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Everything posted by mangakiwi

  1. My freinds and I are having an argument about who would win in a fight between Zero (Megaman Series) vs. Wolverine (X-Men).
  2. I will say punk is not as hardcore as it us to be, we dont have g.g.allin any more and the dead kennedys suck without Jello. But their is a ray of hope coming out of the sky, nofx has kept stuff going by using their record company to find new bads as the same goes for Bad Religon :love: with Epitaph Records. and do not forget all of the little bands in your home town!!!!!
  3. Its kinda hard to judge them on the limited discriptions you posted. Do youhave any sample pages or anything?
  4. Aside from time travel nothing in this manga sounds anything like inuyasha! Lets just forget Inuyasha! Besides it's not even really time travel, its more of a demesional switch or something. I really like it and I hope you turn it into something cool Jack! P.S. I didn't really like the KOTOR battle system much... Now Tales of Symphonia, now that was a great system! (aside from all of the summoning glitches and stuff)
  5. Do you think something like this in terms of zombies? Or would this be more of a low level vampire? It was scarier before I scanned it... :( oh well.
  6. Bleach is my favorite on that list (followed by Kenshin). But I would have to say that my absolute favorite manga ever is Rave Master. Hiro Mashima is my idol!
  7. I agree with the chin :laugh: And I like the idea for the pants too. I might take you up on the banner. Do you got anything in mind? (PM me) Mabye silver cyclone could color it if I make something original for you.
  8. AHHH!!! DEMON DEMON! Woah! That second one scared me. It's like a little Gremlin thingy! J/K I like you faces a lot, but work on the hair. The third pic looks very two dimensional. Try and expirement with different poses to get a feeling of depth to an image, anyways I like the design. Keep up! Practice makes Perfect ;) P.S. It kinda looks like she has 3 different haircuts in number one.
  9. I bought Clerks X on Tuesday. I'm a huge fan of the origional film, along with all the rest of Kevin Smiths films (excluding Jersey Girl :mad: ) I think that the movie will most likely just be a continuation of the View Askieniverse that he has already going on. If you really think about it every movie Smith makes is sort of a sequal to the previous. A big part of clerks is the girl who died in the pool (number 6 of the allustrious 12.) and also you find out what actually happened in Mallrats. In chasing Amy they make mention of the person who had sex with the dead girl in the bathroom (Katlein) and you meet Allysa Jones(Chasing Amy) Sister in clerks. There are countless examples of things like this. Personally I don't think that Kevin smith will lose any of the style. The whole black and white thing was just to save money on lighting, so if he decides to do it full color now it would be fine. Besides the cartoon is in color. The short "Flying Car" is in color and the quick stop scene in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is also in color. It just wouldn't make sense to film it black and white. Yes it will be 10 years later. I only hope that Lando is in it!
  10. Ok i've wondered about the artists and different drawing styles of Otakuboards. Thus I have decided to host an art show! What everyone needs to do is post their latest drawing that they have done and we will look and comment on everyones works. Don't worry if you are not very good, it's just for fun and the only way to get better is to practice! So on with the show! This is my submission. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20976[/IMG]
  11. It seems that everywhere I look and every time I draw near 75% of anme and Manga characters are wearing some form of a trenchcoat! I love trenchcoats as much as the next man, but isn't it a bit rediculous? It might just be me, so leave a comment about whether you think trenchcoats are becoming cliché.
  12. I almost ALWAYS draw characters with trenchcoats. So I figured I would do a baseball jersey kinda thing for a change. I always see the "cool" Japanese kids wearing that kind of shirt in movies and stuff. And this crazy japanese exchange student has one. But he's got this sweet mullet and it's all flipped up and crazy in the front. Woah that kid is nuts! Opps. Kinda lost my train of thought.... I think that trenchcoats have become kinda cliché for Manga. Oh well, what do you think Blackjack?
  13. Hey! Sorry I didn't do this sooner. Oh well, I read your description of Kyo and drew a sketch. I'm thinking a katana for the sword (am I right!?) Hope you like it! ;)
  14. Hmm... I will draw some sketches of what Kyo and Asuka might look like. Do you have any design ideas for them at all? I'd really like to try a hand at it but by all means don't settle on me as the artist meerly because I'm the first to offer :D . Oh! What are your plans for this comic? Will you be putting on a drunk duck type thing or will it be just for fun? PM me if you have any designs or character ideas. I'll get started on Kyo right away. I also have a cool idea for a vampire! Oh one more thing! What kind of character is Kyo? (solemn, happy, wierd, angry, funny, ect) and how old is he? :confused:
  15. I plan on working on a comic this winter and entering it when its finished.
  16. Excellent! I would love to take on a story like that, but I would need to practice more and I suck at coloring :laugh: ! Anyways the story seems very well thought out! I like the name Asuka for the girl (pronounced Aska). Mabye it's just cuz I got done watching Red Shadow (Man that movie rocks!).
