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Everything posted by Beorhun

  1. Well, if you're looking for a good RPG, I'd recommend Shadow Hearts. It was a launch title for the PS2 which got overlooked, but I for one thought it was really good. I think a sequel's coming out sometime in the next few months. Also, since I really don't want to bore all of you with a whole bunch of explanations, here's a few other games. SSX 3: It's a really easy to get into game that is a lot of fun once you get past the whole 'impossible tricks" thing which a lot of people seem to complain about. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King or Samurai Warriors: Both are kind of mindless hack-n-slahes, but I personally had a blast with both. .Hack 2-4: If you already have 1, why not? They are all really solid games. MGS 2 (or 3, it comes out next month): MGS is a really cool series, even if 2's plot made no sense whatsoever. Hmm...I can't really think of anything else...Alright, hope that helps a bit. :cool: [COLOR=Red]Edit: Sorry, I though that since you had SH3, it was alright if you had a few M rated games. SH3 is way, way worse in terms of content than MGS2, I haven't seen much of 3, though. [/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]Eros sat on his throne, looking around his chambers and pondering what he should be doing next. A dim red light from everywhere and nowhere filled the marble chambers. He was pleasesd with the course of action that Suray had proposed. Hell, he would have supported it even if Corruption or Water had made the same plan. This was finally a chance to make things right, no longer would the problems of the world around him echo in his mind. He began to wonder what he would do when on the surface. Where would he go? What would his human form be? How would he go about fixing things on Earth? He would deal with the last one later. He turned to his Guardian, grinning. "What is your decision, my lord?" Rethos spoke in a powerful voice, one that would sunder the air around mortals, but held little power here. Eros seemed to like this plan, despite his normally hermetic persona. He slowly got up. "I'm leaving you in charge, Rethos." He looked over to his guardian, who merely nodded. "I'll arrange everything on earth, I hope you're capable of handling things around here." "It will be an honor, my lord." This made Eros' grin wider. He looked out at the space around him. He walked over to the edge of his chamber, surveying the world sitting far below. "Is everything arranged for me to take control?" Tenacious as always. Eros looked over at his Guardian again. "Even if they weren't, you're intelligent enough to handle things, unless I'm mistaken." "Thank you, sir." Rethos calmly said. Eros then leapt off the edge, falling to the world below. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. This RPG could be really, really cool, and I hope we're playing by the Halo 2 rules, with dual weapons and whatnot, but I suppose that's true, because of the battle rifle and the fact that it takes place after Halo 2's supposed story. Also, Master Chief's name is John, just so you know. Name: Lieutenant Brett Talon Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Dark Green Personality: Aggressive almost to the point of being outright rash, he hates sitting around, waiting for something to happen. He wants to [I]make[/I] things happen. He can be erratic, but he is cunning and rarely loses his head in battle. Style: Human/Covenant Favored Weapons: Rapid-Fire pistol (Halo 2), Needler. Favored Vehicle: Ghost or Phantom Bio: Brett, like Master Chief, was born and bred to be a Spartan. He spent the early years of his life training to hone his eyesight and agility. When he was 17, he lied about his age and got into the marines serving at one of the outposts outside of Reach. At the age of 19, he fought as a captain on the war of Reach, but left with a platoon of marines when he heard earth was being attacked. He fought on earth , more namely, in the african colony of New Mombas. He was gravely wounded on the outskirts, and during his recovery, he was augmented with various biological modifications. He went back into the war in the final stages of the war, but did not claim glory for earth's victory. Then, when the Covenant began to mass their attack for a second strike, he was eager to leap back into the fray. He chose his color of armor to be dark green because it helped him blend into his surroundings when he fought on the outskirts of New Mombas.
  4. Alright, signups look good, but I still need a goblin, the bowman, and the cavalier. BTW, Dragonbait, you might want to make your character's bio a bit more descriptive about the character's past. Also, this is not a sci-fi RPG, this takes place about 2500 years before the RPG that I gave you Captain Jack. It's pretty much standard fantasy fare, but there are things like locomotives and cannons, but no mechs or handguns. Alright, thanks for the signups and I'm hoping for more!
