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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. [quote name='KungFuChan']After watching the first episode i wasn't totally hooked it wasn't great after all it just seemed like an anime home video or something low budget...[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]It was meant to seem like that. 'Twas a parody.[/font] [quote name='KungFuChan']...and the little ending theme song dance is just sweet.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]By the end of our Haruhi-thon all my friends were trying to dance along, up to speed, while I just held my head in my hands. Apparently you can find videos on YouTube (where else?) where they've slowed it down to make it easier to learn the moves.[/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]This thread is in the [b]wrong forum![/b] lostsoul612, please read the [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Sticky Thread[/u][/thread], paying especial attention to the part right at the top headed [b][i]Not For Anime[/i][/b]. *moves thread to Anime Lounge*[/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms]Before yesterday, the only contact I'd had with [i]Haruhi[/i] was clicking onto that retina-burning website, but last night I watched it all at an all-nighter. (In broadcast/Kyon's order). Wonderful. I'm going to have to re-view it in chronological/Haruhi's episode order now, just to see if it makes a different kind of sense - and to see if I fell asleep for a second and missed an explanation of [spoiler]the talking cat[/spoiler]. And Dagger - it's not just you that kept getting Eva flashbacks. Yuki's explanation, the long reading scenes and the [spoiler]"giants of light"[/spoiler] all screamed out at me as either homages or piss-takes - mostly the latter. Strangely, the most striking thing I found about the series was the 'camera' angles. The zoom-in on Kyon's mole; seeing through the bookshelves; [i]that[/i] scene in the cave and [i]especially[/i] the way they handled [spoiler]the kiss[/spoiler] all seemed refreshingly quirky.[/font]
  4. [quote name='Chabichou']Are you admitting that Israel is evil then?[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Chabi, there's no point trying to 'catch out' the people arguing against you like this. All Zignus X-6 was saying is that he isn't claiming Israel is acting 'decently'. Israel (and can we [b]please[/b] start spelling that right, people?) isn't evil; neither is Palestine. It's all just [i]people.[/i] People aren't pure evil, people aren't pure good, they're all just people and in this stupid Gaza situation they're all behaving as pig-headedly as each other.[/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms]The one I usually use is [URL=http://www.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html][u]here, at Worldlingo;[/u][/URL] again, it can only handle single words, really. I don't know of any sites that'll present in calligraphy, but [URL=http://www.thejapanesepage.com][u]The Japanese Page[/u][/URL] has a Kanji-search function - you copy and paste your kanji into a box and if it's in their database it'll bring up a page with the kanji (in calligraphy), on and kun readings, English translations and common usages. It's a long way around but it's the only way I know - Japanese Page is brilliant for general Japanese learning, too, if you're after that.[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]Not to be a killjoy... Forum games aren't against the rules, so I've hummed and haaed about this a fair bit, but this thread just isn't good quality. Randomness has its place, but I think over 100 posts of randomness is just silly. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]Right, you've had your fun. This was (or had the potential to be) one of the less spammy forum games I've come across, but despite a few members driving up the quality, the rubbishy responses still outweigh the good ones. [b]Thread finally closed.[/b][/font]
  8. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Yes, yes, we've all seen Evil Overlord before, but I don't see what relevance that has to the thread. Evil Overlord is all about mistakes to avoid when taking over the world (the old tell-James-Bond-your-entire-plan foulup, for instance). It has nothing to do with what you'd outlaw in your fascist dictatorship. Avenged, I've warned you before about post quality, and if you don't shape up your content we'll have to outlaw [b]you[/b] from the Boards. Consider yourself warned. The main thing I'd want to outlaw - because it annoys the pants off me - is guitar bores. I maintain that there is nothing duller than listening to a person being enthusiastic about a guitar solo, and some of the most cringeworthy hours of my life have been spent in band practices with a guy more interested in talking about makes of guitar and stupid tunings than actually playing any music. These people are more interested in criticising a band's equipment than listening to whether their music is any good. At first I'd be merciful, and simply fence them all off in some kind of ghetto where they can all be enthusiastic about fret twiddling to each other, but I think the concentrated dullery might collapse a hole into the space-time continuum, so I'd have to exterminate them eventually. Probably by exposing them to music played on cheapo instruments, on ear-bleeding volume.[/font]
  9. [quote name='Avenged666fold']-Big perky fluffy boobies[/quote][font=trebuchet ms][i]Fluffy?[/i] Excuse me? Wait ... you're not one of them ... [i]furries,[/i] are you? (No offence to Solo ;) ) Avenged, you seem to be aware that your post quality is (quite seriously) sub-par, so please start taking more care when posting. Microsoft Word can spellcheck your posts, and if you don't want to mess about copy-pasting, Google Toolbar will spellcheck it in the text box for you. OB-quality posting has never been easier.[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]Panda says "explain why you listed these items" and straightaway we get another simple list. Sorry to do this, but if people can't heed warnings in the post [i]right above theirs,[/i] this is what happens. [b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
