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Everything posted by liubei013

  1. It's good, all you need to fix is the exclamation points. You only need it at the end of the full incantation. See my char's spell creation as a sample. ^^
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Okay, the Underground Thread is up...finally! Click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=615384#post615384]here...[/URL] [/COLOR] EDIT: Weapons, NPCs, and spell creation are in the Underground thread.
  3. Sorry, a little later than I would have liked, but yeah. This is the underground thread for the Tower of Fangs: Hand of Hielien RP, based on the anime Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. I'll provide spells and other various tidbits of info on the continent of Kielsalhima, where this RP will take place. Signups are still opened here: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43503"][u][b]Tower of Fangs: Hand of Hielien Signups[/b][/u][/url] Now, for all the excessive info. x_X; Of course, in a land where you have sorcerers, you got to have magic. This section will go through spells used in both season 1 and 2 of the anime. However, for those that signed up, you are not restricted to using the spells on the list below. I encourage people to be creative and make their own spells as long as it isn't too 'god-mod'dish. Oh, also, all magic that sorcerers use except for Clairvoyance have to be vocalized. The following list of spells work if you see an incantation and then a semicolon, that means there are several ways to vocalize the spell of the same effect. (example: Sword of Light, whom I do release! ; O Light! are the same spells essentially.) Here goes: (this is REALLY long x_X; ) Elemental Magic [color=DarkSlateBlue][u]Sword of Light, whom I do release! ; O Light! ; Come out, Sword of Light![/u] - caster fires a stream or ball of intense light energy at target. [u]Tiny Spirit, that I do create![/u] ? caster creates a small ball of light, used for illumination or for temporarily blinding opponents. [u]Locus of Light?s Blade that I do illustrate![/u] ? caster forms many orbs of light around him/her and then orbs shoot out as many beams of light toward its target(s) [u]Light of Destruction![/u] ? high level light spell [u]O Blade, become a blades of light![/u] - beam of light is shot up into the air and then rains multiple blades of light onto the target(s) [u]Cloak me, Steps of the Sorcerer![/u] ? cloaks area with light, counteracts the Hand of Darkness. [u]O Holy War, end by my pact![/u] ? highest level light spell, creates pillar of light on target and then causes a huge explosion.[/color] [color=SeaGreen][u]Guide me, O Starling of Death! ; O Wind! ; O Wind, to me! ; Blow away![/u] - fires a burst of wind at the target, variation includes a direct blasts to slicing wind. [u]Breath of an Angel that I let flow![/u] ? caster shoots massive gust of air [u]O Wind as a Blade! [/u] ? caster shoots blast of air at target, slices target in multiple locations. [u]Hail of Glass, that I repel![/u] ? caster uses air to lift and throw target(s) [u]Wall of Air, that I do slice![/u] ? creates a swirling vortex of air around caster, then shoots out as a ?spear? of wind towards target.[/color] [color=RoyalBlue][u]Bring peace, Sleep of Atonement! ; O Ice of Silence![/u] ? freezes target by encapsulating it with ice [u]O, Ice![/u] - fires a blast of ice that freezes on impact [u]Inspection of Morning Fog, that I sing![/u] ? freezes targeted area[/color] [u]O, Darkness! ; Hand of Darkness![/u] - surrounds area in darkness [u]Image of Hades, to my hand! ; Of the darkness, The Abyss! [/u] - powerful darkness spell, creates medium sized sphere of dark and destructive energies. [color=Red][u]I build thee, O Spire of the Sun![/u] ? caster shoots up fire at target, also can create pillar of fire onto the target [u]O Fire! ; O Fire, to me![/u] - caster shoots a stream or ball of fire [u]Spirit of Spring, that I do create![/u] - low level fire spell, mainly used as illumination and heating source [u]Shield of Amber, to my fingertips![/u] - caster creates a small fiery shield around his/her fingertips, can block of pinpoint long or short-ranged melee attacks.[/color] [color=Sienna][u]Princess of Chaos, that I do see![/u] ? uses gravitational force to surround and restrain target [u]Wall of Earth, that I sharpen![/u] ? charges energy from the earth, then launches out massive horozontal streams of energy toward target(s).[/color] [color=YellowGreen][u]O Thunder![/u] ? caster launches lightning bolts down onto target [u]O Daggered Thunder![/u] ? strong high-level lightning attack [u]Primeval Silence, that I do break![/u] - wide-area lightning attacks, causes large explosion [u]Magic Bullet of Lightning, that I do strike![/u] ? caster fires ball of lightning [/color] [color=Indigo][u]Shatter![/u] - low-level Destruction spell, breaks targeted area, small explosion [u]Silence of the Angels that I shatter![/u] ? high-explosive spell [u]Verdict of Nonexistence! [/u] ? high level total destruction spell, caster creates a massive sphere of destructive energies, which is then launched towards the target(s), causing absolute devastation.[/color] Teleportation Magic [u]Dance around me, Tower of Heavens! ; Away! ; To the other side! ; Open Transport! ; To another land! Fly! ; As long as my voice lasts, to the other side![/u] - teleports caster, sometimes can be used to teleport objects [u]To my hand! ; To my arms! ; Gather, Spinning Song![/u] - teleports object/person to caster Healing Magic [u]Heal that which is mine, Spirit of Healing Light[/u] ? standard level healing spell, can also be used to fix minor/small things [u]Scar of the Setting Sun, that I do heal [/u] - low-level and quick healing spell Protection/Barrier Magic [color=DarkOrange][u]Spin around me, O Armor of Ice![/u] - creates a wall/shield of ice in front of caster [u]O Wall![/u] - magical barrier/shield created in front of caster [u]Wheel of Light, protect thou my flesh![/u] ? high-level protection spell, creates impenetrable spherical barrier [u]Armor of Halos, that I do spin![/u] ? shield wall of rings, blocks multiple attacks from one direction[/color] Melee Magic [u]Sword of the Descending Demon, that I do carry![/u] - creates blue energy blade, either in manifest sword form or blade going from the fingertips [u]Sword of Conquering Evil, that I do carry! ; O Sword! ; That With Which I Slice! [/u] - manifests glass-like and strong blade(s) Miscellaneous Magic [u]Clairvoyance[/u] magic - this type of magic allows the caster to detect people, creatures or items he/she is searching for. It also provides near-future predictions; foresight. The few sorcerers who has this ability generally use a crystal ball. (i know, kinda lame) [u]Assume thy true form[/u] ? reassembles broken things [u]Mirror![/u] ? creates multiple illusions of the caster. [u]Illusion![/u] - manifests an illusion from an inanimate object to help attack targets [u]To the dust from which you originated; To dust [/u] ? disintegration spell, only for small objects [u]Silvery Mountain of Heaven, that I do cast! [/u] ? hovering/levitation spell [u]Sisters of Explosions, whom I do call![/u] ? sound based magic, caster causes a massive shockwave to vibrate in a specific area [u]Part![/u] ? spread apart obstacles, like water [u]Disappear! ; Scatter![/u] - dispels/breaks opponents spells, usually caster is of higher level than opponent [u]Richochet[/u] - deflects incoming magic/physical attacks EDIT: Weapons [color=DarkGreen]Most sorcerers of the Tower of Fangs generally don't use physical weaponry of any sorts, due to their arrogance/confidance in their own sorcery. Some sorcerers realize there are some situations in which magic may be an overly excessive solution, so they seek less spectacular alternatives. The following is a general list of weapons available on the continent of Kielsalhima. [u]Quarterstaff[/u] - the most used 'weapon' among mid to low level sorcerers, it is a stout 1.5 to 2 meter long wooden stick used for both offense and defense [u]Knuckle/Fist weapons[/u] - every student has gone through martial arts training of some sort and few of those tend to augment their fighting ability with a small knuckle duster/claw/fist weapon. [u]Daggers[/u] - short bladed weapons are occasionally used, sometimes in conjuction with sorcery. Such weapons like daggers, stilettos(longer, thicker blade), gladius (thick/wide blade), and dirks(longest dagger type) are the more common types. [u]Swords[/u] - the few sorcerers that use swords tends to use one-handed sword types, such as the short sword, cutlass, sabers, rapiers, etc. None use the heavier/stronger two-handed swords. [u]Spears/Axes/Etc[/u]. - various spears, pikes, and halberds (spear with ax at the tip) are effective melee weapons with extended reach over swords and other close-ranged weapons. Axes are similar in usage to swords, generally one-handed weaponry. And of course, other melee weapons I can't think of at the moment. [u]Projectile Weapons[/u] - practically no sorcerer uses projectile weapons such as bows, crossbows, slings, and early age muskets. That is because almost all attack spells are ranged and are more effective.[/color] I'll add info on NPCs and stuff later. I still need more people to sign up. ;0; EDIT: Made some modifications, moved a spell from Destruction to Darkness. Any questions/comments, post here or PM me. [color=RoyalBlue]Ok, this post will have some info about NPCs and spell creation. NPCs Elders - a group of about 12 of the greatest/oldest sorcerers in the land. These men run the Tower of Fangs. Generally, most younger sorcerers interact indirectly with them, so most people have never seen them face-to-face. Hartia - friend of Krylancelo, he rose up to eventually become one of the main professors of the Tower of Fangs. He is characterized by his freckles and mid-length red hair. He also has an obssession with a children's book, "Black Tiger" and occasionally dress up as his childhood hero when he investigates. [url="http://img130.exs.cx/img130/6152/HartiaShrimpMan.jpg"]Click here, Hartia on left, his Black Tiger alias on right[/url] Lai - a friend of Hartia's and Krylancelo's, Lai is the strongest clairvoyant sorcerer in the Tower of Fangs. He also handles some teaching duties with Hartia on occasion. [url="http://img130.exs.cx/img130/3626/Lai.jpg"]Click for Pic[/url] Leticia - Leticia is a higher level sorceress than Hartia and Lai. Was rumored to have been a rival of the infamous Azalie. She used to be the head investigator forthe Tower of Fangs, but due to lack of experienced personnel, she also resides in the Tower for teaching duties. [url="http://img130.exs.cx/img130/5485/letita.jpg"]Pic[/url] Stephanie - Stephanie was formerly known as Stephan, a male sorcerer of the Tower of Fangs. But after an accident with some experiments, he somehow changed gender and now lives in the city of Alenhaten, just recently married. She/he ( O.o? ) is still researching ruins around the city. [url="http://img130.exs.cx/img130/9273/stephanie.jpg"]Click[/url] More will be added as the RP progress. Spell creation. Everyone's signup will have 2 to 3 custom spells, either with unique incantations and/or effects. I'll use my own spell creation for my character as an example. Character: Kaelar "Spin forth, O Maelstrom! - caster creates and launches a powerful tornado; high level wind spell. "Slice through, Falcon's Rage!" - caster shoots forth slicing blades of wind.[/color] EDIT: got the pic links working. X_x[font=Trebuchet MS][size=4] [size=2][color=Red]liubei013, I've merged the two posts. In the future, please don't double-post, as it's against this forum's guidlines. - Bio [/color][/size][/size][/font]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Seeing the Pelican preparing to lift off, Skyshot activated the command for the hangar bay doors to open. It opened halfway before anothe shockwave stopped the door mechanism. Skyshot armed his ASGM-10 missiles and aimed them toward the hangar bay doors. He then thumbed the joystick trigger and let fly a pair of missles at the door. The doors exploded outwards and then Skyshot kicked in the throttle and zoomed out of the hangar. He saw on his rear-view camera, the Pelican following in from behind. Everyone watched as the Pillar of Autumn II as it tore apart when the engines systematically exploded. "Skyshot, I know you thought it was funny, the funnier something is, the more serious you get. So damn that must've registered a 50 on a scale of 1-10," Jacks said over the comm. Skyshot grimly checked his sensors, ignoring Jacks as he saw a flight of Covenant Banshees swarming in on the Pelicans scattered around the now-dead Pillar of Autumn II. He gunned the throttle and swung around as he aimed his 110mm rotary cannons at his first target.[/COLOR]
  5. Interesting ideas, Rhian. It would show quite some promise once you get started. In my opnion, perhaps you should start at the beginning, maybe where students of Nasawa High School are gossiping/talking to each other about the new students that are going to arrive soon. Then they arrive and you can really kick it off from there. But regardless of how you want to do this, it's a lot easier if you outline or script what you want to draw first. That way, you already have a basis when you draw and you won't have to worry about what this character will say or what that character will do. Best of luck, (and skill ^^ ) liubei013
  6. Hmm...sidekicks...well, yeah, several people have already mentioned Wolfwood, who's almost the quintessential sidekick, so I won't repeat the good points made about him. Another sidekick could be Gourry from Slayers. Oh, sure, his intelligence is sub-par but he steadfastly defends Lina from any threat, even if it's out of his league in terms of power. Some might say that he's merely a lackey of Lina's, who constantly berates and abuse him due to her really short temper. But in times of danger, he remains loyal to her and continue to be her guardian against all odds.
