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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]This thread is going downhill! Please, explain what each quote means to you, otherwise we end up with every post just being a list of quotes and no insight. You supposedly live by these quotes, so you must be able to tell us something about them, right?[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Does anyone remember Morpheus' [URL=http://www.frappr.com/otakuboards][u]OtakuBoards Frappr?[/u][/URL] It was kind of interesting to see which member(s) you were closest to geographically ... and if anyone ever does arrange a meet-up (which I think would only end in awkwardness if done outside a convention context) it could be useful for seeing who's in the area.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]tanukioh and wolf Toboe, please please please go easy on the CAPSLOCK! Lots of caps are like the online equivalent of shouting in people's faces ... it's not pleasant. Tical now lives in Indianapolis, isn't that nice? But unfortunately he's only 'living' in the most literal sense of the word. He was hit by a truck, and Indianapolis just happens to have the best coma care unit. Enjoy your persistent vegetative state. [i]I wish ska was back in fashion.[/i][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Name[/B] James Lawrence (Lawrie). [B]Age[/B] Twenty-six. [B]Gender[/B] Male. [B]Place of Origin[/B] Born and raised in Portree on the Isle of Skye; lived in Glasgow, Scotland since age twenty-four. [B]Known History[/B] - Before entering his coma, Lawrie was working as a laboratory assistant to the researchers at the University of Glasgow. Superficially, he enjoyed the work, but was going through a stage of feeling unfulfilled. - At age twenty-four, he achieved a First in biochemistry from the University of Glasgow, whose faculty agreed to give him a job where his talent and qualification could find some use. - Between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four, he lived in a series of rented flats in his home town on Skye, jumping between mediocre part-time jobs in order to pay his rent and tuition fees, while working tirelessly towards his long-distance degree. - At age eighteen, he realised he was heading towards a life of dullness and apathy, and took the exams necessary to secure a place studying biochemistry. He was accepted by the University of Glasgow on the strength of his exceptional Biology grades. He blamed his parents for wasting two years of his life by not giving him enough motivation; this led to arguments, the most emotionally charged of his life. The growing rift between parents and son led to Lawrie moving into rented accomodation. - Between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, he did nothing of consequence; continued living with his parents, enjoying freedom from compulsory education, but subconsciously feeling inexplicably unfulfilled. Mr and Mrs Lawrence were concerned at the lack of direction in their son's life, but had always held the opinion that his decisions were his own, and so put no pressure on him. - In his school years, he enjoyed science and was fascinated by the inner workings of the human body. He was encouraged to go further with biological science, but considered education something to escape as soon as possible. [B]Personality[/B] Lawrie has always regretted falling out with his parents, and has since forced himself to roll with the blows life deals him; he doesn?t dwell on the bad experiences anymore, or try to apportion blame for unpleasant experiences. This results in a sunny outlook, but a lot of unresolved negativity sitting at the back of his mind, which he refuses to deal with. He also gets bored quite easily; jobs don?t hold his attention for long, but he tries to maintain his optimism, usually until he reaches breaking point and almost can?t stand to serve out his two weeks? notice. He isn?t shy, but he doesn?t make friends easily; get inside his bubble and you?ve made a friend for life, but it?s hard work getting there. [B]Appearance[/B] Lawrie has very pale skin, unnaturally dark black hair and a tendency to hide behind his fringe. He?s a little on the skinny side, and tends to dress like he?s ten or fifteen years older: white shirt, tweed jacket and beige slacks seem to be his default wardrobe, along with a tan flat cap he never takes off. His eyes are a milky pale grey. [B]Animal Genes[/B] [url=http://www.seasky.org/monsters/sea7a1o.html][u]Firefly squid [I](Watasenia scintillans)[/I][/u][/url] [B]Hybrid Abilities[/B] [B]- Bioluminescence.[/B] Simply put, Lawrie glows in the dark. His skin, eyes, saliva and to a lesser extent his blood all give off a pale green light when no other light source is available. Where his skin and eyes are concerned, Lawrie has a small degree of conscious control and can make himself glow faintly even when his surroundings don?t require it. [B]- Flexibility.[/B] Lawrie?s skin is more elastic than a normal human?s, and his bones have more ?give? in them; his limbs will tend to bend where a human?s would snap, although they?ll still break if enough force is applied.