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Everything posted by Attimus331

  1. No, i don't really have a temper....well actually i'd say it's selective. If it's just some punk ***** loser pickin' at me i could care less, i can always just walk away and go on with my life. But if it's someone i love or one of my good friends, i can loose my temper quickly. Usually with my friends they're just kidding, so i let most things by. But if i know they're not kidding, i'll get pissed, and they'll know it. I'll be yelling and cussing, i'm not much of a fighter and i couldn't see myself getting that pissed at a friend. If it were one of my siblings or loved ones i'd probably get angrier quicker. Their opinions of me really matter to me, and i'd get pretty angry if they started being really mean to me. Then later i'd feel really bad. I know if my little bro calls me a *** i get very very angry at him. I pretty much kick him out of the room and yell at him. If he resists, it gets ugly. Then later i feel like s**t for acting the way i did. So yeah, i have a selective temper.
  2. Well the way i perceived the question is i can only have one of the two, the love of my life or my dreams. As in i can't say my dreams are to be with the love of my life among other things, that's cheating. Hehe. Finding the love of my life is definitely part of my dreams. It's actually my most important dream. Heh, so i bet you can guess what i choose. But besides love i also dream about having a great job, being successful, starting a family with the woman i'd love, and inventing a pill that makes junk food good for you! Hahaha. That'd be the sweetest thing ever. But yeah, if i had to choose between the two, i'd definitely choose the love of my life. To me love is the most beautiful thing a person could ever experience. Of course the question is hypothetical, so you guys that keep sayin' the potential to be hurt is always there, well, it's not. It's hypothetical you guys. The love of your life won't leave you. So yeah, i'd definitely go with the love of my life. Heh, i think i might've found her already though. Later.
  3. Ahahaha, asshat, that's good. Heh, i love fortune cookies, they're so funny. They give you the lucky lotto numbers or whatever. Man, if i ever won the lotto i'd acredit the numbers to a fortune cookie! That'd be hilarious. And there's the whole "in bed" thing. It's great. You will have good fortune...in bed! Ahahaha. Nice. If i made one i'd write down, "You ate too much" Ahahaha, you know it's true. You can't go to a chinese buffet and not eat too much. It's like against the rules. And yes, there are ninjas in chinese restaurants. They take your plates when you go up to get more food. You never see them.
  4. I neither believe nor don't believe in the existance of ghosts. I believe it to be possible. But i also believe that there's a reasonable explanation for most every ghost sighting, it just might be hard to find one. A couple of my friends have had a good number of ghost experiences. I really enjoy listening to the stories. But there's no proof that it was a ghost. So i'm skeptical. But the stuff that happens is pretty bazaar, so i wouldn't be too surprised if i one day found out that it was indeed ghosts. Haha, i don't like waterbeds. I was lying in one one night. I wasn't moving or anything at all. And all of a sudden the water bed moved as though somebody had struck it between my legs, and then again beside my left leg. It freaked me out. That's the closest i've ever come to a ghost encounter. But i'm still skeptical, haha, ya never know! Later.
  5. SunfallE, that was sarcasm. Drunk driving is horrible. Darker, i have a question. How would the test work? Would it be multiple choice? Maybe a pshychic will read their palms to determine their maturity! Or maybe they got some kinda crazy thing that hooks up to the person's brain to determine if they're mature enough to drink, smoke, etc. A test wouldn't work. Immature people aren't so stupid that they'd answer "A. I'd drive him in my car after i got drunk at a party." The people of America can't be as responsible with drinking like people in other countries can. That's partly why the law is at 21 for drinking. Stating that a person's age doesn't determine maturity is somewhat irrelovent. It's the average person that matters. The average 21 year old is more mature than the average 18 year old, that's what matters.
