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Dragon Warrior

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Everything posted by Dragon Warrior

  1. Perhaps I'm not the best person to rate this song because I have grown tired of Evans Blue and the style they use, however, I was fair when I rated this. I did enjoy them once haha. The instrumentals don't sound anything special and I can't imagine they do anything extraordinarily complicated from what I hear, but I'm not going to slam them for not being virtuoso. It's a clean sound despite being distorted and the pickup into the chorus is pretty good. The chorus I would say is actually the best part and with the resonating guitar twangs of the verses slowly driving the rhythm until you hear the pickup really brings it all together. So they have a solid form. The video is also interesting, but I don't have too much to say on that... I just like scratches and the old look and such hah. A lot of the lyrics seemed very generic and nothing special to me. But one really did stand out: "You harbored all the wasted sighs to define the quiet drone." That was extremely well-written and interesting, and I wish a lot more of that was in the song rather than just "You lived a time of lies until you told me everything," which sounds like a cheesy line from a movie. But that's taken out of context, and as such, as a whole the lyrics work well together. Lyrics don't have to be super poetic as long as they convey the message and this song does. I also like the foreshadowing of lines like "I hope we make amends, but you don't" and how it goes with the next set of verses "I'll let you start again, but you won't." All in all for a song that's not really too in my tastes anymore, it's solid and there's a reason they have climbed higher in their genre. [b]7/10[/b]. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HNY0rx2fw4&feature=related[/media] [b]Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - "Home"[/b] Now tear it apart!
  2. Hey, c'mon, they're making a comeback :D Obviously you and me like them, and whenever I bring them up to other kids they appreciate them. There was even a section in one of my music theory classes just on them. The only time I don't like them is when someone says I'm like Garfunkel just because we both happen to have curly hair. Geez. I've missed my chances to see Silversun a lot, but that's because it was before I really started appreciating them. I didn't like "Swoon" when it came out and I actually gave it to my friend who lived me. I only really liked "Lazy Eye" and "Well Thought-Out Twinkles". Then songs from "Swoon" started playing on the radio and I started liking that stuff more. And considering that friend did nothing but say they were theeee WORST band to ever exist and they couldn't write music worth a damn, I stole my CD back and listen to it a lot now. Mmm... screw him. He doesn't know :3
  3. Though The Legend of Zelda series is definitely fun for being an action-adventure type deal (save Legend of Zelda 2 with its side-scrolling/RPG style), I think I wouldn't mind seeing a Zelda shooter. This is amusing because I'm godawful at shooters... like, I die in two seconds entering Halo. But I think it'd be a bit amusing to have you running around from Link's perspective hacking and chopping the baddies, using the bow, tossing the boomerang, and all his other fun weapons as if you were really him. They could still insert a [i]few[/i] puzzles, but for those of you who don't want to deal with the brain-stumpers and just want to slice and dice, this would be the Zelda for you. I know it sounds blasphemous to remove those elements from Zelda, but isn't that the point of this thread? Haha. All I'm saying is, I would play it if it ever came out, and it'd probably be the first first-person-shooter I'd take to heart and actually attempt to get better at.
  4. Please record 'em, Boo :] I enjoyed your "Wanna Be A Redhead" dealio, so I wouldn't mind hearing you putting Steppenwolf in their place ;D
  5. Haha, but [b]Simon and Garfunkel[/b] easily got their recognition, as they are still played on the radio today and in films, and are well known as one of the greatest weavers of folk rock to this day. As for [b]Silversun Pickups,[/b] they're breaking the mold over in the US. They're played on the radio and in films here, anyway. It took them a few or so after "Swoon" to get there, but I'm also pleased to finally see them get some popularity going. It makes me long for a new album now...
  6. I think if you went any faster than him or Twista, you'd just lose all diction and it'd be pointless. It'd sound like nonsense... and goodness knows I could one-up Twista in that sense ;]
  7. Haha, you are the second person to say I look like him. I have a very long list of people I'm told I look like. (And yeah, you BETTER say sexy 'cause that guy ain't >: O)
  8. I think I'll start putting "kupo" at the end of most of my sentences. Sounds good, kupo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragon Warrior

      Dragon Warrior

      We haunt your dreams with cuteness, kupo :D

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Why would you put kupo, kupo? Are you a moogle, kupo?

