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Everything posted by Attimus331

  1. Awww, i like it when Ashley was followin' me, it was like a cute little puppy was followin' me. And when i got the secret costume it was like a hot little puppy was followin' me. Haha. But yeah, i've shot her before too o_0. Guilty pleasure...hmmmmm....Cherry chocolate truffle ice cream. Haagen Daaz makes it, and my dad buys it. It's mainly for him, but sometimes i can't help myself. It's the best ice cream i've ever had. I highly recommend it. It's low in fat too, so it's all good. Later.
  2. Awww, no one wants to meet me...i'm sad. Haha, jk. I don't post often enough. Well, i'd want to meet anybody i got into a good debate with. Actually, i'd like to meet anybody, it'd be pretty cool to meet a fellow otaku. We could talk about otakuish stuff, it'd be great. Haha...otakuish. Later.
  3. I have a question. I'm in highschool, i'm going to college soon. I need letters of recommendation. So i was wondering, do teachers usually send them to the colleges or do the students get them from the teachers and then send them to the college? And is it alright to send them after the application deadline? The application gets in on time, but not the letters of recommendation.
  4. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Well, Christmas is coming up, in case there was somebody out there who didn't realize this. And i was wondering what everybody was getting/giving. Also you could mention some memorable gifts, maybe to give some other people here some good gift ideas for that special someone. Unfortunately, i don't really have much to say on my own subject. I think this is the first year that there really isn't anything i want. I'll probably end up getting money, how boring. Eh, if only i had 3 grand so i could buy that sweet guitar.... oh well. Haha. Later. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well, i haven't read all of the comments yet, but i imagine all of 'em are saying "sure, a woman is perfectly capable," etc. And for the most part i'd have to agree. If she's capable, then she's capable, that's all there is to it....or so it should be. But you have to remember a large part of the president's job is foreign relations, and that'd be a challenge for a female president, moreso than a male president. Not to say it's right, but it's the truth. It'd be difficult i'd imagine for some people to take the female president seriously. Therefore she may not be as capable as a male president of the same skill, intelligence, political prowess, etc. Ah, if only all sexism was completely abolished from this planet. Oh well. But that's not the only challenge the female president would face that a male president would not. Girls are different than boys, and they face different challeges, duh. So yeah. I think it could happen, it'd just be tough for the first one. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Thanx for the quick reply, i really appreciate it. It's funny. I went to a college message board and posed this question first. It's been over a day and no reply. I post it here on otaku, a generally anime message board, and i get a reply in a matter of minutes. Gotta love this message board.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ok, i'm applying to colleges right now. And i'm not exactly sure what financial aid is or if it's something i should look at or not. I'm pretty poor, my parents won't be able to pay for my college education, so i'm going to have to come up with the money on my own through scholarships, etc. So what is financial aid? Is it a loan? Or something different?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps up frantically and announces, "If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman." She removes all her clothing and asks, "Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?" A man stands up, removes his shirt and says, "Here, iron this!".
  9. Eh, no boogeyman for me really. Though i did have a reoccuring nightmare. It was the worst ever. It would be me running around my basement, running away from these slime monsters. I would just keep running, and my basement was also oddly lit. And everytime i tried to force myself to wake up i'd have an out of body experience and just see myself sleeping, unable to wake up. It was strange. Nowadays i have a different nightmare. I'm driving, it's always in a different situation. But the one thing that's always the same is the breaks giving out. And i end up wrecking or something. It's a wonder i don't freak out when i drive. Haha, later.
