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Everything posted by Jecht

  1. I've seen some of your other work, my banner for example. I belive it is nice. alot better than anything i could ever do. I'd rate it a nine :D
  2. This was a summer that i will never live down. On my brithday i asked my parents to let me make the family dinner, they agreed. I belive that day they learned a valuble lesson,and that is never let me go near fire. I nearly burned down the house. As Punishment they did the unimagible they made me eat it. I still have nightmares from it. :crying:
  3. If one of you would take some of your valuble time and turn this into a banner with the words I am not a monster. I'd be greatfull. [URL=http://lefalaipe.free.fr/Fond%20d%27ecran%20grande%20taille/FF7%20vincent%20valentine.jpg]The link[/URL] If it's to big i'll understand
  4. Name: Jecht Age: 20 Gender: male Appearance:[URL=http://lefalaipe.free.fr/Fond%20d%27ecran%20grande%20taille/FF7%20vincent%20valentine.jpg]me[/URL] Wepon: [URL=http://www.3d-ring.org/gallery/images/vashsgun_tn.jpg]The gun[/URL] it was his father's and no he's not vash History: Jecht grew up with out a mother. When he was seven his father ( who was the sheriff of the town they lived in) was shot dead by a outlaw who showed up in town. The bandit didnt even get him time to shove jecht out of the way. Jecht was by his fathers side some of his blood ended up on Jecht. He snapped thook his fathers gun corned the outlaw. Then he shot him twice in each arm ,then twice in each leg, after that he shot him in the face. The last bullet in the gun was turned into a necklace. Now jecht roams around catching outlaws. I want to sign up as the friend
  5. Although my opinion counts for very little I thought it looked nice. I'd rate it on a scale from one to ten, a nine. A question was that a Choas Emerald if so i liked the shine effect :D
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