  11. [quote name='Boo][font=verdana][size=1]The person below me thought this thread would've been closed right after it started.[/size'][/font][/quote][font=trebuchet ms]It's actually been fine, thus far. However, [color=red]if I see any more responses consisting of a simple "true" or "false" the thread will run the risk of getting [b]locked[/b].[/color] [b]Back on topic,[/b] as a rule, I only watch Shounen action-type anime series. But I have dabbled in other things such as [i]Love Hina,[/i] and even within the Shounen action bracket there are several 'types'; I watch mecha, gunslinger, sci-fi, fantasy ... so I'd have to say [b]false,[/b] I watch more than two 'types' of anime. The person below me typically posts in [/font][font=verdana][size=1]Size One Verdana.[/size][/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms]R@R, I pointed out last time that I couldn't use a Psychatog in an all-blue deck. Although I suppose Traumatise is the kind of card people build whole decks around, but I'm not that kind of player...[quote name='Lord Dante']two strategies are all the orks have: meatgrinder close combat, and Blow holes in things.[/quote]I seem to remember the [b]only[/b] true Ork strategy is "shoot da close combatty stuff, close combat da shooty stuff". I was always told strategising beyond that was unutterably un-Orky.[/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms]Um ... what? I don't get how this game is supposed to work [i]at all.[/i] The word 'scene' keeps appearing, and it's apparently based off [i]Whose Line Is It Anyway?[/i] so I assumed I'd be seeing script format stuff ... but no. That's probably me being dense, but even with my stupid filter on I can see that however the game is played, all it's generating is single phrases. I'm all for forum games if they're well thought through and still generate quality posting, but this one smells like spam to me. [b]Ålpha-Æpsilon,[/b] if you want to defend your game, feel free to PM me. But whether or not the game has potential merit, your instruction post wasn't very clear, and the game is currently creating nothing but rubbishy posts. So for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms][color=red]Mythology and dumbblondechick, please familiarise yourself with the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][u]Rules,[/u][/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][u]FAQ[/u][/url] and [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/u][/thread] before posting here. Your post quality is not up to standard - correct spelling and Caps in the right places make your post easier to read, thus making everyone that little bit happier. Read the Rules. Spread some happiness. If I have to warn posters in this thread again, I'll have to use my own Superpower, Threadlock no Jutsu.[/color][/font]
  15. [quote name='Dhampir']First, a girl pirate is very sexy. At least they can look sexy as opposed to dressing in all black as to not be seen.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Girl ninjas are sexy too! Until they break both your arms for making lewd comments about all the [b]sneaky[/b] things you'd like to do together.[/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms]Spam sense ... tingling ... Seriously, this thread can [b]very[/b] easily turn into spam. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now, but let's see more posts like Revelation's and Ikillion's, and fewer that just give a phrase and a new jumble. TFPQQMWUU => Telephones For Poor Quantum Quagmire Manage Warbling Undead, Unfortunately. Um ... yeah. What else could I do with two Qs in a row? That gives me the image of Quagmire from [i]Family Guy,[/i] phasing in and out of existence as his phone takes on a zombie opera singer... And now! A less random sequence of letters for the next [strike]mug[/strike] contestant. ACRONYM[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]I'm sure not [b]everybody[/b] here is addicted to Japanahol. Like most people, I found this place through theotaku.com, which I was put onto by my brother. Since then I've spent immeasurably more time here than on theotaku or myotaku. Message boards > blogging, I reckon.[/font]
  18. [quote name='Fasteriskhead']Oh, hush. I know you only poke fun because you love me.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]I just wanted to belong :( And yes, now I look you're right about that site, but it was the first Allegory of the Cave website Google turned up. I know my Plato, so I assumed that guy did, too, without reading it :animeswea It's true that the long-range test missile failed miserably, which does indeed make North Korea look a bit silly. But their short- and medium-range missile tests went off without a hitch. So while they don't really have a leg to stand on as regards Europe or the USA, they still can (in the sense that they have the ability) launch against their neighbours. China and Japan are both in range. I make the distinction of "can in the sense that they have the ability" because in reality they can't launch against China or Japan, for all the aforementioned reasons of retaliation.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms]I haven't played Magic: The Gathering in a few months, and I haven't bought a pack of cards in years, but I still like to casually pwn my old card-playing schoolfriends with my Blue deck every once in a while. I have a card that makes them discard half their deck! :devil: I also used to be into Warhammer 40,000 - I was an Eldar player, with a nicely-painted, well-rounded army and no sense whatsoever of appropriate battle tactics. I'm not sure if I won a single game, but I enjoyed painting and building the miniatures. I still have them in a box somewhere - I don't have the drive nor the opponents to actually play any more, but I can't bear to get rid of them after I spent so many hours assembling...