  6. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Lay off, eh? Obviously it would seem English is not his/her first langauge, don't go mental on him/her because they don't speak the language perfect. Geez. I know lots of people who don't have the language down, doesn't mean that I go beat the crap out of them for it. The OB is a multi-national Website, and thus a multi-language one. At least he/she made a geniun effort to get the point across. Would you prefer that he/she write everything in French or Chinese or whatever his/her first language is?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I couldn't understand him. I don't have a problem with typos or other problems, but when i can't understand it, i'll say something. I'm not trying to be mean. And sure, if he wants to go it in his native tongue then more power to him, then i just won't read it or care.
  7. [QUOTE=Kuroshin13]Sorry. I use different expressions when I talk, and pardon my lack of editing skills. Just because I re-read something, does not mean that I can fix everything. I WAS NOT TAUGHT THESE THINGS. Please stop harping. I'm trying, I really am. I resent what you said. :animesigh I WASN'T trying to set restrictions, but from you were implying in your first post, I going with [I]the impression I was given[/I]. I'm not the only one who thought things were getting off the origonal topic. :animeangr Go verbally attack them. Facts are/both sides of the fence.= It has been proven on multiple occations that it's not going to be one group alone you are dealing with there are always two or more sides. Nothing is going to be comepletly unanimous. 100% proof=bad expression, I admit it. there is no sure way to tell what will happen. 'lesser of two evils'=Expression used like saying, 'what's worst.' Again, PLEASE STOP HARPING ON ALL OF MY MISTAKES. This is no longer a debate, but an all out fight in MY oppinion, which I'm entitled to. I'm out, good luck with your debate.[/QUOTE] Dude....it's alright to make some mistakes here and there. You just made more than a few. You need to fix most all of the mistakes. I don't think i've seen a post yet that was flawless by you, as far as grammar and typos go. You asked me to be specific, i was specific, now you don't want me to "harp" on your mistakes. You asked me to be specific! Make up your mind.
  8. [QUOTE=Kuroshin13]1) I DO look over my posts, but I can't keep correcting every little thing. I never said you were trying to be mean. Did you read through CAREFULLY and try to pick out what I was TRYING to say? All I'M asking, is that you be a little more specific with what I need to make clearer. 2) I never implied that. Are you forgetting the whole purpose of this??? I only ment that it would be LESS COOL, not that it would be a dramatic thing. I DO AGREE WITH THE AGE 21 DRINKING RESTRICTIONS. 3) You failed to get my point. Your debate is about being and adult at 18, not whether we should be aloud to drink at 18. As an example against Illiums point, maybe. [COLOR=orange]But there is no question of maturity concerning pot.[/COLOR]
  9. Yeh, you're right, i didn't put much time into 'em. But i do think they're funny. It's ok if you don't though. Everybody's got a different sense of humor. I'm much better on paper, trust me. I did those on paint and one on photoshop. The last one was on photoshop.
  10. I didn't know you lived in America...
  11. Kuroshin, i'm simply asking that you go back and reread what you wrote so that you can make the understanding of your post more coherent. Is that a bad thing to ask? I mean i serisouly did not understand what you said the last time! I'm not trying to be mean. I reread my post to correct typos and whatnot, you should too. Sure there is a "cool factor" involved, but it's only for those couple of stupid teenagers that care about being "cool". If drinking were made legal at an eariler age then that age group would have a lot more drinkers. I'm sure of this. Sure, there might be less of a cool factor, but can you really imagine drinking not being consdered cool??? I mean look at all the money put into advertisements by the beer companies. Remember the Budweiser frogs? Or the twins campaign? If it were made legal in would only be slightly less cool. Yes, i realize there is not nearly as much hype in Europe about drinking. It's a change in culture and the views of drinking by society. If America could somehow manage to adopt these views i wouldn't agree with the drinking restrictions, but that's not the case, and in all honesty i doubt it would be easy to accomplish... The pot thing was a valid point, don't tell me it wasn't. I was replying to what Ilium said about the cool factor. I was giving an example. Pot would become more popular if made legal, regardless of the cool factor. It's even a better point than beer! Pot isn't addictive like alcohol is. Since you don't have to look at addiction in the situation of pot the cool factor apparantly doesn't have a very big influence, legality does.
