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Everything posted by liubei013

  1. [COLOR=Blue]As Alex slinked away, Yutarin turned toward Leya and asked, "By the way, may I please ask of your names? I'm Yutarin, Yutarin Hesham. What is your name?" "Ah, I'm Leya Vera," Leya replied gratefully. "Sefir Mekshen. Thanks for intervening. I thought I would've had to resort to drastic measures until you showed up," Sefir said. Yutarin looked quizzically at him and saw a spear with a menacing tip hidden behind his back. "No problem. That guy, Alex, is kinda loony and likes to pick a fight," Yutarin said. Then another man with tan skin came in and nodded to both Yutarin and Leya. Sefir did a quick read on him and then knew that this man was a friend of Yutarin and also knew Leya. "I hope Alex wasn't too....*looks at cut on Leya's throat*...aggressive," the man said. "Too late for that," Leya said as Sefir handed her a hankerchief to stop the bleeding. "And you are...?" Sefir asked. "Ah, sorry, I'm Ivan Hedling," Ivan answered as he offered his hand. Sefir looked at him warily as he accepted and shook his hand. "Sefir Mekshen and apparently you already know Leya. You guys are Dead Moon..." Yutarin grimaced, "Yeah, that we are. Same with Alex but he's the most...reckless among us." Sefir relaxed his composure and everyone notice that the air around them grew still, "At least he's not a representation of your group." Yutarin looked at him intently, "I take it that those 'drastic measures' would have been...quite stormy." "Yeah, he's a windmaster. A fight between him and Alex wouldn't be pretty," Ivan pointed out. "Or between any of us. But anyways, you guys do realize it's like 9:30 PM? I gotta get home soon," Leya said. "Will your brother be home though? I'm not sure if it's a good idea especially after getting attacked once already," Sefir said with concern. Leya blushed slightly while considering her answer. Ivan turned toward Yutarin and said mentally, "[I]That's what I've heard about the Mystics leader. He really cares about each and every one of the members in the group.[/I]" Yutarin gave a affirming nod in return. "I...guess it's okay. I gotta leave a message for my brother though," Leya replied as she took out her cell phone. "Ok, no problem. Hey, uh, Ivan and Yutarin...want to join us for dinner at my place? I know our groups aren't really allies or anything but it's okay if a friendly stranger invites," Sefir asked. Ivan and Yutarin looked at each other for a moment. "I guess it won't do any harm, especially when there's free food involved," Yutarin said, grinning. "Hmm...I guess it's okay. It's probably better than the Ramen I have back at my place," Ivan said. "Heh. Ramen should be a food group, in my opinion. But don't worry, I think I got enough stuff in the frig to cook up something decent," Sefir said, chuckling. "Ok, left a message on the answering machine. Couldn't call his cell though...odd. Well, let's get going!" Leya shouted.[/COLOR]
  2. From the looks of it, the DDR Extreme interface is actually a refreshed look of the interface used in DDR Konamix and 4th mix (JP ver). And I don't know if anyone answered the question in one of the first few posts, but there's a remix of Drop the Bomb in DDRMax (US) and the original version in Konamix. *stretches legs in preparation for another round* XD
  3. Thanks. ^^ [quote name='Aqua']Important Announcement: Sword Breaker has made a mistake. Sefir is a he and he put two weeping girls. Sefir is the Mystic leader so please make note and fix what ever problem . I will delete this once I am sure ebveryone gets this meessage[/quote] Also, Sefir isn't the weeping type and he wouldn't just stand there if Leya was threatened. O_o; (He also has his spear in concealment, so I'll leave that bit for thought) Thankfully, I had two windows opened, one for my in-progress post and one separate page to refresh the main thread constantly or else we would have nearly three posts at the same time.
