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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. This has been debated [b]endlessly[/b] on BleachForums ever since the first few spoiler pics appeared on 2chan. Half the fans think it's [spoiler]the real Kaien, the other half reckon it's a shapeshifter with mind-reading abilities, something like Grand Fisher[/spoiler]. Having now read the full chapter I've slid off the fence and come down on the [spoiler]"it's really Kaien in some form or other"[/spoiler] camp. @Ikillion: yep, on the final page he introduces himself as [spoiler]"Ninth Espada Aaroniiro Arulueri"[/spoiler]. Which is why we're all still confused. Because he definitely looks like [spoiler]Kaien, and the sidetext says "the face of regret, Kaien!!"[/spoiler] My favourite theory out of all those that have cropped up so far is that [spoiler]somehow Kaien is now a Vizard, and is a spy in Aizen's ranks. Witness the complete, but removable mask, where other Arrancar have masks that are broken but still attached. I wait eagerly for next week - Arulueri/Kaien has promised to explain the wonky day/night inside/outside weirdness of Las Noches, and we might even find out who he really is[/spoiler].
  2. I never said anything about race. I used 'Mr White' and 'Mr Black' as generic names. Change it to 'Mr Jones' and 'Mr Smith' if you like. The point I was making was that you can't tell me stealing is illegal and that I can be locked up for it, then walk over to your friend and tell [b]him[/b] he's allowed to steal food whenever he's hungry. Surely you can see that waiving the law based on circumstance doesn't make sense. I don't pretend to know how drug dealers operate. But I'm sure that working as a mule isn't ever going to earn your friend enough money to get him out of his situation (which, with X number of brothers and sisters to support, I have to assume is his goal). Dealers aren't going to pay him enough money to improve his situation, because then they'd be down one mule; better to pay him just enough to survive, but not enough to move on, and then he has to keep coming back to work for them. Therefore, the drugs route is [b]not[/b] the best option for your friend or his family. If the police catch him fencing then it's not the dealer going to jail, it's him - though at least he'll get fed in prison.
  3. [quote name='Mythologicly]He had 3 briothers and 2 sisters to rise and he was to young to work so [b']all he could do was sell drugs to make a living.[/b][/quote] [center][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Zingers/WRONG.jpg?t=1170758033[/IMG][/center] There is always an alternative. I refuse, point-blank, to accept that selling drugs was the only option. And I'll just reiterate my earlier question, where did he get the drugs from in the first place? It's terrible that your friends have had such hard times, but there are charities and government initiatives whose only purpose in existence is to help people in their situation. Poverty affects far too many people in the so-called 'civilised' world but I'm not going to start justifying theft and dealing because of it. The justice system is built on equality, and if you start saying "okay, Mr White would go to jail for stealing a loaf of bread but Mr Black gets off scot-free from the exact same offence just because he's poor" then you're going to get outrage, discrimination and eventually everything crashing down around your ears.
  4. Okay, yes. I stand by the point that Turner were not at fault for not notifying the Boston authorities [b]in the first instance,[/b] but I concede that once they realised things were getting out of hand words should have been exchanged. All in all though, massive publicity for Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Though who knows if it'll be enough to offset the fines.
  5. Edited thread title. Use capitals and spell things right in future. By your logic all any drug dealer would have to do is claim he has no other job and he'd be allowed back on the streets to sell drugs, giving current addicts higher dependency and creating new addicts, contributing to an ever-spiralling vortex of drug-fuelled despair. And if said drug dealer genuinely had no other means of income, where's he getting his drugs from? Not to mention your logic fails utterly when applied to other situations. Sorry I killed your mum, I needed her purse because I had no money. Sorry I broke into your house, I needed your TV to sell because I have no money. I'm onyl doing it to survive, honest guv'nor. There are charities dedicated to providing food, warmth and shelter for the homeless, so in the end selling drugs or killing grannies is never, ever the only possible recourse. Yes, raising a family is hard with no money, so if you've got no money give your little sailor a raincoat and you can put off having a family until you have a job.