  12. [QUOTE=Ilium]Yes we are. Let us fan the flames of arguementive hate! [COLOR=DarkRed] Gona respond to the "I apologise. Your grammar was so hurendous that I could not understand the point the first time. Now, after re-reading it, I fail to see the point even further. Better decisions? Such as? Be it 18 or 21, your still going to make brash dicisions, your still going to act virtually the same way. On paper, it doesn't make a significant difference. Besides, it's a well-documented phenomenon that when things are legal they suddenly become less cool. When you take away all the shady, underground, rebelious stuff, they lose a lot of custumers." or shall I asume the point conceeded?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I disagree. If something like pot were made legal it would become way way more popular. There is absolutely no doubt. Hell, i might even buy some myself, and i wouldn't even consider it before. And i know my government teacher would too, haha, he told us. It may lose it's coolness, but it sure as hell won't lose its customers, they're addicted on the drug, not the risk of getting caught.
  13. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Dunnu mate, made perfect sense to me. I live in Quebec where French-Canadians who try to speak English tend to speak like that; with problematic grammar and syntax etc etc. Translation comes naturally to me. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] That might be it. I live with a korean mother though, so i deal with the same stuff, but probably not on as large of a scale. Although now we're getting off subject, aren't we?
  14. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Made sense to me. Don't call people on their grammar if you can't be bothered to capitalize your I's. What's not to understand? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hahahaha, calling me out on my i's are ya?? Ahahahaha. Dude, if you can't see the problems with that post then you must be on the same level as him/her. Or you didn't read it like you didn't read mine. Man...i'm a jerk, aren't i? Sorry. Really not trying to make people angry...
  15. [QUOTE=Kuroshin13]Oh yea, the official numbers go up, I'm not denying that. But that also says, that even if you COULD drink, not everyone does, right? (you also have parents for that ^.^) Oh, and if the technical adult age would be 18, you can't always in every respect all them a kid. By the way, I wasn't necessarily talking on a mass scale basis there. That also doesn't mean that all of us teenagers that do drink illegally just go with a buch of friends to go get stoned at 10 a clock at night. That my friend, would be pointless -.-* Along with your regulars who don't give a rats *ss and go get stoned or something, there ARE and would be responible underage drinkers, just like you have very irrisponsible adults who love nothing better but to go drink with of buddies. The facts are, no matter which age you choose and which restrictions you apply, you are going to get both sides of the fence. And there is no certain, 100% proof way to dertimine the 'lesser of two evils'. hm...Maybe we need some talk about voting rights...like weather people are more suited to make an important decision about the government at 18 or 21. I'm almost certain that will come up. :animeswea I say that you are more apt to make a good decision at 18, because U.S History and Government class is still 'fresher in your minds' to 'learn from past mistakes.' :animesigh I still can't figure out how Washington ever put up with all of the cr** going on...[/QUOTE] Uhmm...i'll be honest with you, i'm not entirely sure what you just said. You're grammar is pretty horrendous...maybe you should go back and edit it. I wasn't calling them a kid in a technical aspect...i was saying in my opinion they're a kid because of the pathetically stupid choice that they made. And you can't point out that single group that drinks responsibly, you've got to look at the majority. The majority of teenagers that drink irresponsibly do irresponsible things. And that's all i can really say considering i really don't know what else you said... To Ilium. I didn't say it was throwing away your education, i said it was risking it. Try reading what i wrote next time. Also i don't want to talk about Canada, we're talking about America....i felt like i've said this already... And dude, the whole 21 point is to make better decisions, not to get drinking "out of the way".
