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Everything posted by Beorhun

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Halas meandered down the dusty streets with Arian, Ciarra, and Von walking alongside him. Ciarra was sticking close to Von. Huh, naturally, she was obviously falling for him; hard. Arian was fairly close to him, but he still felt like an exile. He had not even spoken to some of the others. Whatever. This...this was nice, drifting from shade to blistering sunlight to shade again with the only people he could call friends. Arian looked at him, bowing his head as he walked, and piped up: "What's wrong?" She said. Halas looked up at her. "...Nothing." Halas shook his head, Arian looked at him discerningly. "Sometimes a little nothing can mean a lot of something." She said. "Yeah, Halas, if something's bothering you, it's definantly better to get it off your chest." Von replied. "Huh, 'something' has been bothering him since we got here..." Ciarra murmured. Halas shrugged. "Where has everyone else gone? I've barely talked to anyone but you, and Hashu-" "Hashu can go screw himself, for all I care. If he's been gone this long, he isn't coming back. Either he found somewhere better than here or he's dead." Arian said; Ciarra looked at her wide eyed, but Halas smiled. [B] [Well, it's good to know that these people think like me.] [/B] They continued on in silence, moving aimlessly through the city. Finally a bored Ciarra looked over at the others. "Is there anything to do in this town?" "Besides terrorizing little kids and eating? Probably not." Halas replied. Looking around, Von nodded at Halas. "Yeah, this...town is kind of dead." Von replied. Halas nodded slowly, and walked over to a bench bathed in sunlight and dropped down onto it's warm, stone surface. Arian sat next to him, and Ciarra and Von sat on the far end. Halas halfheartedly wished for another 'vision', but nothing really came to him. Still, augments? What the hell were they talking about? Who was 3173? Someone in their group? He shook his head, trying to avoid a conversation. [B] [Why? What reason is there to hide from these people?] [/B] Still, even as they sat in silence, these questions plagued his mind... [/SIZE][/COLOR] ------------------------- OOC: That's not my best by any means, but I figured it was my turn to post. Oh, and sorry about the lateness of this post, I haven't had a lot of free time in the past few days.
  2. Deep in the farthest reaches of the frozen planet of Territh lay the ancient city of Zethi, where it was said the beginnings of the universe lay. There were many legends passed down a thousand generations about what lay within the ruins, from treasure to a catacomb of the undead to the secret to the entire universe... Snow fell onto the ruins, the giant city that lay in the middle of the vaste forest. A ship dropped into the atmosphere, into the near-sunless planet of Territh. The twin suns were distant, and barely cast any light onto this forgotten planet. The occupants of the ship looked down on the ruins, amazed by the scope of the city. The city was built on levels, too many to count. A giant tower was in the middle, surrounded by a ghost of a shield. How old could this city be? ---Transmition--- An automated voice came in over the comm. system of the ship. It said: [FONT=System]"You are approaching the City of Zethi without proper authorization, turn back or you will be fired on." [/FONT] The ship continued on, expecting another message from the automated defense system. Nothing came up, something had silenced it. The ship landed on the outskirts of the city. The head tower loomed in front of it, and beyond that, the entirety of the gossamer city. The streets were frozen in time, everything was rusted and ancient, older than anything else in the universe. The streets were clean of snow, but were covered in ice. The leader of the expedition stepped out and surveyed the entire city. This place was a death trap waiting to spring. Another transmission came in over the comm. "Well, then, you've landed, but I'm afraid you're a bit...too late. You see, you aren't alone here." Someone else was in the ruins? What did they intend to do? The tower was far from them, but they couldn't have found a suitable landing spot anywhere else in the entire city. The captain ran over to the comm. "State your name!" Static. Nothing but static. The captain walked out into the cold, empty city, and looked at the tower. That was their destination, but they had a long way to go to get there... Sign-ups There is a group of people who landed in the ruins in the ship that was mentioned above. Here's the sign up: Name: Age: Appearance: Specialty: (Demolitions, sniping, close combat, whatever.) Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Personality: My character will be the captain, not that it really matters, in the long run: Name: Lance Crixon Age: 32 Appearance: Lance looks surprisingly young for his age, he wears a blue shirt with a dark blue vest. He has an attachment on his left arm with a small blaster on it, and a motion detector. His eyes are a dark green, and his eyes are prodomantly in a sort of half-closed position. He wears dark brown boots and black pants. His hair is a slightly graying chesnut color. Specialty: Tactics Weapon: Plasma Rifle Secondary Weapon: Arm-Mounted blaster. Personality: Lance is kind of...crazy. He is a brilliant tactician, but he can seem rash and incompetent at times. He is competitive about the smallest things, and does not take failure lightly. I know sci-fi RPs don't do well, but I'm going to go ahead and try with this one.
