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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. [quote name='Sandy']She is most visible at the Otaku Lounge, which she began to moderate on March the 7th, 2006 alongside with Aaryanna.[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS][i]Bzzzt![/i] Aaryanna is Anime Lounge. Me and Panda are the other two O. Lounge zookeepers. Will edit in the latest batch, give me half an hour.[/FONT]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]You could base it on the [url=http://www.pimpzilla.nl/][u]Firefox PimpZilla theme[/u][/url]. It's got bling, rotating hubcaps, pink fur and leopardskin panelling![/font]
  3. [quote name='DeadSeraphim']I just finished making a WordPress run site for Charles to help manage it all. Jeh-willing, it'll be up within a few days.[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sterling. This thing has grown way out of control. It needs a place of its own![/font]
  4. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Updated with entries on Brasil and The OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extrodinary Gentlemen And Stuff. I also went through and added categories to any members in Notable Members that didn't already have them; likewise for the Notable Threads. I left the PRP for now in case anyone wants to follow DK's advice and add more info. This thing is getting so enormous it's hard to navigate, especially when you're using the Standard Editor and half the little window's full of vBcode. Charles, do you know the [thread=*****][/thread] tag? It makes linking to threads much quicker and uses fewer characters than using the URL tag every time, so you can fit more in each post. What I was getting at is, would it be sensible to have a separate post for each large category (i.e. every section with a Roman numeral)? That way we wouldn't have to edit the whole 'pedia to add a new article, just the relevant category post.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]He's definitely pronounced ハジ (Haji) in the series, though I've seen the romaji spelt both ways. I think I even saw 'Hadji' from one source.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Updated the Sticky with articles on [b]thimoc[/b] (info from Nerdsy and James), [b]Enter the Net[/b] (info from DeadSeraphim and Solo Tremaine), [b]Kill Adam[/b] (info from Shy) and [b]The Newbie Lounge[/b] (info from Lady Asphyxia). I monkeyed around with the structure a little as well, Charles - the Digimon Forum article is now contained in an 'Old Forums' category along with the Newbie Lounge article, and I created a 'Notable Threads' category for Enter the Net and Kill Adam, with some sub-category tags for each article. Take the changes or leave them. .:EDIT:. Just a thought, but if we do end up setting up a Wiki for this, would it be sensible to transfer the main Rules page to there? It'd make it more easily editable - and the answer to half the questions in S&F is "it just hasn't been updated on the Rules page yet".[/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Kitchen Sink']Good luck fighting off hordes of flesh eatng zombies with a Katana. I dubt it would even be a feasable weapon to take the undead to task.[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]At least you'd die with [i]style.[/i] Provided you knew how to use the thing properly, of course. Your average Sephiroth fanboy/girl would probably grab the sword and flail, thus indirectly boosting the style levels of every competent sword-wielder in this post-apocalyptic zombie-infested nightmare world.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]It depends largely on how quickly the burns were cooled after you got them. If you burned yourself and were dunked immediately into a cool bath you'd probably get minimal scarring, and the longer you left them untreated, the more permanent damage there's likely to be. Unfortunately burns often leave at least some scarring. When you say 'how long do they take to heal', do you mean how long until no trace remains, or how long until they stop weeping/no longer need dressing? Because it takes a fair while longer for all traces to disappear than for them to be (in medical terms) 'healed'.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Chapters 2-4 were the "[spoiler]OMG Allen Akuma-ified his father[/spoiler]" mini-arc, right? I was glad they saved that up, personally (though I haven't read the manga myself). I hate it when the protagonist's dark past gets revealed too early. I think they could even have spun it out further, but that would just annoy manga fans even more, I guess. Having said that, the "revelation" that [spoiler]Lenalee is also an exorcist[/spoiler] probably lost power by being moved back in the arc. Allen exclaiming "[spoiler]What? Lenalee's also an exorcist?[/spoiler]" in episode [b]six[/b] begs the reaction "she's been wearing the uniform for four episodes, you idiot!". .:EDIT:. Oh yeah, I almost forgot - I nearly died laughing when Toma announces (with considerable gravitas) the name of [spoiler]Lenalee's Innocence weapon - "DARK BOOTS!"[/spoiler] Sometimes Engrish works, and sometimes it just. sounds. silly.