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Everything posted by Rage15112

  1. Hello, I'm creating a new digimon series called "Digimon Royal Knights". If anybody would like to be part of the new team of heroes please fill out the sign-up sheet presented below. Thank you very much. Name: Appearance: Personalitly: Digivice Color: Digimon: Description of Digimon (only if it's fan made): Digimon's Attacks: Digimon's Evolutions: Below is an example of my sign-up sheet. [U]Name:[/U] David Hideyoshi [U]Appearance: [/U] Black spikey hair with red tips. Has two pieces of hair hanging in his eyes. Loves to wear black a lot. [U]Personality:[/U] He is the type of person you would want to be friends with. David is always there for everyone. [U]Digivice Color:[/U] Red [U]Digimon:[/U] Candlemon [U]Digimon's Attacks:[/U] Flame Bomber and Melted Wax [U]Digimon's Evolutions:[/U] Mokumon (Baby/Fresh), DemiMeramon (In-Training), Candlemon (Rookie), Meramon (Champion), SkullMeramon (Ultimate), Boltmon (Mega)
  2. I think I'm just going to cancel it. I might just make it into a fanfic instead. Who knows. But just to let everybody know, Digimon Royal Knights the RPG has been canceled. Sorry for the inconvinece.
  3. that's two people so far. If nobody else decides to sign up then this RPG will be canceled.
  4. Hello, I'm creating a new RPG based on Digimon. This new series is called "Digimon Royal Knights". I am looking for five people that want to be in it. All you need to do is fill out the information below. Name: Description: Digimon Partner: Description of Digimon (only if it's a fan made): Digimon's Evolutions: D-Dagger Color: Here is my sign-up for example. And for the record this is my chara from the RPG. [U]Name:[/U] David Hideyoshi [U]Description:[/U] A 17 year old male. Wears black jeans and a black t-shirt. Wears black fingerless gloves and black boots. Has black spiky hair with red tips. Has two pieces of black hair hanging in his eyes also with red tips. Wears a golden cross necklace. Has blue eyes. [U]Digimon Partner:[/U] Candlemon [U]Digimon's Evolutions:[/U] Mokumon (baby/fresh), DemiMeramon (in-training), Candlemon (rookie), Meramon (champion), SkullMeramon (ultimate), Boltmon (mega) [U]D-Dagger Color:[/U] Red NOTE: The D-Dagger is the new digivice in this series. It looks like a medium sized dagger with a screen and 3 buttons on the handle. Comes with a belt and hoister.
  5. Hello, can somebody please do a digimon art request for me. It's for a fanfic I'm writing. I need my human to be standing with his digimon partner. The information you need to complete this task is below. Thank you in advance. [U]David Hideyoshi:[/U] A 17 year old male. Wears black jeans and a black t-shirt. Wears black fingerless gloves and black boots. Has black spiky hair with red tips. Has two pieces of black hair hanging in his eyes also with red tips. Wears a golden cross necklace. Has blue eyes. Wears a belt with strange markings on it and has a hoister and inside the hoister is a red dagger with a screen on the handle and 3 yellow buttons. His digimon partner is Candlemon. And in the background could you have Meramon since that's Candlemon's champion level. I attached the pictures of Candlemon and Meramon if you have no clue on what they look like.
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