  3. Beorhun

    Halo 2

    Well, my friends and I are planning a Halo 2 LAN party tonight, and I've heard that all multiplayer is much, much better online or with at least 8 players. If I have any problem with the multiplayer, it's that the maps are kind of...blah. Sure, Coag and Zanzibar are some pretty awesome levels, but the rest is too cramped, and too boring to navigate around. Midship is great for Tiny Gnomes, a game that my cousin made. (You've heard of it before, all rocket launchers, no shields, infinite grenades. Stupid, but hella fun) but other than that, the rest is boring and otherwise forgettable. I disagree with you, Siren, that the Arbiter's missions are boring. You completely contradicted yourself when you said that Cheif was repetitive run and gun, and that the Arbiter was repetitive, but the game in itself wasn't at all boring. (I trust everyone reading this knows who the Arbiter is.) I liked all of the arbiter's levels. [spoiler] Exception: the second to last one as him, against all the brutes? No thank you. [/spoiler] Still, all of Halo 2's single player campaign is good. Very, very good. If you would recall, Halo's single player campaign was merely 'go to (this location) and clear a landing zone for (this group of marines)' or something similar. Compared to Halo, Halo 2's single player game is sublime, even in spite of it's 'to be continued' ending
  4. Okay, well, this looks to be a pretty cool RP, if it gets off the ground. It's very matrix-y, if I may say so myself. OR .hack-ish, whatever, they're both really similar. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Green][FONT=Arial] Real Name: Lance Tylvos User Name: Tyrael Level: 10 Class: Custom Class-Ranger Class Description: Rangers are pretty much the best of both worlds between swordsman and treasure hunters, but aren't nearly as powerful as either. They are the mediator, the balance between the two. They can wield most forms of swords, spare the very large or very heavy weapons. They are good with most forms of weaponry, as well, but their accuracy varies, unlike the solid accuracy of the Treasure Hunters. Stats Strength: 4 Intelligence: 6 Accuracy: 7 Handywork: 7 Luck: 4 Special Power: Heedless--Can travel long distances on foot quickly, up to 50 kilometers. User Appearance: Still looking for a pic. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] Does that work? I hope so.
  5. [SIZE=1]Halas bid goodbye to Arian and Ciarra and stalked off back to the hotel. They were good people, that much was true. He knew that Hashu was an able leader, if he were around to lead half of the damn time, but what of the others? Those enigmatic faces whose shadow of an appearance he could barely conjure? They were, undoubtedly, much like Arian, Ciarra, and himself. Still, he had only seen the others briefly, and everyone had separated into different factons when they reached the villiage. His mind could not be troubled with such things for the time being, he had to decide on what to do about their situation, the big picture, so to speak. They were stranded, without a leader, without any weapons, in the middle of the desert. The whereabouts of two of their own were unknown, and there was an indescribable atmosphere of dread across the entire desert. That much was obvious. However, questions remained: Where in the hell was Hashu? What is behind this feeling of dread? Most importantly: Why did they end up out here? His mind began to wander, and his vision began to fade. Slowly he slipped into darkness.... [I] Halas was on a cold, iron table, in the middle of the labs. Acupuncture needles covered his arms. Faintly, he could hear the voices of the people in the room, whispering about him, referring to him by number, and not name. "3913 is becoming violent, he is using his powers to do some damage to the lab." "Have you put him on sedatives?" "Yes, but it has not quelled his anger." [B][My name is Halas, not 3913.][/B] "Double his dosage, we cannot risk him escaping." "The attempt earlier this week has worried you?" "...indeed." "3913 is not much of a threat now, his muscles have suffered considerable atrophy since the procedures started." "My name is Halas....not 3913..." Me murmured, barely able to speak. "...Augment him, as we did with 3173, that will reverse the effects, no?" "It could also kill him, the 3173 procedure was risky enough." "He can't be named 3173, either..." One of the doctors looked over at him, his left hand was glowing red... "3913 is...as you have said. Continue, you may do as you please with him." "My name is Halas!" He said, in a slightly more powerful voice. A needle went into his neck, and everythin g...f a d ed...[/I] Halas snapped awake, staring into the dusty desert sky. The pictures of the labs were blurry, but the words were vivid. Hmm...augments? He shook his head, and got up dusting himself off.[/SIZE]
  6. Beorhun

    Halo 2

    [I]Must...ignore...newbie's post...[/I] Alright, I just noticed this now, but Halo 2 has an amazing sountrack. Better than the first, if I may say so myself. I just sat on my couch, listening to the soundtrack, and I was amazed by it. I've not yet played it on X-box live, and I'm glad that the rumor that the last two levels are only available on X-Box Live (anyone else hear that one?) has been safely debunked. Well, I just wanted to post about that, to clear the air after...(trails off, trying to avoid flaming anyone.) Well, I hope that multiplayer will keep things interesting until news of Halo 3 starts formulating (but then again, doesn't it always?)
