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Everything posted by Raiyuu
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Maybe you should become a hermit and live in a cave without internet access. That way, you could meditate 24-7 on ways to win The Game, and not keep making us innocents lose every day.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]I thought the Portuguese Man O'War was enormous, with tentacles several metres long? The Blue Bottle picture Zeke posted didn't look much like a Man O'War to me, but I'm no expert on marine biology...[/FONT]
[quote name='Gavin][size=1']I could probably hand them up a carefully reworked Wikipedia article and they'd be none the wiser.[/size][/quote][font=trebuchet ms]You'd be surprised how easily experienced teaching staff can spot plagiarism just by the 'voice' used in writing it. Of course, reworking helps if you're going down that road - one utter twerp at my school tried to get away with finding a relevant website and just hitting [b]Print[/b] - it came out with the URL printed in the footer and he handed it in anyway. Didn't end well for him. I'll leave you all with [URL=http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Wikipedians][u]this[/u][/URL] sobering treatise on the Internet phenomenon known as the Wikipedian.[/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sara's been doing that as well. And someone else, I don't remember who, had it in big red letters. I think you're all horrible, horrible people.[/FONT]
How did you come up with your internet/screen name ?
Raiyuu replied to corpseman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DuoMax']I want to change me name and have no idea how to do so. =p[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Send a private message to either [b]Dagger[/b] or [b]Desbreko[/b] (whichever you think is the prettiest) telling them the new name you'd like to change to. [b]Raiyuu[/b] is my name everywhere, and comes from mispronouncing Ryu from Street Fighter. I was naming a character in one of my comics, thought Ryu was a cool name, and decided hey, I'll spell it a weird way, and the result is it's stuck being pronounced the "wrong" way ("Rai" to rhyme with "eye"). But that just means it's [b]my[/b] name and no one else's![/FONT] -
[quote name='Farto the Magic']The person who was after me spent half an hour trying to break down my door/convince me to come out.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]In all the versions of the game I've heard of, forced entry (or attempts at it) are against the rules, for health and safety reasons. And depending on the version, rulebreakers are either disqualified or become 'Wanted' - i.e. they're basically out and can no longer earn points, but are still worth points if someone else kills them. Not a fun position to be in! Do the rules of your game allow you to pre-emptively kill the person that's after you? The best defence is a good offence. Are you allowed to contact the people you know are playing the game, to try and get intel on your stalker? Oh, and in games that allow 'knives', rubber or retractable toy knives, or any vaguely knife-shaped object with the word 'knife' clearly marked on it are allowed. But from the sound of it, Farto's game is purely water-pistol-orientated.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][list=1] [*]The White Stripes, [i]Hypnotise[/i] [*]Razorlight, [i](Don't Go Back to) Dalston[/i] [*]Ryan Adams, [i]Tina Toledo's Street Walkin' Blues[/i] [*]Moby, [i]Machete[/i] [*]Shiro Sagisu, [i]Burden of the Past[/i] [*]The Blues Brothers, [i]Minnie the Moocher[/i] [*]Coldplay, [i]Politik[/i] [*]The Stills, [i]Yesterday Never Tomorrows[/i] [*]David Gray, [i]Sail Away[/i] [*]Embrace, [i]Wonder[/i] [*]Super Furry Animals, [i]Liberty Belle[/i] [*]Hood, [i]The Negatives[/i] [*]The Jurassic Ska Bandits, [i]8! Times! of Fun![/i] [*]Ben Folds Five, [i]Dick Holster[/i] [*]Ryan Adams, [i]Wild Flowers[/i] [/list] Phew. There's a few unexpected ones in there - I don't especially consider myself a Moby fan anymore, yet there he is, still on my player. That Embrace song is only on there as part of an indie compilation (I listen to so many bands [i]like[/i] them, they're just not different enough for me to buy a whole album of theirs). I'd almost forgotten I had Shiro Sagisu's Bleach soundtrack on there, too. [i]Hypnotise[/i] and [i]Minnie the Moocher,[/i] on the other hand, are pure fried gold. Blues and blues-rock are teh choon. And [i]8! Times! of Fun![/i] is special to me too, because it's a song by a band composed of all my good schoolfriends. They're still going strong a year after leaving school.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]They play a similar game at Cambridge University here in Britain - it's an official society, called the Assassins' Guild. They have much more varied rules than yours, though - you can kill your targets with "contact poison" (Marmite), any form of toy weapon (water pistols, BB guns, those bow-and-arrows with plunger darts). One guy wrote the word "FRIDGE" on a huge block of polystyrene with a marker and dropped it on his target from a second-storey window. My advice? Constant vigilance! That, and [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zanshin][i]zanshin[/i][/URL].