  7. Yeah, I fixed the wording after I realized the possible misnterpretation, which you took. ^^; As for number of spells...hmm...basically the idea I have is that you'll have a set of maybe 2 or 3 primary spells based on your magical strength and then a multitude of other spells covering other magic types to have variety and adaptibility. Each student/sorcerer will usually have at least one protection spell accessible to them, regardless of their specialties, just as an example. I'll go through more details regarding access to spells once I create the underground thread. I'm going to wait for more signups as well as to take more time in getting info on spells, locations and stuff.
  8. [COLOR=Blue]It's great, amgoddess. ^^ Oh, I didn't expect you to make up spells, but don't worry. It's fine by me, since that was something I wanted the people who signed up for this RP to do when we got started. I only meant that you put down your magic specialty or two, not specific spells. No harm done though. :) Btw, you have quite the obbssession with fire, don't you? XD[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]EDIT: ACK! I forgot to put down weapon choice for the sign up, since some sorcerers do carry a weapon! O_O; Blah, also forgot barrier/protection and healing magics. >.< (I need to proofread more X_x; )[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Here's my sign-up: Name: Kaelar Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Kaelar is a calm and intelligent young man. He holds to himself a set of principles, dictating virtue and honor. Like the magics he wield, he is quick and decisive in any situation. His strength and intelligence makes him one of the more powerful and dependable sorcerers of his level. Appearance: (Wears blue robes in the Tower of Fangs) Well-built and tall, Kaelar has dark-blue eyes, which matches his hair color. His general traveling/civilian wear involves a grey short-sleeved collared shirt, with a green vest, and dark beige pants with heavy-duty boots. Magical Strength: Wind and Teleportation Magics. Weapon: Studded Knuckle Duster (kinda like those brass knuckles) Bio: Kaelar had no particular ambitions as a young boy to rise quickly to the top. However, his abilities in both academics and applied magics speeded up his progress. Some Elders compared him to former student Krylancelo in some respects. Kaelar didn't care for any of that. After he passed the tests and got his Tower of Fangs pendant, he continued to hone his skills. He particularly preferred swift magics like wind and teleportation. And during these times, he clashed with some of the older sorcerers, some of whom carried out experiments in an uncontrolled fashion. Kaelar criticized things like high risk experiments and reckless accidents because he knew that sorcerers were also human, and mistakes would occur. Despite that, when the Hand of Hielien was seen through Lai's clairvoyance, the Elders couldn't find anyone better than Kaelar to lead the investigation.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]The animation in [U]Last Exile[/U] just blew my mind away. I first found out about the series from reading a brief review at some site or another, didn't think much of it at first. Bought Volume 1 for the heck of it, popped the disc in, selected play and....whoa. The CG/2D art is so seamlessly blended together, the machines are very interesting, that whole Jules Verne aspect. The characters, plot, and music was also wonderfully done. I'm glad that most anime don't follow the trend of American movies where more visual eye-candy usually = crappy movie. *cough* Sky Captain *cough* :p [/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkOrchid][CENTER]"[I]Ages ago, the Dragon Tribe stole the power of magic from the gods. Fierce battles were fought between the Dragon Tribe and followers of the gods. After countless wars, the Dragon Tribe settled down and established this continent, Kielsalhima. Eventually, the people of the Dragon Tribe bred with regular humans, and as a result, humans with exceptional magical abilities emerged. We call these humans, sorcerers...[/I]" -from "Origins of Kielsalhima" from the Tower of Fangs archives.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER][U][B][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Navy]Tower of Fangs[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/U]: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hand of Hielien[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/liubei013-TowerOfFangsPendant2.JPG[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]In the purple night sky, two figures could be seen walking through a forest towards an area with extremely old ruins. The ruins were dotted with sorcerous runes and statues of dragons and other ancient beasts. The wind whistled softly, as if trying to not disturb anything. The two figures stopped at the entrance. One was covered in a dark cloak, hiding any and all features. The other man was dressed in a simple tunic, vest, pants, and boots. That person was a resident of a nearby village. He looked around fearfully, moaning and shaking with fright. "H-Here are the ruins, stranger...oh...we shouldn't be here...this place is cursed..." the villager said, teeth chattering. "Fine, you fulfilled your side of the bargain..." the cloaked figure said in a neutral tone. The person tossed a small bag of coins to the villager. The villager caught the bag and nodded his thanks as he ran off. After about fifty paces, the cloaked figure raised its right hand and pointed the palm towards the fleeing villager. "Tear Apart Thee, O Dark Wind!" A blast of dark destructive energy swarmed toward the hapless villager and tore him apart. The cloaked figure then raised his palm upward, "To me!" The bag of coins teleported from the remnants of the villager back into the cloaked figure's hand. The person then turned and walked into the ruins, searching for a certain object of immense power.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Blue]Jon overheard the Master Chief's current status, but let the others in the Pelican respond. He had to immediately hold his fire as an impatient Steele charged towards the hangar entrance to the Covenant. But Wright managed to call back the angry Steele and as he stormed back into the Pelican, Jon aimed his fighter's HUD reticle over the entrance where a Hunter emerged carrying the ever lethal fuel rod gun. Then Jon pulled the trigger and armor-piercing shells blew the Hunter apart and the fuel rod gun exploded, taking out several other Covenant troops in the process. WHAM! Jon felt the shockwave that vibrated throughout the ship. He realized it was the Covenant battleship's plasma cannons. "Don't have much time left..." Jon muttered into the com. He double checked his Longsword's systems as time was running out.