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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]@ the relevant people: Is American sex education genuinely so bad that you learned more from [i]porn?[/i] Because we had it covered in cringeworthy detail at GCSE level - I think that's eleventh grade? - I say cringeworthy because I went to an all-male high school, with a female biology teacher. Up till that point I thought the verb [i]to giggle[/i] applied exclusively to the fairer sex...[/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]Just to clear this up, the distinction between geek and nerd is thus: a nerd [i]won't[/i] go to Stifler's party, because he's studying, while a geek [i]will[/i] go to Stifler's party, and everyone will give him a wedgie. Now that's out of the way... I play the flute and I played it in a band, but I don't think my town has a concept of 'band geek'. It could be because the music lessons and band rehearsals aren't connected with school, but with a centralised, government-funded trust. In fact, all the cool kids went to the music centre. The nightlife where I live is for violent idiots who like to break the bar and the barman at the end of a large night out, so losing Friday nights to Concert Band actually [i]enhanced[/i] our social standing.[/font]
  3. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']Damn what is it with guys and breasts? Women aren't nearly as obsessive about them as guys are and we're the ones who are growing them.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Lies! At least in my experience. Most of the girls I know can talk to Olympic standard about how dissatisfied they are with their bust size. The A cups want D cups because they think it's all men go for, the D cups want A cups because they don't hurt so much when running, and neither camp can convince the other that they've got it so much better. And for the record, not all men look straight for the boobies as the main indicator of attractiveness. I am and always will be more concerned with the face than what's underneath it, and I'll never understand why all the rugby players laugh when they hear that...[/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms]1: What is your NATURAL hair colour/colours? Dark brown. It goes lighter in the summer, and occasionally I find a natural golden-blonde highlight. If the fantasy novels I've read are anything to go by, those few golden locks mean I have magical powers! I've also been warned that, if my dad's anything to go by, I'll be grey by my mid-twenties. I like to think it'll make me look distinguished...? 2: Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what colour[s]? I sprayed a gold stripe down the middle once, when I went to Laser Quest for a friend's birthday party. 3A: If you have, do you regret it? Has it damaged your hair? It was only hairspray. No lasting effects. 4: Are you satisfied with your current hair color? I've had it for so long, I really can't imagine it any other colour now. It'd just feel weird every time I looked in the mirror. 5: What is your favorite style for your hair? I like it in a ponytail with bits of fringe left loose, but I have to work with it on a day-to-day basis; sometimes if I've air-dried it, it goes too feathery and the bits of fringe that won't go in the tail just fly out and look stupid. And even on a good day, the tail looks a little too much like a powder-puff for my liking - my hair's pretty straight, but it curls at the ends.[/font]
  5. [quote name='darkisMINE']can you play this game more then once, or is it a one-time-only kinda game?[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Once you've been introduced to The Game, you are playing The Game [i]for the rest of your life[/i]. Sorry.[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]I thought I was onto a good thing when I removed myself from the "The Game" group on Facebook. No longer did I lose The Game every time I logged on to see how my university buddies were doing. Now I lose The Game every time I check the Lounge. And check it out, here's the irony. I mod the Lounge. I check it nearly every day. How am I supposed to win The Game now? I'm tempted to delete the thread without explanation just to further my domination of The Game. Oh, and local rules (for me anyway) state "don't hate The Game, hate the person that caused you to lose The Game". So Des ... I hate you.[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]This "critical" alert level of ours has really hit airline passengers, especially business class. Hand luggage is limited to wallets and essential medication, and women bringing baby milk on board have to taste it in front of security guards. They're being restrictive about liquid medication as well, and that's led to theories that the plot involved some sort of liquid explosive - go into the toilet and pour two things together to make a bomb, that sort of thing. Twenty-five people have been arrested in London, and had their assets frozen. Seven others, including two Britons, have been arrested by Pakistani police, who have been helping with the ongoing investigation for some time. The police have 28 days to charge their prisoners, so by then we'll see how effective the operation has been, and to what extent this attack was going to reach. So there's massive inconvenience, especially for business-class passengers who can't bring their laptops or mobile phones on board the plane. But if it's all prevented "the most devastating terrorist attack the world has ever seen" (which is what BBC News 24 has been calling it) then it's well worth the inconvenience.