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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. [center][font=Verdana][color=Black][b][thread=49981][u]Random Questions[/u][/thread][/b] Who originally started this thread? I?ve no idea, because it got deleted in a freak electrical storm, or something. But indifference started it up again and I was thankful, yes I was. A single thread, the repository for all those niggly little questions that aren?t worth starting a whole thread for? Nifty idea. It helped us all discover the origins of pie (in Ancient Egypt, apparently). [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b]The Legionnaires[/b] I really can?t see this not making the Fifty. It?s the biggest, longest-running RPG I?ve ever participated in, and hands-down, the most fun I?ve ever had writing a sign-up. Also, kudos to Shy for being willing to adapt the posting systems when they didn?t work as well as they should have. I?m really looking forward to whatever twists and turns that are in store. [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b][thread=50425][u]OtakuBoards Survivor: Game On [/thread][/u][/b]Okay, now it just looks like I?m nominating RPGs I?ve been in, but hey, I don?t read the ones I?m not in, so I wouldn?t be able to gauge their niftiness. This is the first non-Community Event RPG I?ve joined that hasn?t died on the third page; Sandy?s kept all of us interested with a nicely varied set of challenges, and I?ve felt that my writing skills have been stretched every which way ? great exercise for those creative muscles. Even if it has distracted me from my University work at times? [b][thread=51508][u]Crimes of Hate[/u][/thread] [/b]It deserves a Nifty because it's happened twice in the last year! No, but seriously. It's the only OB-members-as-characters-in-the-story fic that manages to pull off being serious. The detailed gore makes me worry about Ezekiel. And if it's accepted as Nifty, maybe she'll finish it this time, and we'll all find out whodunit ;) [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b]Sandy[/b] I thought he was a little prickly and defensive when I first joined. But he?s gone on to become one of the most likeable and affable members on the Boards, and I really admire his ability to put forth a strong opinion without getting hot under the collar. Plus, Survivor! [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b]JJ[/b] Out of the few OBers I talk to on IM, JJ?s the one I talk to most, and it?s usually about RPG strategy. Great to bounce ideas off, and he usually comes back with better ones in return. He's also the only member brave enough to use a [i]smiley [/i]as his [i]username - [/i]who didn't have fun trying to pronounce ^.^ in their head? [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b]Otaku Lounge Moderator Team[/b] Am I blowing my own trumpet, or trying to cheat by bundling several members under one nomination? Neither. Lore, Panda and Stuart are formidable, and all much better at closing threads than I am; I don?t talk to them much personally, but I?ve learned everything I know about modding from watching these three in action.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=Black] [b]Unborn Lord Xion x Ezekiel[/b] They may not be OtakuBoards?s most established couple, but somehow they manage to pull off the delicate balance of being very vocal about their relationship, without drowning us all in schmooze. So nice to hear a story of Internet romance that doesn?t end with one of them being an overweight forty-year-old pervert from Wisconsin.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black] [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][b]Seasonal Banner Changes[/b] Ah, that horrible pun on James?s Hallowe?en banner ? and then the Christmas banner contest turned up some really inspired work too. It was nice to have a little change of scenery, and nicer still when it got me in the Christmas mood. Here's hoping it stays on as an OB tradition. [b][u][url="http://www.frappr.com/otakuboards"]OtakuBoards Frappr[/url][/u] [/b]Serious kudos goes to Morpheus for thinking of this (just in time for the Fifty, sneaky devil). Instead of a "Where do you live?" thread, full of people quoting random American states and cities, which doesn't help people like me who don't know their American geography, we now have a snazzy world map with markers to show members' locations. Plus, I claimed Europe. [size=1]+[ EDIT ]+ Got rid of 'spammers'. Meh, I only put it in because I only had nine nominations. +[ EDIT II ]+ Added "OtakuBoards Frappr". +[ EDIT III ]+ Replaced this guy [/size][/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/SheriffMatt/A_o_0_blue.gif[/img][size=1] with "Crimes of Hate"[/size] [/color][/font][/center]