[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Whoops! Looks like this thread was doomed from the beginning, with confusion over the game rules right from the outset, and now some very poor posting to compound it all *glares at Mewprincess and Mar*. I'm locking the thread, because trying to redress the rules and everything now would just be too messy. But if anyone was particularly enjoying it, feel free to recreate it, with clearer explanations this time. [b]Thread locked.[/b][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]In the same vein as Red 6's contributions, I think the Mole Station nursery school has the most unfortunate URL I've ever seen: [url]www.molestationnursery.com[/url]. Would you send your children there? But in terms of utterly pointless websites, I think [url]www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.com[/url] takes the [b]biscuit[/b], fufufu.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Yay cat people! Retri, White, you're both teenage males. You should know the rules of 'Zing'. You can't 'zing' someone you yourself insulted: 'zing' may only be used when overhearing a stupendous witty barb being delivered to someone else, e.g.: [b]White:[/b] I'm shocked Retri's femininity wasn't 100. The quiz must be on the fritz. [b]Raiyuu:[/b] [i][as he walks by][/i] Zing! And just so I'm vaguely on-topic: both my masculinity and femininity were pretty low (36 and 24 respectively). Does this make me some kind of androgyne?[/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][URL=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=UjYyZDSMKRDBIVX-GM-AACCC-8c70&u=9a8fb2fc3306][u]Advocating Inventor[/u][/URL] I like that it picked up on how amazing and individual my dress sense is, but on the whole I'm not sure how accurate it was. I was in a funny mood when I took the test, so that might be a factor (especially when it asks things about confidence or social interactions, and you're feeling low at the time). But it says my creativity is applied too much in practical arenas, and not enough in the imaginative; I'm a drama student in the middle of writing a novel, so it's hard to see how much more imaginative I could get. However, I was right up the 'Imaginative' end on the 'Imaginative/Earthy' spectrum, so maybe when it's inaccurate in one area it makes up for it elsewhere. That's the advantage of having such a detailed results page, I suppose. Also:[quote]When you have great ideas, it can be hard to relinquish control, but it can also feel good to take the pressure off and enjoy someone else leading the way.[/quote]Absolutely accurate - I have to be in creative control the whole time. Maybe that's something new to try. And all you Zero Empathy people are horrible husks of human beings, clearly. Empathy 100 clique, to me![/font]
[quote name='MoyakuKeramushe']This woman is way beyond hot. She redefines hot entirely[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I've been waiting for someone to post Angelina, because I [i]just do not see it[/i]. So many people list her - do none of you see that she looks like a fish? Now, the list of "people other people have posted that I kicked myself that I didn't post first": - Alyson Hannigan. Although she doesn't seem to look good in glam photo shoots, she does the cute geek thing better than anyone. - Natalie Portman. This is where I get the speech about pots and kettles, because I think she's beautiful, and various of my friends think she looks like a horse. - Keira Knightley. I'm not especially impressed with her as an actress, but she was uber-cute in her trucker cap in [i]Love Actually[/i]. - Jennifer Love Hewitt. How did I forget her? HOW? And Claudia Black has a bit too much of a manly jaw for my liking. Gigi Edgley's the hottest girl in [i]Farscape[/i].[/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Put me down as another vote for Jessica Alba. I haven't seen a single photo of that girl where she doesn't look smoking. And to throw a new card into the mix: [center][IMG]http://ia.imdb.com/media/imdb/01/I/28/73/90/10p.jpg[/IMG][/center] Certain people (Eclipse) are probably more used to seeing her made up something like this: [center][IMG]http://ffmedia.ign.com/filmforce/image/farscape-edgley.jpg[/IMG][/center] She's a great character actress. Her antics on [i]Farscape[/i] prove that she's very flexible. The fact that the character she played was very openly sexual probably has something to do with it - she jumped on people and wrapped her legs around them quite often. That was fun to watch.[/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][indent][color=red]songsofsorrow, please read the Rules and FAQ (on the left sidebar) and start abiding by them. We stress post quality here - Aceburner's managed it so I'm sure you can. Capital letters and full stops at the beginning and end of sentences are a brilliant place to start your journey towards acceptability.[/color][/indent] Since I get my noodles from Wagamama's, I don't really get a choice in how they're prepared, but I'm quite a fan of the Chili Chicken bowl.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]I just drink generic supermarket-own-brand lemonade, when I drink fizz. I mostly drink water because I don't have to buy it, and that waymy student budget is easier to stretch - to cover books, music, DVDs. Without a doubt the worst fizzy drink I ever tasted was Cacolac. It had a limited run in France - I was just unlucky that it was in its heyday when I went on a French exchange programme. It was an attempt at chocolate flavoured soda - the ultimate junk drink! It was foul, and didn't last long.[/FONT]
Asiaphilia, or Count to Ten Before You Post, Please.