[/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]songsofsorrow.[/b] Before posting, you should have read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][u]Rules.[/u][/URL] Did you? Because if you did, you're certainly not following them. Click the underlined link. 1) Your post quality is terrible, and you need to start including capitals, punctuation, correct spelling and legible grammar. I had to read your post twice (slowly) just to work out what you were on about. Now, I'm obliged to read things because I'm a Moderator, but other members are going to see a post like that and say "hey, I can't be bothered to decipher what that means" and no one will reply sensibly to your thread. 2) Your post gives no clear topic of discussion. If I've read it right you want people to discuss "girlfriend related stuff" (overly vague) and "not girlfriend related stuff". So ... everything and anything. Narrow it down, make it easy for other members to see what kind of discussion you're after. You should also have read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][u]FAQ[/u][/URL] and [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules Sticky,[/u][/thread] but again, your post quality suggests you haven't, so click those links and enjoy a Moderation-free life. Enjoy your stay on the Boards. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  9. [quote name='Delta]Wut? [spoiler']Orihime can heal even without her little flying friends? She was able to heal Kurosaki's hand by just touching it, right?[/spoiler][/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Umm ... no. It wasn't shown, but we just have to assume she [spoiler]used Soten Kisshun before leaving[/spoiler]. Also, [spoiler]they can't make her an Arrancar. She's not a Hollow; she doesn't have a mask to pull off. I imagine Aizen'll get her to do his dirty work simply by continuing the threat to kill her friends[/spoiler]. And the conclusions Soul Society's drawn about Inoue - I didn't see that coming at all! I have to wonder whether that was part of the bad guys' plan all along - not only to [spoiler]kidnap the poor girl, but to do it in such a way as to make her seem like a defector. I did wonder in [i]Goodbye, Halcyon Days[/i] about the thinking behind the twelve hours' grace - it seemed uncharacteristically merciful for Ulquiorra or Aizen, so if this was the ulterior motive behind it, then they're actually even more devious than I thought[/spoiler].[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]Ding ding! Time, gentlemen, please! [quote name='Your Mother][font=verdana][size=1]Hey, you know what? When you stop sounding like a smug, condesecending little prick on her period, maybe I'll take your whining seriously. All right? I just told you, I - don't- GIVE A FLYING F**K whether you think my rebuttal is acceptable or not.[/size'][/font][/quote]Hear that siren? That's the personal attack alarm and you just triggered it. Strike one, Mother. I think that was the final indication that this thread was way out of hand. And just because I get the last word and I like to take advantage of stuff like that, I'll declare that pirates have come out of the debate with the upper hand... [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]Hattori Hanzo is a famous historical figure in Japan, but you probably know the name from [i]Kill Bill[/i]. He's the swordmaker that forges the Bride's blade. The fights in [i]Basilisk[/i] are bloody and brutal, and often disturbing, gruesome or plain gross. But they aren't cliched, and that's what made the series stand out for me. There's no "feel the wrath of my ultimate technique!", everyone just gets on with it. And when someone else comes along with their technique, there's no "well actually I was holding my trump card for just such an occasion"; I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say the series is unafraid of killing najor characters - in fact it's pretty much the whole concept of the series.[/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms]Since you asked so nicely. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  13. [quote name='Kendoka_wannabe']Hopefully someday Naruto will be uncool so genuine budoka aren't bothered by practitioners of "ninjitsu".[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]I hope that wasn't directed at me. [b]Ninjutsu[/b] (at least [i]spell[/i] it right, if you're going to be nitpicky about martial arts) is a genuine discipline, as I described in my post on the first page, and I may be English and practise in the UK, but I am a fully paid-up, registered member of Japan's Bujinkan Honryu Dojo. (Obviously ninjutsu as portrayed in [i]Naruto[/i] is fictional, but - get this - [i]Naruto is a work of fiction,[/i] much as you may think it was devised purely to get on your nerves as a "genuine budoka". No one's claiming Sexy no Jutsu is a genuine martial arts technique.) Basically, Kendoka, you're badmouthing Sojiro (with little more than thready semantic evidence, I might add) and then proceeding to do what you're accusing him of, in causing insult to other people's disciplines. And no, no one wants to "take a crack" at anything. If you're serious about your martial arts - and you're clearly passionate - shouldn't you be the very soul of restraint?[/font]