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I think this is one of my favourite recent series, despite the fact that I absolutely hated [i]Blood: the Last Vampire[/i]. It took some persuading by friends to make me stick with it - the first couple of episodes are quite [i]B:tLV[/i]-esque, which I suppose makes sense to draw in fans of the movie. By the end it's morphed into something quite different, something I enjoyed immensely - just the kind of deep, layered, long-term narrative I'd been missing since [i]Fullmetal Alchemist[/i] ended. Basically, my advice to sceptics is: stick with it, because around the quarter-series point some seriously cool baddie-types - the [spoiler]Sif[/spoiler] and [spoiler]Diva's Chevaliers[/spoiler] - begin appearing. I felt a bit short-changed by a couple of the fights around the climax, and there's one piece of utterly unbelievable [spoiler]character resurrection[/spoiler] in the final episode ([spoiler]he was [b]cut in half![/b] crystallised, shattered and [b]sliced in twain![/b][/spoiler]), but otherwise it's a top-notch action series, with no filler, that doesn't suffer from pacing issues even when Saya's [spoiler]moping around being emo[/spoiler]. Recommended for lovers of epic, story-driven stuff.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I read a Murakami short story called [i]Super-Frog Saves Tokyo[/i] as part of my Creative Writing degree and now I want to read more! But the writers I'm directing people to this Christmas are Neil Gaiman (the novels, not [i]Sandman[/i]) and Jon Courtenay Grimwood. The last few years have been 'square' Christmasses - that is, ones where all my presents are basically box-shaped because they're all books, CDs or DVDs. This year is no different - the aforementioned writers, CDs by Dan Sartain, Guillemots and Get Cape Wear Cape Fly, and the best of Monty Python DVD set. It's the Pythons' favourite sketches - by definition, surely, the best ones ever![/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I've officially stopped watching this show, thanks to episode seven. Seriously, an [spoiler]abandoned baby[/spoiler] episode? Is there no level of cliche to which this series will not stoop?[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sara, I got that exact binder years ago. My brother got an identical one. That led to arguments. I wanted a chemistry set one year ... goodness knows why, I'm not in the least bit sciencey nowadays. But I had images of beakers and burners and long glass tubes with coloured stuff bubbling inside, and instead it was more like a plastic cupboard full of little vials, and a book of totally safe experiments to do. I don't think stuff exploded, or even changed colour, in any of them.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]To get your weapons blessed, there needs to be a priest in the church. You don't get holy just by being in there, you know. The whole discussion depends on whether we're facing George A. Romero zombies, Half-Life zombies or 28 Days Later zombies, or a worldwide plague of all three. You can hide from Romero's shambling hordes on rooftops, because they're thick, but not from lightning-fast jumpy headcrabbed slashers.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][quote name='DeadSeraphim']Drowned. It's the most peaceful way to die.[/quote]Common misconception! Drowning is actually pretty unpleasant. Water goes down your throat, your larynx spasms closed and you suffocate; OR, water goes down your throat, fills up your lungs and gives you pulmonary oedema - waterlogged lung tissue. Either one is actually pretty painful, not to mention distressing - you're under the water, trying not to take a breath, but eventually you take one on reflex, in comes the water... Suffocating's probably more peaceful - the actual cause of death is the same, but there's none of this unpleasant laryngospasm business. On a different note, Dead, I get the feeling you're trying to get this thread closed with really short replies. If you are, knock it off and just don't post. If you aren't, well, you need to elaborate. Normally you can pull off short posts but I'm not going to enforce double standards in this game, we'll just end up with a hojillion posts nominating a choice with no explanation. Back on topic! I'll go with Ocean Group dubs. I've no idea what either of them are like, and to be perfectly honest both options are equally nauseating because both involve watching Dragonball Z. But FUNi have a pretty lame reputation where dubs are concerned. I'll give Ocean Group a try before putting the DVDs to better use as coasters. Would you rather: [i]learn karate (well-recognised, plenty of competitions at which to show off)[/i] or [i]learn Tukkong Moosul (obscure but actually useful in a self-defence situation)?[/i][/font]
  16. [quote name='Sara']I kind of feel like you should stay away from intentionally misspelled tshirt slogans.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]I'd especially steer clear of the one you had in mind. When I first read it I thought it was supposed to be some sort of joke about the IRA, like maybe the IRA couldn't spell or something. You do not want misunderstandings involving terrorists on a T-shirt for a friend. Slogan tees are overrated anyway. You see it once, you chuckle and then it's not funny anymore. Go for graphic designs.[/font]