  6. I think the broadcasting company were justified in saying nothing to the authorities, considering they used the same marketing technique in nine other cities without incident. And the idea that the two men that installed the devices should have let police know they were 'not real'? Not real what? They were real LiteBrites and the installers had no reason to think anyone would see them as anything else.
  7. Hmm. Well, since the issue relates to Clerks II I toyed with the idea of shifting this to MM&TV and letting Clurr deal with it. But instead I guess I'll just quote the new, simplified Rules page and pull a timely threadlock before Dead ponders the issue too much and ends up going blind. [quote]...here?s a basic list of stuff we don?t want to see on OtakuBoards: [...] ยท Adult images/content[/quote] [b]Thread locked.[/b]
  8. I have a Chilean lecturer who is of the opinion that Americans should be less worried about the moral implications of 'killing' undeveloped foetuses and more worried about the moral implications of killing fully developed, patriotic American soldiers by sending them to fight pointless, unpopular wars. The topic brought it to mind, so I thought I'd throw it into the mix.
  9. Meh, the Modsouls weren't too annoying in that episode - at least they were used to effect as explanation devices, instead of trying to have any kind of effect on the story. All I'm worried about is if they start attacking the much, much more powerful enemies coming up in the next episode and surviving. I can see what Studio Pierrot are trying to do. They're trying to use the (clearly very weak) Modsouls to demonstrate the power of the new bad guys. They're throwaway characters and nobody cares if they get beaten in every episode. But here's the thing - they went up against Arrancar Grandfisher and came out unscathed. They couldn't hurt him, but they weren't harmed. This is a guy that nearly beat Ichigo before he was even hybridised, and they're up and sketching by the next episode. Basically, if they try to take on [spoiler]Yammy and Ulquiorra[/spoiler] - which I suspect they will - and don't get ground into dust, the awesome power of the [spoiler]Espada - later amply demonstrated by Tsubaki getting crushed and Chad's arm getting ripped off -[/spoiler] is kind of belittled. Having said that, this episode couldn't go far wrong for me, because it introduced Hiyori, possibly my favourite Bleach character. That moment where she and Shinji are running through the air was pretty well done, even if they did cut the graphic goosing.
  10. Re-read my post and weep, 2007DigitalBoy! Pay especial attention to the location of the [b]Snakes![/b]
  11. Thanks very much, just what I was looking for!
  12. [b]OB Intrigue[/b] This year saw MAMA and Viva Otaku dramatically unmasked in 'The Complaint', more hints (and breakthroughs!) than ever concerning the Secret Staff Yaoi Lounge, White's Secret Club, the birth of Clarity and the heated head-to-head that was Otaku Idol II ... altogether, 2006 was the year of secrets, politics and [i]intrigue[/i] on OB.
  13. Can someone make me a quick avatar from the attached picture? I don't need any text or fancy effects, just a straight resize and a 1px black border. I normally do my own avatars these days but I've just got a MacBook ,I don't have Photoshop installed and GIMP crashes whenever I try to use the Scale tool.
  14. [quote name='The Boss']The grain on the photo was actually an effect I was trying to get. Like an old Kung-Fu movie.[/quote]Now you've told me that your entry is twice as awesome. Old kung fu movies rock out hard. Desbreko and The Boss are pretty much equal first in my view now - but I still want Des to win because otherwise I'm OtakuBroke :animeswea
  15. [quote name='Nerdsy']Does the original one count as one of the six?[/quote]I think we decided last time that you count the stages, not the pages - so the way you formatted it you'd be counting the " > " characters. More than six and it doesn't count. Donatello (Ninja turtle) > click 'bandanna' in the first paragraph. > click 'Do-rag' under 'See also' > click 'African American' in the first large paragraph. > click 'Affirmative Action' in the sixth paragraph of the 'Who is African American?' section. Affirmative Action. Link [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snakes_on_a_Train][b]Snakes on a Train[/b][/url] to [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duran_Duran][b]Duran Duran[/b][/url].
