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Sailor Meike

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Everything posted by Sailor Meike

  1. Never saw something like that. It looks like an beast to me. A kinda dragon one. That beast would be good in the anime Monster Rancher, lol. :haha: :rotflmao:
  2. I've got another one, Musashino from Kenshin, a HOTTIE. :)
  3. No, i never did that, i wish i could do something like that. Then i wanna be Misao of Kenshin, i have already a ponytail. ^-^ I wish i could do someday something like that.
  4. I remember that they gave the Transformers here when i was very young, six or something, but then i didn't liked it, but since they gave last year Digimon, Rurouni Kenshin and Dragonball Z i'm a manga/anime freak. So i think i better go watch it someday again. Because whe have it on tape. :)
  5. Sorry, i can't help you, because i don't know wich anime that it is. Sorry.
  6. Yeah, i like Power Stone 2 very much. If i play it with my bro. Then there is much noice in the house. :) But if they go power change in the anime, they say power change and they say all the attacks, that's kinda fun. Maybe if there comes an power stone 3 somethimes ( i hope). Then they may put in that they say those attack names. :)
  7. Subbed is always better. Every anime that i saw in English and then in Japanese, is always better, but maybe Rurouni Kenshin is in both good. But i think that subbed is just better, more naturaly.
  8. Yeah, the second OAV is drawed like the first one, and i just love that stile of drawing, Sano is cool in that way, but Sano is drawed in the series in the Shimabara arc a bit different, and that stile where Sano is drawed in is VERY cute too.
  9. CCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL, I WANNA HAVE IT, but in belgium they don't sell in much shops those DVD's, so, it could take a while when it's here in a mangashop. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Maybe i should go look first after the manga of the Enishi sage. Because i wanna have that toooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!. ^-^:haha: I founded yesterday an pretty pic of the calender of the movie, with Kenshin, Kenji, Yahiko and Hiko, Hiko is very cute. And Yahiko too. Hiko looks much younger in the movie then in the Serie's, wich is cool i think. :) And Kenji is just Shinta(Kenshin when he was little). that's pretty cool too. :)
  10. Yeah, the games r cool, and BTW, there is an TV show of Power stone :). And a cool one too. Falcon looks younger in the anime show. And there they only need 1 power stone to power change, it's pretty cool.
  11. I saw pics of X a while ago, it looks good. Very good. I think i'm going to look for something of that in the mangashop for christmas, if i don't find annything else that interests me. ^-^
  12. Does someone know here the anime as videogame Power Stone? I think it's very cool. And funny too.
  13. I've seen it, it's kinda cool. But that guy with the ponytail and purple hair is HANDSOME, and when he get that kinda cards stuff, he turned into a guy with blond hair. HANDSOME, HANDSOME!!!!! :)
  14. Oh, and i saw Street fighter Alpha the movie. It's a cool one too. I think i'm forgot some movies. Ah well. :)
  15. Shenmue is cool, my bro is going to buy Shenmue 2 for his christmas. Can't wait.
  16. Yep, there r 2 fairies, a girl and a boy, the girl her name is Fin and the boy his name is Acces. But i saw mangapics when there grown up, Kinda cute. :) Well, here's a pic of Fin, she's cute. :)
  17. Well, does annyone know Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne? It's a great anime. With manny HOT guys. :) So, who knows it? But the maincharacter is the most important, so that's Maron(Jeanne)
  18. The Kenshin OAV is great, and the movie is great too. With Gentatsu (hothothothot). And Blue submarine number 6 is cool too. And Endless Waltz from Gundam Wing. And digimon the movie is cool too. And that movie of Trunks history. And Demon City shinjuku. Great one. Oh, and Cyber City, with all that BLOOD.!!!! And Goldenboy. Oh and Pokémon the movie 3 is cool. And 2 and 1 r good too. And i think that's kinda everything. Oh, and Tekken. Great one too. With all that blood. ^-^'
  19. I DO, I DO, i LOOOVEEE THE SHOW AND MOVIES!!!! And my faves r Aoshi Shinomori, Hiko Seijuro, Yahiko is cute too. Oh, and Sano in the Shimabara Arc is handsome too. So, those 4 r my faves, but the most Aoshi and Hiko. :)
  20. I like the PPG's, it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! And my fave PPG is Bubbles. She has a very cute voice, she is just VERY cute. :)
  21. Yeah, Clamp is great. Here's an pic of Wedding Peach. So you could see a bit what CLAMP is. :)
  22. K, here i go Aoshi Shinomori (Hiko is my second fave): Rurouni Kenshin Yu Omniae from Spriggan And Ken, no Matt, can't choose, wel those two from Digimon. And Trunks (Vegeta is my fave too) from DBZ Oh, and Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. And, eum, TO MUCH ANIMES I KNOW. Well, i guess these where the most importants one. :)
  23. Well, Spriggan is cool. :) Here's an link to the official Spriggan site. And there are trailers too. And cool ones. :) I hope you r something with it. :) [url]http://www.sprigganthemovie.com/main.html[/url]
  24. Beeing a robot???lol Well, if i could be a Gundam, i will be Heavy arms.
  25. Yeah, that was an good episode. And when to go race, that was just so funny, he with his bike against that woman with her motorcycle. And then he winned. lol, that was SOOOOO funny. :)
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