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]After helping Aria get out, Jon followed suit and landed nimbly onto the grass. His mind raced as it went through a multitude of possibilities as to their next move. "I doubt my illusion will fool them for long, but it'll buy some time. Make a decision before they realize its a fake!" Till said urgently. After looking around the nearby parking lot, Jon finally thought of a viable possibility. "Uh...okay, I got an idea. Everyone, over here!" Jon said as everyone followed him to a dark-green minivan. "Alex Moore, can you phase through and unlock the door to the driver's seat?" Jon asked. Alex laughed and began to phase through as he said, "That was a rhetorical question, right?" Then he promptly unlocked the door and walked out, bowing mockingly to everyone. "Okay, the other Alex...can you bend time so that it will slow down? I'm going to speed myself up and hotwire this thing. Your abilities plus mine will give us plenty more time to escape," Jon said. "Hmm...sure, but I'm not sure if I can affect others though," Alex Sapphire said as he concentrated. "Now's a good time as any to find out..." Jon replied as he also concentrated. Then both of the guys' abilities went off simultaneously. The two abilities allowed Jon to work at almost triple his usual speed. Jon dashed into the driver's seat, yanked out the ignition key panels and pulled some wires around. After rewiring it and sparking it off, the car started up. Then real-time was restored and only a second passed by. Everyone looked amazed at Alex and Jon as the car was started up. "Oh...crap. Can anyone here drive? I've only just got my permit since my uncle doesn't let me practice," Jon said sheepishly as time began to run out.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]Bleh, tough choice here...so many characters to choose from...narrowing it down seems next to impossible. Guess I'll choose one of favorites at random. Xellos from Slayers Next/Try. He has that mysterious air about him, as well as an animated personality at times. (Heck, [spoiler]he claims himself as the "Mysterious Priest."[/spoiler]) I love it when he lies so sincerely to both enemies and allies alike. :laugh: Of course, we can't forget about his signature saying, the ever funny and annoying, "That's a secret."[/COLOR]
  14. Yeah, I personally don't like SD Gundam as well as many people here, but I direct to the quote on the first page of this thread: [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]Superior Defender Gundam is a parody. It's meant to make light of the legacy as a whole, so of course it's not going to have all the elements that a Gundam series has. Plus, as it's already been said, it was directed towards a younger audience, so yeah, older Gundam fans may not like it. I personally do, but eh. [/color][/QUOTE] I don't consider SD Gundam a 'true' Gundam series so I pretty much kicked that out of the picture. My most favorite series is 08th MS Team for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, the combat and the mobile suits in there is a lot more realistic without the 'Superman' effect that tends to occur far too often in other Gundam series like Wing and SEED. Second, the characters and their development throughout this short series has quite a bit of depth and realism in it. Lastly, all the elements put together can really make you feel the desperation of the soldiers/pilots, the emotions they felt as they ventured towards death. Gundam Wing and SEED would be up next. Wing was the first full series I ever saw and I liked it primarily with the plot twists and the mobile suits. The pilots had too much of the 'Superman' effect to really suit me, even though the series added emotional development in somewhat to them. SEED was a bit better in this regard, character-wise. However, I didn't like how the first 20 or so episodes in SEED kinda did a stop-go during that time such as where one episode, we got action, fighting, etc. and suddenly, we go to chracter's dialogues and monologues in the next episode. After the series began to pick up it seemed a lot better. I don't remember, but someone else in this thread mentioned After War Gundam X, a fairly decent series in my opinion, despite not being released into the mainstream. Of course, the situation is another "boy stumbles into powerful Gundam mobile suit." However, the main character, Garrod Ran, isn't as typical of the boy pilots thrust into battle. Unlike others who get a teary and whiny over fighting *cough* Amuro Ray *cough*, Garrod has a more spunky and tough personality due to living in a war-torn area. The mobile suits and the battles are also similar to Wing in some regards. Those are my opinions. ^^ Oh, [spoiler]about seeing Kira and Lacus (sp?)[/spoiler] in SEED Destiny? [spoiler] They may make an apperance in the series but as characters in general, they're more in the background than previously in SEED. And no, most of the main characters don't die, some do but I'll let you watch and find out.[/spoiler]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]Skipper wasn't clueless about Rutt's abnomal behavior that emerged on occasion. Rutt did mention a few times about ships and cosairs to Skippe, but never really talked about any details about his own past. Skip knew Rutt was dependable enough that if he wanted to talk about his past or his problems, he will. ---- The mid-morning sun shined down on Mossflower as Skipper and his crew moved through the forest. Skipper halted and pointed at the familiar red abbey in the distance. "We'll definitely be there before noon, so don't you forget your manners," Skipper said while grinning, despite being inwardly worried about the current situation. Everyone else chuckled at that, but they all could sense the tension running through their leader. But, like him, they all knew they shouldn't speculate until they got the full details at the Abbey. They noticed that the grass and trees near the Abbey were bone dry and striving to survive. This added to their worries as they got closer to the Abbey.[/COLOR]
  16. OOC: Oh...okay, sorry bout that. Thanks for the clarification, Drizzt. I wish Jacks the best of luck since it ain't gonna be easy. :devil: IC: [COLOR=Blue]Skyshot left Jacks, knowing he could handle himself. Skyshot unloaded more rounds at Covenant troops to provide cover for evacuating personnel. Then the last two Pelican dropships in Hangar 1 lifted off and blasted out. That left Skyshot and lots of angry Covenant in the hangar. He pulled back, firing as he did, his kill count steadily rising as his ammo count decreased. He emptied another clip and slapped the last clip into his Battle Rifle and put it in the weapons holder behind his back. He bent down and picked up ammo for his rifle, as well as two SMGs and ammo. He loaded both with satisfying clicks and pulled back as Jackals charged toward him. Jon let loose both SMGs and gunned down several Jackals as he ran down the corridor towards the next hangar, where the Spartans were supposed to assemble and evacuate. "Jacks, I'm incoming...watch your fire...targets behind me," Jon said and then Jack's indicator on Jon's HUD blinked in acknowledgement. He saw the opening into the hangar and saw Jacks with an S2 sniper rifle aiming at the entrance. Jon ran in and then ran to the side as the Covenant approached the entrance. The Covenant were cut down as rounds flew in and blew off limbs and heads. Jon waved at Jacks and pointed to the royal blue Longsword fighter near the Pelican. Jon ran backwards towards his custom Longsword and unloaded his SMGs at the entrance. More blue blood gushed out as Covenant continued to fall but there were still plenty to go. Jon jumped into the cockpit and put his weapons in the small storage locker in the back of the cockpit. He then sat down on the seat custom made for the Mjolnir armor and powered up all systems. He closed the cockpit and hovered the fighter. He pointed the nose towards the entrance and armed his 110mm rotary cannons and let loose armor-piercing shells at the Covenant.