  10. I'm Nick. I'm 17 years old, and i live in pleasant view, tennessee. It's a nice little place, it gets bigger every year. It's a country/suburban town. I like it, but i wouldn't want to stay here forever. Right now in my life applying to colleges is my big thing. It's a real pain in the *** and it stresses me out a lot. And i deal with stress by ignoring it, like by posint on otaku, like i am now! Yippy for ignoring things! Let's see, what else? I love halo 2, i play it on xbox live. My gamertag is attimus331 if anybody wants to challenge me, but i don't play it very often. I play the guitar, i love it. It's just a hobby though, i don't plan to go anywhere with it. I just love to be able to play something i like, listen to a song and go back and play it. It's awesome. Hah, but i have a pretty cheap guitar and amp, but hey they work. I also love to draw, but i haven't been doing that much lately either. You can see some of my older drawings on myotaku. My scanner has been down for a loooong time @_@ Oh, and i like to get in debates too. It's fun. But i often get a little mean, maybe you know what i'm talking about, maybe not. But yeah, i do. I get sarcastic and whatnot, haha, i just hope nobody takes it too seriously. Oh, and i also play the alto sax and the bassoon. My bassoon's name is Simon. My sister also plays bassoon, her bassoon's name is garfunkel. Later.
  11. [QUOTE] Wow......just wow.....and wow again. That has to be the funniest thing I've seen, but seriously, I'm a Catholic (I think) but I make fun of God every damn day of my life because he's got some crazy rules in that book, let me tell ya', lol. The thing is that the "Good Book" is only suppose to guide people to heaven, not give them rules to follow except for the commandments, besides that their stories of who's lives has changed and they show examples in every story that relates to everyday life. I have to answer a big NO to the consequences for homosexuality, do you see any?? I'm free to be who I am, I have plenty of friends, my family semi-suports me but I could care less if they dont. I'm going to go to college to become a C.S.I and move on with my life, if someone has a problem with me they can get over it and move on. So far no consequences there. Now let me ask you these quesitons: Have YOU gone to heaven?? Do you believe that God is really out to get us and the worst he can do is send us to his hell?? I'm not willing to change my sexuality for the almighty high-strong being of power just because he has daily PMS in the Bibal.[/QUOTE] Before i respond to that, i'd first like to say that your grammar is absolutely horrible. Please fix it, seriously. It's painful to read that *****. Not to say the message wasn't strong, too bad the post itself was mediocre. ^_^ And to the next thing. In all honesty, i'm not very religious, i don't know if gays go to hell or not, i was simply posing it as a hypothetical scenario. If gays did go to hell, would that not be a big consequence? And, if you're not willing to change your sexuality for the allmighty god himself, then i wouldn't say you're christian at all. Especially if he's thretening you with hell. Haha, crazy rules in dat book....bahahaha, oh my sides, oh my sides, oh my sides. -____- Can you see the sarcasm? I guess you just had to beat me at my own game, eh? Haha, now that was funny. (i'll explain it to ya if you don't get it, but you have to ask nicely ^_^) Once again, if you want to be gay, then by all means, be gay. It's your choice, your life. I can only offer my opinion. Haha, on a side note, i heard a funny 2nd grade joke about gays the other day. Maybe it's not appropriate, but d*mn it do i want to tell you guys about it. Ok, here goes. 'Being gay is such a pain in the butt!' Bahahahaha, oh my sides! Later.