  2. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]This thread has been mercifully civil so far, so let's cut out things like this: [quote name='Avenged666fold][/font][/color]**** you you rich snobby *****[color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] Censored or not, I'd like to remind you, Avenged666fold, that personal attacks on other members are considered seriously on OB. Your post seemed kind of muddled, so I don't know whether you meant it as a hypothetical "some people would say this" or as your own response to Citrus, but either way there's no need for hurtful language. Let's keep the thread going the way it started. [/font][/color]
  3. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Seeing as they'd lost the last two challenges, Mog had allowed the Iron Fists to enter the Maniac Mansion first. There was enraged shouting issuing from a side room as Xiaoyu poked her head around the massive front door. [b]"Umm ... let's not get under their feet, 'kay?" [/b]she suggested, not wanting to feel any wrath off Shadow. [b]"This place is spooky..." [/b]The rest of the Golden Lotuses filed into the grand entrance hall. Doors lined both walls, and a magnificent, if crumbly-looking, curved staircase led up to the first floor. [b]"Pick a door, any door," [/b]commented Lara dryly. [b]"Well, that one looks like a good place to start," [/b]said Ada, pointing to a door on the right side of the hall. It was cordoned off with black-and-yellow striped police tape. [b]"Scene of the crime, anyone?" [/b]As the Lotuses ducked one by one under the flimsy barrier, Xiaoyu caught something out of the corner of her eye. Something green and slimy, slithering and disappearing into an air vent. She yelped. [b]"What is it?" [/b]asked Samus, pausing in mid-duck. [b]"Something icky!" [/b]Xiaoyu exclaimed, unhelpfully. [b]"It went in the vent!" "A clue?" [/b]suggested Yuna. [b]"One thing at a time, ladies," [/b]Ada advised. [b]"This is definitely our hamster's last known whereabouts..." [/b]The door led to the kitchen. The black-and-white marble flagstones and oak worktops were offset by shiny white modern appliances; a fridge-freezer, a dishwasher, a microwave, its door swinging eerily open and shut ... and a white china plate, covered in breadcrumbs and bloodstains... [b]"Eeeeewwwwww!" [/b]shrieked Xiaoyu, summing up in a sound what all the Heroines were feeling. [b]"Keep it down, you're putting me off my breakfast," [/b]said a nasal voice. Ada and Samus both levelled their guns at the kitchen table, where a pallid blue figure in camouflage fatigues sat eating Wheatos with a combat knife. [b]"What are you doing here?" [/b]demanded Samus, her arm-cannon whining. [b]"This is a murder scene!" "Well I didn't kill it," [/b]he replied irritably around a mouthful of cereal. [b]"I'm Ed Edison, it was MY hamster, why would I kill it?" [/b]Hesitantly, Samus and Ada lowered their weapons. The knife looked dangerous, but Weird Ed didn't seem at all threatening. Probably not a suspect - but as the hamster's owner, a valuable person to question. [b]"When did you last see -" [/b]Ada began, holstering her pistol, but Weird Ed cut her off. [b]"Although," [/b]he continued, ignoring the fact that Ada had even spoken, [b]"it DID live in my room, so it saw all the blueprints for Project Utter Devastation - and that kid, Miller! The Miller kid, with his WEIRD friends! Couldn't let it tell them my plans, oh no no no ..." [/b]Xiaoyu walked up to Ed and rapped her knuckles against his forehead. The sound was hollow, and he just kept on saying [b]"no no no"[/b] over and over again. One of his eyes was rolling from side to side. As one, the Heroines looked at each other and shrugged.[/font][/color]
  4. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Okay, I see. Sorry for misunderstanding, but there was a heck of a lot of text to wade through. That particular passage just jumped out at me, so I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that I had it out of context.[/font][/color]
  5. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I think all the arguments are pretty much sorted now, but one thing in this thread caught my eye: [quote name='persocomblues][/font][/color]...the middle ground seems to be to have a site that favors high quality posts, intelligent conversations, and keeps a watchful eye on the younger individuals...[color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] No. We keep a watchful eye on bad posters, we keep an eye on frequent spammers and flamers. I've [b]no [/b]idea how old most of the people on this forum are. I'm just not bothered. [quote name='Retribution][/font][/color][size=1]Would it not be "[b]These are[/b] Americans we're talking about"?[/size][color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] [b]Zing[/b], DeadSeraphim. [b]Zing. [/b][My mistake] [/font][/color]