  14. [quote name='Box Hoy]By the time [i]Global Warming[/i'] really can affect us we'll have changed drastically and it won't be able to affect us.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]You're suggesting we're going to [i]evolve[/i] by the time global warming becomes a worldwide crisis? That's the craziest excuse for environmental apathy I've yet heard.[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms]@Papa: the first thing we see Miho do is [spoiler]slice off Benicio del Toro's hand with a shuriken thrown from a concealed position atop a building. Shuriken = ninja weapon; attacking from concealed position = ninja technique[/spoiler]. Although I'll have to concede that, like most of the characters put forward by the Ninja Lobby, she's a grey area. The best term for Miho is probably one coined by William Gibson, [i]street samurai[/i]. The Bride is less of a grey area. She isn't a ninja. She's a silly Caucasian girl who likes to play with samurai swords. If her training with Pi Mei gives her any credentials at all, they're samurai credentials, not ninja. Naruto ninjas are only really ninjas in name. Rock Lee is the closest to a genuine ninja, and even he has crazy god-mode Lifegate powers. Ninjas do not use magical powers. Ninjas would never wear [i]orange[/i]. Batman as portrayed in [i]Batman Begins[/i] and Frank Miller's comics is trained as a ninja, so I'd say he's legit for the Ninja Lobby. There are always going to be situations where one wins and situations where the other wins. Pirates are undoubtedly better in bed. In a one-on-one confrontation Jack Sparrow gets his throat cut, unless he cheats by being a zombie, and zombie pirates are a whole other sub-category. At sea the pirates probably win before the ninjas even get aboard, though if the ninjas [i]do[/i] get aboard it's a different story. And if we're talking "how many cool celebrity pirates/ninjas are there?", then pirates have far more in their arsenal. But then, a famous ninja would be a pretty crappy ninja, right?[/font]
  16. [quote name='Raiyuu][font=trebuchet ms][color=red]Any more like that (and I mean one single bad quality post more) and this thread is getting locked. I would just delete them but the way the game works means the thread would stop making sense, so last strike, people.[/color][/font][/quote][quote=Mewprincess][font=verdana][color=royalblue]difinitely the second one (too much to type).[/color'][/font][/quote][font=trebuchet ms][b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]Urahara has no spirit release tattoo, because [spoiler]he's no longer affiliated with Soul Society[/spoiler]. Ichigo's been chastised in the past for having no control over his spirit power, so I assume all the more seasoned high-level Shinigami can conceal themselves. I know [spoiler]Tousen, Komamura, Hisagi and Iba all concealed themselves to sneak up on Kenpachi, just before the Kenpachi versus Bankai Tousen fight[/spoiler]. Hitsugaya's flower petals: it's been suggested their sequential shattering is a countdown [spoiler]to his Bankai shattering, because he's a relatively inexperienced Captain with an incomplete Bankai[/spoiler]. However, that conclusion was drawn by an Arrancar, based on pure speculation, and Hitsugaya didn't agree or disagree. It's clear that in the month's timelapse between [spoiler]Ichigo gaining his Vizard mask and Ulquiorra's latest invasion of the living world, the petals have disappeared, suggesting they were indeed an indication of his Bankai being incomplete, and that he's trained in the meantime to get rid of that handicap[/spoiler].[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms][color=red]Alert, this is the quality police. [b]booboaba, chaos Alvis and kingN[/b], you posts are totally sub-par. Any more like that (and I mean one single bad quality post more) and this thread is getting locked. I would just delete them but the way the game works means the thread would stop making sense, so last strike, people. Those members I just mentioned: take time to review [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][u]The Rules[/u][/URL]. You're consistently breaking them with your current post quality.[/color] I'd take the Blind Date. The second option leaves me with no choice but an evening of torture, plus if you mean "meanest" in the way I'm thinking, I'd have to foot the bill for the dinner/movie/what have you. At least with the blind date there's a chance she'll be my type. [i]Would you rather[/i] be so skinny even the smallest belt won't hold up your jeans [i]or[/i] be so fat even the widest pair of jeans won't fit?[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms]Children should be allowed to be naive. It's a privilege of childhood. Okay, the world we live in means caution is required, but you can't blame the child for being naive - that is, for [i]being a child[/i]: it's the predator's fault, for being a sexual deviant paedophile. If there was a humane way to deal with people like that, children wouldn't have to exercise such caution online.[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]Attached. Laugh all you like, I just discovered Death Note. And I am a fan of desktop minimalism, which is why I hide my taskbar and avoid unnecessary icons. Also, I am L IRL.[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]Surely [URL=http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Pirate_Ninja_Jesus][u]Pirate Ninja Jesus[/u][/URL] would be a more effective choice to unite pirates and ninjas? Acheron, you make some decent counter-arguments, but you've still failed to take into account the ninja's primary battle tactic: get in, do your dirty work, and get out again [i]before anyone knows you were ever there.[/i] The characteristic "clonk, owch" sound and brightly-coloured stars generated by the Keyblade seriously compromise your ability to escape without detection. Sure the guy you walloped has burst into a shower of little green health-recovery blobs, but all his buddies have noticed you now. And yes, seeing you beat their ally to death with a giant key will probably make ninjas respect your ability. But you know what happens when a bunch of ninjas (who just lost an ally) respect your ability? They fight [i]all out. No holds barred.