    4. Dragon Warrior

      Dragon Warrior

      I am much awesomer, cuter, and worse than a Moogle, kupo.

  9. Well, you can definitely be a part of the whole production where you want :] If it happens, that is.
  10. I'm jealous. I have yet to see them in concert. One of my past bands covered their songs "Hey" and "Here Comes Your Man." Good times :]
  11. Hah, the second you said a song reminded you of OK Go, I thought to myself "It's probably Fire Island, AK." I think it's the guitar 'cause that catches me that way too. Margot definitely has some amazing songs, though. I hope you caught "Skeleton Key" and "Vampires In Blue Dresses." Or if you like harder stuff, "Barfight Revolution, Power Violence."
  12. I've heard a lot of Fooly Cooly or whatever its full name is... I heard it was pretty random and kind of outrageous. With such a reputation, I think I owe it a watch. Oh, and I got excited because I finally realized that the character Hughes in FMA is the same voice actor as Lupin the III. Noice!
  13. One thing I find corny about anime (and it makes me laugh so) is adult actors trying to do child voices.

    1. Sangome


      Pretty much all forms of animation are subject to that, though, not just anime. It also largely depends on the actor, as some are better than others at sounding more convincing.

    2. Dragon Warrior

      Dragon Warrior

      That's true. I just notice it a lot more in anime. Some actors are just painful to hear haha.