  6. [b][color=DarkGreen]"The name's Zone." [/color][/b][color=DarkGreen]MS13's head honcho had to speak with his teeth clenched, his jaw held shut by the reconstructive scaffolding implanted in his face. [b]"Not my real one, hehe. But your name's not Mirror, either. It's a pleasure to meet a harmless Legionnaire; last one I met, see, saw to it that I have to eat through a straw for the next sixteen months." [/b]Zone held out a hand for Ash to shake, fully aware that his captive couldn't shake it. They'd tied his hands behind his back, pretty expertly. But he had a plan for that little problem. His eyes met Zone's, just for a second or two. [b]"Not gonna shake?" [/b]Zone feigned gentlemanly offence. [b]"No manners. Kneel, then!" [/b]The one with the fancy shades planted a kick to the back of Ash's knees, and he went down hard onto the floorboards. The impact jarred up his thighs and made his head spin. He was vaguely aware of his stunner and commlink being tossed onto the control desk, and then the shades bloke left and he was alone with Zone. [i][b]Good. I was counting on that. Time to show the team I'm not just a rookie.[/b][/i] [b]"Well, what are we going to do with this one?" [/b]That was confusing. Ash's head had stopped pounding, but the question seemed weird. Was it addressed to him, was it rhetorical? [b]"What?" [/b]he managed. [b]"You're right. He's neutralised. The others will be too, soon. Disappointing about Arachnid's no-show, though. I was looking forward to a rematch." "Arachnid's dead," [/b]Ash volunteered, as much to get Zone's attention back on him and off his imaginary friends as anything. The scarred man looked back at the kneeling Legionnaire, surprise evident on his face. He didn't reply for a few seconds, and when he did, he seemed to be talking to himself again. [b]"You're confusing the poor kid," [/b]he said. [b]"And talking to thin air's creepy. Come on out, why don'tcha?" [/b]Ash looked around. There were no cupboards, no possible hiding places in the room. How could anyone - - and it was like the scene before Ash were painted on a rubber canvas, and someone had stuck a pencil in from behind and [i]twisted, [/i]and then let go so the canvas snapped back - - and there were three more figures in the room. They looked human. But Ash met the central creature's eye, and hit the same roadblock he'd met trying to imprint Kaida and Aura. The man's eyes [i]glittered. [/i]And none of the three were touching the floor. [b]"This was taking too long in any case," [/b]the central, tallest figure was saying. [b]"Even with our equipment your people are failing. Your sniper is dead, and your bomb was ineffective." [i]Good to know. I heard the explosion ... if he says it was ineffective, Aura and Kaida must have survived. [/i]"We will handle the situation personally from now on," [/b]the floating creature continued. He addressed his companions. [b]"You, find and neutralise the infiltrator. And you take care of the sniper. I shall deal with the two fugitives myself." "Hey ... !" [/b]protested Zone ineffectually, as the three figures dissolved, first into ethereal smoke, then into dense pinpoints of light which rocketed out of the plexiglass office window. [b]"No choice now, I s'pose," [/b]Ash said, almost to himself. [b]"Got to escape and warn the others, haven't I?" [/b]Zone, obviously sore from the dressing-down he'd been given and looking for somewhere to take out his frustrations, started stalking across the floor towards Ash. Ash just grinned and began his morph. The MS13 guard was quite a big bloke. The ropes would be significantly less restrictive on Tech. As Zone approached, Ash rolled back and lashed out with her legs, knocking the man's feet out from under him. Her hair was lengthening, her body was becoming smaller, slimmer. The ropes fell off her wrists and ankles and she scrambled to her feet, beginning another quickfire morph into Z, the brawniest frame that came quickly to mind. When Zone came at him again, Ash knew exactly what to do. He blocked the first punch as well as he could with his limited fighting experience, then made a grab for the gang leader's face. His fingers curled around one of the metal rods running along Zone jaw. He planted the sole of his foot on the man's chest. [b]"Neutralised, am I?"[/b] He just had time to see Zone's eyes go wide before he heaved. Something went [i]ping. [/i]Once he was sure Zone was out cold from shock and pain, Ash grabbed his commlink. [b]"Mirror to Green Team. The head honcho's out of the picture, but there're bad things coming your way!" [/b] [/color] [center][size=1][color=DarkGreen]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color][/size][size=1] [/size][size=1][color=DarkGreen]OOC: If anyone had different ideas for the extra-dimensional 'benefactors', let me know and I'll edit.[/color][/size] [/center] [color=DarkGreen] [/color]