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]Jon was actually quite impressed with Till's abilities and quietly said so to him. But Till just kept staring off into the distance. Asim left to answer his cellphone and Jim left a little after Asim came back in to go to the bathroom. Then after Jim came back and said his excuse of accidentally running a door when Alex Moore laughed. Jim got angry and countered by lifting a book and psychically throwing it at the back of Alex's head. Super-fast calculations spun through Jon's head as he figured out the most possible outcome. "[I]Ah well...[/I]" Jon thought to himself as the book went through Alex and hit Jim instead. But then Mr. Freeman intervened and then: "Thats enough you two." Mr. Freeman Said "Sorry Mr. Freeman." "Its not me you owe an appology to." "Im sorry Jim, It wasnt polite of me to laugh." Alex said as he stuck his hand out. "Truce?" Jim, though a bit ruffled, warily shook Alex's hand. Everyone seemed to sag in relief as the conflict winded down. Then the lunch bell rang and everyone got up for a moment...until they remembered their 'special' situation.' "Mr. Freeman, has there been any provisions regarding our lunch?" Jon asked. "Hmm...that's a good question, Jon," Mr. Freeman said. Jon noticed a few people had brought their own lunches, but others did not, including Jon. "Hey, what do you guys want? I'll got buy it for you," Jon offered. "What about everyone out there heading to lunch? Won't they see you?" Aria asked softly. "Not really...because of my abilities," Jon said, grinning. He took down orders and collected their money and then approached the door. He opened it and took a deep breath. Then time dilated again as Jon boosted himself. He began to run down the hallway with inhuman speed and saw some of the 'special' students look on. He ran into the cafeteria before the first student got there, scooped up or grabbed what everyone wanted, ran past the cashier lady, and dropped the appropriate amount of money as he carried several trays haphazardly back into the classroom. He put them at the appropriate desks and then sat down, exhausted. Everyone still looked outside the door until they heard trays being put on desks and Jon breathing heavily at his desk. Jon smiled weakly at them. "Heh, never had to use that ability for that long..." he said as he took a bite of a school-grade meatball. "[I]Wow, it actually does taste like real meatballs for once,[/I]" Jon thought to himself as he slowly recovered.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]Jon didn't care much as the considerate Mr. Freeman taught various subjects. He was teaching Algebra II/Pre-calculus for the sake of the younger students while Jon did abstract mathematical problems in his head. At the same time, he continued reading through the reports on everyone in this room. Then later, Mr. Freeman wanted everyone to introduce themselves. Hello, my name is Atalanta Hunter, but please call me Hunter" "[I]Her personality matches her ability...pyrokinesis...[/I]' Jon thought to himself as he continued to observe everyone. "I'm Alex Moore, nice to meet all of you" "[I]He can phase shift his body...meaning he can walk through walls and objects...[/I]" "Jim Valentine, hiya" "[I]Telekinetic right there, can also summon psychic barriers and such...[/I]" "I'm Alex Sapphire, a pleasure" "[I]Ah, interesting person...can bend/break the rules of gravity and time...[/I]" "Reis Terras here" "[I]Hydrokinetic, but primarily in the ice phase...[/I]" "Just call me Asim" "[I]Electrokinesis...but his file has been partially erased...I wonder why...[/I]" "Hiys, I'm Frankie Tolerio" "[I]Teleporter with heightened senses...[/I]" "Aria Kaze, an honor to meet the rest of you" "[I]Can manipulate the wind...[/I]" Then Jon waved briefly and adjusted his glasses. "Jonathan Tylynn, but please call me Jon" he said. Then the last student introduced himself, "Till Banes..." "[I]Advanced Perception Distortion...meaning he can project illusions...[/I]" As everyone began to talk to each other, Jon grinned slightly. "[I]Well, this'll be interesting...[/I]" he thought to himself as he began to acquaint himself with the other 'gifted' students.[/COLOR]
  19. OCC: Drizzt, Skyshot isn't that talkative and wouldn't give a damn about the competitiveness of others. >.< [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Skyshot ignored the reckless Jacks as he pointed his battle rifle up and capped the Elite that pushed Jacks over. He then turned back toward the next wave of Covenant. He pointed to two dropship pilots, then toward the Pelican, and then thumbed down as if he was pulling a stick's trigger. They nodded and went into the Pelican. As it was powering up, new Covenant troops trundled into view. The two Covenant were tall and wide, seemingly layered with muscles. They seemed like a familiar class of Covenant, Brutes, but on a whole lot more steroids. They each wielded an oversized plasma rifle and what appeared to be huge energy knuckles. They activated their shields, which were on their shoulders, and then charged at the two Spartan 'trainees.' They also swiped two Marines out of the way. Blood and body parts flew everywhere as the Brutes effortlessly ran through. Skyshot continuously fired his semi-auto Battle Rifle at the Super Brutes, trying to hit any weak spot that the shields didn't cover. Jacks did the same as he chucked a few grenades at them and unloaded his shotgun. The super Brutes' shields flared as the grenades exploded but their shields still held. Then the Pelican near Skyshot hovered into the air and unleashed its 80 mm rotary cannons at the Brutes. Despite the toughness of the Brutes, their shields were drained down and Skyshot plugged round after round into one's thick head. Jacks took down the other with numerous shotgun shells. But as they looked beyond the dead Brutes, there was still plenty of killing to do....[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A cloaked figure walked into the magic store. He has a medium height and not much more is seen except for his metallic purple-blue hair. He walked over to red-haired sorceress, who was haggling over the price of some items while the tall and clueless blond swordsman looked around at the various things in the store. "Aw, come on, this statue is pure orihalcon! Gimme a good price on it!" the sorceress screeched at the store owner. The figure heard the store owner replying something about needing more time to examine the statue...leaving him with the opening he needed. "I'll purchase that statue, if he can't decide. Name your price..." Zelgadis offered. The store owner, the sorceress, and the swordsman all turned to look at the cloaked figure. "Ah, someone's interesting in this... Maybe you should introduce yourself first or do I call you 'stranger'?" the sorceress asked. "My name is Zelgadis...and you?" Zel answered. "Ha! You should know me by reputation, the young, beautiful, yet intelligent sorceress, Lina Inverse!" she said proudly. Gourry came over and said, "And I'm her guardian, Gourry, Mr. Zegaldis." "It's ZELgadis!" Zel responded harshly, somewhat miffed. "Anyways, I'm willing to buy that statue...name your price."[/COLOR] OOC: Okay, not exactly going with the series, but yeah, whatever. XD Oh, Methuselah, you could have the Amelia RPer post their own sorta side story before meeting up with Lina and the others. Kinda gives them equal treatment that way. ;)