Raiyuu replied to Sara's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]@Onix: Jenn's not railing against you. Papa Smurf and DeadSeraphim have pointed this out already. She's railing against people who take it to extremes. You like anime because it's higher quality than American media, you like the samurai lifestyle because it appeals to you on a personal level - good, you've got justification for enjoying that stuff. She's arguing against people that seem to like anime / samurai / ramen noodles [i]just because they're Japanese / Asian,[/i] and while she does come across as overly fond of invective, she's got a point. I know people who are like that - otaku in the true, Japanese sense of the word - and they're the reason anime fans like you or I have a bad rep amongst the rest of the population of the world; they're the reason people assume all anime is pornography and that all fans are fat spotty ninja wannabes. There's a lot of stupid stuff in Jenn's blog post, she doesn't always phrase things as sensibly as she should, and all that stuff about cultural appropriation or 'rape' is a load of twaddle, but I'm with her on the 'Asiaphiles' being annoying.[/font] -
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Man, I thought this thread died a long time ago and that I wouldn't have to do this. Ah well. Replies in this game have been of consistently poor quality, and so I'm driving the final stake through its heart. No more necromancy on this one. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
[quote name='Dodeca][font=verdana][size=1]More importantly, [spoiler]how will Prick Wizard be able to respond to this thread? Without elf-related material, we've probably alienated him for life![/spoiler][/size'][/font][/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I think we alienated him irrevocably when we banned him, so worry not. Well, Ikillion and Doublehex stole my first name. I didn't know all the niggly details like the etymology leading it back to [i]Yahweh,[/i] but certain family members get me a pair of these socks every year (I think they just forget they gave me the same thing every year previously) which say [i]MATTHEW, MATT: origin - Hebrew; meaning - 'gift from God' or 'gift of the Lord'[/i]. So when I say I am God's gift, I'm not just on my high horse. I'm surprised no one's been a James yet, but that's my middle name. Behind the Name says it's Biblical, and derived from the Latin [i]Jacomus[/i] and New Testament Greek [i]Ya'aqov[/i]. In the New Testament, Saint James the Greater was John's brother and got his head cut off by Herod; James the Just was apparently the brother of Jesus, so I'm in pretty well-connected company with that one. [quote name='Blayze][font=verdana][size=1]And Boothman was not found in the database apparently.[/font'][/size][/quote]Because it's a dumb name. I fuly intend to publish under a pseudonym when I'm internationally recognised as the next Philip K. Dick.[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms]Hehe, I've been around long enough now to see this thread pop up two or three times, and the OP [i]always[/i] leaves out at least one of the world's major religions. Poor Hinduism. The core values of most religions are pretty sterling stuff. Not hurting each other - not pinching other people's stuff - being humble - that sort of thing (and I'm aware those were mostly Christian values, my religious education was decidedly one-sided). If we all just stuck to the values and stopped faffing about, needing cosmic ineffable deities [i]telling[/i] us to stick to them, the world would be much easier to understand. I think the word for this is [i]Humanism[/i] - believing that as a race, we're essentially good enough inside to be decent to each other without imagining ourselves a controlling influence or post-life reward. Unfortunately I'm just too cynical - and have seen too much counter-evidence - to subscribe to Humanism, so it's good old Atheism for me. [quote name='Fasteriskhead][font=verdana][size=1]Religion is not about believing, it's about certainty.[/size'][/font][/quote]'head, your posts brighten up my day - religious philosophy, by way of ridiculing Empiricism? Stellar. The point you made is the reason I stopped sitting on the fence and calling myself agnostic - fine, you can say "I don't believe the existence of God can be proven" but at the end of the day [i]you[/i], personally, either believe in Him or you don't. I still don't believe His existence is provable, but I don't believe He exists, ergo, I am an atheist.[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms]Forgetting, just for the moment that the argument was [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law][u]lost the moment the Nazis were mentioned...[/u][/URL] I'm not going to close the thread just yet, and Gavin, there's an icon with an exclamation mark on it in the top right corner of each post - I [b]know[/b] you know it's there, and what it's for, so there's really no excuse for that last post. What I will say, is can people please look back at the thread title before posting, and post stuff that's actually relevant? Picking apart each other's posts is not debating, it just makes you all look childish. I don't like naming names, but - No, wait, I do, because it gets things done. [b]Starfire0567,[/b] some of your posts are verging on personal attacks against BlueEyedAngel, and will get you banned if they continue. [b]ChibiHorsewoman,[/b] I'm afraid John is right, and you're not doing your side of the argument any good by getting riled up when BlueEyedAngel has remained calm and civil throughout. [b]John,[/b] you're not really at fault, but (and this goes for everyone, really) try not to get drawn into off-topic arguments. Dissecting CHW's defence of her posts against BEA doesn't actually add or detract from the argument for or against Prussian Blue and white supremacy. This [b]is[/b] a touchy subject, but this is OtakuBoards, not some backwater spam-hole. Take a deep breath, don't get riled up. We can still get some sensible mileage out of this discussion.