  14. Well, that's good. The trick would be the artists would have to scan in the work, and I imagine color artists such as yourself would do it in Photoshop or however you color hah. That's not my department for sure. I've just seen people do it.
  15. Yes, I plan to do that. I just hope watching those first thirteen episodes of Brotherhood won't be like rewatching the original series all over again. ;]
  16. Sadly it's all about business. Ke$ha and Beiber can afford the popularity. They had the money or someone gave them the money. I know so many underground bands that bust their butts to get out there, and really, if you lack the funds to take yourself to the top, that's the only other way you'll get there. I listen to mainly indie music, so obscure is my specialty, in which case I know so many unappreciated bands. But they're still appreciated by their following. I mean, these bands have huge fanbases, and a lot of the time they are secretly inserted into the soundtracks of shows like House, Scrubs, and One Tree Hill. People are just too lazy to listen past the radio to find anything new. Or maybe they're scared of what's different from mainstream. Either way, I can list a bazillion... no, I'll give you a real number... a Flippy-Flagillion bands that seem to go under the radar despite my--and many others'--opinion(s). A few to start would be: [list] [*][b]Sleeping At Last[/b] - Never have I heard music so incredibly beautiful that it appears as if it is the score to someone's movie-like life but at the same time it comes across as something you could listen to like every day music. They are the masters of weaving intricate melodies and soundtrack-esque instrumentals with modern day music. [*][b]Margot and the Nuclear So And So's[/b] - These guys are just now coming out from the underground, but I'm surprised it didn't happen with their first album. They're an odd-sounding indie band, but at the same time easily sound like something you'd hear on a radio, in films, or off someone's iPod. I'm sure they'll make it sooner or later. [*][b]The Long Winters[/b] - I guess these guys are a bit of a legend in the indie world, but they still don't get any recognition outside of that despite their status in the music world. Most people don't know 'em, and I understand that... they're well hidden. But when there are bands that exist popularly with the same sound as The Long Winters like The Black Keys, The Lemonheads, or the Pixies (granted the Long Winters still have a unique sound), I can't imagine why they never got out there.[/list] On another note, I'm also glad these bands aren't huge. In a way, they're kind of mine then, and that's special. I take great pride in introducing music to people, especially stuff this golden.
  17. [center][size="6"]The Otaku[b]Boards[/b] Graphic Novel[/size][/center] So now that I'm taking a semester off from school to work a bit and get some money, I find myself with a lot of free time to work on all my projects like my bands, my script writing, and of course my graphic novels. I have two or three in the process of being developed, but a problem I tend to have with these is that I have bad self discipline. There's a reason I have had the same novel ideas being developed for so long; it's because I lose focus and want to work on one of the other two when I get a new idea. I need people to work with me for me to be able to keep interest. That got me thinking... it'd be interesting to work with some of you folks here since this forum is a wealth of writers, artists, graphic designers, and so much more. With a team at work, we could make a pretty spiffy graphic novel for fun. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular and we certainly aren't going to sell it probably. I just thought it'd be a fun project to have a team to create a little something special we can keep for our whole lives. We could even have smaller teams of [b]writers, illustrators, color artists, and editors[/b]. And perhaps if it calls for it (or we simply want to be super creative), we can all cross over and do a little of everything. I know when I write, I do character sketches myself, so I would feel obligated to at least be in writing and a bit of doodling. I just know there are artists on this forum that are ten times better than me, so I may leave the final art to them haha. But we could all have fun drawing up storyboards, creating plot twists, developing characters, and contributing ideas and suggestions the whole way. I just want to know if this sounds appealing to anyone. Toss me your feedback! :]
  18. Oh, I'm sorry haha. Well, I don't have many pictures in this thread. It was started during my lengthy few year hiatus. If you ever need a picture, though, just hit me up and I can toss some your way. And sadly you can't see the new jacket! Hah. But I see stripes, so I can only imagine it rocks. I like stripes...
  19. Oh, for sure. Like I said I watch at least a few episodes before tossing it away. I have been heavily watching [b]Full Metal Alchemist[/b] so far, so I would say Lyndy has successfully found one. I tried [b]Guardians of the Sacred Stone[/b] but for some reason all the videos were messing up, so I'll come back to them later. [b]Planetes[/b] wasn't bad, but if the main girl character doesn't change a whole lot I can't see me sticking around. She's a tad annoying and is only bearable when countered by the male astronaut. I am enjoying [b]Strapped Princess[/b] a bit, though. At least enough to keep me watching a few more episodes to see where it goes. This is all taking a lot of time from my day haha. I guess I didn't expect so much feedback :]
  20. My friend moved to Pittsburgh to attend their art school, so naturally she cheers for the Steelers. I don't really follow football, so I could care less. In fact, that's how I am with all sports. Really, I just like being around people when they watch sports. I only get into watching a basketball game or football game or even golf if my friends are psyched. So I'm excited for the Super Bowl merely for the company. I'll root for whoever they do.
  21. [quote name='wikipediafounderjimmywales' timestamp='1295908346' post='704251'] [font="Garamond"]haw haw you lucky fellow ;D[/font] [/quote] Right?! And no worries, Lyndy, I like eyes too :] They're my favorite feature on a girl even. You can draw my eyes all you want, although here's a better picture you can see them fully in: [img]http://i56.tinypic.com/2s7w4n7.jpg[/img]
  22. Thanks :P I don't usually have facial hair, but it fit the look that day so I didn't shave. And I see your pictures on Facebook anyway haha ;]
  23. Haha, yeah, I had hair like that over the summer. I didn't look too good with it, so I grew it back out. I'm better with long hair. (Though I do miss the lack of need for maintenance). [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs129.ash2/39806_415217907716_502557716_4732609_6855906_n.jpg[/img]
  24. [quote name='Stawks' timestamp='1295905745' post='704237'] Thread, why is there no thread on this forum to post silly pictures of ourselves. Are we all just ashamed of our hideous nerdishness, or is there some bizarre rule against it. EDIT: Oh wait this thread does exist this is why I should scroll down. You so crazy, Me! [/quote] Yeah. [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/40794-i-forgot-what-you-people-look-like-image-heavy/"]CLICK HERE.[/url]
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