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, Madoshi. I'm afraid I'm going to lock this thread, but first let me tell you how to avoid it happening again. [thread=52331][u]First, click here.[/u][/thread] The Otaku Lounge Rules Sticky has useful information on what to consider when starting a thread. Second. Your post quality is excellent. Ten points. But it's unclear what you want people to discuss when replying to the thread. It reads more like a blog post than an opening post on a discussion forum. The only discussion starter I can pick out is "Has anyone ever felt that they are alone?" which is likely to result in replies along the lines of "yes" or "not really"; not much conversation value there, heh. Feel free to start this thread anew, but take into account that people need direction when it comes to how they're supposed to reply. Hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or any of the other Moderators. [b]Thread locked.[/b][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]This is the wrong forum for art help, Death. I'm moving it to the Art Studio and changing the title to make it more informative of the thread's content. Check out the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][U]Rules,[/U][/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] and [thread=52331][U]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/U][/thread] while you're waiting for a reply.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Yes indeed. I think we've milked all possible discussion out of someone's misunderstanding of a saying. We can only go in circles from here. [B][strike]Circle broken[/strike] Thread closed.[/B][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]This thread will quickly become meaningless unless people remember to explain [B]why[/B] they chose the choice they chose (try saying that five times fast). From now on I'll be deleting posts that just pick a choice with no explanation. I'd definitely go for the latter. As much as the rock 'n' roll 'live fast die young' attitude sounds good on paper, I don't want to die tomorrow! And having my wildest dreams come true only to die the next day would blow. If my dreams come true I want to be around to cherish the memories and experience the consequences. So living gets my vote. Would you rather [I]be extremely well known and respected worldwide in a minority field; think world tiddlywinks champion[/I] or [I]be well-known locally in a larger field, with the knowledge that you'd never break into the international circuit; think county tennis champion.[/I] Yeesh. That came out much wordier than I intended.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][quote name='Fasteriskhead][FONT=Verdana']I have no idea what you're talking about.[/FONT][/quote]Someone had to say it. I see no discussion value in this thread beyond trying to work out what on Earth the OP is getting at, so I'm closing it. [B]ceath,[/B] feel free to start a new thread, but try and make it a bit clearer what you want discussed next time, 'kay? [B]Thread closed.[/B][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][quote name='Maneki Neko][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]C'mon Katana, finish your piece so that I can do mine, I'm getting anxious.[/SIZE][/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]Katana's image has been up for quite a while now. :animestun As a lurker that's been watching the Worm's progress, and wants to see more, I just thought I'd point that out. It looks like you're up, you lucky kat.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]People, people. This thread is verging uncomfortably close to spam as it is. It doesn't need people not following the few simple rules. [B]Remember to give hints.[/B] Lord Dante, the only thing I can come up with is "Chinese food" and that involves adding an N ... that or "Cheesi food", heh. Did you typo or am I missing something? :animestun In case I'm right, here's another: het eulsb shetrorb Hint: "We're on a mission from God"[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Like every Summer, I plan on learning to touch-type. Like every Summer, I'll get distracted by bees or something and won't do it. Eternal two-finger typist, right here. Otherwise, I'm going to [URL=http://www.playfestival.co.uk][U]Play Festival[/U][/URL] in Shropshire to brush up my firestaff / poi skills with a bunch of pyromaniac nutters.[/FONT]
  13. [font=Trebuchet MS]Actually, I think there's enough of a distinction between "your most embarrassing moment" and "the stupidest thing you've ever done" that the two threads don't require merging.[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Ver2.0, if you don't have something to contribute to the thread, don't post at all; if you think there's something wrong with the thread, use the "report bad post" button in the top right. It's a little ! in a box.[/font]