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Jon quietly analyzed the entire situation, including the Principal's annoucement and knew that things didn't add up. He grinned as Atalanta Hunter got all fired up and argued with the Principal. "[I]She's speaking the truth and everyone in here knows it[/I]," Jon thought to himself. Hunter and Asim left the room while everyone else milled around the office. The infuriated principal shouted, "WILL YOU FREAKS GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW???" Jim and Till slowly left the room, leaving Reis, Aria, Frankie, the two Alexs, and himself. Jon quietly stood up and walked to the principal, "You do realize that this can be categorized as discrimination...I believe it's one of laws that goes to the state and federal levels. You have no justification for this...and you'll most likely reap the whirlwind with your actions..." Before the principal could retort, Jon turned his back towards the principal and slowly walked out. "[I]Hmm...that portfolio on his desk...[/I]" Jon thought as he concentrated. Suddenly, time seemed to slow down as Jon dashed back towards the desk behind the principal, took the second copy, tucked it under his shirt and ran right back to where he first sped himself up. Then the speed boost wore off and everyone only saw a slight distortion during the single second that Jon moved. He walked out and didn't bother to close the door. His mind continued to analyze the situation but it screamed for the portfolio he had hidden under his shirt. He calmly walked into the designated classroom and saw that the four students were sitting at desks. He chose a desk in the middle of the row next to the windows. After he sat down as comfortable as possible on school-grade chairs, he took out the portfolio and began reading the reports about him and the others. Variables entered into his head and calculations were made. Conclusions were yet to be drawn...because there was plenty of data to analyze.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Drinks are on Skyshot when we're finished here" Jacks finished laughing. Sean, otherwise known as Skyshot, didn't laugh or show any expression for that matter. He merely removed the clip from his battle rifle, examined it for a moment and then shoved the clip back in. He also ran a quick auto-diagnostic of his royal blue Mjolnir armor. The diagnostics showed all systems were operational and then a targeting reticle showed up on his Heads-Up Display as it registered the battle rifle he was holding. The Master Chief and the other Spartan 'trainees' began to split up to evac all the Marines and Navy personnel. He followed along and then changed to another direction. "Hangar..." he said. His HUD showed acknowledging blinks, meaning that everyone else confirmed Skyshot's first location. He walked towards the hangar and noticed a small contingent of Marines at the Hangar entrance. A corporal saluted, "Lieutanant! Covenant troops have begun to board the ship through this hangar!" Sean glanced coldly at them and then pointed to the door switch. "Open...cover fire," Skyshot said. Right when the door opened, Skyshot dashed through the door with incredible speed, due to the augmentations of the Mjolnir armor. Then the Marines unloaded their MA-5Bs at the squad of Elites that just entered the bay. The Elites merely raised their shields and blocked off the assault rifle rounds. Sean saw that one Covenant Dropship has already entered the hangar and several more were approaching in the distance. He took a frag grenade, pulled the pin, and then threw it right behind the Elite squad. The explosion scattered blue blood and body parts all over as the survivors unloaded their plasma rifles at Skyshot. He dodged the blasts as he aimed carefully at his first target. The Elite's torso and head was covered by its shield but Skyshot fired a round into its leg. The Elite howled in pain as it bent down, giving Skyshot the opening he needed to decap the Elite. He saw Navy personnel and Marines in the hangar trading ineffective fire at the Elite troops. "All personnel...regroup by me," Skyshot said as he ran to the front of a Pelican dropship, uncomfortable with the fact that he spoke more words today than he usually does in a week. A few humans fell from plasma blasts, but Skyshot was able to cover the rest with his rifle fire, whether it was a gut shot here, a blown off leg here, or an Elite's eye there. The last of the Elite squad charged forward, roaring as they madly charged at the humans. "Marines...shredder rounds," Sean ordered as he capped another Elite. The Marines changed clips in their assault rifles and fired shredder rounds into the charging Elite, cutting the aliens apart, their shields overwhelmed by the concentrated firepower. But there was no time for celebration as two more Covenant dropships entered the hangars and released more troops. Skyshot noticed the several Covenant troops were types no one has seen before. But he didn't dwell on it as he reloaded his rifle.[/COLOR] OOC: Er, CJS, you really didn't provide us with any info as to the newer Covenant troops. Will that info be provided or do we just make 'em up as we go along?
  23. [COLOR=Blue]He watched as Rutt complimented Kinna on her unique slinging technique. Though he didn't see Rutt's wink, he saw how Rutt and Kinna exchanged supposedly subtle looks. "[I]She's getting to that age...and Rutt's as dependable as they come...[/I]" Skipper mused to himself. Hooo-hooooo... The three otters looked up and saw an owl approaching them. Skipper recognized the owl as Gruth, who has taken residence at Redwall several seasons ago. "O'er here!" Skipper called out, waving to Gruth. The young owl perched on a nearby tree overhanging the river. "Ah, gud to have found you, Skipper, Miss Kinna, Rutt..." as Gurth nodded to them all. "I'm 'fraid I ain't here for a social call however...Abbot Kende is ill, but he bade me to find yous all, otters, moles, and shrews alike." "What? How's the full situation o'er at Redwall?" Skipper inquired. "Best for you to go there and see for yerselves. The dear Abbot told me to find all of you and to tell you to head to Redwall at the soonest possible moment," Gruth answered. He then unfurled his wings and said before flying off, "Now, if you'll 'scuse me, I must find the Guosim shrews and the moles now." "Okay, thank you, friend," Skipper called out to Gruth, who was flying further and further away. He then turned towards Kinna and Rutt, "Kinna, break up the camp...Rutt..." With the mere mention of his name, Rutt nodded and dove into the river, swimming down to where the rest of the otters were at. "Uncle, what do you think is going on?" Kinna asked. "I don't know...but it be best if we make haste!" Skipper replied with utter conviction.[/COLOR]