  12. [QUOTE=Sandy][B]Attimus:[/B] Yes, there has actually been wide researches on animal homosexuality, and it has been witnessed to exist among many species - especially mammals. Google it to find out more, if you will. Also, I only responded to your argument that sex is only meant for breeding (a medieval conception, by the way, that has little base in modern western society). Obviously two guys or two girls can't have children in their sexual relationship, so is it wrong then for them/us to make love? Especially when most heterosexual couples also do it "for fun". Don't be a double-standardist, please! And when you are disgusted by your friends' homosexuality, you are [I]not[/I] just appalled by what they [I]do[/I], but also who they [I]are[/I]. Sex is a natural thing to all lifeforms, and to expect somebody to live in selibacy just because you're grossed out by the act shows uttermost neglection and disrespect - not to mention it makes [I]you[/I] look stuck-up and proud. You say you aren't judging anybody, but actually you're doing it constantly! Gay sex doesn't [I]hurt[/I] anybody, it has no consequences if proper protection is used, and the love between two guys or girls can be just as affectionate as "straight love" - trust me, a dating gay guy, on that - so [i]why are you so bothered by it?![/i] Can't you just let everybody be who they are, without condemning or moralizing? If you're a Christian, then you should be aware that Jesus taught people to love, not judge. Besides, that part where one must stone gay guys to death is taken from the Old Testament, from the laws of a long-lost nation. Why should that one part of the law still apply to our society, when the numerous others (about eating and hygiene and slaves, etc.) don't?[/QUOTE] I never said sex was only meant for breeding. It's fine to have sex for fun and i plan on doing it a lot, as long as it's with someone i love. Now when i say someone i love, i don't mean i'm gonna go have sex with my best friend, i mean i'll have sex with my wife. See the difference? Of course you do. The whole sex for fun thing is totally off subject i think. No, i'm not appalled by who they are. Being gay is only one aspect of their lives, one that i happen to not agree with. Just because i disagree with one aspect of a person's life doesn't mean i'm appalled by who that person is. Seriously though, i'm not appalled. I simply think it's wrong. 'Appalled' is too harsh a word in this scenario. I'm not stuck-up. I just believe homosexuality is wrong, and that sex between two gays is wrong. I don't expect anybody to do anything, quite frankly i don't care. But if you ask me, i'm gonna tell you what i think, and that is homosexuality is wrooooong. As far as sex goes, i believe that a person should only have sex with one other person in that person's lifetime. I believe you should wait for marriage as well. Oh, and obviously i believe that the one person should be of the opposite gender. Consequences for homosexuality? Are you sure there is none? Positive? Have you died yet? Have you been to heaven? I don't want to sound like a fanatical christian, but according to my beliefs, homosexuals go to hell. That sounds like one hell of a consequence, don't ya think? Baha, gotta love dem puns... Yes, Jesus said you should love not hate, and i totally agree with that. But never did he say you should have sex with everybody you love, which is what it sounds like you're doing. Of course i know you're not, but just because you love somebody doesn't make it alright to have sex with that person. Slaves and hygiene is nothing like homosexuality and the three should not even be compared. It's absurd. And don't be so hypocritical either. If it's ok to knock off the gay thing, then why not anything else in the old testament? Or heck, what does the bible have to do with anything we do today? Why even read it anymore? (note the sarcasm) You believe what you want, i'll believe what i want, one day we'll see who was right and who was wrong. I don't hate gays, i just disagree with homosexuality, the idea. [QUOTE=hentai#1]"I just disagre with being gay in general. God made two sexes, not one, deal with it." -Atttimus331 sorry I didnt want to quote the whole thing... some of you should write a book because you've wrten alot alreadydamn... :animestun Anyway to the quote above God also gave us a free will and gave us the power to make our own choices... and speaking of God I love Jesus does that make me gay?!? If it does Im proud to be bie... if not Im as strait as an arrow. :p then to those who make that choice I have to say... whatever make you happy, and have fun. :D[/QUOTE] Jesus, that was a stupid comment. "... and speaking of God I love Jesus does that make me gay?!? " C'mon, don't be so stupid. It's fine to love jesus, but if you had homosexual relations with him, then there would be a problem. And also i don't believe you should encourage people to be gay. Yep, god gave us freewill. So we can do anything, right? And since he gave us freewill, he must think it's ok to be homosexual, right? Otherwise he wouldn't have given us the option to be gay, right? Well...what about killing another person? By what you said, that's ok too. God gave us freewill, we should be able to be gay and kill people! ...do you see the problem with that argument? I hope you do.
  13. Eh, i wouldn't like it if a gay guy would hit on me. I might even get a little angry depending on the situation. I think you should ask if the person is gay or not themselves first, and if they're not, then you should leave them alone as far as flirting or hitting on them goes. You know your friends aren't gay, i don't recommend hitting on them, cuz they know you know they're not gay. As far as love goes, i don't know what to tell ya. Love happens when it happens, don't try to force it. If you're too anxious for love you might say you're in love with someone you're not and you might end up making a mistake. Maybe you should try dating someone online if there's no gays in your area. Heck, maybe you could find someone in your area through the internet. And also, don't be so willing to give your virginity up either. It's wise to wait for the special someone. Just make sure you know what you're doing. Later.
