OOC: Well this is my first RPG....so hear goes nothing
Name: Marshal
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Personality: After living for twelve years in such a desolate city without anyone, Marshal feels he has seen and done about everything a twelve-year-old can do in such a hell hole. He's somewhat angry with the cards he was dealt, and plans on doing something about it, he just has no idea what. He speaks his mind and often pushes for the quickest solution without concern for the consequences. Yet, deep down in his heart he has a desire for something better than the life given to him.
Appearance: He has tired brown eyes, and messy brown hair covered with a dirty, old, red cap. He stands at about 5 foot, and 2 inches He wears a torn black shirt, baggy blue jeans, and worn, black sneakers. On his right wrist he wears an old analog watch that doesn?t keep time anymore, he?s had it since he can remember, it means a lot to him, but he?s not sure why. The watch itself is made out of a hard, stainless steal, it has a small blue gem in the middle of it and the second hand is broken in half. He's a skinny boy, obviously doesn't eat much. He has small scars running around the exposed skin of his body, and his clothing also has tiny rips throughout them. He carries a gray backpack over his left shoulder to carry anything he might find that he considers useful, mainly food and blunt objects that he can use to defend himself with
Bio: His mother died giving birth, and his father abandoned them before he was even born. His older sister, Rose, named him Marshal. He was raised by Rose, until the age of about seven, when she mysteriously disappeared. Luckily for Marshal that was long enough to learn the basics for survival. He would spend days eating out of dumpsters and begging for food from people who didn?t have any. Although he was young he still remembers his older sister and loves her very much.
Any Resources: His backpack.