  7. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Red]Billie_Forever, please don't double post. As you'll see in OB's Rules, double posting is considered spam. Just use the EDIT button if you want to add to your post.[/color] IRC is a chat program. Mates are friends. Computer langs are computer languages, like HTML, C++ and Perl. I don't get a lot of boredom time right now (lots of holiday work from university to be getting on with). But if I'm at a loose end, I'll usually play Kingdom Hearts or learn some new songs on my guitar. That or take a walk. Some fresh air really clears out the boredom cobwebs. [/font][/color]
  8. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Thank you, Drix, for raising the tone of the thread by several orders of magnitude. I'm leaving this thread open for now, but it's on [b]strict probation. [/b]Any more spam or flaming (I'm looking at [b]orbindo, Dale_Valley, The Newfie [/b]and [b]renayiiq [/b]here) and I'm locking it. With gusto, you hear me? Gusto! (I've deleted a lot of spamulatory posts in an attempt to clean up a bit. Hope you like what I've done with the place.) [/font][/color]
  9. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][quote name='Avenged666fold][/font][/color]Hey um guys sorry but I really didnt post this thread. Well you see you probably wont believe me but my cousin posted this.[color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] Whether or not that's true, I think it closes the discussion, don't you? The OP has taken back the statements that started the thread, so I see little point in debating it any further. [b]Thread closed.[/b] [/font][/color]
  10. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Here in the UK it's illegal to carry a gun, and thankful I am for it. Because it's against the law to have one, I don't feel the need to have one to defend myself, see what I mean? Obviously some people break the law and carry them anyway, but at least then there's no grey area legally; perpetrators of gun crime can't claim that they were acting in self-defence or whatever, because they shouldn't have had a gun in the first place. I'd hate to live somewhere where I knew that just anyone I walked past on the street could be carrying a firearm, background checks or not. I'd be constantly jumping at shadows.[/font][/color]
  11. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]The group stopped to see what they could do about Yuna's injured hand. None of Xiaoyu's Pokemon were much help, so she went wandering off up the volcanic crags. Maybe getting higher up, she'd be able to spot more Pokemon. About fifty feet up there was a shallow bowl-shaped indentation in the rock, perfect to sit in and survey the scene. The sun was still low in the sky, casting a long, pale yellow reflection on the surface of the sea. Xiaoyu shaded her eyes, squinting to try and look at the sun. There was a speck in the middle of it; a yellow, firey speck actually glowing [i]brighter [/i]than the sun... The speck swerved out of the sun's disc, revealing itself as a magnificent yellow bird with molten flames that cascaded from its feathers with every wingbeat. It was heading straight for Xiaoyu's perch. It suddenly occurred to her that the indentation in the rock looked uncomfortably like a nest. [b]"Uh oh," [/b]she squeaked, as the bird banked steeply into a spiralling dive, spearing straight downwards at the invader of its nest. She sprang up and somersaulted backwards out of the nest, landing awkwardly on the rough rock and pelting into a half-run, half-fall down the crag, pulled down by gravity with no way of stopping that didn't involve falling face-first into the sharp rock. She could feel her back getting hot as the roaring wingbeats grew closer. Ada and Yuna came back into view. Yuna was in her White Mage outfit, obviously having decided to heal herself that way rather than by Pokemon power. [b]"Hee~eelp!" [/b][i]eep[/i]ed Xiaoyu as she dived to the ground, skidding along in the dust. There was a roaring sound overhead as she buried her face in the ground. [b]"Quick, capture it!" [/b]It was Ada's voice. Xiaoyu rolled over, to see the firebird looking pathetically at its soggy, flameless wings; looked behind her to see Yuna's Poliwag, still dripping and looking very pleased with itself. Xiaoyu pulled out a Pokeball and threw it at the bedraggled bird, which disappeared with good grace, presumably knowing it could dry off in there. [b]You have captured a Moltres... "I need to spend less time on the floor," [/b]mused Xiaoyu. [/font][/color]