  4. [COLOR=Blue]Leya and Sefir walked a few blocks away from where Destiny was killed and then Sef suddenly stopped. Leya looked at him quizzically until he let out a long sigh and leaned against a mailbox. He slowly turned around and Leya got to see his haggard face, wearied by today's events. "I know...I know that this is a war. But if we stoop to their level, we'll be no different than them. After we kill them, then what? If we're driven to vengeance, we'll eventually destroy the people and the places we know, doing the job for the crimson shadow, " Sefir said tiredly. He reached up and stroked Leya's cheek, which immediately reddened slightly. "This isn't about pride, this is about our core beliefs, our agenda to protect this place, this planet..." Sefir explained. "Yeah, but what they did to Destiny..." Leya began to say while barely holding back the tears that threatened to fall again. "Let it out, I'm a telepath, remembert?" Sefir said soothingly. Leya held onto him as she punched his shoulder a few times while tears streamed from her eyes. Sef concentrated and let out a private telepathic message to Mike. "[I]How's Calypso doing[/I]?" "[I]She'll be fine, the ambulance brought her with Destiny to the hospital, probably checking for any signs of trauma or other stuff like that[/I]," Mike responded. "[I]Ok, keep an eye on her andmaintain a psychic link, I'll spread my own abilities out to monitor you and the rest of the Mystics[/I]," Sefir instructed. "[I]Sef, won't that tire you out a bit?[/I]" Mike asked. "[I]I'll be fine, just worry about Calypso. Leya and I will tell Destiny's parents[/I]," Sefir said. "[I]Ouch, I don't envy you that task. Ok, I'll tell you if any developments occur[/I]," Mike said as the telepathic exchange faded. "*sigh* Leya, I'm gonna maintain an open telepathic link with all the Mystics. But for now, we should head over to Destiny's place to break the bad news," Sefir said as he looked down at her. "Okay, might as well get this over with," Leya agreed and she finally calmed down.[/COLOR] OOC: Okay, my first post here. Sorry about the delay, didn't know the story would move this fast. ^^;
  5. O_o; ;o; Whoa, didn't know this RP has already got that many posts. :o :o :o EDIT: First post in this cool RP! XD If there's anything I need to improve, just comment on this thread. Just letting all of you know, since this is the first time I participated in a RP. :p
  6. Ok, I got the Natural power-hating human character profile in, so don't worry about double posting. ^^ Hmm...doesn't seem like we have any new people. T_T Maybe one of the people who signed up can go for another wiccan. Dunno, your call Aqua. Oh, btw, the X tv series is much better than the movie. :p
  7. What? Riot? Where? Ok, here's my character profile for the Natural person Aqua needs. [COLOR=Green]Name: Natasha Phyllen Nick Name: Screecher (nickname that the cliches give her) Age: 22 Gender: Female Nationality: Russian/French/Canadien Race: Normal human. Group: Natural Weapons: High-frequency soundwave emitter grenades, her trademark weapon, aka. Screechers. Antiquated but still sturdy Rapier, Natasha named it 'Eviscerator.' Two custom Colt .45 pistols loaded with explosive bullets. Occupation: Employee at a coffee shop. (probably Starbucks >_> ) Personality: During the day and when around other natural people, Natasha can be an upbeat and cheerful young woman. But when she confronts those with special powers, she becomes a cruel and sadistic person. She is somewhat friendly but generally keeps to herself. Appearance: She has short, cropped blonde-brown hair with blue eyes. She's 5' 8'' and about 132 lbs. Her normal wear consists of a light-blue blouse, a velvet colored vest, low-cut jeans, and sneakers. She works out a lot, so she is fairly well built. She also has a tattoo on her left bicep with the words, "DIE, FREAKS!" in bloody red letters. When she goes out 'freak-hunting,' she dons a slim armor covering the torso, as well as shins and wrists. This armor is strong enough to withstand most elemental attacks she may