  24. Here it is, as promised. I didn't get to categorize summoning spells, curses, magical items and uncategorized spells like Mind Control and Reverse Time, like Rezo used in one of the first few episodes. If there any additions and corrections that are needed, then PM me or just reply on this thread. (Oh, it's pretty long. X_x; ) Spells from Slayers, Slayers Next, Slayers Try, Slayers-The Book of Spells (Slayers Special), Slayers Perfect, Slayers Gorgeous, and Slayers Great [color=Navy][b][u]Black Magic[/u][/b] - this branch of magic involves destruction spells or curses. This magic is derived from the Monster Race. Black magic is powered by hate, fear, greed, aggression, despair, and other such negative emotions. (Think dark side) The one that controls these emotions is the Dark Lord Shabranigdo. (Also known as Lord Ruby-Eyes) (At least, in the world Lina resides. There are a total of Four Dark Lords, Ruby-Eyes, Dark Star, Chaotic Blue, and Death Fog.)[/color] Dragon Slave - the most powerful spell in black magic, draws power from the Dark Lord Shabranigdo (Power=small nuke) "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson blood that flows... buried in the flow of time... in thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! DRAGON SLAVE!!! Shadow Snap - caster uses a sharp object, like a knife or dagger, to impale the opponent's shadow, preventing him/her from moving. But it can be stopped if the victim is able to neutralize the shadow by casting a light spell, or if someone removes the blade that was used for the shadow snap. Gaav Flare - the caster fires a ball of energy that draws its power from the Demon Dragon King, Gaav. It isn't as strong as the Dragon Slave, but it's still pretty powerful since Gaav was one of Ruby-eye's five high-level monsters. "Dragon of Darkness which sleeps in the inferno! Let your roar burn my enemy to ashes! GAAV FLARE!!!" Dil Brando - an explosive spell that makes the earth below the caster's opponent to explode upward in a column of flame. Mega Brando - more poweful than the Dil Brando, it's also an explosion type spell. Damu Blast - caster fires a explosive energy ball Shadow Wave - similar to the shadow snap, but it fires multiple shadow "blades" which immobilizes its target(s). It can be stopped in the same way as against a shadow snap. Dynast Blast - the caster sends a five star pentagram surrounding an enemy and it releases powerful energies that does physical and spiritual damage within the pentagram. There also seems to be a different version that release ice like the Van Rehl instead of destructive energies. This version may be Shamanistic magic. Here's the incantation for the ice version of the Dynast Bras: "Supreme King with the frozen soul! Grant me the power of your icy rage! DYNAST BLAST!" [color=Cyan][b][u]White Magic[/u][/b]-this involves non-destructive spells used for healing or exorcism.[/color] Lighting - simple white magic spell, which obviously creates a ball of light. It can be used as a light source and a blinder in the middle of a fight. "Light of Life, brighter than flame. Let they power gather in my hand. Lighting!" Sleeping-white magic, fairly obvious, it makes the affected victim fall asleep Heal - obviously a simple spell which heals minor wounds and injuries. The stronger the magic user is in white magic, the stronger the spell is. "Healing power, flowing white..." Meggido Flare - this is an exorcism type of spell. It basically creates a column of positive spiritual energy, sucking up any spirits in the area. Its area of effectiveness can be enhanced by a magic amplifier. "You who are not of this world. Pitiful, twisted creatures. By the Light of Purity I possess, I bid thee be gone to the nexus of our two worlds! MEGGIDO FLARE!" Flow Break - this appears to be a multi-purpose spell. It can break off certain spell or curse effects, and can also surround astral beings (Monsters) with a powerful barrier. A powerful flow break would also show a hexagram surrounding the target. "O power of light and earth and wind. Break now this evil spell. Flow Break." Dark Mist - caster creates a massive dark fog that is good for concealment or escaping. Protection - standard defense spell, caster creates a protection barrier by his/her will. The strength of the barrier depends on the user's magic strength. Balus Wall - caster creates a magic wall in front of him/her that can defend against most fire and explosion spells. Recovery - a more powerful healing type of spell, it can heal and/or revitalize whomever the caster chooses. "Blessed, humble hand of God! Breath of Mother Earth! I pray thee come before me! Show your great compassion to this person and deliver them! RECOVERY!!!" Resurrection - revitalizes anyone or anything near death. Rafahs Seed - a spell that uses magical energy to bind around an enemy. [color=RoyalBlue][b][u]Shamanism[/u][/b]-though technically magic based on the spiritual, or Astral, plane, it also extends into elemental type of spells. Most basic sorcery that is used is basic Shamanistic spells. Shamanism is also the most diversified branch of magic.[/color] Fireball-basic fire attack and pretty self explanatory (Lina's favorite bandit killing spell). Also, when two fireballs hit each other, the explosive power is multiplied several fold. "Source of all power, Light which burns beyond crimson... Let thy power gather in my hand FIREBALL!" Levitation - lifts caster vertically on a gush of wind to allow vertical movement and hovering. Flare Arrow - pinpoint fire attack, obviously in its name, it can be shot out in single or multiple arrows by shooting or throwing it. "Source of all power... Wind which blows to the East... FLARE ARROW!" Mono Bolt - concentrates electrical energy into the caster's hand, and can be used to stun or knock out his/her opponent. Ray Wing - surrounds caster in a sphere of wind. It allows flight, and also varies to allow the caster to have an air bubble when underwater. Digger Bolt - caster fires a stream of electricity toward an opponent. "Wind, crimson flame. Come to my hand and grant me the power of thunder! DIGGER BOLT!!!" Diem Wing - caster fires a stream of wind which propels an opponent away, it can also be used to boost someone ahead. Vlave Howl - an earth/fire spell, the caster enables lava to come up from the ground, geyser into the air, and then fall onto his/her opponent. "Infinite earth, mother who nurtures all life. Let thy power gather in my hand. VLAVE HOWL!!!" Van Rehl - an ice spell, the caster is able to launch ice into a web, or it can be moved by the will of the caster to freeze an opponent. This is a good offense/defense spell. "Holy wind... Wind which gently flows across the land... Let all things be filled with your pure breath! VAN REHL!!!" Freeze Arrow - an ice spell, works the same way as the flare arrow, but fires ice insteadof fire. Elmekia Lance - spiritual/fire/wind spell, fires a straight beam or lance which can penetrate Astral forms. Burst Rondo - fires multiple fireballs for a wide area effect. Balus Rod - caster creates an electrical whip, which can be used to stun (or whip the crap out of an opponent). Ly Briem - caster fires a ice burst which freezes an opponent on impact. There is also a variant which encases the target in ice without the burst. Assha Dist - caster fires a thin, rapid wave of wind which tears apart anything it touches. Blam Blazer - caster fires a blast of wind and spiritual energy. Dug Haut - an earth spell that brings up sharp spikes of rocks and earth that impales enemies. "Earth below me, submit to my will! DUG HAUT!" Demona Crystal - a high-class ice spell. The caster launches a massive stream of ice which either trails to whereever the caster wants it to go, or it freezes enemies upon impact. "You who crosses between sky and earth. Gently flowing water. Gather in my hand and give me power! DEMONA CRYSTAL!!" Boost Bolt - the caster uses a magic ball with this spell to surround his/herself with a electrical field, which can block off most simple attack spells. Icicle Lance - caster throws small, sharp icicles toward enemies and freezes them on impact. It can also bounce around before finally freezing. Ghozun Vlow - caster launches a