  7. [FONT=Book Antiqua]The wind whipped the snow around the city, drifts piling up in the alleys and the disused backwater streets. Five people wandered the streets of Tokyo, beneath the neon haze and the indescribable color of the sky. Now ,of course there were others, but these five people stood out from the others. All five were planning murder, coincedentally, of the same man. Their reasons were their own, but they were converging on his estate, a gun hidden on them somewhere... Amare Takenawa walked out of his empty dining room, into his old, dusty foyer, with its few chairs and its looming stairwell that led into the dark upstairs. He was old, and he felt the weight of his age on him as he approached the stairs. Or was it the weight of his sins, pressing down upon him? He couldn't tell now. He looked at the giant grandfather clock, it read 12:04, meaning that technically it was Wednesday now. Why did he pay attention to the days? He walked slowly up his stairs, looking down both dark corridors, going both ways. He felt a chill in his bones... [...Wednesday is my dying day.] Detective Hojo Nagarashi sat, distraught, in his cramped office in the Police Department. The sky was its indescribable color, and the snow was piling up around the station. He was having a bad day. Hell, he was having a bad month. Kasumi Tokenawa, his girlfriend, had just dumped him. Worse than that, she worked in dispatch, a few doors away. That, folks, is the textbook definition of awkward. He had a distinct feeling that the Sergant was close to kicking him off the force, he hadn't had a case worth talking about in months... Mr. Takenawa walked away from the stairs, through the darkness, into his large chamber. The drew in the darkness, what his heart told him was his last minutes on this earth. He walked into his chamber, and lurched over to the bed. He saw a silhouette standing at the open window, holding a gun out. He looked over to them. There was a silence, Amare said nothing. The gun went off, it's echo filling the house. Then there was silence... Suddenly, Hojo's phone rang, breaking the silence. He picked it up leisurely, keeping his mouth away from the bottom of the phone. "This is Detective Nagarashi, how can I assist you?" "I want you to know that I've just murdered someone." Hojo sat up straight. "What?" Logic told him that it was a crank phone call from some punk kid, but something else told him that it was for real. "I've just murdered someone." The voice was masked. "Who?" Instead of a name, he heard an adress. "486 Ravenwood Drive." Old man Takenawa's house. Everyone knew the stories about him, Hojo having heard his share from the officers that floated around the station. He got his brown overcoat and ran to his car...[/FONT] Signups I'll need 5 suspects, Three Males and Two females. I'll play the role of Detective Hojo. Name: Age: Relationship to Mr. Takenawa: Appearance: Personality: Potential Motive for killing Takenawa: Keep this in mind, also: -Takenawa was rumored to kidnap people from the local distict, mainly young girls. -Takenawa was the CEO of a local corporation for twenty years. -He became reclusive in his old age, locking himself away from his manor for days at a time. -He married and divorced Three women. My Signup Name: Hojo Nagarashi Age: 24 Relationship to Takenawa: His father worked for his corporation for five years before being laid off. Appearace: He has short black hair, wears a blue t-shirt with a pair of khaki pants, and he has a weathered Brown overcoat which he has had since his senior year in high school. His eyes are hazel, and he has a small scar on his left cheek from when he was sparring with his brother when they were in high school. His skin is slightly tanned. Personality: Hojo is, well, in a bad mood (read above if you don't know why.) but he manages to remain fairly upbeat about life. He is not too violent, but is well-trained in martial arts and is a good aim. He is kind, but can be strict when it comes to the law, as all detectives tend to be. Potential Motive: N/A Alright, I hope this turns out to be good.
  8. OOC: Not a problem, Katana. The 'code' has changed recently. lol. IC: Halas, of course, was kind of wierded out by this. Still, it made sense that others shared the 'flashback thingie', he himself had experienced it when the name Sarah popped into his head, albeit not on the level that would make him blank out and straight-up see what had happened. Still, he wrote it off and continued on with Arian and Ciarra. Something was on his mind, something distant, something was wrong with Albel., there had been no word from him in awhile. "What's wrong?" He heard Arian say. "Oh, nothing." Halas quickly replied. "Okay, 'cause you were getting a...'huh?' sort of look on your face. Halas shrugged. Arian [U]did[/U] seem familiar to him now, more so than when they had 'awakened' in the desert. Halfheartedly, he tried to recover some shard of what had happened in between Manhattan and here. Nothing came up. Now what Arian said made sense to him, you couldn't block science from your mind, but science could block your mind from it. "See? You have that look on your face again!" Arian said. "Yeah...are you alright?" Ciarra spoke up for the first time in a while. "Yeah, I'm fine, just hungry, that's all." They both shrugged it off, and they approached the food stand. [SIZE=1][B][Damn, this town is big, for being in the middle of nowhere.][/B][/SIZE] Either that, or they had taken a lot of time getting there.