  5. If I could vote, which I can't yet, I would vote Kerry. Still, my mind is often puzzled by what would happen if Bush won the election. Would, by the end of the four years, the U.S. be so screwed up it would mark the death of the Neo-Conservatives? I think that whatever party wins the election is screwed because Bush has done so much wrong to this country that no one could ever fix it in a mere four years, and if Kerry wins, the conservatives are going to use that to try to destroy the Liberals in 2008. People, we're just starting this recession that Bush has caused, and it is literally and practically impossible to fix a mistake that bad in four years. Still, Kerry would do a lot of things right, I would guess. He would change the way we're fighting in that pothole called Iraq, hopefully turning the tide in our favor. He would start focusing on actual terrorists, and not go on a personal vendetta against one who had no connections to terrorism. I'm not saying that Saddam Hussein didn't need to get kicked out of office or that he wasn't an evil man, but there are so many more people on the list that need to be taken care of before Saddam. Look at the facts, when Pakistan began selling off Nuclear weapons, out of 19 countries, Iraq was the only one to[I] turn them down. [/I] Did we need to go to Iraq? No. Sorry, I got off the topic. The right wing is saying that Kerry would take away guns? No, that would go against the constitution. Kerry would restrict the use of[I] AK-47s[/I] in the United States by civilians, people could keep their hunting rifles and whatnot. One threat fallen on deaf ears. They say that he was a bad leader who commited war atrocities in Vietnam? Only one out of [U]fifty seven[/U] people who served under Kerry said that. Two down. They say that he and Jane Fonda met with the leaders in Vietnam before the invasion of Hanoi? In Paris? I'm sorry, that's just moronic. The Fact of the matter is, Kerry would make a better president than Bush. Plain and simple. Bush was [I]a draft dodger[/I], for crying out loud! Kerry served in one of the worst wars in the past 100 years while Bush sat twirling the keys to the white house! Bush has put us in a recession and has let the environment go to ****. I don't want to go off on something most of you already know about, so I won't go into the economy and the environment. That's all I have to say.
  6. I got this idea from a backstory I was thinking of for an RPG I was giving to a friend of mine. Hopefully this does better than my past RPGs. [I] Naru, Lord of Aren, stood atop his tower, staring into the red sun setting before the hills. The dusk was clear, and the first stars were beginning to appear in the gathering darkness. A sense of dread and doubt was beginning to grow in his heart, as his hazel eyes wandered to the menacing sillouette of the far watchtower. As far as he would move from it, it still stood there, reaching into the heavens. What is atop that tower? What purpose does it serve? Questions whirled around like a hurricane in his mind. That was his purpose, him and his group, to reach that far tower. The goblins referred to it as the watchtower of the gods. There was a second tower, uncompleted, next to it. What did it mean? How long had it been there? [/I] A group of five hand picked adventurers and warriors had been recruited or volunteered to attempt to unravel the secrets of the tower. The Lord of the Aren kingdom believed that it would greatly cripple the goblin's offensive against his kingdom. The goblins and the humans were at war, and had been for longer than anyone could remember. The king was young and rash, and he even brought in an outcast from Lunnis to help them in this dire gamble of his. They were to find a goblin translator, who knew the language of man, and find out how to get to the tower in the first place. That was their first goal. The situation was grim, as the city of Rethiran faced an impending goblin onslaught. They needed to find the tower, and whatever dwelled inside... Alright, so, here's the sign-up, I need five adventurers in the group, a swordsman, a Lunnis outcast*, a human bowman/maiden, an ex guard, a cavalier, and a Goblin Translator, who comes in fairly early in the story. *People of Lunnis are outcast humans who are all cursed to become a demon whenever moonlight shines on them. They communicate with their demon vocally, giving the appearance that they are talking to themselves. Occupation: Name: Age: Weapon(s): Hails from: (Port city of Kyo, Vethi, Rethiran, or Hallinoth. Gremarl for the Goblin, Luna City for the Lunnis) Appearance: (Both Demon and Human forms for Lunnis.) Biography: At least one paragraph
  7. You know, I agree with you, Lrb. I made an RPG a few days ago (I was a newbie, I won't be after this post, leastways I don't think I will) And I got fifty or so views with only one person signing up, and he was a really wierd and distrustable guy. To add to that, many respected members discouraged me from keeping the RPG going, running me into the ground and whatnot. To summarize, no one signs up for any RPGs by a newbie. This may or may not be a conspiracy, but you never do know...Also, to comment on Siren's post, anyone will allow someone on if they post well. I'd like to think I posted well, and no one signed up. Part of this is that nOObs get no respect. I think that the new member sign below the title may play into this 'conspiracy', but I could be wrong... Well, I don't have much else to say, but I'll edit this if I think of anything else...