  16. Negatives first, so we end on [strike]Desbreko[/strike] a high note. [b]- sakurasuka[/b] I'm pretty sure the brief said it had to be taken outside. Correct me if I'm wrong (really, do) but it looks pretty inside to me. Plus, not all the questions are answered. Yeah, I'm not good enough at criticism for any to [b]really[/b] jump out as negatives... [b]+ The Boss[/b] The picture quality may be a little grainy, but I'm incredibly impressed with the shot itself. I think out of all the submissions this is the one that most typifies an 'action shot'. I'm amazed there's no blur (that I can see, anyway). Plus I nearly died laughing about Barillas and Wombats. [b]+ MistressRoxie[/b] I'm not sure I'd call it an action shot, but the lighting and contrast are really nice - and bonus points for effort in making it a postcard. [b]+ Desbreko[/b] He's in a wheelbarrow being pushed by a toy monkey. The expression on his little face is priceless. And if he doesn't win oh so very many of us are going broke at DW's OtaKuties casino. It's humorous and I do like a bit of humour, yes I do.
  17. If we decided to put Otakupedia on the site itself I reckon it would fit better in Classic OB, rather than making its own forum. But since there's a separate site on the way, don't suppose that's relevant any more.
  18. Adahn, I think you started this thread with the best of intentions. I can see what you were trying to do, I honestly can. But it just isn't going to work. You should have realised by now that OB discussions can't be directed, structured and called to order like a Women's Institute meeting. I'm afraid you'll never get the co-operation you're looking for from the memberbase. All that lies in this thread's future is sniping, snarking and eventually flaming. [b]Thread locked.[/b]
  19. I can open an account in the second round, right? I'd like to place all my chips on Desbreko for first place. It's a sure thing if ever I saw one.
  20. From what I can gather, this is the essence of the OP's meaning: Should schools allow Valentine's Day Candygrams? (Which I interpret to be something like a strip-o-gram, but with sweets.) The OP thinks they should be banned because those students that do not receive Candygrams may suffer from hurt feelings. Have you tried looking at it from the other point of view? That is, it could really make your day if you [b]do[/b] receive a Candygram? Democratically speaking, you should probably keep them, because: i. In democracy, the majority rules. ii. Popular kids are the ones that get Candygrams. iii. Popular kids are, by definition, the majority. iv. Candygrams rule. v. QED.
  21. Aaaaaaand I think that's about as much mileage as we'll get from that thread. The question's been answered several times and I'm worried if I leave it open we'll just be comparing post counts :animeswea [b]Thread locked.[/b]
  22. [quote name='indifference]Now all you need to do [size=3][b]Dessy[/b][/size'] is give us your address...[/quote]She wasn't talking to you, NIKI. Des. I know it sounds tempting. But is free chocolate worth [i]them[/i] knowing where you live?
  23. I wouldn't go calling her your "love" just yet. I know it's intoxicating when she says yes, but I know from experience that throwing that word around too much near the beginning of the relationship is detrimental to your health. Take it steady, okay?
  24. Nah, [spoiler]Grandfisher removes his mask fully in the manga too. Take a look at the avatars of him in the avatar library - there's one masked and one without. Isshin still refers to him as an 'incomplete Arrancar' not because his mask was still on, but because he didn't transform completely, retaining his huge size and Hollow-ish form[/spoiler]. Gah. The Modsouls. I was hoping to goodness [spoiler]Grandfisher would eat them. And their mums. But no such luck. If they start going up against the likes of Yammy and Ulquiorra and surviving I might cry[/spoiler].
  25. Allamorph, please knock it off with the 'tude. You aren't helping your case any when Adahn is putting his points in a considered, mature manner and you're responding like a kid in the playground. By all means refute people's points but belittling other members in the process is unacceptable. Now you've been warned we won't tolerate it again.
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