  9. Halas was once again locked in his own mind. He had overheard the others' bickering, and did his best to block it, they weren't worth it. [You don't need them, you can leave here right now, and they wouldn't even care.] He shook his head. It mattered not, they couldn't accept the simple fact that they were in the middle of nowhere, with borrowed clothing, unknown pasts, and barely twenty dollars between them. Still, something told him that if he couldn't stay with them, who could he trust? They had all left him alone, and he was kind of happy yet kind of dissapointed with that. He looked out at the others, he barely knew any of them, but he had to trust them, in spite of what his mind told him. He reached into his pocket, and felt a single dollar tucked away, crinkled from age. It was a five spot, huh, of all the luck, eh? He calmly strode over to the others, pulling the ancient dollar out and folding it in his hand. Arian and Ciarra were meandering around the small town. "Hey!" He yelled, yet it sounded strange to him. Ciarra and Arian stopped. "Oh! You're...Halas, right?" He nodded. "So, where're you headed to?" He felt like a moron. "Arian and I were just heading to get something to eat." Oh, food, which reminded him that he had gone a while without eating. "Mind if I come along? I'm starving." OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I haven't had much of a chance to get online lately.
  10. I'm posting this because...well, I looked around and there didn't seem to be a thread like this, but maybe I didn't look hard enough. I don't know. I was wondering if there was any untouched territory left in the RPG world here on Otaku. I'm not going to use the info gleaned from this for an RPG, I'm just wondering. How long have the Adventure Square and the Inn been here? From what I understand, it's fairly new compared to the rest of the site. Still, looking at the Inn, and all the signups there, it's mind-boggling why anyone cares anymore. How many times do you have to start from nothing, romance the girl, save the world, and kill the villan before it gets old? I shouldn't talk about being jaded (I'm at 71 posts) but there just seems to be a lack of variety in terms of the RPGs. I understand occasionally you get a gem of an RP, one that rises to become one of the most epic and treasured threads in the inn. Still, how many RPs have you seen that seem like a recycled story from a thread that got two signups the last time it was posted? Now, the majority of the time, that can be attributed to noobs (I'm a member, I can talk.) but still, members can be attributed to it, as well, we all can't be saints of the boards. lol. :demon: So, does anyone else think that the inn is getting a little...repetitve?
  11. Beorhun

    Halo 2

    [quote name='Siren']I do have a problem with the level design; it seems really...multi-directional, and I found myself wandering aimlessly for too long only to stumble across the objective...[/quote] I really didn't have much of a problem with that, except on Sacred Artifact. [spoiler]Not only are the Flood harder to kill than in Halo 1, but it's difficult to find your way around there.[/spoiler] Other than that, the level design is a lot more interesting and, well, funner than in Halo 1. My brother and I just beat Halo 2 on Co-op a day ago, and I haven't had much time to get on OB since then. [spoiler] I don't really have a problem with the ending, it gives you enough closure, but leaves it open for a sequel. Yes, the people at Bungie are a little bit evil for instantly making most of us play Halo 3, but the ending wasn't all that bad, or all that confusing. [/spoiler] Now, onto the multiplayer...[SIZE=1]I don't, uh...have X-box live. [/SIZE] But, the 4-player slayer is really cool, and that's pretty much all I've played. I like the addition of Assault and Territories, but they really aren't very much fun unless you're playing with 16, players, or, so I've been able to conclude. Territories is pretty much King of the Hill from Halo 1, but it requires a bit more strategy. Assault, though...ooh...I love assault. Well, anyway, Halo 2 is awesome, and if you are reading this and you don't have it, well, either you're insane or you don't have an X-box :) .