  17. I just made my Avatar and I realized how bad I am at CG stuff. Any tips for me? :confused:
  18. I'm impressed that you did it entirely on a tablet! I got mine about three months ago and I could never do anything like that on it. Damn that thing is hard to use! What model do you have? I really like the subtle shading around he navel and fingers that give it depth and how you can see just a little bit of her calf.
  19. Try thinking on a three dimensional scale instead of thinking flat. Back up the camera a bit and practice every day. here is my favorite tutorial site [color=teal][link removed] I enjoy your critique, but sometimes you tend to add unnecessary items at the bottom of your post. If you were to link to something like a tutorial site, be sure that it has reason to remain within the topic, such as linking to a particular tutorial that teaches you how to draw 3 dimensional rather than flat. -Syk3[/color]
  20. I love chrono trigger! I did hear of a rumor that a title called "Chrono Break" was liscenced at the same time as FF XII. Weather it's a sequal or an entirely different game is completely guesswork, but apparently they ran into some trouble because the naem had already been liscenced. But who knows?
  21. The most tragic video game death ever was in chrono trigge[spoiler]When Lucca's mom died and I was frantically Mashing Buttons untill she was squished by the machine [/spoiler] That was so sad. But my second time through I saved her :D
  22. Try and take time and really think things out. Add detail to your work. What helps for me is looking at other peoples artwork and analyzing it. Mabye even use other drawings a bases for your own. Practice doing things like that and you will see a lot of imporvement. Just don't copy things exactly and say they are your own because that doesn't help you at all. You have potential keep it up! P.S. Skeletons rule! [color=teal]Attachment deleted. Random uploads, especially for linking are NOT ALLOWED. Thank you for your attention. ;) -Syk3[/color]
  23. After a long day of scouring the ruins of his former household Willam Longshadow had decided that he must soon move on. Meltokio was no longer the kind city that he once knew and loved. Now the upper class shunned him and treated him like one of the filthy dogs from the ghetto. Like one of the same dogs that drove hjim to this sorry state. Willam let out a sigh and longed for the days of old. When mana was plentiful and so was food. He had not eaten yet that day and had returned to his former house one last time to see if he could find any remains of food. While looking through the rubble he stumbled upon somthing incredable. In his hands Willam held two blades. These were his fathers pride and joy and were given to him by the pope himself. He pocketed them. Then he heard footsteps. "Shit!" he thought "Just what I need." Willam Crouched low behind a rock and watched a small figure approach. "Shadow!" muttered willam. As the words left his lips he became invisible to the naked eye. Feeling free now Willam approached the figure. It was a women. She was no more than five and a half feet tall and had a tail. She also carried a letter. As Willam approached the women stopped and looked right into his eyes. "Message for you." she said. Suprised that he had been seen Willam lost concentration on his spell and once again became whole. "For me!?" Willam Exclaimed. as he reached forward to grab the envelope. As he clutched the letter and began opening it he looked up. The women was gone! "Strange..." He thought. WIllam opened the letter. "Dear Willam 'Wily' Longshadow, It has come to my attention that my actions have caused a great pain on your life. I hope that I may rectify my actions. I am gathering a team together to join me in a journey that may save this new world that I have created. I know that you must suffer a great deal because of me but that is why I ask you to join. I hear you skills in evasion and theivery are unmatched. I would be honered if you would beet me in Luin tomarrow morning and join my expidition. Loyd Irving" With that Wily set off to Luin on a journey that would change him forever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hate being the first one to post on this! I've never done an online rpg before so I hope i'm doing this right :confused:
  24. Name: Willam Longshadow (Wily) Age: 17 Appearence: See Attachment Weapon: Two small daggers on his sides (Named the Cobras because of their lightning fast attack and poisen sting). Spellcasting ability: As a child Wily was trained by the finest spellcasters in Tethe'alla. After once the meger of Tehe'alla and Sylvarant was complete his family was killed in the chaos that followed and Wily was forced to take to the streets. Now he only uses spells that will get him what he want's. Spells: Shadow: Makes Wily hard to detect. Increases Evasion and speed. Lightning. Bio. Sonic Beast.
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