  14. [QUOTE=Sandy]But Attimus, you simply can't say that something is wrong "because it's [I]wrong[/I]"! That is a very lame excuse for homophobia. I think you have gained the level of homophobia, where you think that us homosexuals are just humans like the rest, but you still seem to think that we are a bit nutty or perverted, when all that we are really doing is what nature intended. Not [I]everybody[/I] are suppossed to have kids, there are already too many people spoiling this planet as it is. I don't think it's very respectful towards your friends to act approving, and then say behind their backs that what they [I]really[/I] are is disgusting... :/ Oh, and please do not resort to flaming (ie. calling people names), we're trying to have a decent conversation here.[/QUOTE] I apologize for getting pissy, but in my defense, i didn't start it. That's all i'll say. Nature did not intend for you to be homosexual. In all of nature have you once seen a gay animal? A gay dog, a gay monkey, anything? The only difference between the animals and the humans is rational thought, so rationally it must be this that has caused homosexuality, therefore it is a choice, not a genetic flaw. But i'm not positive it's not a genetic flaw, maybe you should show me proof. So people who aren't supposed to have kids should be gay? And why aren't they supposed to have kids? You rather me agree with everything my friends do/say? If a friend was payed money to eat something gross, wouldn't you say it's disgusting? Of course you would. And i never said i act approvingly, i just don't act disapprovingly. Once again, it's their choice, not mine, and i respect a person's ability to make choices.
  15. [QUOTE=Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple]Wait... Solo, you're a guy? O_o Anyway, Attimus while I respect your opinion, I am offended. I will love whoever the **** I want thank you very much![/COLOR][/QUOTE] When the hell did i say you couldn't love a person? And when did love become a sexual thing? Go ahead, love who you want, i just don't think you should be kissing a guy just cuz you love him. Love him as a friend, a brother, a mentor, not a lover. I don't judge people for being gay, i believe in gay rights, go gay, whatever. I just disagre with being gay in general. God made two sexes, not one, deal with it. Anyways, i stand by my confused bit about gays. [QUOTE=Sandy] To [B]Attimus331[/B] I'd just want to say that you don't really know any homosexuals yourself, do you? If you did, you wouldn't have that kind of an opinion. I have to admit that in my teen years I [I]was[/I] confused with my sexuality, but that was only because I am a homosexual living in a world where heterosexuality is a norm, ie. you are straight until otherwise proven. Nowadays my sexuality is very clear to me and everybody around me - not the least being my loving bf. ;D Wether you like it or not, world is filled with all kind of sexualities, some more ethically questionable than others, but what is wrong with a mutual and equal affection between two humans, just because they share the same sexual organs? You should learn to accept the multitude of life - your way is not the only way. ;)[/QUOTE] You guys are taking what i said and adding what you want to it. I didn't say it was the only way, i don't care if you're gay or not, it's not hurting me. Yes, actually i do now some gay people. I know some gay activists even, they are my friends. Don't fu**ing guess rather i have gay friends or not, you don't know me, do not judge me by reading one simple comment. Homosexuality is wrong in my book, that's all there is to it. I'm not forcing my ways on anybody, simply voicing my opinion. I can't stand it when people take what i say and add to it. What's wrong with affection between two humans? Nothing, as long as it's not the wrong type of affection. Having sex with the same sex is disgusting and wrong. Once again, there are two sexes for a reason. [QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray] Side note: [B]Attimus[/B], you have every right to have your own opinions... but I just want to say... there is no "right" and "wrong" when it comes to someone's sexuality. Love has no bounderies when is comes to gender. And it never has. But since, naturally, a man and a woman are the essentials for mating, people have pushed that that pairing is the only right one. But people don't have a choice if they are gay/bisexual... it is a mix up in DNA/genes and it cannot be helped. I am wishing more people would realize this, because so many blame the people for being gay/bisexual, when it has nothing to do with their free will. But more people are becoming open with their sexuality, which is always great.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Why isn't there a right or wrong? There is in mostly everything else. Just because you want something to be so doesn't make it so. Just cuz you want to be gay, it doesn't make it alright. The DNA bit, i seriously doubt that, but seeing as i know nothing about it, i won't argue it. [quote name='Salty Bob']You disgust me.[/quote] You're a loser. That post wasn't worthy of being posted, i'm surprised it hasn't been taken off. But really, you're a di*k. ^_^ Have a nice day.