  12. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Arrgh. I was going to move this to the [b]Anthology, [/b]seeing as it covered Steampunk literature like [i]The Difference Engine - [/i]awesome book, by the way, William Gibson is my all-time favourite author - but now we have anime, movies and even music creeping in too, giving it three different forums it could fit into. So I guess I'll just leave it here ;) I actually started writing a Steampunk-ish novel a long time ago, though like most of my efforts at long fiction, it didn't really go anywhere; still got the story in my head, though! I think I bought magic into it as well, so I suppose it was more post-apocalyptic fantasy than true Steampunk, if we're being picky about genre classification. Some more Steampunk works that I haven't seen/read myself, but which may spark off more discussion: Steamboy, a fairly highly-anticipated anime film that came out recently; and there was that book, [i]Mortal Engines, [/i]with the cities on caterpillar treads, which I think fits the genre. [/font][/color]
  13. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]This thread is all about Amano's [b]art, [/b]and therefore I'm shifting it to the [b]Art Studio.[/b][/font][/color]
  14. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Just people being reactionary as usual. I've no idea whether it's true or not, but apparently all the characters in [i]The Magic Roundabout [/i]symbolised a different drug; Dylan the rabbit was cannbis, Ermintrude the cow was ecstasy (I think). I don't know if that's why it was discontinued, and I don't know whether it was even true, or just parents watching and jumping to conclusions. And does anyone remember [i]The Clangers? [/i]The little alien creatures that spoke in whistles. That was abruptly cancelled because the script for one episode contained the word [spoiler]wanker[/spoiler]. The voice actors were whistling, for goodness' sakes. It isn't like anyone, much less children, could turn around and say, "I think that Clanger just whistled a bad word". I do remember Tinky Winky and his bag, and so what if he was gay? Children are going to find out about homosexuality sometime, it might as well be in the form of a big, friendly TV character that they trust. [/font][/color]
  15. [b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]"Sure, let's look for Yuna!" [/font][/color][/b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]agreed Xiaoyu, nodding enthusiastically. [b]"The more the merrier!" "Right! Then it's time you experienced travel by Lugia," [/b]Ada announced, releasing the psychic Pokemon from its ball. [b]"Let's search around for my friend from earlier," [/b]she suggested to Lugia as she swung up onto its back and offered Xiaoyu a hand. [i][b]I'll fly high. It'll be easier to spot her from higher up. [/b][/i][b]"Ooooh," [/b]exclaimed Xiaoyu, [b]"you're talking right into my head!" [/b][/font][/color] [center][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS][b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~[/b][/font][/color] [/center] [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]After about half an hour of peering down from cloud level, they spotted what could be Yuna, moving extremely fast across the volcanic plains. Lugia swooped and landed in her path, causing her Rapidash to rear up. [b]"Oopsie!" [/b]cried Xiaoyu, sliding off Lugia's back as Yuna struggled not to fall backwards onto the dusty ground. [b]"Sorry Yunie!" "It's okay," [/b]she replied, regaining her balance. [b]"Good to see both of you are all right!" "Is that another one of yours?" [/b]Xiaoyu asked, pointing at the cowlike creature behind Yuna. The sphere hunter turned. [b]"Um ... no, I don't know where he came from." "I call him!" [/b]cried Xiaoyu, volley-punching a Pokeball at the dazed-looking Pokemon, which was just standing there watching them, its eyelids half-closed in an expression of pure [i]fick. [/i][b]Congratulations, you have captured a Miltank! [/b][/font][/color][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple][b]In order to milk a MILTANK, one must have a knack for rhythmically pulling up and down on its udders. [/b]Xiaoyu's face crinkled up as she processed the images that message called to mind. [b]"Let's all forget we heard that, shall we?" [/b]suggested Ada. [/color][/font]