  14. [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]Call Me "Masa", here at OtakuBoards we frown upon advertising threads, and when one appears we do what I'm about to do, and [b]lock [/b]it.[/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]However! There is a specific part of the site where you can advertise for manga artists. Unsurprisingly it is in the forum called [b]Manga Workshop. [/b]Here's a link:[/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][u][thread=39299]The Artist and Writer Recruiting Thread[/thread][/u][/size][/font] [u][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][/size][/font][/u] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]Feel free to re-post your request there.[/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][/size][/font] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]Locked.[/size][/font][/b]
  15. [font=Trebuchet MS]First attempt at avatar making ... and I got kind of carried away, heh. As such some of them probably aren't great quality, but hey, I'll never know if I don't post them, right? They're all made from manga scans - I assumed from all the Death Note avatars that that's okay. Black and white oozes class, y'all.[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Character names are formatted Family-name, Given-name in keeping with Delta's current Bleach avatars.[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako4.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako3.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako5.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako7.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako8.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako10.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hirako9.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Hirako Shinji[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hiyori5.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Saraguki Hiyori[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hiyori1.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Saraguki Hiyori[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hiyori4.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Saraguki Hiyori[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Hiyori2.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Saraguki Hiyori[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Kensei1.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Muguruma Kensei[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Kensei2.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Muguruma Kensei[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Kensei3.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Muguruma Kensei[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Grandfisher.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Grand Fisher[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Grandfisher2.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Grand Fisher[/font] [img]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/Ulqiuorra1.jpg[/img] [font=Trebuchet MS]Category: Bleach[/font] [font=Trebuchet MS]Name: Ulquiorra[/font]
  16. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]All my Internet are belong to Tainted Doughnuts. Thanks for that one, Stark! Google Video has all the music videos from Lordi, this year's Finnish Eurovision Song Contest entry. Sample lyric? "The Devil is a loser, an' he's ma b****". All their videos involve the heavily made-up monsterish lead singer converting innocent little girls / emo kids to the evil ways of Lordi. Genius.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Hi there, [B]Anqueetus[/B]. You might remember from your previous time here that we don't allow introduction posts - and that goes for "I'm back" posts too! Take a look at the brand spanking new (as far as you're concerned) [U][thread=52331]Otaku Lounge Rules Sticky[/thread][/U] for the whys and wherefores, and enjoy your return to the OB. [B]Thread closed.[/B][/FONT]
  18. [quote name='The Paper][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=RoyalBlue]X-men 3: The last stand! 5/26/06! Yes! That?s right! We waited forever for the third installment of this movie series, and it?s been announced finally. The trailers aren?t playing yet, I don?t think, but if they are, they?ve passed by my eyes. Heh.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]If anyone's interested, there are actually some X3 trailers to be had. [U][URL=http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/tls/trailer/]Click ye here.[/URL][/U]
