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  1. Well like I said, I'm only throwing the idea around. The classes thing is just something I'm a fan of. And magic too. The controlled kings thing seemed original, but if you say so, I'll change the plot. But it did seem interesting at the time. Oh well.... Hey, maybe you could help me? I'm bassicly only an alright rp fighter, and I just create characters pretty quick. Thing is I keep them. (Just to say, I have about 56, or 57.) And you do seem to able to point out plot mistakes, and things that just suck. So if it's okay, would you care to help?
  2. Tell me what you think. I always wanted to try a Fire Emblem, or Golden Sun styled RP. I would give detail of the titles and what they do. Like archer, or mage. It would take place in a world that has bassicly no technology. Somewhat like Final Fantasy, or Fire Emblem. The lords of the land, or kings if you will, are becoming less and less friendly, not to mention more and more hatefull. A group of people (Or demons, or half beasts, depending on what you choose) will find out something. An evil organization is doing this, by useing magic to manipulkate the minds of the poor kings, except one. The people would go on a sorta quest to stop the organization, and the evil king who hired them to begin with. Of course there'd be more to it. Mission's, side missions, and stuff like that. But of course I could use help. Maybe someone to help, like a co- creator. And advice would be nice. If you have any, throw them around.
  3. [QUOTE=Balmon]If you really would like to, then I'll post something probably tomorrow. At this time, I am somewhat otherwise occupied. However, what I will say is, your story in Metallicon is summed up in one paragraph. At first glance, it bores the senses (I don't mean that sarcastically), and just looks like a lot of sentences jumbled together. Your sign-up looks very much like any other sign-up, and what that accompanies a story that leaves WAY TOO MUCH to the imagination, you have a general lack of interest. I hope that sorta' makes sense. I'll be happy to help you out further if you want. Though, before you decide that, you should probably check on MY posts to see if you even want my opinion. Cheers, Phil[/QUOTE] Now that I've read this I see why MY rpg didn't go to well.... Thanks. Okay, now to say a few words. Sometimes people just aren't interested with the subeject you chose. For example, I like MegamanX and EXE, but not Legends. If someone starts a Legends RP I'm bound not to go. Also sometime's it helps if you show you put work into your RP. Don't go and write the bible now, just put some detail into it. And now if you'll excuse me, I have to try my hand at an RP, and see if maybe I need to put more detail myself.
  4. Name: Alex Richards Age: 17 Gender: Male Position:Midfielder Appearance: Alex is about 5'10". He's 125 pounds. His hair is dark orangy red, with some black streaks. He has an earring on his left ear. Out of a game he usually wears a pair of black Timberland boots. (Yes, even in summer.) He wears black jeans that are so big, they sometimes cover the higher part of the tougne of his foot wear. He wears a black shirt and a black button up shirt, unbuttoned with a fire desighn at the bottum. In game he wears his teams jersey, and pants. His sneakers of choice while in game are And 1's. Bio: Alex has always been an outsider. He usually stays alone at home in the backyard playing soccer with a tree as the goal. He's only a midfield but he practice's every position. He hates cocky oponents and dispises anyone that brags after a victory, or complains after defeat. He's a good team mate but he usually only is nice when he needs to be. He's also a fairly good foot ball player, but soccer is his real passion. His sister is a collage student who would love nothing more than to see her little brother's dream of being the best never come true. He gives off an outsider's outlook. ((Heh....))
  5. [FONT=Arial]Setting/ Story:[/FONT] In ACDC Town Life has been calm. But something is amiss. New Netbattlers have been gathering. And now a new Tournament has Begun. In the Undernet things have been stirring up. The discovery of Dark Chips has forced the Dark Chip Organization otherwise known as Nebula to search for them. Now as newer faster navi's are being created can the Net stand another attack? And what of the this? A meteor has been found headed for earth. Science, power, and the internet are all we have. Can you help fight against The Dark Chip Syndicate Nebula?!! [U]Tidbits:[/U] I thought this would be fun. It's rated PG-13 for mild violence, and there may be some curseing. You can use Fan Created Characters, or choose from any of the pre-created navis. Such as Megaman.EXE himself. Just so you know I'll use my Fan Character Jack, and his navi, Curseman.EXE. [COLOR=Navy]Intro:[/COLOR] "Hey. It's time to get up. 8th grade ends in a week and soon summer'll start. Wake up." A voice called from a black and gray PErsonal Termanel, or PET. A boy awoke. He looked about 14. He was dressed in black pajama shirt, and the gray pants to match. He yawned and passed his hand over his messy hair. He was new to ACDC. He jumped up and walked to get some clothes. Several minutes later he the bathroom door opened. He stepped out, cleaned up. He wore a gray sleeveless shirt, with a black button up shirt over. He had black jeans, and a pair of gray and black sneakers. He wore a pair of wrist bands with spikes on them. He had a pair of black fingerless gloves. He grabbed the PET and looked into it. There, standing was a Navi. He had black armor like shoulder blades. They held his cape. He had black tight shirt, and black pants, with large armor boots on. He had a scar on his right eye. He was levitating. "Curseman, thanks. I almost overslept there. C'mon. There's graduation practice today. And after school, we can go on the net. Sound okay to you?" He asked his navi as he grabbed his bag and started downstairs. "Yes, Jack, that sounds great. Maybe we can practice out virus busting abilities if we run into any." The navi said with a smile on his face. There was a bit of ringing on the PET. That signaled that Jack had E-mail. He had Curseman open the mail. It was a reminder of the tournament comming up soon. He shrugged and headed out the door. No one was there. His parents were working as usual. He stood outside and waited for the bus to ACDC Jr. High school.
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