OOC: QUITER! Although my opinion doesn't matter, since my character is dead. But why should you care? This is just his ghost talking. Yeah, he's gonna haunt all your asses. The stadium is now haunted. Better call the GhostBusters. LOL I just had to put this on.
  15. OK, I think that people are forgetting that there is turn posting. If people in the Winds of Sorrow would please check the Underground thread after there has been a new post ASAP, that would make it so that people aren't confused and that there might not be mixed story lines.
  16. I have just edited the story quite a bit. So, if anyone wants to check it out, then go ahead. Just make sure to tell me if it's an improbment or a disimprovment.
  17. Just finishing my buissiness with those thugs, I wnadered the streets looking for some food. Everything looked so delicious, I couldn't decide what to have. I finally just figured, to save on the little money that I had, I would just have noodles. As I walked through the streets, I saw a woman. She was so beautiful, it was like she was an angel. I was dazled by her great looks, as she walked off into an alley, she was followed by a group of rather rough looking men. There were five of them, I don't know if I could take all of them. Though, out of my honor, I followed to make sure that she was not in trouble. As I went, I stood near the wall, so that they could not see me. As I stood there, I heard their conversation. "He he he, looks like we have a real beauty here boys. What should we do with her?" Said a low voiced man. "He he he, why not sell to the slave market?" said a higher pitched voice. "No, that'd be a waste of her beauty" said another man,"He he he, why don't we just see what she's like" said one of the last of them. I heard enough of this nonsense. "HEY!" I shouted," That's not very much like a gentleman, now is it." "Who the hell are you?" Said the leader "I don't think that my name is any of your buissiness, nor why I'm here. I just ask that you leave this young woman alone" "Hmph, who's going to stop us, you? HA, don't make me laugh. We out-number you five to one." These were indeed garden variety fools, much like the others that I just barely slaughtered. I had a box that had one of my feet in them, just to be careful. "I don't intend to hurt you, but I have to, then I will. Please, don't let shed more blood on my blade." "You must be pretty confident, get em boys!" As he finished that sentance, I launched the box right at one of the men in the middle which hit directly. The others were in shock that something like that happened, I took this oportunity to get another. I punched one of the men in the face and followed it up by shoving my knee into his gut. I was done with this man, so I threw him into one of the walls for now. The other three that were up, all came at me. This was too easy, the one that was out the furthest, was hit right in his nose with the hilt of my sword, this would put him out of the fight for a while. The other two I had put down with a nearby stick. When I grabbed the rod, I jammed it into one of their faces which put him down as well. Then, I shoved the other end into the last mans gut, this knocked the wind out of him and he was left to his knees. "Now that you've been defeated, LEAVE. That is unless, you and all your men would like to be slaughtered. "Uh, run away men!" said the leader. All the men that were consious took the chance and ran. "Like little mice," I said," Are you alright?" I asked the woman. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Well, that's good" "Look, don't think that I owe you anything just because you defeated those men!" With that she walked away. "Well, that's a fine was to say thank you" But it didn't matter, I just wanted to eat. I went to the nearest inn and ate my noodles, along with getting a room. I did get a bath and it felt good on my scatches. As I was in the warm water, I tried to figure out what I should do next, but all I could think of, was that woman. Why couldn't I get her out of my mind? Could it be that I was in love with her? I didn't know for sure. When I was out, I just went to sleep.
  18. Yeah, just keep trying, wait until that one inspiring thing hits you and you are able to get a really good RPG. Something that will draw the attention of people, will be if it has a really interesting title. I mean, my titles weren't that good, until I just though of my newest one. Just keep trying, because my old RPGs sucked, but now, I actually came up with a fairly good one. I think that it's good since all the spots have been filled. If you get something that really grabs yours and the readers attention. This will make them want to try it out. That's the info that I have for you. Now, back to what I really thought that brought me here. I would really appreciate it if you guys didn't spam this thread. For instance, I don't want a conversation that is being put on here. If you need a conversation, thats why they have Private Messaging. I consider this unnecessary spamming, but it's really up to the Mods to say that.
  19. I have read the rules, it's just that it slipped my mind. So please forgive me. Um, yeah, since people don't think that my character has training, I'll tell you something. Don't you think that if his father was a great assassin that he'd teach his son a little of what he knows? For those of you who said no, well, he does have training. Thought I ought to tell you. It has become obvious that people don't think so.
  20. I've heard that there is a place where members can submit avatars that can be used as official site avatars. At least I think that there is something like that. I'm not sure though. If there isn't, then just close this thread. I just forgot if there was one or not.