  19. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]13thMan[/B] and [B]Tuxedo Mask,[/B] can we have some more explanation of [B]why[/B] you made your choices next time? This thread's been a massive success so far, I don't want it to turn into a one-word-answer spamfest. Ick, alcoholism or smoking. Stomach ulcers and liver damage, versus chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer? I think I'd have to go with alcoholism. I know from high school biology that smoking [B]inevitably[/B] leads to COPD - there's absolutely no way to avoid it. With alcoholism there's a slim outside chance I might be naturally resistant to the nastier damage it can cause. Would you rather: [I]live in the future as predicted by Star Wars[/I] or [I]live in the future as predicted by Firefly and Serenity?[/I] Neither is without its pros and cons...[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][quote=EvilRubberDucky]What walks on 4 legs by morning 2 legs by afternoon and 3 legs by evening?[/quote]If you take a quick glance back through the thread you'll see that we've had this riddle [B]twice[/B] already. The answer is Man - trawl back a little if you want the explanation ;) As for the babysitter one: if I assume she's not a very scrupulous babysitter I can guess that maybe she gives each baby a cookie and puts one baby in the jar, with his/her cookie, thereby giving each baby a snack but leaving one cookie in the jar. [I]"A babysitter came over one day to babysit 10 children. She decided to give them a snack. In a jar there were 10 cookies. She wants to give each one [B][this 'one' refers to a baby][/B] a cookie, but still keep one [B][so maybe this 'one' also means a baby?][/B] in the jar. How will she do it?"[/I][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]In terms of games, I tend to head straight for the [B]Wind[/B] element characters (Anji Mito ftw!). My usual play style in pretty much any game emphasises speed over power - run rings around the bad guys, getting lots of little hits in, instead of one big pwn-all attack. Manoeuvrability is good - it frustrates people when they can't hit you. I'm also a fan of Kaze no Kata - the Kata of Wind - in Shintaido, one of the two martial arts I practise. It's my favourite out of the three kata I know because it moves swiftly forwards like the wind - somehow it feels both powerful and peaceful at the same time, and I think the wind is like that. It can be a peaceful breeze, or a destructive gale. Wind all the way.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Another one from a T-shirt - and I don't exactly live by this, but I have taken its advice since seeing it, because it tickled me - is [B]SMILE: it confuses people[/B]. It's so true - walk down your high street with a smile on your face and count the funny looks people give you. It's like they're all looking at you accusingly for being less miserable than them![/FONT]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS][quote name='AC!D!C][COLOR=DarkSlateGray']If you read the OBs Terms of Agreement then you know that you should give more than a sentence worth of information.[/COLOR][/quote]Not to hijack this thread for pernickety rules interpretation, but that just isn't true, and it's an attitude that drives away a lot of newbies who feel pressured to write essays to reply to threads. A single [B]word[/B] post is defined as spam by the rules, but a single sentence is not. As long as it adds to the discussion, isn't off-topic or offensive, single sentence posts can often be less 'spammy' than some of the huge blocks of punctuation-free text I sometimes see. (Having said that, some of the single sentence posts in this thread [B]are[/B] spam, as SunfallE has pointed out.) [B]But anyway,[/B] I've had a sort of thing for [I]fifty-seven[/I] ever since I was little. Nothing to do with the numerical value, I just like the way it slips off the tongue. It has a sort of bouncy rhythm that I guess appealed when I was younger, and it's stuck with me.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]If you've only got volumes one and two, I suggest you don't highlight any spoilers, heh. We're all about two hundred chapters ahead of you. When it comes to Chad and Inoue, the thing I'm most interested in right now is what Urahara was about to say. "[spoiler]The power you [Chad] posses is certainly different to that of a Shinigami or Quincy. It is, in fact, none other than...[/spoiler]" Graaah. I hate when KT cuts away like that.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Just to clarify, Renji's Ban Kai (Hihiou Zabimaru) is 'complete', in that there's been no hint that it has extra forms. He's just not very good at using it yet. Byakuya said that after gaining Ban Kai, you have to train for about a hundred years to perfect its use in combat; that's why he whooped Renji so easily, because he'd trained to use his Ban Kai, whereas Renji learned his and ran straight into battle with it. So the training that's going on right now is not only [spoiler]training Chad, it's training Renji in the more effective use of his Ban Kai[/spoiler]. Notice when he fought Byakuya and Illfort, he essentially just stood still and swung Hihiou Zabimaru around. Now, [spoiler]in the fight with Chad, he's done that crazy spirally thing around Chad's beam, and there's a panel where he's visible in the background doing some kind of jumping attack[/spoiler]. He still won't reach Byakuya's level without a lot more work, but he's improving and becoming more versatile - just not learning new 'forms' like Senbonzakura Kageyoshi has.[/FONT]
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