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Dragon Warrior

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Everything posted by Dragon Warrior

  1. is going sledding for the first time in years. Highfive, OB!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shinmaru


      Very nice! High five!

    3. CaNz


      I would just pound it... cause I am just sooooo cool.

    4. Dragon Warrior

      Dragon Warrior

      I pounded it... the slopes that is. Good times. Highfive!

  2. A lot of good music has been mentioned in this thread. I didn't see many of my favorites mentioned, though. I listen to obscure stuff, though, so it's no surprise. However, you guys should give 'em a try! You never know ;] Not in any particular order: [list] [*]Jack's Mannequin [*]Margot and the Nuclear So & So's [*]Sleeping At Last [*]Aqualung [*]Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin [*]Tigers That Talked [*]Thirteen Senses [*]Barcelona [*]Waking Ashland [*]Guster [*]Nickel Creek [*]The Long Winters [*]Rooney [*]Great Lake Swimmers [*]Andrew Bird [/list] Obviously any of us can go on forever with names, but those are the few that stood out when I thought about it hah.
  3. has returned to OB. Hopefully I'll actually stay this time, eh?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dragon Warrior
    3. The Spectacular Professor

      The Spectacular Professor

      Yay my section might actually see some activity again!

    4. Dragon Warrior

      Dragon Warrior

      Yeah, I might bring some writing into it hah. I've been cookin' up some stuff.

  4. Oh, man... I'm glad I'm not one of the only ones from way back in 2001 that still jump on this thing. Of course I've been absent for a bit :P
  5. I like how I'm married to Pumpkin for the OB Marriages that Shy mentioned and yet she spells my name as "dragowarrior" haha ;] Let's not forget how TOTALLY Otakuboards all the OB parody stories were :D
  6. I dig your eyes, Lyndy :] Everyone loves blue eyes. As for me... I'm letting my hair grow out again. I'll be happy when it gets a tad longer on the sides. [img]http://i55.tinypic.com/t70lkz.jpg[/img] EDIT: I also like your pics, "Pooperson" :P
  7. [size=1]Aaahhh, you, my friend, are witty ;D[/size]
  8. [size=1]I personally wear glasses myself, and I can't touch my eyes so contacts are out of the question. But if I plan to dress as Link for my friend's con this Fall (it'd be my first time cosplaying, mind you), I'll remove the glasses. This can lead to an assortment of points... Pros: I look more like Link and I also think I look better without glasses. Cons: I can't see the chicks checking me out. Neutrals: I probably shouldn't want a girl checking me out when I'm decked out as a Nintendo character anyway. That's my stand on it.[/size]
  9. [quote name='Jabberwocky'][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Anything is better than VD-Day. Instead of valentine's you just give your lovers penicillin.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1]Indeed. It is a dark day ahead of us. The question is if it's worth the few hours in bed? Some of us, perhaps only fifteen minutes? : P[/size]
  10. [size=1]Hah, I dig that pic, silpheedpilot. The lighting works all too well with those kind of bandanas. I've seen them around :] (The thumbnail makes you look like an actual skull).[/size]
  11. [quote name='John']Valentine's Day was definitely at its best in elementary school, when it revolved around getting to put sweet-*** decorations on a paper sack and have it filled up with candy.[/QUOTE] [size=1]Oh, agreed. We didn't even pay for it; our parents did! So while we simply write our buddies' names on them, we get loads of treats and such from others. Plus, we had dances at our elementary, which had even more treats and cookies and soda and the such![/size]
  12. [size=1]I am so going to town on those cheap candies after V-Day is done. I'm one of those publicly-hated people who don't gain a pound from what they eat. Either way, I have girls I [i]could[/i] celebrate it with, but I probably won't. That holiday gets me into trouble. Just coincidence V-Day rhymes with D-Day?[/size]
  13. [size=1]I've been here since the beginning, so watching OB change is like watching Pangaea drift into what are today's continents. It's developed a lot in all aspects, and mostly improved in retrospect. Like Gavin said, I'm also sad to see RPGs go down the drain; they were what I came here for the most aside from an occasional story. There was a time when RPGs were lengthy overall, but the posts were short in both quality and quantity. Basically, as I see it, we weren't exactly a "lesser" form of what we are today. Back then how we were was appropriate and it fit just right. But that time has passed and a new era of quality and production is upon us. So that time is no more. So be it. As for myself, obviously I got older and matured, so my grammar and spelling have improved as have the qualities of my posts. And those of you who know me know I have had an immature quality of humor about me, which I still use sparingly to this day in my writings. I try to change in places where it'd be healthier, but obviously I'm going to keep my own good qualities.[/size]
  14. [size=1]Haha, hooray for props. I can see why that's a happy day for you then :P[/size]
  15. [size=1]You would perform, Marta >: O And did you get married, Chibi? :][/size]
  16. [size=1]Yeah, I dunno what that is, haha. It just appeared in one of my layers while editing and I couldn't figure out how to get rid of it without ruining more of the photo. So there's kind of a green ghost behind my head lingering onto my neck haha. But hey... still not bad for half-assing it quick ;][/size]
  17. [size=1]My haircuts frequently resemble Link from Zelda, as a lot of my friends say, so I took a recent pic of myself and crappily photoshopped it to people's wishes. [img]http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs174.snc3/20147_269269527716_502557716_3463339_2933219_n.jpg[/img] [img]http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs194.snc3/20147_275615527716_502557716_3483863_4199702_n.jpg[/img] Hm... maybe I'll be Link at some convention...[/size]
  18. [size=1]Haha, it will be sure to be brought up to Congress for debate. "And so legend has it..."[/size]
  19. [size=1]Are you praying to the money, Nerdsy, or trying to move it with your mind? Haha. And I'm jealous of you, Citric :[[/size]
  20. [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Thank ya! I'm coincidentally wearing them tonight for the first time in many moons.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]You need to have some more pics of your glasses on Facebook then :P And I realized I put up a pic of me with straight hair. But I have naturally curly hair so here's a recent one of my curls. [img]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs042.snc3/12953_196137242716_502557716_3141284_8234907_n.jpg[/img][/size]
  21. [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]This came up on my mini-feed yesterday. I approve.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]And I approve of your new glasses! And if they had a Popeye's around Michigan, I'd go. I think we don't get them here =/[/size]
  22. [size=1]I must say I do like to have my way with the internet from time to time :P And I've always longed to find a Popeye's, no matter how disgusting it may possibly be.[/size]
  23. [size=1]It's been some time since I've graced this! I think my hair has basically gotten longer and become brown hah. [img]http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs042.snc3/12953_191348722716_502557716_3110025_6155984_n.jpg[/img] Also, I've been doing a Project 365 where I've taken a picture of myself for 119 days now. I obviously must do it for 365 days. Here was today's because... I need a life haha... [img]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs042.snc3/12953_192998232716_502557716_3124899_2444227_n.jpg[/img][/size]
  24. [size=1]Probably not for long, Mykul. I dropped my Death Star on my own head today when organizing stuff in my closet. I'll surely be dead by the end of the week :P[/size]
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