receive. She also wears an experimental psychic supression headgear, which makes her immune to psychic abilities. Bio: Natasha grew up relatively well as a young child, since both parents were successful in their careers and were financially secure. They also made sure to spend whatever available time they had with their daughter. She was happy and had no reason to hate anything or anyone. That is, until right before her high school graduation. Her parents were on their way to her ceremony when they noticed a fight going on in the middle of the road. They stopped the car and the father called out, saying that the teens should stop fighting or he'll call the police. But the reaction was most unexpected. One of the teens turned and glared at the adults and froze them stockstill with his psychic paralysis ability and then another teen slammed the ground and caused spikes of pavement, earth, and rocks to rise up and impaled the car...with its occupants still inside. It wasn't until after the ceremony when Natasha found out about her parents' tragic death. It was then that she learned to truly hate. After the incident, she stayed with her grandparents and also received quite a bit of money, inherited from her parents. Secretly, she used the money to buy books and hardware to study up various mechanical and electrical devices. She managed to obtain her grandfather's old Colt .45s and a rapier. She also read a rare report on potential inventions to protect against psychics. That was how she constructed all her 'hunting' tools. After two years, she left her grandparents' place and moved to (insert place) where rumors of two powerful cliches full of superpowered people resided. Vengeance has found a new hunting ground. Hope this will suffice. ^^;[/COLOR]
  8. Oh, she's joking about that...*puts away pitchfork and whistles innocently* The idea of wiccans putting up some sorta dimensional barrier is similar in concept to the Barriel Seals in X/1999. It creates an exact duplicate of the area, but it's in a completely different dimension, so any damage inflicted on the surroundings would not occur in the real world. If you want, I can make another profile with superpower-hating normal human character. Just PM me or reply to this post. But should I make a new post in the other thread or just edit my profile there?
  9. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude] There are 2 I'd like to add to the list. 1. Gundam Seed. I heard it was one of the best Gundam series ever, so I had high hopes, but all they ever do is talk! My friend is a huge Gundam fan, and he sat there trying to find some goodness in the show, but he gave up and agreed with me. It sucks. 2. Hellsing. I had heard from a bunch of forums that it was "One of the best action anime ever" but I was kinda dissapointed when I watched the first 6 episodes. I liked the manga a lot more.[/QUOTE] Seems that the only appeal with Gundam SEED is the hardware, aka. the mobile suits and that it's 'new' gundam series for the 21st century. The progression of the series itself was a kinda stop-go sorta thing. One episode, you got plot progression and fighting/shooting, next episode, you got a whole lot of "blah, blah, blah," flashbacks, and character monologue. It's like sitting in a car next to a really inexperienced driver that slams on the accelerator for 3 seconds, then slam the brakes immediately afterwards. Gets kinda tiring and things really don't begin to move until around episode 30+. But I finished watching the whole series anyways since I'm a hopeless Gundam fanatic. :P Ah, Hellsing. The first six episodes were okay in my opinion, but it was how the series ended that kinda messed things up. The plot progressed somewhat during the first half of the series and then it suddenly stopped. The last few episodes appeared to me that the producers kinda forgot what they were doing. The series was fun to watch though when you see Alucard packing his Casull and Jackel, blasting left and right and when he uses his other abilities but the manga has better plot progression/development.