  21. [quote name='Lord Eliwood']I still didn't think he knew I was here, and I readied my tanto for the attack...".[/quote] Huh, heard a noise. I knew that it was him, I just played to still be asleep. Right when he attacked, I moved and his Tanto went in between two branches. His arm was stuck, at least for that moment. This was my chance. I didn't draw my sword, but I did kick right at his torso. He fell off the tree. I listened but I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear a scream nor a thud. I looked and didn't see him in sight. He must have ran off. He now knew that I would always be sleeping with one eye open. I felt rested enough for now. I continued on my path ever so alert. I made my way, hearing a lot of different things. I heard owl hoots, rustles in the trees, rustle in the bushes. It was obvious that this is when the creatures come out. I made my way through pretty good, nothing interesting happened. At the edges of the forest I remembered, that I hadn't eaten at all today. It would be best to try to get something. Though, I shouldn't waste precious time. I had no money, I was a fool to start out so hastily. Looks like I'll be stealing my food tonight. Either that or steal from the dump. I made my way to the town. It was a fairly big town. Plenty of merchants were in the streets selling goods. Most of them were selling food. Oh, I was so hungry. I didn't see any good oportune moments to steal my food. So I went to the back of a resturaunt to get the thrown out things. I looked through and as I was, I heard footsteps. I looked to see that there were three men. Each one looked rough. "He he, looks like we have a street rat in our turf boys. If your going to be here you are going to do one of three things. Either pay us a toll, die, or join us. Looks like your out-numbered, so I wouldn't try anything stupid." I drew my sword, for I could not run. They were blocking the only open path. There was a wall, but I couldn't jump over it, before they could catch me. "Oh ho ho, looks like we have a fiesty one here. Hacho, you go for him first." "With pleasure," said a man, that was cloaked in a dark indigo cloak and his face was covered with a hat and he was blind in one for he had one closed. I looked closely and saw that his weapon was a pair of spiked gauntlets. He came at me with a wild attack. It was pathetic though. Anyone with HALF my skill could evade easily. I dodged with ease and then sliced right through his stomach. He fell dead, soon after. "BASTARD!" said that last man. "I'LL KILL YOU!" He came at me with a claw. I blocked it, but he had two and sliced me across the face with the other one. The pain was a horrible sting and the blood dripped down off my face. This man had harmed me and angered me even more. I got in a stance that was clearly meant for stabbing. Since the man made his anger cloud his judgement, he attacked and at the moment before he did, I launched my attack. It was a direct hit at his heart. "Hmph, you killed Hacho and Zolan, but you'll find me much harder." He drew his katana. It was just like mine, except it wasn't stained with FRESH blood. He came at me with great skill. His skill was as good as mine. He didn't know my next attack, though. I used the environment to my advantage. When he made his last attack, I ducked and pushed myself from the wall, and made a slice that went right across the tops of both his shins. He neeled down in pain, which is when I made the final attack and sliced into his spine. When he died, he let out a loud scream of pain. I quickley checked their dead bodies for money. They each had a wallat, I don't know how much they had, since I didn't count. I knew that the police might come after they heard that scream. I'd be seen if I went through the open corridor and accused of being a murderer. My only chance of not being as suspicious, would be to climb the wall. I did so as fast as I could. I made it just in the knick of time, for right when I landed I heard the voice of a policeman. I ran to another alley for concealment. When I was there, I counted the money and it was enough to last me for one day. For meal, inn room, and a bath. I noticed that, aside from the major wound to my face, I had also a minor injury to my right arm. I went to the nearest resturaunt and got a table. This journey hasn't been too pleasent and I just started. OOC: There, that's my newest post. The next to post it SadAngel or The Pro. So, now you post/ introduce your character.
  22. Well, I guess since all the positions are full, I'm going to start the RPG. Here it is. The winds of sorrow. I'm posting first so here it goes. IC: I thought that the best thing that I could do for my sister, was at least give her a proper burial. I dug a hole and as my bare hands digged into the Earth, I knew that there was someone watching me, but from where? It took me almost half a day to finish this task, although it slowed down my progress, I had to honor my sister. Finishing, I felt the wind blow across my face. It was a most foul and strong wind, it was as if it prophesised the coming of very horrible events. I grasped my katana and set out to kill the assassins. As I looked closely, I noticed that there some blood right on the tip of the sword. I don't know if it is Karla's or the assassin that was getting her. Since it's on sword, I could only imagine that it was a little of the assassin's blood. It didn't matter, I cleaned it off with my robes anyway. It was strange, I only started and I already have blood on my robes. I walked in the forest, for there was a town that was just on the outskirts of the other side. Walking I just felt angry and wanted to kill something, anything that was near. Sadley, this forest didn't consist of many creatures. If you wanted one, you might have to wait an hour just to get SOMETHING in your sights. Oh no, I'm already going crazy. I'm talking to myself. He he, though there's no one else around, so I'm the only person that I can talk to. The forest is hard to navigate through, luckily it was still day. The trees aren't thick enough to hide the sun. It's about an hour from sundown though. I'll barely be half way through the forest by that time. Oh, well. Not much had happened until nightfall. I don't know if I should go to sleep, since there is probabley one assassin following me. I'll find plenty of branches. This will not only hold me up, but conceal me as well. I found a spot like this, but it was about thrity feet to the ground. I covered the place with leaves for SOME comfort. I shall hopefully continue tomorrow. OOC: I think that that's pretty good. It's the Sin Assassin next, which is Lord Eliwood
  23. Well, since I'm just blind stinking bored, I'll close the sign ups and start the RPG itself. So, um, I'm going to summon Eliwood since he's offline and he'll probabley be posting after me. Since we have one of the all the people we need, I'm just going to start the stupid thing. Ok, sign-ups are closed, as well as posting on this thread. If you need to put something put it in the Underground thread.
  24. Well, that's good, I think that I'll start this sometime soon. I'm not sure if I want to though. I MIGHT do it right now, I MIGHT do it later today, I MIGHT do it tomorrow, I'm not sure. Though, this would be a great time. Well, as for the rest of you, I would really appreciate it if no one would put unnecessary comments on here. That goes for 'So, who made it' and 'Can we start?' I'm not being rude doing this, I just don't want unnecessary spamming. Those comments could have been PM to me.
  25. Well, The Pro, since you changed the position that you were signing up for, we actually have to wait for someone else as the 2nd Sin in command. Why did you change? We have two for the Sin leader.
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