  17. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I have no problem at all with Harry Potter LEGO or Star Wars LEGO or any of the other franchised-out sets. But I DO think LEGO are getting lazy. Say you buy a set that builds a boat. You'll open the bag and there'll be a massive custom block shaped like the prow of a boat, where once you would have had to build it out of standard blocks. These huge custom blocks make it more difficult to mess around, experiment and build new stuff, too. You've got a piece that looks exactly like the prow of a boat, what are you going to build with it, except a boat, or something that looks like one? Standard blocks allow more for imaginative projects, which I thought were the whole point of LEGO.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Not to be nitpicky, but: [quote name='Shy][font=verdana][size=1][b]You cannot use outside help for your event (the exception being asking other members or friends for artwork.)[/b] This all you, so don't overextend yourself.[/size][/font][/quote][quote=Gavin][font=verdana][size=1]Given the scope of this event if successful, which I seriously hope it will be, I simply will not be able to manage every segment of the competition myself until we get to the later rounds such as the semis. Instead what I will do is ask those members who?s neutrality I am sure of, but who either did not make it into the main event or did not sign up to serve as referees for the matches I do not oversee personally.[/size'][/font][/quote]I don't mean to rag on Gavin, but am I the only one that sees a contradiction here? Or do members that didn't quite make it into the main event count as participants, rather than 'outside help'?[/font]
  19. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]2007's looking like a good year all round. [i]Transformers[/i] movie, check; [i]Spiderman 3,[/i] check; now [i]Haruhi[/i] Season Two. I haven't read the other novels, but I'd love if the new episodes mixed chronology with series one, making it even more fun to figure out the "right" order. Someone told me [spoiler]Kyon does some time travel[/spoiler], so I reckon it could happen.[/font]
  20. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'm an atheist. I don't see that ever changing, though people like to find new and funky words for it so it doesn't seem so offensive to the religious massive. I have a bit of a problem with people that consider 'agnostic' to be a response to the question 'what religion do you follow?'. I used to define myself as agnostic, feeling like it wasn't quite as strong an opposite to religion as atheism is, but having had a good hard think about it I don't feel comfortable with that label any more. Okay, so the definition of agnostic is: "One who believes that it is impossible to [i]prove[/i] whether there is a God." So, when people say to me "I'm agnostic," the urge is to reply "okay, but do you [i]believe[/i] in a higher power or not?" Because you can believe that the existence of God can't be proved or disproved, but you [i]must[/i] have a personal opinion on it one way or another. Discussion point: do you think it's possible to be (for example) Christian, and [i]also[/i] agnostic? Because I don't see any contradiction between believing God exists and believing that fact can't be proven. Faith doesn't require proof. I do believe the existence or otherwise of God, Allah, Shiva/Vishnu, etc. is ultimately unprovable. But I also know I don't personally believe in them. So I'm an atheist, and I think so is anyone that doesn't worship or follow a divine being.[/font]
  21. [quote name='Sandy']How about that type of photocomic? XP[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]You're going to the [b]special[/b] Hell. And it looks to me like Morpheus is trying to put that humongous GameBoy in his trouser pocket. Because, y'know, normal GameBoys fit there, but his doesn't because, well, it's humongous. You see what thinking about [i]that[/i] type of photocomic does to your brain?[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]I see why this is kind of ambiguous in terms of what forum it goes in, vr, so don't take my moving it the wrong way - it hasn't got any replies here in the O. Lounge, so let's see if it does any better in Hardwired.[/font]
  23. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]desertphoenix, this is a discussion forum, not a blog site. If you want to start a new thread, please make sure it has value as a discussion topic, as detailed in the [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules Sticky[/u][/thread]. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Now we're waaaaaay off topic. Which I take as indicative that no one has anything more to add about Phar Lap. A lot of this stuff could have been confined to PM, people. And for the record, I don't consider it playing mod if the person is a mod. Even if it's not their area. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/FONT]
  25. [quote name='drakkeness']The question is why?[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]No the question is "who cares?" And beyond that, "why are forensic scientists still testing a long-dead racehorse when people are out there getting away with rape and murder?"[/FONT]
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