  16. I drew some comics that i'd like to share with you guys. I did most of 'em on paint, but i did the last one on photoshop. Tell me what you guys think of 'em! Oh, and there might be some mature content, mainly blood. [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinja.gif][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinja.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinjav2.gif][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinjav2.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinjav3.gif][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinjav3.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinjav4.gif][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinjav4.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinjav5.gif][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinjav5.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/NickVSTheRedNinjav7.jpg][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_NickVSTheRedNinjav7.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  17. I would also like to add that this debate is to discuss the law in the US, not anywhere else. Sorry, not trying to offend anyone. Haha, that draft bs by Ilium makes me chuckle. Bush would never get the go ahead for the draft. It's called popular sovereignty, bud. The draft is way too unpolpular for it to ever come back...except for maybe in the most extreme case, at the end of WWIII when we're about to lose everything. Oh....right....drinking binges aren't bad at all.....and neither are the drunk drivers, right? Sure, those things aren't going to be avoided, i'm not trying to say that. I'm simply saying that a, straight out of mom and dad's house, 18 year old is less responsible than a 21 year old that has had a little more experience. The 21 law isn't pointless in any respect. You think if there wasn't a law the amount of teenagers that drink won't go up? That all teenagers that want to drink do drink? That's not so. The law does stop kids from drinking. By the way, if you're a teenager that does drink illegally, you ARE a kid. How stupid do you have to be? Sure, i've got a free education! But i'd rather go drinking with my friends! And risk it all! >_> Heehee, i think i get a little too emotional when i debate, sorry if i offended anybody.
  18. First off i'd like to just say, i'm going to argue on the pro side, regardless of how i actually feel, simply because that's what i gotta do for the debate in my class. I think that having restrictions at 18 is a good idea. I mean, if there were absolutely no restrictions right when you turned 18 it'd be kinda crazy. It's like hitting a kid with a ton of bricks, it's all at once. You gotta go easy on the kid and ease him up to being an adult. If a kid that's been living with his parents all of his life all of a sudden had the oppurtunity to drink, smoke, and go to nudey bars right when he got away from his parents, why wouldn't he go crazy? Go on a drinking binge, get some lap dances, and smoke his life away. Eighteen isn't mature enough for most people to have those choices. I mean look at some of the people in your school, do you think they'd ignore the sin? Or would they go crazy with the drinking?? I don't think the draft should've been mentioned. The chances of that actually happening are so slim it seems irrelovent to me. And if there was a draft, i'd be a draft dodger, canada's a nice place. Hahaha.
  19. I'm in a government class at my school. Recently the teacher decided to get us involved in debates, so now i'm in one. I have to debate over the law that makes us adults at 18. I'm pro in this case. I believe 18 is a good age. It's very convenient. You just graduated out of highschool, about to go off to college, in most cases, and live on your own. I couldn't see any other age that would make more sense. Anyways, i figured i'd see what you guys thought, to better prepare myself for the debate. If everybody starts agreeing one way or the other (which i doubt will happen) i'd appreciate it if someone played devil's advocate. Thanx.
  20. Soon to be discovered by these over-zealous, young recruits the driver of the tank left his map back in the US and got them lost somewhere in the forests of Canada... ?Boy are the Canadians going to be surprised.
  21. Somebody really should post a new pic...
  22. Before leeches a good kick to the side of your head would have took care of that pesky ear infection...
  23. The end result of the latest Godzilla sighting...
  24. [quote name='CowTipper']Yes, yes it is. Halo 2 is a great game, but it didn't blow me away. Halflife 2 and Far Cry are much better. Halo 2's story was HORRIBLE, and it wasn't much of an improvement from the first one. Sure, you can hold two guns and hijack ships and the graphics are obviously better, but you can fall 7,000 feet and not get hurt at all. The only thing that is truly GREAT about this game is XBOX Live play.It's really fun, but much less than what I was expecting.[/quote] Far Cry, pretty. Half Life 2, pretty. Halo 2, awesome multiplayer. I really disagree with ya. Halo 2's story is not horrible. Far from it. I think it's very good. Not Metal Gear Solid good, but still good. It's as good as a fps story needs to be. I mean really though, i don't see why you'd say it's horrible, why do you think it's horrible??? You gotta tell us why you think that.
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