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Lord Naraku

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Everything posted by Lord Naraku

  1. That was supposed to the plot type thing. Thanks for that I accept your ideas and I'll try to make it better. I will try to rework it and post it again. Lord Naraku
  2. Alright so Kaian. I hope thats all the things from the rules so hope everyone likes it... Kaian Kaian takes place on the content of Arnor. During the ancient times after the second great war there was a group of fierce dragons that came over from the lands far off to the west. They began to terrorize the people or Arnor, and its surrounding countries of Eldamar, Sereg'wethrin Hosse, and Neuro Mar. So the elders of each country banned together to discuss what they should do to stop these terror beasts they called Uruloki. The elders, who were also the rules of these countries decided they would make a seperate clan for this special duty. This clan was made of a group of specially trained men and youth from every city in the content. They called this clan The Ndengin'Uruloki, The Dragon Slayers. These men and youth were trained by the humans and N'Shanesti in extreme hand to hand combat and how to fight with an array of weapons from swords to pikes. They were then trained by the elves, in a different way. The elves knew how to use magic. They used these skills to train these boys how to fight in their way of magic and mind deception. The Ndengin'Uruloki fought the Uruloki for many centuries until the dragons fled from the land unable to withstand the bombardment of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Though this almost caused a third war, one between the Ndengin'Uruloki and the dragons. Now in the present time one boy, Kaian, doesn't know that before him awaits an adventure, as he is soon to find out that he has background and ancestors that flow all the way back in history to the first member of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Kaian, a half-elven boy about 16 years old, lives on his farm with his mother Elen and his father Gilemar. They live outside of Oira Me'a, the capital city of Eldamar. His life is about to take a turn for the better or the worst, the decision is his. Well hope its alright. Lord Naraku
  3. Alright so Kaian. Hope everyone likes it... Kaian Kaian takes place on the content of Arnor. During the ancient times after the second great war there was a group of fierce dragons that came over from the lands far off to the west. They began to terrorize the people or Arnor, and its surrounding countries of Eldamar, Sereg'wethrin Hosse, and Neuro Mar. So the elders of each country banned together to discuss what they should do to stop these terror beasts they called Uruloki. The elders, who were also the rules of these countries decided they would make a seperate clan for this special duty. This clan was made of a group of specially trained men and youth from every city in the content. They called this clan The Ndengin'Uruloki, The Dragon Slayers. These men and youth were trained by the humans and N'Shanesti in extreme hand to hand combat and how to fight with an array of weapons from swords to pikes. They were then trained by the elves, in a different way. The elves knew how to use magic. They used these skills to train these boys how to fight in their way of magic and mind deception. The Ndengin'Uruloki fought the Uruloki for many centuries until the dragons fled from the land unable to withstand the bombardment of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Though this almost caused a third war, one between the Ndengin'Uruloki and the dragons. Now in the present time one boy, Kaian, doesn't know that before him awaits an adventure, as he is soon to find out that he has background and ancestors that flow all the way back in history to the first member of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Kaian, a half-elven boy about 16 years old, lives on his farm with his mother Elen and his father Gilemar. They live outside of Oira Me'a, the capital city of Eldamar. His life is about to take a turn for the better or the worst, the decision is his. Well hope its alright. Lord Naraku
  4. Alright so Kaian. I guess i'll just post the plot and uhh hope its within the rules and hope everyone likes it...(cause i need some opinions) haha. Kaian takes place on the content of Arnor. During the ancient times after the second great war there was a group of fierce dragons that came over from the lands far off to the west. They began to terrorize the people or Arnor, and its surrounding countries of Eldamar, Sereg'wethrin Hosse, and Neuro Mar. So the elders of each country banned together to discuss what they should do to stop these terror beasts they called Uruloki. The elders, who were also the rules of these countries decided they would make a seperate clan for this special duty. This clan was made of a group of specially trained men and youth from every city in the content. They called this clan The Ndengin'Uruloki, The Dragon Slayers. These men and youth were trained by the humans and N'Shanesti in extreme hand to hand combat and how to fight with an array of weapons from swords to pikes. They were then trained by the elves, in a different way. The elves knew how to use magic. They used these skills to train these boys how to fight in their way of magic and mind deception. The Ndengin'Uruloki fought the Uruloki for many centuries until the dragons fled from the land unable to withstand the bombardment of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Though this almost caused a third war, one between the Ndengin'Uruloki and the dragons. Now in the present time one boy, Kaian, doesn't know that before him awaits an adventure, as he is soon to find out that he has background and ancestors that flow all the way back in history to the first member of the Ndengin'Uruloki. Kaian, a half-elven boy about 16 years old, lives on his farm with his mother Elen and his father Gilemar. They live outside of Oira Me'a, the capital city of Eldamar. His life is about to take a turn for the better or the worst, the decision is his. Well hope its alright.