  8. I have heard whispers of at least a new one coming out soon. I'm not sure if its on the GCN, I really have only heard sparing bits about it from one of my friends. I think it would serve well to be on the DS, but that's my opinion. You see, if it were on the gamecube, it would be just another RPG in gamecube's small but growing library of RPGs. Part of the greatness of Golden Sun was that it was amazing that so much game could be in such a small cartridge. My only real problem with it is how are they going to continue the story? Lost Age pretty much wrapped everything up, unless it won't be related to the story arc of Golden Sun and Lost Age. BTW, this is mostly speculation and my own personal thoughts about what would be good in the new games. Sorry if this isn't a very good post because of that.
  9. Well, I draw Manga because I really like to see my ideas and thoughts put down on paper. I'm not at all good at manga, but I'm steadily improving. However, there really isn't a 'why' to my manga, I just draw it because its something I like and I want other people to have a semi-clear idea of how I think and what my visions are like (hope that didn't sound overdramatic.) Oh, yeah, and I'm really bad at every other kind of art. :) Well, I don't suppose there's much else to be said.
  10. You see, the ratings system is different depending on what kind of movie it is. Even if the new star wars movie (not a great example, but bear with me) had a lot of violence and swearing, like enough to warrant a PG-13 rating, it would still slip through the cracks with a PG, because giving it a PG-13 rating would be breaking something that has stood with it since 1977, that Star Wars is rated PG. Unless the guys at the MPAA wanted to cause another stupid trivial pursuit question. I can see it now... But to get back to the point. How do we know that the people at the MPAA aren't biased? I mean, come on, how else could AVP get a PG-13? I think that the ratings system in general is fundamentally flawed, not in its ratings, par say, but with the fact that there is no human on earth who is unbiased. But to get even closer to the point, the ratings system is rendered moot most of the time, because the vast majority of parents either hold their kid responsible enough or just flat out don't care whether or not their kid sees a rated R movie. I'm a freshman in High School, and over half of my grade has seen enough 'R' movies to make a college student uncomfortable! However, that's just my opinion, I'm probably wrong.
  11. Well, first off, I'm going to be, like, the first person to defend windwaker. First off, at least it strived for a different plot after having the same 'find the eight or so thingamajigs to open the entrance to Ganon's castle' thing. Sure, it wasn't all that different, but at least it strived to tell a mature and dare I say it, darker tale than OOC. It dealt with the apocalypse of Hyrule and how people are attempting to survive on a completely shattered planet. Windwaker was simply trying to be innovative, but it got shot down by a group of dissafected GTA playing teens and adults who wanted more 'maturity' and blood in their Zelda. Still, I'm here to talk about the new one, and I'd encourage others to do the same. So...is this a throwback to the older N64 games? I know that a lot of people b****** about the sea in windwaker, but like the plot, it was another stab at innovation. Maybe it got a bit boring, but it was still something new. I'm glad that you can go rider of rohan on all of Ganon's creatures. This game is looking to take a lot of cues from LOTR, when I look at it. Not that that's a bad thing, it's actually really, really good. The combat looks to be a lot like past 3D Zeldas, mainly WW. The world is gorgeous, and the enemies and Link look very detailed and a lot darker than in previous installments. Well, in summary, my only problem with the new Zelda is that it's not coming out today. :laugh:
  12. [COLOR=Blue]Hmm... how about a combat system like the one in Knights of the Old Republic, where you pause and choose the next four attacks each member will make seperately, and then unpause and let the battle happen. I'll reference KOTOR often, because it is one of the most innovative RPGs I've ever played, and well, I love star wars (nerd alarm) But that combat system is very strategic and easy to pick up on. You could do something like that, and I think it would be pretty cool. Anydangway, where does this thread go now that you're talking about a video game plot? Does it go here, or in Play It? Moderators, help this thread out! :laugh: [/COLOR]
  13. I'd have to say that the most frustrating dungeon for me was the Water Temple. Sorry to hop on the bandwagon, but that is the most tedious, annoying dungeon in the entire game. Not to mention that it has one of the cheapest bosses in the game. Anyway, I really disliked the fact that you constantly had to do the same thing that you just did a few minutes ago to get a key hidden in some halfway invisible area of the second basement of the dungeon. The water levels went from being innovative in a dungeon to being just plain annoying. And Morpha? Ooh, don't even get me started... :flaming:
  14. First off, Inuyasha is not overrated. It's a really good anime, however it has been uh...kind of sucking as of late (please don't hurt me!!!) Most overrated anime...DBZ/DB/DBGT. My experience with that show is, like, two episodes. By the time I realized that the same fight hadn't even started, I wrote the show off as an overrated, poorly translated excuse for an anime. It's gotten thousands of crappy videogames, and it is extremely popular with people who want to call themselves anime fans because they've seen the 97 episodes it takes to finish one fight between Goku and some other guy (exaggeration, albeit not much of one.) Other than that, I'd have to say that Lupin the Third is really overrated. The shows are pretty much hit or miss, and it gets a lot of credit for some strange reason. Well, that's all I've got. :wigout: Later.