[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]I read an editorial that suggests brainwashing in North Korea goes further than just the education and military institutions. A journalist claims to have entered North Korea and interviewed some families in the suburbs (I hesitate to say 'peasants', but I suppose that's the technical term). Of course, that's where it gets fishy - North Korea is notoriously difficult to enter, especially for a member of the Western press, so I tried to take his findings with a pinch of salt. What he found was that these people believe what they are told by the national media, because why wouldn't you? But the national media says that Kim Jong Il invented the jet turbine, the helicopter and the television, amongst other things. When asked how many countries they thought there were outside North Korea, the family conferred for a while before coming up with the tentative reply, "five or six?" If this report is trustworthy then pretty much the entire population of North Korea is utterly unaware that there could be another way of life, other than the one they're living. They're like the people chained up in [url=http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320/cave.htm][u]Plato's Allegory of the Cave[/u][/url] [/Fasteriskhead][/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]*cancels invisibility field* I'd like to remind everyone posting in this thread of the basic standard of quality we require on OtakuBoards. New Members that haven't come across them yet, please read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules/php?][u]Rules[/u],[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][u]FAQ[/u][/URL] and [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/u][/thread]. These, and reading older members' posts, should give you an idea of the standard we expect. *reactivates invisibility field* *prods randoms, heehee*[/font]
  22. [quote name='Charles']I can't believe this thread is still open.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Lock the thread and we confirm the conspiracy! Having said that, I was hoping this thread would just drop off the bottom of the page. I honestly think any discussion it could have afforded has run its course. [b][strike]Conspiracy confirmed[/strike] Thread locked.[/b][/font]
  23. [quote name='Chabichou][font=verdana']It's a fact that some Israeli soldiers are complete jerks who intentionally hurt civilians and enjoy seeing them suffer.[/font][/quote][font=trebuchet ms]It's also a fact that some Palestinians are complete jerks who intentionally blow themselves or their cars up in order to hurt civilians. Both sides have their fair share of civilian-killing jerks. Whoopee. Now both sides need to realise the fact and reign those people in. We can't have peace until they stop. I can't even come down in favour of one side morally. The Palestinians lost a load of land when Israel was created, and that wasn't fair. It made a lot of Palestinian people homeless. But the Israelites, as a people, were homeless before Israel was formed. That wasn't fair either, and it's not nice for the Palestinians, but the Israelites deserved a home and the necessary land wasn't just going to materialise floating up in the sky. Neither side can claim to wholly be the victim; neither side can lay claim to the moral high ground. Before we start seeing compromise and humility in the leadership on both sides of the fence, nothing will get resolved. It'll just be left up to both sides' respective contingent of civilian-killing jerks.[/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen]The final section of the circle was slotting into place when Ash noticed Vinovka slip silently through a high window from the fire escape outside. The sniper dropped, catlike, onto a stack of discarded crates, lowering herself into a firing position. The orange sparks arcing and sputtering around the giant alien machine lashed out and met in the circle?s centre. Abruptly all the crackling, whining and whirring emitted by the machine ceased, replaced by a deep, muffling silence, as the space inside the ring turned black; dead, warped reality, an ethereal wind vacuuming sound. [i]?? to all Green Team personnel in the field. Repeat, Kaida to Green Team. Respond, over.?[/i] Ash didn?t question the details of the commlink reactivating ? perhaps whatever energy had been jamming the signal was being sucked away by the void the extra-dimensionals had created. ?Mirror to Kaida. Vinovka and I are in position. Awaiting orders, over.? [i]?What?s the situation, Mirror? Do you know Z?s status??[/i] ?No, Z is out of contact. There?s a machine set up in the warehouse, looks like something out of Stargate.? [i]?It?s no good trying to guess their plan any more. They?ve had us on the back foot every step of the way, so I say it?s time to abandon stealth. Aura and I are incoming. Green Team will launch an all-out assault and destroy that machine. Portal, gate, whatever, we do not need more dimensions bleeding through into this one. Mirror, Vinovka, move on my signal. Do what you can. Out.?[/i] She could see Vinovka readying her rifle as Kaida ended the communication, and gave her stunner a check. Still fully charged; she hadn?t had a chance to use it yet. There was little chance of her damaging the portal, but she reckoned she could provide a decent enough distraction to allow Kaida and her heavy artillery to do the job. [i]?Vinovka to Mirror, what?s your position? Do you see what I?m seeing??[/i] Looking up from the pistol, Ash could see the oily surface of the deadspace rippling. A hand emerged, followed by a body, a head with flaming red hair and leonine features. ?That ? it looks like a male version of Aura,? Ash replied dumbly. The air was suddenly full of the whine, chatter and staccato shredding sound of Kaida?s minigun chewing through the warehouse door. Light shone briefly through the perforations before the entire door flew out of the wall, revealing Kaida, minigun barrels smoking, and Aura, lowering her foot from the kick she?d just dealt. ?That was the signal!? the Team Leader yelled, grinning ferociously. ?Green Team, mobilise!?[/color]
  25. [quote name='Tical][font=verdana']*wondering why the tale of Blackbeard vs. blackcatsuit hasn't been brought up*[/font][/quote][font=trebuchet ms]Because Leofski's inactive these days. Let's face it, pirates probably have more [i]fun.[/i] But all that rape and pillage isn't for me (although a life on the ocean wave sometimes sounds appealing). And the fact is, I [i]am[/i] a ninja already. Ninth kyu ninjutsu (i.e. one rank above absolute beginner). I'd rather be able to defend myself against muggers (IRL) or assassinate corrupt political leaders (in stereotype land) than go around loosing off my cannon at randoms that haven't done anything to me.[/font]
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