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Everything posted by Hiei23

  1. Am a mareine this is my first rpg so can you guys please update me on all this rpg stuff halo is so cool
  2. Nick sat Down at the lunch table an turend on his laptop then a strange cretures apeaerd on the screen "what the heck" come with me. then his arm started to disaper ha want's go on. Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha here am I was at school now im in this forest HA! you wait HA! how you get I got here by by I dot know how i got here
  3. Name:Nick olsen Age:16 Gender:male Appearance:white shirt black jacket black pants Bio: Personallity: Digimon: ultimet-level 32
  4. yes I will help you wean do we start [size=1] [/size] [color=DarkOliveGreen][size=1]Hiei23, Please try and make your posts longer and give more information than this. Explain why you will help, why do you like the idea? What would you change? Thanks. -Bio[/size] [/color]
  5. Name: Ivrine Age:17 weapon: sinper rifle speicel: super snipe. Blood:O Birth day: unknow
  6. I think I speak for the pepole that we need a chat room if you need a mod to modarate I will do it
  7. I need Boy's/girl's for a journey to find a destroy the evil power sith will we train yes will you coplain you better not :demon: Are you thogh anofth to come?
  8. I think this site should have a chat room I say quzzidl or something like that.
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