  10. I think we should just wait and see if/how others sign up. :lecture: Then we can put in NPCs to fill in the gaps in whatever group. But yeah, Crimson Shadow should probably be a smaller/powerful group. Well, wait and see. And I think everyone should PM Aqua for the story location vote/suggestions. :babble: EDIT: Oh, Aqua, I'm not sure about this, but should you start an underground thread to allow for discussion about this RPG? Just curious. ;)
  11. [COLOR=Blue]Sounds interesting. Name: Sefir Mekshen Nick Name: Sef Age: 24 Gender: Male Nationality: English/Japanese Race: Elemental (Wind)/Psychic (explained in bio) Group: Mystics (Leader) Weapons: 2 meter spear, can be divided into three sections for concealment, also can be used in divided form as a nunchaku. Occupation: Financial consultant for various companies. Personality: A calm and patient person, Sefir is usually the mediator in any given argument. He rarely, if ever, gives in to anger and despair. And as leader of the Mystics, he never gives tasks to anyone if it involves something that even Sef wouldn't do. He leads them with his sense of honor and principles. Appearance: Sefir is about 5' 10'' with a fairly average build. He looks Caucasian except for his almond-shaped brown eyes inherited from his mother. He has medium/short length hair which is normally brown, but he dyed it navy blue. He wears beige casual pants, sneakers, T-shirt, and a blue unbuttoned shirt. Bio: Born to an English father and Japanese mother, Sefir knew he was different at a young age. But he had no idea how unique until he was 8 years old. He was on his way home when he was harassed by several bullies. He ignored them until one of them punched him in the face. Sefir pushed out at the bullies and after a massive gust of wind, he found the bullies on the ground in pain...half a block away. When he got home, he told his mother and she merely nodded. She brought him out to their backyard and carefully swayed the trees in whatever direction she wanted. She explained that her family line has always had the ability to control the wind and that his own ability was emerging. But another unexpected ability emerged during his first year in college. His parents were killed during a clash between rival cliches and right before their death, Sefir heard his mother's last thoughts, "[I]I hope Sefir will be all right....[/I]" He found out that he had a limited telepathic ability through the incident. Sef managed to cope and graduated with a degree in business. He then moved to (insert city/place) and now works as a financial consultant for various businesses. During his first few months there, he felt the presences of people who also had special abilities. Stretching out his mind, he learned about the conflict between the Crimson Shadow and the Mystics and chose to join the Mystics since he believed in maintaining the status quo and protecting the people. He eventually rose up to become the leader of the Mystics and now gathers information and prepares the Mystics for the inevitable final conflict. EDIT: Put in his occupation, not much of an inconvenience.[/COLOR]
  12. Oh, ultimamilz, I responded to your PM and also modified my Character Bio for his new role as a bandit. Hopefully we can get this started soon. ;)
  13. Seems we got three people signing up for the mysterious gunslinger. (Including me) So since this character makes few appearances in the mainstream, they can have their own sorta sidestory going on? I'm just curious about that.
  14. EDITs: Bio needs re-editing, going for bandit. Name: Duster (real name unknown) Age: 30+?? Gender: Male Appearance: He weasr a large desert yellow/brown cloak riddled with bullet holes that covers his entire body except for his lower legs and my head. He has long, brown hair that runs down to the small of his back. What little of his face that can be seen is covered with scars and bullet grazes. He also wears hardened black/brown boots. History: Not much is known of the enigmatic Duster. Some say he was a witness to some traumatic incident as a young teen. Others say he was a gunslinging champion and was highly regarded by his townspeople. Others say he was a son of a local sheriff and wanted to follow his father's footsteps. But no one is certain what caused him to take the life of a bandit. A man of few words, he established his reputation and name of 'Duster' by his swift and complete destruction of his foes. His most famous killing spree was when a regional marshal attempted to arrest him for 'suspicious' activity. After the dust settled, the marshal, his five subordinates, and twenty townspeople lay dead. He continues to wander around, his purpose unknown, his allegiances...none. Weapons: All of his weapons are concealed in his cloak and most people only know about them after getting sneak peeks when the shooting subsides. Two C55 semi-automatic pistols, carries eight rounds and can deliver decent punch. One SP-7 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle with scope, Duster has never missed with this lethal weapon. One Z3F Chain-fed machine gun. fires high caliber rounds at about 25 rounds per second. Carried with the left arm, the chain fed ammo runs from an ammo pack behind Duster's back. One Dirk - a mix between a sword and a dagger, this fairly sharp blade has drawn its fair share of blood. Eight Light SG-10 Mortars - These small mortar launchers are fired from a trigger and by opening Duster's cloak, showering enemies with grenade sized explosive shells. Each launcher can only carry one shell, so it's generally used at the beginning of a big fight. Hope this will be sufficient for a bandit role, ultimamilz. ^^