  16. [center][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]~[Some glomping later]~[/font][/color] [/center] [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS] Even just a short nap had re-energised Xiaoyu, though not quite back to her usual hyperactive self. She called up Pikachu from his ball and sat him back on her shoulder. [b]"If I fall asleep again, spark me awake, 'kay?" [/b]she nodded to the cute little mouse. [b]"Isn't that a bit overkill?" [/b]wondered Ada, concealing a grin. [b]"Maybe ... " [/b]Xiaoyu conceded. She prodded Pikachu's nose and looked him square in the eye. [b]"Not hard, 'kay?" [/b][/font][/color] [center][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS][b]~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/b][/font][/color] [left][b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]"I'll be surprised if we find anything in this savannah," [/font][/color][/b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Ada commented. [b]"To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't captured every bloody creature in the Zone between us all." "I'm hu~ungry," [/b]complained Xiaoyu. [b]"Not tired though," [/b]she hurriedly added for Pikachu's benefit, before promptly falling flat on her face in the grass. [b]"Oow!" [/b]she complained, looking back to see what she'd tripped on. It was a purple shell, with holes for legs and a head. As she pulled out a Pokeball, a greeny-brown head snaked out of one hole and looked at her inquisitively. [b]"Shuckle," [/b]it said, and was sucked into the ball. [b]Congratulations, you have captured a Shuckle, [/b]bleeped Xiaoyu's Pokedex. Ada's took over for the description:[/font][/color][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple]It stores BERRIES inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still. [/color][/font][/b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple]The two exchanged glances, looking from each other to their Pokedexes. [b]"That was weird," [/b]they commented simultaneously. [/color][/font][/left] [/center]
  17. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Dawn was breaking. Little bird-Pokemon were singing, little rabbit-Pokemon were yawning and sunning themselves, and a great big elephant-Pokemon was sitting by the edge of a river, showering itself. Xiaoyu had walked along the edge of the grassland, where it met the beach, until she'd come to this river, which flowed out into the sea in a sheltered little cove. She'd given up on stealth after Stantler - she was just too tired to move with the precision that required. She'd ignored all the little birds and rabbits and waited until she chanced across something big and slow; easy to hit, difficult for it to run away. Perfect. Wearily she chucked a Pokeball at the elephant's leathery hide. It vanished in mid-squirt. [b]Congratulations, you have captured a Phanpy. [/b][/font][b][font=Trebuchet MS]During the deserted morning hours, it comes ashore where it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower. [/font][/b][font=Trebuchet MS]Xiaoyu didn't hear beyond the word "Phanpy". She'd keeled over into the soft grass, collapsed with exhaustion. She dreamed of talking animals and red light. [/font][/color]
  18. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Trying hard not to yawn and give herself away, Xiaoyu crept through the long grass, hunched over to make herself as innocuous as possible. It had been a long day, and now it looked like being a long night; what she really needed right now was a good night's sleep, but the challenge called for more Pokemon to be caught, and so she carried on creeping towards the deer. It didn't seem aware of her yet. It just stood there, looking majestic, occasionally bending down to munch some grass. Xiaoyu nearly caught herself admiring its antlers. She had to tear her eyes away, telling herself to remember what the Pokedex had said: [/font][/color][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple][b]The curved antlers subtly change the flow of the air to create a strange space where reality is distorted.[/b][/color][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple][b]Those who stare at its antlers will gradually lose control of their senses and be unable to stand. [/b]She knew if she fell over she'd probably just fall asleep, so she stared at the deer's rump instead. [/color][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple] Xiaoyu stepped on a twig. The crack sounded incredibly loud; the Pokemon looked up, startled, and turned to bolt. [/color][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple] [b]"Nonono!" [/b]Xiaoyu cried, giving up all attempts at stealth and sprinting towards the surprised animal. It started running, but she'd got close enough now - she threw up a Pokeball and volleyed it, just like all those games of Tekken Ball but with an object the size of a tennis ball, instead of a beachball. The ball lit orange with her energy and powered in a direct straight line at the fleeing deer, striking it and sucking it up before dropping, smoking, to the grass.[/color][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple] [b]Congratulations. You have captured a Stantler, [/b]the Pokedex chirped, before going on to repeat its earlier warnings. Xiaoyu pocketed the ball and continued walking. If she stopped, she'd probably keel over from tiredness... [/color][/font]
