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Sailor Meike

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Everything posted by Sailor Meike

  1. Oh yeah, the manga Spriggan, that is a good one too. I never read the manga, but i have the movie. And it's a great one. So, Spriggan would be something good.
  2. I voted for others. Because my fave Clamp anime is Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. A wonderfull anime. And Wedding peach is cool too.
  3. The Rurouni Kenshin manga's R VERY good. It's somethimes kinda violent, but it's good, and funny, great storyline and so one. Go see at this website for information of it. [url]http://www.sitepros.net/kenshin/index2.html[/url] Or if you wanna download a manga, to see how it is, go here. [url]http://www.arcticnightfall.com/boards/[/url]
  4. Question 1. What Video Game systems do u have? I have a Sega, a saturn, a dreamcast, a nintendo and 3 gameboys.(1 black and white, 2 color) Question 2. Whats your favorite Video Game? fave Video Game? Hard one. Well, i don't have one. The ones whe have r all good. Question 3. Whats your favorite anime? And this one isn't hard. My fave anime is Rurouni Kenshin.
  5. GOLDENBOY IS COOOOOLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a recorded tape of it. But they forgot ep5. :(:( Goldenboy is one of my fave animes. And Kintaro is handsome. :)
  6. IT'S THE SAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(:(:( Ah well, maybe later on there will be a new one. :):purplelau
  7. It looks like another trailer then the other whe downloaded. The link is different. GOT 2 DOWNLOAD IT, GOT 2, GOT 2.:):)
  8. I have 2 cats, well, 1 cat of me, and a cat of the others. My cat her name is Boulleteke, and the other cat her name is Figaro. Whe have 2 dogs. A Golden Retriever named Akira. And a Dutch sepherd. Named Samson. I have 3 goldfishes and a catfish and 2 others. The goldfishes there names r Goldeen, Shinta and Tien. :) And then i have 2 birds that i got for my bday a 1year and a half ago. And there names r Goku and Vegeta. And then i have 3 cats outside. People dropped them of here at my home. So i took care of them, and there names r Harald, Trowa and Neko. Just WONDERFULL cats. I don't get it why people don't wan't them annymore. There so pretty.
  9. Wow, you did that good. It really looks very nice. ^-^
  10. My fave Sailor Scout is Sailor Jupiter. She's nice, cool and so on. :)^-^
  11. My list is 1. Rurouni Kenshin(JUST THE BEST) 2. Gundam Wing 3. Digimon 4. Angel Sanctuary 5. Dragonball/Z/GT I think that was really tough. I know SOOOOO much animes/manga's. Really tough. But i did it ^-^
  12. Well, i agree with Voodookanaka and Galxy girl. The characters don't look good enough. They don't look enough like the cartoon characters. And Scooby. YUCK. They could have dun it MUCH better.
  13. I have Blue Submarine number 6 on tape. My ante recorded it for me when it was on Canal+ And i have it in Japanese. And i like the movie. There is blood in it. ^-^ I think the ending is cool. And that girl with the teddy. She's just so cute. And that Tetsu is handsome. :) And that Fishlady is kinda sweet for Tetsu. So, all tough, i like the movie ^-^ :D
  14. Oh yeah, and Hotori from Fushigi Yugi is an HANDSOME guy too. And Ken from Digimon is cute too. And Trowa and Quatre from Gundam Wing. And Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. He's JUST SO HOOOTTTTTTTT. (Here's an pic when he is Sinbad, but normally he has more blue hair, and other clothes, but her is he VERY cute too. :) He's always cute.)
  15. Well, the cutest guys i know of anime are. Aoshi Shinomori(very handsome) Hiko Seijuro(very handsome too) Souzou Sagara(very handsome too) Yahiko is cute too You know, Gentatsu is an very handsome guy too. :) (there from Kenshin too) Say Transtic. Who is Yutaro from Kenshin?????
  16. My fave anime is Rurouni Kenshin And fave anime movie is The Kenshin OAV and movie.
  17. I FOUND JUST AN WONDERFULL SIIIIIITTTTEEEEEEEEEEEE of Angel sanctuary. With just an wonderfull background music. Here's the link [url]http://www.centralparkmedia.com/angel/[/url]
  18. Well, i know a bit the story line, as long i understood that French manga. Well, the maincharacter is Setsuna(the one in that pic i posted). And Setsuna is in love with his sister Sarah. But i think that Setsuna was killed, and then become an angel. :angel: And there r other angels like him, who r killed to(think the same time). And ofcourse. There r evil ones too. And i think they fight each others. But so far i wasn't yet in my manga. :) If it wasn't French, i would read the whole manga in one time. :) But i will try to find an good site about it. :)
  20. I've seen Ranma, and I kinda like it. But to be honnest, it's not so bad, but i know better animes then Ranma. But it's good. :)
  21. i know Angel Sanctuary, i downloaded manny pics of it, looked on the internet about it, and i have an manga of it(In French). And it's JUST GREAT. Only that french manga is hard to understand, but i can read it because we learn here in Belgium in school French. But you really have to look on the net about it. It's just wonderfull, and here's an pic that i just love.
  22. My name is Mieke(a Belgium girl name) And the name Mieke comes from the name Maria. :) So, Mieke is the short for Maria :D
  23. I'm trying to photograff pretty things too, a month ago i've got an digital camera, and since then i'm take photo's with it. Now i draw and i take photograffs. Here's an photo of a place here in Belgium. I like that place very much. This pic has been taken in the village Zoutleeuw.
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