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Halas pulled the green shirt over his head, feeling the cheap cloth scratch his sunburned chest. He bit down, he was still not accustomed to pain after his awakening in the desert. Then he tied a belt around his black jeans, strapping the belt as tight as he could. He looked at the room, and saw a black hoodie on the rough-hewn stone table. [B][How dumb do I have to be to choose the darkest, and warmest clothes possible in this place?][/B] Still, these felt right, somehow, he had an odd sense of [I]deja-vu [/I]when he picked up the jet black hoodie. It couldn't be possible, these cheap rags couldn't have had anything to do with him before the awakening. He stood there, shifting around as sunlight poured into the room, casting light and creating defined shadows. He turned to the door, and walked out into the town. He dropped down on a dusty bench, carefully surveying the town around him. The sun was on the wester, and an orangish glow fell across the street. He cracked his knuckles, letting his shaggy hair drape over his tanned face. He thought he was a pariah from the rest of the group, a useless person who didn't belong with these people in their fight. What was it for, what was the purpose of fighting at all? Redemption? Vengance? The hope that at one point, sometime, somewhere, they would all be normal again? He closed his eyes, trying to summon up a memory of the time before he was...the way he was today. Nothing came up, all was was able to conjure was a few fragmented pieces of memory, names, a mysterious but comforting one, and his own. He asked the name swimming in his mind: [B][Sarah, why am I here? What did I deserve to be placed in this situation, in this damnable wasteland?][/B] He felt someone's eyes on him. He looked up, brushing the hair from his face. It was Hashu, looking down on him. Hashu looked content, but with a certain undertone of remorse and anger, at least to him. "Aren't those clothes a bit hot?" Hashu said, leaning against a wall. "...kind of." Halas replied. "Why aren't you with the rest of us?" "...I don't know, to be perfectly honest." Hashu shook his head. "Well, we're all alright and...clothed, and we're going to do some scouting out, I suppose." "Suppose?" Halas had a look of cynical surprisedness on his face. "What does that mean?" "I mean, you're kind of the leader of our little group. You led us here, right? You were the one who royally kicked the asses of those thugs, right? You-" He was cut off by Hashu. "I am no leader. We don't have a leader. And by the way, we all helped bring those thugs down. Even you. You might want to alienate yourself from us, but you know that you need to stick with us as much as we need you to stay." Hashu finished, he was standing straight, looking very imposing. [B][...he's right. I did want to alienate myself. I-I have to stay.][/B] "You're right, you know that? I'll stay. But you do know that everyone will make you the leader." Hashu shrugged as Halas said the last words in that sentence. "They might make someone else the leader, we don't know." As Hashu finished that, Halas laughed, slowly getting up. Hashu cocked his head. "What is it?" Hashu asked, puzzled. "...How leaderly of you." Halas said, getting up.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] OOC: Alright, sorry that ran a bit long and may have been a bit boring, but I just wanted to hurry this along, I feel a bit lost, to be honest. Anyway, I hope that's well enough.
  13. Ahem...Too controlling. It restricts the creative process of the entire RP, kind of killing the fun. I mean, even if you made the key points in the story happen, and everything else gravy, it would still seem like one person was posting behind all the names signed up for the RP. You have to make RPs with only one thing in mind: the immediate future. You can't off and plan an entire RP, it makes it more like a story that you alone post through numerous aliases. I hate to be a party killer, but it's my opinion. BTw, would someone else besides CJS and me post, just so that this seems more like an actual thread rather than a series of P-mails? Then the mods won't kill us for this.
  14. Well, CJS, I tell ya, Double Edge might not make such a good RP in the Square, because you already have a set plot for it, and it would really, really restrict the whole creative process that goes into making a successful RP, one that has longevity and an interesting storyline. The great thing about RPs on OB is that one person can completely change the entire direction of the RP with a single post, as long as it's still keeping with the story and whatnot. You already have a set plot for Double Edge, and it would go against the entire RP if someone made one of those RP changing posts, therefore screwing the entire story. It would be cool, if everyone knew their place, but if no one did, and they were doing the RP impromptu, it might not work. I'm not going against the idea or anything, it's a cool story, but as an RP on this site, where one person could change the entire plot? Meh.
  15. Oooohh. Well, this looks pretty cool, CJS. *Thinks of an awesome power for his guy* AHA! [COLOR=SlateGray] Name: Halas Experiment Number/Name: #3913/Pyrokenesis Age: 21 Appearance: Pale, with long, shaggy black hair and unnaturally green eyes. He wears a dark green t-shirt with a black hoodie over it, which is normally open, and faded blue jeans. He, of course, put all this on in my first post, if I get accepted, of course. Personality: Halas is quiet and usually brooding, contradicting his power, which normally represents anger and rage. He contemplates every action he takes, making him seem indecisive, but in fact he is mulling over every concievable option in his mind, choosing the best course of action for him and the people he is trying to protect. Genetic Power: Halas has the power of pyrokenisis, the ability to light matter around him aflame, making jets of fire out of oxygen and nitrogen around him. However, this power is erratic, occasionally working more powerfully or less powerfully at different points. His eyes go from green to a bright red whenever he uses his power. History: Halas grew up in Manhattan, or so he remembers. His mother died while giving birth to him. He recalls being outcast from his peers, never really fitting in. He always wanted to get out of New York, to see the world, and get as far away as he could from his drunken father. One day, he escaped, going south into New Jersey. However, after he left Queens, everything went blank, and he remembers nothing after that until he awoke in the labs. [/COLOR] Hope that works, Captain Jack.
