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Everything posted by Chillie

  1. Death Note is amazing. The story is great,and I can't stop reading it. The characters are quite different too. L is just great and amazing. I love the way he holds the phone, ect. it's so adorable. :D and I love the reason why Ryuk dropped his second notebook into the human world, just because he was bored. I would probably do something like that if I was bored.. =P
  2. I was a bit dissappointed with this album. Maybe if I keep listening to it, it'll grow on me. :D This cd is so different.. I don't think I can handle it. :P A few songs are getting better to me.
  3. I just restarted playing LoZ Ocarina of Time a few days ago. :D I'm missing a cable to my Genesis, so it doesn't work. D:< and I love playing games on my Dreamcast, esp. Crazy Taxi. :cool: I know these games aren't old old, but I still think their classics.
  4. Yes, these games do get old fast. D: But since this series has more characters, it might be more fun. I loved Narutimate Ninja 2. ( i think, not sure of the number..) Maybe because the game wasn't mine and only played for 5 minutes.. >.< But the American release should be good enough for me. :D
  5. Ignignokt rules. I'm like him because I hate the Earth and everyone on it. Plus that quad laser is invincible. The moon rules. "The innocent shall suffer, big time." ^_^
  6. I was going to say The Distillers also... they are a good band. Andother great band, esp. live, is Tsunami Bomb. Agent M's voice is really good and her lyrics are good too. She doesn't really curse either only in a few songs.. such as Lemonade, which is their best song, along with Invasion from Within. ^-^
  7. Pity- Jimmy Kudo from Cased Closed. He was poisoned and was turned into a little kid again. I would kill myself if I had to go through elementary school again.-_- Worship- Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! lol Coolest person ever. He's also hot. =P Inuyasha- he's so cute! I love the dog ears. Arucard from Hellsing Gotta love 300 year old vampires. Naraku from Inuyasha. He wears blue eyeliner!!!I love guys that wear eyeliner. lol Fears- Yami Marik from YGO- He's so damn insane! and the hair.. is scary itself.
  8. Chillie

    Linkin Park

    I do not like Linkin Park. I liked them 2 years ago, but then they got even more popular and the music sounded the same. So I gave up on them. Don't like them anymore. Plus their songs get overplayed to much. It's quite annoying, but I don't listen to the radio anymore either, only for 30 minutes going to bed. It puts me to sleep faster...
  9. I am. =D I play piano, alto sax, and bass guitar. I just started the bass, so i'm not that great at it, but I've been playing piano for 8 years, sax 5 years. Alto Sax is for my school band, and I'm one of the best in my town. Influences for bass, well I basically try to play songs I like from different bands, like AFI, I can play a song or 2 from them. ^-^
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