  15. Uh...sorry, but this thread is dead. I don't exactly know why, but no one has signed up. So...without further ado, no more sign ups, Snows of Utheri is dead. Sorry, everyone who even vaugely considered signing up. However, I'll dust myself off and end up trying again soon enough. ;) Later.
  16. [B]Hmm...well, since I missed Shattered Earth (Sorry!) and this one looks to be one of the better RPGs I've seen in awhile, I'm signing up for this![/B] [COLOR=Red] Position: God of Fire Person left in Charge: Rethos Shivvara -A passionate, ambitious demi-god. His appearance is close to that of a man with dragon wings and red skin. He wears red and silver armor with a red cloak. His eyes are pure silver colored. He was left in charge for his loyalty to Eros and his knowlege in pyrokinetics and tectonics. Name: Eros Human Name: Erolai Tozuma Age: 29 Human Occupation: Professer of Chemistry. Appearance: He is fairly tall, about 6'2", and he weighs about 172 pounds. He looks much, much older than he actually is due to his silvery hair, which is kind of greasy and matted. He has a fairly tan complexion and reddish-hazel eyes. He tends to stand out in large crowds due to his very formal attire and his unusual hair and eye color. He wears black socks, black dress shoes, black slacks, a white dress shirt with red cuffs, and a black coat over that. His tie is red, with a silver tie clip in the shape of a ball of fire. He also has a silver timepiece. Not that many people would notice, but he has an arcane looking tatoo on his lower neck on the left side. Personality: Eros is explosive and can be very angry at times. He is easily annoyed by the ignorant or the arrogant. He can be very ambitious, and is also a very quick thinker and a clever opponent on any battlefield. As of late, he has been very tired and listless... Bio: Eros did not like the company of many of the other gods, Corruption, Water, and Wind being chief among his list of gods he would rather not see. He was fairly active and political when arguments among gods broke out. He is kind enough to the lesser gods, but is by no means tolerant or hospitiable to anyone. He is eager for things to change, and he believes that Surray will change things. He believes that the system has been flawed, and it needs to be redone, restarted, so to speak. He believes that what Surray has proposed is brilliant, albeit he was offended when she reminded everyone to not be stupid. [/COLOR]
  17. I'm still a newbie after a few months here on OB. Still, I'll try my hand at another RPG, now that I know the way to go about it. So, the first serious RPG by Newbie Eliwood. [I] In a cold, forsaken corner of the planet is the forgotten island of Utheri. For many ages, the people believed it was evil, a nexus of evil and darkness. That is, until the Empire found that the area was rich in adamantite ore. They sent a crew of miners and Imperial guards there to mine in the three major mountains: Evesark, Tuveskar, and Arelas. Upon their arrival on the island, they were plauged by irregular raids by the Skaal goblins, disease, and the constant darkness and snow. Still, they perservered and set up a small city, named after the Emporer, in the heart of the forest, named Takenawa. The leader of the villiage had a relay system where a small group of guards would guard the boats and send word of their mining progress to the mainland. [/I] A messanger ran through the snow, with every step he hoped he would not trip. He was ragged, and wore a tattered fur cloak around his rags. In the distance he could see the shore, with the few remaining boats that were there. He shivered, and tried to quicken his pace. He reached the shores and saw that the Zethi had reached there first. The Zethi had been attacking them and the goblins for months, and the last message they had sent was for reinforcements. He gasped as he saw what they had done. The boats were scrapped, and the mangled corpses of the remaining guards had been pinned to the torn wall of the main ship. He fell to his knees, feeling the cold grasp of hopelessness take him. He suddenly heard whispers from the surrounding pines. His eyes began to widen as he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He turned about and saw the face of a Zethi, garbed in black and fur, staring down on him. The zethi grinned widely, and held up his hand... A white arrow landed outside the door of the town hall. On it was tied a blood stained note. The leader of the villiage stepped out and read the piece of paper tied to the shaft of the arrow. [FONT=Book Antiqua] To whomever it may concern- -We are in dire need of reinforcements in the Uheri outpost. We have taken many casualties, and we are losing our forces even as I write this. Send anything that you can