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About Ellie3

  • Birthday April 30

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    um,my job???what's a job??

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  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][I]Ha,I think I'm like Inuyasha. I'm like him because I don't take crap from anyone and if you want to fight then heck! BRING IT ON!! Instead of the tetsuiga I use a 5 in dagger I sheath in my boot. But my moves are highly effective!I do hide soft emotions alot and my favorite animal is a dog.I am so full of myself but hey who cares?!and if you do then BRING IT ON!![/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I have a poem diary.hah!It was given to me by a counselor!!Just because I wrote a poem about a girl who killed herself cause her life was not worth living if no one knew she was living it.I told the counselor nothing was wrong with me its just something I write and she just gave me a book to write my poems in.I got another notebook with recent poems in it. My friends read it sometimes and tell me I'm good,people on the internet tell me that my poems aren't too bad but the meanings are the best. :D :D I'm so cool :cool: yay! Yeah but the poem diaries are great to keep especially to tell how your style in writing or in personality has changed. Later, Ellie[/FONT][/size][/color]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Purple] :demon: Well I just got done reading the best novel,at least to me,ever!Demon In My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is about a 17 year old girl named Jessica who writes novels about the vampiric world signed with a pen name Ash Night.But Jessica thinks that her stories are all fiction and whoa is she wrong.Because of her novels she is endangering the vampiric town near hers,New Mayhem,so now a vampire Aubrey is to hunt her down to kill her or tell her stop writing.I've read the book about 37 times,no 39.Its that good.Ooooh the twists in it,I love it! :love2: You should think about reading her books.All of them are very interesting introducing all of her characters.I wonder if one day she might have all characters meet up for the biggest adventure ever.... :confused: :D I hope so! She has a new book coming out sometime in September or October.Try and read at least one of her books. [U]AMELIA'S BOOKS[/U] In The Forest Of The Night Demon In My View Midnight Predator Shattered Mirror Hawksong I've read all of these books and you should too!!![/color][/size][/font]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Purple][I] :sleep: I live in the boring village of Posen,Illinois.Its just a couple of miles away from Chicago.I'm a 13 year old smart *** girl.There's not much to do here. :sleep: Is boring as I said. Well what I normally do is go over to my friend's house and play games with them on the PS2.Then I have to go in for my guitar lesson.Tons of homework.Endless hours on the internet.Then watching my favorite anime shows,reading manga's,drawing, writing,and what not.So as you see Posen is the worst place to live in. Posen aka Dullsville :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Purple][I]Ummm...The anime character I could not date is Miroku from Inuyasha.One main thing is all he thinks about is women having his children!!He hits on every pretty girl he lays his eyes on and I don't really like the idea of my butt being groped all the time![/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :flaming: :flaming:
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