[/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, SaikoUchiha. I'm closing this thread for a couple of reasons. Firstly, your post quality could use some work: take a look at our [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/php?][u]Rules[/u][/URL] and at other members' posts to see the standard we expect. Secondly, cosplay and other subjects concerning anime should be posted in the Anime Lounge: read the [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/u][/thread] to see why, especially the section headed "Not For Anime". Hopefully once you've read those pages, you won't get any more threads closed. Enjoy your time at the Boards. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
[quote name='Sara']You missed.[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Cripes! I'm sure it happens to the best of us. :animeswea And actually, since some decent-level responses are coming out of it, I'm gonna leave it open. I meant for that to happen. Yeah.[/font]
[quote name='AtomskOO']just wondering if everyone person on otkauboards had a myotaku account. or would it be better describe vise versa.[/quote][FONT=Trebuchet MS]The simple answer is "neither". And as Charles pointed out, most myO users have their account connected in the postbit. Simple question; simple answer; no further discussion to be had, methinks. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]In [b]Playschool,[/b] I learned to make a little boat attached to a folded paper plate, which rocked when you prodded it. And that's all I remember. So the real lesson to be learned from that is, it doesn't matter what you do in Playschool, because when you're older all you'll remember of it is the wobbling paper plate boat. [i]Southsea First School[/i] In [b]Reception[/b] I discovered that no one else could just switch hands when they got tired of writing, and that it actually annoyed some of the teachers because they couldn't do it either. [b]Year One:[/b] you can actually find common ground with the older children when you discover you're as bored by reading books about the Street with Three Corners as they are by listening to them. [b]Year Two[/b] taught me that sums are the hardest bit of school, especially when you can't even draw a number five. [i]Emmer Green Primary School[/i] [b]Year Three:[/b] keep [i]all[/i] thoughts of home out of your mind and you might just avoid calling the teacher 'mum' again. Given the reaction to the first time, a repeat performance is certainly to be avoided at all costs. [b]Year Four:[/b] the boys whose mums are friends with your mum are a good place to start when it comes to friends of your own. Even if you don't like them especially (and I now know I was impressively foresighted when I decided I didn't like these two) it's easier to make more friends once the first step is made. [b]Year Five:[/b] British Bulldog is a more fun way to spend playtime than learning the Periodic Table "in preparation for Big School," but apparently some people feel strongly enough about the Periodic Table to pour juice all over your sandwiches when you announce that decision. [b]Year Six:[/b] Roald Dahl is actually from Norway, not England, which means I actually lost that argument I had in year five with the American transfer student over whether England or America is better. American transfer students have long memories when it comes to losing arguments. [i]Reading Grammar School for boys[/i] [b]Year Seven:[/b] secondary school has politics, which sounds boring but actually involves storming the other class's form room and throwing plastic bottles at them. [b]Year Eight:[/b] writing stories off the top of your head gets you great marks in [i]internal[/i] school exams, but they're basically based on how much the teacher likes you. The bushier and whiter the beard, the more boring the teacher; even the smart kids fall asleep in Religious Studies. [b]Year Nine:[/b] apparently you can miss out on the top grade in English SATs by getting "too caught up in writing a story". This comment from my teacher, combined with the fact that the question on the paper was "write a story about so-and-so" sparked off a realisation that was confirmed in... [b]Year Ten,[/b] when it became clear that school doesn't teach you stuff about things, it teaches you [i]how to pass exams in those things,[/i] which isn't the same [i]at all.[/i] [b]Year Eleven:[/b] dumb people don't revise for exams because they're dumb, but they're the ones that need revision to help them pass. Smart people do revise for exams because they feel they should, but they're smart, so they don't actually need to revise in order to pass. This realisation gave me a heck of a lot of free time in the summer of '04... [b]Lower Sixth Form:[/b] everything they taught me at GCSE level Biology was a lie. Actually, everything they'll teach me this year will be a lie too, and I won't learn the truth unless I take it to degree level, which I have no intention of doing. [b]Upper Sixth Form:[/b] the friends you made in Primary School are not your friends for life - in fact the two that followed me to Secondary had by this point turned into a thug and a Fascist, although my previous connections did give me some protection against the horrors of Common Room Bareknuckle Boxing.[/font]