spare, I can only hope it will be enough. [/FONT] It was the note that his second in command, Darius, had sent to be taken to the dock patrol. At the bottom was a strange rune, written in red. Yet little did the villiage know that the Empire was already arranging for a group of mercenaries to defend Takenawa and uncover the mysteries behind the snows of Utheri... Alright, so I need three mercenaries, choose what they're like youself. Also I need the head of the Villiage, an old, veteran samurai. Finally, I need the first in command and the second in command of the Zethi. Okay, here's the sign up. Position: Name: Age: Weapon: Weapon Name (Optional): Favored Element: Fire, Ice, Air, Earth, Life, Death, Order, or Chaos. Appearance: Bio: Sorry that this is a pretty generic sign-up post, but hey, I'm a newbie. Edit: Oh, yeah, I made a lot of major touch-ups to the story and whatnot, but it remains principaly the same. Also, I'll take the role of the head Zethi. Also, to Sword Breaker, I've never heard of the Middle of Nowhere book. This is based mainly off of the Bloodmoon expansion for Morrowind, the Dark Tower series, and sparing bits of Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain, but mostly it's my own creation. Position: Zethi Commander Name: Galos Avanyon Age: 359 Weapon: Ironwood Quarterstaff Weapon Name: Lament Favored Element: Death Appearance: Galos wears regal black and fur robes that cover his entire body. His left arm is slowly decaying over age, and some of the flesh is rotting off. He has pure white eyes, and long, flowing black hair. His skin, like all Zethi, is bluish green, and he has arcane markings under each eye, like many Zethi.
  18. I definently agree with Siren on this one. I just got Battlefront a few days ago and I've had an absolute blast with it, and I don't have X-box live. I could have gotten Fable instead, but I remembered that the designer and director of the project, Peter Molyneux, is notorious for hyping games to death and then only delivering on half of that promise at best. Take his last game, Black and White. I bought that game because I heard that it was going to be revolutionary, but ended up playing it for two days and never touching it again. I decided that I should buy a game that I know is good instead of a game that could be the best or worst game ever made. I'll wait for a reliable review of Fable before I buy, thank you.
  19. Hey, Lord Eliwood here. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good GBA game that I should have. I've racked my mind and I can't think of anything that I really want, so I was wondering if I had forgotten or overlooked something. Keep in mind that my games consist of Sonic Advance, both Metroids, and the NES classic Zelda, and I've beaten each one of them at least once. Also, it would be alright to recommend a game that will be coming out soon. Oh, yeah, and I half-own a copy of Fire Emblem, and I love it to death (hence my OB name).
  20. Alright, so...do I try to go by my name on the otakuboards? Or online in general? Well, there are a lot of people in the world who have my name, there's about seven people in my school alone, so it just plain baffles me to think of how many people in the world go by the name k- sorry. To get back to my point, however, it may or may not be a good idea to go about the internet, or even Otakuboards, throwing your name around, for a few reasons, many of them are self contained and fairly self explanatory. Besides, I just though of this name after staring at the blank, white wall behind my computer for a while. But to answer your question...no, no I don't go by my real name online. ;)
  21. Yeah, Sorry to post when there isn't much else to say, but I need to post on stuff like this if I EVER hope to become anything more than a useless newbie. Sorry to the moderators, too, for that last sentence. To elaborate, it seemed to me that the whole thing of it starting in modern day was redundant and sort of tacked on. I have not seen much anime that has started in the feudal age. Also, why does it have to be in Tokyo? Or even feudal japan? Couldn't it be in some fantasy world? This may just be my stupid little preference, but why does the vast majority of fantasy anime start in Tokyo, or take place in Tokyo? I get that it's one of the largest cities in the world, and that Japan has a really rich past, but it's getting a little tired to me. As I probably ended up saying in past posts, you made some unnecessary changes to the story, I didn't mind the Yuantarin thing, he doesn't seem too much like Miroku, except the whole 'eventually it will destroy him' thing. However, I'm completely spent on anything else for this, I'm working on something that I need to focus on, but that's a story for another thread...