[/i] Anything less than a messy but utterly silent disembowelling would be an insult to their fallen comrade.[/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]It would certainly be possible to find some kanji which, when put together, are pronounced as your children's names. I can hunt around and find some if you like, but there's a good chance the meaning will be utterly random - it could be pronounced [i]"Charlie"[/i] but still mean "noodle" or "poop". I'll have a look-see, try and find you some that won't look too stupid to the casual Japanese passerby. Oh, and typing their names, on a QWERTY keyboard, using a Japanese font, won't work. All Japanese fonts do is arbitrarily assign characters to buttons on the keyboard - the one that comes up when you type letter "A" has no relation to the letter "A" at all. It's just where it happened to end up on the key-map.[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]I took Judo for a while when I was in primary school, but my [b]fear[/b] stopped me getting any good - I just couldn't relax when being thrown, and couldn't seem to get my head around lifting with the [b]knees.[/b] That's a perennial problem I have, that's popped up when I've done rock climbing as well: I try and do too much of the work with my arms, instead of letting the great big muscles in my thighs take the strain. I tended to go up by a single colour tab at each grading session - I suspect because the instructors didn't want to be disheartening. A couple of years ago I took up [url=http://www.shintaido.co.uk][u]Shintaido[/u][/url] Bojutsu, because the fancy took me to learn a martial art once again and it was the only club I could find in my area. Shintaido's kind of meditative and not really any good in a combat situation, but I learned some cool-looking staff kata - and standing for two hours on a Sunday morning in [i]fudo-dachi[/i] ('strong base' stance) really helped educate me into drawing power from the legs, instead of the arms. Since I've been at university I've been practising ninjutsu, which is far more practical if I ever get mugged in an alley. It's all about wristlocks and inflicting pain - learning which way joints aren't supposed to bend, and then how to get them into that position from a blocked punch. Sensei Bill carries half a credit card in his wallet - sliced neatly across the numbers, so the edge is slightly serrated, so if some fool demands his wallet he can pull that out and give them a good scratching. He's a scary man.[/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms]Sorry to rain on your parade, Acheron, but the Keyblade is a bludgeoning weapon, and thus no self-respecting ninja would be seen using one. (The fact that no self-respecting ninja would be seen [i]at all[/i] is beside the point.) How can you get a stealth kill with a weapon that a) isn't sharp, and b) sprays bright, multi-coloured stars everywhere with each hit?[/font]
  25. [font=verdana][size=1][color=darkgreen]Curi was grumpy. Or, he was appearing that way, partially as a front and partially because he actually was feeling grumpy. He was, to an extent, feigning a sullen exterior, because he had learned to associate the Arch-chancellor's office with tellings-off about wandering into people's rooms, asking awkward questions and baiting the Librarian, and the sullen act tended to foreshorten lectures, as Ridcully became frustrated with his unresponsive subject. And he was feeling genuinely grumpy because Ridcully's office was stacked to the ceiling with int'restin' things - shelves groaning with books (some of which glowed, screamed or strained at their manacles), shiny metal sextets and astrolabes, exotic plants and this week's Thing Curi Wanted Most In The Whole World, a highly-polished, sparkly omniscope. Normally, all these things would make him giddy with glee, but while int'restin' things made for a happy Curi, multitudes of int'restin' things he wasn't allowed to [i]touch[/i] made for an intensely sulky Curi. His eyes were prone to wander, but in this room they kept being drawn back to the omniscope, like it had a gravitational pull on his normally miniscule attention span. The gilt frame glittered around the smooth crystal seeing-piece; resembling a large, ornate magnifying glass, the omniscope could, with the right magical direction, be focused on any point in any dimension in any time. This one held the record on the Things Curi Wanted Most In The Whole World leaderboard. He'd Wanted it for almost a whole week now. Think of all the int'restin' things there are in the whole Multiverse. The omniscope would let him look at all of them. He could draw little sketches of them all in his sketchbook. He might even have to ask the Dean for another new one, and a pencil sharpener, after an hour or two on the omniscope. But fusty ol' Ridcully wouldn't let him touch it. He had an unpredictable magical aura, apparently. It took enormous concentration for even a Faculty Wizard to make the omniscope show the desired place and time. There was no knowing how the instrument might react to a powerful magical being with the attention span of a senile goldfish. Ol' Fusty seemed about ready to start his telling-off or whatever it was, now, but Curi decided if Ridcully didn't get on with it in the next five seconds he was making a dive for the omniscope.[/color][/size][/font]
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