  19. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]As Xiaoyu laced her shoes back on where the beach met grassland, she became aware of something watching her. She straightened up and pretended to shake sand out of her hair, moving her head from side to side and looking around. There! In the shadow of a small mound of grass was ... it looked to Xiaoyu like a weird cross between a silken-coated pedigree dog and a peacock. The dog stared at her with an aloof expression, its nine tails spread in a fan behind it. [b]"You're beautiful," [/b]she said, captivated. [b]"Indeed," [/b]replied the Pokemon. Xiaoyu started. All the other she'd captured could only say their names. Was this one called Indeed? [b]"You can talk?" [/b]she enquired by reflex, realising it was a stupid question about a second later. [b]"Indeed," [/b]it replied. Maybe that [i]was [/i]its name... [b]"You wanna come with me?" [/b]she asked, deciding it would probably see through any subterfuge she could think up. Best to just ask directly, and she could chase it i it didn't want to, right? [b]"Indeed," [/b]the dog replied again. Xiaoyu gently threw a Pokeball, which the dog caught in its mouth, disappearing in a flash of red. [b]"Well you were the easiest catch yet," [/b]she remarked to the ball as she picked it up. [b]"But I'm not letting you out if you're going to be all snooty!" Congratulations! [/b]piped up her Pokedex. [b]You have captured a Ninetales. [/b][/font][/color][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple]It is said to live a thousand years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers.[/color][/font][/b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS] [/font][/color]
  20. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Dagnabbit, we were hoping we could hold on and watch the Iron Fists get docked a point for that one. Could've made all the difference if we both hit 100.[/font][/color]
  21. [font=Trebuchet MS][color=DarkGreen][font=Verdana]Ash felt like he?d fallen into a game of Metal Gear Solid. He was wandering steadily along what he hoped was the same patrol route as all the other guards, cradling his stun pistol in the hope that it looked futuristic enough to blend in with the crazy stuff the MS13s were packing, occasionally muttering into his Legionnaire commlink. He?d imprinted every guard he?d come across, just in case the mission called for it. He?d found the other half of the kindergarten behind a huge soundproof screen. It divided the warehouse down the middle, with the shipping handled on one side and storage and wholesaling taking place on the other. Z was ? Ash assumed ? still on the shipping side, which was full of winches and cranes to hide behind. This side was far more open, with only a few stacks of crates up against one wall. The children sat in a huddle right in the middle of the floor, twenty armed gang members surrounding them. One man didn?t appear to be holding a weapon. He was wearing an expensive-looking tailored suit and sunglasses ? [i][b]shades, inside?[/b][/i] thought Ash ? and was talking on a mobile phone. [b]?Whaddya mean, you don?t have that authority??[/b] he yelled. [b]?You?re the chief of police. Look, the deadline?s coming up in five minutes and I don?t see any sign of Arachnid with our money ??[/b] [b]?Got another MS13 boss,?[/b] Ash mumbled, [b]?east side, suit and shades. I doubt you can see him from ?"[/b] [b]?I see him fine,?[/b] Vinovka?s voice crackled over his commlink. [b]?I?ve changed position for better coverage.?[/b] [b]?They?re getting edgy,?[/b] commented Ash. There was no reply; he reckoned Kaida was working on strategy. Green Team was in about as advantageous position as they were going to get; two agents inside the warehouse, sniper in position, satellite imaging and a top-class tactical mind on the case. The plan just needed fine-tuning and then they could spring the trap. [b]?Hold it,?[/b] ordered the shades bloke, holding out a hand. Ash halted. He tried to force his breathing and heart under control, telling himself this would be some order, to guard the front gate or get himself a less puny-looking weapon or something, he [i]wasn?t [/i]rumbled, he [i]couldn?t [/i]be rumbled ? [b]?What the hell is that thing??[/b] He was indicating the stunner. Ash had to concentrate hard to stop himself breathing a sigh of relief. [b]?I don?t care if it?s a Noisy Cricket or what, go up to the office and get something that doesn?t look like a kid?s toy.?[/b] Ash nodded subserviently and started walking briskly towards the stairs. [b]?Wouldn?t want to make our benefactors look bad, Legionnaire.?[/b] Ash froze. [b]?Turn around. Slow.?