  22. The game is really cool, I have to say. I'm glad that you don't need online to play it (I don't have online in my backwater little town.) It does take a little while before you realize that it, much like the battlefield series, is not a run-and-gun first/third person shooter. You need some tactics, you need to [I]actually think.[/I] But to get back to the praise... I really like Battlefront. Still, the A.I. can be a little bit stupid at times, but for the most part, they are really smart and almost viscerally hard to a beginner. I'll admit, Zidargh, it has one heck of a steep learning curve, I'm still not very good at it lol. Also, the ships are a little hard to pilot. The graphics are also really good, especially on the X-box. The gameplay is also really fun, the instant action alone is really satisfying. So all in all, I would recommend this game. :cool:
  23. [SIZE=1]Hanzo's pitch black figure landed gracefully on the ground, despite how surprised he was at Karel's cowardice. He gazed at the roof, dull in the predawn light. Then he looed at his blade, clicking his tongue in complete disgust. [Damnable coward. He escaped! He...escaped? Hmph. I'll get him. Not Taozao, but ME. I guess I'll have to keep looking for him, and hope that our next encouter fares better.] Hanzo sheathed his blades, still red with drying blood. Then he turned about, ran up the wall, and catapaulted himself on the roof, where their battle had been. A few more shingles had been broken, and there were small bloodstains and scraps of cloth laying strewn about the rooftop. He looked out at the city, as light began to flood the streets. People were emerging from their houses, the militia was no longer patroling the streets, and the villiage was coming to life. Still, there was no more sign of Karel, Junai, or Toorima. He cracked his neck, and jumped onto the streets. He walked over to one of the watchmen, a tired-looking man with greying hair and some shoddy armor on. As he approached, the man's posture straightened out. [Maybe this peasant will know where Karel has gone. He could not have stayed in town, and even if he had, t'would be foolish of him.] "Greetings." Hanzo said in his normally menacing voice. "Ah-hello?" The guard said, leaning on his staff again. "I was wondering if you had seen three people exiting town. A young boy, who would have had a few cuts on him, a girl, not much younger than the boy, and an older man, closer to my age." "Uh, well, what business would you have with them?" "I am the boy's...guardian, you might say." He lied "You see, I have to find him and...return him to where he belongs." "Ah, well...There were a few people who passed by here not too long ago. There were three of them, and they were moving rather quickly." Hanzo grinned. "Thank you, sirrah." He walked smugly out of the villiage. There would be nothing to stop him this time...[/SIZE]
  24. There is absolutely no question about it. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Don't get me wrong, there are worse games out there, but in a year of Wind Waker (massively underrated by the majority of the gaming populace.) Metroid Prime, and KOTOR, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City wins all the awards. It was an overrated, overstuffed game with clunky controls, bad graphics, and the only reason most people liked it was because it was GTA III with the city moved around a bit, and GTA had credibility. Also I only see people play it with cheats. Where's the fun and challenge in that? I'm pretty sure San Andreas will be massively overrated, too. Maybe I just don't get it, but I am not a GTA fan.
  25. I actually heard more about that. The DS isn't exactly a new GBA, but it's nintendo's new handheld that's supposed to combat the PSP. There are a few games that have been announced for it: Metroid Prime: Hunters, Mario 64x4, Dynasty Warriors, etc. The graphics on the DS are comparable to somewhere between the PS1 and the Nintendo 64. It uses a touch screen for the top screen, and the buttons work the bottom. All that I've seen of it is the version that was press released at E3, but I hear that Nintendo's redesigning it to look a bit smaller and to have some analog control to make playing 3D games more playable (like Metroid Prime or Dynasty Warriors.) It should be out by mid to fall 2005. ;) Mario 64x4 is kind of a successor to Mario 64, and it is undoubtledly the best looking DS game, and hopefully it controls well, I haven't actually seen it played, I've just seen screenshots. Hunters looks like a PS1 title, which isn't bad for a portable gaming system, but the controls sound downright wierd. You use the touch screen and stylus to fire shots and look around, while using the control pad to move Samus around. Dynasty Warriors is also being released for the PSP, and it looks a little bit better on the PSP (note: for those of you who don't know, Dynasty Warriors is a hack-n-slash game that takes place in ancient China.) That's all I know, I'll post if I find out anything else!
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