  15. [quote name='Misenki']But you never answered my question. I have no clue what the classes wield or look like. Well, I actually know Wavemaster and that's it. I also don't know if the Rune Sword is a real thing. You'll have to explain a little of .hack//sign to me. I don't know anything about it or 'The World'. I need my questions answered before I can understand. If I don't understand, trust me, I'll probabley just screw this RPG up.[/quote] I can explain some of the more basic things about .hack (imma fanatic :laugh: ) Okay, 'The World' is a MMORPG that takes place in the near future. Actually...nevermind, i'll just get to the classes and other basics. EDITS: For Misenki's sake and anyone else not familiar with .hack//sign and 'The World' I'll explain some of the back story without giving spoilers, i hope. Okay, I already explained the MMORPG part. Unlike today's MMORPGs, 'The World' isn't just played by using keyboard and mouse. It also uses a controller (which looks kinda like the PS2 controller...coincidence?) and headset that looks like one of those old virtual reality helmets, if a little more compact. Anyways, so over 20 million players are playing 'The World'...when problems begin to occur. Fields with strange errors like flying script, floating objects, and invincible monsters show up. Also, more and more players are unable to logout, falling into a coma state. This is where the main character of .hack//sign, Tsukasa, falls in. And these events has to do with a certain prophecy, 'The Epitaph of Twilight' and a special item, the 'Key of the Twilight.' The company that commercialized the game, CC.Corp, has tried to cover up the increase in coma victims and has turned a blind eye toward the events occurring ingame for the most part. Hopefully that's enough backstory to get the idea. End Edit. Generally, all six classes have strengths and weaknesses in attack/defense power, speed, and magic potential. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Wavemaster[/COLOR] - of course, they are the Mages of 'The World.' They have the strongest Magic Attack/Defense but weak in all other aspects, such as speed and physical attack power. But they're the only class that can cast the more powerful spells and are the healers in most parties. Oh, and they can only wear fairly light equipment. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Twin Blade[/COLOR] - Quick and agile fighters that are adept at using two blades at once. They have lower attack/defense values, but they make up for that with sheer speed. They also have decent magic attack/defense, so they can be secondary mages in that respect. Twin blade characters can equip medium and light equipment/armors. [COLOR=Green]Long Arm[/COLOR] - Agility with long reach defines this class. Obvious, Long Arms can use lance/spear type weapons which gives them a slight advantage in range. They are fairly balanced in both physical and magical aspects. They also can equip medium and light equipment/armors. [COLOR=Blue]Blademaster[/COLOR] - One of the more popular and well-balanced classes in 'The World.' They can use swords (duh) and are fairly strong in physical attack/defense and average in magical aspects. Two famous players from .hack//sign and the games are Balmung of the Azure Sky and Orca of the Azure Sea, and are both Blademaster classes. They can equip all types of equipment/armors. [COLOR=Red]Heavy Blade[/COLOR] - Power with so-so agility. They use, well, fairly big swords and have high attack and physical defense. Of course, their magic potential is below average, but they can still toss in the occasionally useful spell. Can equip all equips/armors. [COLOR=Lime]Heavy Axemen[/COLOR] - Slow, but massive physical attack and defense. This class is the meat shield/heavy offensive type. Their magic attack/defense is the lowest, but it doesn't matter much if they can dispatch a foe in a few large swings. Can equip all equips/armors. Each class has a certain amount of HP and SP. Generally, Wavemasters have Lower HP but the higher SP, while Heavy Axemen have High HP, but low sp. Not too hard to figure out for the rest of the classes. Generally, characters start out in Root Towns, where people can chat, stock up on weapons, items, etc. At every town there is the Chaos Gate, that allows players to go to Fields to go level up or whatever. You need to use three keywords to access a specific field and those keywords determine the element/weather/difficulty of the location. At every Field, there is a dungeon with one to five levels. At the end of the deepest level, there is a Gott Statue, and it has a tresure chest that usually contains several items of various values. And at every