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Everything posted by Attimus331

  1. Well, i love xbox live, it's pretty much the only thing i play as far as video games go. So i was wondering, who has xbox live, what's your gamertag, what games you have/play, and anything else you'd like to talk about. I have counter-strike, slinter cell, mechassualt, project gotham racing 2, NFL Fever 03, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I pretty much play Counter-Strike, then comes splinter cell, and i sometimes play project gotham...the other games i really don't play much. I love to play counter-strike, and i'm very good at it. I'm looking to join a clan if anybodies got openings, i can't promise you i'll stay in it though when halo 2 comes out, but i'll be an asset, i really am quite good. Maybe i shouldn't brag, because then somebody is going to come and beat me to the ground... My gamertag is Attimus331, so send me a friend request, preferably with a voice message so i'll now how you got my name. There ya go.
  2. 2 things: 1. Tarentino pretty much just took a whole bunch of movie, and art styles and threw them into the movie. I watched a documentary, or something like that about it. i think i saw it on the dvd of kill bill 1. Anime happens to be one of the things that influenced him. 2. Quentin Tarentino did not make Hero, he's simply presenting it, it's actually been around in China for a while already.
  3. OOC: Well this is my first RPG....so hear goes nothing Name: Marshal Age: 12 Gender: Male Personality: After living for twelve years in such a desolate city without anyone, Marshal feels he has seen and done about everything a twelve-year-old can do in such a hell hole. He's somewhat angry with the cards he was dealt, and plans on doing something about it, he just has no idea what. He speaks his mind and often pushes for the quickest solution without concern for the consequences. Yet, deep down in his heart he has a desire for something better than the life given to him. Appearance: He has tired brown eyes, and messy brown hair covered with a dirty, old, red cap. He stands at about 5 foot, and 2 inches He wears a torn black shirt, baggy blue jeans, and worn, black sneakers. On his right wrist he wears an old analog watch that doesn?t keep time anymore, he?s had it since he can remember, it means a lot to him, but he?s not sure why. The watch itself is made out of a hard, stainless steal, it has a small blue gem in the middle of it and the second hand is broken in half. He's a skinny boy, obviously doesn't eat much. He has small scars running around the exposed skin of his body, and his clothing also has tiny rips throughout them. He carries a gray backpack over his left shoulder to carry anything he might find that he considers useful, mainly food and blunt objects that he can use to defend himself with Bio: His mother died giving birth, and his father abandoned them before he was even born. His older sister, Rose, named him Marshal. He was raised by Rose, until the age of about seven, when she mysteriously disappeared. Luckily for Marshal that was long enough to learn the basics for survival. He would spend days eating out of dumpsters and begging for food from people who didn?t have any. Although he was young he still remembers his older sister and loves her very much. Any Resources: His backpack.
  4. I saw maybe the first half of it today at the theaters. It was pretty awesome. The first fight scene is really incredible (the one with Jet Li, and one of the assasins). I had my two little brothers sitting beside me, and they were sighing because the movie was all in subtitles, how childish. Actually it went a little fast here and there, but nothing too bad.
  5. Flogging Molly's pretty good. I presonally really like devil's dance floor, and what's left of the flag. Besides that, i really don't know much about them, although i did see them perform on Conan once.
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