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Sailor Meike

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About Sailor Meike

  • Birthday 08/12/1987

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  • Biography
    Me girl of 15 years, but in august 16 =p
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  1. The Zelda games...Especially Ocarina of time and the windwaker...Those story's are so special. ^_^ And SoulCaliber would also be nice! ^^
  2. The happiest moment of my life........*thinks deeply* I guess, when this manager of this famous group of here in Belgium said to me. 'If your looking for a manager, you know the guy' and then he was just gone. And he even said that while I wasn't looking. :rolleyes: But that made me just sooooooooo happy! Yupyup ^_^
  3. I just adore Noir! It's one of the bestest anime ever! It's my alltime fave! I only saw the first 7 eps tho...need to watch the rest sometimes! ^^
  4. I saw The Matrix yesterday, wonderfull movie! I love such movies...^____^ Now I've got 3 fave movies...LOTR, Star Wars and now The Matrix ^^ The graphics where wonderfull! And the story also, awesome movie.
  5. I think if I am grown up, and don't have the time anymore to watch it...It just will stop automaticly...Because I probably will travel around in Belgium and the country's around it to give performances. And then when you come home...You just go to bed, and next day to work, on the evening again in an theatre, and I dont think that anime will be so important then...I'll just see when times come. XD But if I could, I'll just stop watching it when I die...XD Hope they have in heaven or hell anime XD
  6. I'm gonna join!!! I love art contests, some few days, and my drawing should be finished XD
  7. I never saw it...But I love the style tho...And Aya!! ^_^
  8. nudity is something normal in Japan. They don't look at naked people like in our way. Japanese people even have public baths. Ofcourse are the guys seperated from the girls. But still...I think every guy and girl around here don't want to be naked infront of other people, even of the same sex.
  9. baby with the colory thing: "Need 1337 beer, Need it.. Baby with red thingy: "waaanntttssss it....precioussss" Baby with blue pillow: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."
  10. With Dragonball Z and Rurouni Kenshin...Now I know tooooo many other anime, lol XD
  11. My life sucks. -_- But I have things in my life, that make me go on... Like my hunnybun...He's so sweet. And I just found a manager,and I can go sing, and that I realllyyyy love. ^_^
  12. Yeah, and the songtext are really special too...And Tony, the singer, writes them all. ^^ They have a few covers tho...
  13. I don't know that I'm the only one that thinks that Yu-Gi (that's his name, not sure...I should listen better to those Germans =p) is on the drugs. O.O His eyes are so silly. ^^" When he's in his "big and handsome" thing with that piramide...he looks mutch better. But the kiddy form is silly. ^^" So, my brother and I came on the opium thing, because it looks like he is taking drugs or something. But I don't know why those people drawed him like that. O.o" Now, I'm going to leave in peace and quiet before fans of him kill me. ^^"
  14. What's the difference between those 3? I watch it on RTLII, that's a German channel, and they dub it...So, I don't know what they send. But I don't think the American one...Because on the other anime they send, they mostly don't edit the Japanese soundtracks away and stuff.
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