[/b] He did. Twenty bizarre pieces of weaponry were trained on him, all beginning to glow or spin or whine. Ash would have found it ridiculous if he wasn?t scared out of his wits. They?d been briefed that MS13 somehow had accurate intel on their respective abilities; what they hadn?t expected was for the gang to have whipped up effective counters at such short notice. [i][b]And it was all going so well, too.[/b][/i] Shades tapped his shades. [b]?Another gift from our benefactors. No hiding from me,?[/b] he grinned. He had lots of precious metal in his teeth. [b]?Time to go see the boss, Legionnaire.?[/b] Ash couldn?t see any way of escaping that didn?t involve being fried, disintegrated or blown to pieces, so he settled for letting the team know what had happened. [i][b]That way, hopefully they won't get hit the same way ... I bet MS13 has counters set up for all their powers, too.[/b][/i] [b]?Looks like you blew my cover,?[/b] he said as a gang member disarmed him. [/font] [b][font=Verdana]?Congrats.?[/font] [/b][/color][/font] [center][font=Trebuchet MS][color=DarkGreen][b]------------------------------------- [size=1][font=Verdana]OOC: [/font][/size][/b][size=1][font=Verdana]Just trying to speed things along a bit, seeing as we've only got until January 1st to wrap this up...[/font][/size][/color][/font][/center] [font=Trebuchet MS][color=DarkGreen] [/color][/font]
  22. [color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]The sand was cool around Xiaoyu's feet now that night had fallen. She yawned, remembering that she'd been yanked out of bed for this challenge, which had subsequently turned out to be one of the longest yet. [b]"Pika~aa," [/b]yawned Pikachu from his perch on her shoulder. The static electricity crackling off him was making her hair stand on end, but she'd spent the whole day with bed hair anyway... [b]"That's weird," [/b]she said, noticing a strange glow illuminating the sea's surface from below. She pointed her Pokedex at the light and moved it around until its sensors located the Pokemon. [b]Lanturn, water/electric Pokemon. [/b][/font][b][font=Trebuchet MS]The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles. "Great, it could be three miles down..." [/font][/b][font=Trebuchet MS]But soon after saying it, Xiaoyu realised the sea couldn't be all that deep this close to the shore. Leaving her shoes on the beach, she went paddling, returning Pikachu to his ball so he wouldn't accidentally electrify the water and fry her. As she neared the centre of the pool of light she started having to shield her eyes, it was pure white and blinding. She tossed a Survivor Ball underarm towards the brightest part, and was rewarded with a change from white to red, and then a complete fade as the glowing fish was sucked up. Not wanting to go diving, Xiaoyu took out Kingler's Pokeball and released him. [b]"Get Lanturn's Pokeball and bring it to the beach," [/b]she told the crab sternly, [b]"and no running off or I'll let Pikachu zap you again!" [/b]The crab's eyes went wide and, satisfied her message had got through, she dropped him into the water, before returning to shore to wait for her new catch. [/font][/color]
  23. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]We sometimes get phone calls where all that happens on the other end is a series of random clicks. Apparently it's something call centres do - they have random number dialling machines which dial every possible combination of numbers, and every time someone answers one (i.e. every time one turns out to actually be a telephone number) it gets logged in the centre's database. Next time the centre's hired to cold-call everyone in the country, they'll call up those numbers. So in short, when we get phone calls with clicking on the end, they're usually followed no more than a week later by "have you considered the benefits of double-glazed burglar alarms?" [/font][/color]
  24. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Double posting isn't just against Lady K's rules, it's against the rules of the whole board. Mostly because it's messy, it can be used to bump dead threads and above, it's [b]pointless. [/b]There's an edit button on your post to eliminate any reason to double post. And writer recruiting sounds like a good idea, but would artists recruit saying "I want to do something fantasy/sci-fi/etc", or just post stuff about their art style and hope someone has a compatible story? I can see teams getting together and then finding they want different things, more so than with writers recruiting artists. [/font][/color]
  25. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I'm eighteen - nineteen on January 2nd - and I asked for the Muppet Show on DVD for Christmas. Being mature is boring :p[/font][/color]
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