black wind/spiritual/earth wave on the ground toward his/her enemy. Ra Tilt - The most powerful Shamanistic spell. It attacks the opponent from the Astral , or spiritual Plane, destroying their souls. Since humans have a very minor astral body, they and other physical beings aren't affected by it. But the Ra-Tilt can devastate powerful Astral beings like Monsters. The Ra-Tilt is about as powerful as the Dragon Slave, but it doesn't do any actual physical damage. "Source of all souls, which dwells in the eternal and the infinite! Everlasting flame of blue! Let the power hidden in my soul be called forth from the infinite! RA-TILT!!!" Elmekia Flame - a more powerful version of the Elmekia Lance, it has mostly a spiritual/fire mix and it is usually thrown. "Light! Gather within me and become a flash! Smash the abysmal darkness apart! ELMEKIA FLAME!" Flare Bit - fires a cluster of mini-fireballs that affects a certain area, a weaker version of the burst rondo. Buday Wind - a very powerful wind spell, fires a massive wind burst. Makes all the other wind spells pales by comparison. Mosu Varium - appears to be a simple fire/wind spell that can go head to head against a fireball and cancel it out. Blam Gush - a unique wind spell. The caster fires a concentrated stream of wind, similar to the Diem Wing, but then shouts "Break!" and the stream will fragment into many beams of air which shoots through all over the place. "Wind which blows across eternity... Gather in my hand and become my strength! BLAM GUSH!" Behfis Bring - an earth spell, which breaks the ground below the caster. It is often used for a temporary retreat. It also can be used as an attack by sending this earthquake-like spell toward an opponent. Burst Flare - a fairly powerful fire spell, similar to flare arrow and fireball, but it's far more powerful. "Source of all power, crimson fire burning bright! Gather in my hand and become an inferno... Burst Flare!" Astral Vine - a spell that enhances the caster's sword to be stronger and more sharper by calling upon the power of the Astral Plane. Visfan Rank - a similar spell to the Astral Vine, the caster calls upon the power of the Astral Plane to form a concentration of energy around his/her hands. This allows the caster to have a significantly stronger hand-to-hand attack. Diev Volt - this spell is similar to the Digger Bolt, since it also allows the caster to fire bolts of electricity. Blast Bomb - this spell creates a very large inferno/explosion, very similar to the Mega Brando. Blast Ash - a fire/spiritual spell that encloses the enemy with destructive fire energy. Sea Blast - caster causes water to form up as a wall to shield from attacks. Bom Di Wind - caster launches a burst of wind, similar to the fireball (in terms of power), but just with wind. Aqua Create - water can be raised from the ground as a column. Astral Break - a powerful spiritual/electrical spell that supposedly does more damage than the Elmekia Flame. Dimil Arwin - a powerful wind spell that fires a more powerful torrent of wind than a Diem Wing. Fel Za'Red - a powerful wind/spiritual spell that can be used against evil spirits. Grey Bomb - causes the earth beneath the enemy to explode, throwing dirt and dust into the air, hence its name. Freeze Briid - an ice spell which is equivalent to the fire ball, it can be used directly on an opponent or to shoot into the air and let the blast solidify into a large chunk of ice and fall down upon enemies. [color=Purple][b][u]Dark, or Chaos, Magic[/u][/b]-This type of magic is the most powerful of all magics, since it is derived from the Dark Lord of all Dark Lords, the Lord of Nightmares. This type of magic is very difficult to control and the caster risks having him or herself and/or the world to be consumed by darkness.[/color] Ragna (or Laguna) Blade - power is called from the Lord of Nightmares to create a massive blade of darkness. This blade can essentially cut through anything, including dimension rifts and perhaps the Astral Plane. But the blade is difficult to control and maintain, even when using magic amplifiers. So it can only be used for a short amount of time. "Lord of the dreams that terrify. Sword of the cold, dark void... free yourself from the heavens' bonds! Become one with my power, one with my body... and let us walk the path of destruction together. Power that can smash even the souls of the gods! RAGNA BLADE!!!" Giga Slave - the most powerful spell of all, calls upon the power of the Lord of Nightmares into the caster's body. It can destroy any opponent, including any of the four Dark Lords. But there is a drawback, if the caster miscasts the spell or loses control of it, the chaos energy would run rampant and destroy not just the caster, but the entire world. The caster would have to have talismans or amplifiers to have some semblance of control. Even with that, this spell is considered a last resort against any threat. "Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! King of Darkness, who shines like gold upon the Sea of Chaos. I call upon thee! I swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed... by the power you and I possess! GIGA SLAVE!!!" [color=DarkOrange][b][u]Holy Magic[/u][/b]-this branch of magic is similar to black magic, but its power derives from the Gods. The knowledge of holy magic was lost from humans during the War of the Monsters' Fall. Only golden dragons have access to this old, but powerful magic.[/color] Ray Freeze - the caster immobilizes anyone in a certain area. "Anna-gurax... ozu-lu-faam... izul nax orumudohl... RAY FREEZE!" Flame Breath - a fire type spell that does massive damage to an enemy. "Anna-ku rahzu lamku so. Izu-pe ku naomu! FLAME BREATH!" Di Flasher - a common attack for golden dragons, in which they blast bursts of magical energy out of their mouths. Chaotic Disintegrate - caster shoots forth powerful light and energies, probably one of the more stronger holy spells. "Anaku soro'mu nazak'u sakrim... Chaotic Disintegrate!" Um, should I enter in the main RP thread right now? Seems like I don't have much of an entrance, given how nothing's been stolen yet. O_O; Oh, sorry for double-posting, but I didn't want to get in the way of my list. [color=Red][font=Trebuchet MS]If you use the tag (without the quotations), people should be able to tell a segment of your post has ended. In forums outside of the Arena, where html doesn't work, simply use some other character separator, such as: --- So, you didn't need to double post. ^^ -Bio [/font][/color]
  25. [QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Alright, thanks for that Toorima, now it's all good ^_^ I'll try real hard to get this up today but I got my Slayers Try DVDs yesterday and I really want to finish watching them O_o. I was thinking of how this would work, if someone can help me with spells and such it would be much appreciated, I'll set that up in the Underground thread. Thanks a lot guys! [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I compel you to finish watching Slayers Try. XD It's about as good as the previous two series, though the focus is more on Lina and Filia. Ah well... And once you set up the Underground thread, I can post every spell I managed to get from the three main series as well as the various short movies. I already have them sorted by magic type except for various unusual/summoning spells. (like golems, curses, etc.) Hope this'll start soon. ^^
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