  16. I would give some to my parents, actually i'd probably give them a pretty good chunk of it. Then i'd buy a car and a couple of other little things that i want, then i'd use it to pay for college. Anything left over after all of that would go into savings.
  17. I personally think homosexuality is wrong, regardless. I think that the only people that go gay are the very confused ones. Society today has made it acceptable for a person to be gay, it's not right. I believe you should just go back to liking girls (i'm assusming you're a guy). Eh, but i doubt this comment will really help you that much, you don't really need somebody to tell you homosexuality is wrong, that's for you to decide. Maybe you should just be by yourself for a while and stop thinking about having a bf or gf, just be alone and try to figure out what you want to do. Don't confuse attraction. Later.
  18. I love the action genre, but i also appreciate a good laugh. So action and adventure and comedy. Those are my two favorite genres. My favorite movie is probably Kill Bill vol 1. Though...i've seen better movies/tv shows/animes....though i can't remember them right now. Hehe, but Kill Bill is definitely up there, way up there. DON'T MAKE ME OWN YOU WITH MY HATORI HANZO SWORD!!! Later.
  19. Brand New! Brand New is pretty big with the people i hang out with. My sister loves the band and a lot of other people i know like 'em too. I like 'em too, but i'm not obsessive over them. I have a good number of their songs, but i don't listen to them every day. All in all i like 'em, but there are better bands out there.
  20. I'm thinkin' about getting a new guitar. If i do then i'll probably get a les paul. I dunno what brand yet though. Besides that i don't really know what i want. Money's always good. Also an xbox 360 is somethin' for me to think about.
  21. [QUOTE=AnimeFront]IMO, there is no point to life. I think that we just randomly ended up the way we are today. When the earth is destoyer by meteors and the suns explosion, nothing would change. Ok thats it its over nothing else changes. I enjoy living but there is no point to life or our existence.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]There is a point to life, or in my life anyways. It's make money, be happy, and above all find somebody that loves me and love them back. ^_^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed] [FONT=Trebuchet MS] I'm going to be a fatass older brother that sits at home and mooches off of his little brother's candy when he gets home from trick or treating. ^_^ [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well, as far as your grades slipping, i don't actualy think you need any reason besides you'll be a poor loser bum working at McD's for the rest of your life if you don't get with it. You don't have to believe in god to have incentive to get decent grades. As for the rest of the stuff....i can very easily see the human race simply creating god, to have a place to go to when they die, better than the shithole that they were currently living in. Did god create us or did we create god? Right? Well, there's no real penalty to believing in god, and there's a reward in believing in him, although if you don't believe him there's possibility of a penalty, hell. If that makes any sense to you.... Although i don't think you should simply believe in god because you're afraid of hell. All in all i think you just need to ask yourself what you believe in, rather faith alone is enough or if you need proof. Seeing or feeling. It's up to you. Don't fret young one, you have your life to figure things out. Later. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. Eh, i'm not too big on nerd games. I'd like to get into D&D but i never did. The only nerd game i really played is magic. But i gave that up last year, i had the chance to get out with a profit so i took it. 15 bucks beotch! That's net too. I hang out with a lot of people that play nerd games though. D&D, warhammer, all kinds of crazy card games i've never heard of, ssbm, everything. I wouldon't consider ssbm (super smash bros. melee) a nerd game, it's just they take it to insane levels. They play it like you breathe air. They're awesome at it. I'm awesome too, but compared to them i'm a noob.
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