  16. Beorhun


    [I]The cradles...where the last of humanity dwelled. The last strongholds of life in the dead, inhospitiable wasteland. They shot up from the dead, scarred earth around them, beautiful, yet with a shroud of decit and treachery covering their peaceful borders. Beyond their safety, the ghost of a world long past still lingered on the lifeless, endless desert...The remnants of a civilization swept into the winds. [/I] [COLOR=Green]Arctherius sat in his chamber, bathed in a warm, green light. Vanguard was resting on the floor next to his marble throne. He gazed at a window, a magic portal that showed him the world near and far, for he was unable to leave the hallowed, hollow chambers, and no one was to be allowed in. He looked at the Mage's sanctuary, far away from the cradle. The outcasts were massing, arming themselves, and preparing for a march across the wastes. [So the outcasts wish to challenge me once again? Haven't they learned by now that I saved their ancestors, and they should be bowing to me?] He shook his head, hearing the bones in his neck make a crackling sound. He was old, older than almost anything in the entire world. Yet he remained, and he was content to remain for much, much longer. Besides, it wouldn't be much fun if he weren't alive to challenge the outcasts, now would it? He heard a booming on his door, one of his vassals wished to speak with him. He closed his ancient eyes, and spoke in a deep, powerful voice. "What is it you want?" He said, his voice reverbarating off the walls, sundering the air around him. "I bring news, my Lord Kyros." He heard his attendant say through the door. "...Speak." "I am aware that a number of outcast mages and the Talon faction have been massing for an attack." There was a still moment. "I am aware of this." Arctherius replied, closing the mage window. "Would the lord wish that something be done to stop them?" His attendant was uneasy, as he always was when speaking to Arctherius. "...No, do nothing, wait until their motives have been revealed." "Yes, milord." Then there was silence. The attendant must have left. Arctherius stood, lifting Vanguard up, and he began to pace around his chamber, formulating a plan to stop the outcasts dead in their tracks...[/COLOR]
  17. Alright, I've decided to start this up! If you still want to sign up, well, then, you can sign up as a temple cleric or a Talon fighter or mage. Anyways, not all of the positions are full, but I really, really want this to get off the ground, so, Remnant will be starting up soon! Thanks to everyone who's signed up! :D
  18. Talon awoke, dizzy and disoriented. He was laying on the floor, a marine stood beside him, and Chief and Gustav stood across from him. He shook his head and looked at Chief. He had a distinct feeling that he was glaring at him from beneath that visor of his. He got up and shook himself off. "Awake yet, trainee?" Chief said in a surprisingly easygoing tone. "...Yeah." "How are you, sir?" A marine questioned. "My head hurts like hell, and where's my weapons?" Gustav laughed. Chief tossed him his beloved needler and assault pistol. Still, the place was disturbingly quiet, and they were the only ones left in the room. Another shock wave sundered the ship, causing the marine to lose his balance. Talon surveyed the room, the carnage had subsided, and the room was piled with bodies, both Covenant and human. "What're we doing, Chief?" There was a bit of a pause, and Talon suspected that Chief himself didn't quite know. "...Waiting. A pelican will be arriving soon, we don't have a lot of time." "We actually have approximately one minute and...fifteen seconds." Cortana chimed in. The marine shifted around uncomfortably, his battle rifle shaking in his hands. "...Gustav, how long was I out?" "About ten minutes, the Chief found you laying on the floor, unconcious." Talon was slightly shamed, he figured he was beyond being so weak. "I hate to break this moment up, but we have a Covenant dropship inbounds!" Cortana yelled. Chief lifted his shotgun, and Gustav picked up a Plasma Rifle off of a dead elite. The phantom lifted itself into the hangar, and a group of jackals and elites, led by two brutes, leapt off the ship. "Damn it! Cortana, how long do we have?" Chief said. Talon leapt forward, opening a spray of needles onto the oncoming hoard. "We're cutting it close, Chief." A bullet dented against the side of Talon's armor, and he heard the marine mutter something about friendly fire. He paid it no heed, and kept firing. Talon punched a jackal in the face and picked up its plasma pistol, but saw that Chief and Gustav had already gotten on the phantom. Talon turned and picked up the marine, throwing him onto the ship, closely following. The ship lifted off, and they took off from the hangar. Talon laughed as he looked at the puzzled faces of the brutes and elites. "Yeah! How do you like it?!" Talon yelled out at the remaining covenant. The marine sat on the luminescent floor. "What'll happen to the pelican that was sent to pick us up?" He said. "I don't think there even was one sent back." Talon replied, looking at the spectacular explosion of the Pillar of Autumn II, and turned to the controls, where Chief sat. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" He said, grinning under his cracked visor. Cheif looked at him. "Granted." "You have really bad luck with cruisers, don't you?" Gustav and the marine laughed uneasily. Talon was merely trying to lighten the situation, but his mind was on how many marines and even other spartans were left behind on the Pillar... OOC: Well, I hope that works for you all.
  19. Very good, everyone. I might be starting up this RP if no one else will sign up, but I'm going to wait a bit for any more signups. However, thanks Daermon and Bloody_Moon for changing that, the whole thing with Arctherius will play into the story later. Also, sorry if I seemed a bit nitpicky or whiny with that last post, but thanks for humoring me. Well, signups are really good so far, and I'm really hoping to get this RP off the ground for once. Thanks!