field and dungeon, there are yellow circle portals. When a player approaches these portals, they open to reveal monsters and sometimes the occasional treasure chest. But with the proposed plot, there are no Root Towns, so I'll leave it to Yzane to go from there. Oh, elements. There are six magical elements, obviously these will oppose each other for elemental attack bonuses. [COLOR=Red]Fire[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ice/Water[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Earth[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Wood[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Darkness[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Lightning[/COLOR] Some monsters may also have physical attack or magic attack immunities, but I won't go into that for now. And no, from what I can see, there is no Rune Sword. But it's okay though, since we're may have to make up stuff, especially for those not familiar with the .hack anime/games. Generally, Abilities for every class except Wavemasters are physical special attacks that are sometimes augmented with elemental magic. Um...example: Blademaster Skill Revolver - No element, spin like a top and slash at high speed. This ability is good for dealing damage to multiple opponents. Gan Revolver - Same exact thing, but it adds additional Earth element to the attack, which will be effective against Wood Monsters. WaveMasters generally have either focused or large area-effect spells of any of the six elements mentioned. But like Yzane said, you can make up your own abilities. Just don't make it too godly. ;) [COLOR=Blue]If you have any more questions regarding .hack, you can PM me anytime. I got too much information around me and in my head.[/COLOR] :laugh: Hope all this helps. ^^ Btw, I also went back and edited some stuff, due to Yzane's additional comment about abilities. EDIT: Added some stuff, like backstory. [COLOR=DarkRed]But that reminds me, Yzane didn't specify when this story will take place. Just some stuff to think about.[/COLOR]
  16. Sounds interesting. I'm fairly new to this adventure based stuff. ^^;; Name: Sefir Mekshen Age: 29 Description: Brown Hair, cold blue eyes, medium height, wears a dark-green vest and dark-beige clothing Race: Human (Imperial Bias! :laugh: ) Kuat Gender: Male Ship Pilot Expertise: TIE Defender (also versed in other Imperial craft) Expertise: Sharpshooter (modified BlasTech blaster rifle) (also carries two SoroSuub hold-out blaster pistols) and Code-slicing (aka hacking) Bio: Sefir first started out as a recruit, underwent training at Carida. His aptitude for sniping and other technical skills earned him a place in an Imperial Special Ops Team. But after barely surviving a botched mission, which turned out to be a set up to give false information to the New Republic, Sefir decided to defect. After being cleared by New Republic Intelligence, he was interviewed by General Cracken, who wanted him to join the new commando pilot squadron. Sefir's generally a cold and calculating man. He doesn't like to associate with anyone, especially after losing several friends in his former Special Ops team. But he knows what he's supposed to do and will execute tasks with maximum efficiency. Um, I hope that will do. ;)
  17. Um...well, I'm new on these forums and this'll be my first participation in the adventure square. ^^;; I hope this will be sufficient. Real World Name: Hoshi Kitaro Age: 22 Gender: Male Occupation: College Student/Employee at Computer game store Description: Black medium-length hair with blue dye streaks, brown eyes (asian features) Generally wears T-shirt, grey vest, and casual pants. Bio: A fairly smart and hard working young man, he's finishing up college and planning to get a degree in Business. He first found out about 'The World' while working at his part-time job. He goes online to 'The World' whenever he has time in between his job, classes and studying. 'The World' Character Name: Silver Lancer Character Gender: Male Level: 1 (nooooooo!!! XD ) Class: Long Arm Weapon: Gungnir Weapon Lvl: 81 Abilities: GiRai Doom (Triple attack above and below waist with strong Thunder element), GiJuk Vortex(Slash repeatedly by spinning spear in one hand w/strong Wood element), Vakz Tempest (Wide slash parallel to ground against multiple opponents w/Fire element), and Lance Boomerang (made-up ability, can throw spear/lance at multiple enemies and then returns to owner). Spells: MeAni Zot (level 2 darkness, out of 4, Raises dark claws below the target), BiVak Rom (level 2 fire, generate tornado of fire), MeRue Kruz (lvl 3 water, ice blocks converge on the target), Ol Repth (Heal 400HP), Rig Saem (Recover hp with time), and Rig Geam (recover SP with time). Description: A thoughtful and careful person (sorta like Bear from .hack//sign), he plays responsibly and tends to help newbies around in 'The World.' He wears a silver lined jacket and a large silver armor plate from the left hip down, with blue armor encased around the legs, and his arms bare. He has short cut green hair and sharp orange eyes. How long you've been playing: 3 years and one month
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