  5. I go to a school where there are alot more who dislike Anime than there are those of us that like it so I myself am used to things like that. I have learned that people have their opionins and it doesnt really matter what they say. If you like that Anime than theres nothing they can say or do to stop you from watching it or liking it. Lord Naraku
  6. If I had to chose i would have to say Gihren Zabi from Mobile Suit. He is the ideal leader and he knows how to seize power and take control. Look at him hi was Admiral of the whole Zeonic Forces. Lord Naraku
  7. If I had to pick an Anime that i could watch over and over again i would have a coin tose up between Gundam 08th MS Team and Mobile Suit Gundam. Lord Naraku
  8. I would have to say that my favorite character would have to be Naraku. Hes very much a genius, and very sneaky. Then I would have to say my second favorite is Sesshomaru, just because hes him! Lord Naraku
  9. Yeah i understand that, but she didnt really start doing anything till towards the end of the series and then she comes out really in the movie. If you've ever seen some of the episodes of the 4th season and the first movie of Inuyasha shippo becomes pretty helpful. Lord Naraku
  10. WHATS WRONG WITH SHIPPO????!!! Really though...I would have to say that the most pointless character would have to be Relana Peacecraft(I thinks thats how you spell it). Yeah so what, she was the daughter of the peace director, but after her dad died she really wasnt worth anything, but as a distracton for Heero. The only time she becomes semi-important is in Gundam Wing:Endless Waltz. Lord Naraku
  11. My favorite manga would have to be the Ruroni Kenshin mangas. The graphics are great, and the way they have been Americanized. The only thing done to them is they're translated, just the way i like it. Theres plenty of other reasons, but i cant really think of them. Lord Naraku
  12. I would have to say the best anime out there at this time is Inuyasha. My reasoning behind this is that it has the best story line. Set in the Fedeul era of Japan. Then look at the characters. Theres no denying the fact that you cant help but loving a demon boy with dog ears. On the other hand the shows bad guys are the sneakiest that iv ever seen. Sessohamru and the best of all, and my personal favorite..Lord Naraku! Thats why i think Inuyasha is the best anime. Lord Naraku
  13. I would have to say that the best anime currently out there would have to be Inuyasha. Just for the simple fact that the plot line goes deep into the fuedel era of japan. And it certainly has enough action in it. Long live Naraku!!! Lord Naraku
  14. I would have to say my favorite anime charater whould be in this order...Naraku, Sesshamaru, and Inuyasha...from Inuyasha....Then Vegeta from DBZ. (Notice there all evil) hehehe... Lord Naraku
  15. I love L&O....Everynight that its on i try to watch it....Law and Order is cool but i was kind of upset when Detective Lenny Brisco was leaving the original law and order but then i heard that he was coming back on the new series.....Cant wait to see it... Lord Naraku
  16. Another good weapon in anime...welll its not really a weapon but a thing....is Naraku himself. Just think about it....he can make detachments that fight for themselves...He can make the demon puppets so that he doesnt have to go out by himself(Cowardly i know but clever), and he can fight but making his arms into spears and things. Also i forgot he can regenerate his lost body parts...because of the demons Onigumo absorbed. Lord Naraku
  17. Sad to admit this but...at my jr high dance my friends dragged me to my girlfriend and maybe me appolagize to her infront of everyone... Lord Naraku
  18. Young Lord....I HIGHLY disagree with you on the fact that the DBZ series is the worst Anime. Your wrong...if you see one episode of DBZ you HAVENT seen the whole series. DBZ is very well done ...and the episodes are exciting. And DBGT does have it's weak points but no way is the series horrible...I TOTALY disagree with you. Lord Naraku
  19. I have to agree with you on that, because Sesshomaru is cool all in himself. Everyone asks me why I like him. And I would have to say its because he acts for hiself...doesnt depend on anyone, and has his sword.... Lord Naraku
  20. Personally the worst Anime in the world is Gundam SD. That show is wrong....not to mention...it's a disgrace to the Gundam name....!!!! Lord Naraku
  21. There will be something different I'm just not sure what that twist will be. I'm still thinking about it...the only process I have on it is the character profiles, and the names of the battleships/transport ships and there weapons. So I'll keep you informed as I go along. Lord Naraku
  22. I think the best weapon of anime is the Tetsusiga (I think thats right?) that Inuyasha wields. An even better weapon then that is the double-bladed sythe the Death Sythe wields in Gundam Endless waltz. Lord Naraku
  23. I think Gundam, and Inuyasha have the best music....For those of you who have seen Inuyasha...you'll know what Im talking about. The three best songs are Fuki Mori...My Will....and Every Heart. Gundam Wing has the best opening!!!! And 08th MS Team has good music too. Lord Naraku
  24. How does this sound everyone??? Its a new Manga Im working on. Its called "The Great COnflict." If any one has seen Gundam(I hope you have!) Its sort of like that....The Eath orce and forced to fight against the Space forces Crystal. The main character Warren Shades...2nd Lieutenant of his team. His Father Yasohiku Shades is the captian of the Space forces...he's killed later on when Crystals "Secret Weapon" destroys the Battleship Colony Destroyer he is on in space. He has three teammates Rin Gardener, Randy Harrison, and Kin Rider. Rin joins the army after Crystal kills both her parents when they destroy her fathers ship. Erin Rider is the leader of Crystal, and the brother of Kin. They had different views of the war, and split to the two teams. And the other Main "Bad Guy" is Nieba Runen, the Admiral of Crsytal. He dies when the colony Ranger...that hes on is blown up by a misfire of one of Crystals Ships..... So how does is Sound??? Lord Naraku
  25. Gundam 08th ms team is probably the best gundam next to gundam wing. Gundam 08th Ms team is based in the middle to the end of the One Year War. Which is a war being fought between the Principality of Zeon, and the Earth Federations. When the show starts the main character Ensin(commander i think) Shiro Amada goes out in a Ball Mobile Armor and saves a Fderation soldier. When his Ball and the Zeon suit explode...Shiro and he pilot Aina Sahalin are forced to help eachother to survive. As the series goes on Shiro is almost always seen saving Aina. Shiro is accused of betraying the Federation, and is put on trail. He and his team mates...Karen Joshua, Sanders Jr., Michel Ninorich, and Eledore Massis are told to go behind enemy lines and find and destroy Zeons Earth Base...Shuttering Mountain as a pruff of loyalty. The final battle of the series is fought here Episodes 10 and 11 Shuttering Mountain Part 1 and 2. This is like I said by far the best Gundam since Gundam Wing. Lord Naraku
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