  20. Hanzo took in a deep breath, staring down into the eyes of his opponent. They had a burden and an anger that they lacked in past confrontations with him. He percieved, the Kaitsen child was ready to strike him down. Karel brandished his [I]katana[/I], still as exhaused as Hanzo was. Hanzo looked at his arm, a trickle of blood was running down the black cloth. This boy had some skill in him. Karel smiled as he looked at Hanzo. Hanzo sneered at him, holding his blade up. "Alright, you have some skill to you. It matters not, there is no roof to kick me off of now, boy." Hanzo looked at the contempt in Karel's face as he enunciated the last word. He popped his neck calmly, awaiting Kaitsen's next move. Kaitsen charged at him, and he readied for a parrying attack. Karel broke through the block and shoved Hanzo out of the window onto the cool, dewy grass. Hanzo planted his hand on the ground, backflipped, and landed smoothly in the glade. Karel leapt through the window and landed outside the house, a couple of yards away from Hanzo. "Leave now, don't make me destroy you." He said, a fury brimming under his voice. "You can try, you'd fail, but you can try." Hanzo whipped out a flurry of shirukens, and the clanging of Kaitsen's sword deflecting each one echoed off of the trees... OOC: Sorry this is a bit short, I don't have a lot of time.
  21. [SIZE=1]Hanzo ran through the woods at a blinding speed, bounding across the darkness. Where was that kid? He stopped, skidding across the muddy dirt road. Leaning against a tree, he surveyed the area around him, barely illuminated by the moon above. There was a small plume of smoke rising in a steady stream nearby. That had to be the Kaitsen child and his woman. If he could draw the bonnie lass and Toorima away from Karel, he wouldn't be able to win in his current state. A grin crossed his scarred face, and he leapt, ricocheting from tree to tree, to the house where the smoke was coming from. [B][Master, this time I will not fail you.][/B] He arrived, landing silently on the dark outskirts of the glade. The house was small, and it's light was dim. Hanzo leapt onto the awning, looking into the room where the boy was. The lass was bowing her head, slowly nodding off into slumber. Hanzo gently descended onto the windowsill, opening the glass slowly and discreetly. The girl slowly began to raise her head, but by that time, Hanzo had landed on the floor and had his tanto to Kaitsen's neck. "Karel! Toorima, Help!" Karel shook his head, Jurai noticed that he was drawing his blade out. She nodded and turned toward the door. A throwing knife landed right in front of her face. She looked at the assassin, his hand out, ready to draw out another knife. Karel knocked the blade away from his throat with his sheath, then knocked Hanzo in the stomach with the blunt side of his Katana. Hanzo slid across the floor to the windowsill. He drew out his blade, smiling. "Jurai, get out of here!" Karel turned to his adversary, a look of hatred brimming in his eyes. "He's mine." Jurai only nodded and left the room. Hanzo smiled, everything was going exactly as he had forseen it... OOC: Alright, I'll leave it there, to add to the suspense. Hope that works![/SIZE]
  22. [quote name=''anime[blood]'']The combat will be mascaral and bloody according to Todd Howard. Meaning it will be much more realistic and fun.[/quote] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=Black]Yay!!! That being said, I love this game already. I thought that Morrowind was one of the best RPGs ever made for the new consoles, and Oblivion looks to make everything...well, bigger. The combat, the world, the travel, and horses! Yes! This is everything I ever wanted in Morrowind and more! I'm also glad to hear about the Bow & Arrow physics, because if you had at least 40 marksman, you would hit almost everything, and arrows would randomly go through walls. Also, I hope that the cliff racers will not be on Cyrodil (They win the award for most annoying enemy ever.) And I also hope that the walking will be less monotonous than it was in Morrowind. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [quote name=''ScirosDarkblade'']Assuming things don't go majorly wrong, this game will be the undisputed king of RPGs when it is released.[/quote]
  23. Oooooh...I, for one, started playing Morrowind in 2002, and I just...can't let...the game go! [spoiler]I toasted Dagoth Ur at the end of summer [/spoiler], and I am still absorbed by the side quests. This one looks sooo much prettier than any of the past ones, not to say that Morrowind was ugly, but this...oh, this is flat-out jaw dropping. I hope that it's as satisfying of an adventure as Morrowind was, you know, clocking in at 40 hours for the main quest alone? My only problem with TES III was the combat was a little lackluster after a while. Does anyone know if Oblivion will beef up the combat? Or is it too early in development to say? Either way, I can say good-bye to my outside life when this game comes out... :cool:
  24. [I]The mage walked across the sterile, inhospitiable wasteland. The scorched white sand that bit like scouring dust when it was windy and the pale blue sky above were all that could be seen. This was the world after the cataclysm. But the question remained: What exactly was the cataclysm? When did it occur? What caused it to occur? [/I] [COLOR=Green] On the desolate remnants of the world lay a few scattered havens, known as Cradles, where the last of humanity lay. Many cradles were under the rule of the Temple of Kyros, which was a group of clerics that had broken off from the heathen Mages of old. The Temples preached about a great cataclysm that happened many thousands of years ago. They said that mankind had taken the power of the gods from the creators, and they were destroyed because of it, for they could not harness the pure power of the gods. For their insolence, mankind was cast out of the eyes of the gods, and their world was turned into the barren desert that it remains. However, one man, a cleric known as Arctherias Kyros, was able to create a few havens for mankind to remain, but they lived under fear, for the gods could strike them down at any moment. The world moved on, and mankind slowly built itself up, constantly living under the fear of the gods. The people working under the Temple of Kyros began to drift away from the Mages Guild where Arctherius had originated, and eventually cast them out, claiming them to be heathens who defyed the will of the gods. The mages resisted, saying that Arctherius was himself a mage, but the Temple said that Kyros had conversed with the gods, and that mankind would eventually be saved if they casted out the Mages. Their reasoning was that the needs of humanity outweighed the needs of the mages, and they were outcast. The people living under the Temple of Kyros' rule lived peacefully, but with a certain sense that something was wrong. A few people began to question the temple doctirine, saying that the mages were unjustly cast out and that Arctherius, being the last survivor of the great cataclysm, should make the truth behind the vauge at best writings of the cataclysm. Eventually, when the temple remained silent, a faction broke out from the Temple of Kyros, initiating full-out rebellion in the cradles where they had the most influence. They were called the Talon Faction. The mages, still scornful of the Temple's unjust judgement, began to back the Talons in their fight to bring the truth to the people. The temple cast them out, using their own mages to throw the Talons to the farthest corners of the planet, where the Mages had been put. However, that was not the end of it... The mages slowly built up their forces, allying with the Talon outcasts to make a final attempt at finding out the mysteries behind the Temple of Kyros. They live on a far corner of the desert, far away from any cradle, but they have survived, thanks in no small part to the arcana they are capable of using. They live in the subterranian city of Thalos, and they have almost amassed enough forces to finally assault the cradle where the last remnants of the world before lay... [/COLOR] Alright, I need the following positions: 1 Boy Mage 1 Girl Talon 2 Mages/Fighters Temple Leader (Taken) 1 Temple Cleric That's the bare minimum, you could be another fighter or another cleric if all the other positions are taken. Occupation: Name: Faction: Talon/Mage Faction, Temple of Kyros Weapon: Arcana: Life, Death, Fire, Water, Earth, Air. (Limit 2, only for Clerics and Mages) Appearance: An image or at least two solid paragraphs. Bio: Occupation: Temple Leader Name: Arctherius Elkath Kyros Faction: Temple Weapon: Vanguard Pike (Pike with a spear blade on each side.) Arcana: Life/Fire Appearance: Arctherius looks ancient, older than anything on the planet. His eyes are pure silver, and he has black, arcane tattoos covering his chiseled, ancient face. Surprisigly, he is rather strong and fortified, despite being over a thousand years old. He wears red robes with white lining and a black belt. He also has long fingernails that almost look like claws. He stands around 6'8" when he is not sitting or hunched over. He is completely bald and very pale, for he locks himself in his chambers for months at a time. His eyes prodominantly remain half-open or closed. He keeps his Vanguard pike slung over his shoulder when he walks. Bio: Arctherius is the last remaining survivor of the 'Great Cataclysm', but he has never spoken of it, not even to his highest attendants. He is reclusive, never leaving the temple where he resides. He is quiet, not usually talking to anyone spare his attendants. He also never lets anyone touch him, and no one ha ever seen his face.
  25. [COLOR=DimGray]Talon burst into the hangar's second tier, letting off rounds from his pistol at some advancing jackals. Two fell down, a few bullets richocheted off the shield, hitting the walls and adding to the bedlam that had erupted in the hangar. He put away his needler and whipped out a plasma grenade, tossing it on a jackal's head. The jackal screeched and leapt towards him. He dodged, but was knocked over the edge of the side in a blaze of blue plasma. As he regained a sense of direction and his sight returned, he looked at his armor, blackened by the blast and sprayed with blue jackal blood. He also noticed that there was a crack in the Mjolnar visor. He shook his head and began to get up. There were still a large number of covenant in the hangar. [B][Damn it, Master Chief, we could really use some help!] [/B] He whipped out his needler and charged back into the fray. He took down a few grunts with his dual guns, letting off rounds from the pistol as quickly as his fingers would allow. He lacked the precision that the Master Chief had, but then again, he was still relatively new in his training. He looked as a second contingent of elites leapt out of the drop ship. He looked at his pistol. Almost empty. The needler was low, as well. He took out his last grenade and readied it, when he felt the butt of a plasma rifle hit him in the back of the neck. He fell forward onto the steel floor, tossing his grenade at the dropship as he fell unconcious. [/COLOR]
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